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The DUMB UK Electorate - I Told You So.


Now it's MY TIME to gloat. I had to tolerate abuse over my prior thoughts/opinions. 
Let's compare with the unfolded/unfolding 'actual' reality. 
Just to show you how accurate my UK political forecasting really is. 
And all before anything even happens!

From my March 2018 post:
The Tories have NEVER had any intention of leaving the (Soviet style) Marxist EU communist state. That's why Cameron sodded-off immediately after the vote. That's why they installed NWO globalist puppet May as his replacement - to front her BINO (Brexit in name only) complete capitulation. This latest event (Skripal/Russia Novichok) will obviously play into their "EU/UK togetherness" agenda.

June 2016
My musings very soon after the UK's EU "Leave" vote result...
Here I mention the actual Leave result as being the mere "beginning" of the battle.
You had Brexit "hard" or "soft" MSM-based mind control soon after  - there was/is no HARD or SOFT.
There was only leave or stay. Exiting = leaving the single market and the customs union, those issues were never a doubt. The sheep bought into the "hard/soft" BS though, just as I'd expect. Typical of the (complicit and criminal) MSM to help in twisting the logic of these (formerly established) issues to suit 1% elite ends.

My post from February 2018 (incorporating the previous year 2017):

The UK masses have NEVER been so DUMB - they'd win any Olympic events in respect of dumbing-down!
If the UK had any semblance of intelligence - I wouldn't have just witnessed the wanton destruction of UK PLC over the last few decades - and all underwritten by the dense UK electorate!
Shame on you, UK citizens. Get your goddamn SHIT TOGETHER - you mind bombed fools! :)
I don't call the UK electorate the most "apathetic" and "establishment compliant" for nothing - I say it because it's TRUE.
Only a completely degenerated shit-hole would still have a (sick) Monarchy in 2018.
The Windsor family underpin the entire establishment class in the UK - they are criminals too (see Windsor/Savile).
I don't say this for fun or from just behind a keyboard - I would say all of what I write to their faces.

Corbyn's Marxist Labour have now done a U-turn on Brexit - they want the customs union (OWNED).
It could well be that another General Election scenario develops out of all this mess now. We'll have to see.
What a political shit house the UK really is. Democracy isn't just dead, it's been buried too.

Compare my thoughts - very soon after the Brexit vote . June/July 2016, and compare with what has transpired!
This was all written BEFORE "remainer puppet" May was even installed as Prime Minister...
Of course, a few crazy things happened in the interim - the out of the blue General Election, Farage departing etc.
My current belief is that May (or whoever oversees this) will find a way for the UK to both be "out" and "in" - at the same time.
Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT.

The electorate had the chance to vote for UKIP, (deserting them in 2017) and putting ALL of their faith in the traditional parties instead - Tory and Labour. The same parties that have systematically destroyed the UK for decades. Admittedly, UKIP has been a shadow of its former self, but without that 'anti-EU pressure' the established parties have been able to make hay. Tory supporters have bought in to Remainer May's "Brexit means Brexit" (bullshit), whereas Corbyn's promise to uphold the electorate's wishes has now been "sold out" (see customs union). If Corbyn (and Tory rebels) can force another General Election - there won't be an alternative choice (unless May moves aside). It'll be either Remain-centric Tory (under her) or Remain-centric Labour. There really IS NO LIMIT to the stupidity of the masses - and what luck for our elite controllers. I can't say I'm surprised though, I knew what these loons were like long before any vote scenario. Just as I know what the electorate are like too.

See below. This was before my account was CLOSED by the (Nazi) Daily "1%" Mail.
I was tearing their establishment-based propaganda to shreds (which is easily done), so they SHUT ME DOWN.
65.7% voted TO LEAVE in Stoke-On-Trent. Yet this same (DUMB) constituency elected REMAIN (Marxist) Labour?
There IS NO LIMIT to the electorate's insanity - none whatsoever. I told them it would come back to haunt them - & it has!
Dumb Northern Tories (wtf?) splitting the vote and allowing REMAIN Labour in, scuppering UKIP.
Outsmarted by Labour and the Tories, as usual. Oh look, there's my take on "free movement" too - where's my prize? ;)
The sort of "free movement" that has destroyed indigenous earning power in places like Stoke (cough, cough).

Clearly, Brexit Farage has had a hand to play in the ongoing developments, albeit somewhat indirectly. His UKIP departure (leaving a vacuum, both on the stage and in respect of his party) has helped pave the way for Tory and Labour, both of whom are beholden to the EU. It remains to be seen if Farage will return to the arena, if he does then it's a potential big game changer. If UKIP had still been under Farage (up to this point), I think the electorate that voted "out/leave" would now be flocking to them in their droves. This is why I think that both the electorate and UKIP have scored a bit of an "own goal" over all this (to put it mildly), but it is what it is.

UK Wrecking May's 2017 Manifesto and GE. Note, my comments below are now 14 months old.
I hate to say "I told you so", but I did tell you so.
The Daily Fail - spinning yarns about "globalist stooge and REMAINER" May.
Where was the outrage? The sheep just nodded!
"They'll foul up Brexit too." Wow, I'd never have GUESSED.

As PREDICTED and aeons in advance. May IS delivering the WORST of both worlds.
The White Paper. The one designed/overseen by Merkel. Merkel ratified it before any UK politician got to see it!
Will May survive this?


If you want to see the proof - just pop over to Tory Central - The Daily Fail/Mail.

Horseloverphat Quote:
"Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT."
The worst of both worlds, two years pissed away, a basketcase nation, and a bill for circa £40 billion.
There hasn't been a bigger UK political fuck-up than the 2010 (and onward) Tory party.
The worst government ever, and the worst PM in UK history. Hands down, no contest.


 Oh dear. It looks like MILLIONS of people have been played for fools.
The same ones that thought May and the TORIES would deliver. Is there a cure for their insanity?

Trump: "Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a SEXIST, a RACIST, a XENOPHOBE."

The same ones that believed that they DIDN'T NEED (so-called RACIST) UKIP.
 It was like taking candy from a baby.

Sad really.

Almost as SAD as the dumb electorate themselves.
OK, who the fuck voted for this POS?

WTF? Threatening everyone if they don't go along with her dictorial an sell-out ways? It's NOT her Brexit!
The ONLY time May grows a set of balls is when she is trying to destroy the UK!
Watered down? Brussels and Herr Merkel designed the fucking deal.
Is this the Tory way of getting destroyed and handing over to Corbyn? So they won't be left holding the baby?

"We can't let Labour in they'll destroy the economy"
(Probably, but that's also exactly what the Tories have been doing! It's has no basis as an argument.
Labour and Tories are BOTH liberal/cultural Marxist and socialists. I did also try and tell you this!)

Seen the size of the national debt - have you?
Seen the decimated infrastructure on the back of mass auterity - have you?
Mass austerity has led to a virtual 3rd World UK for the 99%. And nothing to show for it!
And it is rapidly getting worse. NHS on its knees, joke police, joke military, huge violent crime wave, mass immigration, evaporating public services, low wages, zero hour contracts, mass debt as progress, a criminal Bank of England, PC mind control, LGBT cancer in schools, swathes of programmed and self loathing liberal lefties, inverted racism, etc, etc.

Theresa 'POS' May will be HATED even more than Blair ever was.
As big a CUNT that Blair was, there was a spell during his tenure when things were not too bad. You cannot say that about May (or predecessor Ca-moron). OMG, what a mess!

 OK, so I gloated and humuliated the f**k out of you all.
But that is not the ultimate purpose or reason. The purpose is to expose their mechanisms, expose their control, to demonstrate how Mockingbird media owns your thought processes - and how you are manipulated. It's thru my OWN undertsanding of this phenomenon that I was able to accurately project, what would, and has transpired. And so can YOU.

Learn from this. That IS the message.

Stanley 'Paedophile' Kubrick & Peter 'Paedophile' Sellers


It's another - I TOLD YOU SO - moment

Confirmation? Oh dear. Revealed early July 2018. (link)
 Enty is allegeing that he (Kubrick) was one of the WORST of all. Hey, no shit! Worse than Allen and Polanski.
Last paragraph is clearly 2001 (film). Friends of his daughter Vivian, who briefly featured as Floyd's daughter.
We already knew that (associate and 2001 author) Clarke was a homosexual paedophile!

Where's ALL the SYNCHRO-MYSTICS with their ZEN bullshit?
 They tried to derail this blog (over recent years) with their CRAP, but Horselover-Phat resisted them!
Where are you now?

 Kind of fitting that I post this on JULY 16, 2018.
Kubrick's (mockery based) 'Eyes Wide Shut' being released JULY 16, 1999.
The latter is very same day that JFK Jr's plane went down and his apparent death. 
I'd wager that the EWS film was playing when the plane went down.

Will sick JEW Spielberg (Kubrick was his mentor), be next? Tick-tock.

The Paedoph-Isles


The UK police, authorities and MSM (media) should really be putting these reports together. However, seeing as though these same bodies are also CRIMINALS (and gatekeepers to the paedo elite), we shouldn't expect them to start anytime soon. 

Time to unveil the UK for what it really is - an establishment/elite paedophile factory, posing as a nation:

In some weird "synchronicity" - I previously mentioned "Cheshire", in respect of (paedo/satanists) Fred and Rose West - the postcard with the "Cheshire Ring". Only in the last few days, the football (FA) child abuse story has blown-up, and via Cheshire. 
There is now even talk of 'paedophile rings" potentially being involved in English football.

At least 20 former players, 7 clubs and 15 (sport's) coaches are already believed to be being investigated. Allegedly, a Premier League club made secret payments to a former footballer, preventing him from going public with allegations of rape at the hands of a youth team coach.

Bennell - the convicted paedophile/coach at the centre of the storm. His "officially" recorded abuse goes back to 1980 (the victim coming forward in 2013), as revealed by the case where he was was recently convicted (Apr 2015). This was his third conviction for such offences. He abused a 12 year old boy through a Youth Football Tournament (via a stay at a children's home where Bennell also worked). Bennel pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced at Chester Crown Court. I'm at once reminded of "Charlie Chester" aka "child molester" (rhyming slang).

Those familiar with the West's - will know of links to Gloucester Social Services and Jordan's Brook House children's home. Did you know that some of the West's victims came from this very home, and that his OWN children were also taken into care at this same location!? What a strange coincidence!
This was the exact same Jordan's Brook, where four of the younger West children were taken into care in August 1992, after a Police search of Cromwell St! One begins to wonder whether West was almost seen as a member of staff at Jordan's Brook, what with all these comings and goings! A warrant was issued after rape/abuse details (including filming) were revealed by one of West's children to a school friend. This (12 year-old) school friend would notify and confide her fears to a police officer. Three days after confiding the abuse details to a policeman, Gloucester Social Services were alerted and a warrant was issued. Although Fred was charged with three counts of rape/buggery, ultimately his own (abused) children refused to testify and the case collapsed. Similar happened in 1961, when Fred West was charged with raping/impregnating his own 13 year-old sister. Parents, siblings and children having sexual relations was normal for the West's, Fred would be sexually active with his parents. Rose would regularly have sexual relations with her father, this same father (Bill Letts) would also rape his granddaughter Anna Marie (and possibly others), as did Fred's brother John.

“In 1977 a runaway from Jordan's Brook was raped at 25 Cromwell Street, but survived. Two years later Alison Chambers, another absconder, was murdered. The report contains the previously unknown fact that 22 young people who disappeared from Jordan's Brook between 1970 and 1994 are still missing. Its recommendations, which are limited to questions of improving record-keeping in children’s homes, appear a missed opportunity, in the light of such an extraordinary finding.”

The 2001 documentary has caused outrage among some MPs and has been criticised by Gloucestershire Constabulary - (why is that then, eh?). Derek Jones, the director and co-producer of the programme, told BBC News Online: "There definitely needs to be a public inquiry. "No-one has even scratched the surface of this case. They should look at the failures of social services and police in Gloucestershire in the 1970s and 1980s."Mr Jones said: "Social services had 300 missing files and 100 missing girls. There were two girls from Jordan's Brook children's home who were making a living as prostitutes from 25 Cromwell Street." 

Despite two official reports, we still don’t know why police and social services failed to stop the Wests sooner, write Tanya Sillem and Paul Wandless. Sunday 26 November 1995
Surprise, surprise - "Gloucestershire County Council and Constabulary have effectively investigated themselves." Fred West, was himself a "police informant" - and it is also known that some members of the police force would use the sexual services of Rose West (at Cromwell Street).

It's the "masonic" Police - which goes nicely along with (masonic) Brother Fred West (wink, wink).
You only have to go back to the 1970s and "Operation Countryman" to discover the depth of freemasonry within the UK police ranks. In forces all over England, Freemasonry is strongest in the Criminal Investigation Department (CID). This had been particularly noticeable at Scotland Yard, and the situation remains the same today.
1986, January 27th - Scotland Yard found their exclusive Masonic Lodge, Masonic Lodge number 9179, known as the Manor of St James, for the exclusive use of Scotland Yard officers who had worked in the West End of London. ''The evidence of the membership of the Manor of St James is that freemasonry reaches high into the command structure of the Metropolitan Police. Among the founder members of the lodge was Gilbert Kelland, who was in charge of all of London’s three thousand detectives when he was the Assistant Commissioner for Crime from 1977 to 1984.''

Twenty years ago the police would have been well advised to focus on the Worcester Evening News, which had linked, as the police failed to do, the disappearances of four of West's victims, three of whom had disappeared from bus stops. Mary Bastholm, for whom Mr Bennett had searched as a police diver in 1968, was linked not only with Lucy Partington, but also Shirley Hubbard and Carol Cooper. It took Gloucestershire police nearly quarter of a century to do the same. If the main conclusion of the Bridge report is that "none of the information could be said to indicate the presence of potential multiple murders", then the question it fails to answer is why?

Fred West and The Scottish Connection:

"The list, discredited by senior police officers" (see below)

No shit, Sherlock! I wouldn't trust a Scottish policeman, as far as I could throw him! The officer in question is Superintendent Alan Buchanan (Strathclyde Police), I wonder if he is a Freemason? The hand-written dossier contained the names of senior Crown Office figures, Scottish Office employees and high-ranking policemen who Gallogley claimed were involved in the abuse of children. 
You might want to look at Superintendent Gordon "mass child rapist via care homes" Anglesea, who was only convicted a few weeks ago! Yes, "paedo" Superintendent Anglesea was (of course) a Freemason! More on him and Bryn Estyn, "passing boys around like handbags" and Tory MPs later.
Fred West, Alex Gartshore and James Gallogley:
Freemason Fred "child rapist/murderer" West and Freemason Thomas "child rapist/murderer" Hamilton! It is also alleged that both West/Hamilton acted as police 'informants'.
1995 - There is still a finger of suspicion pointing to a plot of ground in Glasgow once used by Fred West. John McLachlan is one of the few people left in Glasgow with knowledge of the West case. He firmly believes that Fred's killing career did not begin in England. He knew West well, tangled with him in violent physical confrontation on a number of occasions, and was a lover of the murdered Rena Costello. John McLachlan goes unerringly to the house which occupies the site of much of West's plot. A police officer who interviewed him early on in the inquiry showed him pictures of four young girls who had disappeared when West was in Glasgow. Mr McLachlan thought he recognised one of them and recalls that police told him they might eventually search any parts of the allotments which had not been built over using electronic equipment.

He said: "We used to come up here every day. West had a piece of ground which was always well dug but which he never put any plants in. I asked him several times why he did not use that bit for potatoes and he always said he was keeping it for 'special purposes'. I told the police this and said to them they should check up on missing girls from that period. I was told there were four, one of whose names - Margaret McAvoy - I recognised. Fred West sometimes did not return from the allotment until the early hours of the morning and I just wonder now what he was doing down there in the dark. A lot of the ground is still there, now back gardens. Some of the original trees are still there. I am not suggesting they disturb houses but I think the police should search the ground which remains open."

This was the same McLachlan, who along with Costello, tried to (unsuccessfully) rescue Charmaine and Anna Marie from West and McFall at a caravan in Gloucestershire in 1966. This was not long after West left Glasgow.

This (masonic ridden) "so-called" Crown Office REFUSED to hear Gallogley's information on 5 occasions! 
Yes, it's called hiding from the unpalatable truth and protecting the ultimate perps!
(Included for the purposes of greater understanding - copyright infringement is not intended).
Sandra Brown should be hailed a national hero, for her work in uncovering these links!

During his interviews with the police, as outlined in Masters’ book, Fred West told them that they now had a “vast amount of the truth.” He further commented, “And what I’m saying is, for God’s sake put it together… My life means nothing to you, but it means a lot to me… and if the police sorts it out then I haven’t said anything.” So despite his dire predicament he was frightened of the consequences if he named names. He told a journalist that he was covering for others. When asked who these others were, he said that it would all come out eventually.

"Is it the Masonics?" (Sandra Brown, daughter of Gartshore) - Scottish Rite Freemasonry
Freemason Brother Frederick Walter Stephen 'Fred' West (29 September 1941 - 1 January 1995), was an English serial killer known to have been in full-fellowship with at least one English Masonic lodge, the Gloucestershire Round Table Lodge.
This House notes that Thomas Hamilton, the perpetrator of the hideously distressing slaughter committed in Dunblane on the 13th March 1996, had enrolled in Lodge number 1413 of the Masonic Order at Garrowhill in 1977. He had been granted his firearms certificate in 1977 (same year as his masonic membership) and had stopped attending Lodge meetings in 1986. (his lodge no. and firearms cert. date have now been updated.).

So - that's Brother West and Brother Gartshore (who are linked according to Gallogley's claims) now accounted for and via Freemasonry. Oh look, other local policemen were also said to be members.

Jewish/Zionist Scottish Rite Freemasonry folks - Scotland is crawling with Masonic/Jacobite child rapists (many embedded within the establishment apparatus). I suppose when the (satanic Babylonian) Torah allows for the abuse of GOY children (and with blame residing with the child), we shouldn't be surprised! Why do people think Savile was hanging out of the back of the Zionists, it wasn't because he was after a gold menorah!? He did get a silver menorah though, and from the Chief Rabbi (UK).

The “confession” amounts to a collection of politicians’ and killers’ names but no hard facts. It claims:
Moira was killed by Gartshore and Gallogley, and abused by Fred West. A Tory MP “club” member was caught with an underage girl in a top hotel but the incident was hushed up. Dunblane killer Thomas Hamilton went to sex parties in Perth (as also noted in respect of Fred West, a Bristol parties link) with a police inspector and regularly acted as a driver for members of the ring. Gallogley killed a girl and dumped her body at Ibrox stadium while it was being redeveloped.

Don't forget that Savile had his Scottish Glencoe location - Scotland aka a Jacobean (Jewish) stronghold. You see folks - "show business" is effectively nothing but an extension of the degenerate Zionist/Jewish religion and its control mechanism. That's why they always seek to achieve full spectrum dominance of media.
It was at "Stoke Man-Devil(le)" - spinal unit (more warped humour - aka masonic sickness).
The girl first spoke out in 1992!
We ALL see how the MASONIC Police can act as a GATEKEEPER to the elite's sick crimes!
Some of them will also be INVOLVED in these same elite crimes! Masonic Keystone Cops (wink - wink).

The Sunday Mail can detail the "confession/dossier" contents for the first time. Keil, 58, of Boat of Garten, near Inverness, insists it was transcribed immediately after speaking to Gallogley in Peterhead.
(Amazing work being done on the above link, highly recommended reading and all through the site).
There's no doubt that the West's were involved in "Satanic rings" too (a la Savile), see previous post.
An "abuse/gang-bang resonant" worded "Cheshire Ring" postcard (with a 1990 dated Gloucestershire mark) - sent by Fred and Rose West, to another pair of sick child raping/torturing sociopaths - David/Pauline Williams (not convicted until Oct 2016, and in Devon). With this in mind, the idea of (paedophile/murderers) West, Gartshore and Gallogley actually being involved together in a "yet to be openly discovered" paedophile ring, well - it actually makes more sense than not. West himself, also openly spoke about his own cult (ring) that he was involved with in Gloucester, which included his brother John, wife Rose, very likely Rose's father Bill Letts and others. It has been alleged that Rose West's grandfather used to get by seeing to the needs of rich women in Devon (a type of gigolo).

Fred West and Scotland - "Scottish" Rena Costello and Anne McFall
"She (Rena) was prostitutin' from the caravan..." (the modus operandi of victim selection and destination). 
West: "Ana. I met Ana in Glasgow in Scotland she was the children's nanny. She work for my wife, Rena." 
It looks like Fred kept quiet about Scotland though...why does he even mention about supply elsewhere!? The above is before Fred has met Rose, and before life at Cromwell Street, this being the early procurement methodology. At Cromwell Street, extensive research showed that around 200 young people either stayed at, or visited, the house during two decades. 
Below - he describes the operation, but now with the involvement of Rose.
None of this should detract you from the fact, that Fred West was still himself - a torture/murderer.
Due to his being found hanged, West would never publicly speak about the murders again.

Sandra Brown suspected that Moira's body could've been concealed in a grave, this particular grave was investigated, but the remains were not found on excavation. Was it the right grave?
I find the above finding quite "synchronistic" - as in the previous post I mentioned the proximity of a Seventh Day Adventist Church, merely feet from West's Cromwell Street home. One that offers funeral services, and according to chief investigator Bennet - it was seemingly linked (see below).
 West associate and "paedo" Gallogley, was an elder at Calder Parish Church in Coatbridge, he was in regular contact with children at the Sunday school, and considered beyond reproach. 

"By November 1973 they had been living in the house (Cromwell St.) a little over a year. The builders were still working on the church next door and finishing touches were still being put to the bathroom extension like tar and sealant to keep the winter out. They called it an extension but it was really an outbuilding; a heat-leaking, flimsy envelope of space. So add dirt and treaded mud to the lodgers and their noise, and runaways and misfits coming round and the dealers, and with the dealers the busts and the Bill (police), and you had what many of them living there at the time called pandom. Pandom, short for pandemonium. Beautiful pandemonium."
Happy Like Murderers - Gordon Burn

Well, well...it seems that Gartside's daughter Sandra Brown was CORRECT and all along! (2014)
This also makes Gallogley correct via his confession too - what else might he have been right about?

I wouldn't say that the "dossier" is a cruel hoax (not imo), especially not on the back of a Scottish (and very likely masonic) copper! Buchanan, (erroneously) claims that there are no links to be found with this trio. Buchanan has publicly quipped: "the only name missing is the Yorkshire Ripper." 

Well - Alan, I'm sure I can fit Sutcliffe into all this, and without too much trouble - "jingle, jangle...how's about that then boys and girls?" (wink, wink). "Excuse me Jimmy, can we have a cast for a Ripper bite sample?" Savile moved into this particular (Roundhay, Leeds) flat in the 70s, located very near where the 3rd victim (Irene Richardson) was found in 1977. Broadmoor buddies - Jimmy and Peter with Bruno, note the masonic handshake.  Sutcliffe had already struck near Savile’s flat a year before he murdered Irene. He attacked Marcella Claxton (in virtually the same spot), 20, in May 1976 and battered her over the head in Roundhay Park, she survived. Sutcliffe would even specifically reference 'Savile and his flat' (mentioning "a car pulling in there and hearing voices") to police when discussing the Richardson murder. Savile, would also abuse his paper boy at the property in 1975. They also both worked with "the dead" - Savile at morgues/mortuaries, and Sutcliffe a grave digger at Bingley, which did have mortuary aspects too. In the same timeframe he would work part-time at Bingley town morgue. Sutcliffe was known to have played pranks and stolen rings from the hands of the dead. Savile and Sutcliffe would both also regularly use prostitutes in Leeds. 
Savile was a Broadmoor porter in the early 50s, before going on to run dance halls. Later, Savile would eventually have his own set of keys, own quarters etc - thanks mainly to government sociopaths like Owen and Currie. In 1988, the Department of Health suspended the whole management board of Broadmoor and put Savile in charge of running the place. On 4 April 1979 Sutcliffe killed (10th victim) Josephine Whitaker, a 19 year-old building society clerk whom he attacked on Savile Park Moor in Halifax, as she was walking home. The water-muddying "Wearside Jack" audio tape followed on the back of this killing - hindering the investigation. Despite forensic evidence, police efforts were diverted for several months, Keystone Cop Oldfield, conveniently got carried-away with the recording, directing the case down a (masonic?) cul-de-sac by ruling-out anyone who wasn't "Geordie". 

The Yorkshire Ripper crimes would do much to generate a climate of fear around heterosexual men.
It looks as though father John Sutcliffe, suspected that Peter might be a bit of a "nancy boy".
For John Sutcliffe, his greatest concerns about his son were allayed by the time Peter celebrated his 18th birthday. Although he never did share his fathers love of sport, he had taken up body-building and other manly pursuits, including a passion for riding and repairing motorbikes. The only other concern was that Peter still showed no interest in girls, and had never had a girlfriend.  Leeds Sutcliffe - was born in 1946, from the age of 18 he became interested in 'body building'. 
Leeds Savile - by 1966 was President of NABBA (National Amateur Body-Builders' Association), and was until the early 70s.
Iron - aka "poof/gay'" (a type of inbuilt double entendre)
Butler and Gaines wrote "Pumping Iron" - Arnie (black ploughman) Schwarzenegger's breakout piece. 
Pumping "iron" - "pumping a poof." Note, Freemason - Peter "Any Old Iron" Sellers.
Dying to Be Arnie - The Observer | October 31, 2004 (Hallowe'en, as per!)
J. Paul Getty Jnr (his son) would be patron to Kenneth "OTO/Gay" Anger - who would make Lucifer Rising. Mr Universe was organised by Oscar Heidenstam, who was also apparently gay. It's alleged that when Arnie came to the UK in the early 60s, he was heavily involved with Savile and Wag Bennett (below left). Body-building hunks, an interest for women and gay men. 
He would also live with a gay man (a sugar daddy) - John Dixey, a British businessman and well-known aficionado of muscle boys, who was very, very kind to Arnold.  You have to understand, before Arnold came on the scene, it was common currency that body-builders were less than macho—it was absolutely given and accepted that they supported themselves by catering to the tastes of wealthy gay men.” (Arnold quits the "Fag Business"). Savile would present Arnie with his very first Mr Universe title - the springboard to his success. Savile, a wrestler - 'grappling with men in lycra', - a disc jockey or a dick jockey? 
Don't discount this, Savile was on the cover of the launch issue of "Gay News" (linked to CHE) and on the cover of Lunch (gay) magazine with "Britain's No.1 Homosexual" next to his name! Savile was heavily associated with Thatcher aka the "Iron Lady". By the end of the 50s Savile was a director of the Mecca club company. The Mecca/Palais club in Edinburgh had Sean "007" Connery as a bouncer in the early 60s. Connery would also do body building training backstage at the same venue. 
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" Arthur C Clarke (homosexual).
Of course, it would be Savile as the prototype dancehall DJ, that led to disco/clubs, as in the scene above.
An Unauthorized Biography: Arnold, by Wendy Leigh. Having arrived in the United States under the patronage of the body builder Joe Weider, “Arnold immediately took posing lessons from Dick Tyler.
The music picked for his posing routine - Strauss’s Thus Spake Zarathustra. The Nietzschean (nazi) ubermensch, music as featured in (homo) A C Clarke/Kubrick's 2001, nazi propaganda linked (ashke-nazi) Jew Kubrick.
I will make you understand the links between "homosexuality and the occult" - if you don't already!

Many of these marked areas are relevant to much of the overall body of this post.
Ripper areas, Savile haunts, Moors Murders, North Wales Care Homes (Wrexham), Hillsboro', Bennell's Crewe.

How many times was Sutcliffe interviewed, it was 9 times? Sutcliffe was also one of the people connected to the £5 clue, which was eventually whittled-down to just under 250 people. 
INTERVIEW #7: January 13 1980:
Due to a failure in the incident room indexing, either through missing or misplaced cards, the officers were unaware of Sutcliffe's more recent interviews, only aware of his interviews in the previous £5 note inquiries (interviews #1 and #2). This ultimately meant missing awareness of interviews #3, #4, #5 and #6. Interview #5 was the most crucial of all 9 interviews with the police!

INTERVIEW #5: July 29 1979
 For the first, and only, time Sutcliffe's answers and demeanour did not allow him to avoid the suspicion of the officers that there was "something not quite right about this man." When the two DCs  went to interview Sutcliffe they did not know that he had been questioned about the £5 note, nor did they know he had been questioned about the frequency of his red Corsair in red-light areas. (Meaning they were missing knowledge of all four previous interviews!) His file in the Ripper Incident Room was almost two years out of date! DC Laptew's two page report, detailing his suspicions, and that Sutcliffe should be seen by senior detectives, was passed on where it was considered about nine months later by two superintendents, including DS Dick Holland, second-in-charge of the entire inquiry. The report for this most crucial interview was effectively 'lost' (idle in the system) and playing no part for the remaining four interviews, and ultimately the case. It's been ascertained that on 4 occasions (from 9) the interviewing officer, or officers, thought they were questioning Sutcliffe for the very first time (as this #5 example demonstrated).

Laptew - doing the right thing and being stopped in his tracks!
Dick Holland was potentially a "rat" and a "Ripper gatekeeper". 
The least you can say (based on the above) is that he was wilfully ignorant and negligent in his overall duty. Holland would turn out to have form, as an officer he had suppressed forensic evidence five years earlier, which led to Stefan Kiszko's wrongful conviction for the murder of 11 year-old Lesley Molseed. Kiszko spent 16 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit, and died a year after being released. 

Holland, you were a "cunt" of a man - gatekeeping Sutcliffe for your masonic buddies (so more could be killed), and destroying the life of an innocent man and his mother, by fabricating evidence and bully an innocent into confessing. This cunt, even tried to blame a dead officer for his criminal transgressions. The UK police force wants GUTTING from top to bottom and replaced with actual human beings. Any forms of masonic membership MUST be publicly declared and made common knowledge, and then bring in a programme with a view to making membership of these "organised criminal lodges" an offence in itself. We need to stop this "quasi-Jewish religion" from wielding any more power or influence - and close this "kiddy fiddling/raping" club down!

INTERVIEW #8: January 30 1980
Sutcliffe claimed that the policemen also had a photograph of his boot print left at the scene of the murder of Josephine Whitaker, and that he was wearing the same boots when interviewed. "I stayed dead calm, and as I got into the wagon I realised I was standing on the steps, which were mesh, and they could look up and see for themselves that I was wearing those boots. But they didn't. They couldn't see what were in front of their own eyes."
The over-reliance of the police on the hoax letters and tape ('hoodwinked' by Jack The 'Wearside' Ripper), rather than the more substantial clues from survivors and murder scenes, contributed greatly to Sutcliffe's avoidance of becoming a prime suspect as it gave him an "out". The investigation used the tape/letters as a point of elimination rather than a line of enquiry, no surviving witness ever made mention of a 'Geordie/Wearside' accent.

"Physical evidence from several of the the Ripper murders pointed to a killer who was not just type B, but a B secretor. This means that the B antigens are secreted and show up in body fluids. Those who stated Sutcliffe was type B, also said that he was a non-secretor, which would mean that the body fluids found at the crime scenes were not from him. Whether he was identified as a type B non-secretor or as a type O, either way he could not be linked to those particular murders. And since there is no way of changing or disguising your blood group, that is decisive, damning evidence that there were two killers."
Conspiracy! 49 Reasons to Doubt, 50 Reasons to Believe - Ian Shircore

Detective Chief Superintendent Lapish, Bradford C.I.D. 1978.
"We must now face the very real possibility that there is a second man preying on women." 

 Daily Mail. 1978. - "Copy-Cat Ripper at Large." 
 Sunday Times 'Insight.' 1980. "Oldfield conceded to us - that there is not one Ripper, but - at least - two." 

 R.J.P. Warren ~ Deputy Chairman of West Yorkshire Police Authority. 1989.
"It was known in the top echelons of the police that two men were involved in the series of murders." 

 Ian Smith ~ Editor of Ch. Con. Ronald Gregory's Memoirs. 1983.
"I agree with your premise that Sutcliffe was not responsible for all the murders."

 Brian Marriner 'A century of Sex Killers.'"I don't think now that Sutcliffe did all the killings he Confessed to."

Former West Yorkshire detective John Stainthorpe told ITV Yorkshire Calendar News that Savile was brought in for questioning after members of the public contacted the police naming the eccentric DJ as a possible killer.
The first Ripper victim's body was found in Prince Phillip Playing Fields, Leeds. In 1952 - Prince Philip allegedly initiated into Freemasonry, Navy Lodge, No. 2612 UGLE, London. Yes folks, just like the original "masonic laced/driven" and "royal connected via Cleveland St/Sickert" - the 1888 'Jack The Ripper' killings. The Yorkshire Ripper case could possibly be likewise. The "Wearside Jack" hoaxer sent two letters signed-off with "Jack The Ripper". Perhaps, we might view the districts of Chapeltown (Leeds) and Whitechapel (London), as being symbolically related, as are some of the prostitute elements.  Sutcliffe would own a black Sunbeam Rapier NKU 888H, used during some murders.

Searches of the paperwork relating to the (Ripper) investigation have identified (at least) four index cards relating to Savile - via FOI. ” It said one made “reference to Savile offering his services as an intermediary for the police, should the ‘Ripper’ wish to make contact”. 
Saville (sic) and in brackets (famous one)
The above card was filled in by Savile himself - so, why has he written his own name incorrectly 'Saville', and not 'Savile'? Another document refers to a “white Cortina”, a vehicle linked to an attempted killing, Maureen Long (who survived). A card referencing a 'white Ford Cortina' to the Ripper case - and somehow related to Savile (did he own such a car, was he seen in one?). 

Early hours 10th July 1977. The official record says that the 'vehicle' in question (white Cortina) was mistaken for Sutcliffe's white Ford Corsair (his car at the time), but I can find two references to the car being identified as a 'white Ford and/or a white Ford Cortina'. The nightwatchman describes seeing a Ford Cortina Mark II (white, with black roof, see below), driving away from the scene. The recovered Maureen Long also (apparently, see here) made the claim that her attacker had driven a 'white Ford, with black roof' - and that her driver/attacker had collar-length wiry blond hair. It was only 'retrospectively' (after arrest) that it was accepted that it must've been Sutcliffe's Corsair. After his arrest (Jan 81), Sutcliffe claimed that he had coincidentally seen Long - 'face to face' and only two weeks prior (out shopping), but she didn't recognise/react to him. Victim Long had been to the Bradford Mecca on the night of the attack, and was picked-up after leaving there, it's a club that we know Savile had a controlling interest in (referenced later). He became a director of Mecca in the very late 50s (running 50+ clubs, mainly Northern), formerly being the "dancing area manager" for Lancs/Yorks. 
The very next Bradford victim, who was murdered (the Jordan and Moore attacks in-between, other locations) is Pearson, and just over 6 months after (Bradford) survivor Long - the case with another 'Cortina' link.

Sutcliffe's confession/testimony - another instance where a 'light-coloured Cortina' features.
"The one I did after Moore was Yvonne Pearson at Bradford (21 Jan 1978). A light grey or fawn Mark II Cortina started backing out of Southfield Square, so I slowed down to let it out. On reflection it was a very fateful moment for her, me just slowing down as she came along. It was a sequence of events. I was simply on my way home from work at the time. A car backed out into the road, I had to stop suddenly. She came straight round the same corner the car had reversed from. She tapped on the window and opened the door. It was a complete surprise to me because I wasn't looking for a prostitute at all. She said, 'Are you' - you know, having business or something. I asked her where she sprung from because it happened so suddenly. She said, 'It's good timing, or you can put it down to fate.' Unfortunately for her, I thought this was my direct signal. "I remember stopping on the way home and I just sat in the car trying to work out why I had done this killing. My mind was in a turmoil."

(Hard to argue that he wasn't 'pounced on' in the above, could she have also been connected to the reversing car?)

This photofit from the next murder - only 10 days after the (Cortina linked) Pearson death - 31 Jan 1978.
Right: Issued on May 1 1978 of a man seen in the area (Huddersfield) when/where Helen Rytka was killed.
The other photofits tend to look more like Sutcliffe, darker colouring and facial hair. Don't forget, the two attacks in Roundhay Park (near Savile's flat) took place in May '76 and Feb '77. The "Savile Park" Whitaker murder (Halifax) - occurred Apr '79.

Sutcliffe was asked why he placed a Irene Richardson's boots over her legs before he left Roundhay Park. He said: 
"For two reasons. One, because I could hear voices from I don’t know where and a car had just driven into an entrance just behind the building — that was the block of flats I found out later where Jimmy Savile lived. Secondly I was surprised to see how luminous she appeared in the dark."

Meanwhile, in a separate twist, it emerged that Savile told Surrey police in 2009 he had pals in forensics in Wetherby, West Yorkshire. Until 2012 there was a forensic lab there which dealt with Ripper murder evidence (the original case was overseen by West Yorks police). This from The Mirror (another, but different reference) - “He told me he had been questioned by police after the body of a young girl was found near his home covered in bite marks,” said Georgina. “Jimmy said they had made him hand over a sample bite mark. But he was always bragging about how he was protected and had people who looked after him." She said: “He told me so many warped secrets and let me in on things I now realise are significant to detectives ­investigating what he did...I know more about him than the police know. He was obsessed with death and with the Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe. He would always tell me how he had to be careful, especially with the ‘birds’. When we went out in his car he would point out spots where dead bodies had been found and claim the Ripper had not been working alone.” 

I bet I am not the only one who was suspicious of the arrest of Yorkshire Ripper, Peter Sutcliffe.
Yes folks, it was a man called "RING" who busted the Yorkshire "masonic" Ripper case, that's what we were officially told. Although the case has lead by West Yorkshire police, the arrest of Sutcliffe would occur in South Yorkshire police territory.

Sgt Bob RING
Hydes and Ring - is this potential "masonic twilight language"? (Hidden Ring)
The same Robert Hydes, by then a Detective Constable, but still based at Hammerton Rd, who also had a minor role to play in the aftermath of the Hillsborough Disaster eight years later. Light Trades House, Sheffield, where Sutcliffe got apprehended, was just two miles from Hillsborough.

On the night of Sutcliffe's arrest (by Hydes/Ring), he was picked-up in his (false plated) parked car with a prostitute. After police checked the plates and having removed the girl from the car, Sutcliffe felt the need to urinate and the officers allowed him to do so. Out of sight and away from the car. Why would a suspect be allowed to slip out of sight, what about the potential for escape? The police had already established that the plates were false, and that he was sitting with a prostitute - both which are crimes. False plates indicate that they're likely for the purposes of committing criminal acts. We're led to believe that this "brief toilet escapade" - is what gave Sutcliffe the opportunity to grab and partially conceal the knife and hammer, placed against a wall behind an oil storage tank. 
(A) Car at scene of arrest. (B) Oil storage tank. Light Trades House, Melbourne Ave, Broomhill, Sheffield. 
Ecclesall electoral ward was divided into Ecclesall, Broomhill and Hallam. The name Ecclesall - probably derives from Heeksel-Hallr meaning the witches' hill.
Extract from Peter Sutcliffe's confession (January 4/5 1981)
"The next one was Josephine Whitaker at Halifax. By this time I had a black fast back Sunbeam Rapier NKU 888H. I had sold my red Corsair to a chap who lived in Eccles-hill, because it had a raggy gear box." 

Broomhill and witches' hill. There is a Middle High German word häckel, Dutch hecksel (from where 'hex' likely derives), meaning a witch. Eccles, on the outskirts of Manchester, therefore likely means 'witch'. 
The X43 bus route (continuous since 1948) run by Transdev in Burnley & Pendle has been branded "The Witch Way', with some of the vehicles operating on it named after the witches in the trial. Pendle Hill, which dominates the landscape of the area, continues to be associated with witchcraft, and hosts a hilltop gathering every Halloween. The "Witch Way" bus branding (above) was introduced in 2005. The route begins in Skipton (where Sutcliffe made deliveries) and ends in Manchester. The "Witch Way" route used to operate through Keigh-ley. Keighley is where Sutcliffe's initiatory "ripper campaign" attack began (ignoring the sock incident in 1969). The attack on Anna Rogulskyj, July 5th 1975, the first attack with a hammer and knife. She was lucky to survive (she had a 12 hour emergency operation), after a disturbance thwarted some of the attack.

When arrested at Light Trades, Broomhill - Sutcliffe also had another knife (in his coat) and a piece of rope, neither of which he took the opportunity to offload at the scene (as he'd done with the hammer and other knife)? Surely, they'd be potentially incriminating too? The police next took Sutcliffe back to the station for questioning. 
An epitaph found in the cab of his truck.

By 2:30 am Peter Sutcliffe was asleep in his cell: "I just went to sleep, I did. I felt, like always, that I'd get out of this one if I wanted to. I could convince them it were just theft. I were still being fed instructions as to how I could go on with my mission(Voices from "God" etc. If there is mind control involved, this could be a marker) although I'd been prevented from killing that girl in the car."
14+ years later, and he very nearly remembers the exact name from that experience, he at least captures the substantial essence. Trial - Mr Sutcliffe had also seen other 'foreign words' on another gravestone. Dr Milne: "Translated they mean 'somebody is speaking to you.' This is a most incredible place for someone to have a primary schizophrenic experience."
"I remember getting a message from the grave. I looked at several graves. I was looking round to determine where the sound came from. After looking at the grave I walked back. I was kind of transfixed because of the voice. I just stepped back and I didn't know what to think at first."

Sutcliffe claimed, before and at trial (and incessantly throughout it), that he was being guided by (what he called) the "voice of God" (first heard around 1966/67) and for a 'specific purpose'. There were apparently brief moments though, where he questioned whether he might be being driven by evil. Sutcliffe claimed that the voice first originated from the headstone of a deceased Polish man, Bronisław Zapolski (a Jewish name). Sutcliffe's father-in-law Bodhan Szurma, a Czech immigrant, was born in Poland.
This experience happened during his second spell as a gravedigger at Bing-ley, and he describes the event as a type of transformative epiphany - 'a chosen one, for a mission'. He had suppressed this "voice and its mission" for some years, before attacking women, and then eventually killing them from 1975 onwards. 
Incidentally, one of the strong suspects for the JTR killings was a Polish Jew called Kosminski, strangely, he would also suffer from 'auditory hallucinations' and was classed a paranoid schizophrenic (Sutcliffe's diagnosis). Kosminski was born on Sept 11 (1865), and 100 years before Zapolski died (1965).

Sutcliffe also claimed that this was very much against his will, and that he had not enjoyed the task etc. The voices are also described as sometimes being like echoes, sometimes very clear, sometimes not. He said that he had received hundreds of messages from the voice (God). Mr Sutcliffe: "Soon after this incident my attitude towards prostitutes changed." When asked by Mr Chadwin about the connection of the voices to his change in attitude towards prostitutes, Mr Sutcliffe replied: "I heard a voice which kept saying I had got to go on with a mission and it had a purpose." The mental health experts who testified at the trial all believed that he was a paranoid schizophrenic, and that he was not feigning his mental illness. Some mentioned that the incident at the cemetery was the catalyst - his primary schizophrenic experience.

From a Sutcliffe cemetery to a Savile mortuary.
West Yorkshire Police - who headed the Ripper investigation.

It was on Ring's arrival for his shift the following day, and the fact that Sutcliffe was still being questioned, that led to a breakthrough. This was 24 hours after Sutcliffe's arrest - Ring's shift starting at 10pm. Apparently, due to Sutcliffe's ongoing station presence, Ring would only now recall that he might've had heard a "disturbance/clinking sound" - from when they had allowed Sutcliffe to relieve himself (why would you remember this the following day, and not at the time?) We're led to believe that it's because of the police's building suspicion that Sutcliffe may be the Ripper. It was on this "sound disturbance" recall, that Ring returned to the arrest location (late at night 11pm), and searched around the area where Sutcliffe had supposedly urinated - finding a knife and a hammer. Bob 'knife/hammer' Ring, would also be the one who thought to look in the station toilet cistern, it was he that found that knife.

When brought to the station the previous night, Sutcliffe still had on his person, a knife and a piece of rope - why was he not thoroughly searched? Even when he was returned to Dewsbury the following day (after having been taken to Sheffield earlier), they then found coins in his pocket. A wide directive had been issued, stating that any men picked up in these areas with prostitutes, and under suspicious circumstances, were to be referred to the Ripper inquiry. I know they don't yet have reason to suspect (at this stage) that he's the Ripper, but he's committed two crimes and fitted the directive. Sutcliffe, on using the toilet immediately again (having just arrived at the station), was also apparently able to secrete the knife (he didn't dump earlier) into a police station toilet cistern! If we're dealing/hypothesising about huge establishment based cover-ups, and ones involving masonic police and legal personnel - then there is a potential for ALL these 'found items' to have been planted. I'm not saying they were, I am just saying that it is possible. The knife and hammer were found the next day, the other knife in the police station cistern was found later. Insp Boyle, before things developed, was ready to let the suspect go, but the Superintendent intervened.

Sutcliffe would actually "support" Savile when the mass of child abuse allegations began to stack-up. Both men were born and bred in Yorkshire and some 13 miles apart.

In Dewsbury police station, Sutcliffe was waiting for an opportunity to confess. Insp. John Boyle was talking to him.

Boyle: "I believe you put the false number plates on to conceal the identity of the vehicle in the red-light district."
Sutcliffe: "That is not true. To be honest with you, I've been so depressed that I put them on because I was thinking of committing a crime with the car." 
Boyle: "Why did you leave your car and go to the side of that house?"
Sutcliffe: "To urinate."
Boyle: "I think you went for another purpose. Do you understand what I am saying? I think you are in serious trouble."
Sutcliffe: "I think you have been leading up to it."
Boyle: "Leading up to what?"
Sutcliffe :"The Yorkshire Ripper"
Boyle: "What about the Yorkshire Ripper?"
Sutcliffe: "Well, it's me. I'm glad its all over"


When asked what had made him admit to being the Yorkshire Ripper, Mr Sutcliffe replied:
"I had just been given a signal through the police that it was time to tell them."
Mr Chadwin: "How did that come about?"
Mr Sutcliffe: "I was asked if I remembered going to the wall where I had parked the car in Sheffield and I realised that this was the time to tell them, because they were saying, in other words, that they had found the weapons I had hidden."
Mr Chadwin: "I want you to explain to the jury; you have said you had been given the signal through the police that now was the time to tell them. You said through the police - from whom?"
Mr Sutcliffe: "From God." (the voice)

Anyway, before the Savile/Ripper excursion I was discussing the potential relationship of killers West, Gallogley and Gartshore - the "ring" details given in the confession. The one written-off by police. The 'Gallogley dossier' also made reference to the 'Barrowland Ballroom' linked 60s killer - "Bible John".

The History of Live Music in Britain, Volume I: 1950-1967: From Dance Hall to the 100 Club
West also mentioned the "La Cave Jazz Club" (Midland Street, off Jamaica Street, Glasgow) earlier.

Midland Road, Glasgow - 25 Midland Road, Glos - 25 Cromwell St, Glos

How can anyone be sure that West didn't make trips to Scotland, before and after he officially left at the turn of 65/66?

Fred and Rena married in 1962.

Fred West and Barrowland, Glagow. The official record shows West leaving Glasgow Dec '65.
"Fred had come to Glasgow as he had family and friends in the area."
I've noted that some have already remarked on comparisons between Savile and the late 60s serial killer. An unsolved case, three young woman were murdered (raped/strangled) by the killer, after first meeting them at the Barrowland Ballroom in Glasgow, Scotland, between Feb 1968 and Oct 1969.
Bible John e-fit (left) - and Savile
The final rape/strangulation took place on Hallowe'en, Savile's birthdate. This victim also suffered a deep bite mark. Savile would be 43 years-old at the time of the final murder. A sister of the final victim (who travelled in the cab with the suspect and sibling), described the suspect as being aged between 25-30, the door staff's description of the same man is somewhat different. The man is merely a suspect, it is still unknown as to whether the man in the cab did the killing. All three women were menstruating, which could be an 'occult link'.

A new community centre was opened in (Gorbals) Glasgow yesterday by Sir Jimmy Savile. (Aug 1998)
He’d started out in the early 1950s, putting on his pioneering “record dances” for any dance hall that would have him. He landed an assistant manager job (rising to manager) at Mecca Locarno Ballroom (Leeds), where he had worked part-time as a schoolboy. Discreet beginnings, but he was soon Mecca “dancing area manager” in Lancashire and Yorkshire, and before the decade’s end he was a director of the company. Most of the fifty-two venues he ran were in the North, but not all. It was while manager and DJ at Mecca (Leeds), that he crossed paths with a Decca (and Mecca, lol) executive (and DJ at Radio Luxembourg) who gave him an audition for the station. This is how he would breakout - and into nationwide audiences. The Mecca Locarno (Leeds) was instrumental in this rise.

Savile interview (2 days after his death, published on hallowe'en) - the world's first superstar DJ
 "I finished up running 52 dance halls and employing 400 disc jockeys. They made me a director of the company and I left my DJing thing and looked after the whole shebang, the whole of Mecca Ltd."
Locarno. (Legacies of Paul de Man - Marc Redfield) "Etymologically, the name is Celtic, Loc-ar-on, meaning a town situated beside a river or lake. 'Arno' itself has a Celtic or Ligurian, that is, pre-Latin, etymology meaning "river". 'Loc-' may come from the Celtic (Gaelic) Loch, water." It's also the name of an Italian speaking (Swiss) town, and linked to post-WWI treatise.
He has now told police about the attack, which happened in 1961 at the Mecca Locarno ballroom in Leeds, which Savile ran before becoming famous at the BBC. “As that poor girl was being raped there were four or five others queuing up outside for autographs.”

Below text comment - about the same Leeds Locarno, it would close in 1969, a new Mecca club would open in Merrion, Leeds.

Leeds, Glasgow and Bradford - Savile and these types of clubs, it's hard not to argue that Savile ultimately created the model for what would be a typical 'nightclub'. It's even possible that Sutcliffe could've gone to one of these (Savile connected) club nights, perhaps at some point. Victim Maureen Long was picked-up from outside the Mecca (Bradford) where she'd been. Sutcliffe's wife Sonia would mention them going to Rockefella's in Leeds (in an interview), an upmarket club where certain celebrities, Leeds Utd players and gangsters would apparently hangout, I think the Merrion Mecca (Leeds) was close-by. We know that Moors Murderer's (Gorbals born) Brady and Hindley attended Savile event(s). It wouldn't be unusual for folk from those locations (Leeds/BradfordManchester/Glasgow). It was in the BBC documentary "When Louis Met Jimmy" - that the tale of Savile running a Glasgow nightclub (tying people up etc) is discussed.

Anyway, it's easy to link Gartshore, Gallogley and West - mainly via the shared aspects of the Coatbridge location, Rena Costello, the bus depot, and some of their own goddamn claims! We already know that West was unlikely involved with Moira Anderson's death, but this doesn't preclude other potential associations! If West was involved with Moira in any way - he would be 16 years-old, Moira disappearing in 1957, and putting West in Scotland before any currently known timeline. I've already demonstrated how INEPT the police and other authorities were with the (linked) West killings! The authorities couldn't even stop West from killing himself while on suicide watch in prison, and while he "knowingly" had a suicide kit. 

2014 vs 2006
The HOAX that NEVER was!
Why are (and have) the Scottish police been SO insistent on all this being a HOAX? They've already been PROVED WRONG about Gartshore and Moira! The dossier is (ironically) MORE RELIABLE than the law enforcement agencies that have been involved with it! The same agencies that seemed "assured" with their 'former hoax' claims. If not for the persistence of the public (in spite of Strathclyde police incompetence and duplicity, see Alan Buchanan), this case would never have been solved! You cannot stretch credulity this far and expect folk to buy it - any of it! It's not my fault that the elite's sick crimes are now so huge, that the "gatekeeping" police cannot keep a lid on things any longer! In light of the dossier's claim (linked to Crown Office, Police and political involvement), it is CLEAR that Scottish authority bodies, should not be involved in investigating any of this - if only for the the (apparent) "conflict of interest" issue alone! Same is true of the Gloucestershire Police and Glos. Social Services - and in respect of the West killings!

On the subject of bus drivers and buses, West picked-up many of his victims from bus-stops, he would first meet Rose at one too. Even his former wife Rena Costello had worked as a bus conductress, Baxter's where Gartshore also worked as a driver (as did Gallogley, I believe?). Costello's asian lover (Charmaine's father) was a bus driver too (he is occasionally referred to as a 'pimp'). Moira was last seen on a bus to Coatbridge, one driven by child abuser Gartshore. Two months after Moira disappeared, Gartshore would be jailed for sex offences against a 13 year-old babysitter. 

Moira - was sent off by her uncle John to buy a box of (Rowntree's) Black Magic chocolates for her mother’s birthday. The Old English name of the Rowan Tree (RownTree) is cwic-beám, which survives in the name quickbeam (also quicken, quicken-tree, and variants). This name by the 19th century was reinterpreted as connected to the word witch, from a dialectal variant 'wick for quick' and names such as wicken-tree, wich-tree, wicky, wiggan-tree, giving rise to names such as witch-hazel and witch-tree. (likely also connected to wicca). It was said in England that this was the tree (Rowan) on which the Devil hanged his mother.  Sir James Frazer (1890) reported such a tradition in Scotland, where the tree was often planted near a gate or front door.  In some lore, it was considered the threshold, between this world and otherworld, or between here and where ever you may be going. It wouldn't have been unusual to select these chocolates, choices were very limited - 'Milk Tray' and 'All Gold', 'Dairy Box' and 'Week-End' - being other popular brands of the limited few available at the time.
 Moira's remains were said to be in the Tarry Burn, which runs from a former ironworks into Witch-wood Pond. Oddly, "Black Magic" was also the name of the West's bar at their Cromwell St. home. I raised many of the West's "witch" links/aspects in the previous post. There's potentially some "occult twilight language" going on there (with Black Magic/Witchwood). It's Gallogley - who allegedly linked his friend West to Moira's abuse, that's why I mention these odd overlaps. 
The West's lived near and frequently visited the Forest of Dean - see link, Dymock curse etc (Fred born a few miles away), linked to nearby Ledbury, where West married. The area has historically (and even in more modern times) been connected to witches/witchcraft - all overlapping with the West Midlands "Black Country" region(s).

Monklands, Coatbridge, Gorbals, Witchwood Ponds, West's allotment, Calder Church, Paisley, Ibrox, Kilsyth...
Dossier: "It is also believed to list vehicles and safe houses in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children where hidden before being taken to sex parties." 
West and Paisley - "Each morning Fred travelled across the city to a depot in Paisley, where he collected a yellow (ice cream) van decorated with four large blue beacons. (West would also mention Bristol parties.)
(Fred And Rose: The Full Story of Fred and Rose West and the Gloucester House of Horrors - Howard Sounes).

West would start married life with Rena (in Glasgow) at a small flat - 46 Hospital Street, Coatbridge, and placing him very, very near to Gallogley's Calder Parish Church (minutes by foot). They would next move to 25 Savoy Street (Coatbridge), the first of three addresses where Fred was to live for an extended period which were numbered 25. The other two being Gloucester's 25 Midland Road, and 25 Cromwell Street, both of which would contain bodies.
The dossier claims that West killed 57 in Scotland - the (last) total count giving 110 to 135 victims.
In the Moira Anderson timeframe (late 50s), West was already a fully-fledged child abuser, involving sexual activity with his parents, siblings and other girls. 1961 - Fred (at 19 years-old) freely admitted to police that he had molested young girls since his early teens
The only potential limiting factor therefore, is his ability to be in Scotland. I doubt that West's movements as a young/mid-teen have been fully examined in any appreciable way. He claimed during the early 60s (while in Scotland) that he had friends and family in Glasgow. West would also darkly boast many years later - "I still have my Scottish connection." (see Sounes).
I doubt (in this instance) that he meant the "connection" in terms of body disposal, but in terms of being protected!
The Scottish serial killer "Robert Black" is also alleged to have been involved, at least according to the Gallogley dossier.

Recall the earlier "dossier" reference - 'freemasons' West/Gartshore, and linked to Gallogley. The latter, who claimed that he killed a girl and dumped her body at Ibrox stadium while it was being redeveloped after the 1971 disaster (Rangers v Celtic). It was "Big Jock Stein" (a Freemason) who was manager at the time, 66 deaths. It was the worst British football disaster until Hillsborough. The German word stein means "stone" and the surname originally described someone who lived on stony ground or (occupationally) someone who worked in stone, such as a mason or stonecutter. It has also been derived from Steven. Stein also became through Yiddish a Jewish name, when Jewish people were obliged to adopt surnames for themselves in the early part of the 19th century.
Black Saturn(day) - Burnbank born Stein, like Savile would come from an early "mine working" background. Stein first played for senior club Albion Rovers as a trialist in a 4–4 draw against Celtic on 14 November 1942. Three weeks later, Stein was signed for the Coatbridge club (another Coatbridge link). West, Costello, Gartshore and (Ibrox, post disaster body burying) Gallogley are all linked by Coatbridge, Lanarkshire.  Gallogley was also an elder at Calder Parish Church, Coatbridge. Gartshore left Glasgow in 1965 for Leeds, which was a major Savile haunt, he was born and buried there, the lease on his Leeds flat began in 1971, he was working as porter at Leeds General Infirmary in the early and late 60s. Stein even briefly managed Leeds Utd. Potentially linked Gartshore and West - would both leave Glasgow in 1965, West heading for Bishop's Cleve, Glos. West would be in Glasgow from mid-to-late 1962 - to late 1965.
Motherwell is right alongside Burnbank. Savile visited here with Tam 'Bay City Rollers' Paton (1977)
Coach James McCafferty, linked to Celtic, Hibs and Motherwell has now been implicated in child abuse.
Mines, miners and minors. Stein continued to work in the coal mines during the week, which was a reserved occupation during the Second World War. Savile was conscripted to work in the coal mines as a Bevin Boy during the Second World War. Mynah (minor) bird owning and Savile linked - Fr. Denis O'Connell's of St Patrick's parish in Kilsyth (see above). O'Connell would run St Pat's with assistance from Fr Keith O'Brien (Keith was apparently Denis' altar boy). Savile, apparently spent a good deal of time in Kilsyth, and with O'Connell or (investigated abuser) O'Brien. O'Brien, Britain's most senior Catholic clergyman would resign as head of the Scottish Catholic Church in 2013 (over his longterm inappropriate behaviour). O'Connell died in 1997.

The national sport in Scotland (just like England and Wales) is 'authority cover-ups' of wide-reaching paedophile rings, ones that those same authorities are implicated in. The rot is deep, almost endless.
It was O'Connell (likely with the aid of Savile) who arranged for the Tam 'paedo' Paton's Bay City Rollers to play Colzium House estate, near Kilsyth in 1976. Savile's friend O'Connell had previously worked in London for the BBC, as a consultant on Catholic and Religious broadcasting.

Stein and (Kilsyth) O'Connell with paedophile Savile at the 1976 Community Games
It was in support of Fr. O'Connell's Community Games that Jimmy first sported his famous half Celtic half Rangers top which he often replicated on his other Scottish visits.
 1977, following year. More 'tie-ins' with Tam 'paedo' Paton, and his (paedo related) Bay City Rollers, who link to Jonathan "padeo/Walton Hop' King, they (BCR) visited Walton and King did produce for them. It is alleged that Paton and (BBC) Denning are linked via Scotland (Little Kellerstain) and the Walton Hop, Savile will be somewhere in there too. 
Re Paton: (Scottish Daily Express) "The Express said that the (paedophile) ring was thought to have operated over several decades and to have included well-known TV personalities, lawyers and police officers." The newspaper claimed - "In a chilling echo of the abuse scandal currently rocking Westminster, it now appears that a dossier (yes, yet another one!) of Scottish paedophiles with links to Paton was prepared in 1982 but never made public. The Express also revealed that a former Scottish Government advisor had uncovered evidence that Paton controlled a paedophile ring which operated with apparent impunity in the capital (Edinburgh) for decades. Mr McGlynn, now 56 and a devoted father, agreed with Dr Sarah Nelson’s findings and said he had personally witnessed high-profile individuals from the diverse worlds of entertainment, law enforcement, genteel Edinburgh society and organised crime attend sex parties at Paton’s secluded mansion. He said: “He [Paton] would have young boys at his house – him and others I don’t even want to mention that were out there. Their names have never come up. There were always young boys there, older men there. They used to dress the young boys up in women’s clothes, and they’d be dancing in Paton’s living room.

Savile - the nation's leading mental health and psychiatric expert...
Sat 5th Feb 1977 - Ripper victim Richardson found near Savile's Leeds flat.

Tue 8th Feb 1977 (3 days later)
Savile (article here) visited the town (Feb 1977) following the horrific murders of a nurse, patient and police officer after two Carstairs state hospital inmates broke free in Nov. 1976. Hours after visiting a Lanarkshire primary school, Savile was on Concert Hall stage compering a benefit gig for the families of those butchered (murder, charity and abuse - is there a pattern here?). He was joined by members of the Bay City Rollers, including drummer Derek Longmuir and manager Tam Paton. Years later, Paton was found guilty of gross indecency with two teen boys and got three years in prison, while in 2000 Longmuir received 300 hours community service after police discovered child pornography.

There are official deniers from (Carstairs) hospital itself, claiming Savile visited just once, but no one will believe them, not anymore! See how easy "lies" come from the (sick) authorities and their (equally sick) gophers!

Savile: "I've done all sort of strange things in there (Carstairs) for nearly 50 years."
Savile - in respect of Ripper Sutcliffe. Savile mentions "working" at (Broadmoor's sister hospital) Carstairs and being involved for nearly 50 years (his words)!  He was also known to have had links with Belford ­Hospital in Fort William and the Crichton hospital (below) in Dumfries. Several months after Carstairs, he visited Crichton to fundraise and kick-off the Hallowe'en Fayre.

Nov 2012. Police and NHS probing disgraced DJ's visits to (the above) three Scottish hospitals - Crichton:
Jimmy "Hallowe'en/Witch" Savile and the Crichton Hallowe'en Fayre..."Ooooh - I'm a giant witch."

Check this!!! I found it on a page talking about Moira "Coatbridge" Anderson (Scotland - West, Gallogley, Gartshore etc). The "uncle" of this comment poster below (from 2009) -  was Ian Simpson, the only murdered patient from the Carstairs break-out. Simpson was killed by escapees and "gay lovers" - McCulloch and Mone, the two would employ an elaborate plan of escape, one involving their drama group activities. The commenter (named 'conah1991') says that Carstairs Simpson was the No.1 suspect for Moira's murder, but had a clean/solid alibi, so could never understand why! The very same Carstairs event (with Simpson) that led to Mr 'Carstairs' Savile, and paedo Paton's BCR benefit gig in Motherwell! 

Simpson, unlikely to be involved, Gartshore has since been posthumously held responsible. These links (whatever their nature) are simply INSANE. The same man also says that his father (Simpson's brother or brother-in-law) knew the identity of Bible John, and even wrote a book about it! 
The commenter also said: "What also concerns me is that the police at the time seemed too paralysed with a self induced inertia, for whatever reason. Comparable with the Bible John murders in Glasgow, and remain over protective of their reputation in failing to solve these high profile cases. My father wrote a book on the Bible John murders and his belief that he knew the killers identity." 

That's Moira's case (with West, Gallogley, Gartshore) now vaguely connected to Carstairs via (Coatbridge 'Moira suspect') Simpson, one of the massacred that night, the event which led to the Savile/Paton/BCR benefit. A benefit for the same Carstairs hospital that Savile's (been seemingly) heavily involved in (off record). Another Bible John 'dossier' link too. Simpson - was taken to Carstairs state psychiatric hospital (1962), after hitching a lift from a Leeds man whom he murdered and buried in a lay-by in the Scottish mountains. Taking the victim's car, and several months later, he picked up a student and would also murder him, dumping the body in a forest near Dumfries. In 1960 Simpson was caught digging up coffins in a cemetery and sent to Hartword hospital, but would escape.

Liberal leader David "Cyril Smith/Clement Freud" Steel had visited Carstairs hospital in the mid-70s.
Savile's brother "Liberal Johnnie" (with Blackman) would be sacked from a hospital, after being accused of raping a psychiatric patient in 1979. Jimmy would make his first actual screen appearance in an Honor Blackman/Diana Dors film - A Girl, A Boy and A Bike (1949). Dr 'Cuckoo's Nest' Savile (psychiatric pioneer), Kilsyth parish and Celtic Chairman Kevin Kelly
Savile's mother knew O'Connell (in doorway, above) before he did, his visits seem to be from the very early 70s onwards.
Jersey 1965 - Cliff Richard - another 'homosexual paedophile' and one who surrounds himself with (phoney) religious virtue. How's (former Irish ex-priest) Fr. McElynn, Cliff? Ever visited Elm Guest House for "The Young Ones" and a "quick shower"?
Agnes Monica Kelly (aka The Duchess) - their relationship all seemed very "Norman Bates" 
Norman and Jimmy both liked stuffing dead birds. The best five days of Savile's life, took place when he was solely left with his mother's dead body. Aristocratic titles - in the early 50s Savile would himself use the title "Oscar The Duke" - as a competitive cycler. Savile's flagship "Fix It" show (ran for 20 series) was produced by "Doctor Magic" (Ordish), Savile would produce 'fix it' medals from his 'magic chair' - medalling with kids, literally. Perhaps, we might even view his 'phallic cigar' as a type of wand. If there's any link to "occult magickal bloodlines" - with "royally connected" Savile, and through his maternal lineage, then the Kelly/Kelley name does have key historical resonance. 
'Kell(e)y started receiving what became the first corpus of texts in the purported Angelic language.
This resulted in the book Liber Loagaeth ("Book [of] Speech from God").'

Enochian/chaos magick  (which overlaps with Crowleyian magick) - from "royally connected" John "007" Dee and Edward Kell(e)y. (Kelley, born in Worcester). It's possible that Dee and Kelley were actually channelling Lucifer. Savile, who featured in the (Crowley linked) Process Church and its "Sex" (Lucifer/Satan/Jehovah) magazine edition. Dee is sometimes seen as a "godfather" of Freemasonry (the craft). The main translations of the systems came through a Rabbi - Loew of Prague. 
We might even compare 'backwards writing' (left to right) as being similarly connected.
Comparable magickal communication systems are seen in the "Transitus Fluvii" - a form of magickal writing derived from Hebrew, written from right to left (evocative of backwards writing a la Crowley etc). Elly Kedward (The 'Black Hills' Blair Witch, from the fictional film) is an anagram of Edward Kell(e)y, with aspects based around him. The TF alphabet is depicted in the movie The Blair Witch Project.
I'm sure that you're now able to see links between 'hebrew' - and other 'sorcerous/medium' type alphabets. Hermit Rustin Parr (from the same film, who is influenced by the witch/spirit voice) is the child murderer. He very much reminds me of Fred West, unable of read and write, but seemingly proficient in the dark arts. Hand (prints and) Writing. Seven children were killed, the surviving child - Kyle Brody may also be implicated. Parr and Brody are both linked to the 'transistus fluvii' (as seen inside the house at the close) from the film and mythology - see below.
Witches/witchcraft and backwards writing/script. Fred West was born very near Dymock and married in Ledbury. 
'369' - the '69' is likely the 'cancer' astrological symbol, the '3' is probably separate.

