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Mystery Religon Allstars - Matthew 'Osiris' McConaughey, Jim 'Sirius/911' Carrey, Keanu 'Sirius/911' Reeves...via The Sydney '777' Shooting & MH370 777

 Mystery Religon Allstars

22/12/14 - Update...I've just finished watching True Detective (S1) and will be updating the post accordingly...there is a mass of info to add.

Matthew McConaughey & the Lincoln MKC advert...reviving the Egyptian Gods, this being Osiris (aka the model for the masonic hiram abiff, the masonic hanged man).

Thanks to Uncle Bingo for putting me on to this commercial....otherwise I might have missed it!

"I think that's (Ol' Cyrus) Osiris"...word play, Osiris the immortal Egyptian god-king...

...who absorbed the aspect of Apis (the sacrificial bull) via Ptah...to become Osiris-Apis...the 'horned' Apis bull was a manifestation of Memphis dwelling Osiris. Osiris IS the horned bull god. Likewise Isis (wife of Osiris) took on 'cattle resonance' by being fused with Hathor. The Apis (Osiris) Bull would be ritually sacrificed at the age of 28 (usually via a well), the age at which Osiris (an archetypal hanged/fallen man) was said to have been vanquished by Set.

Apparently these ads were unscripted. Of course, the ad still works in the straight forward sense using Ol' Cyrus, but this is just too close (phonetically & symbolically) and I believe that something else is likely being implied on the subliminal.

Give 'em their dues...these 'mystery religion' folk who populate media, certainly have skills!


Watch the commercial again, but now with these above images and with the
Ol' Cyrus/O-siris phonetics in mind!

The 'Osirian' Lincoln Lawyer & his Lincoln...with the cross

The Hanged Man's symbolism points to divinity, linking it to the Passion in Christianity, especially The Crucifixion; to the narratives of Osiris in Egyptian mythology, and Mithras in Ancient Persian mythology and Roman mythology.

The Arnon 'Mossad/Intel' Milchan linked....

A 9-11 Time To Kill...via Samuel'Die 911 Hard' Jackson, the 'thematic' Hanged Man of A Time To Kill...presiding Judge is Omar NOOSE. (geddit?) Jackson will again be posed as the hanged man at the close of the film Lakeview Terrace...including the overlapping leg aspect, as seen in the tarot card.

 The same Samuel L...aka Zeus from Die '911' Hard With A Vengeance
The carefully timed station clock and the Lightning Struck Tower(s) via Zeus

 Samuel 'Snakes on a Caduceus' (Hermes/Thoth) L Jackson...note The Veil of the Abyss
The central spine (back) is the middle pillar on the tree of life/sephiroth 

Messenger of the gods...and reputed author of the Egyptian Book of the Dead
 The source of these images above is via Hermes 
(the druidic/greek operative god man, Thoth/Mercury are other epithets of this god)


After watching...
True Detective influences...The Wicker Man, Eyes Wide Shut, Kill List, Twin Peaks, Blair Witch Project, Lovecraft, Ligotti, Nietzsche  etc.  McConaughey's 'nihilistic cool' reminds me of some of Norton's narration from Fight Club, his 'intuition' evokes an Agent Cooper who has been through rehab.

Matthew 'True Detective' McConaughey...and heavy crucifix/hanged man (Jesus/Osiris) thematic, from the get go! The earlier Lincoln Ol' Cyrus/Osiris is still relevant here...the advert evokes his character Rust 'Crucifix' Cohle from True Detective.

 "Days like lost dogs..."(dog days ala sirius, perhaps)

 Interestingly a band called Lightning Tree released a tune called Days Like Lost Dogs...
the 777 lightning tree of life.  Mask of Stars and Lost Dog Days...could it be sirius?

Hart: Ask you something? You're a Christian, yeah?
Cohle: No.
Hart: Well, then what do you got the cross for in your apartment?
Cohle: That's a form of meditation.
Hart: How's that?
Cohle: I contemplate the moment in the garden, the idea of allowing your own crucifixion. (the hanged man, self sacrifice)
Hart: But you're not a Christian.

The Hanged (Living Tree/Cross) Man 'tarot', The Garden & The Tree of Life

The Hanged Man & Eden (Tree of Knowledge/Sephiroth)
In all of these archetypal stories, the destruction of self ("the idea of allowing your own crucifixion", shown above) brings life to humanity; on the card, these are symbolized respectively by the person of the hanged man and the living tree (the garden, Eden, tree of knowledge) from which he hangs bound.  The head of the tree of life 'hanged christ man' is situated over the 'veiled' 11th hidden sphere aka 'Da'ath' (Sirius/Pluto).

The ritually slaughtered and 'bound' body (opening episode)...was found at the base of an oak tree.
The Father God of The Mysteries was often worshipped in the form of the oak, The Goddess principle in the form of the Cypress...which the show's Carcosa was originally meant to depict in its tree design (the 'brides path' fits the female too). The body seemingly posed in prayer and wearing a crown (antlers)...the tree of life/sephiroth is topped with 'the crown' aka kether.  Yes it's all visually a bit Shawshank Redemption!

I found a '777 cipher' linked to Crowley in True Detective...you'll see it later.
 Christ...the hanged 'lightning struck' tree of life man...777 is also a number of Christ.
The Tree of Life 'lightning flash/flaming sword' that starts from crown/kether (path #1 the fools path) and ends at earth/malkuth sums 777.

 A later victim was found hanging/suspended...evoking crucifixion
There may well be an alchemical aspect to the featured victims and their deaths.
Dora Lange (earth), Rianne Olivier (water), Stephanie Kordish (air) Marie Fontenot (fire?)
The INRI formula (see Christ Crucifiom) is an "elemental" formula in that its four letters can be validly equated to Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

 The Tree of Half Life...I've made it 'Full' now, as you can see via the Division Bell graphics (as worn by Marty).

 The 'literal' Hanged Man (Ledoux)...noose, hands behind back etc  This Ledoux hideout is situated in Sulphur (yellow),  The Hanged Man (RW tarot) 'card imagery' forms an inverted symbol of sulphur. 666 is also an aspect of the 777 sephiroth/tree of life via chokmah/zodiac 

 "Time is a flat circle" (Friedrich 'Anti-Christ' Nietzsche)

From the scene above from earlier...opening episode Hart & Cohle
Cohle: "We are things that labor under the illusion of having a self, this accretion of sensory experience and feeling, programmed with total assurance that we are each somebody when, in fact, everybody's nobody."

Materiality (the physical world) as a temporary illusion...is probably being implied here. Everybody's 'no-body' (literally having no body) the immortal soul that resides in the mortal flesh.
Esoterically, the Hanged Man is the human spirit which is suspended from heaven by a single thread. Wisdom, not death, is the reward for this voluntary sacrifice during which the human soul, suspended above the world of illusion, and meditating upon its unreality, is rewarded by the achievement of self-realization. (the unreality of the material world...which IS illusory, according to this text...this is what is being implied!)

