August/Sept 2020
Blog is now closed and I have now retired from this kind of writing, blogging, etc.
No more posts will be forthcoming. Thanks.
I'll leave you with this: 'Election 2016'. It's called being ahead of the game.
Zionist Sodom Jews, Spielberg/Zemeckis and their 9/11 predictive programming (and beyond) propaganda piece.
Nov. 2016: "Groups of low info/IQ voters - likely marshalled by Soros'"Black Lives Matter"
- insane social justice warriors (barf), and fuelled by corporate-driven 'minority rule' MSM cheerleaders
(also see Zionist socialist media/Twatterati, etc). Dangerous elite-primed globalist zombies infecting the world
with their globalist mental disease." (Marxist universities & schools [indoctrination centres] also exposed.)
(2016 election fall-out) To The 2016 Presidency Future

Who'd have guessed that Marxism was a wholly JEWISH/Illuminati creation? Um, just about anyone with a brain.
Small hat 'Chosenites' - the ultimate global victimhood minority. The power behind BLM, LGBTQ, and Marxist MSM/Hollywood etc.
The Zionist/Marxist-JEW sponsored'hate whitey' and cultural Marxist mechanism - EXPOSED & DESTROYED.
Zionist Jew criminal, and 9/11 mass programmer, Arnon Milchan, was the force behind 12 Years A Slave. Yawn. (More 'Hate Whitey' stuff from June 2016)
Programming blacks (and beyond) into a perma-victimhood mindset. Making 'thug life' criminality a virtue. Barf!
'Hate Whitey' - empowered by Zionist Jew owned/controlled MSM. A huge growth industry in recent decades. Ahem.
Hate Whitey - The Cinema of Defamation - author M.A. Hoffman II.
Zionist Satanic Jew Hollywood/Pedowood...Oscars so KOSHER.
When did you first hear "ALL LIVES MATTER"? Was it in recent months? How about more than 4 years ago? (link)
Zionist Jew Slaves, the Smiths. Homosexual Will, (toilet stab) lesbian Jada, and their messed-up (gender-bending) kids.
My long established theory that USA is a slave colony of the Zionist Jews - only gains more traction.
June 2020 post....
Who'd have guessed? Note, Trump is also entirely owned by these same Zionists, so don't get carried-away.
Hating America, an extreme far-left Marxist ideology, riots as a form of protest, 'hate whitey' mantras, 'defund police' mantras, and (induced) mass white self-loathing (coupled with overt and unchecked black power racism) - were never going to be an effective platform for any US election season. Neither is burning-down cities on behalf of black racial supremacy (badly disguised as positive black empowerment) and lording 'thug life' black criminals over the law abiding. Whoever thought it could be? This is all so obvious that it cannot be by chance and/or organic. Just so you understand. This is all played-out crap courtesy of the sick ZIONIST JEWS. I knew I was correct about how the Zionist Jews have rotted the US group mind via mass media full spectrum dominnce - and years ago. You know, the hypersexualisation of children (see mass media, Pedo-wood), LGBT/sodomy as a virtue (see Pedo-wood/MSM), gangster thuggery/pimp whoredom promoted as a lifestyle/career choice (filthy/degenerate hip-hop), hardcore porn music videos (see R&B, hip-hop etc.), perma-victimhood tropes (see mass media, NBA, sports etc.). The list goes on. This is my: "I told you so." moment.
US Sports - aka a major ZIONIST JEW mass mind control conduit. You can forget China. Lebron 'NBA' James is KOSHER.
MARXIST NEW JEW WORLD ORDER - wiki/List_of_Jews_in_sports_(non-players)#Owners
Oh, look. Like MSM/Pedo-Wood/Social(ist) Media - ZIONIST JEWS seem to OWN most of it. Who'd have guessed?
US Congress is also stuffed with Zionist Jews. Their collective aim is to destroy America and its peoples.
Quick, get the blacks to riot and destroy (via Zio-propaganda) before the GOYIM work-out that Jews pull ALL the strings.
I wonder who got Zionist US sports to mass strike and promote BLM thuggery as progress? Any ideas? LOL.
