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Q-Anon - July Update - Joint Treason via USA & UK Cabals.


A July Update. Taking us up to 27 July 2018.
Q-Anon: US and UK JOINT TREASON, and via Pedowood and the Paedoph Isles (UK).
 July 25th 2018. Q.

But first it's another - I TOLD YOU SO - moment

For years I have been "outing" sick UK linked Kubrick - only to meet a wall of wilful ignorance from the masses.
The sort of masses that erroneously think 'Eyes Wide Shut' is an anti-Illuminati piece. D'oh! They couldn't be more wrong.
Confirmation? Oh dear. Revealed early July 2018. (link)
 Kubrick's only personal win of an Academy Award was for his work as director of special effects on 2001: ASO.

 Enty is allegeing that he (Kubrick) was one of the WORST of all. Hey, no shit! Worse than Allen and Polanski.
Last paragraph is clearly 2001 (film). Friends of his daughter Vivian, who briefly featured as Floyd's daughter.
We already knew that (associate and 2001 author) Clarke was a homosexual paedophile.
I trust Enty, not all of it, but I trust this. Enty citied NXIVM and Mack 6 years before the typical public domain!

The films mentioned in the blind/reveal are obviously Lolita (Sellers), and 2001:ASO.
 Lolita. Sue Lyon, who played Lolita, is the girl in question. Raped/abused by Kubrick/Sellers, used to procure others.
2001. The reveal is alleging that Kubrick raped/abused/filmed his daughter's friends. Vivian was 7/8 years old at this time.
All this sick and 'mockery drenched' output. Nose-thumbing of the most warped kind. Masonic base insanity.

Where's ALL the SYNCHRO-MYSTICS with their ZEN bullshit?
 They tried to derail this blog (over recent years) with their CRAP, but Horselover-Phat resisted them!
Where are you now?

 Kind of fitting that I post this on JULY 16, 2018.
Kubrick's (mockery based) 'Eyes Wide Shut' being released JULY 16, 1999.
The latter is very same day that JFK Jr's plane went down and his apparent death. 
I'd wager that the EWS film was playing when the plane went down.

Will sick Khazar Spielberg (Kubrick was his mentor), be next? Tick-tock.

Note, from this point, the post content and post date is from July 27 onward.
(Incl. are older Q drops/older content to give context and a wider understanding.)

Isaac Kappy...late July

What are we to think? Will reserve judgement until more is known. These claims are not exactly new.

The Khazar Kiddy Fiddling and Rape Club...Tom Hanks, Meryl 'Weinstein is God' Streep, and Spielberg.

Here's the woman who was (allegedly) sold to Tom Hanks as a child...sold by her sick parents:

She's is seemingly a victim of trauma based mind control for the purposes of operative use.
 Yeah, General 'pizza-gate' Flynn follows a lot of people, but one of them just happens to be Sarah. I believe her story.
I've been aware of these sorts of stories for more than 15 years, so it's not like it's a new concept for me.

 From late June...A Facebook pedo survey.
I informed blog readers of this very threat more than two years ago. Paedo normalisation, primarily via LGBT/Hollywood.
The (complicit) Liberal/Left have been supporting this (whether the know it or not) they support any minority cause, and blindly.
Talking of Facebook. It's POS Khazar Jew 'cut-out' Zuckerberg. You're going-down boy.
Satanic Deep State organs posing as social media. Orwell on acid and sold as a virtue. Sucker-borg has a Chinese wife.
Alphabet soup agencies have likely pulled-out. Facebook's Chinese venture now looking still-born.
China have probably reversed course because they know what's coming re: Facebook and Zuckerberg.
Suggestions of Facebook angling for the human organ market - a billion+ donors and all their intimate details?
 Yes, Facebook et al - companies I outed more than a decade ago as nefarious data mining and 'group think' mass mind control.