From a consideration of all these ancient and secret rituals it becomes evident that the mystery of the 'dying god' (hanged man) was universal among the illumined and venerated colleges of the sacred teaching. This mystery has been perpetuated in Christianity in the crucifixion and death of the God-man-Jesus the Christ. The secret import of this world tragedy and the Universal Martyr must be rediscovered if Christianity is to reach the heights attained by the pagans in the days of their philosophic supremacy. The myth of the dying god is the key to both universal and individual redemption and regeneration, and those who do not comprehend the true nature of this supreme allegory are not privileged to consider themselves either wise or truly religious.  
TSTOAA, Atlantis and the Gods of Antiquity, Manly Hall
None of this is to suggest that 'materiality' is totally irrelevant...far from it. It is appreciating the nature of this 'materiality' (in the greater scheme of things) that seems of import.

 A particular belief in the 'mystical tradition', is that you have to go through a 'form of hell' (via gnosis) in order to change. In True Detective, this 'hell' (the change agent) is symbolised by Carcosa, it is a depiction of hell aka hades...operating for both 'us' (as spectators, in the macro sense) and Cohle (as the protagonist/initiate, in the micro sense).

This 'gnostic journey through hell' essentially leads to a dissolution of the ego (abyss), where the individual came back into nothingness. This 'dissolution' allows that change to occur.

The veil to the black lodge...lightning struck Sycamore, Twin Peaks
Materiality (the physical world) as a temporary illusion.

The tree of life 'Christ's head' occupies the hidden sphere aka 'Veil of The Abyss'
Matthew 'Osiris' McConaughey as Christ...Christ/Osiris 'archetypal' hanged men
The 'inverted crucifix' (forehead) ala St 'Hanged Man' Peter
I'm still deciding if Cohle's 'body wound' is supposed to evoke 'the spear' in Christ's side...if not, it's the 'self sacrifice' of the pelican stabbing at its own heart. 

 The ceremonial altar at Carcosa (place of the skulls) where Cohle will face near death

Christ was crucified on Golgotha (place of the skull).  Even the deer/stag (antlers) can be related to Christ, the stag is a symbol of Christ, the stag/deer aka Hart (Hart & Cohle).

"You boys gone done taken a wrong turn" (Deliverance, lol)
"He said that there's this place down south where all these rich men go to, uh, devil-worship. He said that, uh they-- they sacrifice kids and whatnot. Women and children all got-- all got murdered there, and, um, something about someplace called Carcosa and the Yellow King. He said there's all these, like, old stones out in the woods, people go to, like, worship."

 This aspect of the TD series (carcosa) also evokes 'druidic' Bohemiam Grove/cremation of care imo and the political links etc. The owl that features there is often cited (it is not moloch/molech, who was a phoenican/caananite bull deity). Owls feature in Twin Peaks & True Detective (via the 'Crowley charged' burnt out church).  The Owl connects to wisdom Sophia/Minerva (yes they connect to witchery too)...Cohle's daughter was called Sofia.

Have you seen this 'child molesting' man?
 The Green Man (True Detective) & Black Lodge Bob (Twin Peaks)

The closing episode very much reminded me of the climax of Twin Peaks...both charged 'tree/forest' locations (Corcosa/Glastonberry Grove) and both with a 'portal' to another dimension...recall in Twin Peaks that FEAR opened the door/portal to the Black Lodge, in TD (Corcosa) this place of 'epic pain and suffering' also had a portal appear, perhaps as a result of this uber concentration of spiritual blackness etc.(pain and suffering opens the door/portal).

Imo...there is no doubt that Cohle saw this 'actual' portal...and it's not one of his drug related visions,
Errol himself, even mentions his own 'ascension' (maybe thru this sacrifice practice) and reaching 'infernal planes' (another magickal etheric dimension).  These same type of ideas are used by Clive 'OTO' Barker and his Hellrasier series that use 'faustian pacts' and 'pain and suffering' to reach other dimensions.

The Dugpas (black sorcerers) in Twin Peaks cultivating evil for evil's sake (& exponentially) and feeding off of pain and suffering (via harvested garmonbozia, yellow creamed corn).
Green Giant (sweetcorn) brings together 'the green man' and 'corn'.

 Extra-dimensional entities that feed off of human pain and suffering!
In Twin Peaks this mainly centred around the abuse of Laura 'prostitute' Palmer.

 Vortex Spirals...that connect to the cult 'sign' and probably the 'wormhole' too (true detective) and the lodges (twin peaks). Parental child abuse is also an aspect of both series.

 The inspiration for the TD 'Yellow King' is clearly via The King In Yellow (book)...this TD altar-like structure seems to imply that this IS The Yellow King and his 'sacrificial altar'...compare both the yellow cloak/drapes & skull(s), black stars etc.  In the literary concept, it is apparent that 'Carcosa' exists in another dimension or plane (ala Twin Peaks' Black Lodge) and that The King in Yellow (an actual story within a story) induces a state of madness in its reader (which imo, evokes choronzon the chaos demon of the abyss, who can drive adepts mad etc).

 Louisana Confederate Flag...
The Confederate flag also features a saltire commonly referred to as a St Andrew's cross, although its designer, William Porcher Miles, said he changed it from an upright cross to a saltire so that it would not be a religious symbol but merely a heraldic device. The Florida and Alabama flags also show that device.

Re: devil nets/bird traps:
 “something for children to do, keep them busy, tell them stories while they’re tying sticks together”.  (dialogue spoken during this tied-stick cross shot...wink, wink).

We've already done Cohle as the crucified Christ at Golgotha (place of the skull)

St Andrew (Apostle of Christ)...'Crucified man with X' (see Yellow King X, above)
KJV Bible...The skull of St. Andrew, which had been taken to Constantinople was returned to Patras by Emperor Basil I, who ruled from 867 to 886. Above, Texe 'Bohemian Grove' Marrs!

Of course...an aspect of the Yellow King, may be suggestive of  The Sun (a yellow king in itself) and Osiris is a major Sun King. Osiris is also a 'green man' too.

 Skull and bones...the skull/bones of Osiris/Hiram Abiff...Osiris the god of resurrection/rebirth

"You are reborn but into the same life that you’ve always born into. I mean, how many times have we had this conversation, detectives? Well, who knows? When you can’t remember your lives, you can’t change your lives, and that is the terrible and secret fate of all life. You’re trapped, by that nightmare you keep waking up into.” (ma'at & the duat, Egypt)

 'Trapped' unless you transcend beyond the 'material universe' perhaps...something Cohle doesn't mention, but maybe he comes to realise this, after his hellish near-death epiphany.

 Hart & Cohle...more like Heart & Soul
Maybe Cohle should take comfort from the next 'eternal' dimension (the one he encountered near death) where these people have no power...his 'self sacrifice' should put him there...permanently.
The after-life and paradise via Thoth/Hermes (judgement & weighing of the heart/soul) to Osiris and the blest (fail the scale and you're reborn into the mortal sphere again!).

This idea is encapsulated in Kubrick's The Shining...with Jack's reincarnation ending photo shot.

True Detective v Interstellar
Populated with the spirits of Perfected Men who have lived many previous lives; every time they were reincarnated, they elevated their degree of personal perfection, so that they can come to the aid of the Perfected Men in the Lower World who were currently "working out their own salvation" through participation in the rituals of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. (see Man with X text)

"It's like in this universe, we process time linearly forward but outside of our spacetime, from what would be a fourth-dimensional perspective, time wouldn't exist, and from that vantage, could we attain it we'd see our spacetime would look flattened, like a single sculpture with matter in a superposition of every place it ever occupied, our sentience just cycling through our lives like carts on a track. See, everything outside our dimension that's eternity, eternity looking down on us.

