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More Lynchisms

Just a fun Lynch picture piece for now...I didn't get around to posting this before.
I have been quiet recently and am keeping things ticking-over and letting you all know that I am alive and well (although I do have 'the flu' at the moment!).

Update...coming soon
I haven't posted anything for a couple of months...this is mainly due to time constraints (plus other issues) and the fact that I've been working on a 'Videodrome' piece for that period...and it has turned into a bit of a monster tbh and I am still in the process of putting it all together!  Just as a taster...the 'Videodrome' piece isn't just soley about Cronenberg's 1983 release, although it will have a large prescence (as will his other output) and it is the framework that I've generally built around. It will contain some things and themes you've seen before (although these will be expanded upon further) and many things/themes that you haven't.


I'm finding that dealing with Cronenberg's Videodrome (and all the accompanying elements, which are legion!) is a very lengthy process...if only due to the fact that the film is a very complex piece of cinema (probably intentionally so) and it is very ambiguous in nearly all its aspects. The blurring of reality/virtuality/fantasy doesn't make it any easier either. That being said...I think this will be probably be one of my most accomplished posts and I look forward to putting it out there...hopefully sometime within the next few weeks to a month...so be on the lookout.

The Highway

Lost Highway

Blue Velvet

Mulholland Drive

Wild At Heart

Twin Peaks - FWWM

 Twin Peaks

Straight Story

 Mulholland Drive

Twin Peaks

The Head Wound

Wild At Heart

Blue Velvet

Blow your brains out...
Random interview with the great man himself

Mulholland Drive - Blowing your brains out

 Wild At Heart

 Twin Peaks

Blue Velvet

Wild At Heart

Mulholland Drive

Mulholland Drive

Twin Peaks - FWWM
Wild At Heart

 Twin Peaks - Leland's Head Wound

 Twin Peaks - Series


Lost Highway

Lost Highway

Twin Peaks - FWWM

Twin Peaks - Series

 Lost Highway - Mr Eddy 'head shot'

Twin Peaks - Series

Lost Highway

Hand to Face


Blue Velvet

 Twin Peaks

Mulholland Drive

Wild At Heart

Twin Peaks


Wild At Heart

 Twin Peaks

Blue Velvet

Wild At Heart

Twin Peaks - FWWM

Twin Peaks

 David and Isabella


Lost Highway

Mulholland Drive



Elephant Man

 Twin Peaks - Series

Mulholland Drive


 Elephant Man

 Twin Peaks

Elephant Man

 Mulholland Drive

Lost Highway

 Twin Peaks


Mulholland Drive

 Elephant Man


Where there is smoke, there is...


Wild At Heart

 Elephant Man

Twin Peaks - Series

Lost Highway

Twin Peaks - Series

 Wild At Heart

Twin Peaks - Series

 Elephant Man

 Twin Peaks

 Twin Peaks - FWWM

 Elephant Man

 Mulholland Drive

 As written

Twin Peaks - Series


Twin Peaks - FWWM

Lost Highway

Wild At Heart

Twin Peaks

Blue Velvet

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