Kelly, was also the name of the final JTR victim. Kell(e)y and Dr. "No. 007" Dee.
Early 1960s, original 'Dr No' - Bond (Connery) would actually work as a 'bouncer' for the Mecca (Palais club) in Edinburgh, where he also did bodybuilding training backstage. Fleming changed his mind (about Connery as Bond) after the successful Dr. No première. He was so impressed, he created a half-Scottish, half-Swiss heritage for Bond in the later novels.
Savile's - OOO744 - RS3100 (70s Black Capri) - was taxed until Hallowe'en (31 Oct 1988).
 Capri, could derive from Latin capreae (goats), the Romans called Capri "goat island" (baphomet/pan). Prior to WWI the island was extremely popular with wealthy gay men. Peter "Ripper" Sutcliffe's first car was a lime-green Capri. Capri/Khepri - the Egyptian scarab "winged beetle".
 Crowley and Sgt Khepera/Khepri McCartney. The beetle - a self-begotten/hermaphrodite 'shit resonant' creature.

Jimmy 'Mecca King' Savile had a home at Glencoe, the area with "Devil's Staircase". The 007 Bond film ‘Skyfall‘ featured Glencoe, it's been in the Harry 'witch' Potter series too. The village is on the site of the Massacre of Glencoe (1692). Ian "007" Fleming’s family once owned nearby Dalness Lodge which also featured in the 'Skyfall' film. The location also appeared in The Dark Knight Rises, production by the 'related' Nathan Crowley, Aleister would live at Boleskine, Loch Ness (as did Led "OTO" Zepp's Page). The Scottish father of fictional character  ‘James Bond’ was a company rep for Vickers and came from Glencoe. James Bond briefly studied at Eton before entering Cambridge. 
Bond, went on to become a Naval Officer in the Royal Navy (see HMS Belfast, Savile - left, with Naval brother John) and then a super-spy for MI6. James Bond’s tailor is on Savile Row, which runs parallel with Bond Street. Saluting - one with left hand - one with right hand.  A matelot salute? Jim wearing the uniform of a Rear Admiral (rear, sodomy). 

Keith Gregory claims at Bryn Estyn, that Savile and his brother Johnny were visitors in (Deputy Head) Howarth's flat, and boys were brought to them.

Johnnie was in fact his younger brother’s Achilles heel, something Marsden, one of 14 children raised by Savile’s sister Marjory, witnessed as a teenage runaway in 1967. Marsden told me that he and a group of friends from Leeds were hanging around at Euston Station in London when they were approached by a stranger who offered them food and a place to stay at a flat nearby. A few days later, Marsden explained, his uncle Jimmy mysteriously appeared at the flat (either one of the boys was in on it with him, and it was made to look random, or Savile knew their whereabouts and acted). Without explanation, Savile moved the boys into a house and over the following weeks took them to all-night parties at a series of large houses. Marsden said the only guests at these soirees were men and children. He remembered the children as being aged between six and ten, and claimed they were periodically taken off into bedrooms. Their stay in London came to an end when one of his friends was caught stealing money at one of the parties. It was at this point that ‘Uncle John’, as Marsden called him, entered the fray, ordering the boys back to Leeds having first confiscated photographs they’d taken.

1888 - the (Judaic) kabbalistic encode - Jacobite The Ripper and (Crowley linked) Golden Dawn
Is that a 'witches broom'? Scottish Football and Child Abuse - "Big Jock Knew"
Celtic Chairman Kevin 'Savile' Kelly - allegedly acted as a character witness for Torbett, during the cover-up of the abuse at the Boys Club. Torbett was also apparently re-employed after Stein's death. 
Celtic Torbett has been recently implicated in the latest Jim "Celtic" McCafferty case, it also looks like McCafferty has links to Crewe's Bennell. He sent youth players to Bennell's home!
The issue of mass child abuse in (English/Scottish) football is so huge - that for it to exist in the way that it does, can only mean that is it INSTITUTIONALISED (as we saw with the sick BBC etc), and has been for decades. Without the complicity and gatekeeping of the clubs and their governing body/bodies, this situation would not have been possible. Commercial enterprise and corporate profit are more important than the lives of ACTUAL human beings and destroyed children. The "corporate ideology" is one built on (anti-human) evil and maintained by ignorant drones - otherwise known as the masses. The majority embrace this form of cancerous corporate slavery, worshipping at the altar of corporatism like a strung-out junkie, waiting for the next orders from their (insane and degenerate) corporate overlords. If you want to see the true face of evil, and those that strive to maintain it - try looking in the mirror.

"Institutionalised paedophilia champions", ladies and gentleman I give you - The Zionist/Jacobite BBC.
BBC - Broadcasting House, London. Playing the magic (flesh) flute, and with children. (by Gill)

Back to Crewe's Bennell. 
The (masonic) FA are up to their necks in this - make no mistake! Just as the public body "the BBC" is also up to its neck. The BBC should've been closed down after Savile, only a sick society would continue with it. The BBC always tended to admire Crewe and its footballing contributions, they often poured praise on the club through their main football platforms. There should've been heavy prosecutions for BBC upper echelons (post Savile), but we were collectively fobbed-off with the incredulous "we didn't know" BULLSHIT. The BBC is yet to be held FULLY accountable - it is still a paedo-ridden organisation, and one that also functions as a gatekeeper.

Arrested in July 1994, and after his July 1995 trial, Bennell (then 40) was jailed for the first time in Florida, USA. He had repeatedly sexually assaulted one of the (visiting) British team for which he was responsible. He was released Sept 1997. He was subsequently arrested on his return to the UK, which led to his 1998 'nine year' sentence.  In this, Bennell, 44, admitted 19 offences of indecent assault against boys and four more charges of a serious sexual nature. The offences took place between 1978 and 1992, whilst Bennell was coaching in the North West and involved 9-14 year olds. Several offences only came to light after a channel Four Dispatches programme (broadcast 1997!).

Bennell was heavily connected to Crewe Alexandra - a club that has historically acted as a "feeder club" to the bigger teams and leagues. The FA investigated Crewe in 2001 (more on that soon). Bennell was the man with the "keys to the kingdom" - it's obvious what had to be done to have access to those keys. We see the exact same type of phenomenon in corporate TV and Hollywood film.

Gary Speed - Wales and Leeds (and others)
The following reads like Bennell's "confession".

 Ian Ackley (what a giant among men) tried to "out this" in 1997! Ackley, (now 48) says Bennell raped him more than 100 times between 1979 and 1983, when he was between the ages of 10 and 14.
I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the following (text) - posted on one of the 'Dispatches" youtube video descriptions:
In 2011 Gary Speed had just completed his autobiography before his death. In his autobiography he detailed the sexual abuse he encountered by a paedophile ring that operated in North Wales that also orchestrated and meticulously planned the sexual abuse of thousands of others spanning several decades. In 2012 a number of former premiership footballers donated money to fund a private investigation into Gary Speed' s suspicious death. His autobiography was never published. This Dispatches program was aired in 1997.

In the previous post I mentioned how Fred West's ashes were scattered on Barry Island, Wales. I also mentioned this as an aspect of a type of elite engineered "send-off" - which we also might view as a form of "sinister flattery". One of their sons (Barry, born 1980) was named after Barry Island: a seaside resort in South Wales, and a favourite haunt of the Wests. The first remains to be found in the West's basement were those of 21 year-old Thérèsa Siegenthaler - who had vanished on 15th April 1974, while hitchhiking to Ireland via North Wales. West, prior to his pre-trial death, also spoke of procuring victims for 'well-to-do' types and their sadistic parties - Bristol was given as the location.

Speaking of North Wales and establishment paedophile rings...
The former Bryn Estyn, Wrexham, North Wales. Near to Cheshire/Chester and Crewe. Keith Gregory claims at Bryn Estyn - Savile and his brother Johnny were visitors in (Deputy Head) Howarth's flat, and boys were brought to them. 1963 - Earliest known complaint about (necrophile/child rapist) Savile. Male victim comes forward to claim Savile raped him in Cheshire, but is told by police to “forget about it”. Corroborated in January 2013 by Chief Drusilla Sharpling in Watchdog Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary's report, 'Giving Victims a Voice'. A missed chance, as officer did not record a report and no investigation occurred.
First thing to mention is William "Tory" Hague. Establishment "poster boy" Hague, he himself being a (poorly veiled) HOMOSEXUAL. Yes, William 'sodomite' Hague ordering the 1996 tribunal.  Some claim that Hague effectively "stifled" the inquiry by limiting its remit to the areas of only Gwynedd and Clwyd.
Was Hague a political "RENT BOY" himself? One wonders whether a 16 year old at the Tory conference (1977) is a suitable place for such a young man/boy, particularly a GAY one. There he is with longterm Savile "groupie" - Margaret "PM" Thatcher (above). Old "Chequers" Jimmy.
 Didn't you know? Savile raped boys too. Establishment paedophiles frequenting children's charity NSPCC, nothing to worry about, move along. Savile's charity walk spanned the 31 days of October, ending on Hallowe'en. Savile was the seventh of seven children (seventh son) and was born on Hallowe'en.

We're aware of some of Savile's occult/magickal connections, but they've never been fully explored. Savile: "No-one ever did eight hours down the pit and came back as immaculate as they set off with white shirt and everything like that. They were quite convinced I was a witch. Just like "Mr Fingers" - aka Fred 'Black Magic/Coven-try'/Witch' West, - Savile had an active interest in necrophilia. 
It's been alleged that the bed at his Leeds Roundhay flat was called "the alter" (sic). Notice the word used (alter/altar, but bear in mind the phonetics of both), "alter" which can easily be related to mind control programming (and alters). We mentioned the "satanic abuse" ceremony at (spinal) Stoke Man-Devil(le) earlier. Savile did claim (1990, at the time of his knighthood) that he'd been friendly with all the past four Prime Ministers because Stoke Mandeville is Chequers’ local hospital.
Saville (sic) was interviewed for the Process Church's magazine issue #4 - Sex (Lucifer/Satan/Jehovah)
The (Satanic) Process Church - was formed as an offshoot of Crowleyian-based Scientology. 
An ex-Processean alleged that they were founded by the German Democratic Party, as a front to raise money in the United States. Crowley's OTO is Germanic (via founder Kellner), the 'OTO Beatles' initially rose through Hamburg, Germany. In my opinion, they (the Process) were an intel and masonic programming ridden shit-house - and for the purposes of mass mind control operations etc. 
Demonic mind control - much? Now the links between The OTO Beatles, The Process/Scientology and (Ashke-nazi mind controlled) Manson, begin to solidify and become more apparent. We could also say similar about 'satanically driven' David (Son of Sam, Scientology, Process, Levi, Rosemary's Baby) Berkowitz. Programming counter-culture pioneers and programming the masses - it's all tied together, they're not separate programmes (imo).

The Process/Scientology have been heavily linked to "mind control" - including aspects relating to programmed (Beatles resonant) Manson and (satanic pawn) Berkowitz. Savile, like the Beatles, had a massive role in shaping 'mass popular culture', of that there is very little doubt.
NOX Vir - The Attitude of Pan/Baphomet (the penis). The thumbs are hidden. 
Crowley would write the (sodomite) mystical poem Hymn to Pan. 
OTO Winged Beatle (a la Crowley) McCartney - "Tug of War/Pipes of Peace" (Pipe tugging, Pan cock pipes, anyone?)
Savile with Pan - and dressed as a male chicken aka COCK.
After Led 'OTO/Do What Thou Wilt' Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love "(TOTP theme), came "Yellow Pearl" (Phil Lynott) next followed by "The Wizard" (Hard-castle).
One of Savile's gowns/robes. 77 Crowley would equate the #11 with Lucifer via his 11-pointed star.
Crowley, Liber 77 - Book of Law: "My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us." The UK would get dosed with 7/7/2005 (777) terror - courtesy of the Zionist establishment and its propaganda organs.
Savile's Radio September 11 (encode) via Zionist BBC Radio 1. 77th/93rd floors involved (93, the number of thelema), flight 77. Note, I didn't buy the corporate MSM's 9/11 BULLSHIT - and from Sept 11 2001 onwards, not even for one single day! 
I still cannot believe that sane people did, I will never understand why!
Liber 77, Book of Law: "My number is 11, as all their numbers who are of us. The Five Pointed Star, with a Circle in the Middle, & the circle is Red. My colour is black to the blind, but the (masonic) blue & gold are seen of the seeing. Also I have a secret glory for them that love me."
"All you need is love" - love under will. All sung as The Beatles wallowed in their millions and the accompanying worship of the (brainwashed) masses - All You Need Is Cash. A bit like (phoney) Lennon's Imagine - "imagine no possessions", as he sits in a mansion and with gratuitous shots of his white Rolls-Royce. It also featured his Japanese aristocratic wife - Yoko.

A literal '77 Witch...Hallowe'en Savile @ Hallowe'en Fayre (1977)

It's just like I've been trying to state for years - the whole corporate entertainment world (which is ultimately owned/controlled by the Zionists) is based in Satanism/Luciferianism. Not the dumb Hollywood theatrical kind, but the ritual sorcerous and ceremonial type, and with an accompanying philosophy/attitude, in-part built around "selfishness", "man as a god" and "idol worship" etc. This has all been cemented/expanded by the worship (from the brainwashed masses) of this same 'corporate entertainment' phenomenon. Corporate television/media really is the literal "eye of Set". 
You'll see Lady "degenerate" Gaga, Gay-Z etc promoting the same themes in the modern age, Zionist elite marionettes one and all! G Unit - masonic pawns for indoctrination purposes, they're all OWNED! Want to know why your son views "gangster thuggery" as a lifestyle choice and a form of empowerment? Look no further than these (Zionist owned) "neo-Uncle Tom" rappers.
"The Grey Album"? More like "The Gay All Bum". Partners in elite/establishment crime - all have given up their asses to the sodomite Zionist machine. Gay-Z is a transparent OTO pawn. 
Crowley linked 'ritual signs and gestures' - as used by Church of Satan Lavey and Adolf 'Nazi' Hitler.
Crowley would write propaganda for both sides - Nazi Germany (via Fatherland publication) and Great Britain!
Records crammed full of 'back-masking' and other sonic witchery etc. The industry hoped that their (1980s) "straw-man" court cases for "back-masking" would fool all the sheep, but personally I beg to differ! The Beatles didn't write SHIT -  it was ALL written for them by their establishment mind controllers and mass programmers (perhaps out of Tavistock, but also linked to mystery religion groups). The only other possibility is "channelling/automatic writing" a la Crowley (which I can't discount). McCartney's solo career is the only proof you need, record after record of awful, tragic and limited guff/muzak, stuff that even a sixth former would be embarrassed. He couldn't have written those earlier songs, save channelling. Not a snowball's chance in hell, speaking of witch:

It's "777" Jacko - the "pan/baphomet resonant" child molester, a Crowleyian moonchild/walker.
(b) Let him learn to walk backwards. 
Jacko had a relationship (of sorts) with McCartney..."Say, Say, Say" - was a big hit for them both.
Appropriately, McCartney and Jackson play "snake oil salesmen" in the video.
"Paper - Back Writer..."
His name was Ian Iachimoe, apparently a polish filmmaker. The same Ian Iachimoe that wrote Paperback Writer (McCartney's pseudonym). The same Ian Iachimoe who contributed to the Process Church of the Final Judgment and their magazine, “The Process”. The same Ian Iachimoe who engaged his friend Yoko Ono to perform an exhibition at his own Indica Art Gallery (at Mason's Yard) on 9/11/66 (9th Nov). The same Ian Iachimoe whose name backwards sounds like...Paul McCartney. (thanks go to Nothing Is Real site and poster 'beacon').

"Listen to phonograph records reversed"
I Am The Walrus, Lennon: "I am he..." (d) Instead of saying “I am he” let him say “eh ma I” 

The technical title of the book (Book of Law) is Liber AL vel Legis, sub figura CCXX, as delivered by XCIII=418 to DCLXVI (666), although this title never occurs in the Book itself. CCXX is 220 in Roman figures, representing The Tree of Life (10 numbers times 22 paths), and is the number of verses of the Book in typescript. XCIII is 93 (the number of thelema), the enumeration of both "The word of the law" Thelema and Aiwass (a form of 666 Horus). DCLXVI is 666, the number of Crowley as Great Beast both as Adept and Magus. This is a way of saying that the book was delivered (using spirit/automatic writing) by Aiwass (whose number is both 93 and 418) to Crowley, who is The Beast 666.  359 is the 'secret name of Horus'. 418 + 359 = 777 - "the kabbalistic/tree of life's lightning flash of creation".

Programming the masses from the cradle - and for decades. Mary "Witch/Umbra-Shadow" Poppins.
Julie "666" Andrews via Zionist Hollywood.

The entire 60s counter-culture - has been built on (stealth/concealed forms of) Mystery Religion, Freemasonry and Kabbalistic Magick and disseminated by (Zionist owned) mass media. On one level (to the sheep), it's just harmless entertainment and fun, on another level (for the programmers, and independent thinkers) it's "barely veiled" and hard subliminal quasi-religious programming. It has also functioned as a destructive force in terms of morality (sexually and otherwise) and values, mainly via the "cult of celebrity" and the "copycat effect". Some might call this a nefarious form of brainwashing (which it is, of course). 

When corporate entertainment is literally owned by a particular "group" (Zionist Jews) - that same power group can ensure that the programming remains the same, and constant throughout - aka the master programme. Which is exactly what we've seen over the ensuing decades, and since the 60s. They've simply promoted their own, and concurrently rejected any alternatives who won't bend for their mould. This leads to further concentration of this very media power phenomena and its effects. Hence, why you see all these "corporate pawn artists" following the EXACT same programme, and with the exact same type of programming cues! It has almost turned into a giant 'masonic fashion trend' in itself - a type of McIlluminati (a corporate mystery religion version of McDonald's).

OTO Crowley, Thelema and The Beastles
John Lennon said: 
“The whole Beatles idea was to do what you want, do what thou wilst (Crowley's maxim), as long as it doesn’t hurt somebody”
Lol, listen to Lennon pretending to be in control - he had no control, he was a pawn!
Another of my ORIGINAL finds! Revealed by using a mirror across the diagonal. The "OTO" Beatles included a picture of Crowley on their Sergeant Khepera/Pepper album. The LP actually also contained a (hidden) MASS HOMAGE to Crowley and his 'sodomite' thelemic/sex magick religion. A pepper pyramid - complete with a 'flowerbed penis' and OTO insignia (Ring-O drum) as the 'anal eye/sphincter.' Savile/Crowley (see prior pic) - NOX Vir evokes the penis, the "eye" (sphincter) is on Crowley's hood. 
Homosexual Savile at (homosexual) Epstein's...with the Beatles for the Pepper press launch.
Crowley "elemental and LVX grade signs" - are also seen on The Beatles' Help! (cover).
It's Beatles "compere" Jimmy Savile, the man who used to travel on the road with them, and before their major fame! Don't forget that Jewish manager Epstein was a homosexual, Lennon had a brief affair with him. McCartney's wife Linda Eastman was from a Jewish family - they changed their name from "Epstein" to "Eastman"! Were the other Beatles used by the (gay) industry moguls and in exchange for fame etc? Very likely. Crowley's OTO ultimately has Germanic origins, the Beatles' were shaped in Hamburg, Germany.
Masonic Brothers and sodomite partners in (Zionist elite) crime...Hey Juden!
Lennon: "He got monkey finger he shoot Coca-Cola."
BBC Brambell playing McCartney's grandfather, and hand picked by him. Homosexual Brambell was also a paedophile - it was alleged that he abused two 12/13 year old boys at a Jersey opera house, one of the boys was from Haut de la Garenne.
 HdlG, the Savile linked Jersey care home implicated in mass abuse, torture and (very likely) murder. 
Above, it looks like Fred "body chopping" West's cellar.

Lonely - Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds (Lucy) and Spades (burial LP cover). Card suits, poker and lonely people.
Eleanor Rigby and Father McKenzie. "Masonic gay brotherhood" William (Father) McKenzie - Rodney Street, Liverpool. The exact same Rodney Street where (homosexual) Epstein was born. Lennon lived on "Menlove" Ave. with Aunt Mimi. Below, Savile and the 'kabbalistic' 666 sodomy code.
"Eleanor Rigby, died in the church and was buried along with her name. Nobody came. 
Father McKenzie, wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave. No one was saved."
Do the lyrics indicate that McKenzie killed her? Masonic McKenzie's Pyramid and (Golden/Yellow) Penis/Sub of Osiris. Note the tomb's obelisk. Macca - 'Horus 666' and Lennon the 'horns' (baphomet/pan). 
The golden penis/sub - at the pyramid apex. The golden eyed penis and brown-eye (sphincter).
The animated film is also full of "gay rainbow" symbolism. John "gaylord" Clive would voice Lennon's character. "He got Jew-Jew (sic) eyeball, he one holy roller". It was the Jewish/Zionist Rothschild's that ultimately financed the Bavarian (German) Illuminati.
 13 body pieces and a missing 14th (the penis). It was Osiris (aka the masonic Hiram Abiff) whose body was dismembered/chopped up by Set, the body pieces thrown into water (sub-marine) and his "phallus/penis" swallowed by a fish and replaced with a shining golden one (via the magic of Isis/Thoth). The Sgt Khepera-Pepper cover evokes a burial scene.
"Come together right now - over me" (double meaning, at the 'beatle burrowing' burial site, and to ejaculate/come). Beetle Khepera was 'self-begotten" - literally masturbated/ejaculated into existence - this is what is implied from the myths! The Beatles' UK rise was via The (underworld) Cavern. In the Osirian cult creation myths - "In the beginning...(Scarab/Beetle) Khepera tells us at once that he isOsiris, the cause of primeval matter." (see Lewis Spence). Does this now make "winged scarab/beatle" McCartney a Papyrus-Back Writer? 
Nepthys, would gather the missing dismembered body pieces. Wax models around Sgt Khepera's grave. Wax models to worship - idol worship, literally. The Beatles did more for 'mass idol worship' than Elvis!
Masonic Pink 'pyramid' Floyd - A 'Mason' and via 'chopping/cutting into little pieces'. Beetle driving chopper-man and sodomising "Baphomet Jack" - masonic Kubrick's The Shining. Careful with that Axe - Eugene Jack. "And we all shine on, with crazy diamond Luci - in the sky". The Shining even contained "incest" aspects, parts of which, relate to the myths of Osiris/Isis (brother/sister and husband/wife etc). "Dark Side of the (masonic Oz) Moon" - moon, bare male ass.
It was via the Great Pyramid (Egypt), where Crowley would begin receiving instructions for his thelemic bible - the book of law. The Beatles and Pink Floyd via corporate/military behemoth EMI.
The black and white (masonic) "penis worshipping" sodomite brotherhood. Dick heads - literally.
I'm sorry, but the issue of "sodomy" cannot be ignored. Crowley's OTO system (at the highest level) practices "ritualised buggery". This is where "Fixing A Hole" becomes "Fixing A-hole" (asshole).
Attitude of (sodomy) Pan/Baphomet - 'Penis - shaft, head/glans and eye' and via the Pyramid (see '666' Crowley). 
"Son of a Witch" - Sean 'Ono' Lennon and the Crowley headwear.  Do you ever recall the music industry, telling the masses that they would flood their content with masonic, luciferic and witchcraft content, and that it's all for our own good? Exactly! You never were told - they think you're all useless eaters - a sub-human species, and one that deserves to be subject to demonic mind control and terror programmes. Your only designated role is WORSHIP - and as a member of the "we are not worthy" club, all part and parcel of the Zionist driven "cult of celebrity" (aka mass insanity). The Zionist Jews are pulling all the corporate entertainment strings, no amount of claims of "anti-semitism" will be tolerated or accepted - by myself! This is EXACTLY how it is regarding Jewry, if this were Muslims or Buddhists that I was dealing with and/or talking about, I would be saying exactly the same!

Crowley would also do much to popularise wicca. Gerald "Wicca" Gardener also heavily borrowed from masonry and Crowley. 
The (phallic) 'witches broom' is related to rites that involved (females) who would apply drug-like hallucinogenic ointments to the broomstick handle, these phallic ointment sticks would then be placed into thevulva - to be absorbed. 
Hence tales of (female) witches flying (high) on broomsticks. Boys/men riding around on 'phallic sexual brooms' (Harry Potter) - is a homosexual flavoured addition. Establishment asset J K CRowleying via Masonic/Jewish Scotland. How's about that then - guys and gals! 

 "My first (occult) penis"...note, this is a children's film. Zionist masonic pigs dosing the Goyim!
The magickian's wand can be equated with the (magickal) male penis.
Angela "Witch" Lansbury - "Bed (Penis) Knobs and Phallic Broomsticks" (1971). 
A children's sex and witchcraft special! Why else would it feature the magickal seal of (satanic) Astaroth/Astoroth!? Miss Eglantine Price (Lansbury) as the (entered) apprentice witch making her way through the degrees. A system that is subsequently discovered to have been set-up by a fraud, the final spell from the grimoire/book is also missing. She searches Portobello Road bookstalls to find the missing half of a grimoire for the secret of the Star of Astoroth and its spell. Astaroth - synonymous with Astarte, Venus, Isis, Inanna, Ishtar etc. Aspects of the film also likely tie-in with Monarch programming,
Astaroth/Astoroth - “Treguna, Mekoides, Trecorum, Satis, Dee”
These are the words of the ancient “substitutiary locomotion” spell to make inanimate objects come to life (perhaps evoking the golem). Lansbury uses the spell to stop the Nazis. Note, "Dee" a likely nod to 007 John 'sorcerer' Dee. This sort of (star) pentacle is comparable with the seal of Solomon. This film was a Walt "masonic" Disney production, and directed by Robert "Mary witch Poppins" Stevenson. Stevenson also directed two "Love Bug(gery)/VW Herbie" films, the Disney franchise that features the (Nazi/German) Beetle.

One of British television's most 'beloved' assets also featured in Bedknobs and Broomsticks - Bruce "BBC" Forsythe.
He's seen as a type of TV "national treasure" - but hey, aren't they all!?
It remains to be seen, as to his role in all these ongoings, but he likely factors in there somewhere.
He first appeared on BBC TV in 1939, that's before the Second World War!

Anyway, Lansbury's paternal grandfather (George) was the former UK leader of the Labour Party. Oliver "BBC Children's TV" Postgate was Angela's cousin. I will mention Astor (Astor-oth) line connected (and marrying) former PM - David "gay witch hunt" Cameron later, Nancy Astor was the first female MP. Lansbury's own children (one very underage) were wrapped up with (Scientology/Process progrmming ridden) Manson and his family. Lansbury was heavily involved in state "mass mind control" via The Manchurian Candidate - mind controlling her son (Harvey) via "playing cards" (Queen of Diamonds) and with "incest" overtones. Manchurian and Manchester, a city very near to Liverpool. The Manchurian Sinatra tie-in leads you to Mia "Rosemary's Baby" Farrow. And we're back to the (witchy, German linked) Beatles, with whom she spent time with!
Pepper- inge Eye. Sodomy resonance - 'peppering the eye' via the (1/4) quarter(s) aka behind.
 Brown(e) Eye (asshole, see below, geddit?)
Bed (penis) knobs, phallic broomsticks, stars/moon - Browne and eye?

Imagine all the billions that has been spent on this (Rowling) Potter and Disney bilge. Programming your own little children (along with the rest of the sheep) with sex-based occult degeneracy (under the guise of entertainment), and all while the (paedo/satanic) elite laugh at your self-induced ignorance! 
Yoko "Witch" Ono. Paedo Pete Townshend with Lennon, (witch) Ono and Keith Witchards.

Oh look, it's New York and "witches". 
Jew 'paedo/sodomite' Polanski - Rosemary's "Satanic/Witch" Baby. "Tannis Root" aka (Sgt) Devil's Pepper. 
Tanis (sic) is also a place in Egypt, it featured in Raiders of the Lost Arc, via Anubis (dog).
All of Them Witches. Below, (Sgt) Devil's Pepper
There is an actual "poison devil's-pepper" plant (Rauvolfia vomitoria). Rauvolfia (sometimes spelled Rau-wolf-ia) is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs in the dog-bane family (rau-wolf-ia - wolfsbane). Bane (literally meaning destroyer/death) and it's related to witches' potions/spells etc. 
Other 'tannis root' theories relate to Mandragora (mandrake root) and spirit familiars.

The Rosemary's Baby novel was written by Jewish 'key programmer' Ira Levi-n. The timeframe (65/66) for both the film's setting and The Beatles' meteoric US rise (soon after the Camelot Kennedy era) is also worth bearing in mind. Aspects relating to the Kennedy's also occur in Rosemary's dreams. Roman and Minnie make a fake trip to Kennedy airport via Pan Am (Am Pan).

The magickal sigil of Eliphas Levi...as seen related to (satanic) 'Son of Sam' Berkowitz. 
The same Berkowitz who was linked to both the Process Church and Scientology. (mind controlled)
The book that Rosemary reads in the cab and shows to Dr Hill, is the Book of Ceremonial Magic, by A.E. Waite. Chapter IV: The Rituals Of Black Magic: Section 4: The Grimoire of Honorius. Levi's rendering of Pan/Baphomet is briefly shown in the book.
I believe that Yoko Ono was the actual shooter/killer of Lennon - she likely pulled the trigger. She was his mind control handler (he was a loose cannon) and closest to him. Chapman was blatantly a (mind controlled) patsy, and complete with the "cliched" Catcher in the Rye thematic. 
The Dakota (masonic) pillars, arch and entrance - are seen during the film's opening. Lennon's shooting (inset).

"All of Them Witches" (a book made for the film) - published 1933
Witchy Yoko "Elf - the shooter" Ono. A "lame witch" - they must mean John!
All under the nose of the brainwashed (cult of celebrity) public - as is the standard MO.

Farrow's former husband (Manchurian Candidate, 1962) Sinatra, would himself be heavily involved in mass corporate mind control programming. Sinatra's film having weird links to both JFK and RFK's assassinations. Farrow's own father was a film director. Her other notable husband Woody "Jewish" Allen, has his own issues with familial based child sex - another Hollywood paedophile! Let's be fair, New York is Jew York.

Leigh (Lee) - Harvey - ?
Mind control and "incest" programming (see Lansbury) resonant The Manchurian Candidate. Allegedly, on the night before Robert Kennedy's assassination (June 5, 1968), RFK had dinner with director John Frankenheimer, Roman Polanski and his wife Sharon Tate. Tate, herself was the daughter of a military intelligence Colonel, it's alleged that she was initiated into witchcraft on the set of the film "Eye of the Devil" (1966) by Crowley linked Saunders. 
Frankenheimer, was of course, the director of The Manchurian Candidate and Seven Days In May. JFK apparently spoke with Frankenheimer about both projects. It is also alleged that Frankenheimer drove RFK to the Ambassador hotel on the day of his assassination. Technical adviser on The Manchurian Candidate was MK-ULTRA programmer, William Jennings Bryan, who has links to Candy (Candi-date) Jones and Sirhan "OTO/Illuminati" Sirhan (amongst many other notables).

Satanic witch cult leader - Roman Castevet is the son of a (Jacobite) GLASGOW born (satanist/witch) - Adrian Mercato. Adrian Mercato (as described) was, in part - Osiris, Pan, Loki, Dis (Greek), Satan (Jewish), Eastern Djinn, Indian Shiva. See the "All of Them Witches" book pages from the film. The cults of Isis and Osiris are also referenced (Egypt, Tanis etc).
 Crushed "Beetle" (via devil's pepper, as worn by victim Terry, below) outside the Dakota - as it would be in 1980. 
Yoko 'witch' Ono still lives at the Dakota, I've read that she occupies the entire 7th floor, plenty of room for her coven. The 7th floor of the Dakota (aka Black Bramford) also happened to be where "witches" Minnie and Roman Castevet lived. The latter being head of the satanic cult, and a name which is made up of elements of both Polanski and Cassavetes' actual names. I expect descendants of the baby cooking/eating 'Trench Sisters' still have a lease in the building. 
Hutch (Rosemary's friend), who mentions the sisters, played by Maurice Evans, also played the father of the witch Samantha, in US TV sitcom Be-witched.
1966 - The Year Is One. (I consider this to be a 4th wall example.)
The story is built around Rosemary and 'actor' Guy, an actor seeking advancement thru satanic cult membership! Roman Castevet claims to be the son of a Broadway producer (that would be Adrian) who worked with such figures as Forbes Robertson, Modjeska, and Minnie Fiske. Mention is also made of him knowing legendary actor and (Jerusalem Lodge 197) Freemason Sir Henry Irving, the main inspiration for Stoker's Dracula character. The film's supporting cast is made up of a variety of established 'old school' Hollywood names. The Woodhouse and 'witchy' Castevet apartments are joined by a broom cupboard. Rosemary's (demonic) Baby was due to be born 28th June 1966, on that day in "reality" - the Beatles would play their penultimate live show in LA. The very next day (29th) would be their last ever live tour show at Candlestick Park, SF.

From earlier - "His name was Ian Iachimoe, apparently a polish filmmaker (sounds just like Polanski, wink-wink). The same Ian Iachimoe that wrote Paperback Writer. The same Ian Iachimoe who contributed to the (programming linked) Process Church of the Final Judgment and their magazine, “The Process”. Ian Iachimoe whose name backwards sounds like - Paul McCartney. 
The same Ian Iachimoe (McCartney) who engaged his friend Yoko Ono to perform an exhibition at his own Indica Art Gallery (at Mason's Yard, SW1) opening on 9/11/66 (9th Nov), and where John would first meet (aristocratic bloodline) Yoko." It looks like their meeting was set-up, and likely unbeknownst to Lennon. Lennon recalled the date as 9th Nov, but it may have been the 7th or 8th, the art show did run from 9th Nov, though. Hollywood satanist, paedophile, and sodomite Polanski - would visit this show several times with Sharon Tate. 

Process Church as an "occult intel front" - Elite Mind Control of  Establishment Pawns.
In 1968 "OTO Anger" traveled to Britain, where he looked for potential new financiers for his work. In London, he involved himself with the social circle of Robert Fraser and his Indica Gallery (the same one - wink, wink) in Mayfair, through which he met John Paul Getty, Jr, who would become a key patron. (Yes, likely another rich homosexual satanist!). Recall, earlier I mentioned his uber rich (homosexual) father Getty Snr and Savile - via Mr "Pumping Iron/Poof" Universe etc.  
So, OTO Anger met Getty Jnr - through Indica's social circle: Asher, Dunbar, Miles and McCartney.
The Swinging 60s - yeah "swinging" both ways (lesbian and gay). The destruction of traditional values etc.
UK Zionist owned Witches - "Satanic Majesties" Jagger and Faithfull. The (masonic swastika-like) Process symbol looks like two T's - I wonder if this is the link to OTO Crowley's T-helema - a la the OTO bea-T-les. Dunbar-linked Faithfull was (demonic) 'Lilith' in Kenneth "OTO/Crowley" Anger's - Lucifer Rising, where "devil sympathiser" Jagger (who was dating Process Faithfull at the time), was originally earmarked (by Anger) for the Lucifer role. Anger would also meet Keith Witchards and his (witch) girlfriend Pallenberg (who allegedly helped fund Lucifer Rising), the latter was also involved with Brian Jones. Anger believed that Pallenberg and Jones, who was to drown in mysterious circumstances in the swimming pool of his Sussex mansion, were witches. Allegedly, Jones showed the filmmaker an extra nipple he had on his inner thigh. Lucifer Rising - the part of the ancient Egyptian god Osiris in the film was played by Donald Cammell, son of Charles Cammell, a friend and biographer of Crowley. The younger Cammell made films including the controversial Performance (with Jagger/Pallenberg) in co-operation with Nic Roeg. Anger seemed tied to the Process in a shadowy type way. Anger - a former child-star turned underground filmmaker, and the son of a 'military-industrial complex' engineer who developed machine-guns for Kellogg during WWII and later worked for Douglas Aircraft. 

Kenneth "OTO/Crowley"Grant would contribute to International Times. Manson victim Abigail Folger would help finance some of Kenneth "OTO/Lucifer Rising" Anger's films. It's also alleged that Folger funded for the Process too, and that she met Manson (gave him money etc) after meeting at Cass Elliot's home. Recall, Anger would also meet (key patron) Getty Jnr. via the Indica circle.

(Indica linked) Getty Jnr's own father - was also a Nazi sympathiser (see here). The same (sodomite) Getty Snr, that was with "Process Savile" at Arnold (my father was a Nazi Party member) Schwarzenegger's - 1966 Mr Universe show.
It's been alleged that Manson also wrote articles for the Process magazine (see Levenda/Desborough). OTO Anger was linked to Bobby "Manson family" Beausoleil (a former lover, and he did the music soundtrack) and Dennis 'Cielo Drive celeb sex films" Hopper. Maury Terry claims that Manson met with Process members in 1968, and at the Polanski/Tate Cielo Drive residence (see updated The Ultimate Evil). Even Church of Satan (and Polanski linked) Lavey, was involved with Anger and his Lucifer Rising film, as was Jimmy "OTO" Page. 
Anger would visit Crowley's Cefalu Abbey and with (paedophile) Kinsey. In Rosemary's "satanic witch" Baby - Guy takes from Rosemary her (All of Them Witches) book on witchcraft, and puts it on top of Kinsey's two-volume study of male and female sexuality. The overlaps here are insane, mainly due to it being a small "masonic/luciferic world" in respect of these degenerates and their (homosexual/satanist uber wealthy) patrons!

J Paul Getty Snr died on 6th Jun 1976 (or 6/6/76). This was the exact same date as the UK premiere of (satanic/kabbalistic film) The "666" Omen (directed by Richard '9/11' Donner). Rosemary's satanic Baby was born June '66 (6/66). 1966 Guinness Book of Records named Getty Snr. as the world's richest private citizen, at an estimated $1.2 billion ($8.8 billion in 2015).
Likely sodomite Getty Snr (the muscle-boy loving man via Jimmy 'NABBA/Process' Savile) died in Guildford, and a few miles away from Guildford Cathedral, where some of the Omen film was actually shot (as in the photo above)! Getty Snr. would host his friends the Rothschild family at his Guildford mansion. I find this "date connect" to be somewhat of a strange synchronicity! In my "Hollywood - The Cinema of Sodomy" post, I mentioned "666 O-men" as being a type of euphemistic encode for "sodomy" (the O ring, men of the "O" - assholes). Director Donner and Schwarzenegger are also both very heavily connected to 9/11 predictive programming, as I've shown time and time again!
Getty Jnr. was linked to Indica's - Peter Asher, John Dunbar, Barry Miles and McCartney. 
Getty Jnr. would link-up with OTO Anger and become a key patron.

The Beatles vs The Omen via Hell-p!
McKern in Beatles' Help! (1965) - as the 'sacrificing to Kali' cult leader aka Clang. Leo 'Bugenhagen' McKern, The Omen (1976) - as the exorcist/archaeologist who outlines the 'sacrifice'. He also memorably played Rumpole (rump and pole, poling the rump/behind). Well, McKern is the "ring" seeking cultist and via Ring-O Starr (the asshole). In The Omen - he connects to Gregory Peck(er), he of Moby Dick fame.

Process Magazine (Fear issue) - Asher, McCartney and Boulting. Boulting was a filmmaker, one half of the Boulting Bros. responsible for Brighton Rock (Cock) with (gay resonating) The Great Escape's (Asscape) "dirt tunnel digging" Attenborough, as PinkieBrown (wink, wink). McCartney would film score the Boulting's The Family Way (1966).

Jane "McCartney" Asher (sister of Indica Peter) featured in "Poe" Corman's "Masque of the Red Death". Prospero (Price) asks for Francesca (Jane Asher) to be spared and given the same high status in Hell as he believes he himself will receive. 
 It starred Hollywood "homo-Queen" - Vincent 'Thriller' Price. This film was greatly admired by Anton "Church of Satan" LaVey. Rainbow colour programming, tarot, masked ball, red-cloak etc (all very Eyes Wide Shut, which featured the Rothschild mansion as exterior for the satanic orgy/ball), this Price/Asher film, like EWS, also has aspects that relate to being INITIATED INTO A SATANIC CULT!
A pronounced T for the OTO Beatles - Thelema? Thelema Crowley is, after all, "the winged beetle" man.

 Rogering Mo(o)re with (Dee resonant) 007 Macca "Live and Let Die Tarot" - it was The Omen writer David Seltzer, who scripted 007 Fleming's "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang" - the title being based on the sexual euphemism "Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang".
Jet Wings - destined for the (big) Apple. Macca, would of course, be present and near the scene of the (9/11) Zionist-driven "mass elite" crime. Paul "007" McCartney was on the tarmac at New York's JFK airport on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. He would soon write "Freedom" as a 9/11 homage song, and made a "post-911 event" documentary in 2011.
How about this for a weird connect! Paul's former wife (Jewish) Linda. Linda Eastman-McCartney's mother - Louise Linder/Eastman, was born on 9th Nov (9/11 euro date) and in 1911. She would die in a New York plane crash in 1962 on American Airlines Flight 1, the flight left from Idlewild (which is now JFK airport, see 9/11 Macca). It was American Airlines "Jet" Flight 11 (the first 9/11 tower strike) that hit the WTC North Tower on 9/11/01.

If we wanted to get creative (as these sociopaths clearly have) we might look at the Pepper drum.
The "Paul Is Dead" mythos - I ONE IX (11/9 'euro'). "HE ^ DIE" written beneath McCartney.

The Zionist stronghold that is the UK (see Balfour and creation of Israel) - is the nation that flooded the world with (corporate) Harry Potter. The UK, is effectively and for all intents and purposes, a proxy state of Israel (just like the USA is!). Blake's 'Jerusalem' anthem is a bit of a giveaway too. Jacobite/Scottish 'masonic' satanist/witch Rowling, a front/cut-out for the larger operation (like them all!). Oh look, Harry '777' Potter's (HP) initial logo - is a masonic/witchy (backward) form of 9/11.
(a) Let him learn to write backwards. (b) Let him learn to read backwards.
Evoking the "lightning struck (twin) tower(s)" - tarot. The image is suggestive in many ways.

We mentioned Ono's 2nd visit earlier, when/where she met Lennon (9/11, 9th Nov) at Indica. John referenced this date, as did Miles via his biography (it's possible that Lennon attended a day or two before). It was Indica's John "Marianne Faithfull" Dunbar, who introduced John to Yoko at this exhibition. Faithfull's 1979 comeback release featured "Witches' Song". 
In 1996, "Witches' Song" was covered by Juliana Hatfield for the soundtrack of the film The Craft.

Faithfull's husband (Indica's Dunbar) introduced Lennon to Ono, and via the 9/11 (9th Nov opening) exhibition.
 It ran from 9 - 22 November (according to Miles), culminating on the JFK assassination date
The second IT advert concerning Ono appeared in the (Hallowe'en) 31st Oct 1966 edition (Issue 2 - page 4). 
Above this Ono advert is an article on George Andrews and Bradley Martin

First appearance, Yoko Ono aged 33. The following is called "Spot the CIA intel operative and agent/handler."
Issue 1 (page 3) - 14th Oct 1966, International Times (link) - advertising Ono's 9/11/66 show.
 There are multiple (London/US Embassy) CIA references above the advert! The ad also mentions the DIAS (her debut exhibition), the inset photo is of Ono at that event. DIAS and CIAS - geddit!?
In the summer of 1966, (Mason's Yard) Indica bookshop was separated from the Indica Gallery, and moved to 102 Southampton Row. The International Times (IT) newspaper was started in the basement of the (Indica) Southampton Row bookshop. McCartney being involved in all these elements - in some capacity. IT was launched in 1966, in conjunction with a Pink (rainbow pyramid) Floyd rave, the publication was closed-down for running "gay contact ads". Witchy Ono - would first come to Britain (for the DIAS, see below) via McCartney's - Mason's Yard Indica associates - Peter Asher, John Dunbar and Barry "IT" Miles. Note McCartney's 'Ian Iachimoe' pseudonym (above). 

Yup, looks like the "eye and pyramid" - 9th to 11th Sept 66 - Mass War
Yoko Ono - 9/11/66  and  9-11 September 1966 via ART (Destruction in Art, geddit!?).
 Destruction in Art Symposium would end on Sept 11th 1966 (see small print). 
Counter-cultural underground = corporate-driven Zionist masonic agents/degenerates. 
Sgt (Crowley) Pepper LP was McCartney's baby, he was the operative and creative force behind it.
Israel, 9/11 - Art and Destruction. Pre-911 'WTC art installation' (cough, cough). Two 'Mossad' 9/11 trucks (one reproduction shown below). Naturally, in Jew York, these (truck related) Israeli Mossad/Intel maggots were released back to Zion. 
According to the reports/police communications, the 'mural truck' was seen (near the WTC) on the 9/11 day itself, the truck got destroyed. Another truck with five Israelis (who were filming the 9/11 events) was stopped, they were apprehended.

 The Beatles included Karl "Sirius" Stockhausen's face on the cover of Sgt. Crowley Pepper. 
Oh look, Karl has been placed between a Jackie (Jewish) Mason and a WC (toilet) Fields. OTO sodomite (Scientology/Process) Burroughs (far right) and (gay Jew) Tony 'Rosemary's Baby' Curtis (below).
 German Stockhausen was an influence on the (Hamburg) OTO Beatles. 
The same Stockhausen who believed that he was from Sirius (star of the masonic brotherhood).
McCartney probably introduced the late John Lennon to Stockhausen's music in mid-1966. Lennon was also greatly influenced by Stockhausen. HYMNEN (see Stockhausen and 9/11 text, above) was Lennon's inspiration for REVOLUTION #9 on the Beatles' White Album. Rock musicians such as Frank "military mind control" Zappa, Peter "paedo" Townshend, Jerry "CIA-mind control" Garcia and Bjork - name Stockhausen as a major influence on their musical lives and work.
9/11 - as brought to you by the Sirius (Canis/Dog) Brotherhood of Baphomet. They run most (if not all) of your entertainment systems - TV, film, music, art etc. The same Zionist interests that make your (so-called) fictional entertainment, also make your (fake) news! In other earlier work, we equated the WFC Manhattan buildings (near the WTC) as symbolic of the Sirius glyph.

King of the Illuminati Zionists - Stanley 'Nazi/Jew' Kubrick - programming the useless eater/goyim via Art.
Let's build a giant replica 2001 (hotel) monolith, one built to watch over the 9/11 events. The same events that we've collectively orchestrated for the earth monkey (Goyim) slaves. Kubrick - Paedophilia (Lolita). Homosexuality (Spartacus). Homosexuality, Ultra-violence and Cinema Mind Control (Clockwork Queer Orange). Military Mind Control (Full Metal Jacket). Ultra-violence and Homosexual-based Paedophilia (The Shining). The Jewish Illuminati "run the world" and Masonic Paedophilia (Eyes Wide Shut). 9/11 as a Work of Art (2001:ASO). Yeah...what a guy, with "mass goyim mockery" his forte, what's not to like (sarcasm). 
Note, the Hilton link is since defunct! It was at that link, I recall viewing it (via secretsun) years ago. The Hilton chain brand featured in the 1968 Kubrick film. 2001 author "A C Clarke" (linked to the BBC) was a goddamn child abuser, an associate of Prince Charles and Rupert "9/11" Murdoch! Clarke would drop a Sept 11th (2077) resonant date (sky fireballs and Venice sinking) in his book - Rendezvous With Rama (1973).

Sodomite Zionist - Stanley "666" Kubrick...he died 666 days before the first day of 2001 - an elite encode.
The Zohar - considered by some to be the essential book of Jewish cabalistic/kabbalistic magic(k).
Sick Satanic Judaism - The Jews who are not Jews, the synagogue of Satan.
A filthy parasitical breed - living off the host, while concurrently degenerating/terrorising them!

"Freemasons applaud violence, terror and crime, provided it is carried out in a crafty manner," writes Knight. "Humour is all important and the most appalling crimes may be committed under its cloak." Knight adds "In fact, one of the key Masonic insights into human nature, says Knight, is the reaction of people to terrorism and serial ritual murders executed with great skill. In other words, people will marvel and say, "What a dirty trick, but how skilfully executed. What a swindle, but how well and with what courage it has been done." Stephen Knight

Alternatively (re: the above quote), other reaction(s) might be - "look at these degenerate child raping satanists and their accompanying 'transparent sick side-show' - this shit is fooling no one anymore, and it's high-time we held these sociopathic monsters to account." :)

Jewish mogul and major TV propagandist/brainwasher - Lew 'Zionist' Grade (his ITC was formed Sept 11, 1954 or 58) had the rights to the Beatles' back catalogue (from around 1968/69) via Northern Songs, sole Grade-linked ownership was gained for about 17 years. 
Grade, another sodomite/cigar chomper like Savile. This was all before "Pan resonating" Michael (Crowley 777/paedophile) Jackson got his hands on them, yes Jacko was also a (programmed) child molester - and another seventh born (a la Savile).
This above (11th Sept ITC founding) image was from a post I did back in Dec 2014. IT HAS SINCE BEEN CHANGED - wink, wink! It's just as well that I took a hard copy, so bad luck elite controllers! I've noted 11th Sept 1958 and 11th Sept 1954 (in recent years). Now those dates have been "Orwell memory-holed", and 10th Sept 1954 is now given (must've been recently changed, the ITC wiki page was last edited in Oct 2016.). Give it up Zionist sociopaths, we know why you changed it! :) 
This Zionist cunt Grade was implicated by The Medusa (Terror) Touch (1978, shown above) and via his association with mass programmer Arnon "Israel 911/Murdoch" Milchan - who produced the film. Zionists controlling the BBC, zionists controlling ITC/ITV, and (Zionist asset) Murdoch controlling Sky/Fox etc - full spectrum dominance, as is typical.

Grade's ITC and its assets, were sold to Carlton Communications (TV) in 1999. The former Prime Minister, David 'gay witchunt' Cameron became Director of Corporate Affairs for Carlton from July 1994 to February 2001, his only venture into employment outside of the political world. He was PM when the Savile scandal broke.

A Grade rival was (Jewish) Sidney Bernstein's Granada TV - a group that covered the UK north-west.
Masonic/Jewish Granada (G). Bernstein was likely a 'sodomite' too (aren't they all!).
In 1954, Bernstein won a franchise licence to broadcast commercial television to the north of England including key urban areas such as Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds and Sheffield. Along, with the Jewish BBC, Jewish Grade's ITC/ATV/ITV and Jewish Bernstein's (masonic/jewish) Granada - I'd say that we're virtually in 'full spectrum media dominance" territory, and already - by the 50s!
(In Plain Sight: The Life and Lies of Jimmy Savile - Dan Davies)
Granada - Crypto-Jew Savile and Jewish Bernstein - favours (likely sexual ones). 

 In 1962, Granada became the first television outlet to screen the Beatles for the British television audience.
The Beatles and Zionist/Jewish media moguls. Bernstein was also close to Alfred Hitchcock.
Zionist phallic/wand cigar smokers - Michael 'LWT/BBC/CH4' Grade (son of Leslie).
Videodrome purveyors, mass media terrorism and gatekeeping via (Ukrainian origin) Zionist-Jews, (virtual) full spectrum dominance. Linking to (Zionist Hollywood 9/11 and media brainwasher) Arnon 'Mossad/Shimon Peres' Milchan - and with ties to Rupert 'crypto-Jew' Murdoch. Delfont would at onetime briefly head media/music giant EMI.

Grade and Co - a virtual monopoly over the British entertainment industry:

It is believed that the Krays (a pair of queer nonces) came from Romany/Jewish stock, some believe that they were Jews who originated from Jarzebowski in Poland. Ronnie Kray would end up at Broadmoor until his death in 1995, Moors Murderer Brady would also spend time there. Here comes the "King of Broadmoor" aka Jimmy "crypto-Jew" Savile.

Did everyone know that Hindley and Brady used to go to Savile's discos (see here)? "We know that they attended at least one of the many "Carnival Nights" hosted by the venue's resident DJ at the time, Jimmy Savile." Manchester based Brady was born in the Gorbals, Glasgow - which was also a haunt of (Glasgow) Fred West, his ice cream van was a familiar sight there. West would also father an illegitimate son with a woman from the Gorbals.
"He (Savile) defends Broadmoor's inhabitants as "more unlucky than bad", and argues that "There's no point asking about that dark night … when something terrible happened because it wasn't them doing it. It was someone else using their body." When asked if he has been following the Myra Hindley story he replies enigmatically: "I am the Myra Hindley story."(God'll Fix It)

"Flash-forward fifteen years (circa 1979, being implied). Janie Jones, the tabloids' favourite sex-party hostess with the mostest, answers a summons to appear before Jimmy Savile soon after her release from prison. His grounds for demanding the encounter? To read her the riot act for having the temerity to campaign for Myra Hindley's release. Not for the reason why most people would have objected to the idea of freeing Hindley — you know, her having helped kidnap, torture, rape and murder other people's children and bury them on Saddleworth Moor, all that stuff — but because, as Janie Jones explained, "he said it was disgraceful that I was siding with Hindley against Brady." Ian Brady was Jimmy Savile's pal."

Jones had been a pop singer in the 1960s, her best results coming from the cackling novelty number "Witches Brew" which peaked at number 46 in the UK Singles Chart. 
Jones befriended Hindley in prison, at first campaigning for her, and then doing a turn-around after her later confession. Savile met Jones when she was 15. At the time he was featuring in newspaper ads for Start-Rite Shoes.
Her (Jones) part in organising sex parties for President Records in her Kensington flat had nevertheless provided some of the most salacious detail in the payola scandal, the sordid affair exposed by the NOTW that had eventually forced Jimmy Savile into defending his own reputation and that of the BBC. During the course of the (Payola) investigation, Jimmy Savile was questioned by a solicitor working with Neill (James Crocker), but refused to cooperate and instead ridiculed the solicitor.  James Crocker complained about Savile to the head of BBC’s legal team, Richard Marshall, who claimed there was nothing he could do about it and the matter was subsequently hushed up. 

The accusations centred around BBC DJs and executives who, in return for playing certain records and extra airtime, were ‘rewarded’ with prostitutes thus rigging the pop charts.  Senior record executives also offered holidays and money. “Sex parties” and orgies were held in Janie Jones’ flat in Campden Hill Road, Kensington, and behind a two-way mirror other executives and celebrities looked on whilst the DJs etc claimed their “reward”.  Prostitutes were also provided at hotels and other places in London’s West End and were also provided for “peers of the realm”, Diplomats, Arab kings and princes amongst others.

It was under the watch of Tory Ken "Kengate/Carlton" Clarke, that Savile got keys to Broadmoor.
North Wales Bryn Estyn regular Jimmy "BBC" Savile to 'homosexual' William "Waterhouse" Hague:

2012 - On 6 November, Channel 4 News reported that Sir Peter Morrison, a former aide to Margaret Thatcher and MP for Chester, who died in 1995, had been 'seen' driving a boy away from the Bryn Estyn home.
Rod Richards, a former Conservative MP and ex-leader of the Welsh Tories, made the shocking allegation that he had seen evidence linking Sir Peter Morrison to the North Wales children’s homes case, in which up to 650 children in 40 homes were sexually, physically and emotionally abused over 20 years. Mr Richards also linked a second (McAlpine) leading Tory grandee – now dead – to the scandals at homes including Bryn Estyn (and Bryn Alyn Hall), near Wrexham. He said official documents had identified the pair as frequent, unexplained visitors to the care homes. Mr Richards – who helped establish the inquiry that unearthed the scale of the abuse – said bluntly: ‘What I do know is that Morrison was a paedophile. And the reason I know that is because of the North Wales child abuse scandal.’ He added that William Hague, who was Welsh Secretary at the time of the inquiry, ‘should have seen the evidence about Morrison’. (Hague would've seen the evidence, at least imo).

Filmmaker Bruce Robinson told the Telegraph:
"It was endemic in the way England ran itself. At the time (1888) of Jack the (masonic) Ripper, there were something like 360 Tory MPs, 330 of which I can identify as Masons. The whole of the ruling class was Masonic, from the heir to the throne down. It was part of being in the club. Part of the whole ethic of Freemasonry is whatever it is, however it's done, you protect the brotherhood – and that's what happened. "They weren't protecting Jack the Ripper, they were protecting the system that Jack the Ripper was threatening. And to protect the system, they had to protect him. And the Ripper knew it."

'One avenue, which was never explored by the police of the day, mainly due to their ignorance, was occult ritual murder, including the doctrine that certain organs should be removed from murdered prostitutes, killed at pre-arranged sites, which were to be located at the four points of the compass. During his research Edwards realised that the victims were carefully laid facing north, east, south and west. 'How do you calculate the probability of finding four bodies randomly distributed in a city so that they form the precise points of a cross?' he asked. He then did what no other researcher has done before: measure the distances from victim to victim and take compass bearings to discover if there was a pattern between the sites where the women were murdered.

"I found that by joining some of the sites together, you created two equilateral triangles; a sacred symbol (seal of Astaroth, as seen in A.e. Waites 'Book of Ceremonial Magic') which, in occult doctrine, Satan devised to be used in worship of him." Edward said.
He continues: "By joining the sites in a different way, a Christian cross was revealed. After examining the position of the fifth and last victim, 25-year-old Marie Jeanette Kelly, Edwards realised that all the women were killed within a 500-yard radius and that, by joining the sites together, it was possible to create the Vesica Piscis, a fish-like symbol worshipped by the early Christians." Pic below - was used in my previous Podesta/Satanism post.
By murdering his victims and leaving their bodies in that way, the killer intended a tribute to Satan. Edwards said the organs removed by the Ripper - the heart, kidneys, genitalia and womb - were those routinely used in black magic rituals.
(All very unpleasant stuff, sorry).

Aleister Crowley on Jack The Ripper
The number of murders involved in the ceremonies was five, whereas the Whitechapel murders so-called, were seven in number; but two of these were spurious, like the alien corpse in Arsenic and Old Lace. These murders are completely to be distinguished from the five genuine ones, by obvious divergence on technical points. The place of each murder is important, for it is essential to describe what is called the averse pentagram, that is to say, a star of five points with a single point in the direction of the South Pole. So much for the theory of Tau Tria Delta. ...

Armed with these discoveries the horoscopes of the Whitechapel murders shone crystal clear to him. In every case, either Saturn of Mercury were precisely on the Eastern horizon at the moment of the murder (by precisely, one means within a matter of minutes). Mercury is, of course, the God of Magic, and his averse distorted image the Ape of Thoth, responsible for such evil trickery as is the heart of black magic, while Saturn is not only the cold heartlessness of age, but the magical equivalent of Satan. He is the old god who was worshiped in the Witches' Sabbath.'

1888 was a prolific year for the Qabalist Freemasons involved in the occult revival of the 19th century: Mr. F. Nietzsche, a Freemason, according to Queensborough, completed his tome "Anti-Christ"; and the (777 Crowley linked) Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was formally established;  Helena Blavatsky put out  "The Secret Doctrine";  M. Mathers  published  "The Tarot:  It's Occult Significance", Westcott produced Charter for the Isis-Urania Temple #3, Mathers published  "The Key of Solomon". All in all it was one hell of a year, you might say, what with Jack the Ripper and the rippers and renders of the Catholic faith on the loose. The AntiChrist had a bloody good year in 1888, or at least Nietzsche seemed to think so.

Ripper "chops" Savile
Buggery aka anal sex - "uphill gardening/loving" The establishment "nose thumbing" the masses with their sick activities, but disguised as entertainment and/or public interest. Paedo BBC "Other People's Children".
The Conservative Party said that they were investigating the claims.
Yeah, of course they were (sarcasm). The Tories can't wait to collectively tell the masses that their own party is literally crawling with paedophiles, historic or otherwise.

Savile, The Duchess and Death
He once told Joan Bakewell: “We were together all her life and there was nothing we couldn’t do. I got an audience with the Pope. Everything. But then, I was sharing her. When she died she was all mine. The best five days of my life were spent with the Duchess when she was dead. She looked marvellous. She belonged to me. It’s wonderful, is death.”

There's also Ted 'paedo/satanist' Heath to consider - Jersey, rituals etc, (false memory syndrome is their latest ploy!). There's also (mainly Tory) Elm Guest House and Leon "Dickens' missing dossier" Brittan et al! How can they claim complete faith "fantasists/false memory" - when we already know that Heath associate Savile, was actually proved to be involved in similar - including suspected cases of necrophilia?
MAN/WOMAN aka Mr or Mrs False Memory - Hoskins. Yes, this is the so-called "false memory" expert for the Heath case! You can't make this up anyone, it's basically now descending into farce. (report here)
So Mr or Mrs Hoskins - who's to say that your memories/ideas of being a woman haven't been induced by therapists? If this is the best the establishment can do - they might as well give-up now. A confused tranny/man/woman thing - dictating on the issues of fantasy and memory. I now know for certain, that the Heath investigation should continue.

The so-called "experts" are not even remotely credible. Look at the Waterhouse report, virtually half of the victims that gave evidence were damaged/destroyed by that experience as well!
I wonder if this same Conservative Party investigated when Hague was sharing a room with his political aide (Myers). As we've seen, it was CONSERVATIVE Hague (a champion of gay rights), who ordered the earlier inquiry into hundreds of child abuse claims at (North Wales) care homes. Establishment sodomites, eh?
We shouldn't be too surprised, the UK public school system was/is built on male sodomy. The ONE and ONLY success that the (degenerate) Conservative party have managed in the last few years - "gay marriage and gay equal rights". I wonder why that might be? (sarcasm). If it weren't for sledgehammer "gay rights and mass (establishment based) gay sympathy propaganda", these GAY ESTABLISHMENT SOCIOPATHS could've been stopped years ago.
The "paedo BBC" has done much in terms of aiding and abetting this "mass (gay) mind control programme". Too many HOMOSEXUALS like abusing and destroying male children, and many of them are establishment connected - that is the reality! I don't care how the degenerate MSM or LGBT view this - it's time that their "minority and low-info view" - was firmly put in its place. Equally, too many female children are also being abused, - just so you understand.

Look how "stunned" the house and Cameron are!

GAY PAEDOPHILES infesting football - yes, they're HOMOSEXUAL PAEDOPHILES -
Not that the MSM (BBC/SKY) would ever use these "FACTUAL" terms, LGBT gatekeeping is their forte. The BBC executive will be made-up of the same sort of homosexuals, as seen in the Tory shot above!

This SHOULD turn into a witch-hunt against (certain establishment/connected) gay people!
Astor (Astar-oth) line marrying Cameron - attempts 'damage limitation' as all his "gay paedophile establishment" buddies come under threat! Now you know why the "gay agenda" was launched and why it has been such a massive mind control programme. Note this was "in-league" with (former) "paedo" BBC asset Schofield!

"Goodness gracious me, what 'ave we 'ere then - David. Did you say 'gay witches' ?"
Savile had a gay relationship (known to police) with Scarborough mayor Peter 'paedophile' Jaconelli.
Pink Team Savile. Gay News (newspaper) - Issue No.1. May Day is Gay Day - 1st May 1972
Lunch - Feb 1973: "The magazine for the new homosexual man and woman."
It (Lunch) began as a project of the London branch of Campaign for Homosexual Equality (CHE). Glenys Parry (a national chair of CHE) was part of the original editorial team of Gay News.

CHE and Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE)

Homosexuals and Paedophilia
The sodomite elite have normalised degenerate SODOMY - now they want to normalise evil CHILD ABUSE.
Sodomite propagandists - Labour Tatchell. These "minority rule" paedo sociopaths NEED DESTROYING!
 The sodomy act was completely illegal until 1967 (England/Wales), from then it applied to 21 years up, 27 years later it was reduced to 18+ (1994), and 16+ (2001). Buggery was still illegal in Scotland up to 1980, and in N. Ireland until 1982.

Homosexuals and Paedophilia. PIE and the (rotten) LABOUR PARTY. Anyone that votes for either the Tories, Labour or Lib-Dems - is actually helping support the mass abuse of children.
The Paedophile Information Exchange was popular at the time of the Islington care home abuse scandal. The lobby group held that paedophiles ‘loved’ children and wanted to liberate them sexually. PIE was granted ‘affiliate’ status within the National Council for Civil Liberties. At the time, the NCCL was run by Patricia Hewitt (left), the future Blairite minister, along with Harriet Harman (centre), a former Labour Party acting leader, and her husband Jack Dromey (right), also now a Labour MP. Hewitt is godmother to one of their children. Note that (current) Labour leader Corbyn did nothing too.

Victims tell of horror inside North Wales care home where gang rape, strip searches and vicious canings were a way of life... and Jimmy Savile was a regular visitor. William Hague was the then Welsh Secretary. In the end only eight former care workers were charged. Seven were convicted, including the former deputy head of Bryn Estyn, Peter Howarth, who died three years into a 10-year jail sentence and John Allen, founder of the Bryn Alyn Community of private residential schools, who was sent to prison for six years.
Victim Keith Gregory claims he knows 12 or 13 people who have killed themselves because of events that happened at Bryn Estyn in 70s and 80s. 'Everything was in-house, kept in secret within the walls of the home', says Mr Gregory who said he was whipped, beaten and caned during this stay. Man named Ben, who was cared for at the home, says he had his trousers pulled down for Savile's 'entertainment' and so did other boys at the home. High-profile visitors to the home allegedly included 2 senior former Tories. 'Children whose parents had died in horrific circumstances were targeted more because they knew nothing could be done about it', says Mr Gregory.

Oh look, a HOMOSEXUAL establishment/authority figure (Freemason) abusing boys in North Wales.
I briefly mentioned him earlier, one victim was from Bryn Estyn!
(Only 3 weeks ago). The second victim lived at a children’s home called Bryn Estyn in Wrexham. He claimed he was taken from there to various addresses and passed around “like a handbag” to men including Anglesea.

Gordon Anglesea, 79, is the highest-profile offender brought to justice through the National Crime Agency’s Operation Pallial, which has been investigating allegations of widespread and organised child abuse in North Wales. Anglesea has faced claims for a quarter of a century that he preyed on young boys, and in the mid-90s was awarded £375,000 in damages after successfully suing news organisations including the Observer that had linked him to abuse. At that time he depicted himself as an old-fashioned north Wales officer who had been inspired by the fictional neighbourhood policeman Dixon of Dock Green. In victims’ impact statements put before Mold crown court in north Wales on Friday, one victim said: “Anglesea was the worst. He was the man I feared most.”A second said he had several times tried to kill himself because he couldn’t live with the memories of what “that man” had done to him.