Now, to us, it's a sphere, but to them it's a circle."

 A flat circle (Empyrean) over the planet...looking in from another dimension. (the aether)
 The Empyrean was thus used as a name for the firmament, and in Christian literature, notably the Divine Comedy, for the dwelling-place of God, the blessed, celestial beings so divine they are made of pure light, and the source of light and creation.

You may think this rosicrucian stuff is tenuous, but there is much more to come!
Dante, Inferno & The Rose Cross (Rose Croix) which heavily featured in Se7en (7 planets) along with Red (Alex Cross) Morgan 'Shawshank Tree' Freeman.

Paradise is depicted as a series of concentric spheres surrounding the Earth, consisting of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the Fixed Stars, the Primum Mobile and finally, the Empyrean. It was written in the early 14th century. Allegorically, the poem represents the soul's ascent to God.

A scene in the final episode of True Detective...Errol's shed, that has his father tied to the bed...is imo a homage to Se7en (and sloth) we even see scented Xmas trees at Errol's, like we see in Se7en.
I also noticed a couple of hat tips (during the series) to the Coen's No Country For Old Men film, which featured Harrelson.

The Lone Star (of Bethlehem) Brew...lol

In the 'mysteries' the pelican is the symbol of self sacrifice (ala the hanged man) 'piercing its own breast' and it can also relate to the phoenix via the iconography etc.
The Louisiana State Seal...the one that Cohle spends all his time 'in front of' during his Police interviews. The seal contains the iconography of the Rose Cross (Masonic18th Degree) Rose Croix.  INRI is regularly shown in pictures of Christ's crucifixion.

 The INRI formula is an "elemental" formula in that its four letters can be validly equated to Earth, Water, Fire, and Air.

 This is the deep meaning behind the Latin INRI - Igne Natura Renovatur Integra (By fire nature is restored in purity), or pure matter is restored by spirit; the Rosicrucian motto signifying that the working of the inner fire of the spirit, when operating free and unchained by its surrounding veils, reduces these veils into oneness with itself, so that pure, complete, or original nature is restored to its primordial essence. Thus, in its application to the human being, when a person lives entirely in the light or fire of the spirit or god within (the internal christ consciousness), all his veils of consciousness coalesce with the inner fire, so that his original spiritual being is restored and he becomes a god-man.

 It's interesting that Martin Luther's seal has all the aspects of the rose cross, albeit a rose white.  The rose itself represemts the 'heart' (Martin & Heart/Hart(

 One of the most popular Rosicrucian scenes of all time is a Mother Bird with her young pecking at her breast, being showered with her blood from her self-inflicted wound. Three birds depicting the Mother are used interchangeably in these scenes: Phoenix, Pelican, and Swan. Since the entire KJV Title Page depicts the Five-Steps To Immortality according to Rosicrucianism, it is fitting that the Kabbalist creators used the Swan with her brood pecking her breast, since the Swan represents one of the stages toward immortality for the Rosicrucian Perfected Man.

"The pelican feeding its young from a self-inflicted wound in its own breast is accepted as an appropriate symbol of both sacrifice and resurrection. To the Christian Mystic the pelican signifies Christ, who saved humanity (the baby birds) through the sacrifice of His own blood. The pelican may also be considered as representative of the Sun, whose rays (blood) are the life of the seven philosophical planets (see Dante's steps, above) depicted as the pelican's brood. In the Mysteries, the pelican represents the resurrection of the candidate from the dead (being raised). The mother bird signifies those divine institutions which passes the secret doctrine, which is the spiritual life of man." 
(translate baby birds, bird traps/nets and the little victims that have been saved)

 Light of the Way school (where victims were farmed) is situated on Pelican Island, Cohle visits the location twice, one time he sees Errol on his lawnmower, subsequently Cohle finds a stash of 'bird traps' on this 'bird infused' island.

 "It's like you eat your fuckin' young"
(on the back of the Medea scene, the women who kills her 3 babies)

"It was the ancient belief that three days after the father pelican had killed his own young, the mother resurrected them by wounding herself and permitting her blood to flow over their bodies. In Masonic symbolism the blood of the pelican stands for the Secret Work by which man is 'raised' from the slavery of ignorance to the condition of freedom conferred by wisdom (the owl). As the Rose Croix degree is based upon Rosicrucian and Hermetic symbolism, it follows that the pelican represents one of the vessels in which the experiments of alchemy are performed, and its blood that mysterious tincture by which the base metals (the young baby birds) are transmuted into spiritual gold." 

Like John carrying Jesus...Cohle is raised from (near) death to salvation, Hart says 'Jesus' as he picks Cohle up in this scene. The 'nihilistic cynic' Jesus/Osiris archetype has developed hope and been reborn through self sacrifice.
 True Detective will finish with the battle of Light & Dark...all whilst referencing & observing the stars.

Here comes....Jim 'Sirius/Hanged Man' Carrey:
He had his God/Jesus role (ala McConaughey) in Bruce Almighty.

How amusing and synchronistic is it, that Jim 'Sirius/Anubis/Hanged Man' Carrey would parody this very same series of adverts via Satur(n)day Night Live. Sirius (the celestial jackal) that follows Orion/Osiris in the night sky?

The celestial Dog (sirius/anubis) & Shepherd (orion/osiris)

Jim SIRIUS Carrey...Orion is the celestial abode of the soul of Osiris!
Carrey is regularly associated with 'the dog' especially via his film output, including 23, where he plays a dog catcher.  The Mask is another that references the dog heavily...its sequel included Loki/Dog and Loki's Torch is a name for Sirius itself.

Carrey is all 'dogged out' via film!  Yes...even via his latest release.

Truman (True Man) begins to 'see' that all is not as it seems, 
this happens from Days 10,911 and 10,912 (DVD chapters 8-16)

A Richard Luke Rothschild worked as a co-producer on The Truman Show...personally I think he is from the Rothschild family bloodline, but I'm not certain.  He also happened to be 2nd Assistant Director for the sequel to the 666 Omen (film)...Damien Omen 2.  The latter (if he is related) would be very, very apt.

 "Your number's still 911?"
Note the strange hand gesture (two falling fingers) after the 911 dialogue!

 'ACE' Ventura - Pet Detective...The Fool (Orion) & his 'Sirius' Dog
The Fool & His Dog...Orion (Osiris) & His Dog (Sirius)
As above...so below. "As above, as it is in the heavens...so below, it will be on earth."

The Fool & The Joker/Jester

Jesus/Osiris...each are both archetypes of The Fool & The Hanged Man

 Jim '911' Carrey...
Joel 'The WTC Wiz' Schumacher would direct both The (911) Number 23& A (911) Time to Kill

The WTC in OZ.

 These 'thematics' are clearly an on-going phenomena, as I've pointed out many times here. They continue, even after the event!

More WTC 'falling tower' resonance...In Living Color
The WTC (mentioned) and two collapsing Towers in this clip (see end).  I know this references the first attack, but it is interesting nonetheless.  Carrey starred with Virgina 'born on 9/11' Madsen in 23...where there is a 9/11 thematic. Truman finds the 'sirius' spotlight and Madsen walks the 'sirius stairway' in 23 to Dr Sirius.