"We are under attack....WAR." Q. (youtube military video link)
Recall the related (nefarious deep state) missile attack on AF1 and POTUS to stop the Singapore summit on June 12.
 "We are under attack....WAR."Apr. 3, 2018
Why is Twitter seemingly being linked (juxtaposed) to the military helicopter crash from April 3, 2018?
Twitter and CIA (Clowns). Operation Q-T2810C. T2 denotes 'Terminal 2' (in the Q drop), like airports.
810C is linked to military design and test limits (810C was mid-1970's).
T2810C is also an Eclipse titled electronic hand-held 'terminal/device' for media.
Much to ponder. Note, the Eclipse device/terminal officially has no wi-fi or blue tooth capability (just USB).
"We are under attack....WAR." Yes, a very active period covering just a few days.
Zuckerberg (to step-down and out of the US?), and Jack 'Twitter' Dorsey in all sorts of shit! We live in hope. :)
Just who was funding Twitter (for years) when it made no profit? Yup, another Deep State cut-out.

Back to very recent drops and events...
Mockingbird MSM go Defcon 1 mode and all for a conspiracy LARP? Facebook and a BIG DROP?
Something BIG is about to DROP. Ouch, that's a chunka change. Twitter got similarly hit following day (27th July).
"Somenthing BIG..." was mentioned just two days prior. "Future proves past."

It's "BIG" Tom Hanks...and pedo-comedy.

 This is ONLY funny if you are MENTALLY ILL and/or SICK. This IS mass media-driven conditioning!
Kimmel is very likely a paedophile too, hence this (sick) skit on his so-called show.
Sarah Ashcraft has some interesting things to say about you, Tom.  You have anything to say in response?

Who wants to visit Zoltar at the fayre and on Sept 11? 'Big' even had a quasi type of child sex subtext.
Regular readers will know ALL ABOUT Hanks and how he is also massively tied to 9/11 predicitive programming.
See BIG, Mazes & Monsters, Extremely Loud, etc. Just like his close assocoiate (and likely paedo) Steven '9/11' Spielberg.

Likewise with Stanley 'paedophile' Kubrick - see the Hilton '2001 MONOLITH' Hotel at Ground Zero.
Which brings me to Fiona 'Kidman' Barnett. A victim at the hands of (Eyes Wide Shut) Nicole's father Antony.
 Club Horned Baphomet.
The She-Devil Wears Prada (link). Hanks is involved in producing Streep's (complete shit franchise) Mama Mia.
She is related to (Jew) Mike Nichols (deceased), who was a friend of (sick) Kubrick. Nichols was a lying homosexual.
Even Nichols' The Graduate is quasi type child/teen sex propaganda, Hoffman and Bancroft.
Bancroft was married to Mel 'FAGGOT/PAEDO' Brooks. The latter I suspect as being a major player in the larger op.
I actually think that Brooks could've partly been behind the rise of  (paedo/satanist) Weinstein.
 The usual suspects and the typical signs.

Other 'cited' potential industry paedophiles in the recent news...

James Gunn, Sarah Silverman, Lloyd 'Troma/trauma' Kaufman, Dan Harmon, 
Patton Oswalt, and Seth Green. Many others too.

See here - NAMBLA - vis Gunn & Kaufman. Homosexual Hollywood (MEN-tored) paedophiles:
 Man-Boy Love. Oh look, it's Lloyd 'Troma/Trauma' Kaufman with Tony 'Dahmer' Podesta.
Even (sick) Spielberg had links with Troma. See his (paedo) The Goonies and Toxic Avenger.

Wanna know something kind of odd? 
I worked out that Kaufman was very, very likely Gunn's sugar daddy. And before the link was actually made!

 Q comes back from a 20 day July absence with drops on the same day (July 24) that Clare 'NXIVM' Bronfman is arrested.

Updating on July 25 2018

With Clare Bronfman arrested (now bailed) just how deep will this go? Tick-tock.
The Bronfman family have been all-over corproate entertainment in recent decades.
We know that Mack named names (BIG names) - will Clare do likewise?
 Also charged were Bronfman's long-time mentor and NXIVM president Nancy Salzman,
her daughter, NXIVM executive board member Lauren Salzman, and former NXIVM bookkeeper Kathy Russell.
The family has also been massively tied to the Clintons...as previous posts have outlined. (Below with Edgar Sr.).

NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is/was headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of  Mexico's former president.

The Bronfman Gang - aka Murder Inc. The Hofjuden family, created by, and beholden to the Zionist UK.
All linked to Permindex and the Dallas Int. Trade Mart. The organisers/executors of the JFK hit.

Bill "Rhodes/Rothschild Scholar" Clinton (via Oxford, UK). An agent of the (sodomite) Zionist UK empire.
We know of the Clintons and their links to Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild. The above e-mail quote (Sept 2010) was in respect of
Tony 'former UK PM' Blair, Hillary requiring his services, when he was due to meet the Rothschilds.

Victor Rothschild was a major mover in UK intelligence circles. Heavily linked to the Cambridge Spy Ring, and recruited by MI5 during WW2. Victor's flat in London was shared with (homosexuals) Burgess and Blunt. He was close to PM's (satanic paedo) Heath, and Thatcher, both of whom were linked to (BBC satanic paedo) Jimmy 'Royalty' Savile. (Satanic Anglophile paedo) J P Getty Jr was also close to Thatcher and the Tories, he even helped fund them.

Have a look at this. It's Bronfman, FBI, and UK Intel linked! (From Dope, Inc. EIR.)
UK's Commonwealth Canada. Permindex director, Bronfman right-hand man, and Bronfman family attorneyLouis Bloomfield, was first and foremost an agent of the most secretive branch of Her Majesty's Intelligence service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). The SOE was an expansion of MI Section D, (D for Destruction), and was supposed to be the most secretive branch, it was.instigated by Churchill. Bloomfield was recruited to the SOE by its director, Sir William Stephenson, in 1938. Stephenson, appointed
Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and "agent handler" for the newly created counterespionage/espionage branch of the
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five. Like some kind of stealth UK Intel army at the FBI.
We know Bronfmans were made by Zionist UK aristocrats etc. Patriarch Sam Bronfman was known as the "King of the Jews'.

This from Jan 2018. FBI agents and texts. Assassination involving foreign allies.
AS THE WORLD TURNS. JFK assassination reference (AS, Schiff & Scalia). An Obama/Nixon link too.

The reference to ASSASSINATION and a foreign ally nation being involved etc!
They released those (FBI Strzok/Page) "texts" and on the SAME DAY that they've released more JFK files.
That CANNOT be a coincidence! I wonder if Obama is mentioned in any of them? :)
The same Obama who was OUTED as a Zionist UK intelligence asset by Sherman 'Chicago' Skolnick in 2004!

 Update July 25th 2018
 'No name' aka John McCain visited UK in March 2016. Yup, it's suggesting that the UK were also jointly involved in attempting to sabotage the 2016 US election. "Hand-in-hand with the Hussein admin...!". A fake (Russian collusion) intel dossier compiled by Christopher 'Ex MI6' Steele. The dossier then used by the Dems and deep state to construct their 'Russian collusion' narrative. Followed by PS and LP (FBI Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) who might be linked to "shared texts" that mention both Russian collusion and assassination attempt(s) on the POTUS. Q:"What if the texts suggest that foreign allies were involved?"
Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Loretta Lynch, Hillary R Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Hussein, +22. This is crazy shit.

McCain is also a product of the (Zionist) Bronfman network via Arizona. (See Q-Anon Trust The Plan post).

JFK files released on April 26, 2018. On that very same day (Apr. 26) the UK announced Trump's UK visit (for July 13, 2018).

Just one day later - we got this Q drop.
I believe that this was the pointer to the "text reveal" (likely linked to Strzok/Page) on JFK file release day Apr.26.
 Palpable shock at high levels is the arguable impression. National crisis, national security issue - it led to "buying time".
It is a huge crisis if the details outline a conspiracy via Obama Admin (in-league with UK network), and cabal Reps (McCain).