A witness/victim death!!! £375,000 in damages!!! A £1m legal bill!!! WTF? There are no fucking words! Imagine the power boost that this guilty monster felt when he was cleared! These maggots think they can hide behind respectability and authority, but they're wrong! The righteous are coming after them!
"So mote it be" Brother Anglesea. What have I said about Freemasonry and child abuse going "hand-in-hand"? This old cunt better get tortured while inside - slowly tortured! (Update, newsflash - this animal has now just died, and conveniently after serving just six weeks! Thanks for Truth Seeking Music Makers at youtube for the info) Gordon Anglesea: Jailed child abuse ex-police boss dies

Notable players brought through the Crewe youth system include former internationals Rob Jones, Neil Lennon, Danny Murphy, Seth Johnson and Dean Ashton. Other notable players to have made their name at Crewe in that time include Geoff Thomas, David Platt and Robbie Savage. By the summer of 2007, Crewe manager Gradi, was the longest-serving manager in English league football; he had completed 24 years in sole charge of the club (1983 - 2007).

In April 2001, he (Hamilton Smith, ex-board member at Crewe) says he arranged to meet Tony Pickerin, the FA’s head of education and child protection, at Lilleshall and requested a wide-reaching investigation into the care of children at Crewe's Gresty Road, as well as asking about possible compensation for Bennell’s abuse victims.
Three months later, having not had a response, he contacted the FA, believing the delay meant a long, complex inquiry must be under way. After requesting an update a three-line letter, seen by the Guardian, arrived in the next few days from Pickerin saying the FA had “investigated the issues and is satisfied that there is no case to answer.”

Were the FA not privy to the Dispatches programme that aired only 4 years earlier? A programme that actually uncovered some offences, ones that were previously unknown! By June 1998, Bennell had already been convicted twice, his second "nine year" sentence was linked to offences that occurred between 1978- 1992, and while coaching in the North West. Bennell was sacked by Crewe in 1992 (which falls inside the above dates), but the reasons for doing so are somewhat unclear.

Shock horror! FA finds "fuck all" investigating its own game. Never has "sweet FA"(slang) been so goddamn appropriate. Why do we tolerate this shit? I mean, the establishment investigating itself and finding nothing, it's just embarrassing for all concerned imo. This is, however, what passes for "civilisation" in the UK! Folk from the US might be reminded of the NFL Penn State (Sandusky) abuse case from a few years ago.
Ah yes, the FA and Freemasonry - wink, wink. Formed at the Freemasons' Tavern and right next door to the Grand masonic temple (London). England World Cup winning manager Alf Ramsey -  was a Freemason.
Who is the current "President" of this goddamn degenerate governing body? Why, it's William Windsor - Duke of Cambridge. The same William whose own father and grandfather were "well in" with prolific serial BBC paedophile - Jimmy Savile. I don't write this as specific proof of anything, merely just to demonstrate how all these "bodies" are ALWAYS frequented by the "same old, same old" establishment and their lackeys. The same (SICK) establishment that is paid for by the public purse.
Do you think that Savile was procuring "useless eater" children for the elite establishment? Even Mountbatten, the one that recruited Savile into the royal fold, was a "known" paedophile.


Yes, let's look at the establishment's recent form...as they cover themselves in glory.
As you can see, all is well, nothing to see, we're safe in their hands. (sigh)
Three chair resignations, strange suspensions and a 600 victim abuse group withdrawal?
Keep up the good work...sociopaths!

Histoical Rogues gallery...Liberal Conference, Llandudno, Wales.
What a political paedo shit-house! Child raping Freud and Smith shared a Commons office, and were both knighted within 12 months of each other (87/88). Both were proposed by Lord David Steel (ex Lib-Dem leader).
The gay brotherhood. Let's not forget Liberal and leading British Zionist/Satanist - Lord Greville "gay child rapist" Janner (pictured with war criminal and homosexual Blair). Twelve former residents of children's homes say they were abused by Lord Janner, a BBC investigation has found, as criminal proceedings end. The peer, who died before a court could examine claims of child abuse against him, regularly visited children's homes in Leicester in the 1970s and 1980s. More on Janner's Jewish/Liberal sociopath buddy Clement Freud, later.
Child rapist Savile with (child rapist) Clement Freud's daughter, Emma - "Pillow Talk" LWT network. She initially worked in children's TV (her father had authored children's books) and she has worked extensively for the (Zionist) BBC. Her father was also an established broadcaster. Younger brother Matthew Freud, is the ex-husband of Rupert Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth Murdoch. 

It's Jewish Elvis...
Elvis was still a "minor" by the time Col. Tom Parker had control of him. Interesting that Savile uses the "professor/pupil" in respect of Dutch born Parker. It was the rise of Beatlemania that saw Elvis' popularity wane. 
Beatle McCartney has said that in their early days The Beatles were close to Savile, and travelled with him, this was well before their worldwide fame. Later at the height of Beatlemania, Savile compered their Christmas shows. Liverpool is geographically very close to the topical Chester, Crewe and Wrexham areas.

Here's a former entertainment impresario and football agent - (Jewish) Eric "Killer Queen" Hall.
Remind you of anyone - another "monster" too? He certainly brought "tacky showbiz" into football during the 80s/90s. Ideal for Murdoch's 90s corporate rebranded Sky Premiership, which has ultimately turned English football into the poor circus spectacle that it is today. 
Hall - was a TV promotion manager for (military/industrial linked) EMI in the 1970s, handling all of EMI's top artists. It's alleged that the Queen track "Killer Queen" (a queen, a homosexual) is about him. He had an early career as a singer (backing vocals for Tiny Tim) and actor. At one point he was a record company tea boy with Reg Dwight, who would later become Elton "Brown Dirt Cowboy" John. He arranged the Sex Pistols' notorious, expletive-filled appearance on the Today show in 1976. Hall grew up in the East End of London and was a friend of Marc Bolan. He had been with Bolan on the night of his death in 1977. In 1986 a chance meeting with (Jewish Tottenham aka "The Yids") Steve Perryman - which led to him becoming a football agent and he built up a roster of clients who included: Justin Fashanu, Leon Cort, Robbie Savage, Tim Sherwood, John Scales, Neil Ruddock, Terry Venables, Paul Walsh and Dennis Wise. Hall's severe health problems in the late 90s, seems to have blunted further progress.

Justin "Eric Hall" Fashanu, the footballer charged with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old boy in the United States (Maryland), has been found dead in a garage in east London, police said yesterday. The former striker, once rated one of the country's brightest young stars, had fled to Britain following the charge and police sources said it is believed he hanged himself from the rafters of the garage. Fashanu, who denied the allegations, was charged with second-degree sexual assault - an offence which carries a maximum 20-year jail term and first-and second-degree assault. 
Eric 'EMI' Hall is very much comparable to a Max Clifford type (Cowell - was connected to EMI, convicted Clifford was his PR agent). Hall, a football agent who arranged for Fashanu to sell the story of his homosexuality to a newspaper in 1990, said yesterday that he felt "so guilty" - after illness prevented him from returning a telephone call from Fashanu last week. "I had kept in touch with him, and little did I know last week he phoned me from America. I hadn't heard from him for quite a few months." Fashanu, the first prominent British sportsman to be openly gay. When Justin's parents split up, he and his brother, John, were sent to a Barnardo's home (a "suspect" type of care home). When he was six, he and his brother were fostered and brought up in Norfolk.
Gay Rights Activist Peter Tatchell (above), who was a friend of Justin's in the 1980's, says it is remarkable that he is the first and only footballer to admit he was gay (there's one political link!). Fearing he was about to be outed by a Sunday paper, he and his agent (Eric 'Queen' Hall) sold The Sun the story that he was gay. The story caused a huge upset with his family and friends. In the newspaper Fashanu also made even more outrageous claims about relationships with politicians before leaving for America to train others to play football. It was later found that these claims had been made up (where have we heard that before, sarcasm?). While in the States Fashanu became embroiled in an accusation of a sexual assault on a young man. He came home and went to a monastery in Leicestershire. Then Justin visited a sauna in London's East End. Finally, he went to a lock up garage where he hanged himself.

There's clearly scope within the Fashanu story, for other (yet to be openly discovered) unsavoury elements to be involved. Why and how, was it ascertained that Fashanu's political claims were "fake" etc? Forgive me, if my trust in the police, media, and authority is so entirely lacking! What may have seemed like salacious and insane stories (sensationalism) decades ago (ones involving politicians/media/sports stars), and solely just for financial gain, no longer has that automatic defence, not in this post-Savile age!

Bennell is already being branded as "the Jimmy Savile of football". Bennell offended in the US too.
That's two English linked footballing assets, who were both seemingly rumbled in the States.
I expect that the UK establishment are hopeful that he doesn't pull through, he'd clearly be a major problem for the "connected" - and for what are obvious reasons.

Who is it that really OWNS the UK establishment, at least in the readily overt sense?
 Why, it's Rupert "Sky" Murdoch...the same Murdoch who now literally OWNS English football!
2011, June 7th - In the House of Commons (re: phone hacking) it is claimed that Johnathan Rees of MET police was targeting politicians, members of the royal family and even terrorist informers on behalf of Rupert Murdoch's News International. Nick Davies the next day espouses Freemasonry as playing a significant role in the scandal, including the roles of Johnathan (Freemason) Rees and Sid Fillery, both of MET police.

The same Murdoch organisation that hacked Milly "murdered/abused" Dowler's phone. They also didn't exactly widely publicise the fact that Dowler's father (Bob) was heavily into S & M (bondage and pornography, - you know like Fred West). No, I don't think that Bellfield is guilty.
Nicely juxtaposed with Elton "gay paedophile" John.
It is believed that Milly Dowler discovered some of his secreted stash.
It might be worth noting that this case was based in Walton on Thames. 
Walton on Thames, was the location of the 70s and 80s based Walton Hop - the underage disco that acted as a front for industry paedophiles, including convicted music producer and former BBC asset Jonathan King (see NOTW above).
Radio 1 and BBC 2 Chris Denning (now convicted) was implicated in this case.
Others included Tom "Bay City Rollers" Paton (mentioned earlier) and Matthew Kelly.
This is the same Jonathan King (with 'DJ progenitor' Savile, above), who was professionally and privately involved with Simon "homosexual" Cowell, aka Mr X-Factor, Mr Britain's/America's Got Talent. He is fooling no one (other than his mother) with his transparent "George Clooney style" FAKE marriage!
It was Freemason 'Brother Cowell' - who paid some of King's bail money, £50,000 in late 2000. His father, Eric Cowell was a record company executive with "military and corporate/establishment based" EMI. Cowell's former publicist Max Clifford, is currently serving time for child abuse related crimes. Clifford would attended (filmed) orgies with sex siren Diana Dors (whose own father was a Freemason, a Worshipful Master of White Horse Lodge, Westbury). Clifford would later be the ‘ringmaster’ host of his own ‘good honest filth’ parties (did he get 'schooled' by Dors?). Honor 'Johnnie Savile' Blackman, with Diana 'masonic' Dors in "A Boy, A Girl and A Bike" (1949) Savile's first ever (brief) screen appearance.
Cowell, will also very likely be a paedophile and I don't mind saying so. His own production company is named Syco (Psycho), although Paedo and Sociopath would be more fitting names.
It's just a pity that he has most of the youth strung-out, and on "low-grade" sexually charged industry propaganda. Will we have to wait 20-30 years for all the sordid stories from recent years and the now? Very probably.

Happy Like Murderers - Gordon Burn  (The West's)
'Chopper bike' - "riding a chopper" (chopper/penis). Not just a "bullshitter" but a sly "piss-taker" too.

Syco "gay" Cowell - "shining/polishing" psycho (gay) Jack's "chopper".
After leaving school Cowell took a few menial jobs—including, according to his brother Tony, working as a runner on Stanley Kubrick's The Shining, but did not get along well with colleagues and bosses, until his father, who was an executive at EMI Music Publishing, managed to get him a job in the mail room. However, after failing to get a promotion, he left to try out other jobs before returning to EMI.
I might've guessed that there would be a (masonic/paedo) Kubrick link! Lolita Kubrick's "The Shining" is (ultimately and subliminally) about the rape and buggery of Danny Torrance, a child. It's also the film which contains an "incest/paedo" Playgirl magazine reference and in a "gay" context via (child rapist father) Jack Torrance (Nicholson). I wonder if it was Cowell's own copy of Playgirl (ha, ha)? It was Hollywood paedophile Roman Polanski - that drugged and anally raped a 13 year old girl at Nicholson's Mulholland Drive home. Nicholson, was himself a product of incest. Crazy, isn't it?
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut - children and "SEX" - shown immediately after the elite satanic ritual orgy scene.

"I'm coming Dan - I'm right behind you"
Simon Cowell - Cock/Chopper Shining and Polishing - "Here's Johnson" (penis)
Look at how goddamn "transparent" this all is! Get this 'euphemism' everyone - Cowell "polished" Nicholson's "chopper/axe" (chopper aka penis)! A "shining" chopper polisher - wink, wink. The talent show judge's half brother, Tony Cowell, said that the 49-year-old lived near the studios when he was a teenager and bragged about his polishing skills (wink, wink). He had the task of buffing up Nicholson's chopper/axe for his famous "Here's Johnny" scene. (Here's Johnson, cock). Maybe Simon and Jack also replayed the "snails and oysters" male bathing scene from (Illuminati and gay resonant) Spartacus? Might've guessed though, the film was a Ashken-Nazi/sodomite Werner Bros release. At least Jack thought about "safe buggery" - by offering a "Johnny" (condom) and before he fully choppered the (back/toilet) doors (cough, cough).
Talking of Orange queer/gay/paedo Kubrick - adult male "cocks" filling underage "vaginas" - it's paedophilia posing as "art" via Lolita (vomit) with Freemason Sellers. No wonder Kubrick felt so at home in The Paedoph Isles (UK), he clearly shares similar interests and hobbies, the same ones that our own establishment are so fond of.

The same Murdoch, whose The Sun (daily newspaper) printed the (masonic) drawing by Sarah "abused/murdered by a paedophile" Payne - printed Wednesday 5th July 2000. It was 'allegedly' drawn by her, but I really doubt it actually was.
"Sarah cops search home of suspects". That's the subheading and above the "masonic cue". The home likely inferring the "masonic lodge" (wink, wink). The whole article is a publicly placed masonic calling card - a message to their brethren, one that some will understand! Payne was likely abused/murdered by establishment connected (Freemason) paedophiles (hence the masonic drawing aka calling card via Murdoch's The Sun). Roy Whiting was very likely "fitted up" by this same establishment - the forensics are very weak too. A "whiting" is also a type of fish - the masonic "red herring".
It was Murdoch's organisation that attempted to promote "Sarah's Law" - likely for the purposes of ignoring establishment based paedophilia (which he and his organisation is heavily involved in), and pointing the finger at the working classes (the dirty mac brigade).

If they want an accurate picture of child abusers living near us...take a photo of Parliament, take photos of the corporate mass media barons, take photos of dignitaries and the connected. That is your accurate picture, not this Murdoch mental slide!

The same "Sky and Murdoch" that first picked up on the disappearance of Madeleine McCann in Portugal.
That lovely upper-middle class couple - Kate and Gerry (vomit).
 The McCann's didn't phone the police as their first action (like normal human beings), they actually phoned Sky TV and via Esther "Tory bitch" McVey, she was Kate McCann's access to the Murdoch group. Gerry "Freemason" McCann...wink, wink. The reason for making the Sky call is obvious, it was the beginnings of a giant mass media deception, a deception involving both the McCann's (and their circle) and the Murdoch media empire. In doing this (strange call action), I expect they were awaiting their orders on how to proceed.

Don't forget, Clement was (formerly) the 'father-in-law' of Murdoch's daughter Elisabeth.

Two other women later came forward who claimed to have been abused by Freud, starting at 10 and 11 years-old respectively. June 2016 - A former British ambassador has revealed he has been approached by several people making further claims of sexual abuse by Clement Freud, amid fears the MP and broadcaster could have sexually abused dozens more children.

I did find the following, but it is unconfirmed rumour - so please bear that in mind. 
"Police in Suffolk have confirmed the now-known paedophile, Clement Freud, was out of the country when Madeleine was abducted.  However, his home had been loaned to friends of his -  John and Tony Podesta."

It would be remiss if I didn't mention the "Podesta brothers" comparison. I saw pic references recently. Yes, there is a a very weird overlap here - it's undeniable! It is also alleged that the Podesta family have holidayed in Portugal. (wikileaks emails). 
The e-fits are two sketches given by an Irish family's sighting. It's been claimed that the McCann's suppressed these images.

The Smith family from Ireland got such a good look at the man that they were able to produce two e-fit images of the suspect. One of the investigators whose work was sidelined said last week he was “utterly stunned” when he watched the programme and saw the evidence his team had passed to the McCanns five years ago presented as a breakthrough. The team of investigators from the security firm Oakley International were hired by the McCanns’ Find Madeleine fund, which bankrolled private investigations into the girl’s disappearance. They were led by Henri Exton, MI5’s former undercover operations chief. 
Their report focused on a sighting by an Irish family of a man carrying a child at about 10pm on May 3, 2007, when Madeleine went missing. An earlier sighting by one of the McCanns’ friends was dismissed as less credible after “serious inconsistencies” were found in her evidence. The report also raised questions about “anomalies” in the statements given by the McCanns and their friends.

The detailed images of the face of the man seen by the Smith family were never released by the McCanns. But an artist’s impression of the man seen earlier by (friend) Tanner was widely promoted, even though the face had to be left blank because she had only seen him fleetingly and from a distance. Various others images of lone men spotted hanging around the resort at other times were also released. The Smith E-Fits were not included in Kate McCann’s 2011 book, Madeleine, which contained a whole section on eight “key sightings” and identified those of the Smiths and Tanner as most “crucial”. Descriptions of all seven other sightings were accompanied by an E-Fit or artist’s impression. The Smiths’ were the only exception. So why was such a “crucial” piece of evidence kept under lock and key?

The McCanns visited Freud (again) on the night they were formally made suspects in the investigation in 2007. Kate McCann wrote:

“We found Clement watching a cookery programme, dressed, as promised, in his nightshirt. It was so ordinary and comforting, a bit like going to see your granddad after a horrible day at school. He gave me one of his looks and a giant glass of brandy, and managed to get a smile out of me with his greeting" : ‘So, Kate, which of the devout Catholic, alcoholic, depressed, nymphomaniac parts is correct?’ “His response to our catalogue of horrors was merely to raise an eyebrow. Clement had this way of making everything seem a little less terrible.”

Kate went on to explain how Freud commented on the sniffer dogs which led police to treat the McCanns as suspects.

Child rapist MP/broadcaster Clement Freud first rose to prominence via "Henry the blood-hound" pet food ads.
Henry - aka the "real talent" of that particular partnership.
Clement Freud assured Kate McCann she had nothing to fear from the "cadaver dogs" giving a positive response inside the McCann’s hire car, hired after Madeleine “disappeared”. They had no evidential value. “So what are they going to do? One bark for yes, two barks for no?” asked Freud. Yes, it's like he's taking the piss with the "dog" references - just like a good little sick (Jewish) sociopath would. 'Blood-hound Freud" commenting on a "blood-hound" connected element of the case, Freud would 'host' the McCann's on two occasions.
The Portuguese police used UK based Martin Grimes and his (blood-hound) Keela and (cadaver dog) Eddie, in their search of the McCann's apartment. The dogs detected both the presence of blood and decomposition, this was also the case with the McCann's hire vehicle. Admittedly, this must be corroborated with actual bodily evidence, but if something untoward happened (and involving the McCann's), you're hardly likely to leave anything "physical" like that lying around, perhaps even more so if you're doctors. I'd certainly trust these dogs more readily than anything either the "McCanns" or "paedo Freud" have/had to say.

Why would there be positive blood and cadaver scent responses inside their apartment, car and on some of Kate's clothes etc? Could it be that something happened to Madeleine inside that apartment (and with her parents) and that they are certain areas/items of clothing etc - that are still present with (invisible) risidual scent(s)? The dog's olfactory system is far more sensitive than anything any scientific instrument can match! Surely, any suggestion of a positive scent response, should at first be met with concern - and a follow-up as to why? Instead, we got an immediate "writing-off" - and the "pouring of scorn" on such information/discoveries. This is what the McCann's did, and neither of whom have expertise when it comes to police dog detection etc. How any of this potentially ties-in (if at all) with the possibility of an abduction, and/or the removal of the body from the scene (apt) - is anyone's guess?

Yes, I mentioned John "fingers" Podesta (and brother), along with "Mr Fingers" aka Fred West (and wife Rose), in my previous post! "Cheshire Ring" Fred and Rose - child abusers and satanic murdering witches, it's possible they (Wests) were involved in procuring victims for "well-to-do" types and their parties! The West's lived in Gloucester, close to the Welsh border.
Yeah, creepy - isn't it! The Rose 'witch' West shot is from a Hallowe'en night - down in the cellar at Cromwell St. Jimmy "Hallowe'en" Savile.
Cliff "Top of the Pops" Richard has a home/vineyard in Guia, Portugal, about 50km from Luz.

Portugal is also linked to "organised paedophilia" via the Children of God (The Family) and Berg/Zerby.
Child rapist Berg, who died at his private compound in Costa da Caparica, Portugal (1994). His wife and "child abuser" Zerby, would assume leadership. It's about 300km from Praia da Luz.
Together they institutionalised paedophilia into the cult, particularly during the 70s and 80s. They destroyed their own children, making Zerby's son Ricky Rodriguez (who murder/suicided in 2005), the centre of their "step-by-step" guide to normalising child rape/paedophilia. Hollywood's River and Joaquin Phoenix were raised in COG, their father was 'bishop of Venezuela' under Berg's "paedo" cult.

Former BBC propaganda linked - Clarence "Soham/Fred West/Madeleine/Jill Dando" Mitchell
Prior to becoming spokesman for the McCanns, Mitchell had been working under Tony "cottaging" Blair as Director of the Government’s Media Monitoring Unit, which by his own admission controls what comes out in the media. This is the same Clarence Mitchell who works for Clement 'paedo' Freud's son Matthew. Hey, what a small world.

Covering all the angles in all the sensitive stories, eh Clarence, a bit of a Mr Fix It, hmmm? Mr Mitchell also trying to "penetrate" gay Brighton (see text). After being seconded by the Foreign Office to help the McCanns, Mr Mitchell resigned his government post after one month to become the family’s full-time spokesman. He also works for PR firm Burson-Marsteller, “advising clients over engagement with both the British Government and the Conservative Party”.

The same Murdoch, whose The Sun defended the UK establishment during Hillsborough - again squarely placing the blame on the shoulders of the working class fan!
Anyone spot a pattern here? Murdoch is a GIANT CUNT and wants and needs DESTROYING.
Oh look, the West Yorkshire Police - the Yorkshire (masonic) Ripper 'keystone cops'.
Murdoch has been turning the collective mind of the UK inside-out, and for decades. They even have the barefaced nerve to claim that they write and represent a form of "real truth". Fuck Murdoch and his sick corporations, and fuck those that listen to him and line his (paedo) pockets.

Dennis "the genius" Potter - outlined the ongoing threat of Rupert 'malignant cancer' Murdoch's media dominance, and as far back as the early to mid 90s. His dying wish was to kill Murdoch, a wish likely shared by many!
 Fuck Melvyn Bragg too - another establishment lackey and Murdoch groupie!

The "missing architect" Joanna Yeates from 2010 (Bristol, again).

The "missing architect" is a huge aspect of Masonic lore...the architect being Hiram Abiff, the builder of Solomon's (masonic) Temple. It was Abiff that was murdered and his body concealed - hence "the missing architect". Hiram Abiff is an "stand-in" for Osiris (the masonic dying god), the Egyptian stories/belief being the real source of Freemasonry. Yeates' body was found (on Christmas Day) with a missing "knee long sock" and one of her breasts was also exposed - these also suggestively link to masonic lore. In masonic initiations - the right arm, left breast, and knee made bare. The whole affair was a public masonic-based mass ritual, and the discovery of the body on Christmas Day was also likely an aspect of this ritual.

His (Abiff) murderers hid his body under a pile of rubble, returning at night to move the body outside the city, where they bury it in a shallow grave marked with a sprig of acacia (the Osiris link giveaway). As the Master is missed the next day (a literal "missing architect" and a god of freemasonry), Solomon sends out a group of fellowcraft masons to search for him.
The search (above) - Yeates was last seen by her colleagues in the Bristol Ram (Ram/Hi-Ram).
Yes, "Hiram" is thought to originate through the concept of the "Hi Ram" (high rama, priest etc). The masonic "operative god" Hermes (Thoth) is heavily connected to the "Ram".

What sort of man would wear a shirt/top emblazoned with an "electric chair based skeleton" and to a press conference about his missing (possibly abducted/murdered) girlfriend, and with her distraught parents?
I actually believe that her boyfriend 'Greg Reardon' (above left) was the real link to her (ritually symbolic) death, the neighbour Vincent Tabak has very likely been stitched up - by you know who! Other various authorities would also have been involved in pulling this off. Masonic police, complicit defence team etc. The authorities kept (landlord) Jefferies locked away until they had sorted out their fix. The landlord claimed to have seen Joanna (with two men) on the Saturday night - this wasn't allowed to be generally known! If Jefferies had seen Joanna, Tabak could not be the killer, it is ALL linked to the Friday night! There was NO forensic evidence that ever placed Tabak inside the flat of Joanna Yeates, even though this is accepted as the scene of the crime/murder. Joanna was said to have bled at this location, but there was not one shred of forensic evidence in this flat. The only forensics that the authorities 'presented in court' (via his car) was so negligible, that it could've been carried by touch or breath. It was so weak, that it could've also been destroyed by touch or breath - this is indicative (or at least very suggestive) of a form of cross-contamination.
Yoo-hooo...it's the "masons" calling. Wink - wink.
I know it forms an aspect of a media firm's name, but they never let a good opportunity go to waste. This is their calling card, and they made sure that it reached the public domain.

Reardon only ever appeared at one press conference with Yeates parents, this video appeal has since been rinsed out of the internet! I was always suspicious of Reardon form the get-go (his conference performance seemed very forced and fake), and I have yet to see anything to deviate from this belief. Reardon, also tended to talk about Joanna in a "past tense" sense and during this first conference. Why did it take Reardon 4hrs or more to notify the authorities about Joanna being missing (on his return), at first he claimed there was no evidence of a struggle? Later, this was changed and it was deemed that there may have been a struggle - things strewn on the floor and things out of place etc. If the latter is the case, his waiting for 4hrs to pass makes absolutely no kind of sense! The reason is simple - Reardon was lying and throughout.

I mentioned Dunblane earlier via the Gallogley "paedo ring" confession/dossier.
New Labour assets were seemingly connected/implicated in the (masonic) Dunblane event. This was when (homosexual) Blair and New Labour were on the cusp of their meteoric rise.

The Dunblane inquiry was overseen by 'Speculative Society' freemason Lord Cullen (what are the chances of a freemason uncovering a freemasonic conspiracy? Less than zero is the answer). The details are now sealed under a 100 year order, this is so you don't have to read the facts, that your peers, dignitaries and political members are implicated in "mass and state-sanctioned paedophilia". Many know already anyway, so they needn't have bothered. Were all these children who were wiped-out, victims of elite paedophiles? It can't be ruled out, imo.
A former housemaster (at the school), Glen Harrison, tried to warn people that the "authorities" were shipping in UK dignitaries (politicians etc) to take children away (in their limos) to abuse them! This was before the Dunblane massacre even happened! The housemaster also noted Hamilton's involvement. Hamilton even personally wrote to Queen Elizabeth II, in the months leading up to the massacre! Surprisingly (sarcasm) the housemaster's claims were ignored. It's not so much a cover-up, but more akin to getting rid of "flies in the ointment" - so the 'ongoing' mechanism doesn't get interrupted!
No point in telling BBC Rantzen anything - she is a dirty Jewish/Zionist satanic paedophile and establishment gatekeeper!
A very young girl (5 years old) was sexually assaulted in Rantzen's swimming pool, by one of her associates (who threatened the child with death threats, should she disclose!). This was at her "Blood Oaks" Farm in the New "Witch" Forest. Just another BBC Jewish satanic witch.

"It's six o'clock - here's the BBC Jews, erm I mean News.

The same Rancid Rantzen that had a mid-60s affair with (MP Cyril Smith linked) Sir Nicholas (Elm Guest House) Fairbairn, a late Conservative MP and Solicitor General for (Celtic) Scotland. Fairbairn was, like Dunblane Cullen, also a Speculative Society mason,
Another so-called "Knight of the Realm". Is a 'knighthood' is a pre-requisite for an establishment based career in mass child abuse - and a state sanctioned career that will be covered-up for decades?
They gave Esther "paedo establishment gatekeeper" Rancid, the female equivalent - a goddamn Damehood!
Gay paedophiles, PIE/NCCL and the UK government apparatus - yes, again!
The links between certain homosexuals, homosexual pressure groups (linked to UK govt/politics), the political establishment and (institutionalised) mass child rape - become more and more apparent!
The top two Scots in Margaret Thatcher's cabinet - Sir Nicholas (Rantzen) Fairbairn and Dr Alistair Smith - were last night named as suspects in the historic abuse of underage boys. (Gay child rapists!).

BloodOaks Farm, Wych (Witch) Green, Lyndhurst Road, Bramshaw, Hants.

The 'blood oak' is also known as the 'vampire tree'. What you've got to understand folks, is that these degenerates (satanic paedo Jews and their assets) THINK THAT THEY'RE TOO CLEVER (too crafty!). Far too clever and 'far too superior a species' for the 'unwashed/useless eater' to ever figure out (this is why mockery is a large part of the programme). These agents (like Rancid) combine with (like-minded) Zionist TV organs (BBC etc) to collectively pull the wool over the nation's eyes.

The Royal Arch Degree - "For the good of Masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."

How about explaining all this Esther, seeing as you're a "so-called" anti-child abuse advocate (but really an establishment gatekeeper, and likely an abuser herself), one linked to the "paedo/Zionist" BBC. I can easily envisage "ChildLine" acting as a BBC filtering system for removing problem cases! Ben 'Kengate' Fellows alleges that Rantzen was also at a perv’s party where he was plied with drink, drugs and chatted up by paedophiles. In earlier posts, I connected Rancid Rantzen's ancestry (via Bernato) to major links with Cecil Rhodes and De Beers (Yiddish) Diamonds (indigenous destroying mineral wealth thieves). Cecil Rhodes was a (Zionist) Rothschild agent, the (illuminist/masonic) Rothschild's - administer/oversee the Rhodes Trust.

Zionist Sumner Redstone's MTV aka 'Masonic Music Television' for Goy consumption and mass cultural destruction. MTV only make DEGENERACY, that is all that they do, along with sexually programming youngsters from the cradle etc.
The Masonic Temple is a six-storey building located at (kabbalitic) 888 Yonge Street, Toronto.
'Corporate Hell' under the guise of entertainment. I think they moved from here in 2012, and to (appropriately named) Queen Street aka Queer (Gay) Street. An MTV - "empty V", empty vagina (gay/sodomite archetypal programming). Brotherhood shirt-lifting faggots.
This was (Jewish/Masonic) Canadian MTV's website background image in 2012, since changed.

"Up the Gary (Glitter)" aka shitter, and via the 'masonic' silver (chocolate) star (fish).
The star - astronomically 'sirius', physiologically the '3rd eye' and anatomically the 'anus'.
Hell, and folk wondered why Glitter hanged around Roald "Willy Wanka - Chocolate Fuctory" Dahl's place!
Crowley's Silver Star/Astrum Argentum (A.A.) - aka (masonic) Sirius
Esther literally translates as 'star' - Rantzen with (gay) "rent boy parties" Vaz - the masonic/sirius  Silver Star
Satanic/masonic gatekeeping (Goy hating) BBC JEWS. Ringo "Jewish" Starr born on 7/7.
Great track record you got there Rancid!  How can this "vile creature" ever be considered to be an anti-child abuse champion!? Only mass media "gatekeeping" - could cause this state of affairs.
Rantzen with NSPCC CEO - Peter Wanless.
Yiddish/Muslim Hamsa (Hamza) - to ward off the "evil eye" (all seeing eye, aka masonic sirius/silver star) and seek protection from your God. In kabbalah, the red bracelet (kalava) is worn on the right hand. Hamsa = five (hand/points). Phonetically linked 'Abu Hamza' is a (Zionist) 'mass media' type construct and for the purposes (of past and ongoing) fake "war on terror" propaganda programmes. His use, is yet again a form of elite mass mockery - hence his name, (hook) hand and evil eye. A Zionist/UK intel asset (bogeyman).

The NSPCC even ignored all the claims raised by Dunblane (housemaster) Harrison, in respect of Dunblane/QVS! The NSPCC are a fine body, incorporated by a Royal Charter and a leading respectable charity, they have never been duped or used by anyone - establishment based or otherwise! Oh hang on?
Multi-tasking PM's with crypto-Jew Jimmy. Is homosexual and former convicted cottager Tony "getting the horn"?
The Blair Witch - Tony "Miranda/Music Hall" Blair was the PM during 9/11.  BBC Radio 1 or Radio Sept 11?
Surely you remember the "ever reliable and trustworthy" Zionist/paedo BBC - telling the nation that "Building 7" fell some 23 minutes before the event even happened!
You see folks, it's ALWAYS been (fake) ZIONIST MASS MEDIA that's been the ultimate problem!
The biggest and most powerful "elite gatekeeper" of them all! Shepherding the masses - from one elite crime to the next.

I didn't even get around to Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman - I believe that they were either murdered by the establishment, or the establishment (at least) covered for the real perps (USAF, Lakenheath).

Soham Murders
The murders happened during the swelling of the US "war on terror" (post 9/11/01), if there was a link to the US military airbase, it would have to be covered-up and a replacement would need to be found. If it had been established that US forces had been involved in the abuse, rape and murder of two 10 year old British girls, there is no way that the UK population would've gone along with the US (fake) "war on terror" - or tolerated this kind of behaviour from US troops on UK soil. The fall-out of such an admission would last for years and years. The girl's bodies were found right near the bases perimeter fence. The airbase should've been the police's first port of call, likewise with nearby USAF Mildenhall.
This all obviously means that Ian Huntley has been completely and totally framed.  I believe that people from the corporate media (in this case the Daily Mirror) were complicit in making sure that he became a suspect, and effectively to order. It was the Daily Mirror who first made suggestion of Huntley's involvement, but for no apparent or appreciable reason, other than the fact he was around, that he was "openly" one of the last people to see the girls alive, and that he offered to assist. The gutter media ran with it and they never looked back. The event occurred on 4th Aug 2002, this is the 216th day of the year (216 aka 6*6*6). This date resonance should not be overlooked - the two girls were also heavily linked to Manchester United (football), and whose nickname is The Red Devils.

Christ knows what happens to these men when they're (falsely) arrested - it's likely that once placed on remand, their food and drink is immediately drugged via the complicit authorities. I'm sure you get the picture. If they can get them under the "mental health act" - the mind control medication can be applied even more liberally.

 In fact, I've just had to watch as (red hand) Thomas "Jo Cox" Mair, has been completely FRAMED for a murder that DIDN'T EVEN HAPPEN! Jo Cox was not murdered, she and her family were a part of a planned longterm agenda (involving the UK establishment) to attempt to swing the UK EU vote. She will have been secreted to live elsewhere - for services to this SICK EMPIRE.

A murder - that NEVER EVEN HAPPENED! This is the sickness that infests the UK!
All in league with the satanic corporate mass media - particularly Murdoch's Sky and the Paedo BBC.
That's why the family spent the memorial day (a couple of days or so later) smiling from ear to ear, instead of grieving! Same is true of (husband) Brendan Cox, a man who spent literally ALL HIS GRIEVING TIME promoting the 'remain vote' via social media. These people are FILTH.

 Yes folks - JO COX IS NOT DEAD! However, the man who has been FRAMED for her "non murder" - has had what remains of his life - DESTROYED by the (satanic) UK establishment, and all for a vote that they were NEVER GOING TO WIN! Once they started down the "FIX" road, there was and never is - any turning back.


Yes folks...isn't it a crying shame that there are seemingly thousands of (so-called) UK persons, working to maintain and expand the elite's mass child abuse mechanisms! Most of them either work in the (Zionist) corporate media and/or (Zionist) government apparatus. These people, are the same ones that you've been reading about, and throughout this post.


In other recent news - Satanic lesbian Hillary Clinton had to launch a "damage limitation" speech to counter the fall-out of Pizza-gate. She's fooling no one, you can tell that they are now running scared. They even pulled a "fake shooting" in respect of the same Pizza house, again uber embarrassing for anyone with a modicum of discernment. People who bought into the idea that Pizzagate was an entrapment fraud - are as insane as Hillary and her controllers, and still very much under the control of the elite's mind control mechanisms.
For "Fake News" see ABC, CNN, FOX, CBS, BBC, SKY etc. :)

Soon followed by "The Zio Yids" - with their tired and totally busted "anti-semitism" claims - YAWN! They're still trying to maintain that hatred of satanic and sociopathic Zionists (which is clearly a healthy mindset), is a form of anti-semitism. Give it up - your days are numbered.
Fuck the "paedo" BBC and their Zionist loving ways. I have no time for religious supremacists - the whole concept is a complete and utter mental aberration - always was. If you're God's chosen people, then that God must be SATANIC or LUCIFERIC, only these entities could produce such a controlling, heartless, cruel and criminal race. The fact that the Zionist Jews have been kicked-out of every place they ever occupied, should never be forgotten. Better get busy making another holocaust fantasy film - there's no business like "Shoah Business".

And of course, this! A charity single for a "non-dead" person?
A track from the uber-degenerate 'Rolling Stones', from the album Let It Bleed (ho, ho, ho!).
Jo Cox was not killed - the whole event was faked by Zionist/masonic (as recorded on this blog and in realtime) controlled UK govt/corporate media, all for the purposes of trying to influence the EU vote! All a waste of time, the people screwed the establishment, anyway (ha, ha)! Where's Brendan "I got pushed out of Save The Children due to inappropriate sexual behaviour" Cox? Her old constituency seat has (ironically) gone to a former actress (wink, wink), she did feature in Coronation "masonic" Street (via Zionist/masonic Granada), the soap with all those paedos (the ones they obviously left off). BBC, ITV and SKY aka Zionist programming central. Oy vey!

A multi-billion £ industry - one that can be easily torn apart and destroyed, and not a single penny changes hands!

Tsar Wars - Russian Ambassador, Berlin Truck, Trayvon Martin, Fake News - The Masonic Hanged Man

Just a little overview...prompted by 'skinnylegsandall' (recent comment).

Watch as I deconstruct the Star Wars franchise - and reveal it for the corporate "masonic programming" that it always has been. The most successful film franchise of all-time - reduced to nothing but Zionist fomented masonic propaganda and (useless eater) mind control. It looks as though the "Zionist masonic sociopath MSM programmers" have had a field day over the last two weeks. It's just a pity (for them) that virtually none of it sticks!

"Trance formation of America" Cathy O'Brien:
"George Lucas [of Star Wars fame] is merely a front for the NSA. While the kids are all fawning around under the spell of Luke Skywalker and other Masonic pseudonyms, Lucas and his boys can go around practicing their art..."

Trayvon Martin - USA 2012
The masonic Hanged Man - the "Tau cross" (as per the suspended hanged man) shaped pathway at the scene.
The (hanged) Tree of Life/Sephiroth Man
Masonic sets and props?
Arizona (Ho-rizon Horus of Ari), Robit-ussin ('masonic' Robot-using) and Skittles (Taste The 'masonic' Rainbow).

Robots and assassins - Michael 'BBC Robot Wars obsessed' Sandford. June 19 2016 (Vegas)
The "robot" flavour could equally apply to the watching (zombie) masses.
That's Donald "The fired Tower (trump)" Trump - the 'literal' walking POTUS tarot card.
Pence is his VP - "pence" as in penny coins (plural). The Tower is supposedly filled with showering gold coins.
Some like to reference Trump(et), Tower of Babylon, and end times type stuff.

The mother of all (Illuminati) cards. 9/11 also being the "mother" of (modern) FAKE NEWS.
The Hanged Falling 'Struck' Tower Man. As I've mentioned before, I did not buy into the "official MSM" 9/11 narrative - not even for ONE SINGLE DAY!

Donald 'The Tower' Trump meets Tracy 'The Hanged Man' Martin - via Illuminati Jackson's card game
Taste the OES - Masonic Order of the Eastern Star (Sirius) - Rainbow
The (quasi-masonic) "Order of the Rainbow" (girls) are regularly drawn from OES families.

"Why so serious/sirius?"
Aurora Shooting and Batman showing - which also connected to Sandy (fake) Hook, and via the film.
Yes, mass (Zionist) corporate entertainment systems (Hollywood etc) are being used to subliminally brainwash you, most actually programme themselves, and just by merely taking part as a spectator!

(below) Batman - TDKR: "We can start to figure out how to bring it down"
Sandy 'Over The Rainbow' Hook (Batman) and linked via (witchy) BANE aka "harm, ruin or death". 
A Crowley descendent works (as production designer) on these Nolan films. Upside-down hanging via bats.
The Dark Knight (above and below). The Hanged (Joker aka Fool of the Tarot) Man - suspended via the ankle. 
Bale and (now deceased) Ledger are both HUGE "hanged man" resonators.
The Hangman is a fictional supervillain appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was an enemy of Batman featured in Batman: Dark Victory.

The Hanged (masonic Trayvon) Man

Trayvon's (masonic) father - shooter Zimmerman was probably a (masonic) Jew. You can't do these charades by only controlling one side! Looks totally like a "masonic set-up" - with it's sledgehammer mystery religion symbolism etc.
Goyz n the (Brother) Hood

This 'now defunct' listing/link cites him as District Grand Master.
Brother Tracy Martin

ISIS-ISIS Baby. Andrey Karlov the Russian Ambassador (Turkey). 19th December 2016.
Why is there even a Russian art exhibition being held in Turkey, considering recent history, and the fact that the cultures are effectively opposed?
A masonic Hanged Man at a Turkey Shoot. Does it all look a bit stagey?
This could be seen as a an attempt to put further strain on relations between the two nations. A deliberate sort of very serious mischief making.
I've already seen references to the Ambassador shooting and the above (Illuminati) card.
At the moment the shooting starts - The Tsar Cannon.

Was it even a REAL art/photo gallery? A very good breakdown here and with unexplained anomalies.

The (Trayvon) Hanged Man (pose) goes viral.
Isis sister/wife of the "masonic hanged man" aka Osiris (masonic Hiram Abiff). Suspended by the ank(h)-le.
The Hanged (Altintas shooter) Man. Altintas - literally means "golden stone". In my work over the years, I've discovered (and demonstrated) that 'The Hanged Man' - is one of the most prevalent tarot archetypes out there, particularly via TV and film. I've shown countless examples, simply countless.
The Hanged "Ank(h)-ara" Man - Ankara, Turkey.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8N5D82K_9U (full details on this video). 
Check the links in the description! Thanks go to 'The Alternative News & Info Report' (at youtube).

Dec 2014. Predictive Programming (a la 9/11), Turkish TV - Art Gallery Shooting (Russia/Turkey) Ambassador?
There is more potential "predictive programming" relating to the "Reina (Turkish) nightclub shooting" - and from the exact same Turkish TV show - the very next episode (#90), in fact! (shown later).

Detailed link on the Turkish TV show (below)

The cop who shot the Russian Ambassador (shown earlier), shouted “Don't forget Aleppo” and “Allahu akbar” 
Or was it Admiral "it's a trap" Ackbar"? Oannes (Ea/Ia) resonant Ackbar, the primal (fish) god of Babylon.
There's "hanged man" resonance within the Star Wars franchise, shown later.

This shooting event in Turkey, was swiftly followed by the "terror truck" in Berlin. (19th Dec)
Another news story that is seemingly and potentially FULL OF SHIT!
Note, this article added here on 23rd Dec. (my Tsar/Star Wars stuff was added 21st). :)

We've got a Pakistani captured/arrested at the scene, no hang on, we've got a (known criminal risk and tracked for months) Tunisian who escaped, and left his ISIS/ISIL calling card! So, who apprehended the Pakistani at the scene, and why? Was he just a random Pakistani, and who just happened to be near the scene and truck? None of this makes any sort of sense, not even remotely. The media in Germany is really not worth listening to, and it has been this way for quite some time.

Oh look - Kaiser "WWI" Wilhelm. The Kaiser, who was in fact closely related to the (german) UK royal family.
I don't call them the Nazi Windsors for nothing!
Events on the same day. WWI - Kaiser Wilhelm (Berlin) and Franz Ferdinand (Ankara).

When you've got "spawn of Nazi Adolf Hitler" - aka Merkel, and as the de facto leader of the European fascist superstate, well, these events take on more significance!
Darth Vader to (Tatooine) Luke - "...I am your father"

We're told that the authorities will be SHOCKED, if the truck killer turns out to be an asylum seeker who got help.

Why the FUCK is that!? There have been dozens and dozens of attacks (on citizenry) in the last year or so - and apparently from 'helped' asylum seekers. New Year's Eve in Cologne being a classic example, and just one of the many. Therefore, this is TYPICAL, and not a shock to anyone, unless you've been in a coma for the last year or so! Of course, if you listened to German/EU state news - you'd definitely not know any of this whatsoever!

Is this typical practice? Front plate - GDA 08J5.  Rear plate - ZGR US66

Once these sociopathic EU leaders got a license to import thousands of unchecked Muslims, the opportunity for these sorts of (fake or otherwise) state mind (masonic) games has risen exponentially! A situation that I saw unfolding in realtime, and one that has led to these predictable outcomes.

On 21 December (Winter solstice, shortest day), police announced that investigators had found, under the truck's driver's seat, a suspension of deportation issued to a man named Anis Amri, who had been born in Tataouine (according to initial reports), Tunisia, in 1992. It is said that 'Tataouine' is listed as his home town in the (truck) documents.
Authorities subsequently began a Europe-wide search for the suspect.
Anis(kin) Skywalker. Anis derives from 'anise' (aniseed/star anise).

After his birth, Skywalker was separated from Leia and taken to Tatooine - to live with his aunt and uncle.
And we're back to Adolf Merkel's (Berlin based Galactic EU Empire) Germany...
Sun imagery (below) with the (nazi resonant) "stormtroopers", the swastika/sun wheel being a solar symbol.
Darth evokes the (masonic) tree of life/sephiroth and (sirius star resonant) "da'ath" - via phonetics. 
Vader also keys into Black Khem (Egypt) and the mythos of the Sphinx. Vader is also a Crowley avatar.
See this post for more on Star "Nazi German Empire" Wars.

Egypt, formerly Khem (Black), Vader and the Sphinx (to grip/strangle), Vader uses a psychic choke.
Luxor (light) hotel - and the light sabre aka phallus of Osiris (Isis etc).
What's that - some kind of black pyramid? A "Schwarzmuller" (black miller) name on the truck's rear.
Even "black/dark-side" Vader, originated from Tatooine (Tataouine), as per the truck documents.
The "black-miller" lorry was used to "ram" the crowd. Amri, is an anagram of "i ram".
Scania (cab/truck) - the name is possibly derived from the Germanic root Skaðin-awjã, which appears in Old Norse as Skáney. According to some scholars, the Germanic stem can be reconstructed as *Skaðan- meaning "danger" or "damage" (English scathing, German Schaden, Swedish skada).
Austria/Germany linked Schwarz-enegger - Black Ploughman and Black Tech/Magic (Tech-Noir).
Arnie's father (former Police chief, Gustav) joined the "occult resonant" Nazi Party (when it was still illegal - March 1, 1938), and was a member of the SA (Sturmabteilung or stormtroopers), the brown-shirted Nazi paramilitary wing, made up of the most enthusiastic of Hitler’s followers.
Pumping Iron (hoof/poof)
Oh look, the USA is being posited as neo-Nazi-land by corporate programmers...I'd never have guessed (sarcasm).

David "Vader" Prowse - featured in (Nazi propaganda-linked) Kubrick's A Clockwork "Nazi/Queer" Orange.
Schwarzenegger apparently trained at Prowse's five-floor gym, which opened in London, 1970.
'Clockwork Orange' Kubrick would have (Vader's voice) James Earl Jones in his Dr (nazi) Strange-loving.
David "Vader" Prowse, competed in the famous Mr. Universe contest. Eventually, he won the British heavyweight weightlifting title and gained status as a highly regarded and respected member of the fitness community. Over this period of competitive weightlifting, David became lifelong friends with actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lou Ferrigno, who at the time were not professional actors but rival competitors.

Disney and 'masonic' Star "Gay" Wars linked Pulse...
"Masonic faggotry" via MSM Zionist media. Recall, the "Mateen is gay" meme from the time.
Another 'so called' victim referenced by MSM...more Star Wars (Dark Side) imagery. (see Christopher 'Drew' Leinonen).
Via Kathleen "Zionist 9/11 mass programmer" Kennedy. Disney, who in recent years bought Lucasfilm.

Mateen's Star Wars "dark-side" themed bathroom and a 'Disney' Mickey Mouse 'D-Day' resonant calendar.
Economist 2016 - foreshadowing the LGBT "rainbow" Pulse terror shooting.
"Say cheese selfies"
"As You Like It" (Orlando/Jacques) - "All the world's a stage"

All these goings-on, and in just the last 6 months (save Trayvon, Aurora, Sandy Hook and 9/11) - we've had THE FAKE "Orlando shooting" (USA)
Casting call central - actors Omar "The Big Fix" Mateen, Christopher "TV" Hansen, Patience "Fox 29" Carter etc, etc.

...and THE FAKE shooting of "Jo 'MP' Cox" (UK EU vote) courtesy of the (sick) UK establishment.
MSM "Job Done!" Cox and the "Tug of War"
2016 - The Year of (multi) Fake News

The United States of (Fake News) America.

Laws have been passed (Smith-Mundt Act) allowing for the propagandising of the masses via corporate/state media apparatus! Video from June 2015. This is what happens when Jews = News! It's not a new thing either, the Zionist USA has been brainwashing/priming its citizens (with fake corporate info/news) for decades.

A good "Fake News" overview here via RT - the only thing missing is the referencing of the masonic Zionists.

23rd Dec
Anis Amri - Fingerprints found the day before, and then he turns up dead (in Italy) the very next day - oh look the prints match with Amri's. He travels on a train from Germany (via France) to Italy - even though he's Europe's most wanted man? No one spots him at (heightened security) stations or on the train? The days of actually making these events seem believable (if they ever existed), have long since passed.

FILE (certain details) UNDER MSM BULLSHIT. The MSM - aka the undisputed champions of "fake news".
MSM - "Shepherding the masses" - from one elite crime to the next.

Ships passing in the night...'strange anomalies'. Thanks go to JP (see comments) for two of these finds.
Tunisian terrorist was in the Savoyard city on the same day as Francois Hollande.
Reminds me of the following "Tunisian/Truck" related:
France, Nice - Bastille 'Lorry' Terror, 14 July 2016. Tunisian driver Bouhlel and the Mayor of Nice (Estrosi) "selfie".
The selfie was allegedly taken (a year earlier) at the same location of the truck ramming, Promenade des Anglais.
Photo from Facebook account of the killer.

And 18-months earlier...another "French 'Presidential' Connection".
Part of the "7th - 9th Jan 2015 Île-de-France attacks" (which included Char-lie 'masonic' Hebdo).
Don't forget, there was also the (masonic resonant) "Friday 13th November 2015" terror attacks, later that year.
Yeah...just another glitch/anomaly in the matrix. Hyper Cache(r) - Hyper Hidden. Amedi, 27, meets Sarkozy
Meeting Sarkozy and via Coca "Intel" Cola. Hyper Cacher is a kosher (Jewish) supermarket.

Coca-Cola..."always the (Is)rael thing" :)
It looks like it'll be 'business as usual' (re: Israel) when Trump takes over.

Hijacked plane 23rd Dec - Libya to Malta. So much recent activity has involved aircraft.
It's the Maltese Templar (Masonic) Knights - the 'ass fiddling' (baphomet sodomite) Israel resonant Templars.
Djedhi (Jedi) Knights and the Maltese Cross.
Air Malta (literally) Horus Falcon "god of the sky/air".
Knights, Djedhi and Falcons via "the masonic mysteries". Film from Werner (Ashke-nazi/sodomite) Bros.
Han Solo (Ford) - Indiana "Ra/Falcon/Hawk staff" Jones - via Tanis, Egypt (see above, and Lucas' Raiders).

Breaking - I do a "Tsar (Star) Wars" - oriented post, and then this happens:
Carrie "Under The Rainbow/Isis" Fisher. The (aircraft, in-flight) cardiac arrest sounds serious.

Ford...The Hanged (D)Jedi Man...suspended via the ank(h)-le.
All occurring while Leia 'strangles' Jabba The Hut...an aspect of hanging/choking via a noose.
The Hanged Man 'dying god archetype' a la Christ, Osiris, Odin etc.
Death & Rebirth...
Han Solo (Ford) as the literally 'suspended' (suspended animation) "Hanged 'Osiris/Orion' Man"...via the carbonite coffin (ala Osiris' tree coffin), raised by Carrie 'Leia' Fisher (like Isis, symbolically raising via the Djed Pillar).  Djed(eye) & Jedi. Solo, who flies the millennium 'Horus' falcon.
Fisher also died shortly after a digital Leia debuted in Rogue One. I think the ending segues into a IV A New Hope - you know, where Leia slips the rebel plans into an electronic dustbin. The same R2 dustbin that soon fucks off to Tatooine with (gay) Oz Tin Man aka C-P30.

Tatooine Skywalker
Skywalker is also infused with The (inverted) Hanged Man thematic.
Suspended by the ank(h)-les
The last Xmas Turkey hanging in the shop...via Ank(h)-ara and Russia.

"...the whole 'Jedi Order' seems extremely Masonic, with it's levels starting from 'Apprentice' (Entered Apprentice, 1st degree in Freemasonry) to 'Jedi Knight' (Knights Templar/of Malta) to 'Jedi Master' (Master Mason), to 'Jedi Council Member' (like Masonry's Supreme Council 33rd and other Masonic councils), the final level being - "Grand Master of the Jedi Order".
The term 'Jedi' apparently comes from the 'Djedhi'(jedi/djed-eye), an ancient Egyptian group of Serpent Mystery Cult priests who wore hooded robes and used a ritual 'staff or was'. The lightsaber replaces the staff as the phallus/wand for the fictional Jedi in Star Wars, which fits with the Masonic Egyptian themes herein, (and all tied together with Kabbalism and the origins of occult belief systems)."pseudo occult media

Original Star Wars trilogy began with episode IV. The Emperor (card IV), the 'father figure' of the tarot.
The Emperor and the 'sceptre' (Was) aka lightsaber, Death Star as the 'orb' (see tarot card), shot above precedes the visit to the Emperor's throne room. Was sceptres were depicted as being carried by gods, pharaohs, and priests. Often parallel with emblems such as the ankh and the djed(i)-pillar. Pseudo Egyptian Tarot, the figure is in profile and wears a Masonic apron.

Carrie 'Star Wars' Fisher - hospitalised at Ronald 'Star Wars' Reagan UCLA Medical Center.

Carrie "Leia" Fisher suffering a cardiac arrest aboard a jet aircraft.

Surely you remember ol' Ronnie Reagan's - "anti-nuclear missile shield" - SDI aka Star Wars?
Ray-gun and Star Wars (lol). :)  Tsar Wars - Putin/Trump and the nuclear question.

25th December
  Black Sea crash, cause unknown.

Just breaking - Wham! - "pop star"George Michael dead.
Wha(a)m! - Lichtenstein. One of the best-known works of 'pop art'. Wham! - "Young Guns (go for it)."

Whaam! Lichtenstein - literally translates as "bright stone". Recall, that "Altintas" (the shooter below) literally translates as "golden stone". A diptych (two-fold) pop art piece by the American (Jew). In the Greek original diptychs, writing was accomplished by scratching the wax surface with a stylus (evocative of a wax vinyl record and player, then!). Greek/English (Jewish) born, and 'wax record selling' - George "Wham!" Michael was born 1963. Whaam! - painting was produced 1963. Lichtenstein repeatedly depicted aerial combat between the United States and the Soviet Union.
Don't forget - the Russian Ambassador (Karlov) got shot and killed at an "art gallery" (Turkey).
The Turkish airforce shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24, 24th Nov 2015.
Odd synchronicities! 25th December - "Wha(a)m!" (pop) and a downed "Russian military jet".

Lichtenstein (name) is linked to Germany. WW2 via unexploded RAF (aircraft) bomb - Germany, 25th Dec.

27th December

(From the 23rd) Breaking - I do a "Tsar (Star) Wars" - oriented post (on 21st), and then this happens:
Carrie "Under The Rainbow/Isis" Fisher. The (aircraft, in-flight) cardiac arrest sounds serious.

Following in the aftermath of:
The Tataouine/Star Anis(e) linked Berlin truck terror event, the Russian Ambassador slaying, the crashed Russian military jet, a UN Israeli snubbing, and the death of George Michael.
In other (flight/death resonant) "Star/Tsar Wars" news - one recovered Tu-154 black box.
A 'Mile Falcon' and a 'Mil(l)e-nnium Falcon'

Thanks to JP (comments) for the assists.

I missed this, another heart attack, Dec 18th...Star, Tsar Tsar & Zsa Zsa.
A (kind of) adopted son had a motorcycle accident (same day she died), and on Mulholland Drive. He died a week later.

29th December

Deja-Vu? A mother's death, followed by the death of an adopted son (above).
A daughter's death, followed by the death of her mother (allegedly via a stroke). These two had their very own personal Hollywood "Star Wars" - not speaking for a decade or more etc.

Tataouine - Anis (Star) Amri



In other "Star/Tsar Wars" news, no obvious signs of explosion or fire in respect of the Russian Jet Tu-154.
The possibility of terrorism, however, has not been entirely ruled out.

Meanwhile, the last phrase of the commander of the crashed Tu-154 indicates the development of a state of emergency on board the aircraft, Interfax reports with reference to Sergei Bainetov.
"All was normal, but the commander's phrase, only one phrase, indicates the beginning of a state of emergency on board. It does not tell us anything more than that," the official told reporters in Moscow. On December 27th, it was reported that experts deciphered the audio recording of one of the black boxes of the crashed Tu-154. One of the pilots interrupted the conversation of the crew by exclaiming: "The flaps, damn it!" Then the following was said: "Commander, we are falling down!"

Russia and Turkey reach an agreement in respect of the Syrian ceasefire.

Star Wars - Just for the record, I've only ever seen Episodes IV-VI (1977 - 1983). I have not seen any of the others, none of the prequels (Episodes I-III) or any of the latest, including Episode VII. Lucas destroyed the original trilogy (IV-VI) with his CGI hell "special editions".

(Kha)zar Wars...Retardation and mind control via mass media.
Star Wars franchise has recently been under the tenure of (Jewish) JJ Abrams. Mr "777 Jet" Lost.
Gaybrams debuted in (mind control resonant film) Six Degays of Separation.
He rebooted the "masonic/globalist" Star Trek film series too. He is the executive producer of the latest Star Wars VIII film, likewise with the Westworld TV series (another programme that I haven't watched, and not planning to either!). Game of Thrones is touted as being some kind of superior TV show, but from the little of what I've actually seen, it's absolute pure and unadulterated SHITE. More "LOTR and dungeons and dragons" entertainment guff - which ironically is what Star Wars is, but set in space! :) The "fandom" that worships this bilge are akin to teenage Pokemon fans, but even more obsessed.
The show's logo, evoking "Adam (Kabbalistic) Kadmon" (with pillars) is more than enough for me.
Abrams is just another Hollywood based "hate Whitey" and "sodomite" programmer/propagandist.
Anthony "multiple Hanged Man" Hopkins features in the cast.
A Nolan brother is heavily involved (Jonathan), sibling Christopher (a Dark Knight a la Vader, geddit?) is the director who works with Nathan Crowley, related to Aleister "777 kabbalist" Crowley.

West World - "The story takes place in the fictional Westworld, a technologically advanced, Western-themed amusement park populated by androids dubbed 'hosts'."

The above text, is a barely-veiled nod to MSM/Hollywood/TV being a (degenerate) 'mass circus amusement park' (which it is, and of course, based in the West), the 'androids' are clearly representative of the (watching) masses - aka the corporate media primed sheep! ('androids and sheep' lol, P K Dick, anyone?). I think similar is implied with the series The Walking Dead.
Do US citizens care about the total Zionist Jew domination of their (so-called) entertainment and news systems?
 Not really, as long as you provide them with a "bread and circuses" corporate special - all is well.

Have you noticed that corporate Hollywood and TV, now make entire series' out of films that were mediocre or poor to begin with! Limitless, 12 Monkeys, The Exorcist, Big, The Devil's Advocate etc etc. This is how 'regressive' Hollywood/US TV programming really is - backward and retarded.

Israel (predictably) reacts very negatively to Kerry's "two-state" speech.

News of a criminal investigation into Netanyahu by the Israeli Attorney General.

30th/31st December

The USA continues to embarrass itself on the world stage...

I can remember when Senator Obama (Ill.), along with Senator Richard Lugar (Ind.) got arrested in Russia (2005) for spying on off-limits Russian nuclear facilities! :)
http://www.skolnicksreport.org/ootar80.html (Obama SPYING - from the late and great Sherman Skolnick).
Wanted! For multiple crimes against humanity. Uncle Tom Obama and Lesbian Witch Clinton.

The UK - aka a proxy state of Israel. Theresa "puppet" May - she's not even been elected by the popular vote!
Yeah, that's some democracy you got there, UK!
Jacobite/Zionist gatekeepers - supporters of the ongoing genocide. May, a "remain stooge" and "indigenous hater" - her record in government is appalling, I can find no successes. This WHORE set-up the IICSA (joke) inquiry, flooded the nation with illegals, and (like Ca-moron) championed the EU. This is the same BITCH, that thinks it's the UK governments job to redefine (re-programme) what "anti-semitism" is! The Tories are currently overseeing the destruction of the UK, a job that they know and understand only too well. The only way is BACKWARDS (for the masses) with these criminals. Quite simply, the Tories are, and have always been ABSOLUTE ANTI-HUMAN FILTH. May's comments are designed to show her pledge of allegiance to the Zionist cause, nothing more. The UK government is an asset of Israel.

The only thing inappropriate, is pretending that Zionist genocide isn't happening! The same (sick) Israel that was fully behind the 9/11 false-flag. The same Israel that has (via proxy) turned the Middle-East into a quagmire, one that is collectively destroying virtually everyone! Fuck Israel and its Satanic government.

The Union (of Zionist) Jacob/Jack

Carey and Carrie x2. Both have recently crashed and burned.
Not forgetting the recent and overlapping 'terror-linked' Berlin/Tunisia (Tataouine) meme.

Jan 1st 2017
Back to Turkey, again! CNN = CIA.
It's Istan-BULL. We just recently had the "staged" Russian/Turkish Ambassador shooting.
Recall there was a virtual complete (Turkish) media "clear-out" - a few months ago during the Turkish coup.

Turkey nightclub shooting - in early BBC reports the "two gunmen" meme got an airing. This was soon buried, and as quickly as it was launched. This has been a feature of many terror events in recent years.
Thing is - how come there was a gunman in black (external video shots).
Yet we see a gunman in white (video inside the club)?
Are we supposed to believe that he did a wardrobe/costume change, and right in the middle of a shooting? If so, it is clear (from the footage) that he changed outfit during the actual shooting, not before or after. The lone gunman claim is already on very shaky ground, even more so when you allow for these anomalies. The early eyewitness reports did describe up to three attackers. If it's 'one shooter' - he entered in black, change into the white outfit, and then removed that 'white outfit' (as shown below) - that's TWO costume changes!
"The interior minister said the lone attacker was believed to have left the club wearing different clothing."

The shooting was also initially sold as being carried out by a terrorist dressed as Santa Claus, yet there is little evidence to support this belief? A white suit is not standard attire for Santa. Have they got folk believing in Santa Claus, wink-wink?

Predictive Programming (a la 9/11), Turkish TV and a "Shooting Santa"! 
Jan 2015. Eps #90, same TV show that evoked (via eps #89) the Ambassador and "art gallery" slaying!

Two "timely" Zionist releases, wouldn't you say? "Bad Santa 2" and "Monster Truck(s)" (cough, cough).
They're Reina Nightclub and the Berlin (Monster) Truck resonant.
2016 - "Bad Santa 2" (released from 23rd Nov) and "Monster Trucks" (released from 21st Dec). Monster Trucks would first play in France, where the "Tunisian infused" Nice truck terror happened.
Zionist asset Murdoch's The Sun - an "errand boy" - aka a disposable asset for mass mind control (wink-wink).

The above is now denied by the US Embassy...I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Mr USA - Reina Nightclub's version of Christopher "Pulse actor" Hansen - Jake (Jacob-ite) Raak.
(JEW operative) Raak is the owner of TECH Manufacturing Corp., an aerospace manufacturer in Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania.
All the prior is obviously a "front" for his intel/mossad work. Mr USA aka Jake the Peg (with the magic leg)

"These crazy people (plural) came in shooting everything...I saw one gunman (singular)"
Fakob Raak, can't even deliver the fix without screwing it up, no wonder he corrects himself seconds later, after being ASKED how many people?! This man is a phoney (intel op plant), it's not even debatable (imo), his tourniquet is actually tinsel! Note, this man is the only official US victim. "Raak" - (Dutch) can mean to 'strike' or 'hit'. The 'gallows' to the 'gurney' (execution).

Reina Nightclub = Pulse "Big Fix and Fix It Here" Nightclub

Reina - means "Queen" (as in gay queens).
 Oh look, it's the Pulse "Gay Reina/Queen" Shootings!
It's Mr USA aka (phoney) Pulse "actor" Christopher Hansen
Dance Your (Gay) Ass Off. This is MSM "mass mockery" on acid.

"The Big Fix" actor Mateen, actor Chris "Rainbow" Hansen and (media asset) Patience 'Fox 29' Carter etc.
Jacques/Orlando - As You Like It - "All the world's a stage..."
"Taste the (masonic/gay) Rainbow". Rainbow Pulse and Rainbow (masonic Hanged Man) Trayvon.
Some might even recall the (fake) Sandy "Over The (masonic) Rainbow" Hook shootings from late 2012.
The Wizard of Oz - is nothing but a 'giant encoded allusion' to the act of SODOMY.
This is why the whole Oz phenomena is so heavily tied to all things "gay" (and LGBT).

Of course, I could also throw in the Bataclan Club from (masonic) "Paris Friday 13th terror".
A club that was under Jewish ownership, an ownership that expired on the resonant 9/11 date.
Jews Pascal and Joel Laloux, sold the theatre to new owners on 11 September 2015.

France's 9/11, wink-wink.

It's "Masonic/Illuminati" Rothschild/Zionist central...
Make no mistake, it is "Jewish Kabbalah" that underpins the whole essence of Freemasonry.
Isis - aka the "masonic" goddess and wife/widow of (hanged man) Osiris (Hiram Abiff).
Royal Arch Freemasonry 'motto' - "for the good of masonry, generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."

Remember ISIS (fake Muslims) were funded and created by USA, UK (both proxies) and Israel.