The 9/11 (8.55) clock in Liar, Liar...

 ...chasing 'Tower Air' (airplane) on the staircase at the airport

In Living Color...The eye in the pyramid (Osiris/Horus)

Carcosa dwellers Rust & Marty (True Detective) are unit I (eye) 23
Robert '23' Wilson...the 23 enigma connecting to William OTO BurroughsThe Widow's Son will also connect to True Detective, shown later.  The 'widow' being Isis...in the mystery religion sense.

 Carrey's 23 (The Number 23)
 How much time has Carrey spent  talking about illuminati related issues?

Isis is also heavily related to Sirius (just as Anubis is) Sirius IS the star of Isis. (Sept, Sopdet, Sothis etc)

Raising Osiris via Sirius (who pushes at the spine of Orion/Osiris, celestially raising him) and via the Number 23 (23 degrees of the Djed Pillar aka the symbolic 'earthly' spine of Orion/Osiris, a replay of the celestial version). Isis 'raising' Osiris in the mythological sense, but the exact same theme...As Above, So Below.

Sirius/Anubis the Dog of Orion/Osiris

Jim '23' Carrey as The 'multiple' Hanged Man (suspended via the ankle & neck)...On the kabbalistic Tree of Life (Sephiroth) Path 23 is the path of The Hanged Man.  

Recall his scene from Bruce Almighty at Niagra Falls....Niagra translating as 'neck' aka Neck Falls (hanging).  The theme here being that Bruce is publicly humiliated (aka hanged in public) and he is literally 'fallen'....just as the Titans were (fallen) by the Gods.

The 'masonic' hanged man, who is suspended via the cable-tow.
Osiris (The 'archetypal' Hanged Man) who (imo) is infused into Hiram Abiff, the dying god of the masonic fraternity! The accacia sprig (Christ's crown of thorns) is also another massive indicator of the same.  The 'dying god' overlaps are legion.

The Saw IV Hanged Man...
Eric 'Hanged Man' Matthews...his original name was intended to be Eric 'Hanged Man'Mason
Matthews (Mason) suspended from the neck and via a broken ankle/foot thematic.

Matthew 'Texas Chainsaw' McConaughey...as Vilmer, who has symbolic qualities ala The Hanged Man (see his robot leg, suspended at the ankle via the bent knee...like the hanged man).


McConaughey & Zellweger both went on to become A listers soon after this 1994 (limited) release....McConaughey rose via his first lead in 'A (911) Time To Kill'& Zellweger rose via 'Jerry Maguire'. McConaughey's agents did try to get this film shelved, after his rise!

Ok...so hopefully you all followed that fairly easily or are you Dazed & Confused already?

McConaughey & Affleck...Dazed & Confused (via Led 'Tarot/Crowley' Zeppelin)

Led Zeppelin - clip from Dazed and Confused ( Song Remains the Same ) 
A Richard Linklater film...link-later, isn't that what we're doing here, linking things, but later?
(Please understand that this comment is an aspect of my sense of humour...& not to be taken literally!)
Please read the top and bottom line...Ben 'Dazed & Confused' Affleck
 Ben 'Pearl 911' Harbour...
 Affleck is linked to 'Arma-911-geddon' too and all via Bruce 'Die 911 Hard' Willis.
 Leaving on a jet plane...

Ben 'Dazed & Confused' Affleck...

This is clearly a reference to the 'founding fathers' and to Washington's 'masonic affliation'...although this apsect does tend to get overplayed in conspiracy circles.  I've posted Washington's 'Masonic Apron' here many times, particularly via Jurassic/Masonic Park and the 'museum entrance' (a flipped masonic apron) from Steven 'Alien' Spielberg. The 'alien' word is thrown in, perhaps to evoke the 'Sirius (dog star) worshipping brotherhood' aspect aka Freemasons 'celestial brothers'. The 'dollar bill' aspect is conspiracy 101 stuff, so I won't bore you with that.

 The anubis/dog hand gestures are a regular occurence in the film and its promos (see dvd cover)
Anubis 'the black dog/jackal' Lord of the Dead/Underworld/Embalming...the film title Dazed & Confused is lifted from Led Zepp...'The Hermetic' Led Zepp IV opens with the track...Black Dog (sirius/anubis).

 Anubis....the Egyptian Pluto.
Jim 'Sirius' Carrey...will feature with both Sirius (spotlight/dog) & Pluto (dog) in The Truman Show.  Sirius aka 'the dog star'.

Sirius (between the pillars) the star is sacred to both Anubis & Isis

Robert 'Led Zep' Plant's 'symbol' is 'the Egyptian feather of maat'
Maat is very much an aspect of Isis...the Matriarch or Ma'at-riarch.   

 Jimmy 'OTO' Page

 Babalon 777/77...A.A. (Crowley's Astrum Argentum/Silver Star aka Sirius)

 The 'fifth symbol' that is connected to Led Zeppelin IV (aka untitled) 
is via Sandy 'Battle of Evermore' Denny

 "Beyond that nothing is known about it" (I beg to differ!)
Choronzon...demon of the abyss (tree of life) or perhaps an aspect of 'the shadow self'
We've tied this to the 'nuclear symbol' too...via Twin Peaks, Back To The Future and 777 Unstoppable.

Sirius/Pluto/Da'ath...all occupy the same sphere on the tree of life, the sphere that resides over the abyss.  Choronzon (it is thought) is the dweller in this abyss.

 The anubis/dog hand gestures are a regular occurence in the film and its promos (see dvd cover)

A 'Brother' of the 'Brotherhood'
IN HAND (geddit?) : The president's official seal is set.
The amplification of a picture of President Obama, which was published in Newsweek magazine May 24, 2008, revealed a Masonic emblem in the ring he was wearing on his right hand.  

The reverse side of the seal is the often seen (masonic) pyramid & all seeing eye capstone

Amplification of young Obama's Masonic handshake, during the graduation at Punahou School in Hawaii. Obama's hand is horizontal, so his teacher can perfectly place his thumb Masonic style. And curiously, a letter G shows up in the image's background.

Anubis aka The Celestial Jackal (sirius/dogstar)...from OTO's Crowley/Grant
Well...we had Linklater's Dazed & Confused earlier referencing Led 'Crowley' Zepp, so I think this is fair game tbh.  Jimmy 'Zep/OTO' Page's affiliation to these concepts/groups is well known.

Linklater's latest film Boyhood will feature a character in the lead by the name of Mason...
it is 'the literal journey of a Mason' (geddit?).

In Dazed & Confused...there appears to be a vague/synchronistic link to the missing MH370 777 aircraft...the one that supposedly went missing near Oz/Aus.
The Dazed & Confused 'globe' has superfluous elements that shouldn't really be there.
There is a landmass to the left of Oz/Aus...which is very 'synchronistic' with the known general search area that is still being currently employed.  Previously I've mentioned this area in respect of Lemuria & Crowley (via his book 777 & book 370, which tie-in with actual aspects of the missing Malaysian plane and even some of the search areas of the Indian Ocean.