If I recall correctly there's an idea that Strzok and Page have visited London (see mid-May Q drops).
The UK is FUCKED if this is true. It's already fucked enough as it is!
  I added above text on the 26th July - on the 27th July (next day) - Q drops this! Strzok and Page in London!
A horizontal flip of the blue London Eye (below left) would gives us a Q.
When does a bird sing? When it is compromised (a la Page). A "bird" is also a common British term for a woman.
Page was cited as a co-operating witness in late Apr. We were told in early May that they had received her testimony.
"Keep your promise." Which is more likely a message to Deep State (re: singing Page) than for us or herself.

We were told that Theresa May was "neutralised", UK intel was being cleaned-out, and that the Queen
and (other?) monarchs were "seeking shelter" (above). All out of view - in a public sense, of course.
Well, save Trump's meet with the Queen and where Trump dominated that particular event. :)
 "Those who are the loudest." Q.
Who's the daddy? Trolling the satanic Queen, which had the brainwashed sheep and Twatterati wetting themselves. :)
The Jimmy 'paedo' Savile linked Windsor crime family. Prince Charles just got in another scrape via priest Ball.
There's no shortage of Royal flag waving drones in the UK, it's simply a form of induced mental illness.
Nearly two years have elapsed and the UK MSM are still hammering Trump. I think they protest too much.


July 25, 2018 (above) & June 11, 2018 (below).
 London pics likely linked to Strzok/Page who got surveilled (as above). Early pics also showed a Winter Wonderland.
This drop seems directly aimed at UK intel - letting them know what they have and with an offer.
UK/SIS (Intel) in-bed with Obama White House, CIA, FBI, and DOJ. Wow! Joint treason.
UK/SIS - good agents offered chance to get onboard or go down - contact window [good] - but a limited window (kill boxed).

 "What if the texts suggest foreign allies (note allies) were involved?" Jan 22 2018.

 Look at this FBI text from Strzok to Page. Insurance policy? Oh dear, not looking good is it? She didn't respond.
Strzok claims it's in respect of the Russia collusion narrative, but it does have the word 'die' after the insurance policy ref.
How's that workimg-out for ya? Suggestions that they had contact with the Clintons too.

Recall, a year prior, May went to the US to meet with Trump - and was the first foreign leader to do so. (Jan 27 2017).
I suspect that discussions about "UK/US trade" were very likely low on the agenda (ahem).
The UK has spent recent months involved in sad and transparent (anti Russian) novichok poisonings (all faked imo).
Oh look, a Hillary connect to Chris 'Orbis/MI6' Steele and the dirty dossier via Pablo 'Skripal' Miller. Hillary and the DNC retained
Fusion GPS (Apr. 2016) who then hired Chris 'Orbis/MI6' Steele (Jun. 2016) to research any Russian links to Trump (aka falsify them).
The was NO RUSSIAN HACK of the DNC server...it was a LEAK. Leaked by DNC Seth Rich, who was then murdred!

4D Chess...recall this from my first Q-Anon post in April:
"It's nice when you can - Work in peace (piece)". A coded phonetic reference to a chess piece (and working it in).
Sessions, who's hopefully been working on the demise of criminal lesbian and pedovore Hillary 'rotten' Clinton.
Work-in piece. It's followed by (Clinton hunting) AG Sessions and a 4-d chess link. Sessions IS the "piece".
It's possible (FBI, SC) Mueller is also a Trump team chess piece. Trump meeting with him one day before becoming SC.
Mueller, who is trusted by the cabal and able to draw them in, could well be in the plan. ("disinfo is necessary").
If so, he is likely being leveraged by Team Trump to bury them (the cabal). If not he needs taking-out. Time will tell.
If Mueller is 'team Potus' then Rosenstein is too, that's what we were told. It's hard to know the true "optics". (Disinfo necessary).

Update...July 27 2018
Strange coincidence wouldn't you say? "What are the odds?" Q (July 27 2018).
If Mueller is team POTUS - it would mean that the nefarious deep state is absolutely f**ked. :)


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