USA - Corporate 'Fake News' World Champions
The "so-called" hacked computer wasn't even connected to "the grid".
Recall that on (Thurs) 29th Dec, Obama ordered the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomatic personnel.
Tu-154 crash, Dr Glinka - Cabot, Vermont. She was arguably the most well-known victim.
Washington "Mockingbird" Post
The Washington (Fake News) Post and CIA Operation Mockingbird
Katharine the Great: Katharine Graham and the Washington Post by Deborah Davis, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1979. This book makes many claims about Graham, then owner of the Washington Post, and her cooperation with Operation Mockingbird.

Corporate/Intel Mass Mind Control of the US Public

Fake Jews = Fake News

continued in next post...

Mass Media Mind Control - Manson, Saturn and Bluebird

Manson, Saturn and Bluebird

Jan 4th - saw this "mass media trifecta". All in all, it's been a very eventful couple of weeks!

With so much current and ongoing "corporate mind control via mass media" (see Berlin truck, Reina shootings, Russian Ambassador shootings, fake news etc) - I thought I'd port the latest into a new post. It'll give me more room to expand, should events continue in this vein. This post is best read in conjunction with the previous "Tsar Wars" post.

**Warning - post contains very graphic images, do not view if easily offended etc.**

4th Jan
It's (Nazi) Mind Control Icon - Charles "swastika head" Manson.
He's now the Butcher of Bakersfield, just like political and movie "Running Man" - Arnie "Nazi" Schwarzenegger.

Pop Art via Wha(a)m, Jet Planes, and 1963 (geddit?). Christmas Day 2016, Wham and Sochi.
Pop Art - Tate Modern, literally, considering (former budding pop star) Manson has just popped-up.
Polanski's then pregnant wife, and Manson Family victim, Sharon Tate.
Did I mention "The Hanged Man?"
The Hanged (Suspended) 'Masonic' Man - The Ninth (Satanic) Gate (1999) - Roman Polanski
Cielo (Sky) Drive -  Polanski/Tate home.
Hanged via "Masonic Cable-tows".
La Bianca victim (Tate/La Bianca)
The Seal of Saturn (and its ruling spirits, as seen in typical grimoire). An aspect of a stylised version of the word "war" inscribed on the victim. It also evokes the masonic 'square and compass' - a 'hooded and hanged' victim (shown at Cielo Drive) is likely further masonic flavouring. The Cielo Drive events happened Aug 9 1969 (9.69 a la Saturn), and La Bianca the following day.
Polanski's Rosemary's Baby has a runtime of 2hrs 16 mins (216 = 6*6*6).
"Hex Poled and Reverse Ring" Saturn (Satan) - Death, The Reaper, The Black Cube.
Saturn, the magical equivalent of Satan. He is the old god who was worshiped in the Witches' Sabbath.

"All of them (hexing satanic/saturnic) witches" - Rosemary's Baby
The "hermit" Obi Wan switch - "That's no space station - it's a moon."
Star Wars - The 'Dark-side' Death Star and Saturn's moon - Mimas.
The moon was first spotted in 1979, two years or so after the original film release (wink, wink).
Baphomet - "the sabbatical goat" is heavily associated with Saturn. (Rosemary's Baby, 1968).

Well I never! It's SATURN - and in today's news via "Werner (Disney) Von Braun" Nasa/Nazis and Ca-SS-ini!
'Mind Control' Manson and Saturn "news" - and on the same day.

Helter Skelter - Manson, The "OTO" Beatles (9/11 Macca) and BLUEBIRDS.
Project Blue Bird was the first known codename for the narco-hypnosis-behaviourist-trauma mind control experimentation undertaken by US intel agencies in the immediate aftermath of WW2. Manson was/is a "STATE ASSET" - an FBI informant, and one (in-part) programmed via Scientology and the Process Church. Beatle McCartney has been linked to the Process Church magazine. Manson claimed that 'The Family" were receiving instructions from Beatles recordings (White Album etc).
The "military-industrial complex linked" EMI Beatles, would rise in the US, and primarily in the aftermath of Kennedy's ritual and public killing. Their initial global rise arguably began in Hamburg, Germany. The Beatles'American television debut was on 18 November 1963 on The Huntley-Brinkley Report, with a four-minute long piece. On 22 November 1963, the CBS Morning News ran a five-minute feature on Beatlemania in the UK, which heavily featured their then current UK hit "She Loves You." The evening's scheduled repeat was cancelled following the assassination of John F. Kennedy the same day. Beatle Lennon's death, ties-in with the whole Rosemary's Baby mythos, witchy (9/11 "destruction in art") Ono, and the 'stereotypical' mind control of Chapman. The "OTO" Beatles. Chapman, six weeks before Lennon's assassination, allegedly presented to filmmaker, Kenneth "OTO" Anger, a gift of 'live bullets' (they both met in Hawaii). Process Church connected Anger, was also very much linked to Manson (et al), note his work with (former lover) "Family member" Beausoleil. It's also possible that some of the Beatles visited Polanski/Tate Cielo Drive home.
On 10 December, Walter Cronkite decided to transmit the (Beatles' 22/11/63) piece again on the CBS Evening News, and the resulting interest led to the rush-release of "I Want to Hold Your Hand" and—only weeks before the Beatles' arrival—a U.S. commercial breakthrough. The Beatles would fly into JFK airport, and arrive in the US for the first time on 7 February 1964, eleven weeks after JFK's assassination. On 9 February 1964, the Beatles made their first live U.S. television appearance. 73 million viewers—about two-fifths of the total American population—watched the group perform on The Ed Sullivan Show at 8 P.M. According to the Nielsen ratings audience measurement system, the show had the largest number of viewers that had been recorded for a U.S. television program. (source wiki)

Beatles - Yellow Submarine (1968). At the end of the movie, the Chief Blue Meanie says:
"My cousin is the Bluebird of Happiness'". It also shows bluebirdson his head when he says this.
The bluebird is also mentioned by David 'Berlin' Bowie in the song "Lazarus" - from his final album "Blackstar"

Chief Blue(bird) Meanie - Oswald (the lucky rabbit).
Like the majority of the Meanies in his army, the Chief is masked, has yellowed teeth with navy blue woollen body hair and massive, paw-like hands with six claws on each. "Common" Blue Meanies wear a hat reminiscent of Mickey Mouse's ears, (bluebird chief's) hat looks more like Oswald's (rabbit, below right).
Lee Harvey 'bluebird'Oswald was nicknamed Ozzie Rabbit - after the exact same cartoon character, this was during his military time, and Bluebird Cafe link. Chief 'bluebird' Meanie has an unpredictable, if not split-personality, (see Ross and Project Bluebird - multiple/split personalties, disassociation) which sends him from apparently effeminate and friendly to raging and malicious - though no less buffoonish in either. He has a sidekick, "Max", who is often the victim of his abuse, from being punched to being shot.

The "mother" of conspiracy theory, the "Killing of the King" - Kennedy's assassination and Bluebird.
During Oswald's military career (marines), and while stationed in Yamoto, Japan (June, 1958) - Oswald would be involved in an incident at The Bluebird Cafe, this led to his 2nd court martial. Some have mentioned apparent changes in his behaviour around this time. The 'political mind control/assassin' film - "The Manchurian Candidate" (1962) is connected to all this. Sinatra's film is based on the 1959 book, the same Sinatra that was later briefly married to Mia 'Rosemary' Farrow.

JJ "Star Nazi Wars" Abrams recently produced "22.11.63", the 'time-travel' Kennedy serial, and based on Stephen "The Shining/Apt Nazi Pupil" King's book. Oh look, it's James 'abuser/suspected paedophile' Franco. They linked the series to Back to the Bluebird Future. Apt (Nazi mind control schooled) Pupil - would feature an 'injured blue jay' (a different species, but a literal blue bird). The injured blue jay motif/theme has appeared in other King works. Apt Pupil, with Brad 'industry abused' Renfro. The film has him in a subtle homoerotic relationship with (nazi) McKellen.
 "Carrie" - was 'nazi and blue jay bird' King's - first published novel, it was made into a 1976 feature by De Palma, and starring Sissy "Eraserhead" Spacek. Lucas would finish writing his Star Wars script in Mar 1976.
Carrie x2. Carrie was the first of over 100 film and TV productions adapted from, or based on, the works of Stephen King.
There's a long-standing (yet refuted) rumour that originally, Spacek was cast as Princess Leia, and Fisher as Carrie.
"Carrie" director De Palma, was born on Sept 11 (1940). On Sept 11, 1959, Lee Harvey 'bluebird' Oswald received a hardship discharge from active military service, claiming his mother needed care, and was put on reserve.

(Operation) Mockingbird 'Nazi' Square...Doc/Dr Brown/von Braun
It's 'nazi' and 'blue-bird' 50's resonant 'time-travel' film Back to the Future:
Back to the (9/11 lightning struck tower) Future. Spielberg, would meet (first wife) Amy "Carrie" Irving on the set of De Palma's film. Irving's mother Priscilla Pointer (who also played her mother in Carrie) featured in Lynch's Blue (Bird) Velvet (shown later). Lynch would have Billy 'Back to the (bluebird) Future' Zane in his Twin Peaks series.

Clock Tower Court, Lightning-struck "911" Potter, and via the bluebird. (Caged) Prisoner of Azkaban.
Harry "witch" Potter's (flipped) initials are a 'barely veiled' reference to 9/11 (with Towers, flight and wings).
Recent news, and in last few days...along with Bluebird Campbell's 50th anniversary (Jan 4th)
Robin "monarch" Williams (deceased) wanted to play the part of (bluebird linked) "Hagrid" - in Potter.
He sings about "bluebirds" in Patch Adams. Robin (9/11 Awakenings and Fisher 9/11 King) Williams.
"Blue Skies" - Irving Berlin (Germany link) is one of many popular songs whose lyrics use the "Bluebird of happiness".
'Monarch/Bluebird' (9/11) Williams - auditioned for the Jack Torrance (Monarch/Joker Nicholson) role - The Shining (1980).
King aka a monarch. We've tied (nazi) Kubrick's version of King's "The Shining" to 'Project Monarch' via the monarch twins.
Nolan's "Batman:TDKR" is linked to the 'Aurora/Sandy Hook' events. Aurora occurring on the day of the film's general release.
Project Bluebird
Bluebird (1950) and US 'Paperclip' Nazi-based Mind Control - anyone?
BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950 (on what would've been Hitler's 61st birthday).
See my "unique" (and regularly plagiarised) work on "Back To The (911) Future" - project bluebird, nazism, and operation mockingbird etc. The BTTF set - above. Lloyd - as "Nazi Doc von Braun" (Brown). Gregory "Mockingbird Killing Sq" Peck, would play 'cloning Nazi Mengele' in The Boys From Brazil.

The CIA and Reinhard "Nazi" Gehlen. http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/gehlen.htm
"Acting like Nazis!...anyone? Trumps dig at US Intel. What have we here...?
 On 9/10/2002
Biff 'Tower' Trump bought DeLorean's Bedminster estate/mansion, and exactly one year after 9/11. Back to The Future, below - All via (Operation) Mockingbird Square.
'Corporate Mass Media Mind Control". Elite, Blue-bird, 9/11, Military, Twinning, Struck Tower etc. Paperclip 'military/CIA' Nazis, the progenitors of US based "mass propaganda" mind control systems, corporate systems owned and fronted by Hollywood "Ashke-nazi" Zionist Jews (and their assets).

Bluebird - Dr. Ross describes unethical experiments conducted by psychiatrists to create amnesia, new identities, hypnotic access codes, and new memories in the minds of experimental subjects.
http://www.wanttoknow.info/bluebird10pg (mind control project)
1950 launched - Project Bluebird. Oh look, it's another "Bluebird" Today (4th Jan) is the 50th anniversary.
There has even been a "project" to restore and rebirth the vessel - it's called, wait for it - Project Bluebird
Bluebird, Death and Donald Campbell (in the soup). At this rate, I'll be back to "pop art" and via War-hol.
Marilyn "Bluebird" Monroe - splits, alters and mind control. Monroe was linked to JFK, the latter also being involved with (CIA/Warren Commission) Allen "Project Bluebird/Artichoke" Dulles.
Bluebird Campbell's body was 'laid to rest' - ONE DAY after 9/11/2001!
The funeral was overshadowed in the media due to coverage of the 9/11 attacks in the United States.
Campbell's Bluebird (name) was lifted from the Maeterlinck play, it was made into a (1940) Shirley Temple film (which runs for 88mins!) by Fox. Directed by Walter 'Nazi' Lang, it was Fox's answer to MGM's Wizard of Oz. Oz's "Over The Rainbow" features "bluebirds" in its lyrics.
Twin vessel and vehicle - there was a Campbell Bluebirdcar too.  Donald Malcolm Campbell.
Bluebird Campbell's (literal) "Enchantment Under The Coniston Water/Sea".
DMC - Back To The (9/11) Future - via Blue-bird
Bluebird - start and end points of Marty's (time-travel) journey - Back to the (9/11  Struck Twin Tower) Future
All via the kabbalistic  "Lightning Tree of Life - Flux Capacitor".
Corporate mass media mind control/predictive programming - MK-ULTRA, Bluebird and (Operation) Mockingbird Square.
The Mocking(bird) and (blue)Jay via Newtown Collins - The "Lightning Tree" Hunger Games.
Twinning and Blue-birds!
"There'll be (twin) blue-birdsover the white cliffs of Dover..." (Jan 3rd)
'Bluebird' Lynn, closed-out Nazi Kubrick's "Dr Nazi Strangelove", he got Nietzschean (Übermensch/Superman) in 2001.

We've had (Monarch 9/11 Batman), here's Blue-Bird (red breast) Superman - "struck towers and 9/11"
Film directed by Richard "Lethal 9/11 Weapon" Donner - "Conspiracy (Mind Control) Theory" - Donner.
An associate of Steven "Back to the (Bluebird 9/11 Struck Tower) Future" Spielberg.
Sept 12, 2001 (edition). Struck and smoking (with aircraft) "Twin Towers" (left) - Burning "Twin Towers" (right)
Bluebird Superman II - A burning Manhattan with WTC, a "9 and 11" resonant clock.
The Nietzschean "Übermensch/Superman" overlaps for the "Nazi" flavour. 
I've included these 9/11 links (which I've covered elsewhere, and  extensively) to show how it 'ties-in' with Bluebird.

Bluebird Twitter - corporate "retardation" of media, reducing information to infantile "group think" soundbites.
Corporate induced pattern mould sheep...aka mass mind control/behavioural control..
All heavily promoted by MSM (aka MockingBIRD media) - just like all the other herders - Facebook, Apple, Google etc.

Zionist Jew Suckerberg (a front) heads-up masonic'sheep mind control central' aka "Faeces-book" - Tubal Cain.
Reina Isis = Moon Queen Isis (goddess of the mysteries). Isis is also represented by 'Sirius' (Sept, Sothis, Sopdet) the star of the masonic brotherhood. It was via the magic of Thoth (Mercury) that allowed Isis to restore Osiris (Orion), producing Horus.

ISIS - aka "the daughter of Saturn". Hex-poled and cubed Saturn.
Oh look - the Muslims actually pay homage to SATURN (likewise with the Satanic Jews). They even perform the "reverse ring" walk! Obviously most have no idea that this is the case, it's called mass religious brainwashing.
2001 - A 9/11 Hilton-Monolith Odyssey. The black Saturn cubed-brick.
2001 Apes (goy humans) - the 9/11 MSM sheep/apes. The monolith was connected to Saturn in the novel.
Saturn's rings couldn't be reproduced for the film, so Jupiter was used as a replacement.
"Revenge of the Living MONOLITH" (destroyed Twin Towers)

From The Telegraph (from the earlier Saturn link) -
"Mercury appears to the left of Saturn on the morning of (Satur-n-day) Jan 7."
Mercury being the 'god of magic' - and Saturn being the 'magical equivalent' of Satan.
It could potentially be a "charged date" - but who knows, I only mention it due to my noticing?

From January 7th...
"Ancients saw this as a time of great fortune and a very opportune time."

5th Jan
We've had bluebirds, blue jays and mockingbirds - now we're back in 'poultry-bird' resonant Turkey, again!
In the previous post I mentioned (potential) 'FETÖ-linked Turkish TV' predictive programming elements. In respect of the Russian "hanged man" Ambassador shooting (at the art gallery) and the Santa Claus shooting 'meme', the latter being linked to the Reina nightclub shootings.

Dec 2014. Predictive Programming (a la 9/11), Turkish TV - Art Gallery Shooting (Russia/Turkey) Ambassador?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8N5D82K_9U (full details and links - on/to both videos). 
Check the links in the youtube description! Thanks go to 'The Alternative News & Info Report'."
(Since deleted, sorry. These were foreign TV clips and I have no way of re-upping them.)

"Reina Santa meme" - the exact same Turkish TV show - the very next episode (#90). See next video, below.
"The interior minister said the lone attacker was believed to have left the club wearing different clothing."

The shooting was also initially sold as being carried out by a terrorist dressed as Santa Claus, yet there is little evidence to support this belief? A white suit is not standard attire for Santa. Have they got folk believing in Santa Claus, wink-wink?

Predictive Programming - Turkish TV and a "Shooting Santa"! (Again, another one deleted.)
Jan 2015. Eps #90, same TV show that evoked (via eps #89) the Ambassador and "art gallery" slaying.

Also - two "timely" Zionist releases, wouldn't you say? "Bad Santa 2" and "Monster Truck(s)"
They're Reina Nightclub and recent Berlin (Monster) Truck resonant.
2016 - "Bad Santa 2" (released from 23rd Nov) and "Monster Trucks" (released from 21st Dec). Monster Trucks would first play in France, where the "Tunisian infused" Nice truck terror happened.

Sandy 'Over The Rainbow' Hook (Batman TDKR) and linked via (witchy) BANE aka "harm, ruin or death".
A Crowley descendent (Nathan) works as production designer on these Nolan films.

The "black-miller" monster truck at the Christmas market. Star Wars linked Anis 'Tataouine' Amri

Scania (cab/truck) - the name is possibly derived from the Germanic root Skaðin-awjã, which appears in Old Norse as Skáney. According to some scholars, the Germanic stem can be reconstructed as *Skaðan- meaning "danger" or "damage" (English scathing, German Schaden, Swedish skada).
Zionist asset Murdoch's The Sun - an "errand boy" - aka a disposable asset for mass mind control (wink-wink).
Brando/Kurtz is (imo) another avatar for Crowley.
"Epoch-collapse Now" - As I've been saying, there's plenty going on. You could almost compare it to a type of "quickening".

Back to 'Process Church' programmed (state asset) Manson, who's recently been in the news:

Charles Miller (sic) Manson...Dennis "Polanski/Manson" Hopper (Apocalypse Now)

Peter Levenda - Sinister Forces - The Manson Secret:
Both were visitors to Cielo Drive. FBI informant Manson, and Hopper's father worked for "intel" OSS (pre-CIA). 
Lynch's Blue Velvet - "after a series of sordid set pieces, the "bluebird of happiness" finally arrives, but it's an automaton (mechanical, wink-wink) with a real bug in its beak." http://www.bampfa.berkeley.edu/event/blue-velvet
Dennis "Blue Beetle Velvet" Hopper - with Process Church, Manson and OTO-linked - Kenneth 'Lucifer Rising' Anger (far right). Anger associate, Donald "Crowley/Osiris/Brando" Cammell (far left). "Performance" Cammell, was linked to Jagger/Pallenberg et al. Pallenberg, best known for imprisoning Jane 'bluebird' Fonda in a birdcage during Barbarella. Donald Cammell's 1977 film "Demon Seed" - has been compared to Polanski's Rosemary's 'Satanic' Baby.
"Proteus" - was the name of the 'AI computer' in Cammell's film - it would eventually birth itself as a demonic child, later revealed to be an 'encased' clone. Proteus, a Greek sea god (first born) and given as a son of 'trident' Poseidon/Neptune (see BTTF, Enchantment Under The Trident Sea). I also sense similarities to Clarke's "Childhood's End" and "2001" - in Cammell's film. Proteus is an aspect of Homer's "Odyssey", Clarke's "2001 (star child) Odyssey" - features an 'AI computer'. It has been noted that Donald Cammell had dissociation issues (see Levenda), he suicided in 1996.
The alien character of Prot in the book trilogy by Gene Brewer, and played by Kevin Space-y in the movie K-PAX. K-PAX Prot, like Prot-eus, was said to embody a modernized "shape shifter" and magical type of advanced mystical ET who "walked in" to humanoid bodies, and shared wisdom and insights into the human condition.
Gene Brewer? Sounds ominously resonant - in the 'genetic sorcery' sense! Below - Twin'shape-shifting' Peaks' Jerry Horne aka (K-Pax) David Patrick Kelly. Blue Rose and Project Blue Book (via Garland 'Oz' Briggs) related Twin Peaks. Lynch-linked David "Twin Peaks" Bowie - mentioned the "bluebird" in Lazarus (Black Star). "Commando" - with yellow (Nazi) Porsche 911 driving Sully (bluebird Kelly) - who gets 'ankle suspended' by Nazi Arnie 'Twins' Schwarzenegger, aka Mr 'Caution 9-11' Terminator 2.
 K-PAX - 'starman' Spacey and (Starman) Bridges are both "9/11 and Twin Tower" resonant, Spacey with Working Girl and Se7en, and Bridges with King Kong, Fisher King (blue kingfisher bird) and The Big Lebowski. Lynch resonates 9/11 via Mulholland Drive (William 'Sept 11' Mulholland) etc. Dan Hadeya featured in both Mullholland Drive and Commando. Anger, is cited as having been an influence on Lynch's work (also Scorcese, Cronenberg and others too). Note, Bluebird Spacey (who is also Nazi linked via his father) has now been outed for the degenerate abuser and paedophile that he's been, and likely been for quite some time.

OTO Anger has claimed that (as a child) he once danced with Shirley "Bluebird" Temple.
Temple and Oz Garland - "Somewhere Over the Rainbow bluebirds fly..." (caged bluebirds, and mind control).
Pleasure Doming (the penis) and Lucifer Rising, sodomite Anger.
Walter 'Nazi' Lang - US Paper-clip Nazis, Hollywood programming and mind control. 
Produced by Zanuck, whose son (Richard) was key to (mass programmer) Spielberg's career, Tim 'monarch' Burton, too.
Richard Zanuck also worked on Burton's (sodomy resonant pairing) 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Alice in Wonderland'.
Wizard of Oz (imo) has been exposed for the MK-Ultra programming device that it has always been. It's also a (cryptic) device for promoting mass sexual transience and homosexuality (friends of Dorothy). 
Fairy-tailing a la (sodomite) H. C. Anderson. A spiralling Oz road, via a Woodsman's chopper, with the effeminate queer lion, and via the windy twister (sodomy). Blue Bird Temple, below.
Temple Black (Black Temple) the basis for the fantasies of so many paedophiles - industry and/or otherwise.
Caged Barbarella - Jane "Blue Bird" Fonda and Elizabeth "Blue Bird/International (Blue) Velvet" Taylor.
Carrie "Star Wars" Fisher's father Eddie, would leave her mother, Debbie Reynolds, and for Liz Taylor. In 2001, Reynolds co-starred with Elizabeth Taylor in These Old Broads, a TV movie written for her by her daughter, Carrie.
"Lazarus-Bluebird" - 'multi-persona' kabbalistic Bowie and The Blue Bird audition via Taylor.
Bluebird and Monroe resonator - kabbalistic crypto-Jew "Madonna"
Desperately "Twinning"Bluebird Susan.
Madonna and Monarch - via (adopted Malawian) 'butterfly' TWINS.
Fresh new monarch victims for the Whore of Babylon (added May 2017).

Anger-y Bluebirds
Coppola's Nam film was originally a George "Star (Nazi) Wars" Lucas vehicle, Star Wars' Solo/Ford featured in Apocalypse Now (as Col. Lucas). Brando/Kurtz was named after Star Wars producer, Gary Kurtz. Lucas was also a (noobie) cameraman at the 'death resonant' Altamont concert (1969), this was during the Stones' Kenneth Anger years.
Coppola's "caged" nephew, Nic, was in Lynch's 'Wild at (Oz) Heart', with Laura "Blue Velvet bird" Dern. 
Twin Peaks Lynch - was at one time, actually approached (by Lucas) to direct Return of the Jedi.
"Star Wars" - franchise and merchandise via Bluebird. Project Bluebird - dissociated multiples/splits and clones!
Star "Nazi" Wars - bluebird, clones, Mengele. "Back to the (Nazi Blue-bird) Future" - Spielberg, mentioned below:
This formed an aspect of Dave "Laurel Canyon" McGowan's LC series - connecting to Manson/Beachboys.

Apocalypse, The Surfin'(bluebird) Beach Boys and Charlie "Beach Boys" Manson
Perhaps not, but he liked hanging around with "60's popular culture surfing icons".
Mind Control - Bluebird(s)
Manson's "Beach Boys" linked track, just happens to be on the B-side of their "Bluebird" single!
Brian 'Beach Boy' Wilson's (related) mental issues are also the stuff of legend.
That's "blue bird"connected to The Beatles and The Beach Boys, both who were linked to (mind control) Manson.
Sharon "Valley of the (programmed) Dolls" Tate: 
"I'd like to be a fairy princess, a little golden doll with gossamer wings, in a voile dress, adorned with bright, shiny things. I see that as something totally pure and beautiful. Everything that's realistic has some sort of ugliness in it." (programming, her father was military intel).

6th Jan

Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport - MIND CONTROL!
Claims of being 'mind controlled' by the US Govt and CIA! An MK-ULTRA type, anyone?
Hollywood, a Star Wars t-shirt, an airport, military/psychiatric links and mind control!
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise! Was he looking for Carrie (Hollywood/Star Wars/Airport) Fisher?
Even DELTA (see Delta flight) symbolically resonates with 'mind states' and 'mind control'.
Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: "...it was when I was used to do hits, kills, and also body guarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things."

Oh look, the obligatory "second or multi-shooters"...as per Reina Nightclub.
Of course, it's now all been Orwell "memory holed" - just like all the others!
I know things have been unfolding quickly, but this is getting f**king ridiculous!

I've even found a (Sept 2015) popular culture 'bleubird/bluebird' and Lauderdale reference (with death resonance).
Fort Lauderdale born rapper "Bleubird" (Jacques Bruna). He's also associated with an act called "Gunporn".
Who's in charge...?
Update (2018). Well, well. If it isn't Sheriff - 13 Democrat of the Year Awards - Israel.
Mr Florida school shooting mess. The one that reeks of a cabal sponsored mind control/gun control false flag event!

Jan 7th

Bluebird and state/military/occult 'mind controlled' Manson. Zionist "Ashke-NAZI" mind control.
Ho, Ho, Ho...Hollywood MIND CONTROL.

Star 'Nazi' Wars - Fisher's mental issues all likely stem from being a victim of (direct) Hollywood mind control - Monarch/Bluebird/MK-ULTRA etc. She was BORN into it. The sheep can wallow in their "bi-polar" fantasies.
Don't forget the recent "Tataouine" (Star Wars linked) Berlin truck event, soon followed by Fisher's death.

"The Germans under the Nazi government began to do serious scientific research into trauma-based mind control," write Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler in their book, The Illuminati Formula used to create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave. "Under the auspices of the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin, Josef Mengele conducted mind-control research on thousands of twins and thousands of other hapless victims."

The Star Wars franchise is simply just more masonic-linked mass mind control posing as entertainment.
Luciferian George Lucas and (satanist) Levi's Jota/Yoda aka (demonic) Mephistopheles - ceremonial masonic magic. Yawn.
Summoning Jota/Yoda via (sodomite) Baphomet and the magick goetic circle. (Darth evokes Da'ath, kabbalistic tree of life)
The name Mephistopheles is associated with the Faust legend of a scholar, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust.
In the legend, Faust wagers his soul with Mephistopheles.
The people that run Satanic Hollywood don't think you're dumb lost sheep, they know that most of you are!

I think one of the Columbine shooters (Harris) was on Luvox (a prozac-like drug) and Zoloft.
The event occurred on the anniversary of (Nazi) Hitler's birth, just like the launch of Project Bluebird.
Colum-bine is 'bird' related, Latin "colum" - meaning "dove".
These types of drugs have been linked to mass shooting events (and mind control).

Dave Cullen, author of the 2009 book Columbine, cites evidence that Harris did revere the Nazis. He praised them often in his journal, and some of his friends grew irritated at his frequent Nazi salutes and quotations in the months leading up to the shooting. At a certain point, Harris realised he needed to reduce this behaviour, for fear of revealing his plans. (wiki)

"Eric Harris had deep military connections. His father was an air force transport pilot who had been linked to covert AF intelligence projects going back nearly 20 years. The Harris's lived at Plattsburgh Air Force Base, which is rumoured to have a secret facility deep under the runway. John Quinn of NewsHawk reports that they have received testimony from someone who worked in Plattsburgh Air Force Base, who said that Eric Harris was a subject of MK-ULTRA experiments there."

Fort "Hollywood/Military mind control" Lauderdale - I just mentioned "Israel" and "false flag terror"

8th Jan

The SICK ZIONISTS clearly did this to themselves - it's a useless eater "get back on message" type of event!

This is the EXACT SAME ISIS - that the US, UK and Israel have been FUNDING!
This will get the sheep hating on Palestinians again, even though they are the TRULY OPPRESSED!
The Zionist Jews have felt the recent HATE directed at them, so they have (predictably) acted accordingly!

The MSM SHEEP will buy into the Zionist elite narrative, just like all the others. All happening, as and when Netanyahu is under investigation, wink-wink.

9th Jan
It's GOY mockery time...Jewish Meryl Streep
Hollywood WHORES - they're a "penny a pound".
Here come the 0.00000000001% - the IDEAL candidates for telling the masses on how to think and feel!
Get lectured by non-elected (diva) multi-millionaires on the issues effecting everyday people - BARF!
Wasn't this cow partying with Obarmy the other night? Probably getting her 'Globes' script (with instructions), and celebrating that 'special achievement' of more than doubling the US national debt, while concurrently destroying "race" and "international" relations! Lefty-liberal loons who were trying to start WW3 with moderate Russia, and who've also been championing sociopath 'Benghazi/Pizza-Gate' Hillary.

Jew Streep, is related to Jewish director Mike Nichols.
Mike "Working WTC/911 Girl" Nichols - another Zionist mass media brainwasher.

Award show, after award show, after award show.....repeat. All the industry does, is congratulate itself, even though it is nothing but sociopathic DEGENERATING SHIT. I'm just happy that NO ONE (other than their brainwashing victims) are listening to them. The "cult of celebrity" - one of the world's most destructive and dangerous religions.
Why would anyone listen? Their 'so-called' skill is in pretending to be someone else, helping to brainwash lost sheep (aka the masses) with mindless psycho-sexual based consumerism, and helping to assist the Israeli government in terrorising US citizenry (and the world) - via their corporate cultural imperialism (as I've already proved, and have done for years). These sociopaths have been "mentally disabling" the US population for far too long.

Hey Meryl, if you're such a great actor, why don't you try-out for the role of a human being? :)
She was historically connected to (Zionist lover) De Niro. The same POS Robert "monarch" De Niro (recall his Trump rant) who has worked for Arnon "Zionist-Israel 9/11" Milchan.

Roll-up, roll-up...for the Zionist Academy worship of a drugging, sodomising, Zionist Jew paedophile.
A Hollywood SODOMITE-FEST. Read out by Indiana "paedo" Jones - aka Harrison "Jew" Ford.
I just mentioned Streep and Nichols, Ford was the lead male in Nichols' - Working "WTC/911" Girl!
That's right Streep - we can all see you, giving a STANDING OVATION.
I have never stood-up and applauded a sick satanic child rapist, but Meryl and her peers have!
Are you sure you should all be taking political advice and/or instruction from a 'paedo apologist'?

Meryl "Maggie paedo Thatcher" Streep
I don't recall these details in the Streep/Thatcher film? That's because her film is propaganda!
Mery'll Fix It...lol. 
Useful propaganda released in and around the aftermath of Savile. Iron Lady and Iron Hoof (poof/gay) Savile.
Paedo BBC - The Young Ones (episode 'Cash')
Jeffrey Dickens (although overtly 'Charles' is implied) - Geoffrey"elite paedo dossier"Dickens, MP!
The 'anti-paedophile' campaigner (Tory MP) who tried to tackle the problem.
The "Dickens dossier" - that (Home Secretary and paedo) Leon "Thatcher" Brittan conveniently lost/shredded!

The "Dunny-on-the-Wold" by-election, anyone? :)
Another millionaire lefty at the Golden Globes....Hugh "Paedo BBC" Laurie - likely a sodomite.
Oh look, it's his fellow sodomite - Zionist Stephen "Paedo BBC" Fry
Yup...he's very likely another paedophile. Oh "the Goyim" - aka the (non-Jewish) underclass.
It's all a big joke isn't, Mr "BBC Zionist" Fry? Publicising your own paedo fantasies.
Thanks for confirming the links between homosexuals and paedophilia (a la PIE).
No, it's not "love" - as these SICK (gay) paedos and apologists like to imply. These are the sorts of words they likely direct at youngsters (to brainwash them), those without the capacity to understand, and/or consent.

Judge a man by the company he keeps. Oh look, it's Fry at (Zionist MP) Clement "paedophile" Freud's funeral.
The SICK Zionist UK establishment. How's your lover, the one who is young enough to be your son?

"Zionist/Corporate 'Mass Media' Terrorism and Programming"
It's 'paedo' Cliff Richard and (Zionist/Paedo BBC's) The Young Ones
The Beeb think they've fooled everyone with their (deliberately planned) Cliff "get out of jail" event!
BBC's Ben "Zionist" Elton - the show was the cornerstone/flagship of UK 80's alternative comedy.
Oxbridge sodomites and sociopaths. Fry and Laurie (Lord Snot and Lord Monty). Elton, far left.
The series was written by (Jewish) Elton, (Jewish) Mayer and Mayall (Jewish married).

Not forgetting, Alexei "Jewish" Sayle - as Mr Balowski.

Demolition (pilot)

The PILOT episode of BBC's The Young Ones, was released on 9/11/1982 (9th Nov, 1982).
The pilot episode was called "Demolition" - the show featured a band called "Nine Below Zero" (9 Below Zero) - performing a track called "11 + 11".
9 Below Zero's "11 + 11" - is from their (Jewish/Masonic) Third Degree, LP.

Rick: (Pilot episode) - "Which is why I go over people's heads! A bit like an aeroplane! You think I'm an aeroplane, don't you, Mike? Well, I'm not."

The "Demolition" pilot episode ends with an (offscreen) aeroplane crashing into a building.

 Ending of the "9/11/1982" pilot...see video above.

--EXT: OUTSIDE HOUSE. RICK: Oh no! That plane is going to crash on us!  [KA-BOOOOM!] - [Cut to black.]

Controlled DEMOLITION Inc. were responsible for clearing the WTC site.
The BBC Jews, not News! Wink, wink.
That awkward moment when you realise that "TV reality" - is controlled by (SICK) Zionist Jews.
"Television is reality, and reality is less than television"

Masonic/Jacobite/Scottish Witchery - J K (C)Rowl(ey)ing
Mayall, as Peeves aka the "poltergeist" (cut scenes)

It's Phoebe "Gremlins 9/11" Cates, BBC Rik "Demolition 9/11" Mayall, and Carrie "Star Wars" Fisher.
9/11/82 - Demolition (pilot) - Rik Mayall: "Oh no! That plane is going to crash on us!"
"Drop Dead and Havoc" via Manhattan - that's the WTC Twin Towers.
Robin "9/11, monarch/bluebird" Williams was offered the role of Drop Dead Fred (1991), but instead chose to feature in Steven "9/11 programmer" Spielberg's film 'Hook'. Batman's Tim (Monarch 9/11) Burton was originally approached to direct.
Phoebe "Gremlins 9/11" Cates - Carrie "Star Nazi Wars" Fisher (right) - with Mayall.
How's that for a Zionist US/UK "special relationship"! I can connect both Zionist sides of the Atlantic! Cates is the daughter of Lily and Joseph Cates, who was a Broadway producer and television pioneer. Her uncle was director/producer Gilbert Cates. Phoebe is of Russian Jewish, and one quarter Chinese, descent.
Exact same cinema and locations in both (9/11) films - Gremlins/BTTF - Mockingbird Square (with Bluebird).
Zionist "foreshadowing terror programmer" Spielberg. Gremlins - "Watch The Skies" - ho, ho, ho.

 The sequel had "Bombers in the Sky" (soundtrack, Thompson Twins). Cates - also featured in Gremlins 2
Outside Trump/Clamp - (World) "Trade Center" - linked to Murdoch's Fox, who financed/distributed Star Wars.
Other Gremlins 2 (9/11-WTC) "predictive programming/nazi paperclip" elements have been raised in other posts.

They've been FUCKING YOU OVER with their "sick media" - and for decade, after decade!
Knowingly or otherwise, they all get paid (and worshipped) for doing this to the "masses" (Goyim).
They're still doing the same, and in the HERE and NOW.

Bluebird Spielberg's - Sapphire "Radio Head 9/11" (Gremlins).
Tune in to "Radio-Head 9/11". This one is down to Uncle "Radiohead" Bingo. Cheers Bingers! :)
The Gremlins idea was always linked to "WW military intelligence" via Roald "Gremlins" Dahl.
Radiohead and Bluebird, keep in mind bluebird's origins in Nazi mind control (paperclip etc).
(left) Amnesiac (June 2000) - "decline and fall" over "twin tower" evoking imagery (it's not the WTC).
Radiohead would play on Sept 11 2001, and in Berlin, Germany (right) - and evoking the same constellations.

A year earlier "Sept 11 2000" - people falling from skyscrapers!
"we are not scaremongering this is really happening--while you were asleep" (on sketch)
(very small print, top right)
SHELLSHOCK, PARALYSIS, SLEEPWALKING, any Child who is Backward in Study and BAD HABITS of any kind PERMANENTLY REMOVED, Etc. For a due appreciation of the above INCOMPREHENSIBLE MUSICAL COMBINATION much and a little more is depending on the Imagination of the Audience.

I am awake at 4AM to the terrifying undeniable truth that there is nothing I can do to stop the monster.

Continued in "Radio-Head 9/11 FM" post

Radio-Head 9.11 FM


Understand that the UK Brexit and Trump's election are the BIGGEST current threats to the Globalist NWO sociopaths. Their dystopian multiculturalist hell - aka "one world" prison planet concept has recently, and for the first time in decades, taken ONE HELL OF A BEATING. The "nation state" - that they are so hellbent on destroying - is making a comeback.

The elite's MSM is now working OVERTIME to try and undo these results, this is what we are seeing and what is currently unfolding. Regular readers here will understand that I have, and for years, been trying to warn you of the issue of FAKE MEDIA, MSM, HOLLYWOOD, POP etc - and in terms of the mass (predictive) programming of wider society via corporate (full spectrum dominant) media. I've also mentioned the "degenerative" aspects of these forms of media - body fascism, gender programming, psycho-sexual violence etc.

Mass mind control via Zionist MSM is the ENTIRE BASIS OF THIS BLOG, and it has been for years!
FWIW, I started to think about the corporate MSM in this way around late 2001, very soon after 9/11. Please understand that I NEVER bought into the "official MSM 9/11" narrative, not even for one day (I was in my early 30's back then). So, when the news channel rolled, and for weeks on end. I was already being immersed in the "fake news" twilight zone. I've not really looked back since then. So yes, you could say that I've had a head start on most folk.With that said, it's been more of a curse, as opposed to a boon.

The same multinational corporate behemoths that make your 'entertainment' - also make/provide your NEWS.
I'm sure you're all aware of the issue of "fake news" in recent times, well, this will show you how deep the "FAKE MEDIA" issue really goes, and how many decades this programme has been running. The 9/11 event was "predictively programmed" into the watching masses (using corporate media as the catalyst), and decades in advance. The "elite" were the producers and executors  of 9/11, of that there is very little doubt. The elite's propaganda arm (aka MSM) was able to predictively programme the masses for 9/11, and equally, lead them by the hand in the aftermath (using similar collective and mind control based propaganda).  Hollywood has had a huge role in this programme, as has the music industry and TV. Buckle up Dorothy, 'cos Kansas is going bye-bye.

This one's for you Uncle Bingo, thanking you for all the comments/support over the years! :)
I've tried to incorporate some of the lesser known '9/11-Twin Towers' corporate subliminal propaganda (aka predictive programming), so let's rock.

"You're tuned in to Radio-Head 9.11 FM. 
Broadcasting live, and out to the synchro-sphere. Don't touch that dial!"

Bluebird Spielberg's - Sapphire "Radio Head 9/11" (Gremlins).
Sapphire (Sept birthstone) XI (11).
The Gremlins idea was always linked to "WW military intelligence" via Roald "Gremlins" Dahl.
Gremlins 2 is even more 'WTC/911' resonant, I've covered that extensively in other posts.
It's Radiohead's Thom (New) Yorke and Jonny Greenwood.
Radiohead and Bluebird, keep in mind bluebird's origins in Nazi mind control (paperclip etc).
(left) Amnesiac (June 2000) - "decline and fall" over "twin tower" evoking imagery (it's not the WTC).
Radiohead would play on Sept 11 2001, and in Berlin, Germany (right) - and evoking the same constellations.
A year earlier "Sept 11 2000" - people falling from skyscrapers!
"we are not scaremongering this is really happening--while you were asleep" (on sketch)
(very small print, top right)
SHELLSHOCK, PARALYSIS, SLEEPWALKING, any Child who is Backward in Study and BAD HABITS of any kind PERMANENTLY REMOVED, Etc. For a due appreciation of the above INCOMPREHENSIBLE MUSICAL COMBINATION much and a little more is depending on the Imagination of the Audience.

I am awake at 4AM to the terrifying undeniable truth that there is nothing I can do to stop the monster

"Next up on the Radio Head 9.11 playlist...the follow-up to 'Crime of the Century' (1974)

Thanks to "Anonymous" - 11 January 2017 at 20:26 (see comments)
Supertramp's 'Breakfast in America' - airplane window, Libby/Liberty's burning orange torch and 9/11 twin towers.
Back to the - "breakfast" cardboard/condiment constructed struck 9/11 tower - Future.
Saxaphone (see Doc) Supertramp (Super = Great, Tramp = Whore). Orange Juice or (masonic) Orange Jews?
Manhattan (Dutch), New Amsterdam/New York, Orange Men. Dutch KLM ad, below right. The group were backed by a Dutch millionaire 'sugar daddy' - Stanley 'Sam' August Miesegaes (likely a Masonic Jew).
"Take a jumbo across the water, like to see America" (Jet, Lady Orange Libby and WTC).
There are 4 examples of a jet flying near the twin towers within its artwork. The "Breakfast" album was recorded at "The Village" studio, LA. Built by the Freemasons in the 1920s, the building was originally a Masonic temple. It remained that way until the 1960s, during which the (Beatle resonant) Maharishi Mahesh Yogi used it as his Los Angeles center for Transcendental Meditation. The Yogi lived in Dutch Holland from 1992 until his death in 2008.
This stream can be tied to Trading (Breakfast) Places - and the 'WTC-9/11' resonant 'orange juicecrop report'. Trading Places, Clarence "Orange Report" Beeks (actor), was in The Breakfast Club film and Die "Tower/911" Hard. Eddie "Agent Orange" Murphy - coffee, wheat, pork bellies, orange juice and gold.
This Trading Places '9 and 11' clock is actually inside a part of the (real) WTC complex.
Zemeckis x2 "The WTC Walk" and "Back to the 9/11 Future". Bottle, wires, (struck) towers and 9/11
If you want to find BTTF's 'super tramp' - then look no further than 'Red the Bum'.
Supertramp's - 'Famous Last Words' LP (1982)

Yes, literally!

It's everyone favourite mumbling and bumbling depressive Jew:
"First we take Manhattan (via skyscrapers), then we take Berlin" - Leonard Cohen
Cohen, about this track: "I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song. I think it's a response to terrorism. There's something about terrorism that I've always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don't like it when it's manifested on the physical plane - I don't really enjoy the terrorist activities – but Psychic Terrorism.

Ashke-NAZI, Leonard "MKULTRA" Cohen...linked to the Rothschilds (as Hitler likely was too).
Podcast - Diamond talks about the art scene in Montreal in the 1960s and 70s and how closely tied it appears to have been to McGill University, the Allan Memorial Institute, and the MKULTRA program which Dr. Ewen Cameron was implementing there, involving possibly tens of thousands of children and adults. Diamond first met Cohen in 1979 and they had an intermittent affair for several years. Her testimony suggests that Leonard Cohen (like Diamond herself) was one of the many MKULTRA subjects. Others whom Diamond names are filmmaker Allan Moyle (Pump Up the Volume), actor Stephen Lack (Scanners), and Oscar-nominated film artists Arthur Lipsett and Ryan Larkin. Kubrick was a fan of Lipsett, and he was a big influence on George Lucas too. (We've also linked director William 'The Exorcist" Friedkin to MKULTRA circles in recent work, see The Exorcist posts.)

Fritz Springmeier:
"Cameron tended to work on the East coast and as you are familiar, the Rockefeller Foundation gave him $40,000 back in 1943 to create the Allan Memorial Institute. Even before (Nazi) Mengele came to this country, Cameron was already part of their Illuminati system." Menegele - aka "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead" (see 9/11 Slayer).

"Dreamer, nothing but a dreamer" - Super-9/11-tramp
Released 9/11/2001 (9/11) - Live Scenes From NY. A flaming "Big Apple" and burning "WTC".

"Lightning Struck 9/11 Tower" via 1985

Lightning Stuck - Electric AC/DC, piercing the Tower (2000) - and shaking the 'WTC foundations' to the floor - 1985
A collapsing bar/building that reveals the WTC...the drape and support (3:04) perhaps evoking number 9.

Last lines over the WTC: Shake it to the floor. Aye, aye, oh, shake your foundations. Make a sign [gesture].
"This is Radio-Head 9.11 - We'll be right back after these important corporate messages."

"General Electric" (May 2000)
Chill-out...with "General '9/11' Electric"

Kick-back and reach for a glass and some ice-cubes, preferably from the "GE Frigo 2000".
"It's Rum WTC Magic" - You prefer whisky?
The bloody WTC
Command and Conquer

"We're back 'partying' on Radio-Head 9.11 - one for the fly-girls and b-boys, I'll drink to that!"
Original (WTC) cover art from June 2001 - It's a corporate "coup d'tat".

Jet Blue (it's bluebird) - "2 WTC terminal pops in the air" - "2 WTC deathly plane hits in the air/sky".

Collapsing and disappearing - Bone Machine

Don't touch that dial, we'll be right back after these important corporate messages.

"Twin Tower" Bones - "Well, one day...osteoarthritis (Jet) collapses them"
Wheel Meet Again...
Tyred of this corporate shit...Pirelli 1997 & 1998 (below)

Pepsi and stamped Twin Towers. "Hi Story/Stories In The Manhattan Dust Clouds (Re)Mix". (1997)
"It's a real Thriller - Blood On The Manhattan 9/11 (Masonic) Dance Floor - here's King of Soda Pop Jacko".
It's the 'bent-leg' 9/11 special! Recall the 'bent-leg' falling inverted "Hanged Tower" man.
"Radio-Head 9.11 FM - it's over to Bob for the latest sports news." The Boy From Brazil.
Ronaldo as the (bent legged) Liberty Hanged Man. See Patrick "WTC" Ewing, one half of NBA's 'Twin Towers'.
Masonic 33, and 'devilish Nick' aka Mr Exorcist 3 - Patrick (Tarot/Angel of Death/Hanged Man) Ewing.
Exorcist 3 was also "radio" resonant. 'The New York skyline will never be the same.' 
"Slam-dunk those towers, Pat." - "Thanks Bob...that really was quite a game."

"That pain won't stop until the 'Twin Towers' come crumbling down..." (see below).

"Demolish the Twin Towers..." 

A rather 'prescient' piece of predictive programming, connecting to the tag-team Twin Towers (note the dialogue, terrorist attacks, twin towers destruction, crumbling down etc). I think that's WWE busted as yet another 'elite based' programming device.

Available in all good computer and gaming stores..."PC or not PC, that is the question?"
An "88" linked (9/11) simulator - see Back to the Future. Below, from 1995.
The Microsoft Gates to "WTC 9/11". Concorde piercing the WTC Towers.

Not so much "defense" - but a WTC attack.
It's the "Die (9/11-WTC) Hard" franchise.

Silly Con Alley

"This is Radio-Head 9.11 FM"
Here's the unmistakable sound of Roy Harper and his band...

Yo, check yo'self, we're spinning some phat dub plates - A Damager (Damaja) and burning WTC
Jeru (Jewish) and the 'Eastern Star' Jew Freemasons.

An ongoing "prog rock" Saga...

I hear the voice of elfin Jon Anderson...it's "prog rock" legends - YES
Going For The One (1977). Collapsing (Twin) Towers to One Trade Center.

For all you lovers of "synthpop" out there...
The WTC "out of the loop" via "11 September" (released 17 July, 2001)

Five-0 (Police 911) Squad...

Rescue 911 - It's a pinball wizard.

"Get 'punked' by The Bouncing Souls..."
A burning/crushed WTC Twin Towers. The final and 13th track is titled "GONE"

The WTC has literally - "Gone with the Wind"
It's flaming "WTC 9/11" - Jet and Man-flatten!
Godzilla (below, 1980)
A monster (Twin Towers) mash. Emmerich's Godzilla (1998) is very 9/11 resonant too, as is his Independence Day (1996).
Not forgetting Emmerich's "The Patriot" (year 2000) with Mel "Lethal 9/11 Weapon" Gibson.
Die "9/11" Hard 2 (mentioned later) - featured (Gibson's cop partner) Danny "Lethal 9/11 Weapon" Glover.

9 - 11, Jet Planes and Exploding Buildings. From (masonic satanist) Richard "Conspiracy Theory" Donner.

Lethal Weapon 3 (1992) - had exploding/collapsing buildings, courtesy of "Controlled Demolition Inc" (see 9/11).
Lethal Weapon 3 (yes, another 911 pinball) - light-up the 911 for 3 ball multiplay. A Porsche 911 in the film too.
Patriot 9/11 Gibson, to Emmerich's Godzilla - it featured 'Ferris Bueller' aka Matthew 'War Games' Broderick.
A struck WTC, '911' numerics and a '9 and 11' (hands) clock. After Godzilla appears in New York for the first time, a news reporter states that the Kaiju's attack on the city was "the worst thing to happen to the city since the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing". John 'Ferris Bueller' Hughes is implicated via Home 'WTC-911' Alone 2, which featured Broderick's 'War Games' co-star Ally 'Breakfast Club' Sheedy.
Oh look, it's Mrs Broderick (aka Sarah Jessica "WTC" Parker), titles changed for 2nd half of season 4 (Jan 2002) 

Broderick - War '9/11/01' Games..."let's play global-thermo nuclear war."
John Lennon was interested in playing programmer (A.I. linked) Falken, but was assassinated (by the Illuminati) during script development. The film also features Dabney "Towering Inferno" Coleman. 
The film with the "WOPR" computer, (BUGR overlaps aside) perhaps they meant "whopper" as in LIE!?
The hacked (by Broderick) WOPR, gets tied into the nuclear weapons control system and is unable to tell the difference between simulation and reality (wink, wink), and it attempts to start World War III.
"Remote controlled" flying and fixed wing pterodactyl/terror-dactyl.
It's no wonder that Broderick featured in The Stepford (mind control) Wives, a Frank 'Trading 911 Places' Oz film.
Early in this film, Broderick says "I had been in New York for 19 minutes and 11 seconds, and already I was ruined."
Matthew '9/11 Godzilla - 9/11/01 War Games' Broderick- his 'Freshman' passport expires 11 Sept (1994)
The Matrix (1999) - The Big '9/11/01' Wachowskis. Expires on 11th Sept, just like Broderick (The Freshman).
Coen Bros. Sept 11, 1991' check...exactly a decade before 9/11, he sees George H W Bush on TV (father of 9/11 POTUS).
The "9/11" Dudes. A prolonged time-lapse shot of the 'Twin Towers' is shown in (Reeve's) Devil's Advocate (1997)
An Arnon '9/11' Milchan (Regency) release. Zionist Milchan and his 'resonant' films feature heavily in this post, as you'll see. 
Devil's Advocate, the (ground zero) 2001 Monolith Millenium Hotel can be seen - above on the lower left.
Kubrick's 2001:ASO Monolith, the hotel (overlooking ground zero) is based on the dimensions of the film's monolith. 
Kubrick died a (devilish) 666 days before Jan 1st 2001 (technically the first day of the new millennium). 

Monster battles with 'twin towers' and 'aircraft'..."The Bridge(s) To WTC 9/11"
Where there is Godzilla, there is Kong...Ape(s) - just like 2001:ASO "monolith apes" (above).
The King Kong (1976) shot has planes attacking the building, they were not seen in the actual film, only helicopters.
It's Fisher '9/11-WTC' King (Kong) "shock-jock DJ"Jeff (9/11-WTC) Bridges. See also The Big-Lie-bowski.
King Kong (1976) director Guillermin - made the "9/11 prescient"The Towering Inferno (1974) before King Kong!
Bridges and 9/11 - The Fisher '9 and 11' King (clock), and The Big 'Sept 11' Lie-bowski.
The Fisher King with Robin "9/11 Awakenings" Williams. Lebowski with Steve '9/11 Armageddon' Buscemi.
Lie-bowski '9/11' Bridges was Carpenter's "Starman" - Carpenter's "Escape From (Twin 'aircraft' Towers) New York"
Film set in the year 1997 - but made in 1981.
Carpenter's Hallowe'en III (1982) is 9/11 resonant, via TV-linked mind control, starring Tom "Lethal Weapon 2" Atkins.
Hallowe'en 3 - Witchy TV Mass Mind Control - Mtn. Time 9:11 - Radio-active 'ground zero' New Mexico time. Santa "H'ween 3" Mira.
Kevin 'Body Snatchers/Santa Mira' McCarthy, died 11 Sept 2010, & had a "witchyTues. 11 Sept (1864) reference in Twilight Zone.
Dan 'warlock/wizard" O'Herlihy - Halloween III (TV mass mind control). Old Man, Robocop "911/Twin nuke Towers" 2.
$37,480,911 - Delta City as Manhattan "Twin Tower" Island - via Cops (911) and Nuke (drug/bomb).
Separate scenes, the OCP fund, and city island. More like "Delta Wave City" - the brain pattern relating to deep sleep.
When the machine rises on the city island - it smashes the tower to the immediate right of the (Delta) Twin Towers.
Directed by Irvin "Empire Strikes Back" Kershner - who (like Lew 'Sept 11' Grade) was of Ukrainian-Jewish descent.
Funnily enough, Kershner also directed "The Eyes of Laura Mars", which was written by John Carpenter.

Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness (1995) - Radio-Head 91.1 FM
One of a narrow range of number bands that's seen on spinning the dial. Tenuous, but I caught it by watching though. 
The film suggests that entertainment media (horror books) can augment reality and our perceptions of it.
They Live - the 'elite' as a barely hidden corporate power structure - control via corporate mass media.
They Live (1988), features Back To The '9/11' Future's - George 'Bum' Flower, that's him below.
He's showing the "awakened infiltrators" how reality is controlled via mass media.
(above) "They Live's" elite/corporate mind control signal via their "mass media networks" (the control of reality).
A media global dominance via Zionist/US cultural imperialism.
A bit like Videodrome's mind control signal - one that has made reality a type of induced fantasy.
What's the betting that Cronenberg is implicated in MK-ULTRA via Dr Ewen Cameron's Canada/Montreal?
From one 'bum' to the next - it's Eddie 'Bum' Murphy, with Dan 'New York, Ghost-tower-busters' Aykroyd.
Prescient dialogue in front of the Twin Towers...John Landis'"Trading (WTC) Places" (1983).
Aykroyd (back-to-back) - Trading Places, Twilight Zone (movie) and Ghostbusters - all 3 films are resonant!

Aykroyd - outlining tower buildings, superconductive antenna, psychic phenomena and concentrated spiritual turbulence.
Ghostbusters (1984), the year after Trading "WTC" Places...
Of course, the "Twin Towers" do get referenced (above). The film's "Tower" (building) is 55 Central Park West, NY.
Note, I'm obviously using this thematic in a way that is removed from the film's direct narrative.
Don't forget the "911 and Twin Tower" resonant (1989) sequel...mentioned/seen together in mere seconds.
The sequel's bad guy (Vigo) was played by Die '9/11 Tower' Hard's Wilhelm von Homburg.
With Sigourney "1988's Working (WTC) Girl" Weaver. The (Aykroyd) Tower Switch Project.
The "9 and 11" hands clock inside the WTC complex.
Carpenter, made Jamie Lee Curtis (above, who did voiceover for Hallowe'en III) a household name - she features in Trading '9/11-Twin Tower' Places. Eddie 'Trading Places' Murphy, see his Beverly Hills (911) Cop II, from Tony 'Enemy of the 9/11 State' Scott.
 The main action takes place on a 9/11 date. Aircraft tickets on 9/11/86. Talking of jet aircraft:

 Curtis and Arnie's 'True Lies' (from Terminator '9/11' 2, Cameron) is also resonant.
Robert Patrick (T1000) who crashes into the '9-11' underpass (below) also features in Die '9/11' Hard 2.
Art Malik as a terrorist (True Lies).
The same "Art Malik" - who 3 years later (1997) featured as a Jihad terrorist in TV movie 'Path To (WTC) Paradise'!
Twin Towers - "Next time we'll bring them both down." The TV movie is about the '93 WTC bombing.

 Let's 'rock-out' with Carpenter's 1983 release - "Christ-ine" via Radio Head 9.11 (9/11)
The "carpenter" and "resurrecting Christ-(ine)"
"This is Stevie (Escape From New York) Wayne, on top of the world tonight and I'll be here right up until..."
Sorry...programme was interrupted by interference.
"She's crazy. There's no fog bank out there. There's no fog bank out there. Hey, there's a fog bank out there."

Carpenter's The Fog. They Live and Back to the '9/11' Future's "Red" (Flower) featured in The Fog, as did Curtis.
Flower (above) also featured in Carpenter's Starman, with '9/11' Bridges, and in his Escape From (Twin Towers) New York.
His roles in 'They Live' and 'Back To The (911 Struck Tower) Future 2' were back to back.
Flowers' last ever role was in 'Live Free or Die Hard' (2007) - the 9/11 and Tower resonant franchise.
Opening 'Die (Tower) Hard' - A New York cop flies on a jet aircraft into LA, and destined for the 'tower':
Business man: "I know, it sounds crazy. Trust me, I've been doing it for 9 years."
Wilis/McClane: "It's okay, I'm a cop. Trust me, I've been doing this for 11 years."

The 'Live Free or Die Hard' (2007) project was initially stalled due to the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The plot is based on an earlier script by David Marconi, screenwriter of the 1998 film 'Enemy of the (9/11) State'.
Opening scenes: "When buildings start blowing up, people's priorities tend to change." Later in the film, when the (above) '9/11' date is referenced, the building soon blows up. Scott also directed Beverly Hills (9/11) Cop 2

Die Hard Trilogy - "Game Over" Twin Towers (Playstation)
Sequels - Die Hard 2 with 'crashing jet aircraft' and 9-11-01(1). Willis with Danny "Lethal 9/11 Weapon" Glover.
Die 'WTC-911' Hard 3 aka 'with a Vengeance', with the same number combo. There are other examples (not shown).

With Samuel '911' Jackson - see A 'Sept 11' Time To Kill, and The Long '9/11' Kiss Goodnight.
Willis, see Bay's Arma-9/11-geddon, and (born on 9/11 De Palma's) Bonfire of the (WTC) Vanities opening scene.
9/11 Countdown. "Cos I'm leaving on a (9/11) jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again..." (see below)
Jackson to Willis, Willis to Jackson...Armageddon also featured Steve "Big (Sept 11) Lie-bowski" Buscemi.

A Time To Kill - directed by Joel (9 &11 Phone Booth - WTC OZ - Bad WTC Company) Schumacher.

What can he mean, and with a WTC backdrop ? (wink-wink). "They bought it...hook, line and sinker"
Irons was formerly a BBC asset, the same BBC that reported the collapse of building 7, before it happened!
The Zeus Lightning-Struck Twin Tower(s) - Die Hard 3 (with a Vengeance).
Jackson is also linked to resonant Exorcist 3 (where he briefly features), and with Patrick "Twin Towers" Ewing.
Gruber's (Die '9/11' Hard) Tower fall..

Alan 'Snape' Rickman, who featured in the Harry Potter franchise (from late 2001).

This same (Rickman, Die Hard) tower fall is echoed in Dumbledore's lightning tower fall.
The above scene is from Ch. 27 of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: The Lightning-Struck Tower.
See 'The Tower' (tarot). On the tree of life (sephiroth) 'The (Lightning-Struck) Tower' is path 27.
Mass Hollywood Witchery...a Saturnian (ring) flavour too.
Lightning Tower(s) 'pottering' (flipped logo) '9/11'...from "illuminist and corporate globalist sociopath" J K (C)Rowl(ey)ing.
The Philosopher's Stone (Nov. 2001) was released in the shadow of the 9/11 event. Some lettering 'flip combos' - below.
I see potential veiled encodes in these. The Potter 'lettering' was created prior to 9/11/01, see Dec. 2000 teaser poster. 
Potter film directed by Chris Columbus, the writer for '9/11' Gremlins (see above), and director of Home (9/11-WTC) Alone 2. Ashke-NAZI (Zionist) Steven '9/11' Spielberg, executive producer of Gremlins, and via his Amblin.
911. The purpose of the Nazi VW company was to manufacture the Volkswagen car, originally referred to as the Porsche Type 60, then the Volkswagen Type 1, and commonly called the Volkswagen Beetle.
Soon, you might start understanding why all these Hollywood CUNTS keep promoting liberal leftism,
and the NWO's "globalist one world" dystopian slave prison planet!
Agents of Hollywood "mass mind control" - FILTHY SOCIOPATHIC CORPORATE SCUM.
Have you noticed yet, as they wheel themselves out (like a one-dimensional force) to condemn (apparent anti-globalist) Trump?
I'm not saying Trump's any type of ideal choice, but he's a much better choice than Hitlery Clinton!
The "Cult of Celebrity" (via the "we are not worthy" worshipping masses) is a mental illness, just as liberal/leftism is. Hollywood also does a great line in 'Hate Whitey" propaganda, the promotion of self-loathing and MSM induced guilt tripping. All part and parcel of the "multiculturalist/minority rule hell", that they wish to enforce on wider society. The forced homogenisation of people. Yes, it's quite simply corporate brainwashing.

Hollywood's "Hate Whitey" (agitator/provocateur) mass propaganda agenda to promote rule by minority (they're doing exactly the same with LGBT etc). The Eastern European Jews (who infiltrated the industry) created "blackface" cinema, the same Khazar/Ashkenazi's that still run Hollywood today! The self loathing and guilt tripped liberal/left eat it all up like candy, ensuring that the mass mind control programme functions. Yet all the while, they are oblivious to the corporate elite central powers that control their thought processes. A lot of "cultural Marxist" programming is being carried out in schools and universities, they've simply become mass indoctrination centres, not centres of learning.
Zionist 'mass media terrorist' Arnon '911' Milchan (see below, The Medusa Touch, 1978).
Med-USA the gorgon of terror. Jet aircraft crashing into a tower via tele-kinesis (tele/TV remote control).
A 747 Jet crashing into a tower - a rendering of the Centre Point building, West London.
Film's foreign rights were bought by Lew Grade, his ITC TV company was linked to the Sept 11 date. ITC date was twice linked to Sept 11, via 1954, and 1958. I saw them both. They've since altered them, so it's just as well I took a hard copy!
ITC was folded into Universal Studios, 1998 - which was then a Zionist Bronfman asset (a family fomented by the UK).
Grade was heavily linked to The Boys From Brazil (Nazi Mengele) and it was made via his production arm.
Milchan's Regency Pictures, was also behind (agitator based) 'hate Whitey' special - '12 Years A Slave'.
Do not buy into this Zionist Hollywood 'mass mind control' agenda!
Milchan executive produced - Fight "collapsing Twin Towers via Ground Zero" Club (1999).
That's Fox Plaza (Murdoch) in the building collapse scene, and Milchan is heavily involved with Fox/Sky Murdoch.
The same Fox Plaza (Nakatomi) that was seen in Die "9/11" Hard.
Norton with (Rothschild linked) Helena Bonham Carter. May as well throw in the 911 reference too.
Milchan's "Regency" was also Fight Club's main financial backers.
A Li(e). Art "Pushing WTC Tin" Linson, was also a producer on Fight Club (same year).
Beginning - a jet plane penetrates the Twin Towers. The End - a jet plane near the Twin Towers.
Arnon '9/11' Milchan (again) 'Regency Enterprises' - the production company for Pushing Tin.

 Milchan and Regency were involved in 'A (Sept 11) Time To Kill' (with cliched "hate Whitey" content), he acted as 'producer'.
Milchan and Regency also produced "Murder at 1600" (1997).
Wesley Snipes co-starring with Diane Lane. Lane featured in National Lampoon's Movie Madness.

The film which has Godzilla wrecking the Twin Towers in the opening credits.
National Lampoon's Movie Madness, also has Christopher "Back to the 9/11 Future" Lloyd in a role.
9/11, 1:19, Twinning, Struck Towers, Terrorists, and Bluebird (Ashke-NAZI mass mind control).
(Operation) Mockingbird Square (recent shot) - via Doc Brown (von Braun). Nazi/Ashken-NAZI/CIA mass mind control.
Mockingbird Square was also used as the main location in the original (9/11) Gremlins film.
Hey, no shit.
The TV (mass mind control) window (above and below). Back to the '9/11' Future's sequel is crammed too.
Zionist/Ashke-NAZI Spielberg's BTTF franchise to Spielberg's Gremlins seeded franchise:
N4Z1 = NAZI on this rental disc. Warner Bros. or Werner Bros?

There's even a (Gizmo) gremlin "paperclip" escape scene in this sequel film (see Operation Paperclip, USA, and Nazis).
Gremlins "Twin Towers/Clamp Trade Centre" 2

Murdoch's Fox News and 9/11 predictive programming...Wanted: Eric 'Fox/Cameo Actor' Shawn!
Shawn (Fox News, 'terror/war' reporter) whose only cameo role was in (WTC and Tower resonant) Gremlins II (with 9/11 ciphers), and who (11 years later) directly reported for Fox News on the morning of 9/11! Shawn, also claimed to be one of the few that saw the first plane hit the WTC (see Naudet 'intel' Bros clip). 9/11 images (above/below, we see it done twice) takes place in front of Clamp Regency Trade Centre (Tower).
Regular readers will be aware of my opinion (and work) on Fox's Murdoch and his '9/11-WTC' cipher loaded
- 20th Century Fox film/TV output. The (911/WTC') Simpsons, (911/WTC) X-Files & The Lone Gunman.
This "jet on WTC collision course" episode was shown 2 days before 9/11/01 in Australia (Murdoch's native land).
Bought to you by 'masonic' Chris Carter, the Pentagon, and US alphabet soup agencies.
Fox's Pushing Tin, Fight Club, Home Alone 2, Die Hard series, Big, Working Girl, and Wall St. are all covered here.