 The Mystery of Flight MH370...more like The 'Mysteries' (as in religion) of Flight MH370!
Book 777 & Book 370  'versus'  Boeing 777 & MH370
Crowley, 777 & Oz (Liber Oz)...777 & Aus

All relating to the (kabbalistic/mystery religion) 777theme that I've been writing about extensively and for a while now.  See those posts for more.

Although while I'm on the 777 topic....what about this recent development!? This event has happened while I've been forming this post. More activity from Aus/OZ...this time via a suspected terrorist 'gunman' and in Sydney. Alongside the Aus/OZ MH370 777...this is another massive event for the Australians.

Are these photo shots deliberately employed...to disseminate aspects of Mystery Religion within media?
When I looked at the early reports...why was 'triple 7' aka '777' also an aspect of this shooting in Oz? The scene of the crime is very near to part of Channel 7's estate!

The above very much reminds me of WTC 'building 7' and the 777 doors/windows previously spotted. 

777 via WTC 7 (New York) & 777 via Channel 7 (Sydney)

 MATRIX PROOF! Film Shot At Sydney Hostage Crisis! 
Thanks to Enterthe5t4rz (youtube) & Trixie (Icke forum) for the connection.

 The same The Matrix (out of Ma'at, Isis) that referenced 9/11/01 via Neophyte's passport

Keanu 'Sirius' Reeves...
The same Neophyte that is a member of the band Dogstar (Sirius, star of Isis/Anubis)

The Matrix (Osiris/Sirius-Dogstar)  The celestial sky (Osiris/Sirius-Dogstar)

 St John (The Baptist & The Evangelist) are both patron saints of Freemasonry...
Hiram Abiff (the masonic godman of death/rebirth) is a rendering of Osiris. 
St John & Osiris are both 'raised from death'.

The Matrix - Orion (Osiris), Sirius (Dogstar) & Lepus

 Welcome to the desert of the real...As above, so below


MH370 connecting to Aus/Oz via a 777 (cipher)
Martin Place shooting connecting to Aus/Oz and again via a 777 (cipher)

What are the chances?  Negligible imo!

 The P3 Orion was used in the search in Oz for the missing MH370...the Orion (Osiris) spacecraft has recently re-entered the earth's atmosphere...and NASA have kindly given us the link to the Osiris/Apis Bull (and the eye)...which would be par for the course for NASA.

Orion/Osiris, The Bull (Apis) and Eye (Osiris/Horus)
Nasa are old hands at this type of thing...they infused the moon missions with the Sun God Apollo, so this is to be expected.  The rockets that launched Apollo 11 to the moon were based on Jack 'OTO' Parsons work (solid rocket fuels)...which ultimately led to the Saturn V.

Matthew 'Osiris' McConaughey...featured in Fool's Gold (the tarot fool and his quest for gold) and that was primarily filmed in Oz/Aus. The Fool's pathway (on the tree of life) is the starting point of the 777 lightning flash of creation.  Previously we tied Heath 'The Joker Fool' Ledger to this area via Perth...Heath 'Multiple Hanged Man' Ledger.

McConaughey picks up 'celestial' resonance via Robert 'Back To The 911 Future' Zemeckis' film Contact, featuring opposite Jodie Foster...the film relates to 'aliens' in the star system of Vega.

 A stop off at Sirius FM...check.

 You can use the brilliant star Sirius– and the star Vega– to imagine the direction our sun and solar system are traveling through space. The sun in its orbit is traveling away from Sirius and toward the star Vega.  The Sun's path on the Milky Way...the solar apex, both stars map the journey of the sun

 The Lyra of Orpheus/Apollo...Lyra 
(I raised the lyre/orpheus/apollo in the previous post...via Billy 'Back To The Future' Zane)

 Zemeckis' Contact was released when the star of Vega was at its peak (back in early July 1997) and this was clearly a deliberate and symbolic act.  We travel the 'rainbow chakra' wormhole in Conact.
Contact will have aliens inserting 'contact tech' into TV broadcast signals...cough, cough!

Matthew 'Wormhole' McConaughey...True Detective, Contact & Interstellar
True Detective's 'wormhole' seems suggestive of a negative energy vortex (etheric channeling of the nefarious variety etc). It is during this TD climax scene (and aftermath) that Cohle finds some kind of connection with the 'otherside' via his 'near death' experience and a connection with his deceased daughter. McConaughey will revisit similar themes (wormholes and contact) in Nolan's latest film Interstellar.  The same Nolan whose film 'Batman TDKR' is linked to both the Aurora shooting (the midnight showing in July) & Sandy Hook (see screenshot, with Gary 'Sirius' Oldman) shooting from 2012.

 The same Batman series that has Nathan 'related to Aleister' Crowley as Production Designer.

Love is the law(n)...
 True Detective, inter-generationally abused cult killer (Childress/Tuttle) & Crowley
777...7 (miles) 7*7 (49)...777

The energies of 7 on this Path are three times magnified: and 777 (the grand scale of 7) is a number which Crowley describes as “a dangerous tool”; one which represents “the flaming sword which drove Man out of Eden”; a number whose power is only available to those in whom the snake of “Kundalini energy”, the energy of “the female magical soul” has been awakened (Crowley, 777, 49). 49 the mystical number of venus.

 The directions given (above, by Childress) to the 'burnt church' 
The same church that will relate to 'the widow's son'(see below)!

Burnt Church...which almost looks like Crowley's Thelema Abbey, Cefalu.
(note the dialogue below...that relates to this church scene!)

"Widow in Opelousas leased us cheap.We left when it caught fire."
"Any idea how that happened? Your people said criminal mischief."
"If I was to lay odds, maybe one of the widow's sons wanted us off the land, but we move on."

Wink, wink...widow's sons
 The Widow's Sons (the widow being Isis)...the Masonic Fraternity!
They're seemingly connected to biker gangs (hells angels etc) 'Iron Crusaders' (another Christ aspect) which is a huge aspect of True Detective. Memphis (Egypt)...the seat of Osiris/Apis (Ol Cyrus/Osiris) The 'sacrificial' King.

Anyway...Nathan Crowley also worked as Production Designer on McConaughey's Interstellar too.
Nathan synchronistically mentions OZ (wink, wink)...his Great Uncle Aleister wrote Liber OZ (book 77), the mission statement for OTO and Thelema.  777 Aleister/777 Kubrick.

 OZ (strength) The Great & Powerful

  Aleister Crowley...the 'literal' Wizard of Oz (via his output and mystery religion credentials)

Priests of Isis & Osiris...Baum (himself) another likely 'adept'.

 McConaughey recently picked up the Oscar for Best Actor...in the Texas-linked
Dallas Buyers Club...this was 6 days before the MH370 incident.

Ptah/Osiris/Sokar (Oskar)...The Golden Oscar

PTAH- SOKAR - (anagram, OSKAR)
From the Old Kingdom, he quickly absorbs the appearance of Sokar and Tatenen, ancient deities of the Memphite region. His form of Sokar is found contained in its white shroud wearing the Atef crown, an attribute of Osiris. In this capacity, he represents the god of the necropolis of Saqqara and other famous sites where the royal pyramids were built. Gradually he formed with Osiris a new deity called Ptah-Sokar-Osiris. Statuettes representing the human form, half-human, half-hawk, or simply in its falcon form will be systematically placed in tombs to accompany and protect the dead on their journey to the West.  Ptah's symbols are the 'djed' and 'the bull' (memphis/apis). An ancient Egyptian name for Memphis, Hikuptah, which means "Home of the Soul of Ptah".