You know, Zionist JEW Soros' Antifa/BLM. Where's (Jewish) Epstein, Weinstein, Maxwell, etc? LOL.
At least 'POS' Soros has described his own BLM accurately. They are a HATE based and RACIST group.
I wonder why the masters of global victimhood (the Jews) have made black victimhood go nuclear? Wink-wink.
BLM and their Mansonesque 'Helter Skelter' philosophy (above). The followers are more brainwashed than the Family.
Don't forget to: "say their names" (the dead) - for ritual/spiritism, and necromantic purposes. BLM = a child of satanic Jews.
Marxist/Lesbian BLM? On a Zionist NWO mission to destroy nations and disrupt the family unit. Ahem.
From 2017 post (above), 2018 post (below).
"Death to America" - they cry. NWO Zio-Marxist 'one world' agenda: "Nation states are sheduled for destruction."
Marxist/Lesbian BLM? On a Zionist NWO mission to destroy nations and disrupt the family unit. Ahem.
From 2017 post (above), 2018 post (below).
"Death to America" - they cry. NWO Zio-Marxist 'one world' agenda: "Nation states are sheduled for destruction."
A good call on those 'melt-up' markets. Ahem. Forget left vs. right - it's all about the Zio central banking cartel.
The cartel that 99.99% know nothing about. Oh, look. My theory on the DNC's mission to ensure Trump wins.
Alzheimers Joe and Kamala 'bigger bitch than Hillary' Harris? The political tragi-comedy never ends.
Get ready for Trump's re-election (save mass fraud) and more predictable 'mass riots/social breakdown' that will ensue.
This is all already 'baked-in'. The Marxist left will go beyond insane when Trump triumphs again.
As I said aeons back - the 2nd US civil war is now inevitable. In fact, you're already in it.
This will be further exacerbated when the cases for (perma-criminals) George 'OD' Floyd/Brooks/Blake (etc.)
- which have been set-up to FAIL. Leads to the acquittal of most, if not all police officers involved.
Right, again!!! Dec. 2017. (link)
Where I destroyed (Zio-Marxist) masonic US tech firms/mass media - Apple, Google, Faecesbook, Microsoft, etc.
How's it working-out for y'all - with all those Zio-Marxist 'socialist media/group think' platforms? Ahem.
How have they all faired on the back of the plan-demic? Do you feel the Zio-technocracy's grip tightening?
Oh, look. KiddieSkinFlix, erm, I mean Netflix proudly presents - 'twerk-a-thon paedo fest' - Cuties.
Netflix, co-founded by an ancestor of (Jew propaganda) Bernays, and (Jew paedo family) the Freuds. (link)
The co-founder of Sundance (film festival, etc.) has recently been convicted of paedophilia. Zionist Jew, Pedo-wood.
The same Sundance film body that also recently praised and awarded (paedo-chic) film, Cuties.
Below, the same sheep who expanded and empowered ALL these monstrosities (Netflix/Hollywood) in the first place!
Who'd have guessed?
Dem. Cali. state Sen. Scott Weiner, a (JEWISH) gay politician who represents San Francisco, introduced SB 145 in Jan. 2019.
(Sodomite and paedo-lover) Sen. Weiner was endorsed by (overt racist) Kamala 'POS' Harris. Ahem.
This law already exists in respet of heteros (such is the inherent sickness). Now paedo-sodomites can join the party.
Deviant Weiner, also helped create SB-239 to lower'knowingly infecting people with HIV' from felony to misdemeanor.
Moving the goalposts and ammending the law as their sick crimes become more exposed. Wink-wink.
I said years ago (not long after 9/11) that Zionist fomented mass media will be the death of the USA and its peoples.
That claim is now looking increasingly more likely. Certainly more likely than not, at least at this moment.
In that near 20yr timeframe - I've seen nothing but the sheep empowering/expanding the Zionist MSM that destroys them.
Naturally, the only thing that makes sense in light of all this - is to give-up.
That's my parting shot. Best wishes to you all. Goodbye.
(P.S. - Special thanks goes to Uncle Bingo, for all his contributions.)