It's the Twin Towers via an "Air Raid Vehicle" - this is very probably the last music video filmed at the WTC.
On 6 September 2001 (5 days prior to 9/11) it won an MTV Video Award for ‘Best Rock Video’.
Fred "Wigger" Durst, who I suspect is Jewish (Durst is a Jewish name). A death skeleton on the South Tower.

He does a line in sodomy (they all do), hence "Chocolate Starfish (asshole) and the Hot Dog (penis) Flavored Water." A Bent-ley, perhaps that's why (Jew) Ben "Poo-lander/Gaylord Meating Fucker" Stiller, and his (queer) Orange "fruit" pal are in the video.

You can find (gay) Stiller's "chocolate (Jamaican) starfish and balls deep" reference in his (uber suspect) Dodgeball.
"Go balls deep into the (Jamaican brown) starfish." Take life by the ball(s). If anything, they're very predictable.
Programming the masses via (preselected) degenerating and degrading mass media is a full-time Zionist job.

"It's that time of year to be thinking about getting on that diet - here's DJ Fat Boy Slim"
"You're listening to 'The Rockafeller Skank'...this is Radio-Head 9.11 FM".
The Rockefeller's were key in getting the WTC Towers built.

New York Times (1968) - Twin Towers, aircraft safety issues, and Rockefeller
Zionist Rockefeller - a watch worn 'upside-down', with the hands set to 9 & 11 (8:55)
A fight based (Tareyton) ad on the back evokes the Twin Towers.
Shot taken several months after ground breaking began for the WTC.
Nelson and David "WTC" Rockefeller.

Fritz Springmeier:
"(MK-Ultra) Cameron tended to work on the East coast, the Rockefeller Foundation gave him $40,000 back in 1943 to create the Allan Memorial Institute. Even before (Nazi) Mengele came to this country, Cameron was already part of their Illuminati system."
Zionist David 'Illuminati Satanist' Rockefeller even had the audacity to be on the WTC Memorial Fund Board.
What was he doing? Remembering the inside job? Oh look, it's Bob 'POS' De Niro, a Zionist Milchan asset.

Aaron Russo and (Nick) Rockefeller....9/11 tip-off 11 months in advance.

"Radio-Head 9.11 FM - we're back, and on a (neo Uncle Tom) hip-hop tip...
Roc-a-fella - it's Masonic/OTO "Zionist asset" - Jay-Z"
A "Sept 11 2001 and 9/11" Blueprint (plan). Blueprint 3 Tour from 9/11/09 - Ma(di)son Square Garden
He likes the taste of (Masonic Jew) WTC Rockefeller's (Roc-a-fella) cock!

From one Zionist 9/11 (Jay-Z) Carter to the next! 

Linda "Wonder Woman" Carter
Planes and a split tower (left). The 'lightning struck' WTC Towers via September (right)

The lightning struck 9/11 Tower (and with Libyan terrorists)
Back to the (von Braun/bluebird) 'Nazi' Future...

Nazi 9/11 - Marvel Comic (1983)

Terrorism, FEMA - 1997
Your tax dollars and used to brainwash you...you can thank ISRAEL aka the "Jew S of A".

Talking of Israel - ELITE (chocolate ad) and Twin Towers (note the antenna) with approaching TOWER Air jet.
Not sure on the date, but it's virtually certain that it was before 9/11/01. Tower Air ceased in 2000!

2001 (and before 9/11)

"Lights, as in (burningManhattan) City Lights - it's Dr John"

"Bang yer heads - it's (crazy) Swedish death metal outfit Meshuggah"

The 10th Kingdom - somewhere between the 9th and 11th Kingdoms (imo). February 2000.

Collapsing towers and buildings, falling "Twin Towers" @ 52 seconds.

"The terror mounts..." - It's the "Nazi" Visitors via a 'literal' WTC East Coast Crisis.

Science Fiction or Science Fact? A struck WTC flaming Tower.

Nine Elevenski...Jew York and Bolshevism
"Renovations & Interior Decorating" published the week of 3-9 Sept, 2001

A floating slide pen - the jet travels thru the WTC Towers

Published Jan 2001 - Divided We Stand (United We Fall) - World Trade Center (bio)
WTC view from a wrecked building

With Fri-ENDS like this, who needs enemies!? "This is the (WTC) end, my only friend(s) the end"

"It ENDS now"..Disney's Gargoyles premiered 9/11/95 - via a Twin Towers star-gate and radio mast.

A whole lotta Hurt (John). 1995 again, and from Dutch corporate behemoth, Philips. Home Cinema.

TDK Video (Japan) - "The Vision of the Future"
TDK video Twin Tower skew

Double-Dutch. WTC Twin Towers and approaching jet aircraft.
Recall the Dutch KLM advert from earlier.

"Your listening to Radio-Head 9.11 - bring on the pretzels...it's the Zionist Beastie (Rubin) Boys"
Licensed To Ill-(uminati) 1986 to (post 9/11) 2004
"Lock up your daughters, it's BEAST-ie Boy buddies - the Satanic BEAST and Slayer on 9/11."
Angel of Death. Slayer and (Illuminati/Monarch) Mengele - "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead...sadist of the noblest blood."
All acts linked by Zionist Jew, Rubin's 'American/Def/Death Jam' and Slayer, see She Watch Channel Zero (Public Enemy).
OTO Jay Z's same day "September 11, 2001" release "Blue (9/11) Print" was a Def Jam/Roc-A-Fella label release.
With Dream Theater's (9/11/01) Live Scenes From (burning Twin Towers) NY, it was some day for 'resonant' releases.
 (opening lines) "Hit me. Going, going, gone" - It's PE and 911 Is A (Bad) Joke. (Ignoring the police reference).

Ultra-Magnetic - magnetically warped "New York, Twin Towers & Antenna" - 1996 release from this hip-hop act.

Ultramagnetic MCs linked MF911 (emergency) via Public '911 is a Joke' Enemy's Chuck D, and with Ant (ant-enna) Live.
No wonder Prof. Griff got booted-out of the group, and due to his comments about the Zionist Jews. It was B'Nai B'Rith (a Zionist/masonic front) that ultimately got him removed. Zionist Jews OWN hip hop.
(Public Enemy/Rubin linked) Slayer's lead singer was (Latino) Chilean. Nazi/Mengele resonant Slayer.

Latino and Spanish - break out the maracas.

Spain "Mort-adelo y Filemon" - 1993 (mort = death). Fin = End
Rebel 1984 (Spain)

Pakistan International Airline (1979)

American Airlines Jet flies towards the WTC (1998). Three years later, an American Airlines Jet hit one of the Twin Towers. Ending shot (see 54 seconds) has the Jet superimposed over (and near) the WTC.

It's Nazi/German "Adolf Mario" - take away Liberty's torch, and it's the "sieg heil" Nazi (Zelator) salute.

Ze Man in Ze High (US Tower) Castle - 9/11 Reichstag Fire
Koopa 'WTC' Towers with Dennis "OSS linked/Manson" Hopper

Magazines, comic books and cartoons.
(Below) A Towering (Sept) Inferno and Flying Arabs/Muslims over New York

Terminated via deathstroke...August 1994
A terminated nuclear 'twin tower' wasteland. "Let's play thermo-global nuclear war."
A (Zionist/Nazi) Judgement Day
'Twins' Arnie "Nazi-911" Schwarzenegger. T2 Furlong wears a "Public (911 Is A Joke) Enemy" shirt in this scene.
Even '9/11' G W Bush and his family had Nazi links. Below, Arnie - The 6th Day (double-cross, 9 and 11)
Cameron's True Lies (1994) is also resonant, an Islamic terror/jet scene and tower (shown earlier).
End of Days (apocalypse) from 1999.
Nazi resonant Arnie "Pumping Iron" Schwarzenegger to 'Iron Man' (cartoon, 1994)

Just like those Illuminati cards (Jackson)

(Masonic) Walt "von Braun" Disney, and Donald "Nazi" Duck.

Nazi Twin Towers. Marvel Comic, 1983. (from earlier)
WTC Deutsche Bank, same German bank that was linked to (pre-911 foreknowledge) "put options".
Deutsche Bank "Twin Towers" - Frankfurt, Germany. Building started in 1978, and completed in 1984.
A "monolith" link too!

German act Tele Trieste - June 2001 (CD, limited release)

Marvel - again. The Living "Twin Tower Wrecking" MONOLITH. (1985)

It's Stanley "Nazi propaganda" Kubrick...who married into the (Nazi propaganda) Harlan dynasty.
2001 author A.C. Clarke (a homosexual/paedophile) dropped a 'Sept 11' date with fiery destruction in Rendezvous with Rama.
The 9/11/2001 MONOLITH Overlook 'Ground Zero' (Millenium Hilton) Hotel.
2001 - An Ashke-NAZI Goyim Odyssey. (1968)

"I've gotta go home y'all...
I've gotta go back to America
I've gotta go get ready for the bomb
Osama Bin Laden getting ready to bomb
America... you better watch out... 2001"

Prince's "Bin Laden, bomb and 2001" reference - in concert, Utrecht, December 1998.
The groove was (in part) linked to "Also Sprach Zarathustra" - theme from Kubrick's 2001 - A Space Odyssey (film)!
After Prince's "prescient speech" the band launched into "Also Sprach Zarathustra".

Monarch (and incest) linked Kubrick and Prince. (see The Shining and Batman).
2001 : A WTC - 9/11 'ground zero' Goyim Odyssey

2001 - Kubrick and Prince. Both were heavily involved with (mass corporate programmers) WARNER BROS!

Prince, 9/11...Bin Laden, Bombs and 2001
The clip, supposedly recorded at his show in the Netherlands, Dec 23, 1998...
Prince wasn't revealing for our benefit...he was mind controlled (an elite marionette/slave) and this was likely an aspect of the wider (Zionist) processing/mind control (predictive programming) of the masses. Monarch mind control isn't just designed for these celebrities, it is also designed to manipulate the enthralled masses! Those folk who think Zionist MSM and Hollywood will save them (Prince as a truther etc), probably want locking up for their own (and our) safety. They are clueless and still thoroughly brainwashed by the 'cult of celebrity'.

It was Prince that soundtracked Warner Bros'. Batman (1989). 'Crushed Twin Towers/Batman 911' Keaton.
Tim Burton and Monarch Cinema (see Batman). Michael '911 Batman/WTC Squeeze' Keaton. 
Keaton played "Billy Caulfield" (see dialogue) in "The Dream Team" (1989, same year as 9/11 Batman).
(see the clip here) http://m.anyclip.com/movies/the-dream-team/entering-new-york/
The Dream Team - with "9/11 Batman-Squeezed Twin Towers" Keaton & Chris "Back to the 9/11 Future" Lloyd!
Doc 'BTTF' Brown was a German "von Braun" - Dr Strangelove (Sellers) was based on Nazi (Werner) "von Braun".

Fritz Springmeier:
Batman, Bewitched, Disney movies. One of the very important Disney movies was "Fantasia" and in my recent book, "Deeper Insights" I have eleven pages where I go through minute by minute, scene by scene, in the movie "Fantasia" and show how Fantasia was created and used to be a programming foundation. Star Wars movies, My Fair Lady which was used in the finishing schools for slaves, Stephen King horror movies are used, Star Trek, The Love Boat has been used for the mind control of their cruise prostitutes, E.T. - alien programming of their slaves, Alice in Wonderland.

"Even before (Nazi) Mengele came to this country, Ewen 'mk-ultra' Cameron was already part of their Illuminati system."
Menegele - aka "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead" (see 9/11 Slayer).

Stanley 'The Monarch Shining' Kubrick via King (a Monarch), and 3rd Reich (Nazi) Harlan.
Note, the monolith is related to RADIO. TMA-1 and TMA-2 both emit massive directional radio signals.
Nazi linked Kubrick's motif aka "CRM 114" - opens the film "Back to the 9/11 Future". CRM 114 also features in 2001:ASO.

The (struck) Clock Tower had an "antenna" - stopped at 10:04. "10-4" radio transmission = Affirmative, Copy.
Radio-active plutonium and the 9/11 signal "amplifier".

A "CRM 114" amplifier (below left) and radio receiver (below right)

And we're back where we started...Ghosts/Gremlins (electrical disturbances) in the Radio-Head Machine.

Gremlins (1984) Dante and Spielberg. Sapphire (Sept birthstone) XI (11). "Close (9/11) Encounters" via Devils Tower.
A "Rock n Roll"9/11 Radio Head and a "Flaming (Plymouth) Fury" - Christ-ine, 1983.
I did find "Radiohead 9/11 via Plymouth".  9/11 Plymouth Rock, and literally. Crazy isn't it!
A-Head For Keeps. Karma "911" Police - Radiohead and John "Escape from New York" Carpenter's Christ-ine. :)

"Karma police. Arrest this man. He talks in maths. He buzzes like a fridge. He's like a detuned radio."
1997 Karma Police - was released 17 days before their 9/11/97 Plymouth gig.
Karma Police (1997). Carpenter's "police state resonant" 1981 release and set in 1997
(WTC) Escape From New (Thom) York(e). The car in the Karma Police video is a Chrysler New Yorker! :)
Radio 9/11 Christine, starred Keith Gordon, who featured in Brian (9/11) De Palma's "Dressed To WTC Kill"
North Tower, the location of 'Windows on the World' (floors 106/107). WTC 1 antenna was a 360 ft radio and TV transmission tower installed on the roof of the North Tower in 1978 and upgraded in 1999 to accommodate DTV broadcasts. The 110th floor of WTC 1 housed a large amount of radio and TV transmission equipment to control the hundreds of kilowatts of RF (Radio Frequency) output power beamed from the WTC 1 antenna. CBS, NBC, ABC, etc, in NYC all broadcast from the WTC 1 antenna.
There's something odd about watching the WTC 1 struck/on fire (via TV) & it also concurrently being the NY TV broadcast hub!
On 9/11, when the "radio head" North Tower (and antenna) came down, most TV networks lost their signals.
Most switched to use the Armstrong Alpine Tower, Armstrong, the very man that invented FM radio!
A De Palma double-bill. Dressed to (WTC) Kill's - Nancy 'North Tower' Allen, also featured in Brian (born Sept 11) De Palma's version of Stephen 'Christine' King's - Carrie (1976). The first King novel to be committed to film.
In fact, she was partnered with John 'Sept 11 - Face/Off' Travolta, in Carrie (above).
9/11 De Palma's Mission:Impossible (1996), Travolta's fellow Scientologist, Cruise, uses a verbal "9 and 11" reference.
Nic "World Trade Center/911 Knowing/Moonstruck Twin Towers" Cage.
Oliver Stone - his Wall "911" Street (1987) is very, very resonant. (shown elsewhere on this blog).
James 'Poltergeist' Karen (below) featured in Mulholland Drive. William Mulholland was born on a 9/11 date.
"World Trade Center" Stone's - Wall "9/11" Street. This film is also 'bookended' with the Twin Towers.
New York office hell at exactly 9:11. Charlie "911" Sheen. Charlie said that Stone kept looking at his watch during filming.
Stone and Cage - "Wall Street/World Trade Center" - to an 11th Sept "Face/Off"
Face/Off (1997) John "MI:2" Woo - with Travolta and Nic "World Trade Center/911 Knowing" Cage.
Travolta (above, as a 'face switched' Castor 'Nic Cage' Troy): [Reading Eve's diary]
"Date night fizzled again we hadn't made love in two months", what a loser.  Sept, 11, 1997 (again!).

Celestial close encounters via Devils Tower. Radiohead in Berlin, Germany - Sept 11, 2001 (tears/crying)
Jumping from towers/skyscrapers via Sept 11 2000. These ones are all new to me, I just searched and found them. 
Berlin 9/11 gig poster evokes "Paranoid Android".

(Paranoid Android). "That's it, sir, you're leaving. The crackle of pigskin. The dust and the screaming. The yuppies networking.
The panic, the vomit. The panic, the vomit. God loves his children. God loves his children, yeah!"

Below- Glastonbury 1997, Pyramid Stage - cover evokes 'twin tower' buildings and colliding jet aircraft.
It's a DVD bootleg type of thing (see here) and released "post-911" (2010?), interesting choice of imagery though.
Bluebird Radiohead's "Everything In Its Right Place" - was used in Vanilla Sky. Opening scenes linking to Times Sq. The track also featured in their Sept 11, 2001 - Berlin gig.
Manhattan, 2001. "(Manhattan) Eyes Wide Shut/Open Your Eyes" Cruise - connects to Kubrick's 2001:ASO via Magnolia. In Brian (born on 9/11) De Palma's 'Mission Impossible', Cruise uses a verbal "9 and 11" reference (shown earlier). In Vanilla "Monet" Sky (climax), Tom "bluebird" Cruise jumps from a tower with the WTC 'twin towers' in the background. This is the "last dream-state view" he sees before his real and actual death. Crowe intentionally left in shots of the World Trade Center after the September 11 attacks in 2001 as a tribute.

"Show me the Money/Monet" - Jerry Maguire - Tom "Radio-Head" Cruise - Free Fallin' (geddit?)

Crowe's films - "Jerry (Money) Maguire" and "Vanilla (Monet) Sky". Recall, one of Vanilla Sky's "main reveals" -
is that David's (Cruise) life is shown to be made up of references/imagery from 'pop culture' (see gifs).

Tom - Free (tower) Falling, Free Fallin' to Free-Wheelin'. Valkyrie Tom. Note, the (nazi) VW, left.

David lived at the Dakota. Which connects to Polanski, Rosemary's Baby, and the (bluebird) 9/11 VW Beatles.
"Abbey (masonic) Road" - and the Hamburg Beatles. UK/Euro dating, below.
See Yoko 'Dakota/CIA' Ono's - "9-11 September" (climaxing on 11th Sept, 1966) "Destruction in Art Symposium" (aka DIAS, like Cameron DIAZ in Vanilla "Dakota" Sky). See also the 9/11 (9th Nov, 1966) "Masons Yard" - (Dakota) Lennon/Ono meeting, and the "11/9" (11th Sept) OTO Pepper drum.
‘Paranoid (Tears) Android’ has been described by Colin Greenwood as “DJ Shadow meets the Beatles”.
The Paranoid (Sirius) Android. Voiced by Alan "Die (9/11 Tower) Hard/911 Potter" Rickman (Hitchhiker's film).
Radiohead/Hitchhiker's Guide - "OK Computer" is also from Hitchhiker's (Douglas '42' Adams). Adams died in 2001.
Sirius aka the celestial 9/11 Dog Star (Canis Major). See Jim "Sirius/Truman/911" Carrey (Radiohead, Creep cover).
Sirius - the star of the masonic Jews. Truman, who begins to see that all is not right in his world from day 10,911.
Richard Luke Rothschild worked on this film - I think he is very likely bloodline related.
Carrey was linked to 9/11/01, and Sirius, in Joel '9/11' Schumacher's 'The Number 23' - which was a post-9/11 release.
Note also the 'Sept 11' links to Sgt Pepper's (masonic German) Karl "Sirius/Sept 11 as art"Stockhausen.
Stockhausen's "9/11 as ART" press conference, was given in Hamburg (Germany) on 16 September 2001.
Sirius Black (Oldman) is an aspect of Harry "9/11" Potter.
9 - 11 of September (inclusive) 1966. The DIAS "eye and pyramid". Radiohead Pyramid (an O for the eye).
On Sept 11 2001 (during Radiohead's Berlin gig) Yorke mentioned the "WTC 9/11' attacks between the tracks Pyramid Song and Paranoid Android. Radiohead also played Berlin exactly 15 years later - on 9/11/16.
"Road to the Abbey" via a Tor/Tour - Glastonbury. Recall my "Sgt OTO Pepper" pyramid (see below).
I hear that Radiohead are going to headline Glastonbury 2017 - The Pyramid Stage
Radiohead and the pyramid. The original Glasto pyramid was based on a 1/10th scale version of Giza.
The same Giza pyramid where Crowley began receiving instruction for the thelemic Book of Law.
Mirrored shots - above Sgt 'Crowley' Pepper is mirrored along the diagonal.
Sgt "OTO" Pepper Pyramid/Penis - Crowley. Lennon: "Hap-penis is a warm (phallic) gun"
I ONE IX ~ 11-9.  "HE DIE" under McCartney. (if you want to read it that way).
"11th Sept 66" (same date as the 'Destruction In Art Symposium' climax) is given as a death date for the original Paul. It's possible that the original was replaced, with the current Macca (possibly) being the son of "Winged Beetle" Aleister 'OTO' Crowley. Paul McCartney was sitting on a plane at (NY) JFK airport as 9/11 unfolded.

Radio September 11. Beatles "compere" - Jimmy "BBC Paedo/Radio-Head" Savile
I'm sure some are aware of the meme (only from recent years), claiming Jesus was born 'Sept 11, 3 B.C'.
"Jesus and Joseph of Arimathea" - both heavily linked to (Holy Grail) Glastonbury.
Beatle Harrison worked on and helped fund (Holy Grail) Python's "Life of Brian" (Jesus parody).
Even rivals "The Rolling Stones" - evoke the stone rolled/removed from Jesus/Christ's tomb (after 3 days).
King Arthur and Guinevere's Glastonbury tomb was discovered in 1191 (11-9-01).
Are you getting those Sgt Pepper/Paul - Glastonbury/Jesus "burial" vibe overlaps?
"Show business is an extension of the Jewish religion." (Lennon, Aug. 1966).
I wonder if the Zionist Illuminati had him killed? I wonder if his 'handler' Yoko 'witch' Ono was involved?
I wonder if anyone will work-out that the "god" of the Zionist masonic Jews is actually Lucifer?

Jew Epstein managed, Zionist Lew 'Sept 11/TV Mogul' Grade owned the back catalogue via Northern Songs.
Sidney "Granada TV" Bernstein (UK masonic Jew) was the first to put The Beatles on TV.
Sid Bernstein (a different one) helped jump start the British Invasion as the first concert promoter to bring The Beatles over to the USA from Britain. He did likewise with The Rolling Stones, Herman's Hermits, The Moody Blues, and The Kinks.
It's almost as though Jewish/Zionist mass media 'control freakery' knows no bounds! ;)

St John (Lennon) "Revolution #9" - St John (The Divine) "Revelation #9".
Lennon's Revolution #9 (White album) was inspired by a Karl (Sirius/911) Stockhausen piece.
Revelation9-11. "And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit,
- whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, - but in Greek he has the name Apollyon (Destroyer)."
Steel is a form of 'refined iron' - you could perhaps call it a type of 'iron cross', depends how you look at it.
The cross is believed to have been a part of the North Tower building - WTC 1.
A "cross" can be folded to form the "cube of space". Below, imagery evokes the "sun cross".
The Kubrick 'black cubed-brick' - "hypnotic", "spell-bound" and "man-apes', he's likely also referring to the viewer.
The "black cube" evokes Saturn (Satan). Kubrick's death occurred (a la Revelation) 666 days before the first day of 2001.
The "real and actual" Millennium, happened in the year 2001, not 2000.

The 2001 Monolith...a literal prehistoric transformer

2001:ASO, Radio emitting TMA-1 (prehistoric) transforming Monolith - The 2001 Monolith Millenium Hotel

Radio-Heads 9.11 FM

The command module for the Apollo 13 craft was named Odyssey, in honor of the film "2001: A Space Odyssey."
The Ron Howard movie features a scene where Paxton's character plays the song "Spirit In the Sky" while Lovell (Hanks) laments that it should have been the theme music from (Kubrick's) "2001" (Strauss). Ironically, that iconic piece of classical music was played during the actual Apollo 13 mission. Ron Howard's Splash (1984) - again with Hanks, and there's something "fishy" about the WTC.

How fucking weird is that!!!!
I only wrote the paragraph above last night (25th Feb), the part about Paxton and Hanks (Apollo 13, music).
Paxton just died, we were informed on the 26th, but he died on the 25th.
The song selection I mentioned in relation to him (Spirit In The Sky) is about "dying"!
"When I die and they lay me to rest / Gonna go to the place that's the best / When I lay me down to die / Goin' up to the spirit in the sky…"

That said, he delivered some of the most memorable lines in film history. Aliens, Weird Science etc.
But it doesn't stop there! I just did a little poking around and found this - Bill Paxton and Monolith (1993).

Two cops investigating the murder of a young boy become involved in a very secret project involving alien life.
Needless to say, the authorities don't want them to stick their noses into this.

Well, these are the images just before I segue into Apollo 13!

2001 Monolith (Hilton Hotel)...overlooking the 9/11 ground zero pit. Prehistoric monolith ape/goyim transformer (below, top left).

Mazes, monsters, and Apollo were all aspects of Kubrick's Overlook Hotel based (see monolith hotel, above) The Shining.
Mazes and Monsters. Joshing with 'Illuminati' (Apollo 13) Hanks and the Twin "9/11" Towers..."This is a (WTC) skyscraper"
Hanks was a 9/11 victim in "tower falling" resonant - "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" (2011). Mazes and Monsters (1982).

Above, Tom "failed South Tower jumper" Hanks (1982). Below, Big (1988) co-written by '9/11' Spielberg's sister Anne.
Big. He plays a New York linked character called Josh. There is a "Josh" name-link and in both films (M&M).
"9 to 11 and tower". Hanks (Josh) gets "transformed" (Sept 12th) after visiting Zoltar on Sept 11, 1987.
Clues to the date are given immediately before this (9 to 11 tower) scene - segued via a "Missing" milk carton.

9 to 11, Skyscraper, Transformation (via Sept 11)...

Wrecked Buildings via a 2001 prehistoric transformer...
Penny "Big" Marshall, who also directed "9/11" Awakenings (1990) and 'back to back' with Big (1988).
9/11/44. Oh look, (right) it's John "Big 9/11 Transforming Skyscraper" Heard (with Williams).
Heard also features in Home '911/WTC' Alone 2, and The Pelican "9/11" Brief.
Oh look, it's John "9/11/44 Awakenings" Heard, the exact same numbers referenced in The Pelican Brief. "No change here!"
"I Heard it through the grapevine..." (Denzel Washington is 9/11 linked via The Bone Collector)
Home "WTC/911" Alone 2. Directed by Chris "Gremlins/Potter 911" Columbus, he also has a cameo.
The Twin Towers - segued to "Airport Security".
Culkin's father is the brother of Bonnie (Die '9/11 Tower' Hard) Bedelia aka Holly Gennero - what a small film world.
Foreshadowing for flight 175? Culkin, takes American Airlines 767, flight #176 to New York & stands on South Tower - the very one that was struck (see gif) by the United Airlines 767, flight #175.
Better call 911 (in a later scene)
'9/11' Hughes via Home Alone 2/Some Kind of Wonderful with Back to the (9/11) Future's Thompson, and (original McFly) Stoltz.
John Hughes got his major start via Shuler (Mr Mom), the wife of Dick '666/Lethal 911 Weapon/Conspiracy Theory' Donner.
Some Kind of "9/11-New World Order" Wonderful.
Masterson (above), her father played in The Stepford (mind control) Wives, and The (MK-Ultra) Exorcist.

From "Home Alone/Pelican Brief" Heard - back to Julia "Pretty (9 and 11) Woman" Roberts.
Ralph "Trading WTC Places" Bellamy (a Duke brother) would act (in his final ever role) with Roberts in Pretty Woman.
The film has a running time of 119 minutes (119/911).
Pretty Woman was another release linked to Zionist programmer Arnon "9/11" Milchan, he acted as producer and his Regency were involved. Ex-Israeli PM Ehud Olmert (who has had recent spells in prison) claims that he is responsible for naming the film's title, Olmert was a friend of 9/11 Milchan. Roberts' Ocean's 11 film had to redo the exploding/collapsing buildings in NY (due to 9/11 similarities), the film ran for 116 mins (a flipped 911).

They've got it running like clockwork...
The Zionist dominated "mind control" corporate shit hole that has royally fucked so many brains!


11th Jan
It's IS Nazi Germany based!

Nazi CIA and Mockingbird Media (Fake News) Nazis
The CIA and Reinhard "Nazi" Gehlen. http://emperors-clothes.com/analysis/gehlen.htmNazis
Get your cognitive dissonance-centric heads that. High-level cooperation between Zionist Jews and Nazis!
That's what has been happening in the USA.

The "MSM SHIT-HOUSE LIARS" - they don't know what to do (re:Trump). Same goes for US intel, both these systems are "Idiocracy" made real. There needs to be a wholesale "clear-out" of the lot of them, rebuild from scratch - that sort of thing.

Many of these media conglomerates were heavily involved in the "9/11 predictive programming" that I've outlined herein.

Fake Jews = Fake News
Zionist/Khazar/Ashkenazi - German/Eastern European/Slav descended.

Jews, Hollywood and MSM
"How deeply Jewish is Hollywood? When the studio chiefs took out a full-page ad in the L.A. Times a few weeks ago to demand that the Screen Actors Guild settle its contract, the open letter was signed by: News Corp. President Peter Chernin (Jewish), Paramount Pictures Chairman Brad 'Weinstein' Grey (Jewish), Disney Co. Chief Executive Robert Iger (Jewish), Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Lynton (surprise, Dutch Jew), Warner Bros. Chairman Barry Meyer (Jewish), CBS Corp. Chief Executive Leslie Moonves (so Jewish his great uncle was the first prime minister of Israel), MGM Chairman Harry Sloan (Jewish) and NBC Universal Chief Executive Jeff Zucker (mega-Jewish). If either of the Weinstein brothers had signed, this group would have not only the power to shut down all film production, but to form a minyan with enough Fiji water on hand to fill a mikvah."

"The Jews are so dominant, I had to scour the trades to come up with six Gentiles (Goy) in high positions at entertainment companies. When I called them to talk about their incredible advancement, five of them refused to talk to me, apparently out of fear of insulting Jews. The sixth, AMC Pres. Charlie Collier, turned out to be Jewish." (Note, this was uttered by a Jew. A late 2008 article).

"I don't care if Americans think we're running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government. 
I just care that we get to keep running them." -  Joel Stein in "Who runs Hollywood? 

“There are no important media outlets in the U.S. that are not owned or controlled by Jews.”
 — Israel Shamir, Russian-Israeli journalist in his article “Midas Ears” 

"Let’s be honest with ourselves, here, fellow Jews. We do control the media. We’ve got so many dudes up in the executive offices in all the big movie production companies it’s almost obscene. Just about every movie or TV show, whether it be 'Tropic Thunder' or 'Curb Your Enthusiasm,' is rife with actors, directors, and writers who are Jewish. Did you know that all eight major film studios are run by Jews? But that’s not all. We also control the ads that go on those TV shows. The time has come, though. We no longer have to change our names. We no longer have to blend in like chameleons. We own a whole freaking country." 
- Manny Friedman, Times of Israel, July 1, 2012

Zionist Jew - full spectrum, mass media dominance. A dominance that they goad and mock the goyim with.
Now you know why all anti-Jewish sentiment MUST be destroyed, and at every juncture and turn.
All in order to maintain the counterfeit world that they have constructed using their MSM monopoly. The same MSM monopoly that will (obviously) NEVER uncover this blatant and obvious form of minority-based FRAUD and mass mind control.

Bill "Monolith" Paxton - Synchronicity

Just a little oddity born out of the previous post...

Something weird just happened. I only just mentioned Bill Paxton (in my "Radio-Head 9.11" post), and on the day of his death - 25th Feb. It's right at the bottom of my lengthy previous post (having just recently added it). It's a bit similar to what happened in December, with my "Tsar (Star) Wars" post, and how I mentioned Star Wars, and then "Tataouine/Tatooine", which was as an aspect of the Berlin truck terror event. Very soon after (a few days), Carrie "Star Wars" Fisher was taken ill and then died.

Anyway...I've ported the latter part of the post, where I briefly mentioned Paxton (on the 25th Feb).
These first two pictures (below) immediately preceded my mentioning of Apollo 13 (Paxton/Hanks):
The 2001 Monolith...a literal prehistoric transformer

2001:ASO, Radio emitting TMA-1 (prehistoric) transforming Monolith - The 2001 Monolith Millenium Hotel
Radio-Heads 9.11 FM

Kubrick allegedly "hoaxing" the Apollo 11 moon landings is a classic conspiracy staple.

This (below) was added on the 25th, and late in the evening (UK time).
The command module for the Apollo 13 craft was named Odyssey, in honor of the film "2001: A Space Odyssey."
The Ron Howard movie features a scene where Paxton's character plays the song "Spirit In the Sky" while Lovell (Hanks) laments that it should have been the theme music from Kubrick's "2001" (Strauss). Ironically, that iconic piece of classical music was played during the actual Apollo 13 mission. Ron Howard's Splash (1984) - again with Hanks, and there's something "fishy" about the WTC.

How fucking weird is that!!!! 
I only wrote the paragraph above last night (25th Feb), the part about Paxton and Hanks (Apollo 13, music). 
Paxton just died, we were informed on the 26th, but he died on the 25th.
The song selection I mentioned in relation to him (Spirit In The Sky) is about "dying"!

That said, he delivered some of the most memorable lines in film history. Aliens, Weird Science etc.
"When I die and they lay me to rest/Gonna go to the place that's the best/When I lay me down to die/Goin' up to the spirit in the sky…"

Apollo 13 - Paxton, Bacon and Hanks. 
Apollo/Terminator Paxton and Apollo/Terminated Kennedy. Speech given one day after Sept 11, 1962.
Kevin 'JFK (1991)' Costner was Jim "Apollo 13" Lovell's original choice to play his role in the film.
Kevin "JFK/Apollo 13" Bacon, Tommy "JFK Apollo/Black Moon" Jones, & Joe "Home Alone (WTC/911) 2" Pesci.
Tommy Lee Jones also resonates 'WTC/911' via The Men in Black films (with Will "Independence 9/11 Day" Smith).
Written by John "Escape From (aircraft Twin Tower) New York" Carpenter, EFNY is set in 1997, but was made 1981.
A (Plymouth) 9/11 Flyer...
Radio Head Units - 9/11 Carpenter's "Christine" (1983) and 91.1 Carpenter's "In The Mouth of Madness" (1994). ITMOM - the 'radio head unit' shot is seen when the vehicle enters a type of 'twilight zone' to Hobb's End. The 91.1 is one of a very narrow range that is shown, I caught it while viewing, but blink and you'll miss it.
Kings of Horror - Carpenter and King. "Christine" (King's novel), and "ITMOM", the latter had Sutter Cane as an avatar for Stephen King. "In the Mouth of Madness" (title) pays homage to Lovecraft's "At The Mountain of Madness" (which directly links to Carpenter's 'antarctica alien invading' film "The Thing"). 

Hallowe'en 3 - "TV mass mind control" (a la 'alien' They Live). 911"witchery" via Mountain Standard Time.
Carpenter wrote "Black (Twin Towers) Moon" (1986) - which starred Jones.
Men In (Black Moon) - Tommy Lee "JFK" Jones featured with Linda "Terminator 9/11 2" Hamilton.
Terminator Hamilton (Sarah Connor) featured in the film adaption of King's "Children of the Corn" (1984).
A nuclear GROUND ZERO via a (Manhattan like) city skyline.
Terminator 'Arnie' even married into the JFK/Kennedy clan via Shriver. His Running Man (film) was penned by King. 
King's "Maximum (Truck) Overdrive" (1986) was soundtracked by AC/DC, it's King's only directorial effort.
The Lightning-Struck Tower(s) via AC 'lightning' DC - a la "Back To The 9/11 Future".
AC/DC track "Shake Your (Twin Tower) Foundations" (see the official music video) featured on King's "Who Made Who/Maximum Overdrive" soundtrack. All these Hollywood people and personnel are basically CORPORATE SATANISTS, ones who subliminally (or otherwise) programme the masses. They have been doing so for decades, and all under the guise of corporate entertainment! Clearly, they think the masses are DUMB, and sometimes it's hard not to agree with them, much as it pains me to say so. Fame, adulation/worship and monetary overkill are their rewards for brainwashing and destroying the wider (and ignorant) sheep-like masses. See how simple it all is?
Bill "Apollo/Terminator/Aliens/Monolith" Paxton (centre, blue hair).
I did a little poking around and found this - Bill "Terminator/Aliens" Paxton and Monolith (1993). 
Two cops investigating the murder of a young boy become involved in a very secret project involving alien life.
Needless to say, the authorities don't want them to stick their noses into this.
"Look into my (masonic) eye"...with Bill "Hudson/Apollo13" Paxton, and Sgt. "masonic" Apone.

"Every meal's a banquet. Every pay check a fortune. Every full mason (formation) a parade." (it does sound like mason).

Masons in space...
"Kenneth S. Kleinknecht (now deceased), was the head of Operations at NASA at the time of the Apollo Space Program. A former 33rd Degree Freemason whose brother (C. Fred, deceased) was the former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Council of the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry of the Southern Jurisdiction. It was his reward for pulling it off. All of the first astronauts were Freemasons. There is a photograph in the House of the Temple in Washington DC of (Apollo 11) Neil Armstrong on the surface of the Moon (supposedly) in his spacesuit holding his Masonic Apron in front of his groin. All of the senior officials of NASA have been, and are, members of the Illuminati, Marxists, or communists." 
(adapted from William Cooper, Majesty Twelve, 1997).

Buzz "Apollo 11" Aldrin...Ol'"masonic" Buzz, it looks like he's wearing a masonic square and compass ring.
"...visit the MOON of Mars, there's a MONOLITH there, a very unusual structure...
when people find that out they're going to ask who put that there?"
We mentioned "Monolith" Kubrick and Apollo 11 earlier. 
The first shots/scenes made for his '2001 A Space Odyssey' film (1968), was the uncovering of the moon's Monolith.

Well, here's the images just before I segue into Apollo 13! Another film about a very secret project involving alien life.

A radio emitting monolith and ear piercing sound. The 2001 Monolith...and 9/11/2001 Millenium Monolith Hotel.
The ending "rebirth" sequence of "2001:ASO" takes place in a "renaissance" (rebirth) HOTEL bedroom.

The following 2016 "X Files" episode referenced '2001:ASO' and 'Planet of the Apes' (film series).
Radio emitting monolith(s) - and an ear piercing sound. (like the 2001 monolith gif, above).
The 2001 monolith is specifically discussed (in fantasy flashback) between father (Mulder) and child (see video, below).
Founder’s Mutation (ep2 s10) begins with the investigation of a strange high-pitch sound that only a few can hear.
Mulder (David Duchovny) is affected by the sound at an apartment and also at the Gilligan farm.
Notice the monolith doorway and (levitating) William above the bed (a la 2001) in the clip, below.

In Babylon (ep5 s10), Carter suggests that the trumpets from Revelation are playing and that only certain people can hear them. Revelation makes reference to Babylon (via the whore). 2001 Kubrick, died (a la Revelation) 666 days before Jan 1 2001. The last X Files episode before 9/11/01 - was the 'Season 8 finale' (May 2001). It featured the birth of X Files'"baby William" and was crammed full of references to Revelation, and the baby being a type of anti-christ resonator. I don't think it's chance that baby William is named after Scully's father (played by 'star-gating' Don S Davis), who also appeared in 'Revelation evoking' Omen:IV. The very next episode after 9/11/01 (Nov 2001) was the 'Season 9 opener' that featured a 'crown of 12 stars' mobile (a la Revelation).
Both of these X Files episodes (that straddled the 9/11 event) would heavily feature 'John Doggett' aka Robert "T1000" Patrick, the 9-11 underpass crashing truck driver from "Terminator 2: Judgement Day". Revelation, of course, evokes the horns (trumpets) of judgement.

Both the 'Season 8 finale' and 'Season 9 opener' featured The Lone Gunmen.
The recent X Files 'Babylon' episode (Feb 2016) also featured the return of The Lone (Twin Tower 9/11) Gunmen.

The related and spin-off 'Lone Gunmen'pilot episode had the remote controlled jet (near-miss) Twin Towers scene.
X-Files D.P.O. (eps3 s3).

Joshing with 'Illuminati' (Apollo 13) Hanks and the Twin "9/11" Towers..."This is a (WTC) skyscraper..."
Mazes and Monsters (1982). Hanks as a 9/11 victim, in 'tower falling' resonant "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" (2011). 

Above, Tom "failed South Tower jumper" Hanks, the ending of Mazes and (Twin Tower) Monsters (1982).
On September 11, 2001, Oskar and his classmates are sent home from school early while his mother Linda (Bullock) is at work. When Oskar gets home, he finds five messages from his father Thomas (Hanks) on the answering machine saying he is in the World Trade Center, South Tower again, like Mazes and (South Tower jumping) Monsters. When Thomas calls for the sixth time, Oskar is too scared to answer. The machine records a sixth message which stops when the building collapses. Oskar knows his father has been killed and falls to the floor.

There are also suggestions that he might've been one of the "jumpers".
The last shot of this clip (above) is a South Tower falling Hanks (Thomas). 
Another shot from the film. Obviously this is a post-9/11 example, but the synch-programme is still operational.
Bullock (shown above) also featured in Schumacher's "A (9/11) Time To Kill.
Spielberg's "Minority Report" (2002), featured Cruise, and Max "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" Von Sydow aka "masonic Ming". Cruise is linked to Paxton via "Edge of Tomorrow", he's linked to 2001/Monolith via "Magnolia".
July 4th - Tom "Born 4th July" Cruise. Anderton's (Cruise) case number is  #1109 (11/09). See example, below.
Ironic, that ultimately we've been dealing with Hollywood mass propaganda/predictive programming based pre-crime!
Am I uncovering all this stuff due to the fact that I'm an EMPATH? Hey, just call me Agatha.
Talking of (9 and 11) clocks...Cruise, in Brian (Born 11th Sept) De Palma's - Mission Impossible (1996)
Free-falling Cruise "Vanilla (tower jumper/twin towers) Sky", and via Manhattan.
Cruise also featured with Colin Farrell in "9/11" Spielberg's "Minority 11/09 Report "(2002). Spielberg featured the 'Twin Towers' in his Kubrick-linked "A.I." (2001), and 'Black September' linked "Munich" (2005, digitally added).
Farrell starred in Joel "911" Schumacher's (Manhattan) "Phone (9/11) Booth", and released the same year (2002). Cruise/Farrell, both linked to "P K Dick" via Minority Report, Farrell also starred in the P K Dick linked Total Recall (remake).

Phone Booth, 2002, opening (see original script) - Narrator (Manhattan, New York):
"There are 237,911 pay telephones in the five boroughs of the city of New York.  Many of them are still in working order."
See also Schumacher's "The (911) Number 23" (2007), and his scripting of "The (Twin Tower) Wiz (1978).
His "A (9/11) Time To Kill" (1996, with Illuminati McConaughey) and "Bad (WTC) Company" (2002) are also implicated.
The Number 23, with Truman "10,911 awakening" Burbank - aka Jim 'Illuminati' Carrey. The world as a stage set.
Truman, begins to 'see' that all is not as it seems, this happens from Days 10,911 and 10,912 (DVD chapters 8-16).
Jim "Truman/Man in the Moon" Carrey's (moon based) overseer is none other than Ed "Apollo 13" Harris.
Liar Liar - Sara Paxton made her film debut in Liar Liar, her father is distantly related to actor (Apollo 13) Bill Paxton.
Tower Air and a "9 and 11" clock, and recall this Tower Air "ad" (below) from the previous post.
Israel/Hollywood - ELITE (chocolate ad) and Twin Towers (with antenna) and approaching TOWER Air jet.

This ad was before 9/11/01. Tower Air (linked to Liar Liar) ceased trading in 2000!

Back to Apollo 13's - Tom "911/Twin Towers" Hanks. Another recent example (thanks to JP, see comments).
Sully (2016) directed by Clint "Dirty Harry" Eastwood, Dirty Harry was directed by Don "Body Snatchers" Siegel.

"Sully" - Hanks dreams of flying into NY buildings, evoking 9/11.
Sully - which literally means to 'blacken', 'spoil', 'make dirty' etc.
See the shot at 1:17 - which seemingly evokes the 2nd plane 9/11 tower strike.
It's a (Manhattan Twin Tower/911 evoking) New York SPLASH-down. Sully/Hanks and the jet plane into the Hudson.

Below, Big (1988) co-written by '9/11' Spielberg's sister Anne.
He plays a NY linked character, one called Josh. There's a 'Josh' link in both - Big (1988) and Mazes and Monsters (1982).
"9 to 11 and tower". Hanks gets "transformed/goes missing" (Sept 12) after visiting Zoltar on Sept 11, 1987 (the night before).
The date clues are given immediately before this (9 to 11 toy tower) scene - segued via a '9/12/87' milk carton.
9 to 11, Skyscraper, Transformation (via Sept 11)...
Wrecked Buildings via a 2001 prehistoric transformer...
Robert "Big" Loggia features in (2001:ASO resonant) Independence "9/11" Day. Hanks is in Brian (born 9/11) De Palma's "Bonfire of the Vanities", opening has a prolonged shot/scene of the WTC basement (with Bruce "Die 9/11 Hard" Willis).
Penny "Big" Marshall, who also directed "9/11" Awakenings (1990), and 'back to back' with Big (1988).
9/11/44. Oh look, (right) it's John "Big 9/11 Transforming Skyscraper" Heard (with Williams).
Heard also features in Home '911/WTC' Alone 2, and The Pelican "9/11" Brief. Oh look, it's John "9/11/44 Awakenings" Heard, the exact same number reference in "The Pelican Brief". "No change here!"
This is the second John "CIA" Grisham "novel to film" - that references 9/11, see also "A (9/11) Time To Kill".
"I Heard it through the grapevine..." (Denzel Washington is 9/11 linked via The Bone Collector)
Home "WTC/911" Alone 2. Directed by Chris "Gremlins/Potter 911" Columbus, he also has a cameo.
John "Home Alone series" Hughes had Paxton in his 80s film Weird Science.
Hughes wrote and produced Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) with Back to the (911) Future's Lorraine (and Stoltz).
Columbus/Hughes - Home Alone 2. The Twin Towers - segued to "Airport Security".
Better call 911 (in a later scene).
From John "Home Alone/Pelican Brief" Heard - back to Pelican Brief's Julia "Pretty (9 and 11) Woman" Roberts.
Ralph "Trading WTC Places" Bellamy (a Duke brother) would act (in his final ever role) with Roberts in Pretty Woman.
The film has a running time of 119 minutes (119/911).
Pretty Woman was another release linked to Zionist programmer Arnon "9/11" Milchan (see The Medusa Touch, A Time To Kill, Fight Club etc) he acted as producer and his Regency were involved. Ex-Israeli PM Ehud Olmert (who has had recent spells in prison) claims that he is responsible for naming the film's title. Olmert was a friend of 9/11 Milchan. Roberts'"Ocean's 11" film had to redo the exploding/collapsing buildings in NY (due to 9/11 similarities), the film ran for 116 mins (a flipped 911).

That's what I added for the 25th Feb, save these (now numerous) additions and embellishments for this post.
Paxton was heavily involved with James Cameron, Cameron's "Terminator (9/11) 2" and "True (9/11) Lies", are both mentioned in the previous post's body.
True Lies having Paxton in the cast, he also featured (as a punk) in The Terminator (1984).
The Tower and 'penetrating' Jet Plane - with Art "1993 Twin Towers terror bomber" Malik
Don't forget, Jamie Lee "Trading 911/WTC Places" stars opposite Arnie in True Lies.
Schwarzenegger is tied-in to the "Mars alien mythos" via Total Recall.

Spielberg's - "Close (Alien) Encounters of the (9/11) Kind" and via Devils Tower.
Schwarzenegger's daughter (in True Lies) has a dog called Gizmo (see Spielberg/Dante's 9/11 Gremlins, below).
Gremlins (9/11) 2 - featured the (Clamp) Trade Centre Tower. Dante for the "devilish" thematics!

At the moment we see this "Gremlins" radio shot, the DJ mentions Orson "alien invasion/War of the Worlds" Welles.
Gremlins were originally connected to World War aircraft.

1938, Welles produced the (Wells) Hallowe'en episode radio broadcast with John "Carpenter's The Fog" Houseman.
Spielberg, would make a version of "War of the Worlds" (2005) featuring (Minority Report's) Tom "11/09" Cruise.
In The Terminator, Arnie (T101) obtains his weaponry (Uzi 9mm etc) from Dick "Gremlins" Miller.
Miller featured in (9/11 resonating films) - National Lampoon's Movie Madness (Godzilla wrecking the Twin Towers).
And Twilight Zone - Movie (see 9 and 11 clock).
Miller is in the third segment. The final 'jet plane' segment is based on "Gremlins" (Directed by George Miller).
Dick 'Gremlins' Miller was also in Gremlins 2 - a total 9/11 and (Clamp/Trump) Tower Trade Centre fest.
Gremlins (9/11) 2 featured the "Twins" from Arnie's Terminator (9/11) 2, Schwarzenegger featured in the Twins (film, 1988).
9/11 Twinning...you know, like Zemeckis/Spielberg's "Back to the (9/11 struck tower) Future"...via Twin Pines.
Bluebird/Monarch mind control has links to "twinning". Kubrick's "CRM 114" is used in the first film.
Dean "Back to the Future" Cundey - "The only one that ever scared me was "Invasion of the Body Snatchers", the very first one with Kevin McCarthy (see further below). That’s because it didn’t rely on slashers and monsters and giant crabs that have been mutated by atomic energy. It relied on psychology and I think it’s the psychology of fear that is really what does it."

There's a brain melting/alien invasion type scene in Back to the Future, as well as the Gray's (alien Greys) almanac.
An alien from the planet Vulcan, home of Mr Spock aka Leonard "Body Snatchers/Brain Eaters" Nimoy. George "Crispin Glover" McFly had issues with "mind controlling aliens" (as Jingle Dell) in David (Jimmy Stewart from Mars) Lynch's "Wild at Heart" (1990). The film featured Nic "911 Knowing via aliens/World Trade Center/911 Face/Off" Cage, and with Harry Dean "Alien/911 Christine/Escape From (Twin Towers) New York" Stanton.

Twin Peaks Lynch's Mulholland "Lightning Struck Tower" Drive (2001) also has 9/11 elements, William Mulholland (where the "drive" gets its name), was born on September 11, 1855. BTTF - don't forget "The Honey-MOONERS" and "The Man From Space" episode (1955), showing on the McFly/Baines TV. I don't call it "Back to the (9/11 struck tower) Future" for nothing!

Check this out for weirdness...(Twinning) Twilight Zone - Kevin 'Body Snatchers' McCarthy.
 Long Live Walter Jameson (1960). The diary date entry "Tuesday September 11, 1864" - was actually on a Sunday (in our reality). The episode's date reference is drawn from the historical record of Sherman, and the burning of Atlanta.
Kevin "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" McCarthy (the actor in this episode), he just happened to die September 11th, 2010.
Someone thinks that they're here already...and that you're next!

Body Snatchers director Don Siegel, also directed two Twilight Zone episodes -  "The Self-Improvement of Salvadore Ross" and "Uncle Simon".  Rod "Twilight Zone' Serling would also co-write the screenplay for 2001:ASO resonant - Planet of the Apes (1968)
McCarthy also featured in Twilight Zone - Movie (1983). The film had four segments directed (in order) by John Trading "911/WTC" Places Landis, Steven "9/11" Spielberg, Joe "Gremlins 9/11" Dante (above, Sept 11, McCarthy features in this segment, as does Dick 'Gremlins' Miller). Final segment from George "Mad Max" Miller, which features 2010's John "Pelican 9/1l Brief" (mono)Lith-gow - in a "gremlin ravaged" jet aircraft tale. The Twilight Zone (movie) also had Dan "Trading 911/WTC Places" Aykroyd, bookending the film with prologue and epilogue (both 1983 releases for Aykroyd/Landis). Landis uses Kubrick's 2001 phraseology "See You Next Wednesday" - it's also in his Twilight Zone segment, but in German.
Kathleen "Apollo 13" Quinlan - features in Dante's third segment, she plays Tom "911/WTC" Hanks wife in Apollo 13.
She also features in Independence Day (1983), not the 1996 release though. :)

Roland "911/WTC" Emmerich's Independence Day - with Will "Men In (WTC/911) Black" Smith.

July 4th (1921) - "Independence Day" photo is the final shot in Kubrick's The Shining.

It's "2001 HAL-9000" and Dave x2 - Jeff (David Levinson) Goldblum and Kier (David Bowman) Dullea
Invasion of the 2001 (Twin) Body Snatchers via PODS.
In Body Snatchers "pod based" twin copies replace humans. Dave Bowman (exits pod) meets his "old twin" - 2001 ending.

Below, the original 1956 Body Snatchers film with Kevin 'Sept 11' McCarthy. Goldblum in the remake.

 McCarthy did have a cameo in the 1978 remake, as did director Don Siegel, the latter as a "pod" taxi driver.
Donald "A 9/11 Time To Kill/The Puppet Masters" also Sutherland featured in the Body Snatchers remake.
Alien and Pod-linked - Stanley "9/11" Kubrick, Jeff "9/11" Goldblum, and Kevin "9/11" McCarthy.

The Body Snatchers film is set in Santa Mira, the same town name as Carpenter's setting for Hallowe'en (911) III.
Hallowe'en III has a 'body snatching' theme via replaced robot doubles in Santa Mira.
The "Sham-Rock" (geddit?) likely keys into the (demonic mind controlling) Stonehenge rock  monolith (word play).
Fragments of the monolith are used in every head mask chip - the ones worn for the mass TV mind control.
The alien fashioned monolith (machine) - 2001 A 9/11 Space Odyssey. The Monolith 'Overlook' Hotel, Ground Zero.

The 'Ground Zero' Millenium (2001) Monolith Hotel is a Hilton brand.
The exact same 'Hilton' that sponsored the 2001:ASO (moon) space-station 5, the base used to reach the moon monolith.

Independence "Alien" Day - "Good Morning, Dave..." Seth "tele-POD" Brundle - The Fly.
Jeff "Monolith" Goldblum. The 1989 sequel (The Fly II) would have Eric "Back to the Future" Stoltz, as Brundle's son.
There's a tower 'doubling' effect via the mirror windows. James (911) Cameron's - "Aliens" (same year, 1986)
Aliens - bodies are impregnated by pod-egg based aliens and cocooned. Stasis cryo-pods contained the soldiers.
Veronica "Alien(s)/Lambert" Cartwright, would also play Jeff Goldblum's wife in Body 'pod' Snatchers (remake, 1978).
Eggs/Cocoons/Pods - Alien (thanks to uncle Bingo).

Lambert was "gender altered at birth" (male to female) - it says so in the profile, these were shown in the opening scenes.
 Goldblum got a 'Candy Pink' transformation in "Earth Girls Are Easy", with The Fly's Davis.
Aliens "Butch Vasquez" with Paxton (Hudson) - she also featured in Cameron's Terminator (9/11) 2, and Titanic.
If you want a "monkey/ape" to go with Paxton's "Monolith", look no further than "Mighty Joe Young".

Recently deceased - John "Alien/Monolith" Hurt - Bill "Aliens/Monolith" Paxton.
Scott's Alien reboot - Prometheus (a 'mankind creating' Titan, "Titan-ic") links with 2001 - Old Man of Storr Monolith/Old Man Weyland, a David and computer etc. There are lots of other nods to Kubrick's 2001, not forgetting Prometheus's comparable aliens and mankind origins theme.
Alien Hurt was in Harry "9/11" Potter, and from the beginning. The lettering (flipped) was seen late 2000 onwards.
John Hurt, 1995. From Dutch corporate behemoth, Philips. Home Cinema.

I was just 'weirded out' due to mentioning him (Paxton), and the nature of the song involved (about death), and on the day/night of his death. Some have even compared "Apollo 13's" events with a type of death and rebirth ritual (see William Cooper).

The Dumb UK Electorate - I TOLD YOU SO - Re-upped For Those That Missed It.

Re-upped - originally posted July 2018

 I NO LONGER live in the Nazi Marxist/Communist Zone that is Europe.
Thank FUCK for that. I told you ALL to get out (if you were able).
The UK is FINISHED. You ALL have my sympathies.
I will never write on these pages ever again. I now have a new life.
TRUTH is a WORTHLESS commodity in the UK...and this post was/is the proof.
The UK is a Marxist soaked DICTATORSHIP completely beholden to the German/Franco MARXIST MAFIA aka the TOTALITARIAN EU.
Thanks for listening/reading. Uncle Bingo you are still a legend...I Miss Ya. :)

Oh, BTW. Respect to the French Yellow Vests who are dismantling EU Rothschild lackey Macron (Micron).
The British could learn a thing from the French, but they'd rather watch reality TV and soap operas (zombie mass mind control).

Now it's MY TIME to gloat. I had to tolerate abuse over my prior thoughts/opinions. 
Let's compare with the unfolded/unfolding 'actual' reality. 
Just to show you how accurate my UK political forecasting really is. 
And all before anything even happens!

From my March 2018 post:
The Tories have NEVER had any intention of leaving the (Soviet style) Marxist EU communist state. That's why Cameron sodded-off immediately after the vote. That's why they installed NWO globalist puppet May as his replacement - to front her BINO (Brexit in name only) complete capitulation. This latest event (Skripal/Russia Novichok) will obviously play into their "EU/UK togetherness" agenda.

June 2016
My musings very soon after the UK's EU "Leave" vote result...
Here I mention the actual Leave result as being the mere "beginning" of the battle.
You had Brexit "hard" or "soft" MSM-based mind control soon after  - there was/is no HARD or SOFT.
There was only leave or stay. Exiting = leaving the single market and the customs union, those issues were never a doubt. The sheep bought into the "hard/soft" BS though, just as I'd expect. Typical of the (complicit and criminal) MSM to help in twisting the logic of these (formerly established) issues to suit 1% elite ends.

My post from February 2018 (incorporating the previous year 2017):

The UK masses have NEVER been so DUMB - they'd win any Olympic events in respect of dumbing-down!
If the UK had any semblance of intelligence - I wouldn't have just witnessed the wanton destruction of UK PLC over the last few decades - and all underwritten by the dense UK electorate!
Shame on you, UK citizens. Get your goddamn SHIT TOGETHER - you mind bombed fools! :)
I don't call the UK electorate the most "apathetic" and "establishment compliant" for nothing - I say it because it's TRUE.
Only a completely degenerated shit-hole would still have a (sick) Monarchy in 2018.
The Windsor family underpin the entire establishment class in the UK - they are criminals too (see Windsor/Savile).
I don't say this for fun or from just behind a keyboard - I would say all of what I write to their faces.

Corbyn's Marxist Labour have now done a U-turn on Brexit - they want the customs union (EU OWNED).
It could well be that another General Election scenario develops out of all this mess now. We'll have to see.
What a political shit house the UK really is. Democracy isn't just dead, it's been buried too.

Compare my thoughts - very soon after the Brexit vote . June/July 2016, and compare with what has transpired!
This was all written BEFORE "remainer puppet" May was even installed as Prime Minister...
Of course, a few crazy things happened in the interim - the out of the blue General Election, Farage departing etc.
My current belief is that May (or whoever oversees this) will find a way for the UK to both be "out" and "in" - at the same time.
Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT.

The electorate had the chance to vote for UKIP, (deserting them in 2017) and putting ALL of their faith in the traditional parties instead - Tory and Labour. The same parties that have systematically destroyed the UK for decades. Admittedly, UKIP has been a shadow of its former self, but without that 'anti-EU pressure' the established parties have been able to make hay. Tory supporters have bought in to Remainer May's "Brexit means Brexit" (bullshit), whereas Corbyn's promise to uphold the electorate's wishes has now been "sold out" (see customs union). If Corbyn (and Tory rebels) can force another General Election - there won't be an alternative choice (unless May moves aside). It'll be either Remain-centric Tory (under her) or Remain-centric Labour. There really IS NO LIMIT to the stupidity of the masses - and what luck for our elite controllers. I can't say I'm surprised though, I knew what these loons were like long before any vote scenario. Just as I know what the electorate are like too.

See below. This was before my account was CLOSED by the (Nazi) Daily "1%" Mail.
I was tearing their establishment-based propaganda to shreds (which is easily done), so they SHUT ME DOWN.
65.7% voted TO LEAVE in Stoke-On-Trent. Yet this same (DUMB) constituency elected REMAIN (Marxist) Labour?
There IS NO LIMIT to the electorate's insanity - none whatsoever. I told them it would come back to haunt them - & it has!
Dumb Northern Tories (wtf?) splitting the vote and allowing REMAIN Labour in, scuppering UKIP.
Outsmarted by Labour and the Tories, as usual. Oh look, there's my take on "immigration" too - where's my prize? ;)
The sort of "immigration" that has destroyed indigenous earning power in places like Stoke (cough, cough).

Clearly, Brexit Farage has had a hand to play in the ongoing developments, albeit somewhat indirectly. His UKIP departure (leaving a vacuum, both on the stage and in respect of his party) has helped pave the way for Tory and Labour, both of whom are beholden to the EU. It remains to be seen if Farage will return to the arena, if he does then it's a potential big game changer. If UKIP had still been under Farage (up to this point), I think the electorate that voted "out/leave" would now be flocking to them in their droves. This is why I think that both the electorate and UKIP have scored a bit of an "own goal" over all this (to put it mildly), but it is what it is.

UK Wrecking May's 2017 Manifesto and GE. Note, my comments below are now 14 months old.
(updated, they're now nearly 20 months old!)
I hate to say "I told you so", but I did tell you so.
The Daily Fail - spinning yarns about "globalist stooge and REMAINER" May.
(Update, so what happened recently over at the Daily Mail? A new REMAIN CENTRIC editor from late 2018!
So predictable - that it's actually boring.)
Where was the outrage? The sheep just nodded!
"They'll foul up Brexit too." Wow, I'd never have GUESSED.

As PREDICTED and aeons in advance. May IS delivering the WORST of both worlds.
The White Paper. The one designed/overseen by Fuhrer Merkel. Merkel ratified it before any UK politician got to see it!
Will May survive this?


If you want to see the proof - just pop over to Tory Central - The Daily Fail/Mail.

Horseloverphat Quote:
"Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT."
The worst of both worlds, two years pissed away, a basketcase nation, and a bill for circa £40 billion.
There hasn't been a bigger UK political fuck-up than the 2010 (and onward) Tory party.
The worst government ever, and the worst PM in UK history. Hands down, no contest.


 Oh dear. It looks like MILLIONS of people have been played for fools.
The same ones that thought May and the TORIES would deliver. Is there a cure for their insanity?

Trump: "Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a SEXIST, a RACIST, a XENOPHOBE."

The same ones that believed that they DIDN'T NEED (so-called RACIST) UKIP.
 It was like taking candy from a baby.

Sad really.

Almost as SAD as the dumb electorate themselves.
OK, who the fuck voted for this POS?

WTF? Threatening everyone if they don't go along with her dictatorial ans sell-out ways? It's NOT her Brexit!
The ONLY time May grows a set of balls is when she is trying to destroy the UK!
Watered down? Brussels and Herr STASI Merkel designed the fucking deal.
Is this the Tory way of getting destroyed and handing over to Corbyn? So they won't be left holding the baby?

"We can't let Labour in they'll destroy the economy"
(Probably, but that's also exactly what the Tories have been doing! It's has no basis as an argument.
Labour and Tories are BOTH liberal/cultural Marxist and socialists. I did also try and tell you this!)

Seen the size of the national debt - have you?
Seen the decimated infrastructure on the back of mass auterity - have you?
Mass austerity has led to a virtual 3rd World UK for the 99%. And nothing to show for it!
And it is rapidly getting worse. NHS on its knees, joke police, joke military, huge violent crime wave, mass immigration, evaporating public services, low wages, zero hour contracts, mass debt as progress, a criminal Bank of England, PC mind control, LGBT cancer in schools, swathes of programmed and self loathing liberal/Marxist lefties, inverted racism, etc, etc.

Theresa 'POS' May will be HATED even more than Blair ever was.
As big a CUNT that Blair was, there was a spell during his tenure when things were not too bad (on a surface level, at least). You cannot say that about May (or predecessor Ca-moron). OMG, what a mess!

 OK, so I gloated and humuliated the f**k out of you all.
But that is not the ultimate purpose or reason. The purpose is to expose their mechanisms, expose their control, to demonstrate how Mockingbird media owns your thought processes - and how you are manipulated. It's thru my OWN undertsanding of this phenomenon that I was able to accurately project, what would, and has transpired. And so can YOU.

Learn from this. That IS the message.

 Read in conjunction with my former post....
'Theresa May is a PIECE OF SHIT' from late 2017.

My 'UK EU Vote' post from June 2016. The Brexit battle.

Adolf '4th Reich' Merkel (The Girl from Brazil) from very early 2016.


The good news? If you can call it that...

 There's much fun to be had watching the sociopathic Tories destroy their own party on the altar of EU communism. May's tragi-comedy turns in the HOC (and beyond) are now the stuff of legend. We've never seen anything like it. Contempt of Parliament (aka LYING), pulling the (dead) deal vote at the eleventh hour (to save her own skin), throwing away an inherited majority (deliberately), alienating the DUP who prop-up her MINORITY govt (£1 billion+ pissed away), played-out begging to the EU nations (many who were liberated by Britain post WW2), destroying the Tory party, reneging on 2017 manifesto promises, betraying the UK's largest single issue democratic vote, a completely divided nation (two years + onwards) due to REMAIN centric policy - even though Remain LOST, pretending that 'no deal' is a disaster (it's NOT), and failing to use this 'no deal' as a bargaining chip...it just goes on and on. £39 BILLION for a worst of all worlds deal, and a (deliberately mismanaged) deal that is clearly REMAIN in a very bad disguise - plus all with NO REPRESENTATION at the Euro table! Some deal, HA! 'No deal' hurts the EU MORE than it does the UK (UK is the 2nd largest net contributor), and it has always been the case. No-one buys MORE from the EU than the UK! The 1% elite and their sick propaganda organs - Sky, BBC, CH4, UK press etc - have BRAINWASHED you all, and predictably so has (sociopath) big corporate business. The Tories made ZERO contingency plans for 'no deal' - and that tells you ALL you need to know. May's deal is PURE SHIT and she OWNS that deal - she is ENTIRELY to blame. You can forget the deliberate RED HERRING that is the Irish border/back-stop too (fuck EU mafia stooge/homo, Varadkar), and the Bank of England's 'never been right about anything' Mark 'POS' Carney aka Captain Project Fear, not forgetting Phil 'TWAT' Hammond...all played-out CRAP. The UK is overtly politically and morally BANKRUPT. The 1% elite OWN the UK mass media (mind control) and I've stated this for years. I was 100% correct about the Daily Remainer Mail/Fail (see previous posts).

This DELIBERATE global humiliation under treason Theresa Re-May-ner is almost complete. This insane cow is caught-up in a sea of lies of her own making. The UK is now no better than a banana republic. The "rest of the world" is probably crying with laughter at the UK. I think she's hated more than Blair - and already. Just another "I told you so" moment - given long in advance.