McConaughey's Apis/Osiris Bull

McConaughey - Texas Chainsaw Massacre - The Next Generation

Tbh...it is a rather squalid little film, with prolonged violence against women throughout...but then, I thought that when I first saw it many years ago, it is nothing to do with me being sensitive etc...I've seen extensive amounts of the horror genre, anyway I digress.

Wait...that is not all. Why is McConaughey (Vilmer Sawyer) travelling around in a 'wrecking vehicle-truck' with ILLUMINATIwritten on its door!
(This scene about 17 mins into the film.)

Wait...there is more, why is this following scene in the film and what is being implied? Around the one hour mark, just before I think.

 While prepping for another infamous dinner scene...
Darla blames Vilmer's new job for his psychotic behavior, Jenny asks what type of job involves killing random people. Darla's explanation doesn't disappoint:

Darla (memeber of the slaughter family, Vilmer's girlfriend)
Well, I really shouldn't be telling you this, but you know how you always hear these stories about these people who run everything but nobody knows who they are, right? Well, its true. I mean, I never would have believed it, but its all true. I mean, who do you think killed Kennedy?

Jenny (Renee Zellweger)
The government?

No, that government stuff is bullcrap. It's these people and they've been doing this type of thing for like a thousand or two thousand years... I forget which. And nobody, and I mean nobody, knows their names. And that's who Vilmer works for.

Putting the two aspects together...it clearly implies that Vilmer (McConaughey) works for the Illuminati.  The film implies that a secret Order of the Illuminati exists (mainly via the Rothman character, Vilmer's boss)...and that the 'slaughter family' are a part of that programme.

 McConaughey's True Detective (Eps 1)....juxtaposed headlines lead to the subliminal idea that the authorities are involved in these crimes!  Tuttle was a Governor and then Senator ffs!

TCM...There is also dialogue that references the FBI...and the fact that they might be listening in, to what unfolds at this location...yes all very odd, but a great way to drop in some truth (via cognitive dissonance), if you're that way inclined!

The 'blazing masonic star' (pentacle) hangs over the Sawyer (Slaughter) Family home doorway,
this is specifcally 'sirius' the 'blazing star' that hangs in the lodges.

 As sported by True Detective's 'cult member' Ledoux

 Perhaps the most relevant thing that springs to mind (re: the above) is the tale of Henry Lee Lucas...from Texas (the Chainsaw place!) who claimed that he was a part of a larger occult operation called The Hand of Death.  Basically the premise is that Henry worked for a nationwide 'satanic' network...with links to the authorities.  Charles Manson has apparently made reference to the Hand of Death cult too...so it's not just Henry's word.

 Illuminati Wrecking (Crew) ala Vilmer?

"I'm going to teach you the beauty of pain and you're going to be my slave for the rest of your life."---Viola Lucas to her son Henry Lee (shades of MK mind control)

Dave McGowan's - There's Something About Henry

Ottis Toole...Henry's killing partner.

 Could Henry have been telling the truth about being a contract killer? And if so, did the contracts he was receiving have some kind of government connection? Though Henry never broaches the subject in his book, the training camp as he describes it clearly had military connections. And Henry has explicitly stated that the cult included among its members various prominent persons, including high level politicians. Could this be the reason for the actions taken by Governor Bush in June of 1998?

Rothman...who clearly has 'French links' via his use of the language and his reading of Le Figaro...is Rothman an avatar for a 'Rothschild' (who have a large presence in France) type...the 'staple bloodline' of many conspiracy circles....a major Illuminati front family...Roth-man & Roths-child?

Rothman's 'raison d'etre' appears to be rather cryptic and mysterious...
"I want these people to know the meaning of horror."

From watching the film...it is implied that 'to know the meaning of horror' should have been in 'the spiritual sense' and not the 'physical' that we've been viewing and been subjected too.  Make of that what you will...this is Rothman's actual claim, not mine.  This might be why Rothman's stooges kill Vilmer (McConaghey) at the climax...afterwards Rothman's limo picks up Jenny and he drops her off at a police station.  Although one might be led to think, that these may not be 'standard' police, but compromised ones...hence the FBI (authorities) 'watching/listening' aspects, mentioned earlier.  The earlier scene with Darla (and a body in her car trunk) and the police (who almost notice) might also play into these themes.

We can widen this Rothschild aspect, by looking at a couple of other films, that have been released over the years...these being the 'Illuminati flavoured'Eyes Wide Shut (Kubrick) & The Ninth Gate (Polanski), films that I've already compared and covered quite extesnsively.

Just so we know we're on the right page...we should recall 'The Hanged Man' from Polanski's 1999 release, the same year as Eyes Wide Shut.  We get 'The Hanged Man(dy)' from EWS via the self sacrifice/redemption scene at the ritual...I've shown it countless times.

Ninth Gate director Roman Polanski's own wife was 'supposedly' killed by members of Manson's family...the heavily pregnant Tate (her own father was military intel) was found stabbed and with a cabletow (ala the masonic hanged man) around her.

Recall this from earlier?  It was Manson Family member Bobby Beausoleil who made the 'actual' soundtrack for Anger's Lucifer Rising, Page's 'original' version (seen above) was released in 2012.
Anger & Page both met while bidding at an auction for Crowley memorabilia in the early 70's.

The Rothschild chateau/mansion...The Ninth Gate & Eyes Wide Shut
Mentmore also featured as Wayne Manor in Batman Begins.

 Both'ritual orgies' took place inside a Rothschild Mansion/Chateau!
Both have 'satanic' overtones too...666 Polanski and 666 Kubrick via 1999.
These scenes are key to the unfolding narrative.  The Ninth Gate which featured Rothschild's 'Château de Ferrières' and Eyes Wide Shut at 'Mentmore Towers' (the scene of the ritual orgy).  Note, this is actually implied via Kubrick's EWS, the internal scenes are from Elveden Hall, external shot is Rothchild built Mentmore Towers.

Of course...both films will also reference 'The Rainbow' (which seemingly has links to mind control aspects) aka the royal arch of heaven. EWS via 'rainbow fashions/where the rainbow ends' and Ninth Gate via the closing journey on the way to The Ninth Gate (or where the rainbow ends).

Yes...Harford (Cruise) & Corso (Depp) also drive the same vehicle model and colour too!
 Recall this from earlier...OTO's Crowley & Grant?

Lovecraft was a big aspect of True Detective, from the 'psychosphere' to 'the yellow king':

 Kenneth Grant, an occultist who was a prominent member of Aleister Crowley’s secret society Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O) wrote extensively on the importance of Lovecraft’s works.
For Grant, writing in 1980, Lovecraft should be praised for his abilities to “control the dreaming mind that it is capable of projection into other dimensions.” It is well known that Lovecraft often gained inspiration for his stories in his dreams. For Grant, Lovecraft received actual arcane knowledge in his dreams, which was then expressed through the Cthulhu Mythos. Grant has inspired many magicians, some of whom have moved more into the realm of Lovecraft’s fictional writings.
- Ibid.