Treason May is stalling for time in deferring the deal vote so she can push the entire issue to the wire. With Project Fear on constant repeat and the clock running-out she'll hope to push the (EU loving) MPs into accepting her SACK OF SHIT 'fix' deal (the one that sells the UK down the river), rather than a clean (no deal) Brexit. Yawn.

You CANNOT negotiate with a totalitarian EU dictatorship and anyone with a brain already knew this. Cameron was sent packing by the EU, that's the only proof you need. No deal should have ALWAYS been the default starting point for the UK in terms of (potential) leave negotiations. The EU (by default) HAVE to punish the UK for having the temerity to vote 'leave'. They cannot afford to see a departing nation make any progress 'going-forward' - for what are obvious existential reasons! Only a dumb-ass would think otherwise.

You are witnessing the END of the (fifth column, neo-liberal/Marxist) UK Conservative Party. :)
A party that has always been pure SOCIOPATH. 
The shit-house party that began the UK's demise from the mid-70's via EEC (Europe) with Tory PAEDOPHILE PM Heath.
See how the UK was absorbed into this Euro totalitarian communist nightmare via the 'common market' - then further emeshed into a Germanic-led Euro hell (without any true democratic underwriting) which has then subsequently and conventiently made leaving it an near impossibility.
If it is this impossible to leave - then none of the former (above) should have been allowed to transpire.
Are you enjoying this played-out Establishment/EU fix? The one I identified from day 1?
If the Tories had followed the referendum result they'd be riding the crest of a wave. 
 So why didn't they? Answer, they are ALL Elite/EU owned.
Do you still think that Jo Cox was murdred by a far-right zombie just before the vote?
I've always known that Jo Cox's 'so-called' murder was all elite and mass media driven fakery.

Meanwhile, the 'nation state' destroying TOTALITARIAN EU is continuing in its typical (and predictable) meltdown mode...Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece etc. Existential crisis...it's only a matter of "when" - for the complete collapse of the Neo-Liberal/Communist and Gerrman/Franco-centric EU (4th Reich). If the UK leaves on a 'no deal' the EU will not be able to make-up the shortfall of the UK's contribution...and that has ALWAYS been the case. The EU need to have their huge BLUFF called-out...it fools no-one in these quarters. The EU fear a 'no deal' more than ANYONE! (bye-bye Homo/Corporate shell Ireland, lol). You can bank this...the EU are BLUFFING re: no deal. It's a piss poor bluff too. The UK could go "ALL IN" and DESTROY the SICK EU by going for the 'no deal' option. :)

The only continent that is experieincing slower growth than Europe (EU) is Antartica. Maybe the EU could fashion a trade deal with the South Polar region...but only after decades of negotiating with penguins, of course.


OMFG...what an absolute tool! FUCKING SAD.
The slow-motion car crash that is Theresa 'POS' May...the EU 'trojan horse' muppet and Brexit destroyer!
She's like a terminally ill dog that needs to be put-down.

Trumpstein - Stooge of Zionist Israel


Just porting-over the end of the Oumuamua post - so I can keep abreast of Trump's ongoing overt insanity.
Regular readers will KNOW that I predicted Trump's election win, and over a year in advance!
I did similar with the UK EU vote too (save the small wobble around the time of the faux assassination).
Results that the MSM said were unlikely, or nigh-on impossible. Ha!
That is now history - and now it's time to really evaluate Trump, and it's not pretty, far from it.

He's had his chance and "blown it" in spectacular style!
The "non-foreign interference" pledge - lies in tatters and is now exposed for the GROSS LIE that it was.
Is he hoping that the entire world is suffering from collective AMNESIA? We know what he said - and only 12 months ago!
Dec 2016. That would be Saudi "ISIS" Arabia then! So why is he doing deals with them and helping destroy Yemen?
His "nationalist" promise - another exposed lie. He is clearly a globalist stooge, and rapidly increasingly so.
So much for "America First". Trump has "bait and switched" his voter base - all for the typical and ongoing Zionist cause.
Trumpstein...Zionist Israel are the hand inside the Trump glove. The same Israel behind 9/11.
The Zionist puppet strings hove into full view.
Khazar/Ashke-NAZI Jews (in-league with US admin) caused 9/11 - you've been duped by these MONSTERS.
Israel makes you fight illegal wars - it's YOUR American sons and daughters who are sacrificed for all this!
Israel MURDERED US citizens in a giant false-flag - SWALLOW THAT! I've known this literally since day 1.
The JEW. S. of A.
If it were not for these "sick Khazar mind control agents" (below) the 9/11 LIE would've been busted years ago!
What you have in the US is a type of "mass media simulated reality" - one controlled and served-up by Khazar/Zionists.
Trump taking on the Khazar/Ashkenazi US MSM is nothing but a "dog and pony show" for useless eater digestion.
Israel OWNS the ENTIRE American mindset - it is indisputable. Not even the Khazars dispute it!
Pierce those Twin Towers...Hollywood aka JEW-wood.
US "mass mind control" through Khazar/Ashkenazi/Zionist Jew "mass media".
HELLYWOOD - the degenerate JEW shit hole that rapes children, sexualises the young, & brainwashes everyone else!
Home "WTC/911" Alone 2 - It's 'towering" Donald "Biff/Clamp" Trump.
Trump's also linked to Back to the '9/11-Struck Tower' Future, and Gremlins "9/11-WTC" 2 (see other posts).
Trump bought Back to the Future linked Delorean's Bedminster estate - & exactly 1 year after Sept. 11 2001.
Trump secured his presidency in the early hours on 9th November 2016 - Euro-style 9/11.
Let's take a New York bound flight. Foreshadowing for flight #175?
Culkin, takes American Airlines 767, flight #176 to New York. (as stated by the onboard flight attendant).
He stands on South Tower, the one that was struck by the United Airlines 767, flight #175 (see gif below).
It was American Airlines flight #11 (first strike) that allegedly struck the North Tower.
The Twin Tower scene segues to "airport security".
Who was the desk clerk who met Kevin in New York?
Ally "9/11 War Games" Sheedy (see pic inset).
Sheedy, who has recently made (abuse) claims of her own (see Franco). She is now seemingly on the industry fringes.
Home Alone 2. Somebody call - 911.
I have details of a "global crime syndicate" that brainwashed half the planet via Jew/Hollywood corporate media, and its related news channels. And of course, all in-league with the (SICK) US military-industrial complex. I didn't even mention John "Home Alone 2" Heard - 9/11 subliminals via the following - Awakenings, Big, and The Pelican Brief.
I doubt that (most) of the acting personnel involved even know of how they've been used/positioned etc.
It's Khazar Jew puppet, Trump and the sleeping (beds) 9-11 SHEEP/GOY - aka the US zombified by "mass media" Ovine herd.
Understand that I NEVER bought into the official 9/11 narrative, not even for one day! I honestly believe that the US public were MSM "primed" and "propagandised" prior to, during the event, and afterwards too, and as I've regularly described and demonstrated over the years. Since 2001, I've had to watch as the USA/Israel have made mincemeat out of literally the entire Middle East.
Home Alone 2/War Games, Sheedy's co-star, 9/11 Broderick. Picked-up by the FBI at 7-Eleven (7-11). Sept = 7.
Trump April 2016. I've ALWAYS said that "7-11" is a stylised form of "9-11". This is nothing new.
SEPT (seven), the original Roman calendar's 7th month. Trump, the walking tarot card - The 'struck' Tower trump card.
The Tower aka "Le Feu de Ciel" - The Fire of Heaven (the Sky). Back to the "Lightning-struck 9/11 Tower" Future.
Towering Trump/Clamp - the "World" (in a vice) "Trade Centre" . Gremlins "end of the world apocalypse" 2
"Enough is Enough." Yeah, I think we've ALL had enough of this Illuminati clown!
As if all that isn't bad enough, but oh no - it gets worse.
War Games director, John Badham was attached to "The Dead (Stillson/Trump nuclear) Zone",
released in the same year as War Games, 1983.
Walken - who featured as Mike (Mike-ro Soft/Microsoft) in The Stepford Wives remake -
with Matthew 'nuclear War Games, 9/11' Broderick, and Nicole 'satanic mkultra' Kidman.
Trump even wakes in the early hours of the morning with his epiphanies a la Stillson.
Stillson/Sheen who went on to play the POTUS in The West Wing.
Did they lift that from the 1979 novel? (The Dead Zone).

And now the 'marginalisation" of the USA begins...it's global influence slipping as each day passes.
A $20 trillion national debt sold as an economic miracle. What can possibly go wrong?
There is NO economic miracle - just Central Bank money printing, buy-backs, and other crimes!
Corporate USA - the folk who brought the world "sub-prime" HELL via (sick) Wall St.
China and Russia will kick your - fat, couch potato, Jew loving, uber indebted, degenerate, and poof-centric asses.
Threats of blackmail if the "JEW. S. of A" doesn't get its own way?
Awwwww....didums. Why don't you try blowing the fuck out of the entire middle east again - & on the back of another "big lie"?
You hit Syria (April), you're arming Saudi Arabia, running operations in Yemen, & destroying Palestine - etc, etc.
Oil rich Saudi - aka the most extreme Islamists! Trump's Secretary of State is Rex "Exxon" Tillerson.
Note, the UK (Jew K) is also heavily arming the Saudis, as I covered in a recent post.

"We will defund you..." Yawn!
Another US government Zionist SOCIOPATH. Just horrible, simply horrible. The spawn of "might is right"Lucifer.
Her barely concealed "passive-aggressive" manner is revolting. IT looks like a transsexual.
She's acting like the 'Borg queen" from Star Trek - "resistance is futile". :)

Trump made a lot of pre-election promises (as is typical of politicos) to his "America First" base, but he has already seemingly abandoned them. I was agreeable to some of his "anti-globalist, anti-foreign interference, and anti-immigration" message myself, but none of this has come to any appreciable fruition. It's been the polar opposite. Trump seems to be surrounding himself with the globalist cabal. This post is not meant as a slight against those that voted for Trump. It's Trump that has reneged on his base and their nationalist ideology - this is not the fault of the voter. A voter ultimately placed in the unenvious position of having the choice of Clinton or Trump. Forgive me for unloading my frustration - cos I don't hold back, but do try not to take it personally. 

Trump thinks that by acting like an "ape" on the global stage, that it will somehow help the planet?
He says - let's completely annihilate North Korea? Does he think China/Russia will just sit idly by as the US sociopathic war machine wrecks nations thousands of miles away? If anything it's the USA's "interference" in respect of North and South Korea that is likely very much a part of the problem. What a clown he is, simply an agitator of the Korean situation. He actually claims that all his "shit talk" has helped secure the North/South meeting! Only a complete mind-bombed Trump automaton would buy-in to that LIE. Trump was "agitating" - not helping. US foreign policy since WW2 has been NOTHING but colossal and abject failure. Creating Israel, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Iraq Gulf War 2, Libya, Syria etc, etc. I'm starting to think Trump might well be the last President that the USA ever has! The world CANNOT continue under the yoke of the USA - THIS OVERT INSANITY HAS TO END.

US/Israeli foreign policy in the Middle East 

If the fallout from all these insane wars was landing on American shores - this all would've been stopped years ago!
Many Americans couldn't even find the Middle East on a goddamn map - and with help!
Without (false flag) 9/11 none of what has transpired over the last 16+ years could've happened!


Drain the swamp?
How? By giving (sick) corporate America HUGE TAX BREAKS.
Tax breaks for Wall St etc, even though they are the wreckers of the masses?

Good luck with "swamp draining" - especially with a corporate junkie like Trump at the helm.
When will the deluded Trump fanboys wake-up? He's a puppet of Israel, and the banking oligarchy!

"10-13"Templar suppression date.

1st Jan - 3rd Jan 2018

Remember the US "Arab Spring"? Remember the (non) weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Same old, same old.
Wait for Trump to start circling and then the "REGIME CHANGE" agenda will soon hove fully into view.
Israel have wanted war with Iran for years - Trump could well be the one who gives it to them. The Saudis would welcome it too.
The way Trump is angling (and so soon), you'd think that he was expecting something to happen - wink, wink.
TRUMP - the man who condemns IRAN, but who supplies (EVIL) Saudi 'ISIS' Arabia with arms to destroy Yemen.
FUCK TRUMP, and FUCK THE CUNTS THAT SUPPORT HIM. He's George W Bush 2.0. Another PNAC neo-Con gopher.
U.S./Israeli PROVOCATEUR activity in Iran - that is very likely what is happening at the moment (last few days 2017).
The counter protest is by far, LARGER than the actual protest, but don't let that get in the way of these Trump lies!

There's NO Rothschild controlled central bank in Iran, - isn't that correct Donald "Jew errand boy" Trump?
Is Trump talking about the USA? He might as well be. This is how I view the current US!
What errant fucking nonsense is this? The man is CLEARLY insane and a tool of the sick Khazar Jews!
REAL people of the world are getting WISE to US/Israeli interference (hegemony) & under the guise of "help and freedom" aka LIES.
The REAL world knows that the US and Israel were behind 9/11! USA/Israel = global terrorists!
This is the exact same M.O. that they've been using for the last near 20 years! It's actually embarrassing!
Human rights violations? Your sick Saudi friends are murdering Yemeni children and have been for years - you ginger POS.
It's called Saudi (with US help) led GENOCIDE of Yemen. Trump is a despicable and duplicitous POS.
The same sick Saudi regime that is doing arms deals with Trump's admin. This is low-grade Jew S of A propaganda.
Some of Iran's internal economic issues directly come from the imposed sanctions!

What "freedom" are you offering USA?
Freedom to buy and sell in the rigged corporate market place - the 1% free-for-all? A Jew owned federal reserve and corporate banking system (aka legitimate criminality) that fleeces the masses, and enacts mass debt slavery? Sick media that turns children into SEX OBJECTS? Hollywood/TV violence that is nothing but MASS DEGENERACY programming? A SODOMITE centric nation which treats the issue as though it's a virtue? US Intel owned socialist media that promotes dumb group think? Gangsta thuggery promoted as a lifestyle choice (neo-Uncle Toms etc). Mass shootings on a weekly basis? The worship of celebrity on a level not seen in ANY RELIGION? Sick mass plastic surgery for a society who've been entrained to self-loathe via sick media? War as a means for economic and hegemonic expansion? Huge disparities in wealth? The AMERICAN DREAM - is a sane man's NIGHTMARE. The west isn't free. Not in the way that it is "marketed" by the establishment, at least. Trump is only selling bullshit to the gullible.

I wonder if the following is one such example...likely employed by foreign intel to instigate violence etc:
Below - The "UK intel" couple. Their marriage is an obvious sham. She's very likely a double-agent.
They could've been involved in (Jew led) provocateur activity in respect of Iran. It is the Jew K (UK), after all.
The Jew K want their SPY back - how thoroughly predictable.

Hey, Trump - YOU DUMB ASS!
Thousands are protesting the Israeli government and linked corruption. You know, the Israel that Trump LOVES.
Benjamin "CRIMINAL" Netanyahu. Where is the US call for "regime change"? That was the FIFTH'March of Shame'.
Only a DUMB ASS would not spot the way that the USA ignores Israeli transgressions, and its population's protest!

 Somehow, Trump and the US MSM fails to notice all the above? More American people protested against Trump's presidency than anything we've yet seen out of Iran. This stuff is just EMBARRASSING. I'm reading it as staged co-ordinated events using provocateurs, intel/Mossad/CIA etc, and all supported by complicit western MSM - fanning the flames and projecting their narrative. The UK and US were instrumental in shaping Iran in the C 20th. The UK and US (under the aegis of the CIA) backing the Shah in the 1953 coup and overthrow of PM Mosaddegh (see Operation Ajax). Then ultimately having the Shah taken-out in 1979, followed by installing the Ayatollahs etc.

"Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat..."
Servants of Israel
The United States IS controlled by a FOREIGN POWER!
The masses are so dumb - hey let's just run G W Bush's agenda - AGAIN!
When I was watching Bush's speech at ground zero on TV (a few days after 9/11) -
I was screaming at the screen for the American people not to fall for this US/Israeli inside job!

I'm not saying that Iran's ruling govt. is an ideal, not in the slightest. This is about ongoing typical and criminal intervention, and deliberately fomented destabilisation by USA/Israel. All to bring about the exact same type of "regime change" doctrine that was associated with the Bush neo-Cons. Russia "put paid to" the USA's disastrous activity inside Syria - now these sociopaths want another Mid East whipping boy. If Iran want "change" - then it comes through the BALLOT BOX - not via US/Israeli aggression! It has a democratically elected government, and that's whether any outsiders - like it or not.

The American/Israeli authorities (and criminal MSM) have made you fight numerous wars based on FAKERY.
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc - THEY WILL JUST CONTINUE IN THIS SAME VEIN.
This will all be under the guise of U.S. HELP and FREEDOM - the same sort of help that saw Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc - turned into the utopias that they are now today (sarcasm).

Well, well...if the sick Khazars/Ashkenazis didn't SIGNPOST what they were planning to do in advance, & very recently!
These ISRAELI MONSTERS need to be stopped!
With Khazar Jew lapdog Trump - there was never any chance of Israel "going it alone".
They even tried to get Obozo to attack them on their behalf! Is there no foil to this overt Jewish insanity?

Remember this from Jan, 2013. The Daily Mail story that was removed almost as quickly as it was posted!
I actually saw it on their site in "realtime" in 2013 - and noticed them pulling-it. A US/UK linked story.
I fished-out a version from the "google preview cache" - they rinsed the article off the internet!
For more, see the following: chemical-weapons-media-propaganda-in-us-uk-is-designed-to-hide-the-truth-in-syria/
There was a legal case over the article/emails etc, I leave it to the reader to make up their own minds.
We do know that Obama's admin was funding and supporting ISIS (aka rebels) in Syria, against Assad.

Lies come easy to the US government. She's another Khazar/Ashkenazi puppet, obviously!

And the overt AMERICAN MADNESS continues...how many wars are they trying to start?
Trump is like a smarted "child" - acting like a school playground bully, and on the global stage.
This PNAC/Neo-Con STOOGE is clearly UNHINGED and a threat to the planet. There is NO DOUBT.

In "The Dead Zone" - the climax has Johnny (Walken) attempting to assassinate (with rifle) 'Senate candidate' Greg Stillson.

The "BBC Robot Wars" and "hearing voices" youth from the UK. Shades of monarch/mkultra?
Similar shaped hotels in Vegas - linked by an 'attempted shooting' and a 'mass shooting'. Spooky, huh?
A "mass shooting" which occurred in Vegas on the exact same day as the UK MONARCH (airline) collapse!
The Oct 1, 2017 - Vegas "mass shooting" via the Mandalay & Lucifer/Lux Luxor Illuminati Black Pyramid.
A number of witnesses (multiple shooter referencers) have already turned-up dead and in mysterious ways - ahem!
The "shooter/patsy" (Paddock) aka Mr Eyes Wide Shut.
As if "The Big Fix" and "Fix It Here" Orlando LGBT shooting "FIX" wasn't bad enough!

David "Videodrome/The Dead Zone" Cronenberg - BOTH released 1983.
The Khazar/Ashkenazi/Zionist "4th Wall" declaration/manifesto.
Mass societal mind control thru mass media induced "simulated reality".

Trump/Stillson and his "big button".
Donald "the missiles are flying" Trump.
Trump's nuclear button is only 'seemingly' bigger than Kim's - due to his very small hands! :)

The "not being Hillary" angle is ALL USED UP and is no longer relevant. That's what got him into power in the first place. Hell, as if that was any kind of defence to rely on anyway! A choice between Trump and Clinton - tells us all we need to know about the state of US politics. Quite simply, a madman now occupies the Oval office. Is this any better than having a madwoman in the POTUS chair? Nope! The left/right paradigm is yet again (but ultimately unsurprisingly) shown-up for the Zionist Hobson's choice that it seemingly always is! The US govt. apparatus is Zionist owned regardless of the hydra's head. The "cultural Marxist" liberal left way - is simply just another Zionist fix. Communism was fomented by the Rothschild Jew-luminati, Marx/Levy was their agent etc.

CHECK THIS GUY OUT - Youtube! What a C**T!
STEFAN MOLYNEUX (MolyJEW). A Khazar Jew provocateur/agitator/propagandist!
Trying to help the "Jew. S. of A." with their ILLEGAL "coup" attempt! He's a "narrative" criminal!

A sad go at brainwashing his readership with low-grade propaganda. The kind of propaganda that ONLY works on "low-info" type SHEEP! So, "FUCK YOU, MOLYJEW!" He completely IGNORES the US/UK CIA coup in 1953 etc! He doesn't seem to understand what happened with the disastrous "Arab Spring" either! No-one can be this wilfully ignorant, not unless they're a kind of FIX!
Posted on 30th Dec - so I know he is a PRE-EMPTIVE, ZIONIST POS! I've been leaving comments galore on that video -
I am going to DESTROY this JEW PNAC/NEO-CON POS! Not with bombs, but with words of truth! :)

He won't respond to any of my comments - it's because he knows I have him by his kosher balls!

I'm getting an INSANE amount of blog hits from France. I don't know how or why? :)
If any reader from France sees this - can you shed any light on all this traffic?
Who is reading all this in France? - "Je ne sais pas qui?"
Kiss, kiss. :)

Emmanuel "Rothschild/Zionist" Macron.
I collared former leader Francois "Jewish Freemasonry" Hollande in my earlier posts - see JEWISH Hebdo etc.
Paris, (masonic) Friday 13th November, 2015. Bataclan terror venue sold by Israeli owner on Sept 11, 2015.
We've got Theresa "Zionist" May-er here in the UK/Jew K.
Only very recently Israel were implicated in fronting Pritti Patel as a Zionist funded challenger. Covering bases etc.
Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. UK 7/7 just another Zionist mind fuck.

Jew-Nited States - US INTEL(ligence) Inside...Silly-Con Valley:
INTEL - in a recent post I was describing how tech companies like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc -
are NOTHING but extensions of the American military-industrial-media complex. International tax dodge central!
Folk like Gates, Jobs, Suckerberg are/were merely "cut-out" front men for this said complex.
Their tech rise presented as organic, when it's simply just a MASS PR LIE. Look what has just popped out re: INTEL!


Note how virtually ALL these companies are AMERICAN! Not Russian or Chinese.
Net worth equivalent to that of reasonably sized nation's GDP. They're corporate slavers/exploiters, tax dodgers etc.
Intel CEO, Brian Krzanich, sold off $24 million in company stock & knowing about the flaw!
Another US corporate criminal! Insider trading, dumping his shares before the drop. Note, (smart devices) ARM are a UK company.

Gates and Allen - aka US MILITARY/INTEL cut-outs/fronts.
A likely deliberately built-in flaw courtesy of the US alphabet soup agencies - the real power behind these companies!
Apple (aka US intel) just got caught with their sick corporate hands in the cookie jar -
deliberately building-in obsolescence, and then LYING when caught-out. Typical US corporate LIES.
This is primarily why the USA is such a SHIT-HOUSE - sick, "anti-human" multinational corporations rule the roost.
The 1% have virtually all the wealth - the middle classes do not and will not benefit. Corporatism is a disease!
Baaaaaa! America - making corporate sheep out of human beings - day after day, after day, after day...
Faecesbook - Jewish/Masonic "mass sheep mind control" - group think dosed drones, low-info BASE INSANITY.
JEW Suckerberg aka the "cut-out/front" for this Zionist shithouse socialist media sewage.
Want to know why your children are "mentally ill"? There's your answer.
Go worship at the altar of corporatism - I mean, what could possibly go wrong? D'oh!
The Trump-Pence (Trumpets) of Revelation.
"When the (Khazar) Jews return to (1948 created) Zion."
1948, Israel. Thanks to the (Balfour) UK and Zionist America!
It's the "Corporate/Multi-national" Anti-Christ (a la Damien 'corporate/politics' Thorn) aka Donald "666" Trump.
The sort of monsters who put profit ahead of humanity! It's not, and has never been complicated!
Just like Luciferian/masonic serpent worshippers "666" CORPORATE Apple.
These sick Khazar/Ashkenazi kabbalists (and cut-outs) do like their "666" (via media) fun!
That Apple $666.66 machine was unleashed in the months following the release of The 'political/corporate' Omen (6/6/76).
Khazar "666" Kabbalist, Kushner. Money laundering scum. Ooh, let's subliminally terrorise the GOYIM!
No wonder the USA is called "The Great Satan"! Sick kabbalist Khazars!

OMFG! Look at how dumb this Jew Yorker is - the ginger girl! See from 3 minutes onwards.

HOWL! "Make America DUMB Again" aka MADA! :)

You want "WISDOM" - then watch the following video. This guy (Jake) is a goddamn HERO!
The video was posted on the 9th December 2017 - it's called being ahead of the curve!

The farce continues...now he wants to ban books that are critical of him. The man is already a global laughing stock.
Whether this book came out or not - is irrelevant. It is in terms of evaluating Trump, it doesn't really change anything.
All this noise over Russia though, when the elephant in the room is the nation of Israel,
and the longterm, vice-like grip that it exerts over the USA.

The book stuff has gone crazy! Is this a smokescreen for the FAILED Zionist Iranian coup attempt?
The drubbing at the UN via calling the emergency meeting? Russia, China, France etc - sent the US packing.
Far too much of a circus now. No-one is talking about the Trump/Zionist neo-Con stunt! I'm suspicious.
Trump groupies cannot deny that he is a Zionist - there is no longer any doubt. The USA is simply a 'colony' of Israel.

To the "right wingers" who think this is all a "left wing" fix to derail Trump - you are the MOST LOST OF ALL.
Trump IS NOT taking-on the (JEWISH) MSM - his attitude to Israel informs you of this much. Wake-up!
The "left wing" are not making Trump act and behave like an "alpha child APE"! He needs no assistance there.
Trump OWNS his performance on the world stage - no one but Trump is responsible for that!
For the record - I hate Clinton, and liberal/leftism, so I've no issue there! It's All a shit house!

There is NO ECONOMIC MIRACLE either - it is ALL corporate smoke and mirrors. The USA is on its last legs.
The US economic miracle - 0% money a la JEW USARY DEMON Greenspan - it's all been a 1% FIX.
This debt/timescale wasn't under Trump's tenure, I'm including for information purposes.
There's been a 25% increase in the DJII over the last 12 months. Perhaps we're in the "up phase" before the likely coming "bust". Corporate America is a gigantic criminal enterprise. These are the powers that brought you the 2007 housing collapse.
Stock market numbers and other instruments are not a reflection of the economic situation of the typical American citizen.

Zionist son-in-law - Kushner & Israeli criminals. Kushner didn't disclose his links to illegal settlement building either!
Some are claiming that he has substantial links to Zionist Soros. His father is a former convicted (witness tampering) criminal.
The book recounts President Donald Trump telling 'multiple people' that Kushner could solve the Middle East problem:
'because the Kushners knew all the crooks in Israel.'

Solve? A Zionist solving the Mid East problem? They were the goddamn ones that started it!
Solve - meaning move the embassy and create merry Hell.
WTF is Trump doing with these gimps around his government - the people didn't elect them. Oh dear.
There are allegations that Trump was looking to make Kushner Secretary of State!

Moderate Russia are seemingly wise to this "JEW S of A" blatant regime change attempt.
Trump caught with his tiny hands in the "Zionist regime change" cookie jar.
They embarrassed you over Syria (thank you, Russia) - they'll embarrass you over this too.

Vive la France!!!
Sock-it to them, Francois!

Spot the warmongering, regime change superpower, and it's NOT Russia.

Forrest Trump
Trump, a genius! "Mental stability, and being, like, really smart." (LOL).
"Like, really smart". That sounds like Kardashian valley girl talk! The Dunning-Kruger Effect! Lol.
What sort of GENIUS surrounds himself with a (so-called duplicitous) team - with many of them subsequently fired?
A dumb ass?

Trump: "I'm a genius. I'm a roaring success. I have never failed. I am GOD. I have the biggest penis..."
OMG, how f**king embarrassing - the man is an overt NARCISSIST. Such a "confirmed genius" that he hired Steve Bannon for his team - howl! What sort of idiot publicly does this kind of saddo"alpha male" type thing? MACA - "Make America CRINGE Again". America's enemies will be laughing their pants off! Trump has some sort of severe personality disorder - I truly believe this now. Perhaps like some sort of wizened version of Patrick 'American Psycho' Bateman.

I see the USA and Israel, soon backed into a global corner, and with NO ESCAPE. Let's hope so!
The Zionists will likely try and pin this all on Russia though - the readymade "scapegoat" for all things politically inconvenient. Do not fall for it. Kushner is the Zionist Jew mole at the heart of the Trump administration. The American population may be content to allow their warmongering governments, and giant lawless corporations to destroy this planet  - but I wouldn't say that this is the case with the "rest of the world". Sit on your apathetic "couch potato" asses and wallow in sick, degenerate and dysfunctional Zionist/American media, but it will come at a cost. It's longtime coming that the American people appreciated that there is a world beyond the USA - a world that is getting increasingly pissed off!


This American man understand this more than most - LISTEN TO HIM!

You know what - both sides of the American politic spectrum have seemingly been played to a tee!
It's almost as though the whole sorry "theatre of it all" is a deliberate ploy to set both sides off against each other. I am suspicious!
There was a type of "messiah complex" attached to Obama, Trump seems to have his own brand of devout cult followers.

Now watch the SCREAMS of "antisemitism" from the Khazars.
Without any shadow of any doubt - the Jewish people are the most defended of all peoples.
Their mentality seemingly built on a type of self-anointed "religious superiority".
I will not apologise for posting this - no one gets to define or design my experience of reality!
I do not, and will not ever be brainwashed with this "neo hate speech" mental slide. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct.
This is NOT about ALL Jews. This is about the impostor Khazar/Ashke-NAZI/Zionist SLAVS!
The "perpetual warmongering" synagogue of Satan.

8th Jan

The foul stench of JEW Hollywood. Rapists, child abusers, degeneracy programmers, agitators, body fascists etc.
We've had "Oscars so white" (via uncle Tom), but no "Oscars so ZIONIST"? Collective ignorance, anyone?

Golden Globes. They are ALL Jewish marionettes. Cucks for Israel, just like the US government.
Anyone that buys-in to their FAKE, apologist crap - NEEDS SECTIONING!
It doesn't get much more overtly EVIL than Hollywood, its personnel, and its output.
Fuck all you lying BITCHES. Most had to service Weinstein's cock, some probably still do.
Nicole "mkultra father" Kidman, Reece "treacle" Witherspoon - pass the sick bag!
These are what AMERICANS consider to be their heroes and idols. It's no wonder the nation is fucked!
Jew Hollywood and TV - the Khazar/Ashke-NAZI satanists who "predictively programmed" you for the 9/11 FIX!
The same (sodomite) Jew Hollywood that heavily promotes transgenders as a VIRTUE, when most see it for the
"mass media induced"mental illness that it really is!

"As if by MAGIC..." Wow, the symbolism. Trump Tower Jan 8th 2018.
Towering Trump Cards. Electrical fire at the apex/crown. The Electric Lightning Struck Tower/Fire of Heaven.
The Tower (tarot) is one of the major arcana trumps. The fire (and fury) of heaven. It's 9/11 Manhattan-ville.
Babel Towers and destruction via God or The Sun. Lucifer/Satan is the CEO of (sick and inhuman) "corporatism".

Back to the "9/11 lightning struck Clock Tower" Future, and the 1989 sequel. Striking and BIFFING the apex.
Back to the Future Spielberg's Gremlins franchise - also spawned "towering" Clamp (Trump) in Gremlins 2.
We get the Neptunian (devilish) "trident" in Back to the Future via the "Enchantment Under the Sea".
The Tower card follows the Devil card in all decks that include it. The Tower, "the fall of man" - lower world materialism etc.
Don't forget the Zionist destroyed (Babel) "World Trade Center" and its "devilish"trident/fork design!
Would go well with Zionist, Jared "Towering 666 Fifth Ave. via Manhattan" Kushner!

Most Americans have NO CONCEPT of how innately satanic they are, or how overtly satanic the nation is!
They are seemingly blind to this obvious reality! Here he comes...the Jewish King of Filmic Corporatism:
America's Zionist "golden boy" - 9/11 predictive programmer, agitator, and Jew satanist - Steven "666" Spielberg.
Spielberg is linked to 9/11 programmer, Richard "666 Omen" Donner (Schwartzberg) via The (paedo/sodomite) Goonies.
Terrorising/mocking the "GOYIM SHEEP" for decades with his sick/degenerate Zionist output.
Anyone seen Swindler's Mist? Spielberg's schmaltz-ridden, filthy, lie filled propaganda piece (see link).

9/11 - Sapphire (September birthstone) XI (11). Gremlins used Back to the '9/11' Future's courtyard square! Radio-Active (plutonium).
Rosebud (anal sphincter) Spielberg (via Jew 'Twin Towers" Zemeckis) - Mr Back to the "9/11 Struck Twin Tower" Future.

9/11 - JEW. S. of A. - Lightning Struck (tarot trump) Tower(s). Sequel 'Twin Towers scene' set in 2015.
Quite simply Zionist, predictive programming and kabbalistic sorcery via mainstream Hollywood/TV output.

Oh look - a ZIONIST CRIMINAL posing as a member of the human race.

Meryl "Jew Weinstein is God - standing ovation for Jew child rapist Polanski" Streep.
She thinks LESBIAN (see Gayle King), satanist (JEW owned) Oprah should run for POTUS?
HOWL! :)
Oprah, Golden Globes auto-cue, script reading, Winfrey? OMFG! American dumbness knows no limits!
Winfrey's star was launched by Zionist "666" Spielberg and via The (GAY) Color Purple!
With Whoopi "it wasn't rape, rape" JEWberg! No, Whoopi - it was child drugged sodomy rape via satanic Polanski!
The (Gay) Color Purple. That HETERO-HATING pile of shit (sodomite) propaganda from Zionist Spielberg.
And folk wonder why the SANE think that most Americans have been - completely and utterly dumbed-down!?
The Usual Hollywood Suspects. Kevin "faggot/abuser" Spacey - via faggot Bryan "Twink pool parties/paedo" Singer!
One of my "anonymous commenters" actually thought Spacey was exposing the elite! LOL!
Don't give up the day job, anon.
The global kings of the "cult of celebrity" and "dumbing-down".
All you have to do to qualify to run for POTUS is to be able to read a speech written by someone else?
All at a SICK 'cover-up' awards show - "Golden Globes" - ALL of them are SCUM.
The fact that 'Oprah 2020' gained any traction at all, shows you just how INSANE America is!
What next? Spongebob Square Pants for POTUS? No wonder I'm mocking America, there's nothing else you can do.
Oprah "P.O.S" Winfrey. Winfrey is a RACIAL AGITATOR, just like her "mentor and promoter" Spielberg.
The Khazar/Ashkenazi Jew "synagogue of saturn/satan". You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist!
Oprah is COMPLETELY a product of Hollywood Zionist Jews. "Law of reversal" Harpo = Harpo-crates (Horus).
"12 Years A Slave" was made by AGITATOR JEWS!!! One of them was Mossad "9/11 Milchan" via his Regency Co.
The same sort of AGITATOR Khazar/Zionist/Slav(e) Jews who created and promoted BLACK FACE cinema! Oh yes.
Milchan, next to Fight "ground zero, collapsing Twin Towers" Club, Pitt. 9/11 Milchan's Regency co-produced Fight Club!
Milchan's Med-USA Touch was in association with UK based (showbiz) Zionist/Khazar Lew "ITC Sept 11" Grade.

The Hollywood "HATE WHITEY/TERROR" Zionist Club.  The promoters of "mass victimhood" and "white guilt".
The same "JEWS" who promote degenerate hip-hop and "gangsta thuggery" as a lifestyle choice.
Commercial Jew fomented hip-hop = neo-Uncle Toms. 'Black Lives Matter' is heavily funded by Zionist Soros.
It's alleged that Zionist Soros spent tens of millions bankrolling the Ferguson demonstrators.
Hip-hop - a low vibrational & transparent form of "Afro-American" mass mind control. Hi-jacked by Zionists decades ago.
Uncle "Jay 9/11 Z" Tom - a Zionist pawn. Def (Death) Jam was formed by Jew Rubin(stein).
Soros thinks that the "black population" is one of the easiest groups to program and propagandise - I tend to agree.
Most "afro-Americans" have embraced this uber degenerate genre - and with both hands! Same with "victimhood" too.
Black intelligentsia - where are you? Professor Griff (Public Enemy) is one of the very few who've outed Zionist hip-hop!
Much as it pains me to say it - the Zionists are master propaganda programmers. They have it down to an art form.


When will Americans wake-up to the fact that they are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY
'mind controlled' by Khazar/Ashkenazi Jew 'mass media full spectrum dominance'? NEVER - is the likely answer.


They still see media as "entertainment" (not mass mind control), and they treat the players like gods!
Oh yes...the "cult of celebrity" is the USA's most adhered to and destructive religion - because that's what it really is!
The majority of the American masses don't ultimately care whether their 'star heroes' are paedophiles, rapists, or satanists.
They don't care if corporate Jew Hollywood programs them with terror, sodomy, ultra-violence, and child sexualisation.
Just so long as they can continue to sup on the teat of Zionist Hollywood, and carry-on being sheep-like fame junkies.
All the former is the ultimate tragedy of it all. Effectively a Stockholm Syndrome affliction seemingly persists & nationwide.

The US population may be BLINDED (via hysterical worship) to the Zionist criminals and their assets in Hollywood -
but I don't think this applies, or will apply to the "rest of the world". Not for much longer.
What I believe, is that it wouldn't have been set-up this way - if it wasn't intended to eventually be discovered.

10th Jan

Oh dear, France - what have you done! Judge a person by the company they keep.
Why is this bitch comparing "dating issues" with "industry rape"? What a water muddying WHORE.
Catherine "ROMAN POLANSKI" Deneuve! What an evil BITCH!

She is so closely associated with "child drugged sodomy rape" Polanski - that anything she has to say IS LESS THAN WORTHLESS.
Do you think women like her are suitable persons for addressing this issue? NO, is the obvious answer.
"And Satan Calls the Turns" - "And Satan Leads the Ball".
Satanic Jew Polanski is a "mentor" of her's  - always has been. Both are abuse apologists, predators, and satanists.
She did her part for "lesbian propaganda" via Tony "homosexual/911 programmer" Scott in vampirical "The Hunger".
Roman "Fearless Vampire Killers" Polanski - his film with the "paedo film director" (MacGowran) -
from The Exorcist - and via US psychological warfare, Blatty.
Such esteemed company you keep, Catherine!
Cannes - Canaanites - Canis. The Jewish/Masonic Sirius/Dog Brotherhood.
Jews pull her strings - they put all that food and all those awards on her table too!
The film industry CANNOT be allowed to regulate or evaluate itself - it is too far gone - hence these types of apologist cover-ups.
October 2017. California artist Marianne Barnard has come forward with new accusations against director and convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, alleging that he sexually assaulted her when she was just 10 years old.
March 2017

This was never about "hitting on women" - it's about institutionalised film industry abuse and abuse of power!
If finding this sort of abuse is considered "puritanical" - then I'm the biggest puritan in the world!
Deneuve is just SICK, and a Zionist Jew industry pawn. Obviously Hollywood's "Me Too" club is also unsuitable for addressing these issues, I do understand that. They're hypocrites too. I'm calling-out HYPOCRITE Denueve, and her overt defence of paedo rapists, and her (industry backed) water-muddying. She is one of the least qualified to make statements in respect of this issue.

Move aside Deneuve - you have ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY. You are the OLD GUARD.
Time to clear away these COMPLICIT industry LIARS. These crimes ARE NOT sex crimes, as many erroneously believe! They are crimes of VIOLENCE.

11th & 12th Jan

Franco Zeffirelli is NOW implicated, allegations of being a persistent ABUSER. (link)
Are those "adopted Zeffirelli men" - adopted as children or lovers?
That's who Bruce Robinson parodied in his film "Withnail and I" - via Uncle "Zeffirelli" Monty (Griffiths).
Bruce Robinson's film has scenes (with Marlowe, the "I" character) that sound EXACTLY like what happened to Schaech.
"Burglary" - as in forced anal sex (effectively rape).
Zeffirelli - another SODOMITE/HOMOSEXUAL and abuser - wow, what a surprise! With "Nail" and "Eye".

Talking of HOMOSEXUALITY and ABUSE - it's Stan "mass homo programmer" Lee.
X-Men "gender bending" mass propaganda via JEW Hollywood, Iron "POOF" Man etc.
You may think this output is entertainment - but I tend to see it as a form of 'barely veiled/coded' deviancy programming.

Hot-dogging with the pink weiner/wiener.
I recently mentioned him (Lee) in respect of (paedo) Brian Peck, & linked suspected gay paedophile Bryan "Spacey" Singer.
Paedo Peck who was employed by (paedo) Charlie Sheen on Anger Management.

When not abusing people, they're  programming the "dumb mass and children" with homosexual/gender bending propaganda!
IRONS (poofs), QUEENS (queers) & ACDC (swing both ways). Gay "Iceman" for a frosty (cum) finish.
The (sexually) Randy"donut" (asshole) exiting - Iron "POOF" Men. Iron = Poof/Gay. Jackson aka the "quarter(s) pounding" man.
Iron "poof" Man & "Trying ring-O and real hard."
He's a "bad mother fucker", literally - maybe he had more success with fucking his father!?
Pulped Ass Friction's - Ring-O is Mr Orange (Fruit/Queer), Roth. Mr Tin "Sheriff's badge" Star (the asshole).
Not forgetting - Jack Rabbit's Slim "twisting dirt hole" - via gay "Greased, Back Doors Crying" Travolta -
& the clockwork "ass watchersButch/Capt Koons/Cheeks. :)
"As "queer" as a Clockwork Orange." Mr Orange Fruit Queer& Pump(ing)-Kin via The Ring-O (Ass) Starr.

From 'Ring-O' to the 'Sheriff's Badge'. It's Orange Queer, Sheriff Roth. "Coming Soon" into his "rusty Sheriff's badge".
Hollywood - The JEW. S. of GAY.
FRUIT cellar, hollow-eyed mother/bird stuffer, Psych-O. Perkins and his Tin Star 'Sheriff's Badge''.
You can call me "Hitch" but hold the "Cock". Gouging eyes, peeper holes and overdrawn climaxes (See Hitch-cock, 2012).
The "eye" stabber/gouger/striker and plugger via "ANL trading", plated Crane. Chocolate/blood, plugged eye holing.
The plugged "twisting black (sphincter/eye) hole" - via PECKERS (birds-women/cocks) & BOTTOMS (ass, and actor).
"Hairy Black Holing" just like Stephen "pecker" Hawk-ing - the "Big Banging" and "probing hairy holes" man.
Psych-O stabber "peeper holes" Perkins, probing The Black Hole & via Bottoms.
He wouldn't hurt a "fly" - but he might just unzip them - ahem!

Political Psych-O, Donald "phallic Towering" Trump - and Shit-Holes.
Trumping (to fart) via the Shit-Hole.

Hollywood - The Cinema (Sin-ema) of Sodomy.
The US of GAY.

Hairy Black Holing with "pecker" Hawk-ing - the "Big Banging" and "probing hairy holes" man.

Look what else popped-out today! Stephen "probing hairy black holes" Hawking.
I wonder if his favourite planet is Ur-anus, or does he prefer the "rings" of Saturn/Satan?

Anal-lise This! What ideas could they be? Hawking (selling) sodomy as science?

So, why does the same Hawking article also drop a reference to the "Twin Towers"?
It's the "11th September" - Theory of Everything:
Choo, Choo. Cambridge "bum boys" - what, what. Stephen "cheek twitcher" Hawking.
Top comment - LOL.

From Hawking "Big Banging via Hairy Black Holes, and 11th Sept" to "9/11 Tower Trumping & Shit-Holes":


Q-Anon. Trust The Plan


From the tail-end of my final post...Russia, Russia, Russia:

Is there a chance that Trump is bluffing? Bluffing the US deep state and aspects of corrupt intel?
The one that is overloaded with Clinton/Obama adherents - aka the established absolute filth and total rot.
He got suckered-in via May (re:Russia and the Skripals), he got suckered-in with the Douma false flag. Or did he?
He did then back-off, he made his attack plans clear & in advance via Tweets (something he openly said he would never do).
He effectively sign-posted his intent to the Russians and Syria. He also backed-off from further Russian sanctions.
In the final analysis the recent Russia/USA spat (re:Syria) became a face saving exercise for both parties.
Did he actually make progress with peace between North and South Korea, or was he shut-out?
Is there something afoot? I just CANNOT discount this, not even in light of my Trump/Israel rants. Time will tell.

Puppet masters, Epstein's Island, and NWO Satan worshippers via Putin. (11th Nov. 2017)

Emergency Update (below) 28th April

Trust me to be late to my own type of party.... :)
I've only just become aware of Q ANON....in the week commencing 23rd April 2018!
I've had to brainstorm on the whole thing over this week! What a complete mind f**k!
That said, it's very possible that the Q phenomenon is a type of PSY-OP. One designed to promote Trump as a saviour, and therefore uphold the left/right Hegelian political paradigm. It has to be considered. The content within Q drops does have some focus on historic conspiracy type stuff - things that I'm already aware of - so it makes sense that I give it consideration.

I'm going to "go along" with the Q thing - doing decodes, etc. if only to pass the time.

Recall this (text below) from my Jan 2017 post - when he first got his feet under the table!

"The MSM SHIT-HOUSE LIARS - they don't know what to do (re:Trump).
Same goes for US intel, both these systems are "Idiocracy" made real.
There needs to be a wholesale "clear-out" of the lot of them, rebuild from scratch - that sort of thing."
MSM/Intel and Operation Mockingbird type stuff.

Want to see some old "horselover phat"?
 That's myself, theroach, (see my email addy in blog header) from 15+ years ago via VoxFux!
 Nazi Paperclip/Mockingbird and CNN. :)

 Update July 24 2018
 It's as though Q read my mind. :)

"There needs to be a wholesale "clear-out" of the lot of them, rebuild from scratch - that sort of thing."

You're FIRED. You're FIRED. You're FIRED. You're FIRED...
Can you make arrests with a crooked FBI sr (senior) team?
No! Not when those arrests are likely (and hopefully) to be some of the biggest players in D.C. :)
Four of the FBI top brass FIRED! Three of the others under control (Priestap, Strzok, and Page).
"Step back...what do you see? Stage being set?" Yes, I can envisage it.

House Intelligence Committee clear Trump in respect of Russia collusion! Flynn is exonerated too!

 It's Strzok that interviewed Flynn. It looks like Flynn was set-up, Strzok altering Flynn's testimony! But it looks like Flynn has really taken a deliberate "fall" for the bigger cause. Team Trump possibly running a counter-op on the Clinton-centric cabal and their (fake) investigation/Flynn take-out. Team Trump seemingly KNEW that Flynn would be targeted by the cabal - but the cabal have been baited and have fallen into the counter Trump trap. The trap they sprang with Flynn (who was acting) and playing the cabal bait. Hence, Flynn taking a rubber bullet, one that will bounce back on the Clinton/Obama/deep state cabal. The texts that were released were likely the Strzok/Page texts. 
Cabal Gmail comms I'll mention later.

Why would Flynn plead guilty to lying. When the FBI said there's no evidence of lying! It's theatre.
This Flynn bluff will lead the cabal deeper into a mire of their own making. They thought they neutered Flynn,
but unbeknown to them (while Flynn is pleading guilty) they're actually being baited and switched.
With deep state thinking that their target is now nullified, Flynn can go underground (having played his role) and be produced when he can be most effective. The cabal can then continue to bury themselves even further with their engineered collusion investigation.

"They never thought she would lose." (meaning Hillary).
And now all their crimes and sloppiness may possibly be being laid bare. Trump wasn't a typical establishment candidate.
Since Trump's win they've been trying to destroy him...and all because their likely mass criminality has been exposed.
If you trust in the Q plan then Team Trump expected all this and have been more than prepared for the cabal.

"If that f**king bastard wins, we all hang from nooses!" - Hillary Clinton

4D Chess...
"It's nice when you can - Work in peace (piece)". A coded phonetic reference to a chess piece (and working it in).
Work-in piece. It's followed by (Clinton hunting) AG Sessions and a 4-d chess link. Sessions IS the "piece".
It's possible (FBI, SC) Mueller is also a Trump team chess piece. Trump meeting with him one day before becoming SC.
Mueller, who is trusted by the cabal and able to draw them in, could well be in the plan. ("disinformation is necessary").
If so, he is likely being leveraged by Team Trump to bury them (the cabal). If not he needs taking-out. Time will tell.
If Mueller is 'team Potus' then Rosenstein is too, that's what we were told. It's hard to know the true "optics".

If there is any truth to any of this it must mean that a long-term planned operation was thought out. Effectively a coup d'etat. This would likely be before Trump even ran for office. Maybe he was asked to do this? And this specific task and plan? It would also suggest that he has sizeable Military, and Military Intelligence kind of support too. Is all this what he meant by: "drain the swamp"? All conjecture of course, but I have to run with the pro-Q attitude for the sake of decoding.

How about this...an historic moment?
Trump met NK in mid-November? A deal with Kim confirmed (via Q) in early March?
Snip, snip, snip...who's the daddy? :)
I think it might infer that the old "US deep state" (Clinton, Intel/CIA etc) might've had it's NK puppet regime strings cut.
No more NK playing the "US nuclear bogeyman" at the cabal's behest, not any longer. The result is - freedom from it?
If so...that's gotta be a kick in the balls for the (enemy deep state) warmongering CABAL!
Something has happened out there. One moment it's nuke USA, now it's happy families with the South?
The CABAL loving (fake news) MSM doing all it can to pretend that nothing is happening.
It's not just the deep state cabal that Team Trump is fighting - they're fighting the deep state's MSM too.
This symbolic gesture of peace is a major development, and that's whoever is ultimately responsible.

There was a release of JFK files on Apr 27th...Q also mentions texts being released to congress on this day too.
The April 27 Q drops made references to "texts" that were released (in Congress) - ones that potentially might link to an assassination attempt(s) on Trump. Perhaps also linked with certain FBI, Obama (R), and a foreign ally/allies connection. As crazy as that might sound. It might infer the texts between Strzok and Page.The reason this (potential) "text" reveal also further piques my interest, is due to the fact that the JFK files (assassination) were also dropped on the same day.
"As the World Turns" was being broadcast when the Kennedy assassination newsflash was broadcast.

Not just "texts" - but (draft) Email comms too!
Nefarious Cabal Communications...via Gmail
EG/Evergreen is Hillary's SS name, Renegade is Obama's, "R" for renegade? Eric 'Alphabet' Schmidt departs Google.
It sounds like they ALL shared the same (Google) GMail account and communicated with each other using draft emails. Emails that wouldn't be sent (tracked/traced), but saved as drafts. Each user could log into the same Gmail/email account and read each others "draft" comms (add to them  too etc), and communicate among themselves in draft form (under code-names). Various nations and agencies also had access. No Such Agency must have records of these draft comms! Sounds plausible. Game forum comms is likely a way of them communicating through gaming apps (poker...etc) forums and messengers. Plumbers are called when you have a leak (evoking Water-gate).

Define Evergreen
"Evergreen Enterprise"& JFK hit - likely a CIA front. Evergreen Novel, was linked to (CIA) Ferrie, and Clay Shaw (JFK). Gordon Novel (who didn't squeal) knew both Oswald and Ruby, Ferrie and Shaw both knew Oswald. All linked in various ways to the CIA.

Hail to the chief who in triumph advances! ⁠Honour'd and bless'd be the ever-green Pine! (original lyrics).
JFK Assassination(s) - Trump Attempted Assassination(s). JFK's - Lone nut? Pilot error? Yeah, right.
The following might link the JFK assassination AND the attempted assassination on Trump together. "Future proves the past."

The reference to ASSASSINATION and a foreign nation being involved etc! They released those (FBI Strzok/Page)"texts" and on the SAME day that they've released more JFK files. That CANNOT be a coincidence! I wonder if Obama is mentioned in any of them? :)

 Update July 25th 2018
 'No name' aka John McCain visited UK in March 2016. Whoa, it's suggesting that the UK were jointly involved in attempting to sabotage the 2016 US election. "Hand-in-hand with the Hussein admin...!". A fake (Russian collusion) intel dossier compiled by Christopher 'Ex MI6' Steele. The dossier then used by the Dems to construct their 'Russian collusion' narrative. Followed by PS and LP (FBI Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) who might be linked to "shared texts" that mention both Russian collusion and assassination attempt(s) on the POTUS. Q:"What if the texts suggest that foreign allies were involved?" Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Loretta Lynch, Hillary R Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Hussein, +22. This is crazy shit.

If I recall correctly there's an idea that Strzok and Page visited London (see mid-May Q drops).
The UK is FUCKED if this is true. It's already fucked enough as it is!
  I added above text on the 26th July - on the 27th July (next day) - Q drops this! Strzok and Page in London.
When does a bird sing? When it is compromised (a la Page). A "bird" is also a common British term for a woman.

We were told that Theresa May was "neutralised", UK intel was being cleaned-out, and that the Queen
and (other?) monarchs were "seeking shelter" (above). All out of view - in a public sense, of course.

 "What if the texts suggest foreign allies (note allies) were involved?"

What about that Sandford guy from the UK, with ties to the BBC (via Robot Wars). The one who tried to shoot him at the Treasure Island Hotel (Vegas)? I can remember that the MSM didn't even report about it to begin with. I think a couple or so months elapsed before they ran with the story. He was quickly released back to the UK.
He was on a hardcore and long planned mission if you read the details. Sandford subsequently claimed to have no memory of the assassination attempt. Sandford also claimed: "I was hearing voices telling me to kill Donald Trump [...]. At one point they were screaming at me." (I'm not saying that this is the specific example that Q is referencing, but it could be).

A Robot (Wars) programmed assassin...it's possible.
I've always thought that this story was strange, and the Robot Wars aspect always piqued my interest.

"As the world turns" - linked to JFK's hit (see CBS breaking news on JFK hit). Some of this links to JFK/Permindex. Permindex (a supposed British assassination bureau) is alleged to have been involved in the JFK hit. The Bronfman clique was the power behind Permindex. (Clay Shaw was linked to Permindex. Recall his poof/queen aristocratic parties, see Tommy Lee Jones, JFK film).

Elite (sodomite) orgies...Shaw (as gold Hermes, Judeo-masonic homosexual), Ferrie, O'Keefe, and A. N. Other.
Some of these events would likely involve blackmail traps. Ferrie claimed that Shaw had him by the balls.
Ferrie, Shaw, and Oswald were all linked to the CIA. Oswald had also been on the FBI payroll.

We know that the Bronfman and Clinton clique have been involved together (right, Edgar Snr).

 Bronfman Snr backed Hillary's 2008 bid, Bill gave him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1999, etc.
The Bronfmans were initially and originally beholden to the UK Zionist Elite (more on that further below).

Trump could still be a Zionist pawn/agent. His son-in-law is (Zionist) Jared Kushner.
You also have to be a bit concerned that Q promotes "Israel (being) left until last'. Again, time will tell.
If the Zionist issue is not quickly tackled then you can consider Q to be a psy-op ruse.
It's Zionism that controls the USA - it's govt, deep state, mass media, etc. It's at the core of everything (see 9/11).

Bronfman's heiress daughters are heavily involved in NXIVM...
Allison "Smallville" Mack and Raniere were arrested due to the NXIVM cult, & seemingly linked to child trafficking (charges).
Yes, that Eyes Wide Shut type stuff that I've written about for all these years!
Big names in (Dem & deep state centric) Hollywood, and govt. - she's naming them, allegedly.
Didn't you wonder why Hillary/Obama hobnobbed with the sycophant (Zionist) Hollywood glitterati?
Now you know why - bedfellows. Raniere-Detention-Memo.

The Bronfman heiresses...and the (NXIVM) CULT.
The Bronfman sisters' brother, Edgar Jnr, is a former CEO of Warner Music Group (2004-2011).
According to Vanity Fair, NXIVM may have swallowed $150 million of the Bronfman sisters' fortune.

It's also possible that Mack (as well as Raniere) is implicated in child trafficking.
Richard Branson, who owes his success to The Exorcist. Oldfield's Tubular Bells (Bel) was Virgin's very first release.
We previously linked the director of The (Demonic) Exorcist to MK-ULTRA, Blatty to USAF psychological warfare.
MK-ULTRA/Monarch based Eyes Wide Shut's director Kubrick was originally approached to direct The Exorcist.
It's alleged that Mack and NXIVM partied on Branson's Necker Island, which is near to Epstein's island.
It's believed that Raniere had as many as 50 DOS/slave women under him.
A Canary Palm (right pic) and a Signal?
The Canaries are also "islands" - can you think of any other palm-linked islands that might be relevant?
Epstein also has an estate in Palm Beach, Florida.
Dershowitz has been linked to Epstein's flight lists. Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker were taken to Africa.
Bill Clinton visited Epstein's island more than a dozen times, Hillary is believed to have been numerous times too.
Branson, yet another Knight of the Realm (and tax exile). Epstein has also been a long-term friend of Prince Andrew.
NXIVM is also seemingly implicated in child trafficking - make of that what you will. A single palm?
It's Virgin EMI (formed 2013) that distributes Island (and Def/Death Jam) in the UK.
All owned by Universal Music Group (UMG), not Virgin Branson, the former is now a subsidiary of Vivendi.

Universal Music Group (UMG) was originally formed by Bronfman's Seagram (1996). At its height in the 1990's Seagram was a diversified multinational that was the largest owner of alcoholic beverage lines in the world.
Shades of MK-ULTRA and a method to denote slave suitability? Conditioning linked? Hmm.

The Bronfman family were educated at McGill University in Canada which has long been connected to the MK-Ultra experimentation.
Dr. Ewen Cameron was involved in mind control experiments there on witting and unwitting human subjects.
The former (Bronfman) Seagram HQ in Montreal now belongs to McGill University, under the name Martlet House.

I also mentioned "The Story of O" in a previous Eyes Wide Shut post - this tale encapsulates NXIVM!
Story of O is a tale of female submission involving a beautiful Parisian fashion photographer named O, who is taught to be constantly available for oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse, offering herself to any male who belongs to the same secret society as her lover. She is regularly stripped, blindfolded, chained, and whipped; her anus is widened by increasingly large plugs; her labium is pierced and her buttocks are branded.

NXIVM also stinks of Scientology type programming...OT levels etc.

Cult of Personality. Mack linked Raniere (NXIVM) a major aspect of Bronfman's (suspect pre-school) Rainbow Cult-ural Garden.
It completely REEKS of child programming and Lord only knows what else! Scientology is clearly a major influence on this.
Their first child subject was an orphan. The child's grandfather handing the child over after the mother died.
"Don't you want to go where the rainbow ends..." Illuminati Zio-Nazi - "911/Lolita/Spartacus" Kubrick & Warner Bros...Eyes Wide Shut.
Cruising Tom, Mr Hollywood Scientology via (satanic) Hubbard. Cruise bought Hubbard's former HQ in East Grinstead.
It is clearly implied that these people are higher-echelon elite, a Rothschild built mansion is the location of the orgy...I think we know what is being inferred, don't you? (note, the internal scenes took place at Highclere). Rothschild's Mentmore Towers (below).
Don't forget Fiona Barnett and her claims about 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kidman's MKULTRA programmer father, Antony!
You'd probably expect to find the 'nouveau-aristocracy mixing with the 'establishment aristocracy'' at these types of events, by that (nouveau) I mean celebrities, film stars and certain Hollywood personnel, including producers and directors. These described people, ARE the 1% and below, they have more in common with the traditional establishment aristocracy, than they do with any of us. Perhaps this is why the masses have to tolerate 'celebrity' MSM funded lectures, that tell the useless eaters how they should be living their lives! I know, you cannot make this shit up...such is the sickness within the 'cult of celebrity'. The religious leaders of this world, must look on in envy at the ability of the 'celebrity priestcraft' to entrap the masses in their web...there are hundreds of millions of adherents, worshipping at the altar!
Eyes Wide Shut (elite ritual orgy). Internal mansion scenes filmed at 'masonic' resonating Carnavon's Highclere:

Freemason (Quator Coronati) Lord Carnarvon actually funded Howard 'Tutankhamun' Carter, note another Windsor connection, the Saxe-Coburg Nazis. Nuala Windsor was a girl who featured at the Eyes Wide Shut orgy.

Lord Carnarvon went on to marry the illegitimate daughter of millionaire banker Alfred de Rothschild (cousin of the Mentmore Towers based Mayer Amschel de Rothschild, who was named after the banking dynasty founder). This effectively binds the two locations together even further. Bloodliners, eh? Alfred was the first Jew to be a Director of the Bank of England. Alfred was in reality a homosexual. It was the original Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banking dynasty founder) who funded Weishaupt's Illuminati. Weishaupt chose the pyramid as its master symbol.

It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of re-establishing the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews. (Juri Lina's - Under the Sign of the Scorpion).

"Theoretical Cabbala embraces only secret teachings about God and nature.
 But practical Cabbala (such as Frankism) attempts to affect earthly matters. It involves the use of amulets and magic numbers (gematria etc) as well as the conjuring of evil spirits. Both the Talmud and Midrash contain Cabbalist information."
 Ancient Oriental and Jewish Secret Doctrines, Leipzig, 1805.
That's their Talmudic magick right there, and it's been secreted into Hollywood/MSM output, en mass.

This is the part where I destroy Western popular culture as the (elite fomented) mass mind control and satanic shit that it really is!
I've never been one to be completely in "awe" of celebrity (I don't even understand why people are) - that's why I find this so easy.

I've said that Kubrick's 'Eyes Wide Shut' is a literal documentary on the "monarch" programme.

It was the original Mayer Amschel Rothschild (banking dynasty founder) who funded Weishaupt's Illuminati.
Spartacus was Illuminati Weishaupt's codename. Spartacus was Kubrick's Hollywood big-time breakout film.
I've also linked Kubrick to "monarch" in the past. Weishaupt chose the "pyramid" as the Illuminati master symbol.

Share those headlines baby! Monarch (airline) collapse/Illuminati(ng) Vegas Black Pyramid Shooting via a Sleeper.
MGM Luxor - Lux - Light - Illuminati. 'Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor'  - a group that influenced Crowley, Golden Dawn/OTO.
HBoL, was founded by Max Theon (Bimstein), a Polish Jewish Kabbalist and Occultist. His father was a 'Rabbi'.
It's alleged that Theon heavily influenced Helena "Isis Unveiled" Blavatsky, and taught her kabbalah.
Blavatsky's "Isis Unveiled" is the key work for the connected and late C19th "Isis Cult" that came out of (Isis) Oxford.

NXIVM (Bronfman linked) Pyramid scheme - is that part of the reveal that it's Illuminati connected? Probably.

Lynn de Rothschild is on the Board of the Bronfman Rothschild Company. I've seen her pictured with the Clintons.

 Isis the goddess of Jewish Freemasonry and Mystery Religion. Mack's Isis Foundation.
I've linked programmer Richard '911/Conspiracy Theory' Donner with sodomy (a 666 O-man) he directed Superman (1978).

Isis aka the Universal Virgin, see Virgin/NXIVM Branson. Isis, wife and sister of (masonic god) Osiris.
We saw Virgin Branson kite surfing earlier. Isis is equated with the kite (bird).
Excerpts from Dope Inc. (EIR)
Bulwer-Lytton was also a Rosicrucian (Rose/Rosy Cross) Godfather of sorts.
You could say that the Bronfman empire did the same as Bulwer-Lyttton - acting as chief drug runners.
The R.I.I.A (Chatam House) that's the central organising body of it all. The C.F.R is it's junior cousin.
Oh look, Milner, Balfour, and Rothschild - who led the drive to create Rothschild's post-war modern Israel.
Bill Clinton was a Rhodes scholar at Oxford, the first Pres.to do so, the scheme is under the aegis of  Rothschild.
He was at Jesuit Georgetown too (see The Exorcist), Bill's mentor Quigley was also at Georgetown.
This Isis Cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Madame Helena Blavatsky,
in which the Russian occultist called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis Priesthood. (see text further below).

Isis and Oxford
Aldous 'LSD' Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by ('Open Conspiracy' writer) H. G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I. Wells's writings (Time Machine, etc.), along with those of his proteges Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984, Animal Farm), were written as "mass appeal" organizing documents on behalf of Britain's "enlightened" world order. Only in the United States are these "science fiction classics" taught in grade school as attacks against fascism. A contemporary British intelligence operative turned-author, Anthony Burgess, wrote Clockwork Orange in the Wells-Orwell-Huxley tradition as a pornographic celebration of the drug-rock counterculture. (Note, I've linked Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange to MK-ULTRA and sodomy based mind control, see other posts). It was believed that D.H Lawrence was Aldous Huxley's male lover. Huxley also helped found the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. He was also believed to have been involved with Tavistock (programming etc).

The mentality of (satanist) Aldous 'Isis' Huxley...his letter to Orwell (re: 1984).
Huxley and Orwell's works Brave New World and 1984, were organising pieces for elite control and dominance of the sheep, a guidebook of sorts. Books based around the nefarious (elite fomented) programming/conditioning that was to come, and pieces that were put right under the public's nose - which is this sick elite's M.O. Huxley was more correct than Orwell, the masses have come to learn to love their servitude under the elite's programming systems.

Recall this...
The Bronfman family were educated at McGill University in Canada which has long been connected to MK-Ultra experimentation. The former Seagram Montreal HQ also now belonging to McGill. Dr. Ewen Cameron was involved in mind control experiments there on witting and unwitting human subjects.

Lewis was told by his source what A Clockwork Orange was about:
The mind-control experimentation conducted by Dr. Ewen (MKULTRA) Cameron at the Allen Memorial Institute in Montreal, between 1957 and 1963, and the Remote Neural Monitoring facility that operated out of Fort George Meade. The CIA were funding controversial research programmes into electronic brain stimulation. Burgess (author) got involved with the CIA while working as a Colonial Service education officer in Malaya in the 1950s. Contact's revealed that this research was also linked to Fort Bliss, a location where Paperclip Nazis where sent after the war. 'Bliss' terminology is used in the book and film.
"As Queer as a Clockwork Orange." See sodomite/paedo/Monarch/Nazi linked programmer, Kubrick.

"One of the founding tenets of the OTO is to shape and manage U.S. popular culture". 
Craig Heimbichner - OTO Blood on the Altar

OTO was formed in Germany by Kellner and Reuss, but Crowley is the most infamous in terms of the order.
Aleister "666 Sodom" Crowley...he wrote pro-Nazi propaganda for The Fatherland (publication).
The Mouth of Isis (vagina). Eye of Horus (sphincter/asshole, sodomy). Sodomy is the top degree in Crowley's OTO.
"Give me the sign of the open eye (sphincter) - the token erect of thorny thigh (prick/penis)." Crowley.
As I've being trying to point out for years - sodomy is a major aspect of ritual satanism and its systems.
Gay liberation Godfather, Harry Hay was a member of OTO, at his lodge he played the organ (no comment).
Man/boy love. Did he not tell everyone that he was a member of "satanic ritual sodomising" OTO? Seems not.
Over the last 40 years sodomy has gone from a crime to a virtue - primarily due to mass Hollywood/MSM brainwashing.
The entertainment industry has ALWAYS been oversubscribed with homosexuals, now it's seemingly their total preserve.
I'm not saying that homosexuality should be punishable by death, just that it shouldn't be sold as a harmless virtue. The links between homosexual pressure groups and softening attitudes to paedophila are strong. I don't care what you think. Most folk have been so mentally warped by sodomite-centric mass media, that they are as good as useless when it comes to this issue.