Love & craft...freemasonry is known as 'the craftt'...I shouldn't need to explain the worldplay!

 Depp, The Ninth Gate, Polanski, OTO & Kenneth 'OTO' Grant
(left) Kenneth 'OTO' Grant....(right) Johnny Depp

Grant's Ninth Arch'versus' Depp/Polanski's Ninth Gate...clear overlaps via multiple films?

The Ninth Arch or Ninth Gate?  Polanski's film will take the viewer through '9 gates/doorways' during the opening title sequence. The masonic 'Rainbow' Royal Arch of Heaven.

 Neverland and the Rainbow (Head)...with Kate 'Rosicrucian Rose Cross' Winslet

From Hell...where Depp featured with Heather (Hathor/Isis) Graham...
the Sycamore (sacred to Isis) Tree Queen from Twin Peaks (black/white Lodge)
 From 'Masonic' Hell...Depp & Abiff (Osiris)
The 3 ruffians/unworthy craftsmen...who slay Abiff.

Some researchers treat the killing of JFK as a re-enactment of the killing of Hiram Abiff (the hanged masonic hiram)...this is true of Hoffman & Downard...who penned King Kill 33 in this light...a modern take on The Killing of the (Corn) King from ancient times via Frazer's Golden Bough.  The Corn King and Yellow King (True Detective) having some overlaps...Dora Lange found at the base of a tree in a cane (crop) field.  

The image on the cover of Frazer's Golden Bough is that of the 'Green Man'...the same entity that is featured in True Detective (& the related Wicker Man)...the 'green man' symbolising a god of fecundity (vegative growth) ala Osiris (a green man god and connected to fecundity, as was his rival and vanquisher Set),  There are huge overlaps between True Detective and The Wicker Man.

 Some researchers treat the killing of JFK as a re-enactment of the killing of Hiram Abiff
What's really interesting is Woody Harrelson's apparent connection to the murder of JFK...this coming via his estranged father Charles, who some claim to be one of the 3 ruffians/tramps (the 3 unworthy craftsmen) that was present at the scene of the JFK hit. 

The late researcher Sherman Skolnick tried (in vain) to find out whether the Rothschild's had been involved in financing Oliver Stones 1991 film JFK.
JFK was a film that Arnon 'Mossad/911' Milchan worked on as a Producer...so perhaps the Rothschild link is valid, but we just don't know!  What would conspiracy researchers think about JFK (the film) being funded by Rothschilds...they'd probably have a breakdown or something!?

For a final 'small world' pay-off...you'll find that True Detective's Reverend Billy Lee Tuttle (one of the cult's more senior members and Uncle of killer Errol) was played by Jay O (JFK) Sanders. Sanders plays Lou Ivon, who is one of the first to get off Garrison's 'conspiracy bandwagon' after it gets too close to the authorities.  It's all relevant imo, Garrison is DA for New Orleans (Louisana, again!). Another Garrison team member (in JFK) was played by Michael Rooker (as Bill Broussard) who also starred as 'Texas based' Henry Lee Lucas (which we covered earlier) in Henry Portrait of a Serial Killer.

These were the sort of photos found in Rev Tuttle's safe...
 True Dectective...sacrifical (winter) 'Saturnalia Queens'
 The deliberately 'posed' body...the first few seconds of TD shows a cult member positioning the body at the tree and starting a fire to draw attention to the scene.  This crime is for public ritual purposes (hence the overt nature) and for processing the masses etc.

The Wicker Man...right, Rowan Morrison, 'decoy' sacrificial (summer) 'May Queen'
May 1st the beginning of summer...True Detective 'interrogation' footage starts on May 1st.

 True Detective...Rowan (a place) will be 'craftily' be mentioned when we're shown this suggestive shot of Dora (most likely in her younger years).  
"Why wouldn't a father bathe his own child? Ahem. (very suggestive of parental abuse and the detectives never even raised this aspect!) He died on the road. Rolled over near Rowan, Oklahoma. May 11, 1984.

Rowan & The Green Man
Rowan is a wood that is used in magick...The word "Rowan" is derived from the Old Norse name for the tree, raun or rogn, and might be related to the word "rune" which means "magic, secret."

 Kill List - Cult member with crown of thorns blindfold @ masked ritual sacrifice in the woods

 The cult activity climax takes place in the grounds of an opulent mansion and connecting to an MP and seemingly other people of influence etc.  The final shot shows the protagonist being 'crowned'.

The Hanged (Wo)Man at the tripod gallows (self sacrifice)...far right, is the cult's symbol and/or calling card (evoking the tripod).

Which kind of (visually) reminds me of True Detective's devil nets & bird traps (calling card)

 Cohle: “Tuttles, the men in the video … We didn’t get them all”
Marty: “Yeah, and we ain’t gonna get ‘em all. That ain’t the kind of world it is, but we got ours”.

Of course.....Cohle may well capture or kill a few of the cults expendables (Errol etc), but that is all that they are (they are victims themselves) and the larger part of the operation, is still left untouched and is able to continue. Errol & Ledoux (who live in squalor) are like patsies for the higher ups...hence why the Childress connection to the Tuttles is brushed over and never addressed!  Clearly the cult's reach extends to Govt, law enforcement and beyond etc.

Yup...the kingpins are still protected by the system...a few pastsies is all you're gonna get!
That is seemingly the message being implied.

With all the above 'occult, mystery religion, kabbalistic and ritualistic' aspects in mind...some might find it 'interesting' that Kubrick would meet his future wife (Christiane) via an actual masked ball!  (This would be 1957, I think.)

On the set of Eyes Wide Shut...
 Life imitating art...or art imitating life?
Christiane's account of her first meeting with Kubrick:
"I met him at a studio, and then he went to an enormous masked ball where I was performing. He was the only one without a costume."
 A masked ball...a bit like this one from 1972, a Rothschild masked ball ala Eyes Wide Shut!
A mirrored invite (backwards/reversed etc) at Rothschild's 'versus' a backward incantation/prayer in Eyes Wide Shut.

 Life imitating art...or art imitating life?

Pollack as 'masonic' Ziegler...and the masonic 'eye' apron.
Executive producer of Sliding '777' Doors...with Gwyneth 'Kabbalah' Paltrow

Anyway...one of the 'giveaways' (imo) that we're dealing partly 'in fact' (as opposed to fiction) is that Kubrick cast a 'fellow director' as one of the 'secret society' honchos, that being Pollack as Ziegler. A 'typical' actor could've been in the role (originally it was Harvey Keitel) but this was changed...and Director/Producer (occasional actor) Pollack was in the role. Pollack, who has subsequently been outed as having massive ties to major Hollywood producer Arnon 'Israeli Arms/Mossad Double Agent/Peres' Milchan.

Milchan...situated between Peres & Netanyahu.  A mossad agent...and 'group mind' media terrorist, hmmm?  Israeli art students cited in connection to 9/11...hmmm?


 Sydney '3 Days of the Condor' Pollack...as secret society big-wig Ziegler.

Re: The Illuminati Mssked Ball...Eyes Wide Shut
Victor Ziegler: Bill, do you have any idea how much trouble you got yourself into last night just by going over there? Who do you think those people were? Those were not just some ordinary people. If I told you their names... no,I'm not going to tell you their names... but if I did, I don't think you'd sleep so well at night.

Oh who can he possibly mean...cough, cough!? (yes, I do a heavy line in sarcasm!)
I wonder how much of a buzz 'these types' get out of doing this kind of thing...right under the noses of the unsuspecting and sheep-like public? 

3 Days of the Condor predicts the post-9/11 world: Government agencies manipulating world politics and starting never-ending wars to gain control of the oil in The Middle East. The C.I.A. (well a renegade operation within the C.I.A.) has plans to invade the Middle East. The New York C.I.A. office is in the WTC.
(for one moment forget that this was a film and simply apply it to our unfolding reality!)

As you can see, this was very much a long term project and it's been fed into the consciouness in a piece-meal fashion, over time and varying media.

Now we can tie Hollywood types to Israeli intel and beyond...and that some act (or have acted) as double agents.

Remotely controlled aircraft...x2
The opening paragraph here (above) is key...this is the mechanism being employed, it has been decades in the making and it is still an on-going phenomena.

Christopher Bollyn...great research and one of my favourites!

Some of the film's movie posters featured a text preamble that read:
 "TELEKINESIS: A mental force that enables this man to move objects and control events. Science cannot explain the awesome power of the mind. And nothing can control it. Richard Burton has THE MEDUSA TOUCH".

Re above: I would say that the 'mental force' that enables 'objects to move' and 'events controlled' is likely a barely veiled 'double-entendre' referring to their OWN POWER over the mass collective conscious via Hollywood film/tv programming.  Basically a 'nose thumbing' of sorts, at the useless eater (goy) who view their output, but solely (and in error) as entertainment.  What better way to disguise this fact, than by dressing it up via a pseudo-science angle (telekinesis).

The Medusa Touch (1978)
Milchan contributed $2million for the film to be made

Lew Grade's ITC were the film's Production company...the same Lew Grade who bought the film's foreign rights, even before production began.  ITC was formed, yes you guessed it, on 11 Sept (1958)
Grade is often credited with being the creative force behind  ITV, the independent British TV channel. Grade's nephew Michael, has been a key player in British TV for decades....primarily via the BBC & Channel 4.  Lew Grade was a member of the masonic Venerable Order of Saint John.

Arnon 'Fight Club Executive Producer' Milchan

Arnon 'Devil's Advocate - Producer' Milchan

The same Milchan who produced (and likely funded) McConaughey's first lead role in film, 

A (911) Time to Kill...see, it's a small world, eh?

Eyes Wide Shut...at Somerton, a hat tip to the original settlement of Hu Gadarn, a druidic link and regarded as the Cymric Abraham. Gad (Gadarn) was a name of Hermes (Thoth)...the operative 'masonic godman' (see Beaumont).  Hu Gad/Hi Gad/Hi Ram (ram sacred to Hermes).
 A master of ceremonies...sits on his 'masonic throne' with the double headed masonic eagle/phoenix. (the '33 crown').  The actor in this scene (Red Cloak) is Leon Vitali (Lord Bullingdon from Barry Lyndon), who was an associate of Kubrick for a long time, since Kubrick's death Vitali has acted as an overseer on restoration of film/sound aspects of Kubrick's work.

She (Sobieski) shares the same birthday as Judy 'OZ' Garland, June 10th...
and she dwells under/over the rainbow!

Sobieski (Milich's 'always available' underage daughter in EWS) also appropriately plays the part of Willow in the 'mask wearing cult' film The Wicker Man (remake). Willow is the 'always available' landlord's daughter'.

Ermine (Cloak)...as recommended by Milich's daughter (Sobieski)
Ermine...the word itself is derived from 'Ram infused god' Hermes (aka thoth/mercury)
Ermine from the old french hermine (hermes, geddit?) Of course, ermine also relates to the fur of the stoat, that is used to line robes...the word itself still comes from the same root.

The ermine luxury fur is often used by Catholic monarchs, Pontiffs and Cardinals...It also forms part of the parliamentary and coronation robes of British peers of the Realm.
(Peers of the realm...basically British aristocratic psychopaths...posing as nobles)

"He (Hermes) was the god of traffic and merchants, the god of roads, some of which, like
'Ermine Street' are still named after him (Hermes). The Chief honours and highest station went to him because he stood for the Druids (see Somerton/Hu Gadarn above) sacred mysteries, their learning and their doctrine of the immortality of the soul"
Canon Bowles: History of Bremhill (pp 39-41)

Hermes, (h)Ermine Street & The Ram...

Ram Jam Inn...has occupied the site (Stretton, Rutland) alongside the Roman road of
Ermine Street since the mid-18th century.

"The Ermine Roads of England , straight roads going for great distances, were orignally Ermes' or Hermes' streets. When the Romans invaded Britain they found that Hermes was the chief deity (the opus maximus)."

"Next to him (Hermes) - and only next - came Apollo."
The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain - Comyns Beaumont

Kubrick...paying homage to Egypt (Karnak) and Ram (Hermes/Thoth) via Full Metal Jacket
Karnak the original abode of 'monotheist' Pharaoh Akhenaten/Amenhotep IV...who we now suspect was the hebrew 'monotheist' Moses!  Perhaps this is why Kubrick has a 'Moses' climb Jacob's Ladder in Full Metal Karnak!?  Cruise climbs Ziegler's (Jacob's) Ladder in Eyes Wide Shut.

  The termJudameans the"shining" or "illustrious ones."
Ari/Ara/Arya...The Sumerian word "Ara" meant "lofty, shining." The word "aristocracy" of modern usage comes from the same root. The true leadership of nations has always derived from rule by the racial elite, with their whole life -- religious, cultural and political -- founded in the eternal values of pure blood.It refers to the members of the Gaonim, or the Cult of Aton, and not to some black-robe-wearing priestarchy. It refers to the eighteenth dynasty Sun Cult pharaohs of Egypt whose descendants hide under the names "Israelite" and"Judite." So when we hear that “David” and “Solomon” (whom we now know as Tuthmosis III and Amenhotep III) were of the "House of Judah" we understand that it was a reference not to the Semites, or the Levites and their ethnicity and theology, but to Egypt's Solar Cult and their theology.
Michael Tsarion

 Gad (Gadarn) was a name of Hermes (Thoth)...the operative 'masonic godman'.
The Hanged Man(dy) & Ibis billed Thoth (Hermes) scribe of judgement...Bill x2 (geddit?)
The Hanged Man...self sacrifice "take me let him go" and redemption ala the tarot.

Kubrick would hit the Hollywood bigtime via Spartacus (the hanged man) and he got the job on Friday 13th, another key'masonic/templar' switch-hitting date. (Templar suppression etc)
Synchronistically/appropriately...'Spartacus' was the 'actual' codename of legendary 
Illuminati'front man'Adam Weishaupt!

Not forgetting, of course...the 'Kubrick inspired' replica 2001 Monolith (Hilton Hotel) that overlooked WTC Ground Zero...the Monolith that faces the WFC buildings...the buildings that evoke the glyphs for Sirius/Dogstar!  Some may even recall the story of the police dog 'Sirius' who perished on 9/11.

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