 Under Wells's tutelage Huxley was first introduced to Aleister Crowley. Crowley was a product of the cultist circle that developed in Britain from the 1860s under the guiding influence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton - who, it will be recalled, was the colonial minister under Lord Palmerston during the Second Opium War. In 1886, Crowley, William Butler Yeats, & several other Bulwer-Lytton proteges formed the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn. This Isis Cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Madame Helena Blavatsky, in which the Russian occultist called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Isis Priesthood. Crowley initiated Aldous Huxley into the Isis-Golden Dawn Temple, and introduced him to psychedelic drugs in 1929.

 (Linked to the above) Arnold 'Oxford' Toynbee's "theory" of history, expounded in his 20-volume history of Western civilization, was that its determining feature has always been the rise and decline of grand imperial dynasties. At the very point that these dynasties - the "thousand year Reich" of the Egyptian pharaohs, the Roman Empire, and the British Empire - succeed in imposing their rule over the entire face of the earth, they tend to decline. Toynbee argued that this decline could be abated if the ruling oligarchy (like that of the British Round Table) would devote itself to the recruitment and training of an ever-expanding priesthood devoted to the principles of imperial rule. (Meaning recruitment of compliant foreign agents to rule foreign lands on their behalf. Rhodes Scholars for example.)

"Great Britain is the mother country of Satanism." 
(Fritz Springmeier - Illuminati Bloodlines)
These are the sort that come from British public schools, and where childhood sodomy is a rite of passage.
These are "sex cult" and "ritual secret society" linked issues, so therefore this is ALL fair game, not homophobia.
It's the use of the (convenient) "homophobia slide" that has silenced people in the face of these elite Luciferian sodomites!

Isis Cult - Edward 'Penis' Bulwer-Lytton, and (his Isis protege) Aleister 'Penis' Crowley.
Crowley as the "penis" - shaft (arms) and glans (head). The silver star (sirius masonic eye, anatomically the sphincter).
"The Pen-is is Mightier Than the Sword" - ...the Enchanters Wand. Bulwer-Lytton's "The Penis" is via a Helmet (glans).
(I know that some of this might seem a bit crazy, but this is how some of this stuff is encoded/embedded.)
Isis Cult Sex/Sodomy Magick - The Penis Worshippers. "OTO" (acronym) is the penis and testicles.
In magick, there is a belief where the penis is said to be synonymous with the magickian's wand.

Isis and Urania (Ur-anus) - a likely pun and connect to sodomite sex magick (Isis/Anus).
"Bulwer-Lytton proteges formed the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn."
The Golden Dawn was one of the biggest influences on C20th Western Occultism. Golden Dawn aka Lucifer/Venus.
Oh look, a Warner Bros "marionette" - one who pretends to be a self determining artist. Golden 'Ciara' Dawn.
She toured with Jay "Crowley/Lucifer" Z. Pied pipers for sheep to follow - they get occultised/programmed via exposure.
ISIS Rihanna was a Gay-Z protege. Pic. below was pondering the title of her next album. Tattoo, Isis Unveiled, and literally.
XIV might be a link to Golden Dawn 'flying rolls' (practices/philosophies) - XIV being magickal Talismans & Tablets.
Is there an Isis Golden Dawn link to N-XIV-M? "ESP" (aka exrtra sensory perception)
Well, Raniere's second in command was Allison "Isis" Mack! Compare sun (dawn) imagery with the image, below right.

Milo: "The Golden Dawn (lucifer/venus, son/sun of the morning) comes shining from the eyes of God.
Want to hear what I found in this text, the Corpus Hermiticum?"
SCI-FI Channel (and Sky Atlantic). Scene also  linked to the pyramid/all seeing (masonic) eye.
The book/series that prophecises the public unveiling of the "satanic elite" (but likely using alien shtick as the cover.)
It can also read as the end of "mass naivety" in respect of the masses and their childlike understanding of global power.
Dialogue: "As we wait to see our Guardian Angel". (HGA, holy guardian angel - a la OTO/Golden Dawn)
A.E. Waite was responsible for  that Tarot card (above) he was a member of the Golden Dawn, as was the illustrator.
Of course, the elite have their ISIS (terror) goons, the veil also being linked to Islam. Just like they had Al CIA-da.

Did you know that (UK Zionist asset) Edgar Bronfman Snr purchased MGM film studios in 1966?
That means that Kubrick and Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968, MGM) was produced under Bronfman's tenure!
Bronfman got out in 1969, and it was sold to his associate, Kirk 'MGM' Kerkorian. The one who built the hotels.

Speaking of which...The 9/11 Mille(n)nium Monolith Hilton Hotel.
Masonic, BBC linked, 9/11-2001 monolith (with Kubrick)...A.C. Clarke. Mr "Lucifer Star" 2010. A homosexual/paedophile.
Clarke wrote about future fiery carnage in Venice on Sept 11 (2077), in his book Rendezvous With Rama (1973).
Clarke, who first posited any meaningful idea of the geostationary communications satellite in 1945 (Wireless World).
Oh yes, the implications of what I'm writing here are only too serious. This is global mass mind programming tech.
What he is saying is that technology IS magic/magick! Yeah, a type of elite fomented magickal programming tech!
Satellite TV mogul Murdoch (Fox/Sky) was believed to have been a personal friend.
It's also been alleged that Murdoch stopped a story on Clarke's paedophile tendencies. (Sri Lankan beach boys etc.)
The orbit, which Clarke first described as useful for broadcast and relay communications satellites, is still sometimes called
- the Clarke Belt/Orbit. Three satellites for total global coverage. The usual mass mind control programming suspects:
 In 1937, Huxley moved to the United States, where he remained throughout the period of World War II. Through a Los Angeles contact, Jacob Zeitlin, Huxley and pederast Christopher Isherwood were employed as script writers for MGM, Warner Brothers, and Walt Disney studios. As we have seen, Hollywood was already dominated by organized crime elements bankrolled and controlled through London.Joseph Kennedy was the front man for a British consortium that created RKO studios, and "Bugs" Siegel, the West Coast boss of the Lansky syndicate, was heavily involved in Warner Brothers and MGM. Huxley was instrumental in founding a nest of Isis cults in southern California and in a San Francisco suburb called Ojai — which consisted exclusively of several hundred deranged worshippers of Isis and other cult gods.
Excerpts from Dope Inc (EIR)

Like BBC linked homo/paedo, Sir 'Lucifer' A.C. Clarke, Sir Jimmy 'BBC' Savile was a friend of Prince Charles.
Savile/Saville (an alter aspect?) and the "Sex, Lucifer, Jehovah, Satan" (programming) Process Church magazine.
Berkowitz (satanist) and Manson (and his satanic family) were believed to have had links to the Process Church.
Beatles compere, Jimmy 'elite paedophile/sodomite' Savile. I wonder if the "A A" reference is a nod to A.A. linked Crowley?

Theodor Adorno, Introduction to the Sociology of Music (New York: Seabury Press, 1976). 
"Adorno was brought into the United States in 1939 to head up the Princeton Radio Research Project.
The explicit aim of this project, as stated in Adorno's Introduction to the Sociology of Music:
was to program a mass "musical" culture that would steadily degrade its consumers.
Punk rock is, in the most direct sense, the ultimate result of Adorno's work."
(Although I'd now say that 'hip-hop' has pushed that mass degeneracy and degradation even further.)
Oh look, it's that degeneracy champion, Branson. Who made it big on the back of The 'mkultra' Exorcist (with veiled Hollywood linked demonic child abuse), and Tubular Bell(end)s. The Sex 'penis' Pistols, and managed by a sodomised masonic toff, McClaren. Rotten/Lydon married a German publishing heiress - how's that for anarchy? I piss on these sad elite puppets. Plastic and nihilist rebellion for dumb sheep - pink punks (jail ass sodomised). More homo penis worship. The Sex Pistols' infamous TV appearance was organised by (Jewish) Eric "EMI poof/queen" Hall. The Sex Pistols "Rock n Roll Swindle" film, and their early gigs were directed by Julian "closet homosexual" Temple. Homosexual Jarman's Jubilee (1978) was also a punk piece. UK punk was followed by the effeminate New Wave/New Romantic scene - men in make-up. The UGay, not the UK. "Satanism & sodomy" - two of the UK's most frequent and successful exports.

Jimmy "Hit Parade" Savile...Mr Love is an Uphill (Gardening) Thing.
Gay News (1st edition) and Lunch via pink team Savile. We know he had a long-term lover in Peter Jaconelli.
People involved in these publications have also been linked to PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange).
Just like those Tory and Labour MPs were! Savile liked hanging around with the Tory hierarchy, and the Windsors.

"The Hit Parade is organized precisely on the same principles used by Egypt's Isis priesthood and for the same purpose:
the recruitment of youth to the dionysiac counterculture. In a report prepared for the University of Michigan's Institute of Social Research, Paul Hirsch described the product of Adorno's Radio Research Project. According to Hirsch, the establishment of postwar radio's Hit Parade "transformed the mass medium into an agency of sub-cultural programming." Radio networks were converted into round-the-clock recycling machines that repeated the top 40 "hits." Hirsch documents how all popular culture — movies, music, books, and fashion — is now run on the same program of preselection. Today's mass culture operates like the opium trade: the supply determines the demand."
Excerpt from Dope, Inc. (EIR).

Edgar Bronfman Jnr had acted briefly as a film and Broadway producer in the 1970's.
Bronfman 'Seagram Co. Ltd' was owner of Universal Pictures in the mid-90's. Edgar Bronfman Jnr (below centre).
While there he went on to create (by adding Polygram) the largest and most successful music company in the world.

In 2011, a French court convicted Edgar Bronfman Jnr on charges of insider trading. He was fined $6.7 million and handed a 15 month suspended prison sentence. Charges that related to his time with Vivendi-Universal. He was the chief architect behind the creation of Vivendi's entertainment division - which included Universal Music Group and Universal Studios. In the end though, it all resulted in Universal (film) having to be sold to balance Vivendi's books.
When Seagram folded it's beverage assets were wholesaled off to industry titans, notably The Coca-Cola Company, Diageo, and Pernod Ricard. Universal's television holdings were sold off to media entrepreneur Barry Diller, and the balance of the Universal entertainment empire and what had been Seagram to French beverage conglomerate Vivendi in 2000.
Recall that the NXIVM Bronfman sisters' half brother, Edgar Jnr, was also CEO of Warner Music Group (2004-2011).
It's believed that Lew 'ITC/Sept 11' Grade (Jew) was the conduit for British actors getting into Hollywood.
Hollywood IS 'satanic mkultra central' and overtly...the fact that I'm having to point this out is part of the problem itself!
Also recall that the British Invasion quickly followed on the back of Kennedy's killing - The (OTO/Thelemic) Beatles etc.
The 60's counter-culture that's ultimately led to the mass degeneracy/breakdown that we see wrought across the Western world.
Nothing has done more to destroy the concept of "God" and decency than degenerate mass media and Hollywood entertainment.
Crowley's early 20th century hobbies would literally become the entire mould for the psychedelic 1960s.

Universal Music Group origins go back to the formation of the American branch of Decca Records in September 1934.
It was Decca UK that famously turned down the chance to record/sign The Beatles (1962).

Hoffman/Downard on JFK's ritual and symbolic assassination and its 'sorcerous' motive.
The Alchemy of Ritual Murder
What ought to be unambiguous to any student of mass psychology, is the almost immediate decline of the American people in the wake of this shocking, televised slaughter (note, Zapruder film wasn't fully shown until 1975). There are many indicators of the transformation. Within a year Americans had largely switched from softer-toned, naturally colored cotton clothing to garish-colored artificial polyesters. Popular music became louder, faster and more cacophonous. Drugs appeared for the first time outside the Bohemian subculture ghettos, in the mainstream. Extremes of every kind came into fashion. Revolutions in cognition and behaviour were on the horizon, from The Beatles to Charles Manson, from Free Love to LSD.
(I'd say the exactly the same about 9/11 - it led to a transformative psychological decline, and a type of national collective PTSD via exposure. Both events are also what I term to be examples of elite engineered "mass mind rape".)

I discovered this "Beatles OTO homage" (below) in 2007.
The Beatles (Beastles) - Sgt Crowley OTO Pepper Pyramid - via Military/Industrial/Media complex (Abbey Road) EMI.
Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley. LIBER XV O.T.O. 
First Method. Let the Exempt Adept first train himself to think backwards by external means, as set forth here following.
("a") Let him learn to write backwards, with either hand. (Paper back-writer). ("b") Let him learn to walk backwards.
("c") Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that they appear natural, and appreciable as a whole. (see White Album/Manson).
("d") Let him practise speaking backwards; thus for "I am He" let him say, "Eh ma I". (see I Am the Walrus).
("e") Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one's self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly. 
("f") Of his own ingenium, let him devise other methods. (See Sgt Pepper cover above, diagonally mirrored).
Help! Crowley/Golden Dawn LVX Signs - Osiris Slain, Apophis/Typhon, Mourning of Isis, Set Fighting.

Sodomite OTO Beastles - Sgt Crowley Pepper. "Fixing A Hole" becomes "Fixing A-hole" (asshole).
Dave Marsh writing in Rolling Stone magazine (Feb. 24, 1977): 
"The Beatles have always had an intimate connection to the JFK assassination. He was shot the week before Thanksgiving 1963. By February 1964, the Beatles were number one in the national charts and the climactic appearance on Ed Sullivan's TV show occurred. Even Brian Epstein (the manager of the Beatles) believed the Kennedy assassination helped their rise—the Beatles appeared to bind our wounds with their messages of joy and hand-holding... And the way was paved, replacing Camelot with Oz."
Now the American people were forced to confront a scary alternative reality, the reality of a shadow government over which they had neither control or knowledge. The shepherding process was thus accelerated with a vengeance. Avant-garde advertising, music, politics and news would hereafter depict (especially in the electronic media)—sometimes fleetingly, sometimes openly—a "shadow side" of reality, an underground, amoral "funhouse" current associated with extreme sex, extreme violence and extreme speed.
Michael A. Hoffman II - Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare.

Talking of deliberate degradation and degeneracy via the British:
Both the Bronfmans and Kennedys made their fortunes via the BRITISH and its aristocracy. They ran bootlegged liquor from aristocratic linked producers in the UK, and to the US during prohibition (they did it via Commonwealth Canada). US prohibition was enacted to allow the criminal networks to be formed, as a result of illegality of liquor. Once prohibition ended, the (now formed) criminal networks could be used for the real and intended function - running drugs, gambling, murder inc. etc, etc.
To label the UK as a Zionist stronghold is a massive understatement! That's why I call it the Jew K.
(above text) The newly formed Distillery Corporation Limited (50/50 split, Bronfman and UK dignitaries) was headed by (Jacobite) Scotsman William H Ross. Bronfman was second in command as the vice-president. In Yiddish Bronfman means "liquorman". It's believed that the Bronfman's first link to the opium trade occurred in 1916, in a deal with the Hudson Bay Company and via the Keswick family's Jardine Matheson (Scots/UK), who that had a controlling interest in the Hudson Bay Co.
This would've all been under Sam "King of the Jews" Bronfman, father of Edgar Snr.

"Bronfman control of liquor flow into Prohibition USA (likely supplying half of all US liquor) gave them literally life-and-death control over American crime. Refusing to play ball with the Bronfman gang usually spelled death. For the British, Prohibition was a roaring success. What had begun as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cut-out), and Rothstein (the distributor) had become within the space of a decade a nationally organised crime syndicate -- a private, secret army under British banking and political control."
Dope, Inc. (EIR)

Edgar Bronfman Snr awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Bill 'Rhodes Scholar/Priestcraft' Clinton, 1999.

(According to Dope, Inc.) The Bronfmans were a "cut-out" for the Zionist-centric UK elite. It apparently took time for the family to rise through the UK Hofjuden elite ranks. Joe Kennedy (JFK's father) was the US Ambassador to the Court of St James. His daughter married the son of the 10th Duke of Devonshire. That put him at the heart of the UK Zionist power structure (freemasonry etc, which is Jewish). Of course, many researchers believe that JFK was ritually killed in a masonic-type reenactment of the death of Hiram Abiff (Osiris), see King Kill 33.

Joseph Kennedy repeated the theme many times:
"If Kathleen and her husband were living. I'd be the father of the Duchess of Devonshire (first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen)
and the father-in-law of the head of all the Masons in the world."
(Note the servile nature of his comment. See how he longs to be absorbed by these established aristocrats.)

The Kennedy boys were schooled in Britain, with JFK attending (The Fabian linked) London School of Economics.
That said, son JFK seemingly turned against his own sponsors - the Zionist-centric UK elite.
His threat of splintering the CIA (shadow govt.), challenging the Federal Reserve (Rothschild bank), and talking of peace (not war) is as good as writing your own death warrant, and that is exactly what it turned-out to be.

If there is any real truth to this then we're up against a fully entrenched elite that spans time and the generations. The only way
I see that being functional beyond a singular generation, or singular familial sense is under the aegis of a type of religion.

Of course, Q adherents will be wanting to know the details on the Clinton/Abedin (snuff) video. Abedin, Hillary's closest adviser for 20 years. Then there's Abedin's sexually deviant husband Weiner and his laptop.
The Podesta/Abramhovic stuff  (John, acting as Hillary's 2016 Campaign Chair) and pizza-gate is already public domain.
Podesta was Bill Clinton's former Chief of Staff in the 90's.
In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the centre of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased
- by Bronfman's Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG).
It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings from Russell 'satanist' Simmons for a reported $100 million.
UMG merged 14+ record labels incl.: Def Jam, Island Records and Mercury Records to form The Island Def Jam Music Group.
The "666 devil" in the 'Death Jam' details and from the start - Zionist Satanic kabbalist and label founder, Rik Rubin.
Jay-Z was Def Jam President from 2004 - 2007.
You can always trust the dumb brainwashed sheep when it comes to making overt satanists - their heroes!
It's the Baphomet "celebrity sodom and death" club...Lady "Island Def/Death Jam" Gaga, Jay "Death Jam" Z etc.
Note, the latest photo Allison "NXIVM" Mack displayed on her Twitter page is of Marina Abramovic. Baphomet Queens.
Luciferian/Satanic marionette (and likely transsexual) Lady 'vomit' Gaga. These sickos have occultized your children.
At what point do the sheep wake-up and realise that ALL their corporate entertainment heroes (actors/musicians) are satanists?
When do they begin to understand that the ONLY worship they partake in is the worship of false idols?
When these satanic industry drones are not ruining your children via satanic religion - they're sexualising them.
Via Iron "666" Maiden...A Maiden aka Virgin like Isis. Crowley was Mr '666' Beast.
Let me guess, you all just thought it was harmless entertainment and showbiz fun, right? This is what we're up against.
No wonder I've given up. Do they have to perform a live TV sacrifice for the sheep to actually believe in this? Probably.
Gaga, definition: no longer in possession of all one's mental faculties. I'd never have guessed via this programmed marionette!
It's sick Gaga that tried to promote a "blood and semen" perfume (see here) - which is straight out of Crowley/Hermetic rituals!
Nathan 'Nolan' Crowley was production designer on the 'Fame' perfume/stench promo video. Aleister was his Grandfather's cousin.
Gay 'Crowley/OTO' Z's marionette and programmed wife Beyonce duets with Lady 'Crowley/OTO' Gaga on 'Telephone'.

Abramovic wearing her Templar Luciferian Knights of Malta-like cross. Born in Bel-grade and linked to European luciferians.

See here. This was put-out by (NSA) Michael Flynn Jnr (Dec 4th 2016). It's alleged that Flynn Jr. was fired for the Tweet.
The tweet was released on the same day as the (Dec 4th 2016) Alefantis owned Comet Ping-Pong's shooting event.
Yes, son of Lt General Michael Flynn Snr! Wow! Was he fired to create the smoke to draw us to this very phenomena?
Mr Flynn Snr, 57, has also tweeted out outlandish conspiracy theories accusing Mrs Clinton and her aides of child-sex trafficking.
Podesta/Clinton. I was calling her a "satanic lesbian" before Q even existed!
From my "Paedoph-Isles" post late Nov 2016 - thru early Dec 2016 - Link.
Yeah, it's so OBVIOUSLY just a crazy conspiracy theory - that they addressed their concerns in public (wink, wink).

Bronfman's daughter 'NXIVM/Rainbow Clare' (and Raniere) and hacking her father's (Edgar Snr, below right) computer -
access to emails between him and Clinton, other world leaders, etc (see link).

NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of  Mexico's former president.

Recall that Bill was on a Rhodes Scholarship (at Oxford, UK). The scholarship is overseen by the Rothschilds. Rhodes nominated Lord Rosebury, a Rothschild agent, to administer his fortune. Rhodes' seventh and last will, named NM Rothschild as administrator of his estate, and established the educational grant.
Agents for the (satanic) Illuminati/Zionist elite.
Wikileaks revealed (Clinton donor) Lynn de Rothschild received an uncharacteristically formal, apologetic email from
Hillary Clinton where Hillary tells Rothschild: "Let me know what penance I owe you."

Talking of Bills and Rothschild linked mansions and elite sex slave orgies...Eyes Wide Shut:
Victor Ziegler: Bill, do you have any idea how much trouble you got yourself into last night just by going over there? Who do you think those people were? Those were not just some ordinary people. If I told you their names... no, I'm not going to tell you their names... but if I did, I don't think you'd sleep so well at night.

That was Illuminati Ziegler, played by now deceased Hollywood director/producer/actor Pollack.
The same (Zionist/Milchan linked) Pollack that was repeatedly harassed on his death-bed by Harvey "the beast" Weinstein!
They thought we'd follow the stars? Why? They're revolting people, and that's without the satanism!
Sick Disney will be at the heart of a lot of this - especially with their mass of children's output.

"Follow the stars. It's everywhere." Q.
Satanic (Luna/Lunar) Moon-Children a la Crowley/Parsons/Hubbard. Clinton/Obama-linked Legend and Teigen.
The best sex Teigen had was when she (and John) spent time with Obama, and before he was president.
Just what has been going on re: Haiti, guys? What kind of access did you have to those Haiti kids?
How about spawn of Hillary/Bill - that being Chelsea?
Symbolism will be their downfall. Q
CHURCH OF SATAN via Chelsea and Teigen. Inverted crucifix Chelsea. LaVey's Church of Satan, heavily linked to Hollywood.
Sammy Davis Jnr, Liberace, Jayne Mansfield, Kenneth Anger, Marilyn Manson...etc.
Chelsea Clinton with her (Zionist) Goldman Sachs stooge hubby/handler. They're just waving at the crowd, right?
Makes you wonder how Obama fits into all this - doesn't it? BTW, I always thought he was the worst ever POTUS, just awful.
Obama, Obama Youth, Hitler, Hitler Youth, Jay 'OTO Sodomite' Z, Church of Satan LaVey - ritual signs:
Coincidence, right? Processing the sheep via public "craft" rituals. Crowley's OTO/A.A./GD elemental grade sign.
Scientology Hubbard was an associate of (Hollywood linked) OTO Parsons, and (Nazi propaganda) OTO Crowley.
“Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
 Scottish/Jacobite Rite Freemasonry. I wonder if Hitler was an Illuminati/Zionist/Masonic puppet? :)
If it weren't for Hitler the Zionist Jews would not have their current homeland.
Grade Sign of Zelator & the Nazi salute. 
(Masonry-linked A.A., OTO, Golden Dawn.)
The Great Work, for the Zelator, defined: “to obtain control of the foundations of my own being.” 
By “foundations” is meant the Automatic Consciousness.
“The ‘Zealous Student’ whose first duty was to blow the Athanor (furnace) or fire which heated the Crucible of the alchemist.” 
Automatic Consciousness or a puppet on a string? The 'great hypnotic', as Adolf was known. 

Royal Arch Freemasonry: "For the good of Masonry generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."

“At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found.”
 - Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England.

Well, men of the Jewish race and their masonic lackeys, yes. Make no mistake, Lucifer is a god of masonry.
 "Symbolism will be their downfall." Q. (Updated July 2018)
 The usual suspects.

Masonic/Templar DeMolay, Bill to Masonic Barack. IN HAND: The president's official seal is set.
Wink, wink. It's not Obama's hand, but the masonic message is clear. Talking of Obama and masonic hands via "G".
Obama and the seeming masonic handshake via "G" (see background). His graduation at Punahou School in Hawaii.
G is (in one aspect) a sodomite sex magic allusion.
Tubal-Cain. Two Balls and a Cane (a phallic allusion).
Just like Zionist/Masonic Jew, Mark "Facebook" Zuckerberg. The corporate 'mass mind control' sheep herder.

Allusions to paedophilic activity, and with an industry "soap opera" link (Maggie/Agnes Nixon). These people are SICK!
Agnes Nixon death article, an "As The World Turns" (assassination jibe) reference all around those (very concerning) Obama claims!
Agnes Nixon was a writer for the As The World Turns TV show. You'll see how the Bronfmans tie-in to the JFK assassination soon.

Keith "Luciferian" Raniere - check-out summary 0006 - that's their Luciferian (sociopath) mindset.

Clinton linked Mays is also directly connected to a secretive group called NXIVM.

Masonic Obama with Edgar Bronfman Snr.

The (following) extraordinary allegations are attributed to Kristen M. Keeffe, who was part of the inner circle that ran NXIVM,
a "human development" organization that has been described by one expert as an "extreme cult."
Quite a story (an understatement) in the event that it's true. (link)

Might still have access to collateral for control purposes? That's similar to how Scientology leverages its victims.

Update July 25 2018
 Q comes back from a 20 day July absence with drops on the same day (July 25) that Clare 'NXIVM' Bronfman is arrested.

Stormy 'NXIVM' Daniels?
A 2010 tweet, oh dear. And talking about gang/cult membership. The Bronfmans were always known as the Bronfman Gang.
Talk of cult membership (in 2010), and suspicious scars covered by tattoos? It looks like she's busted.
That could potentially be a NXIVM brand scar - it cannot be discounted.

There is no demarcation between Hollywood and its neighbouring "valley porn" industry - it is now one big conjoined mess.
That's why many of your "MSM dosed" children want to act and behave like cheap hookers. They've been entrained.
Porn bleed-through into mainstream mass media, surely you understand? See 'The Year of the Sex Olympics' (further below).
Most are too damaged by these sick forms of entertainment propaganda to even care. I've noticed.
Porn is acceptable in a private sense, but it's all in the open now. There isn't a "no" button for anything.
Adults actively assist in the sexualization of their children. Disney/Nickelodeon child programming is of most concern.

The Bronfman daughters (Clare/Sara, see below) are heavily involved in funding/running Raniere's NXIVM.
Permindex was headed by the Bronfman family's attorney Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield.
Proponents of some John F. Kennedy assassination conspiracy theories have alleged the Bloomfield was linked to the shooting through the Office of Strategic Services, the Central Intelligence Agency, and Permindex.
According to Dope Inc. (book, EIR). It was the Bronfmans that founded and bankrolled the modern-day Murder Inc., Permindex.
The firm that police agencies in the US and Europe have suspected of organising the murders of JFK,
Enrico Mattei, Aldo Moro (former Italian PM), and the attempts on De Gaulle (French Pres.).

World Trade Centre - now there's a name to conjure with - considering the Zionist/Illuminati sponsorship of 9/11!
The same sort of nefarious deep state powers that fomented 9/11, were also responsible for the death of JFK.
Edgar Bronfman Snr was a huge player in the World Jewish Congress, a key former President.
(Since May 2013, David de Rothschild [of the Zionist Kings] has been the chairman of the Governing Board of the WJC.)
The text above is a different take (financing), but make no mistake Bronfman family attorney Bloomingfield headed Permindex.

NXIVM Clare and Sara's mother, Georgiana Bronfman (Edgar Snr's 2nd wife) went on to marry Nigel Havers (UK actor).

 Nigel Havers' aunt is Baroness Butler-Sloss, who quit from the Jimmy Savile 'paedo' inquiry (due to pressure).
One degree of separation between Georgiana Bronfman (Clare & Sara's mother) and Butler-Sloss.
Butler-Sloss's brother, Robert Baron Havers Q.C., is Bronfman marrying Nigel's actual father.
"The Attorney General, Sir Michael Havers, yesterday defended the decision of the Director of Public Prosecutions not to prosecute Sir Peter Hayman, the former diplomat and the former High Commissioner in Canada, who as a member of the Paedophile Information Exchange took part in obscene correspondence with other PIE members.
Dickens MP (above) who in 1984 handed over a 50 page dossier outlining VIP and govt. linked child abuse.
Mr Geoffrey Dickens, the Conservative MP who named Sir Peter in the House of Commons and has described the non-prosecution as a "cover-up," reacted to Sir Michael's (Havers) written answer by describing it as a "white-wash" and the "cover-up of the century."

It was allegedly Robert Baron Havers, who along with others was responsible for burying the Dickens Dossier (UK govt/dignitaries implicated in organised child abuse), the ones that 'paedo' and Elm Guest House attendee, (Zionist) Leon 'Thatcher's Home Secretary' Brittan, conveniently mislaid! What a small "paedo" world. So many so-called dignitaries and so-called Knights of the Realm seemingly tied-up in this, is a knighthood a prerequisite for a lifetime of (protected) child abuse?

We covered mass media degradation/degeneration earlier and in reference to BBC'music man' Savile

The explicit aim of this project (Princeton 1939), as stated in Adorno's Introduction to the Sociology of Music:
was to program a mass "musical" culture that would steadily degrade its consumers.

The Elite's Programming Modus Operandi via Zionist BBC's - The Year of the Sex Olympics (1968).
Treat this as a barely veiled ELITE manifesto of sorts...because that is exactly what it is!

The "1% Elite" (hi-drives) who control media and govt., and how they shepherd the dumbed-down "99% masses" (low-drives).
(Most, if not all of you reading, fall into the 99% category, sorry.) It also prophecises the advent of "reality TV".

"Serving-up an endless diet of lowest common denominator programmes and pornography."
This sentence above PERFECTLY describes the current state of corporate mass media.
It was written by Nigel 'sci-fi/BBC' Kneale, who originally scripted Hallowe'en 3, but demanded his name be removed. He was allegedly very highly-strung. Hallowe'en 3 had witchy/warlock TV-based (brain destroying) mass mind control as its main plot.
It CANNOT get anymore blatant than this. A giant turd dropped into the collective brain.
This methodology WAS/IS the elite's programming strategy for (Illuminati/Zionist) mass mind control.
In the main this clearly functions efficiently, hence all the MSM-primed pattern mould sheep running amok.
The biggest tragedy is these drones thinking that these are their own natural choices! They've simply been entrained.

Re: Adorno. Hirsch documents how all popular culture — movies, music, books, and fashion — is now run on the same 
program of preselection. Today's mass culture operates like the opium trade: the supply determines the demand. (Dope, Inc.)

I think it's difficult not to argue that popular culture engenders a type of imposed human entropy via long-term exposure.
Britney, Timberlake, Gomez, Jackson, Barrymore, Feldman, Grande, Caulkin, the Fannings...etc. MK-Ultra/Monarch brainwashed?

Masonic "M" Hand Sign aka Triad Claw...Tupac. All (Masonic) Eyez On Me. Note fingers/eye.
Promoting gangsta thuggery as a lifestyle choice - what a f**king joke. A Zionist, sell-out, neo-Uncle Tom.
Just more degenerative cultural sewage aka "gangsta porn" posing as phoney progressive black empowerment.
Tupac died on a Masonic resonating Friday 13th date. Stayed at the Vegas Luxor (pyramid) at the time he was shot.
Rumours persist that not succumbing to an ass fucking from Quincy Jones (he dated his daughter) led to his demotion.
None of these artists at the time had any real power, they're simply industry owned toys of the corporate label powers.
Nothing can be effectively distributed unless you're on-board the corporate label train - they own all the channels.
As long as they go along with the elite's mass masonic occultization program and seed mass degeneracy - it's all good.

Yes, pop-pickers, Tupac and Suge Knight's 'Death Row Records' was under Bronfman's (Seagram) Universal Music Group (via Interscope) at this particular time. Bronfman gangsters to hip-hop gangsters, and programming the sheep year after year. 
By the close of the decade (90's), Interscope sales accounted for nearly one-third of Bronfman Seagram's 27% share of the U.S. music market. Records by Eminem, Dre, Eve, Nine Inch Nails, Enrique Iglesias, Limp Bizkit, Blackstreet, Smash Mouth and others generated an estimated $40 million in profit during the final six months of 1999.

Eminem (M&M) is the best-selling artist of the 2000's in the United States. He's also a big fan of 'Masonic' Tupac.

It's Eminem and (Zionist Bronfman) linked masonic Clinton...
Our names are, our names are, our names are...Shady and Clinton
Why is Eminem so vocal against POTUS? 
Well, according to the claims he's pictured with one of Epstein's (likely underage) girls - Ray Chandler.
I wonder if Elton 'Brown Dirt Cowboy' John is a link regarding an Eminem friend? 
Eminem sent Elton a diamond encrusted cock-ring when he married Furnish. Elton got him off drugs too.
Virgin/Isis Island
Don't forget nearby Branson Virgin Island (Necker) and the NXIVM Cult links via Bronfman,
She even makes mention of Interscope.
Are Purple Pills (purple/lavender gay boys) and Shit On You - genre sodomite/scat classics?
Aleister '666' Crowley was known for his coprophagy and shit play.

Alice & Wonderland (as well as Lewis Carroll) is quoted numerous times by Q in his drops.

Recall that mess with 8 Mile co-star Brittany Murphy, and Montjack (deceased)? The father thinks the mother poisoned her.
Murphy: "I feel more like Alice in Wonderland, having been dropped into an unknown world" - Spin, 2002, with Eminem cover.

We already did Def/Death "666" Jam...via Zionist and kabbalist/occultist Rubin.
666 Baphomet Poster Boy - Role/Roll Model. Gotta get those "wiggers" on the program...
Triple-split MK-ULTRA mind control victim? Marshall Mathers, Slim Shady, and Eminem.
He wasn't likely "Cleaning Out His Closet", but coming-out of the closet. A sodomite/homosexual? 
Is that why he was also known as "Rabbit". A "white rabbit" dirt holer?

Crowley's Ars Goetica co-author, Samuel (MacGregor) Liddell Mathers, was related to Alice Liddell, aka Alice in Wonderland.
Mathers was also one of the co-founders of the Hermetic (Isis) Order of the Golden Dawn. Follow the white rabbit.
Mathers and Crowley were originally friends, but had a falling-out. Mathers' wife was the very first initiate of Golden Dawn.
Mathers was a polyglot. Not so much multi-faceted rhyming skills like Marshall, but multi-lingual. Mathers' translations of The Book of Abramelin (14thC.), The Kabbalah Unveiled (1684), Key of Solomon (anon. 14thC.), The Lesser Key of Solomon (anon. 17thC.), and the Grimoire of Armadel (17thC.), were responsible for making obscure and inaccessible material widely available to the non-academic English speaking world. They have had considerable influence on  the development of occult and esoteric thought since publication, as has his consolidation of the Enochian magical system of John Dee and Edward Kelley. (That is high-end serious stuff!)
I see some sort of potential familial resemblance in these two shots. Right, excerpt 'Satanism Today' - by J. R. Lewis.
Mathers x2, Alice (and Liddell x2), and White Bunny Rabbits...
Liddell Mathers co-founds (Isis Cult) Golden Dawn. The related Alice Liddell, is the model for Alice. Alice's father Henry Liddell, was Dean of Christ Church (Oxford) and former Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. Henry Liddell was friends with John Ruskin (mentioned in the earlier Isis Cult text) a protege of Oxford linked Isis Cult godfather Bulwer-Lytton (who went to Cambridge, Trinity). Dodgson (aka Carroll) attended (Isis) Oxford, and knew Henry. Oxford Isis Cult/Hollywood Huxley was an Alice in Wonderland fiend. Phew!

The following, very unpleasant, but Carroll is somewhat of a paedophile avatar. See how this might be cryptically encoded.
Follow the (phallic) white rabbit - tumbledown the dirt hole - and wave goodbye to your pussy, Alice. (sodomy)
(I've written similar about A.A. Milne's Winnie the Poo-h, Fleming's The Wizard of Oz, & Dahl's Chocolate Factory.)
Liddell 'Isis Golden Dawn' Mathers, linked to Sodom Crowley, and related to Alice 'paedo Carroll' Liddell. 
Marshall 'Eminem/Slim Shady' Mathers, linked to the name and the "white bunny rabbit". WTF?
If there is one thing I've said on this blog, it's how creepy Disney are. I noted this even as a child (1970's).
Bunnies are technically female (although it is widely used to describe any rabbit), so why call Eminem "bunny rabbit"? 
Why call Warner Bros.'male Bugs, a bunny? Archetypal gender bending? Don't forget Roger (as in to fuck) Rabbit.
I'm reminded of Warner Bros. and The Matrix's "white rabbit" and the transsexual Wachowski brothers, or is it sisters?

In 1945, shortly after the war ended, Disney once again revived Alice in Wonderland and assigned British author Aldous (Isis Cult Golden Dawn) Huxley to re-write the script (we mentioned some of this earlier). However, Walt felt that Huxley's version was too much of a literal adaptation of Carroll's book. The film was ultimately released in 1951.
Carrol's (sic)? Maybe it's not a mistake at all. Could this be a giveaway that it was largely modelled on Huxley's treatment?
Masonic Disney's displeasure with his adaption perhaps being only intended for public consumption? 
Huxley and LSD, Alice and drugging. Lock/key (sexual symbolism) via the masonic tessellated floor. Worth considering. 
Alice series also relates to (potentially resonant) Humpty Dumpty (Hump Dump). I had to mention the potential wordplay.

I could cycle this back to Kubrick's (Rothschild) 'Eyes Wide Shut' and (mkultra) Kidman, who played (looking glass) "We're late/I'm late" Alice, in Kubrick's film. The film opens with Alice on the toilet (dump/dirt hole). Kidman was also the lead in Rabbit Hole (film). 
Her father (Antony) was accused of being a paedophile programmer (see Fiona Barnett).

Wonderland Club (Operation Cathedral) - Added so you can see how it is sometimes used.

White Rabbit Eminem was one of Bronfman UMG's biggest successes in the late 90's, as we noted.
The Bronfmans were ultimately made by the Zionist-centric UK elite.

The Bronfman 'Seagram Co. Ltd' owned Universal Studios - getting on-board in the mid 90's, until the Vivendi buy-out.
It's Rupert "I own most of the UK mass mind, and UK politicians" Murdoch...the BBC mop-up the rest.
"Bronfman Dynasty - The Rothschilds of the New World" (book). Peter C. Newman (Oct 21, 1978).
Crypto-Zionist Murdoch is heavily involved with Zionist/Mossad/Hollywood's Arnon '9/11' Milchan (Regency Pictures etc).

"Bronfman control of liquor flow into Prohibition USA (likely supplying half of all US liquor) gave them literally life-and-death control over American crime. Refusing to play ball with the Bronfman gang usually spelled death. For the British, Prohibition was a roaring success. What had begun as a three-way contract between Britain (the supplier), Bronfman (the cut-out), and Rothstein (the distributor) had become within the space of a decade a nationally organised crime syndicate -- a private, secret army under British banking and political control."
Dope Inc. (EIR)

Bronfman's Seagram at its height in the 1990's was a diversified multinational that was the largest owner of alcoholic beverage lines in the world. We just mentioned their large share of the music/entertainment industry from the mid-90's.

Bronfman & McCain
"And now we come to the subject of John McCain (Rep)" (thanks to a reddit poster).
  The Bronfman family was the king behind the throne of the organised crime empire in Arizona – a crime empire that spawned the political career of John McCain. A man named Jim Hensley was well known in mob circles as a gangster in Arizona and was exposed in the seventies – by a man who was then killed in a car bombing in 1976. Hensley’s daughter married John McCain and the Hensley family was a key sponsor of McCain’s political career. Like the Bronfmans, Hensley was also involved with alcohol – as owner of the biggest beer distributor in Arizona. But what the media never mention is that the Hensley gangster fortune that backs McCain is, in fact, a branch of the same bootlegging and racketeering fortune of the (Zionist) Bronfman dynasty of Canada. Next time you see Basit Igtet and John McCain – an agent of ‘Israel’ – shaking hands as they plot for the new Libya, you can remember this important connection…No wonder they are such pals!"

Garrison's chief suspect in the Kennedy murder. Col. Clay Shaw was Director of the International Trade Mart in New Orleans (and had been since 1947) - a subsidiary of (Bronfman linked) Permindex. Shaw, likely acting as a Bronfman front man would be central to the actual assassination plan. Int. Trade Mart was described by a former Shaw associate (that being, Novel) as a front for Mafia drug-running and organized crime activity centered in the Caribbean. JFK was to join the luncheon (held in his honour) at this same Int. Trade Mart, had his motorcade made it there that fateful day.
(Agency linked) Shaw was the financial backer and controller of Lee Harvey Oswald during his during his lengthy stays in New Orleans, Garrison had established, and the District Attorney also had evidence that Shaw had been the safe-house channel out of the country (into Italy) for several unidentified persons believed to have been the real "trigger" in the Kennedy assassination.

Future proves past. 
A common link between both JFK (assassination) and Trump (attempts) - could be the Murder Inc. (Zionist) Bronfmans!
NXIVM Bronfmans (Clare/Sara), and linked to NXIVM Mack and Raniere. Clintons linked to Edgar Snr.
Edgar Bronfman Snr died in very late 2013, Dec 21st.
(Left) Clay Shaw. (Right) Tommy Lee Jones who played Shaw in JFK (1991).
Garrison very likely had the right man, and all along - Clay "untouchable, C I Agency, and Bronfman linked" Shaw.
George H W "CIA/Nazi/Poppy" Bush (aka Scherff Jnr) was believed to have been in Dallas when JFK was shot.
Some allege that son George "9/11" W. was there too. World Trade Centre/Permindex linked, and Bronfman family attorney, Louis Bloomfield, is alleged to have had correspondence with  prominent politicians, including (former) US President George H W Bush. Some correspondences were donated to the Library and Archives Canada (with time caveats attached) prior to his death (1984).
It's believed that these papers might contain information relating to the assassination.

Have a look at this. It's FBI linked!
Permindex director, Bronfman right-hand man, and family attorney Bloomfield, was first and foremost an agent of the most secretive branch of Her Majesty's Intelligence service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). The SOE was an expansion of MI Section D, (D for Destruction)), and was supposed to be the most secretive branch, it was.instigated by Churchill. Bloomfield was recruited to the SOE by its director, Sir William Stephenson, in 1938. Stephenson, appointed Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and "agent handler" for the newly created counterespionage and espionage branch of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five.

Like some kind of UK Intel stealth army at the FBI. We also know the Bronfman's were made by UK aristocrats etc.
And that Bill Clinton was a Rhodes/Rothschild scholar out of Isis Oxford. The Clintons also being close to the Bronfmans.
Bronfman linked Bloomfield was also connected to the OSS and elements of the CIA. As was his likely underling and Director of (Bloomfield/Bronfman) Int. Trade Mart in Dallas, Col. Clay Shaw.

Agents of Bloomfield's (FBI) Division Five, in turn, have been among the points of the New Orleans grand jury investigation into the Kennedy assassination. Guy Bannister, the head of the southeast regional office of Division Five (located in New Orleans) at the time of the Kennedy murder, died under mysterious circumstances shortly after the events in Dallas. Bannister had his office on 544 Camp Street, which shared the same building as his other office, but which was around the corner with a different address - 531 Lafayette St. The building was a front for a lot of spook activity. Oswald was linked to the same 544 Camp Street by the Fair Play To Cuba leaflets he was handing out.

We mentioned Bronfman familial links to Universal/MCA earlier...and to Murdoch's Fox.
"In 1935, the mob’s illegal drug dealer Joseph Schenck went on to found 20th Century, Inc. which later merged with Fox in ‘38 to form Twentieth Century-Fox (now a part of Murdoch's media empire), whose board of directors would include two Illuminati kingpins William Randolph Hearst and Malcolm MacIntyre. Joseph Schenck’s brother Nicholas Schenck and Marcus Loew merged Metro Pictures and Goldwyn Pictures and named Louis B. Mayer as its head. Meanwhile over the years, MCA (Universal), headed up by Illuminati Kingpin Lew Wasserman gained a monopoly over the American film industry with the secret backroom deals that they made with Ronald Reagan’s Screen Actor’s Guild and Petrillo’s American Fed, of Musicians. (Btw, Lew Wasserman would try to revive Reagan’s acting career in the early ‘60’s. Frank 'Manchurian Candidate' Sinatra and Walt Disney were both friends of Ronald Reagan, and all three believed in mind-control.) In 1944, Illuminati Kingpin William Randolph Hearst funded the Motion Picture Alliance, and Walt Disney became a co-founder and its first Vice-President."

"Follow the stars - it's everywhere." Q

Get your head around this...sorry about the content. :)
It's Orson Welles that made Citizen "Rosebud" Kane - which was really about William Randolph Hearst.
The "rosebud" actually being a euphemism for the sphincter (asshole), originally actress Marion Davies' - who Hearst produced for. Hence erecting a pleasure-dome in Xanadu, uttering "rosebud" via a hairy (mouth) hole, and via busting/popping a snow-shaker. It's all sexual euphemism, primarily sodomy related. As is the burning rosebud (sled) at the film's close (look-up the rosebud term if you don't believe). Hearst would've been subjected to sodomy himself, and that is what the film (subliminally) implies. Yes, sounds fucked-up and nasty, but this is how this stuff is sometimes embedded.
Are we back to The Story of O? All those film study groups about the "genius" of Citizen Kane, when in reality it was all barely-veiled references to elite and industry sodomy programming! Oh look, it's Steven 'rosebud' Spielberg - the USA's 'number 1' mass mind control programmer. Sit on that rosebud and slip and slide. Recall that Hearst's granddaughter Patty, was tied-up with the SLA (cult), and linked to Gloria "butterfly/monarch handler" Allred. It was this very case that led to Allred's rise.

I told you that there was no demarcation between Zionist Hollywood and the Zionist pornography industry!

The spectre of Hollywood is never far from politics, it's because they're two sides of the same coin.
Even when (complicit) L B Johnson got sworn in on Air Force One, Jack Valenti can be seen in that infamous shot. They were very, very close (since 1956), and Valenti worked on Kennedy/Johnson campaigning. The same Jack Valenti, who would soon go on to become the public face of Hollywood for four decades. At the behest of  (Illuminati) MCA/Universal's Lew Wasserman (who we just mentioned), Valenti became the President of the MPAA (1966-2004), and is best known for creating the film rating system. Valenti helped write the words Johnson uttered when he addressed the American people for the first time as president. Some believe that Valenti was primarily a homosexual and in a long-term relationship with Kirk 'Spartacus/Kubrick' Douglas. Valenti was also a close friend of Zionist mass programmer, Steven 'rosebud' Spielberg.

What about JFK's brother, RFK?
This from the recent past, 2011 (link). Court papers filed by Sirhan's attorneys say the state:
 "refuses to acknowledge that hypno programming/mind control is not fiction but reality and has been used for years by the U.S. military, Central Intelligence Agency and other covert organizations."

The weirdest thing of all (for myself) is that it was "The Manchurian Candidate" film director John Frankenheimer that drove RFK (in his Rolls) to the Ambassador Hotel, on that fateful evening! I know that RFK also befriended him during the making of that very film. The Sinatra linked The Manchurian Candidate film (1962) was about hypnotic military mind control and political assassins. It featured Janet Leigh (LEE), Lawrence Harvey (HARVEY), and with Angela Lansbury as the (incest linked) mother. It's difficult not to see the film as a virtual script for the JFK hit. Lansbury's children were wrapped-up in the Manson cult. See how crazy this all is! Lansbury's Grandfather was a former leader of the (UK) Labour Party. Showbiz and politics - two sides of the same coin.

Illuminati/Mathematics. Illuminati. Illuminati...from Sirhan's notes (upper top right).

Triune & Saffire/Sapphire OTO terminology...and the 'sex-magick' hexagram
There is a decent page here discussing some aspects of the 'sex magick' rituals.

That said, I would say that Sirhan Sirhan wasn't the actual shooter, and he was likely patsied into position.
It would've been someone close to RFK, his security team member more likely did the shooting, and with Sirhan as the waiting fall guy. It's kind of been done this way since Caesar. It's usually always someone who is close to the victim. I would say the same about Chapman too (Lennon's assassin). We also know that Chapman had a brush with underground filmmaker Kenneth 'OTO' Anger in the months leading to Lennon's murder. Anyway, I'd argue that it was possibly Dakota witch and handler, Yoko 'Japanese aristocracy' Ono that carried-out the deed.


Latest drops...

Timetables Shift(ed). Boom Week Ahead...Q Apr 28th

Iran is next...
Apr 23rd/24th: "Iran is next [Marker]. Order is important - SA, NK, Armenia....Iran. IRON EAGLE.
"Any other rogue nuclear states?" Syria, Israel...?

24th April. "Red carpet event tonight? State dinner.
What will the texts reveal? MOAB or precursor?" Q.

Emmy's event and  "red carpet" (same term as before, but different context) is the cue for the next phase...that being Iran.
Red carpet was previously linked with MOAB. The Emmy's fixed date has now been used...this indicates we're good to go:

BOOM week ahead via Iron Eagle and MOAB - Connect. "No Coincidences". Apr 29th.
R = 18th letter. "R" has also been used in respect of Obama (Renegade).
A MOAB = OBAM-A (anagram)

Q Apr 27th. NK sorted. Reference to MOAB. Timetable shifted. [Next Week].
And here we are...week commencing Mon Apr 30th.

Apr 30. "What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria? What if the program never ceased?
What other bad actors are possibly involved? (EU/US deep state, my emphasis). Did the U.S. know?" (Yes) Q.

Iran, like formerly deep state/clown controlled NK (now freed), needs its strings cut!
Iran - another deep state/cabal "nuclear bogeyman" role player. Planned to be used (by cabal) against the US, WW3 etc.
Hence the recent Q drop references to The Sum of All (nuclear) Fears. Russia were likely to be the set-up fall guys.
A secret/covert nuclear facility linked to Syria/Iran, Obama, (EU) etc?
Mid April, was the real US Syrian missile strike on the actual (Iranian/deep state-linked) covert nuclear facility in N. Syria, 
but carried-out under, and via the cover of Assad's so-called chemical weapon attack? Bad actors (wink, wink). It's possible.
Where did the money come from to develop this facility, who supplied the U1? Can you say Obama's (deep state) Iran deal?
This would mean that Trump, Russia, and Israel are (covertly) working together against Iran. Wow, so much spoofing!
Russia couldn't do the strike themselves, and for obvious reasons. Iran are not fighting ISIS in Syria.

(Note, I am having to suspend my own disbelief here re: pro-Saudi Trump, and Iran. 
Saudi Arabia is far more dangerous than Iran. You can bank that).

This U1 Iran fix involved the EU (+ US deep state) which is why Macron/Merkel have tried to keep the US in the deal.
Iran was subjected to a CIA (and UK SIS) takeover in the 50's - see Mosaddegh, Operation Ajax.
This isn't the OLD U.S. deep state regime change/national takeover doctrine that Trump is potentially running -
that should be clear to you by now, see NK.

On another note...
Obama - a British Intel Agent?
Well, that's what legendary researcher and court reformer Sherman Skolnick claimed, and as far back as 2004!
I KNOW THIS TO BE TRUE. In respect of what (Chicago-linked) Skolnick was saying back then.
I was one of those people who used to read Skolnick (and linked Cloak and Dagger) all those years ago and at that time.
Obama and Edgar Bronfman Snr
I even recall during Obama's rise, being SO DISAPPOINTED that Skolnick was gone. He was a big influence on myself.
Many times I thought those thoughts as Obama's meteoric rise unfolded in front of me. I longed for Skolnick's views!
I even bought Skolnick's "Ahead of the Parade" book. His book on aircraft sabotage (impossible to get hold of) is the stuff of legend.
Make of it what you will, but I recall these articles as if they were yesterday. RIP Sherman. Gone, but never forgotten.

Oh look, whoops...Loretta 'Obama Birth Certificate Approver' Fuddy...

This plane crash was caught on go-Pro video by one of the surviving passengers.
Go and seek-out this video. You might just observe a hit on Fuddy, and via frogman/diver. Wink, wink.


I'm a bit too busy to be updating on this Q phenomena, so please understand.
I can recommend "Praying Medic" on Youtube for further decodes. He's the best I've seen so far.
Best wishes.


I noticed this when looking at some former Q posts...
I wrote about all the above back in Jan 2017 - with all the CIA stuff too (Bluebird/MKULTRA etc).
The Florida Airport shooter Mr "hearing voices" Santiago...which reminds us of Trump-linked Sandford (Vegas).

Scott "13 Democrat of the Year Awards" Israel. I mentioned this all again when the recent school shooting went down.

Eminem - MKULTRA - Paedo Island - Occult Lineage?


Ported over for a separate post...
Should be read in conjunction with Q-Anon Trust The Plan

Britney, Timberlake, Gomez, Jackson, Barrymore, Feldman, Grande, Caulkin, the Fannings...etc. MK-Ultra/Monarch brainwashed?

Masonic "M" Hand Sign aka Triad Claw...Tupac. All (Masonic) Eyez On Me. Note fingers/eye.
Promoting gangsta thuggery as a lifestyle choice - what a f**king joke. A Zionist, sell-out, neo-Uncle Tom.
Just more degenerative cultural sewage aka "gangsta porn" posing as phoney progressive black empowerment.
Tupac died on a Masonic resonating Friday 13th date. Stayed at the Vegas Luxor (pyramid) at the time he was shot.
Rumours persist that not succumbing to an ass fucking from Quincy Jones (he dated his daughter) led to his demotion.
None of these artists at the time had any real power, they're simply industry owned toys of the corporate label powers.
Nothing can be effectively distributed unless you're on-board the corporate label train - they own all the channels.
As long as they go along with the elite's mass masonic occultization program and seed mass degeneracy - it's all good.

Oh look, Biggie '666' Smalls...who the f**k makes these degenerates famous and follows them?
"Yo, we got beef wid Pac." How f**king sad is all this? Acting and talking like retarded fools. Sell-out your race.
Linked to (homo/sodomite) Poof Daddy...crappers, not rappers. And you thought they were gangsta hard men? Lol.
Get Himto theGreek (sodomy) via the Lakers and hoop dunking..with Russell 'masonic'Brand.
Get Him Greek via the Ass. Baphomet horns, buggery from behind, and up Jonah's 'Hill'.

Talking of Brand-ing...
NXIVM Cult Bronfmans

Yes, pop-pickers, Tupac and Suge Knight's 'Death Row Records' was under Bronfman's (Seagram) Universal Music Group (via Interscope) at this particular time. Bronfman gangsters to hip-hop gangsters, and programming the sheep year after year. 
By the close of the decade (90's), Interscope sales accounted for nearly one-third of Bronfman Seagram's 27% share of the U.S. music market. Records by Eminem, Dre, Eve, Nine Inch Nails, Enrique Iglesias, Limp Bizkit, Blackstreet, Smash Mouth and others generated an estimated $40 million in profit during the final six months of 1999.

Poof Diddy and Ray/Rachel Chandler...allegedly at 14 years old.

The Bronfman family were educated at McGill University in Canada which has long been connected to the MK-Ultra experimentation.
Dr. Ewen Cameron was involved in mind control experiments there on witting and unwitting human subjects.
The former (Bronfman) Seagram HQ in Montreal now belongs to McGill University, under the name Martlet House.

"Follow the stars, It's everywhere." Q

Eminem (M&M) is the best-selling artist of the 2000's in the United States. He's also a big fan of 'Masonic' Tupac.

It's Eminem and (Zionist Bronfman) linked masonic Clinton...
Our names are, our names are, our names are...Shady and Clinton.
Bill has been to Epstein's island over 20 times, it's alleged that Hillary has been there at least 6 times.
Why is Eminem so vocal against POTUS? 
 "Those who are loudest..."
Well, according to the claims he's pictured with one of Epstein's (likely underage) girls - Rachel/Ray Chandler.

"Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her. There were/are a lot of kids from prominent Hollywood/media families in attendance there. Jordan McGraw, Dr. Phil's son, was also Class of '05. Jimmy 'Interscope/Death Row' Iovine's son was Class of '06. Jimmy is the founder of Interscope Records, he brought Eminem and 50 Cent to prominence and is the brains behind the Beats headphones empire that Dr. Dre is the public face of."
(More at this link, some great connecting from someone who was familiar with her.)

Prior to the Apple acquisition of Beats in 2014, Iovine became chairman of Interscope-Geffen-A&M, an umbrella unit merged together by the Universal Music Group in 1999 (that's Bronfman!). Iovine was the one who signed Tupac to Interscope. He also co-produced Eminem's 8-Mile, and had Gaga on his label too. Iovine has Jewish ancestry and he's certainly a Zionist.

Re: Trump: “We better give Obama props, because what we got in [office] now is a kamikaze that will probably cause a nuclear holocaust. Any fan of mine who’s a supporter of his, I’m drawing in the sand a line: You’re either for or against. And if you can’t decide who you like more and you split on who you should stand beside, I’ll do it for you with this: Fuck you,” he said, middle finger raised. “The rest of America, stand up: We love our military and we love our country, but we fucking hate Trump.” Eminem (11 Oct. 2017).

I wonder if Elton 'Brown Dirt Cowboy' John is a link regarding an Eminem friend? 
Eminem sent Elton a diamond encrusted cock-ring when he married Furnish. Elton (handler?) got him off drugs too.
Virgin/Isis Island
The Tubular '666' Bells - via (demonic) The 'mkultra' Exorcist - Virgin's 1st release and avenue to the big-time.
Bel, a term used to denote the devil. Tubular'666' Bells or Bellends? Bell ringing = CAMPanology.
Don't forget nearby Branson Virgin Island (Necker) and the NXIVM Cult links via Mack and the Bronfmans.
Allison "ISIS Foundation/NXIVM" Mack, Virgin Branson, and Sara 'NXIVM' Bronfman.
Isis (goddess) was also considered to be the Universal Virgin. Is there an Isis Cult (Golden Dawn) link to NXIVM?
XIV - in terms of the Golden Dawn philosophies is linked to tablets and talismans. NXIVM, Albany, NY.
Tablet - a flat slab of stone, clay, or wood, used especially for an inscription. Golden Dawn was co-founded by SLM Mathers.

Eminem (Marshall Mathers) and Ray 'Epstein' Chandler....note, she's likely a victim and (procuring) perp.
Chandler even makes mention of Interscope.

Handler/Chandler is a goddamn CHILD TRAFFICKER. Supplying children for abuse! Go see this link. It's CLEAR.
Luckily someone got shots from her Instagram - it is now DELETED. Wink, wink. The kids look drugged!
SICK FUCKING WHORE. She uses he fashion casting couch as a 'front' to obtain these children for sick abuse.

Alice & Wonderland (as well as Lewis Carroll) is quoted numerous times by Q in his drops.

This is where it gets all MK-ULTRA
Recall that mess with 8 Mile co-star Brittany Murphy, and Montjack (deceased)? The father thinks the mother poisoned her.
Murphy: "I feel more like Alice in Wonderland, having been dropped into an unknown world" - Spin, 2002, with Eminem cover.
He was heavily linked to Warren, MI. too (see link, notable people). Rabbits live in warrens.

We already did Def/Death "666" Jam...via Zionist and kabbalist/occultist Rubin.
666 Baphomet Poster Boy - Role/Roll Model. Mr Devil's (K)Night/ Gotta get those "wiggers" on the program...
Triple-split MK-ULTRA mind control victim? Marshall Mathers, Slim Shady, and Eminem.
He wasn't likely "Cleaning Out His Closet", but coming-out of the closet. A sodomite/homosexual? 
Is that why he was also known as "Rabbit". A "white rabbit" dirt holer?

Crowley's Ars Goetica co-author, S. Liddell Mathers, was related to Alice Liddell, aka Alice in  (white rabbit) Wonderland.
Mathers was also one of the co-founders of the Hermetic (Isis) Order of the Golden Dawn. Follow the white rabbit.
Alice-ster (Aleister) in Sodomy Wonderland. The 'Alice' term (slang) is already linked to homosexuality.
Mathers and Crowley were originally friends, but had a falling-out. Mathers' wife was the very first initiate of Golden Dawn.
Mathers was a polyglot. Not so much multi-faceted rhyming skills like Marshall, but multi-lingual. Mathers' translations of The Book of Abramelin (14thC.), The Kabbalah Unveiled (1684), Key of Solomon (anon. 14thC.), The Lesser Key of Solomon (anon. 17thC.), and the Grimoire of Armadel (17thC.), were responsible for making obscure and inaccessible material widely available to the non-academic English speaking world. They have had considerable influence on  the development of occult and esoteric thought since publication, as has his consolidation of the Enochian magical system of John Dee and Edward Kelley. (That is high-end serious stuff!)
'Shady' SL(i)M Mathers. I see some sort of potential familial resemblance in these two shots. Excerpt 'Satanism Today' by J.R Lewis. 
Mathers x2, Alice (and Liddell x2), and White Bunny Rabbits...
Liddell Mathers co-founds (Isis Cult) Golden Dawn. The related Alice Liddell, was the model for Alice. Alice's father Henry Liddell, was Dean of Christ Church (Oxford) and former Vice-Chancellor of Oxford. Henry Liddell was friends with John Ruskin (mentioned in the earlier Isis Cult text) a protege of Oxford linked Isis Cult godfather Bulwer-Lytton (who went to Cambridge, Trinity). Dodgson (aka Carroll) attended (Isis) Oxford, and knew Henry. Oxford Isis Cult/Hollywood Huxley was an Alice in Wonderland fiend. Phew!

The following, very unpleasant, but Carroll is somewhat of a paedophile avatar. See how this might be cryptically encoded.
Follow the (phallic) white rabbit - tumbledown the dirt hole - and wave goodbye to your pussy, Alice. (sodomy)
(I've written similar about A.A. Milne's Winnie the Poo-h, Fleming's The Wizard of Oz, & Dahl's Chocolate Factory.)
Nailing the ass (donkey) with tail via Poo(h). 'Penis' is derived from the Latin word for 'tail'.
Anyway, Liddell 'Isis Golden Dawn' Mathers, linked to Sodom Crowley, and related to Alice 'paedo Carroll' Liddell?
Marshall 'Eminem/Slim Shady' Mathers, linked to the name and the "white bunny rabbit". WTF?
If there is one thing I've said on this blog, it's how creepy Disney are. I noted this even as a child (1970's).
Bunnies are technically female (although it is widely used to describe any rabbit), so why call Eminem "bunny rabbit"? 
Why call Warner Bros.'male Bugs, a bunny? Archetypal gender bending? Don't forget Roger (as in to fuck) Rabbit.
I'm reminded of Warner Bros. and The Matrix's "white rabbit" and the transsexual Wachowski brothers, or is it sisters?
Neo touches the Alice mirror (in The Matrix) which leads to his disassociation phase.
White Rabbit via Alice - also see Jefferson 'MK-Ultra/LSD' Airplane. It's ALL coincidence, right? (sarcasm).
Oh look, it's Larry 'Gay Color Purple/Death Wish 2 sodomy rapist' Fishburne, as (sodomite) Morpheus/Baphomet.
The Apocalypse Now - ring cycler via choppers/Doors, Lancing Bottoms, helmet sitting, and Playboy choppers.
In other work I mentioned all this in respect of Marlon 'sodomite' Brand-O, the Tango sodomy/orange Godfather.
So, you still think the elite sodomite (gay) Illuminati mafia via satanic Hollywood is a figment of my imagination?
Still think there's no link between sodomy and satanism? Hmmm? Oh dear, what have you done you clueless sheep!?
All I've seen over the last 20-30 years is sheep empowering the very things (Hollywood etc) that are actually destroying them!

Captain Fant-ass-stick and the Brown Dirt (ass riding) Cowboy - Elton 'sodomite/paedo' John.
Came through via military industrial complex EMI (like paedo/sodomite Jew, Cowell) along with Eric 'Jew poof Queen' Hall.
Oz, Friend of Dorothy. I've seen Elton John linked to the Fiona Barnett ring of paedophiles through Australia (Oz).
2001. Elton as Mr Blobby - the BBC character that liked Blobbing via Crinkly Bottom, and with Noel 'tranny' Edmonds.
Elton "All the Young Girls Love Alice/Oz Yellow Brick Road (friends of Dorothy)" John.
"Back to the howling old owl in the woods. Hunting the horny back toad (sexual euphemism).
Oh I've finally decided my future lies. Beyond the yellow brick road."

White Rabbit (Eminem)
MTV aka an 'Empty V' (gay programming).
The orange queer - and eye/moon (ass) stabber with milk - via a 'ring punching' reference (Great White Hope).
Orange Queers via Stanley 'sodomite/white rabbit/baphomet' Kubrick. MOLOK(o) Vellocet.
Moloch/Molokh etc...the Canaanite deity linked to Cronus (Saturn/Satan) and sacrificing/devouring children.
He's just some sick elite-primed retard (see cover). Next. It's MK-Ultra linked 'A Clockwork (666 Queer) Orange'.
Rainbow Queers and Homosexuals - Orange Fruits. Brown-eye stabbers with milk and bowler (bowel-er) hats.
The 'orange queer' idea is also relevant to programming like Orange is the New Black, and Oranges are Not the Only Fruit.
Cleanin' Comin' Out My Closet...
Are Purple Pills (purple/lavender/rainbow gay boys) and Shit On You - genre sodomite/scat classics?
Mathers linked Aleister '666' Crowley was known for his coprophagy and shit play.

Recall that Bill Clinton was on a Rhodes scholarship at Isis Oxford. Scholarship is under the aegis of the Rothschilds.
This potentially makes him an agent/asset of Rothschild, and their Zionist-centric empirical power structure. The Clintons have similar form with the Zionist Bronfmans. Island Epstein is another who is obviously Jewish. It's freemasonry that is wholly Jewish.

You'll have to read the larger post body to see the links between sodomy and Satanism.
Wonderland Club (Operation Cathedral) - added so you can see how the concept is sometimes utilised.

In 1945, shortly after the war ended, Disney once again revived Alice in Wonderland and assigned British author Aldous (Isis Cult Golden Dawn) Huxley to re-write the script (we mentioned some of this earlier). However, Walt felt that Huxley's version was too much of a literal adaptation of Carroll's book. The film was ultimately released in 1951. Purple Alice.
Carrol's (sic)? Maybe it's not a mistake at all. Could this be a giveaway that it was largely modelled on Huxley's treatment?
Masonic Disney's displeasure with his adaption perhaps being only intended for public consumption? 
Huxley and LSD, Alice and drugging. Lock/key/door (sexual symbolism) via the masonic tessellated floor. Worth considering. 
Alice series also relates to (potentially resonant) Humpty Dumpty (Hump Dump). I had to mention the potential wordplay.

I sense an almost palpable desperation in this Q drop...in respect of "dumps" - and Alice/Wonderland.
Text connects to Clinton linked paedo Podesta and BO (Obama).

Bill (homo Cruise) and the sodomite/gay abuse via Yale frat boys - the (ass) tapper and boner club (see Bush/Kerry).
Just prior to this scene (above) Cruise walks past a 'rose resonant' flower shop called 'Nipped in the (Rose)Bud'.
I could cycle this back to Kubrick's (Rothschild) 'Eyes Wide Shut' and (mkultra) Kidman/Alice...
She played (looking glass) "We're late/I'm late" Alice, in Stanley 'Lolita' Kubrick's film. (Warner Bros.)
The film opens with Alice on the toilet (dump/dirt hole). Kidman was also the lead in Rabbit Hole (film). 
In Eyes Wide Shut, I think it is heavily implied that Alice (Kidman) is a programmed, elite sex slave (see other posts).
Stepford Wife Kidman's father (Antony) was accused of being a paedophile programmer (see Fiona Barnett).
Eyes Wide Shut even featured a "Lolita" at the Rainbow Fashions store. One who was active.
It's NXIVM Raniere and the Bronfmans that link to Rainbow CULT-ural Garden.

Follow the 'Playgirl' White Rabbit...via Stanley "Lolita paedo-chic/Eyes Wide Shut", Kubrick. "What's up, Doc?"
Nazi-linked Jew, Kubrick's - The 'Monarch' Shining - incest and paedophilia. Based on King's story (a monarch).
Jack 'incest/Polanski' Nicholson. Chasing with his chopper: "I'm cumming Dan...I'm right behind you."
You have to start looking at this stuff in a symbolic and archetypal kind of programming way. 
The actual narrative is the front for for sheep to graze on, and obliviously.
Oh look, Jack posed as sodomy resonant '666' Baphomet/Pan at the close of satanist Kubrick's The 'monarch twins' Shining.
Kubrick who died 666 days before 2001, the year he made famous. The rendering of Baphomet is by Eliphas Levi (Levy).
Rainbow Rabbit Holers. Kubrick's Barry Lyndon, who was played by degenerate and child abusing Ryan O'Neal.
"Over the Rainbow" and "Alice in Wonderland" - cues for programming disassociation via sodomy.

This post from the "anons" was highlighted by Q last November, Playboy/Playgirl Hefner.

White Rabbit Eminem was one of Bronfman UMG's biggest successes in the late 90's, as we noted.
The Bronfmans were ultimately made by the Zionist-centric UK elite.
Bronfman owned MGM from 1966-69, the company that made UK-based Kubrick/Clarke's 2001, the film with faggy robots.
Kubrick's connection to (Bronfman linked) Warner 'Bugs Bunny' Bros. is well known.
The Bronfman 'Seagram Co. Ltd' owned Universal Studios - getting on-board in the mid 90's, until the Vivendi buy-out.
This was under Edgar Bronfman Jnr, who was also CEO of Warner Music Group (2004-2011).

Home Alone (1990) was originally a Warner Bros. production until Fox took over.

Is this what happens if you leave a child 'Home Alone' for too long? You thought Eminem was bad, check this!
Just caught this. Macaulay 'Home Alone' Culkin, (sodomy) Baphomet/Pan and the (sodomy) Bunny.
You might recall that Catherine O'Hara played Culkin's mother in the Home Alone series.
Catherine 'Schitt's Creek' O'Hara - the Jew Levy (Baphomet/Levi) series about the ass/shit channel and with an incest link.
Literally up shit creek - the asshole. This is how these sick deviants encode all this degeneracy posing as entertainment!
Allison 'NXIVM' Mack is linked to Eugene 'Schitt's Creek/666 Crowley' Levy via Hiller and Diller (late 90's).
Culkin, channelling Baphomet Levi and Crowley via Enochian Keys. The carrot (penis) is the glittering sword.
O'Hara linked Schitt's Creek Levy (Levi), played Crowley in Peter 'Lucifer' Hyams' film Stay '666 TV channels' Tuned.
Hyams, Mr Lucifer "2010" (sequel to Kubrick's 2001) is an Enochian Jew! All these connected overlaps - it cannot be by random chance. It's programming and mass mockery! They think they're superior, too clever for this to be deconstructed, but they're wrong. Satanic Hollywood/TV etc have imo (clearly) constructed a giant satanic/sodomite affirming matrix in which the sheep are enveloped.
It's ALL satanic - from top to bottom, and likely was from inception.

Recall this from earlier via (Golden Dawn) polyglot and 'Alice in Wonderland' linked Mathers:
"They have had considerable influence on  the development of occult and esoteric thought since publication, as has his consolidation of the Enochian magical system of John Dee and Edward Kelley."
(As utilised by Baphomet/sodomite Crowley et al).

This kid DID NOT escape Hollywood abuse - he was likely initiated by it! Looks like we've got another Feldman on our hands.
This IS NOT PARODY. This is sickness and in plain sight. MK-Ultra programmed children.
Baphomet already represents sexual transience (man/woman) by having breasts - an androgynous character.

Legion, demonic multiples - see 'Exorcist 3' by 'psychological warfare/mk-ultra' Blatty, and miracle of the Gadarene swine (Bible).

Recall, that Culkin was involved with Michael 'Pan' Jackson. Home Alone 2 is a huge 9/11 resonator too!
Culkin's father is the brother of actress Bonnie 'Die 9/11 Hard' Bedelia/Culkin. Wow, what a small world.
Home Alone series was directed by Columbus, who's also 9/11 linked via Gremlins, and Harry Potter.
He wrote Donner/Spielberg's 'The Goonies' - One-eyed Willie (penis) and booty seeking boys, with a penis-shaped bone key.
John 'Pretty Pink' Hughes got a major start via (gender-bending) Mr Mom, linked to (Zionist sodomy programmers) Schuler/Donner.
Schuler and satanist/sodomite Dick '666' Donner are heavily involved in (paedophile) Singer's sodomite output.
They are programming in REAL-TIME under our very noses, and it's clearly ongoing. Even Batman (89) had a 9/11 cipher.
Monarch Theatre via Mr 'Battyman' Mom aka Keaton (and Got Hams) and purple programming.
"You sexy (incest) motherfucka." Warner 'sodomite' Bros. Tim 'sodomite/Alice/Chocolate Fuctory' Burton.
 With Shining/Baphomet/Monarch 'incest' Jack, aka the purple Joker, and music by purple Monarch 'incest' rainbow Prince.

Culkin's band 'The Pizza Undeground' - comes across as a sick in-joke. I'm really struggling to see this as a cry for help.
Warhol (see right) The Velvet Underground (like burrows) and the original (phallic) Banana Benders (sodomites).
Clearly nothing to be concerned about. WTF? "BunnyEars.com - What's your sleep number."
Fluids co-mingling with terra firma (aka dirt/soil) via pricks and bunnies - can you also spot another potential allusion?

In the following link/expose Culkin is clearly LYING. He isn't revealing for positive purposes, another Feldman.

It just gets worse! The (sodomy) Bunny and Pizza (pizza-gate). You can see the demonic face (top right) under the crust.
"Does that bunny look like a slice of pizza to you?" Extra Cheese. (These people are sick, creepy as F**K).
Pepperoni for the phallic symbolism, the slice for the yonic (female) symbolism.
Baphomet/Bunny transience. Check-out the (effeminate/poof/gender bending) videos that Culkin is making. (Link)

Dodge-Ball(s) - Hollywood Sodomy/Paedo Programming - Jew Stiller aka lavender boy Gaylord Focker (Fucker).
The following is an interesting linked scene - pepperoni (phallic sausage) pizza and Ben 'Poo-lander' Stiller's penis.
Dodgeball (above). Look where Stiller places the slice. The pizza triangle is also a yonic symbol.
He featured in (Jew) Limp 'Chocolate Starfish (asshole) and the Hot Dog (penis) Flavored Water' Bizkit's "Rollin" video.
"Go Balls Deep into the Brown (Jamaican) Starfish (Asshole)"
Limp 'sodomite' Bizkit release was via Jimmy 'Interscope' Iovine. The '8 Mile Rabbit' Eminem, Tupac, 50 Cent, etc. man.
You just never know?

Cheese toppings and Alefantis' Come-t. (stars/moon a la Baphomet).

Phallic sausage/pepperoni. Even the term "pizza-gate" is potentially sexually suggestive in the 'entrance' sense.
People that "Libtard SJWs" worship, the (paedo) Clintons! No wonder SJW's also support (satanic paedo) Hollywood and sodomites!

Pizzagate - Podestas/Clinton. Bill Clinton is all over (paedo) Epstein's Lolita Express flight lists, as is Hillary.
It's thought that Alefantis might be linked to the (satanic) Rothschild bloodline.
A few years back I noted that a Rothschild worked on Damien Omen II, and The Truman Show.
Dahmer/Podesta/Ancient of Ancients (satanic mystery religion).
The Exorcist 3 - monarch/mkultra linked Hollywood mind control via USAF psychological warfare policy chief, Blatty.
The Ancients image (above) was seen in the film itself, as was Crowley's Liber Oz, and his 7 pointed Babalon star.

Dahmer was part 'state' programmed with Hollywood output - primarily (mk-ultra) Exorcist 3, and Return of the (masonic) Jedi.
The Exorcist 3 was playing when he was arrested, the film seemingly caused him to trance-out and disassociate.
Sodomite Dahmer also had access to the White House, see the claims from when he was a teenager (rent boy circle?).

Talking of the White House and Satanism...
A Rothschild (Richard Luke) worked on the films Omen II, The Truman Show, and Path to 9/11.
Not sure if he's actual bloodline, but he has the Rothschild familial look. I'd put money on it that he is.
O-Men and Thorns. Sodomy, Crow-ley: "Give me the sign of the open-eye (asshole), the token erect of Thorny thigh (penis)."
Forget the BS narrative, appreciate this on an archetypal/subliminal programming level, one being washed over you.
Of course, it was Mayer Amschel Rothschild that funded Weishaupt's Illuminati. Mockingbird media is The Truman Show!
Jim 'Sirius/Illuminati' Carrey, The Truman Show. Truman begins to see that all is not right in his world from Day 10,911.
The film where the masonic (Lucifer) star "Sirius" - falls to earth (a la Lucifer/Satan). Carrey is 9/11 linked in multiple films.
Sirius (dog star) is heavily connected to Isis, Anubis, and Hermes. Dog Anubis (Jackal) is referenced in the Omen series.
Path to 9/11? Well, I'm sure you can work that out for yourself. (Richard Luke Rothschild).
Makes you wonder if Truman being controlled via the moon is a potential Rothschild sodomy (ass) mind control reference!
Masonic Sirius (it hangs in all lodges) is considered by some researchers to be - on an anatomical level - the anus (eye).

Satanism and Sodomy.
Most Dangerous Book in the World: 9/11 as Mass Ritual - S. K. Bain (no copyright infringement intended).

Crowley's '77' Babalon (Babylon) Sodomite Silver Star. The Whore of Babylon was an aspect of Omen II.

Lucifer/Satan is the CEO of Hollywood and TV. When are you sheep going to realise? Never, imo.
Popular culture is absolutely jam-packed with overt satanic entertainment and has been for decades.
This is how the energy of Satan has been magnified/spread across this planet - elite Hollywood, TV, cult of celebrity, and fame.
It may not be your fault that it was set-up this way from inception, but it's your fault if you continue to partake.

Aldous 'Alice in Wonderland' Huxley and Crowley via the Isis Golden Dawn
Dope, Inc (EIR)
Huxley is also believed to have been involved in Tavistock (mind control/behavioural control stuff).

The UK had it's 7/7 Terror Event in 2005, and via Trains, the Underground...and Tavistock Square!

Liddell Mathers' and Crowley linked Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn Isis Cult - NXIVM via Allison 'ISIS Foundation' Mack/Raniere.

Recall back in 2017 the Parsons Green tube bomb, London. Early morning attack and a couple of hours after dawn.

Parsons, Crowley, Hubbard, Lidl (Liddell), Isis, and Satan.

The Isis Babalon Cult - Golden Isis Dawn (co-founded by Liddell Mathers) formed out of Oxford, UK.
OTO Crowley, (rocket/tube man) OTO Parsons, and Hubbard. Scotland Yard's Mark Rowley (Mar KRowley) headed the case.
Crowley via pyrotechnic Parsons (above). Parsons via Hubbard (right). Carpet burns (a sex based in-joke).
 Liddell, Parsons, and (Isis) Mother of Satan. Red-headed woman (below, top left) playing the symbolic 'Scarlet Woman' (Babalon).
Liddell MacGregor 'ISIS' Mathers - LIDL/LIDDELL - ISIS - Alice (in Wonderland) Liddell.
Underground tube tunnelling like the Alice rabbit. And we're back where we started.

The Golden Dawn 'Isis Cult' was formed out of Oxford, where Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton schooled.
Hillary Rodham Clinton in Wonderland...Rodham or Rod Hams? Q specifically referenced this.
The dirt tunnel White Rabbit and the Mad (Mercury/Hermes) BrownHatter.

I covered the Clinton/Bronfman connections in the previous post, and there's plenty of them. Edgar Snr, below.
We've also covered that Bill Clinton was a Rhodes (Rothschild/Rothschild sodomy) Scholar at Oxford.
Remember, it was Hillary Clinton who made that 'conspiracy theory' speech about Pizza-gate, Comet Ping Pong (Alefantis).
"As the World Turns. Marker. Everything has meaning. Everything." Q. "Maggie showed with Hussein." Q (below).
Agnes Nixon was a writer for the TV show 'As The World Turns' - she was known as the 'queen of the modern soap opera'.
Maggie Nixon was her granddaughter, that's Maggie's parents Robert and Sarah. Sarah seen with pizza man, Alefantis.
It's been alleged that the Obama picture below was taken at the Nixon's Beach Plum Inn restaurant  Martha's Vineyard.
Actress and so-called comedian Amy Schumer is linked to that restaurant - her husband is the chef there.
Amy Schumer's popularity has been typically engineered. Schumer's father was born to a Ukrainian Jewish family.
He is a first cousin of U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer. When Schumer's parents divorced she moved with her mother to Long Island!
Robert Nixon is an American film director, writer and conservationist. These are high-end entertainment levels.
It's implied that (cut middle finger) Obama is somehow involved with Maggie (Wendy).
I wonder if there might be a 'Plum Island' link? Which is opposite Martha's Vineyard? Beach Plum Inn?
I wrote heavily about trauma mind control, Montauk, and Plum Island within the last couple of years.

Look at those palm trees (plural) - on the back of it. Q's response to a question about Florida, but learn to read the comms.

Add to the mix John Podesta, former Clinton Chief of Staff, and Hillary's election campaign manager, and not forgetting brother Tony. There's also Marina Abramovic mixed-up with it all. Left-hand path = evil.
The Weiner laptop with "insurance" - the partner of Abedin, and the latter who's been Hillary's closest advisor for 20 years.

Speaking of the "insurance file" (which implies damning footage) - recent Q drop relating to the NYPD.
"Did they view the insurance file?" - "Threats are real." - 187 (people have died).
And on this same day POTUS attends the Officers' Memorial and honours Familia, who's posthumously made a detective.
Was Familia killed because she saw (Clinton linked) Weiner's insurance file?
Good work by whoever put this particular graphic together (above).
That's Q's confirmation.

26th May...
(All credit to TheSharpEdge at Twitter, link)
This was on the back of the recent arrest of Weinstein for rape and sex abuse.
Flynn is no stranger in releasing these sorts of sordid details - ones that connect to D.C. and Hollywood.
The Weiner laptop is believed to contain the "insurance file" - which some are positing is the Hillary/Huma video.
His son has mentioned likewise.

Mack - naming names and in both Hollywood and Govt.
Could NXIVM Mack have named recently arrested Weinstein? Or other big entertainment names and political names.
"Singing" Mack was arrested on 20th April 2018.
"Watch NYC". New York Attorney General, Schneiderman. Resigns 8th May. Alleged abuse of multiple women.
"Who will be next?" Weinstein just got arrested in NYC too. Did (Bronfman/Raniere linked) NXIVM Mack name both?
Schneiderman's possibly been an obstruction in the Weiner laptop case, NXIVM case, and giving a pass to the Clinton Foundation.
With the former New York AG Schneiderman out of the way, this can surely only assist with any future developments.

"Stage being set?"
Laptop insurance file is alleged to feature Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, and Hillary Clinton, (below, pictured with Weinstein.)
Flynn's CODE. The tweet was dropped on the same day as Weinstein's arrest.
Planned Parenthood Gala (pic above) - is this another type of potential reveal in respect of children?
David Geffen (entertainment mogul)? FFF (Found Film Footage)? CF (Clinton Foundation)?
That's what is suggested by the person that put this together. All well worth considering.

Disney - who bought out the Weinstein's Miramax for $80 million, after the success of 'The Crying (Tranny) Game'.
Another big film for Queens (queers) Weinstein was 'Pulp(ed) Ass F(r)iction' - effectively 2+hrs of overt/covert anal sex.

It's Jimmy 'Interscope' Iovine who was Chairman of IGA until 2014. Tupac, Eminem, Gaga, Death Row, Dre Dre etc.
I can tell that they're sodomites (like most male entertainment personnel) - as are most of the hip-hop artists that they front.
What do you suppose folk like Eminem had to do to secure their fame? I'll leave you to work it out.
This was ALL under the Bronfman umbrella (even at Vivendi), primarily Edgar Jnr. Half-sisters are NXIVM Sara, and Clare.
In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the centre of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased
- by Bronfman's Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG).
It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings for a reported $100 million.

UMG merged 14+ record labels incl.: Def Jam, Island Records, and Mercury Records to form Island Def Jam Music Group.

See how they're all ultimately connected. Def  '666' Jam was also under Universal (UMG). Edgar Jr also linked to Warner MG.

Rubin produced Satanic/Nazi Slayer's 'Sept 11 2001' released God Hates Us All. (Jay-Z's Blueprint released same day).
These degenerates have been programming for years. Rubin also produced Slayer's groundbreaking Reign in Blood (1986).
The LP with the opening track about Nazi 'Illuminati' Mengele - who was likely involved in the Monarch program (twinning).
(Mengele) Angel of Death: "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead. Sadistic, surgeon of demise. Sadist of the noblest blood."
Aryan race, Mengele, lived in South America after WW2, the lead singer (Araya) coming from Chile (Araya/Aryan).

 Another take on the Flynn code...just guesses you  understand.
DG= David Glasser (President of Weinstein Co.) FFF= 666 CF=Clinton Foundation.

Leads to...
"Over the Target." A Q related phrase...the Harvey Weinstein sub-link contains the Flynn "dgfffcf" code.
Over the target - a likely reference to Q feeling the enemy's kickback after hitting their target. It's palpable.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Models. Find the loudest voices. Brainwashed. Who was adopted? Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS." Q (10th March).

The Scottsdale, AZ. (West Hollywood linked) plane crash was on 9th April. Mariah Sunshine Coogan.
Coogan had a large social media following, with over 30,000 followers on Instagram.

Sunshine. Her last post was a photo of her and her dog eating brunch at The Montauk, a restaurant in Scottsdale.
Montauk (Long Island) Mind Control. I wrote about this in recent years primarily via Shutter 'Nazi Plum' Island.
It's Dog Star/Sirius - Jim 'Meet/Meat me in Montuak' Carrey, and spotless, eternal mind control via Sunshine.
Montauk Lighthouse Point is seemingly evoked in (butterfly) Carrey's Eternal 'MK-Ultra/Monarch' Sunshine.
Mariah and Carrey via Sunshine? I'm pretty sure Mariah 'butterfly' Carey is a victim of industry mind control, it's obvious.
Your entertainment and its personnel are PRE-SELECTED, even though it's sold on talent/demand - and this is the proof!
They control your entertainment and its personnel - so ultimately they can CONTROL YOU (the 'cult of celebrity' sheep).
Don't forget the (NXIVM) Bronfman links to MK-Ultra McGill University (Canada) and Dr Ewen 'MK-Ultra' Cameron.
Jim 'Sirius/Illuminati' Carrey was born in Ontario, Canada. He was also recently linked to a girl who suicided.
Carrey's major break-out was arguably via The Mask, and with Cameron Diaz. The Prison of Becoming.
Jim 'Monarched' Carrey - multiple splits, monarch butterfly art, and he covers Bullets with (monarch) Butterfly Wings.
Montauk Monarchs - see (mass programmer) Scorsese's "chasing butterflies" Shutter 'Montauk/Plum' Island.
Allison 'Isis/NXIVM' Mack was born in Germany, and moved to Long Beach with her family at 2 years-old.
Long Beach and Nazi mind control was a major aspect of my previous work (see 'Cinema of Sodomy' post, 2016).
She is actually married to a female, Nicki Clyne, and has been since Feb. 2017 (sexual/gender mind control.)
Dr Brand-on has recently been implicated in some type of torture/ultra-violence based programming via NXIVM.

I wonder if there might be a 'Plum Island' link? Which is opposite Martha's Vineyard? Beach Plum Inn?
Also recall that (Hollywood asset) Amy Schumer is also linked to this Plum Inn via her husband who is the chef there.
Chuck Schumer's daughter wed Shapiro, who was an economic-policy adviser for Hillary's presidential campaign.
Schumer/Lawrence are BFF. Harrelson's father was one of the three 'masonic' (Juwes) tramps arrested after JFK's shooting.
You might recall his turn in 'True Detective' that involved ritual cults and satanism, and up to the Senate level.
Schumer/Lawrence's #metoo - an industry FIX. They're desperately trying to salvage their industry, but don't fall for it.

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

So many JEWS, isn't that right folks? If they were Chinese, I'd be saying: "so many Chinese."
Bronfmans, Schumers, Weinsteins, Weiner, Schneiderman, Rothschilds, Kubrick, Spielberg, Geffen, Interscope Iovine, etc.

Montauk, Martha's Vineyard, and Plum Island (Plum Inn Restaurant)...
Hannibal 'butterfly/moth' Lector: "Plum Islandanimal human disease (mind control) research center, sounds charming."
And who owns a (linked) restaurant on Martha's Vineyard that connects to Obama? From earlier in the post:
It's been alleged that the picture (below) was taken at Robert/Sarah Nixon's Beach Plum Inn restaurant  Martha's Vineyard.
Hollywood linked Robert, and Sarah Nixon - parents of  Maggie/Wendy. Right, Sarah with Alefantis aka Pizza-man.

It's implied that (cut middle finger) Obama is/was somehow involved with Maggie (Wendy). Nixon's restaurant.
Tenuous, but I seen potential in the numbering - 6459 & 9456. The first and last numbers (6 & 9) rotated.
'945' is sequentially common to both. East to West Coast, but we've been told to watch NY (East) and AZ/CA (West).
1950 - in and around the MK-Ultra/Monarch/Bluebird windows and Operation Paperclip.
Allan 'JFK/Warren Commission' Dulles was linked to Operation Paperclip.

And who can forget what happened to JFK Jnr and his (very likely) sabotaged plane - via Martha's Vineyard!
It's alleged that a bomb may have been concealed in the tail section, the tail was found to have detached.
"As the World Turns" (Agnes Nixon and JFK, Dallas).

Steven 'Jaws/mass programmer' Spielberg is heavily linked to Montauk and Martha's Vineyard, as was 'Great White Grey' Jaws.
The Montauk Chair via Greys (Sharks/Aliens). The Alien shtick is likely only for mind control purposes.
Spielberg is linked to 'The Butterfly Effect' via (dialogue) Jurassic 'Masonic' Park.
His Jurassic 'Nublar Island' was modelled on Cocos Island (off Costa Rica).

Maggie 'Guadelupe' Nixon - Virgin Mary linked - 'lupe' from lupus (wolf). It's not that far from the Virgin Islands.

Maggie 'Martha's V. Island/Guadelupe' Nixon. Allison 'Bronfman/NXIVM/Isis/Branson/Virgin-linked' Mack.
Is there potentially butterfly (Monarch) type imagery in the shape of this island? Yup.
Its nickname, "The Butterfly Island," comes from the shape of its two main islands, separated by a narrow channel.
Butterfly Branson - who released the (jail ass sodomised punks) Sex Pistols "Bollocks" LP.
He's linked to The 'MK-Ultra/Child Abuse' Exorcist via his very first Virgin record release. A sodomite industry asset.
Queen Elton 'butterfly/Oz' John: "Prima donna Lord you really should have been there.
Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair. You nearly had meroped and tied.
Altar-bound, hypnotized. Sweet freedom whispered in my ear. You're a butterfly.
And butterflies are free to fly. Fly away, high away bye bye" (Someone Saved My Life Tonight). Programming resonant?

Mack is linked to Eric 'The Butterfly (paedo/mind control) Effect' Stoltz via My Horrible Year! (2001).
The Butterfly and Pelvis. The butterfly's elongated body possibly representing the phallus (cock/coccyx).
The same sort of Butterfly 'paedo/mind control' Effect that was heavily connected to Sandy 'Monarch' Hook.
Sandy Hook (Connecticut, aka mind control-ville) was also tied to 'Over the Rainbow' - Oz programming.
Oh look, it's Anderson 'Mockingbird' Cooper and the butterfly via Sandy 'Monarch/Gun Control' Hook.

Interesting content in this Rothschild "Butterfly Effect" piece, including 'sexual habits and rape' in respect of butterflies.

It's the Illuminati progenitors aka the Rothschilds, and "The Butterfly Effect" via Project Monarch.
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut used the Rothschild mansion, and where Bill (Cruise) wears the butterfly inlaid mask.
"But there is little romance involved with a good love dusting; male butterflies display a sexual ardour rarely met in the insect world and rape is a known feature of butterfly behaviour."

I think I was hitting some 'mind control' bulls-eyes with that Montauk stuff I previously wrote about (see link).

Senate Republicans, air transport, and the NXIVM Bronfmans.

A link to Republican Adam Schiff (AS) too, The Standard Hotel case (West Hollywood), and the 31st Jan, helicopter crash.
The hotel is in Schiff's district. All the people killed were linked to the hotel. Tena's holding company had Standard on its books. The GM of the Standard, Kimberly Lynne Watzman, also died in the crash. The owner, Andre Balazs, is friends with Marina Abramovic. Andre 'Uma Thurman/Chelsea Handler' Balazs. The Standard has been linked to celeb types, murders. and strange goings-on.

Q is telling us that (helicopter crash) Watzman, and (plane crash) Coogan - both West Hollywood linked - are 'victims'.
Watzman, GM of Standard West Hollywood, and West Hollywood based, Coogan.
Mack is implicated (as are Raniere/Bronfmans), Schneiderman, Schiff, Weinstein, and Watzman/Coogan as victims.
Could Long Beach Port be used as access to/from Mexico via the coast - perhaps eliminating the usual land border routes?

"Tick TOCK (LLC)."
Could Q be inferring The Weinstein Company LLC (Limited Liability Company)?
Flynn posted the "Dgfffcf" linked Clinton/Abedin/Weinstein tweet. "Dgfffcf" on the Weinstein 'Over the Target' link.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them." Q (Mar. 10th).

DG, what if it's David 'Weinstein' Glasser, the Weinstein Co. former Chief Operating Officer?
Did you know that there is a direct link between David Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM' Mack?

Not just any old link, they were both in a two-part mini-series about child kidnap and pederast rape/abuse.
I Know My First Name Is Steven. Steven Stayner's kidnap/abuse. He died 4 months after its release (motorcycle accident).
At the time of his death, Stayner was living in Merced, California and working at Pizza Hut. Arliss 'butterfly' Howard played kidnapper/pederast (Parnell) in an uncredited role. Pvt. Cowboy from Stanley 'butterfly/Lolita' Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.
Steven's older brother Cary Stayner (serial killer) was convicted of murdering 4 woman from Feb-July 1999.
Cary even alleged that he was abused by his Uncle when he was 11.
Steven's grandfather lived a few hundred feet away from the scene of where he was held. Were the Stayners part of a program?
Stephen Dorff and Bryan Cranston also featured in this mini-series. Mack arrested 20th April, Weinstein 25th May.
What a small world. 1989, Mack would've been about 7 years-old (one of her first roles), Glasser about 17/18 years-old.
David 'Weinstein' Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM/Sex Trafficking' Mack, and in a product about child abuse, rape, and kidnap!

"cf" - Clinton Foundation? Are there links between CF, Weinstein, Glasser (Dg), and Mack?
Is the "fff" - found film footage? Flynn's tweet gave us the Weinstein with Hillary/Abedin shot on the day of Weinstein's arrest.
Flynn's 'Dg' code is on the Weinstein sub-link at Dgfffcf.com where you'll also find Mack, Weiner, etc.

We know that the Bronfman clan were close to the Clintons. Sara/Clare Bronfman being the NXIVM backers.
NXIVM Group Pres. Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable org., Clinton Global Initiative.
Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.

The Standard Hotels are a group of five boutique hotels in Los Angeles (Hollywood and Downtown LA), New York City (Meatpacking District and East Village) and Miami Beach. The hotels are operated by Standard International Management. Original investors in the Hollywood hotel were Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Benicio del Toro, D'arcy Wretzky and James Iha.
(Note, "meatpacking" - I think of that in both the morbid sense and the sexual sex, as I'm sure they do too.)

The Standard Hotel (chain) is also where (Crisis Actor) David 'FBI linked' Hogg
- got his guidebook for the (sick and complicit) MSM gun control narrative.
Lights, camera, action: "Sob-sob, blub-blub, no guns, sob-sob."
How about SHUTTING-DOWN degenerate Hollywood. corporate music, and TV?
All of which fetishise guns, gangster thuggery as a lifestyle choice, drugs, child sex, rape, and ultra-violence!

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

That was quoted in respect of John 'Haiti' Legend and Chrissy Teigen.
Is the Clinton Foundation, Geffen or Glasser, Legend (and various others) linked to Haiti child trafficking?

Oh, and Roseanne 'Q' Barr...another MK-Ultra mind control victim.
That's ANCIENT news, Springmeier/Wheeler cited her as a monarch victim in 1996.
That needs to be appreciated. It's not intended as a slight against her - just so you understand.

 Next post...

Q-Anon, Monarch, MK-Ultra, Plum Island, Butterfly Hollywood, Celebrity Mind Control, Pizza-Gate, Weinstein, Bronfman/Rothschild.


Have ported this over from the previous post. It'll also give me room to expand if needs be.
Things are quiet on the Q drops. See this as a chance to expand your thinking.
This is EXTREME content, and quite advanced in terms of ongoing mass mind control. It's not really for beginners.
This is not written as a boast, or as a slight, but a "heads-up" to those that are fairly new to such phenomena.
I don't profess to have ALL the answers, no-one does. I have been doing this sort of thing for a long time though.

26th May...
(All credit to TheSharpEdge at Twitter, link)
This was on the back of the recent arrest of Weinstein for rape and sex abuse.
Flynn is no stranger in releasing these sorts of sordid details - ones that connect to D.C. and Hollywood.
The Weiner laptop is believed to contain the "insurance file" - which some are positing is the Hillary/Huma video.
His son has mentioned likewise.

Mack - naming names and in both Hollywood and Govt.
Could NXIVM Mack have named recently arrested Weinstein? Or other big entertainment names and political names.
"Singing" Mack was arrested on 20th April 2018.
"Watch NYC". New York Attorney General, Schneiderman. Resigns 8th May. Alleged abuse of multiple women.
"Who will be next?" Weinstein just got arrested in NYC too. Did (Bronfman/Raniere linked) NXIVM Mack name both?
Schneiderman's possibly been an obstruction in the Weiner laptop case, NXIVM case, and giving a pass to the Clinton Foundation.
With the former New York AG Schneiderman out of the way, this can surely only assist with any future developments.

"Stage being set?"
Laptop insurance file is alleged to feature Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, and Hillary Clinton, (below, pictured with Weinstein.)
Flynn's CODE. The tweet was dropped on the same day as Weinstein's arrest.
Planned Parenthood Gala (pic above) - is this another type of potential reveal in respect of children?
David Geffen (entertainment mogul)? FFF (Found Film Footage)? CF (Clinton Foundation)?
That's what is suggested by the person that put this together. All well worth considering.

Disney - who bought out the Weinstein's Miramax for $80 million, after the success of 'The Crying (Tranny) Game'.
Another big film for Queens (queers) Weinstein was 'Pulp(ed) Ass F(r)iction' - effectively 2+hrs of overt/covert anal sex.
MK-Ultra programmer (and sodomite) Tarantino's career was heavily influenced and financed by the Weinsteins.

It's Jimmy 'Interscope' Iovine who was Chairman of IGA until 2014. Tupac, Eminem, Gaga, Death Row, Dre Dre etc.

Geffen also set-up Dreamworks with Steven 'Rosebud' Spielberg (and Katzenberg).
I can tell that they're sodomites (like most male entertainment personnel) - as are most of the hip-hop artists that they front.
What do you suppose folk like Eminem had to do to secure their fame? I'll leave you to work it out.
This was ALL under the Bronfman umbrella (even at Vivendi), primarily Edgar Jnr. Half-sisters are NXIVM Sara, and Clare.
In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the centre of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased
- by Bronfman's Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG).
It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings for a reported $100 million.
UMG merged 14+ record labels incl.: Def Jam, Island Records, and Mercury Records to form Island Def Jam Music Group.
See how they're all ultimately connected. Def  '666' Jam was also under Universal (UMG). Edgar Jr also linked to Warner MG.
Rubin produced Satanic/Nazi Slayer's 'Sept 11 2001' released God Hates Us All. (Jay-Z's Blueprint released same day).
These degenerates have been programming for years. Rubin also produced Slayer's groundbreaking Reign in Blood (1986).
The LP with the opening track about Nazi 'Bavarian Illuminati' Mengele - likely involved in the Monarch program (butterfly).
(Mengele) Angel of Death: "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead. Sadistic, surgeon of demise. Sadist of the noblest blood."
Aryan race, Mengele, lived in South America after WW2, the lead singer (Araya) coming from Chile (Araya/Aryan).
Slayer also recorded Iron Butterfly's "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - In the Garden of Eden.

 Another take on the Flynn code...just guesses you  understand.
DG= David Glasser (President of Weinstein Co.) FFF= 666 CF=Clinton Foundation.

Leads to...
"Over the Target." A Q related phrase...the Harvey Weinstein sub-link contains the Flynn "dgfffcf" code.
Over the target - a likely reference to Q feeling the enemy's kickback after hitting their target. It's palpable.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Models. Find the loudest voices. Brainwashed. Who was adopted? Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS." Q (10th March).

The Scottsdale, AZ. (West Hollywood linked) plane crash was on 9th April. Mariah Sunshine Coogan.
Coogan had a large social media following, with over 30,000 followers on Instagram.
Sunshine. Her last post was a photo of her and her dog eating brunch at The Montauk, a restaurant in Scottsdale.
Montauk (Long Island) Mind Control. I wrote about this in recent years primarily via Shutter 'Nazi Plum' Island.
It's Dog Star/Sirius Truman - Jim 'Meet/Meat me in Montuak' Carrey, and spotless, eternal mind control via Sunshine.
Montauk Lighthouse Point is seemingly evoked in (butterfly) Carrey/Winslet's  Eternal 'MK-Ultra/Monarch' Sunshine.
Kate 'Montauk Mind Control' Winslet via Peter 'Ring Lording/Sodomy Song' Jackson.
Mariah and Carrey via Sunshine? I'm pretty sure Mariah 'butterfly' Carey is a victim of industry mind control, it's obvious.
Your entertainment and its personnel are PRE-SELECTED, even though it's sold on talent/demand - and this is the proof!
They control your entertainment and its personnel - so ultimately they can CONTROL YOU (the 'cult of celebrity' sheep).
Don't forget the (NXIVM) Bronfman links to MK-Ultra McGill University (Canada) and Dr Ewen 'MK-Ultra' Cameron.
Jim 'Sirius/Illuminati' Carrey was born in Ontario, Canada. He was also recently linked to a girl who suicided.
Carrey's major break-out was arguably via The Mask, and with Cameron Diaz. The Prison of Becoming.
Jim 'Monarched' Carrey - multiple splits, monarch butterfly art, and he covers Bullets with (monarch) Butterfly Wings.
Eternal Sunshine of the Clockwork Orange/Clementine Mind.
Nazi mind control cinema programming, micro and macro. Ultra-violence/Butterfly/Monarch/Nazi-linked Kubrick's 'CRM 114'.
Montauk Monarchs - see Martin 'butterfly' Scorsese's "chasing butterflies" - Shutter 'Montauk/Plum' Island.
Right near The Hamptons - that's where celeb folk like the (mind controlled) satanic Kardashians holiday or get programmed.
The family that have been employed to sexualize your children, promote narcissism as a virtue, mass body dysmorphia etc.
Nazis promoted a type of physical perfection (Aryans), but that's child's play compared to modern 'image fascist' Hollywood.

"Chasing Butterflies" with DiCaprio, who starred opposite Mark 'Eternal (Montauk/Carrey) Sunshine' Ruffalo.
Many of DiCaprio's film's connect to Long Beach (both overtly and/or covertly).
The experiments are in his (DiCaprio's) head, he's programmed.
DiCaprio, who is of part German descent. He even speaks German in (Nazi mind control experiments) Shutter Island.
Allison 'Isis/NXIVM' Mack was born in Germany, and moved to Long Beach with her family at 2 years-old.
Long Beach and Nazi mind control was a major aspect of my previous work.
See 'Cinema of Sodomy' post, 2016...or the latter 'Hollywood Jewish Gay/Paedo Mafia' post, 2017.
Mack is actually married to a female, Nicki Clyne, and has been since Feb. 2017 (sexual/gender mind control.)
Dr Brand-on has recently been implicated in some type of torture/ultra-violence based programming via NXIVM.

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q 

I wonder if there might be a 'Plum Island' link? Which is opposite Martha's Vineyard? Beach Plum Inn?
Also recall that (Hollywood asset) Amy Schumer is also linked to this Plum Inn via her husband who is the chef there.
Chuck Schumer's daughter wed Shapiro, who was an economic-policy adviser for Hillary's presidential campaign.
Schumer/Lawrence are BFF. Harrelson's father was one of the three 'masonic' (Juwes) tramps arrested after JFK's shooting.
You might recall his turn in 'True Detective' (see below) that involved ritual cults and satanism, and up to the Senate level.
"Occult murder" - juxtaposed with "Senate Approves Funding" - a typical wink to the insiders.
Schumer/Lawrence's #metoo - an industry FIX. They're desperately trying to salvage their industry, but don't fall for it.

Hannibal 'butterfly/moth' Lector: "Plum Island animal human disease (mind control) research center, sounds charming."
Jodie 'butterfly/Lolita' Foster via De Niro, and Martin - Shutter 'butterfly' Island/Taxi 'butterfly' Driver - Scorsese.
A literal monarch handler via Hide and Seek. Callaway, was De Niro's surname in this film - just like the butterfly garden.
David 'butterfly' Callaway - aka De Niro - was one of the most aggressive against Trump.
Tick-tock, you Zionist loving POS. Surely this Gaylord Focker does protest too much. I wonder why? (sarcasm).
We also know that your father was a sodomite/homosexual. No getting away from that, Bobby De Zero.
We know about your 9 hour interview and psych-exam from when you were arrested in France, 1998 (suspect prostitution ring).
They also picked-up Alain 'Lynch's Mulholland Drive' Sarde. David 'Twinned demonic/incest abuse' Lynch.
Mulholland Drive (at Jack 'monarch' Nicholson's place) where Polanski drugged/sodomised Geimer via (fashionista) French Vogue.

De Niro with the 'usual suspects'. Arnon - Zionist/Mossad/Star Fucker - Milchan. Paedo/satanist Polanski, and Weinstein.

Clarice 'Butterfly/Moth' Starling...Taxi 'Iris/Butterfly/Lolita' Driver:
It's (Lesbian) Jodie - I was infinitely more sexual as a child actress than I've ever been as an adult - Foster.
A paedo avatar for the ages. Pimped into the industry via her mother, Brandy. Underage sexualised shots for the moguls.
Bottom centre. Foster, with incestuously abused (as a child) by her actor father, Nastassja 'mind controlled/Polanski' Kinksi.

Hannibal 'butterfly/moth' Lector: "Plum Island animal human disease (mind control) research center, sounds charming."
I wonder if there might be a Plum Island link - it's opposite Martha's Vineyard. Nixon/Schumer/Beach Plum Inn?

Montauk, Martha's Vineyard, and Plum Island (Plum Inn Restaurant)...
And who owns a (linked) restaurant on Martha's Vineyard that connects to Obama? From earlier in the post:
It's been alleged that the picture (below) was taken at Robert/Sarah Nixon's Beach Plum Inn restaurant  Martha's Vineyard.
Hollywood linked Robert, and Sarah Nixon - parents of  Maggie/Wendy. Right, Sarah with Alefantis aka Pizza-man.
It's implied that (cut middle finger) Obama is/was somehow involved with Maggie (Wendy). Nixon's restaurant.
Tenuous, but I see potential in the numbering - 6459 & 9456. The first and last numbers (6 & 9) rotated.
'945' is sequentially common to both. East to West Coast, but we've been told to watch NY (East) and AZ/CA (West).
1950 - in and around the MK-Ultra/Monarch/Bluebird windows and Operation Paperclip.
Allen 'JFK/Warren Commission' Dulles was linked to Operation 'Nazi' Paperclip and Plum Island.

And who can forget what happened to JFK Jr and his (very likely) sabotaged plane - via Martha's Vineyard!
It's alleged that a bomb may have been concealed in the tail section, the tail was found to have detached.
A flight thru 'mind control corridor' Long Island/Connecticut (via Montauk) to the property on Martha's.
The (phallic) lighthouse on Martha's is called 'Gay Head'. Yes, really. I just wish I was making this up.
"As the World Turns" (Agnes Nixon and JFK, Dallas). Security with the plane and hangar storage was low.
Many believe that the (Zionist) Bronfman 'Murder Inc.' operation was responsible for JFK Sr's 1963 death. 
The Bronfman family even owned Universal Studios from the mid-90's, known for its Jaws attraction.

Kubrick, who famously never flew on aircraft - I can't imagine why? [sarcasm]. Cruising altitude.
JAWS or JEWS...Eyes Wide Shut (EWS) or (J)-EWS? A type of potential subliminal word/letter play?
Kubrick's ONLY immovable request re: New York set (Illuminati) 'Eyes Wide Shut' - it HAD to be released on this date!
Absolutely no leeway with the date whatsoever. This is the official US general release date.
Exactly 30 years after Apollo 11 launched (July 16, 1969).
Exactly 54 years after the Manhattan Project A-bomb (July 16, 1945).
Exactly 5 years after the first pieces of Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter (July 16, 1994).

It's Steven 'Martha's Vineyard' Spielberg - Kubrick was his mentor!
Steven 'Jaws/mass programmer' Spielberg is heavily linked to Montauk and Martha's Vineyard, as was 'Great White Grey' Jaws.
The Montauk Chair via Greys (Sharks/Aliens). The Alien shtick is likely only for mind control purposes.
Spielberg is linked to 'The Butterfly Effect' via (dialogue) Jurassic 'Masonic' Park.
His Jurassic 'Nublar Island' was modelled on Cocos Island (off Costa Rica).
Maggie 'Guadelupe' Nixon - Virgin Mary linked - 'lupe' from lupus (wolf). It's not that far from the Virgin Islands.
Maggie 'Martha's V. Island/Guadelupe' Nixon. Allison 'Bronfman/NXIVM/Isis/Branson/Virgin-linked' Mack.
Is there potential butterfly (Monarch) type imagery in the shape of this island? Yup.
Its nickname, "The Butterfly Island," comes from the shape of its two main islands, separated by a narrow channel.
Butterfly Branson - who released the (jail ass sodomised punks) Sex Pistols "Bollocks" LP.
He's linked to The 'MK-Ultra/Child Abuse' Exorcist via his very first Virgin record release. A sodomite industry asset.
Brown Dirt (ass) Cowboy, Queen Elton'butterfly/Oz/Alice'John: Rocket man likes landing his pink rocket on a young moon (ass).
"Prima donna Lord you really should have been there.
Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair. You nearly had meroped and tied.
Altar-bound, hypnotized. Sweet freedom whispered in my ear. You're a butterfly.
And butterflies are free to fly. Fly away, high away bye bye" (Someone Saved My Life Tonight).
Programming resonant? Electric chair. Roped and tied. Altar or Alter-bound. Hypnotized?
Oh look, a meme about Elton and organ (penis) sucking. Filthy PAEDOPHILE. A Candle in his Wind? Up the ass!
Trump made reference to (sick) Elton 'Eminem' John - and via the 'organ' and 'mouth'. (Early July 2018)
 "This is the only musical: the mouth." At Great Falls. Elton 'rocket man' John - suiciding? We can live in hope! :)
Outside of that 'organ' sexual reference there is elite 'organ trafficking' to consider.
(Fiona Barnett, an Australian victim, claims that Elton John did have young boys supplied to him.)
Mack is linked to Eric 'The Butterfly (paedo/mind control) Effect' Stoltz via My Horrible Year! (2001).
MK-Ultra/Monarch resonant The Butterfly Effect, lost out to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 2004 Saturn Awards.
Evan Treborn (Kutcher) suffered many severe psychological traumas that frequently caused Evan to black out. Traumas which included being coerced to take part in child pornography by (sister) Kayleigh and linked George Miller (Eric Stoltz).
The Butterfly and Pelvis. The butterfly's elongated body possibly representing the phallus (cock/coccyx).
The pelvis area is where the NXIVM branding symbols are placed. Butterfly Kutcher is a kabbalah adherent too.
The same sort of Butterfly 'paedo/mind control' Effect that was heavily connected to Sandy 'Monarch' Hook.
It still remains to be seen if there was paedophilic link to Sandy Hook, as well as a gun control angle, it's all very Dunblane.
Sandy Hook (Connecticut, aka Nazi and mind control-ville) was also tied to 'Over the Rainbow' - Oz programming.
Victor Fleming who directed (mind control mess) The Wizard of Oz was a Nazi type! Violently pro-Nazi.
Oh look, it's (homo) Anderson 'Mockingbird' Cooper and the butterfly via Sandy 'Monarch/Gun Control' Hook.
Don't discount these Nazi links. Ashke-nazi (Jews) and Nazis. High-level co-operation.
Stanley 'Lolita/Butterfly/Illuminati' Kubrick was close to the Nazi 3rd Reich's top film-making dynasty aka the Harlans.
Veit Harlan was employed by Goebbels. Kubrick married Harlan's niece, and Harlan's nephew was Kubrick's producer.
Maybe this is why Kubrick said that Hitler: "was right about almost everything."
Monarch (poster) and Twinning via Kubrick/Harlan's The Shining (1980), based on King's (a monarch) book.
Jack 'The Shining' Nicholson as The 'Monarch Theatre' Joker - Monarch Cinema.
Asian Papillon/Butterfly 'me so horny' Soo Soo - played the hooker in Full Metal Jacket.
Asian Madame 'Lolita' Butterflies via the military.
Pizza in the paedo/Lolita hooker scene (with Asian men). Rainbow 'Oz' Fashions where the butterfly inlaid mask is obtained.
Sharky's (butterfly) coffee shop (right). It's the exact same place as Rainbow Fashions, but dressed differently (see here).
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut used the Rothschild mansion, and where Bill (Cruise) wears the butterfly inlaid mask.

It's the Illuminati progenitors aka the Rothschilds, and "The Butterfly Effect" via Project Monarch.
Interesting content in this Rothschild "Butterfly Effect" piece, including 'sexual habits and rape' in respect of butterflies.
"But there is little romance involved with a good love dusting; male butterflies display a sexual ardour
- rarely met in the insect world and rape is a known feature of butterfly behaviour."
Hannah 'Butterfly Effect' Rothschild who is actually listed in Island Epstein's black book, along with other Roshschilds.
So many Ashke-NAZI JEWS, isn't that right folks? If they were Chinese, I'd be saying: "so many Chinese."
Bronfmans, Schumers, Weinsteins, Weiner, Epstein, Schneiderman, Rothschilds, Kubrick, Spielberg, Geffen, Interscope Iovine, etc.

Cruising Scientology Tom, EWS. Below scene via (NWO) Rockefeller and his Plaza - on a windy day...spot the allusion:
The same models that attend the later Rothschild mansion (multiple fucking) elite slave orgy. Eyes Wide Open.
(Rainbow) fashion models - things lodged in their eye (sphincter) - just about half of Fifth Ave (aka elite penis).
Funny how the dialogue also involves a handkerchief - the sodomite handkerchief color code via (gay) Cruise.

I think I was hitting some 'mind control' bulls-eyes with that Montauk stuff I previously wrote about (see link).
Yes, it's a tough read, and I took huge liberties, but it had to be done.
It's time that this fact became known and widespread.

Senate Republicans, air transport, and the Bronfman NXIVM/Executive Success Programs...
That's more than 10 years ago!

Enty on CDAN also outed NXIVM Mack/Raniere (and Kreuk) in 2012. There's that bloody date again! July 16.

A link to Rep. Adam Schiff (AS) too. The Standard Hotel case (West Hollywood), and the 31st Jan, helicopter crash.
The hotel is in Schiff's district. All the people killed were linked to the hotel. Tena's holding company had Standard on its books. The GM of the Standard, Kimberly Lynne Watzman, also died in the crash. The owner, Andre Balazs, is friends with Marina Abramovic. Andre 'Uma Thurman/Chelsea Handler' Balazs. The Standard has been linked to celeb types, murders, and strange goings-on. Q is likely stating that something happened to someone (or persons) at the Standard (linked to Schiff), and that these (crash event) people may have been privy to some of those activities.

Q is telling us that (helicopter crash) Watzman, and (plane crash) Coogan - both West Hollywood linked - are 'victims'.
Watzman, GM of Standard West Hollywood, and West Hollywood based, Coogan. Schiff might be the link to both crashes.
 AS is given in respect of West Hollywood-linked Coogan (plane), and this West Hollywood Hotel helicopter crash.
Mack is implicated (as are Raniere/Bronfmans), Schneiderman, Schiff, Weinstein, and Watzman/Coogan as victims.
Could Long Beach Port be used as access to/from Mexico via the coast - perhaps eliminating the usual land border routes?

"Tick TOCK (LLC)."
Could Q be inferring The Weinstein Company LLC (Limited Liability Company)?
Flynn posted the "Dgfffcf" linked Clinton/Abedin/Weinstein tweet. "Dgfffcf" on the Weinstein 'Over the Target' link.

It's Queens - Weinstein via Tarantino, and Uma 'Balazs' Thurman: Rabbit Hole - Twisting 'Ass' Time...
Uma 'Pulped Ass Friction' Thurman. The next best thing to a time machine (watch). Mia, who twists down Jack (Alice White) Rabbit's slim twisting (dirt) hole with John 'Greased Back Doors Crying' Travolta.  All done with Chuck 'Scat' Berry's 'You Never Can Tell' track. Uma/Mia, wife of 'ass fucked' Marsellus. Hell, and I didn't even mention Butch. Bruce - super-gliding chopper rider - Willis, and his asshole watch. A watch (time machine) - shoved-up the twisting hole - just like Jack Rabbit's place.
These guys love spending time up there. Boxer Butch was always having nightmares with his ring punching.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them." Q (Mar. 10th).

DG, what if it's David 'Weinstein' Glasser, the Weinstein Co. former Chief Operating Officer?
Did you know that there is a direct link between David Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM' Mack?
Not just any old link, they were both in a two-part mini-series about child kidnap and pederast rape/abuse.
Stephen Dorff and Bryan Cranston also featured in this mini-series. Mack arrested 20th April, Weinstein 25th May.
What a small world. 1989, Mack would've been about 7 years-old (one of her first roles), Glasser about 17/18 years-old.
David 'Weinstein' Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM/Sex Trafficking' Mack, and in a product about child abuse, rape, and kidnap!
Steven Stayner's kidnap/abuse. He died 4 months after its release (motorcycle accident).
At the time of his death, Stayner was living in Merced, California and working at Pizza Hut. Arliss 'butterfly' Howard as pederast (Parnell) in an uncredited role. Pvt. Cowboy from Stanley 'butterfly/Lolita' Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. He's married to Debra Winger
Anyway, Steven's older brother Cary Stayner (serial killer) was convicted of murdering 4 woman from Feb-July 1999.
Cary even alleged that he was abused by his Uncle when he was 11. Were the Stayners part of a program?
Steven's grandfather lived just a few hundred feet away from where he was held, and for the entire time.

Miramax/Weinstein's first distribution deal was Rockshow (OTO/Thelemic Beatle) McCartney's Wings.
The Beatles were the seed of the (degenerating) 60's counter-culture - the godfathers of modern popular culture Satanism.
Miramax/Weinstein's first actual production was 'video nasty' (Cropsey) The Burning (1981). Slasher/serial killer genre.
Harvey Weinstein produced/co-written. Based on Cropsey, the S(t)aten Island'boogeyman' who kidnapped children. A legend linked to Andre Rand and connected to a school for children with mental disabilities. Willowbrook, where Rand was an orderly. It's all a bit Shutter Island (imo) and this institution was linked to child abuse. The boogeyman term is actually derived from the word for buggery (sodomy). Hollywood has made the boogeyman concept absolutely huge. I covered that issue in the Cinema of Sodomy post (2016). Cropsey 'anal' Boogeymen and Camp Fires. Not forgetting the Weinstein films The Crying [Tranny] Game, and Pulped [Ass] Friction. Weinstein's The Burning also launched the careers of Holly Hunter, Jason Alexander, and Fisher Stevens.
On 15 October 2017, Paula Wachowiak discussed her experience working as an intern on this movie.
She alleges that Harvey Weinstein's predatory behaviour went back as far as 1980.

Gripping Tails from the Darkside with Bender, and Pulping Ass with Queens (Queers) Quentin and Harvey.
It's Quentin - I virtually owe my entire career to Weinstein - Tarantino.
Tarantino's first script (at 12 years-old) was about a bandit who robs pizza parlors -'Capt Peachfuzz& the Anchovy Bandit'.
From Harvey 'Cropsey' Weinstein to Quentin 'Weinstein' Tarantino...Quentin Rand or Andre Tarantino?
Come-on, Queen Quentin. He looks more like your father than your public domain father ever did. :)
How about making a film called I Know My Last Name is Rand? :) A Manson film in the works?
The real 'satanic cult' up in those Hollywood Hills was Polanski and Tate's circle, as Manson told Ronald Reagan's son.

Satanic paedophile Jew, Roman 'Rosemary's [Moonchild/Satanic] Baby' Polanski
Dennis Hopper: "They (Polanski's circle) had fallen into sadism and masochism and bestiality – and they recorded it all on videotape too. The L.A. police told me this. I know that three days before they were killed, twenty-five people were invited to that house to a mass whipping of a dealer from Sunset Strip who’d given them bad dope."

Making films about their own sick hobbies. Hell, their crimes are the entertainment.
According to the "Cropsey" documentary, some people along with detectives speculated that Andre Rand may have been involved with Satanism and provided the children to be sacrificed. There were people also who thought that Rand was not alone in the commission of his crimes and many believed he was passing the children around to his friends in the underground network of homeless and mentally disabled people living in the tunnel systems of the former Willowbrook state school.

Well if he was providing children for sacrifice - it wouldn't have been for down and out types, but for the privileged.
Rand comes across as a potential Fred West type (and possible fall guy) - procuring victims for linked (satanic) dignitaries.

It's all getting a bit Epstein and his satanic, kidnap/sacrifice island with underground tunnels.

The Island linked to Bill/Hillary Clinton. Epstein planes linked to (actors) Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker etc.

Shitter Island...DiCaprio, Scorsese, and Grey.
Scorsese was involved in a mid-90s production of Madame Butterfly, directed by alleged paedophile Frederck Mitterand.
Weinstein linked Grey (now deceased) was CEO of Paramount when they released Shutter 'sodomy mind control' Island.
Brad Grey was one of The Burning's co-writers along with Weinstein. (Jew) Grey was a gofer for Weinstein while at Buffalo University, but he did go on to become the CEO of Paramount Pictures (2005-17). On May 2, 2018, The Hollywood Reporter published an article regarding a lawsuit filed by Rovier Carrington alleging that Brad Grey had raped and sexually assaulted him in 2010 and 2011. Carrington is suing both Grey's estate and Viacom, in part for obstructing his nascent career.
Brad 'sodomite' Grey. I actually think Harvey Weinstein is also primarily a sodomite too, just like Grey was.
Grey actually took the Paramount CEO job from Lansing. The wife of (Jew) William 'The (MK-Ultra) Exorcist' Friedkin!
The very film that I cite as being about (barely veiled) Hollywood-based demonic/child sex abuse.
Friedkin is also linked to serial killers and via his film output. A bit-part actor from The Exorcist became one (Paul Bateson).
Jeffrey 'Chocolate Factory' Dahmer was a satanic serial killer seemingly mind controlled via The Exorcist 3!
Friedkin's Cruising (sodomite) Bateson, and The Exorcist 3 linked Jeffrey 'sodomite' Dahmer.

Routing/Rooting Highway 666 (the demonic ass). Ass-fucked Marsellus's 666 case via homo Travolta.
Jew Stone's Natural Born 'MK-Ultra' Killers via Pulped Ass '666' Friction, Weinstein/Tarantino.
Arliss 'I Know My Name is Steven/Full Metal Jacket' Howard played Mickey and Mallory's demon/guardian angel.
NBK, produced by Arnon 'Zionist Jew/911' Milchan's Regency. His Regency released (serial killing) Copycat the following year, with Holly 'The Burning' Hunter. Talking of  'copycat' crimes - aka the results of Hollywood MK-Ultra on the masses in real-time:

Agents for the Hollywood-based MK-Ultra processing of wider society...
Many of these (mainly Jewish) film personnel are (legitimised) child abusers, sodomite satanists, and rapists. When they're not doing that, they're washing and infecting you with their sick hobbies via their actual output - a form of mass mind rape. Likely all part of the attempt to make you more like they are, and/or to influence you to not see them, or their types of crimes as being so degenerate. SICK. They're extremely wealthy, very powerful, and they're worshipped like gods. That's down to the masses who have empowered them and their products. The products that they've mistaken as solely for entertainment purposes - as we all formerly have (at least to some degree).

Hollywood rapists/satanists/sodomites/paedophiles and group mind terror programmers. Agents of trauma who traumatise the audience and degrade the mass via this ongoing sickness. The MK-Ultra/Monarch programmes provides the basis and background, for most, if not all corporate/Zionist Jew Hollywood, TV, and pop music. As I have been intimating the 'god' of the Jews is LUCIFER/SATAN, just as it is for the (Jewish) Freemasons. The worst of these types seem to frequent and dominate Hollywood. This should be obvious just by their preferred and overt subject matter alone - which is seated in warped sex, horror, gender-bending, ultra-violence, sodomy, and pseudo-paedophila etc. This is how the energy of Lucifer/Satan has been magnified and spread across the planet via this powerful form of (satanic Jew) 'mass media' cultural imperialism.

My reckoning of Hollywood being a giant, satanic, sodomite/homosexual, mass mind control entity gains even more traction.
The Crying 'Tranny' Game, Reservoir Sods, Hallowe'en Boogey/Buggery Men, Ring Lording, & Pulped Ass Friction, Weinsteins.
 Harvey's brother, Bob Weinstein is also the head and founder of Dimension Films (Miramax was the parent), which continues to release (horror) genre films. These include the successful (McGowan resonant) Scream slasher franchise (linked to Exorcist 3, Rollin), the Clive 'Homo-Jewish' Barker written (S & M) Hellraiser series, and five of the (buggery boogey-man) Halloween films.
Weinstein's first ever release for Dimension (Miramax) - satanic 'Hellraiser III - Hell On Earth' via Sept 11 and the WTC.
Oh yes, the sick Zionists were behind 9/11 - including decades of Hollywood predictive programming (brainwashing).
The series by Clive 'OTO/sodomite' Barker. Harvey/Bob Weinstein also produced Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson's Lord of the Rings. Saturnic/Satanic ass rings. They executive produced Lord of the (ass) Rings along with Robert 'Nightmare on Elm St 2' Shaye.

The Queens Weinsteins & Scream Queens (Queers). How's this for a small Hollywood sodomite world...

Jack Sholder was editor on Weinstein's The Burning. He actually directed A Nightmare on Elm Street 2. (Ring Lord Shaye produced).
Sequel to A Nightmare on Elm St (a Kennedy linked joke). It's the GAYEST horror film ever made! Yes, really.
"I can't go to the prom with my nails looking like this...I need a manicure. Arrrggghhh!"
An uber gay horror franchise about a child kidnapping molester/murderer. Effeminate Jesse/Jessies and Nancy boys.
Satanist, Johnny 'Chocolate Factory' Depp aka Willy Wanka was the original "Nancy boy" in (gay) Craven's franchise.

"The man of your dreams [swoon] via Spring-wood." Freddy 'burnt' Krueger is often compared to (burnt) Cropsey.

Murdering child molester/rapist and pizza via Freddy 'Nancy' Krueger (part 4). Wes 'The Hills Have Eyes' Craven.
Nancy boys, Jesse/Jessies, Child Molestation/Murder, and Pizza. In the film the pizza is served by Alice (Queer Wonderland).

Big Johnson (cock), Thurber's Dodge-Ball(s). Hollywood Sodomy/Paedo Programming - Jew Stiller aka lavender boy.
Gaylord Focker (Fucker). This is an interesting linked scene - pepperoni (phallic sausage) pizza and Ben 'Poo-lander' Stiller's penis.
Dodgeball (above). Look where Stiller places the slice. The pizza triangle is also a yonic symbol.

Phallic sausage/pepperoni. Even the term "pizza-gate" is potentially sexually suggestive in the 'entrance' sense.
Hillary launched counter-propaganda when the (Comet) Pizza-Gate issue started to breakthrough.
Cheese toppings and Alefantis' stars/moon a la Baph(c)omet - via Come-t Pizza in D.C.
AC and DC. Aleister - Golden 'Isis' Dawn - Crowley and the Unicusral Hexagram.
Ping-Pong (Show) is linked to Thai sex shows. Thailand (Bang-cock) being one of the preferred haunts for paedophiles.
New-cummers, repeat customers via drilling, 4 surviving pizzas from last month (in poor health). BUSTED! (link)

People that "Libtard SJWs" worship, the (paedo) Clintons! The Podesta/Pedosta Bros. linked Clintons.
No wonder Hillary-centric SJW's also support (satanic paedo) Hollywood and sodomites!

Hollywood Nixons, Obama's Maggie/Wendy, Sarah and 'pizza man' Alefantis.
I think I CAN imagine the size of this. Let this blog post be testament to that. Admittedly though, it is absolutely huge.

WTF? (thanks to recent anon, see comments)
"Few classrooms approach the subject as thoroughly and openly as his does.
Which is why, perhaps, his TED Talk, in which he advocates for using pizza as a healthy metaphor for sex — as opposed to baseball, which he says is problematic — has become so popular." (Ted/paedo teddy bears and pizza)

Sodomite'lavender boy' - Porn mind control thru schools. Sexed (not Sex Ed) via Pizza/Porn Teacher...
They think they're so smart with their codes and symbolism, but it's as transparent as a window!

Gay Teacher. "I Luv Pizza" over his groin area. I wonder if he's a paedo? (sarcasm). Why the pizza obsession in Sex Ed?
"The walls are covered in pizza paraphernalia: plush toys, stickers, key chains. Atop the bookshelves are pillows shaped like testicles and uteruses." The article refers to him as "Mr V" - which is worrying in itself. "He strolls around the room passing out white envelopes. Inside each are pieces of paper describing various sexual acts, from kissing and feeling someone’s body parts to more advanced ventures, like fellatio and cunnilingus and “penile penetration” of both the vagina and anus.
(If your child attends this school then get them out of there and fast!)
LGBTP. We warned you about these sick gender-benders and (satanic) sodomites.
They've normalised satanic sodomy (via mass mind control), next up is normalising the rape of children. You better believe it.

Weinstein has donated thousands of dollars to Clinton throughout her political career. He maxed out donations ($5,400) to Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave more than $30,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between Clinton's campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and more than 30 state Democratic parties. The Hollywood mogul has also given at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Paedo Hillary in lavender/plum...
Are those bird statues on (Clinton and Hollywood linked) Epstein Island renderings of Moloch?
The building shell is decorated in the colours of the Zionist/Rothschild Israeli flag.

Planned Parenthood - as a giant, realised form of sacrifice to Moloch...there are no coincidences:
Planned Parenthood, Satanism, FIRE (Crowley ritual grade signs), Sacrificed Babies, Hollywood, & Deep State.
Satanist, Gloria 'I had an abortion' Steinem, who celebrates the murder of unborn children.
She did that - "aborted babies and fire sign" - in association with Planned Parenthood! These people are sick!
Ritual abortions/soul cracking were aspects of Crowley linked magick. See his disciple L Ron Hubbard (abortions).

SICK. There is no other word for these MONSTERS. They don't even know that they're EVIL, but they are!
(Thanks go to a very generous Reddit poster who linked me to this. They know who they are. Thank you.)

"cf" - Clinton Foundation? Are there links between CF, Weinstein, Glasser (Dg), Bronfmans, and Mack?
Is the "fff" - found film footage? Flynn's tweet gave us the Weinstein with Hillary/Abedin shot on the day of Weinstein's arrest.
Flynn's 'Dg' code is on the Weinstein sub-link at Dgfffcf.com where you'll also find Mack, Weiner, etc.

Talking of (Clinton/Abedin-linked) Weiner and his laptop...the IG Report (14th June) - "CRIME AGAINST CHILDREN."
It's there and next to Clinton Foundation...and this is the FIXED (redacted) version of the report. We need to see it all.
Those folk who still think Hollywood, and the Liberal Left is all OK, will need to get psychiatric help when the truth comes out.
They'll see how they've empowered the abuse, torture, and murder of children - via their wanton worship of these monsters.

Started Internship Feb 2017 - not that long before the allegations started to emerge.
This wasn't Malia's first foray into Hollywood. In 2015, the Obamas' daughter worked as an intern in New York on Lena Dunham's HBO series Girls. What I've seen/heard about Dunham is largely suspect too. Malia also spent time on the Los Angeles set of Halle Berry's CBS drama series Extant.

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

NXIVM and Allison "ISIS Foundation" Mack via Albany, New York. A Crowleyian 'satanic' Isis Golden Dawn?

We already covered 1970's New York and (satanic) Cropsey. Here's 1970's New York and 'satanic' Son of (Golden Dawn) Samael:
It's clear that Berkowitz was programmed and primarily by his cult affiliations. He was a part of a much larger group.
Satanists are (typically) well-to-do, outwardly respectable, and more likely to frequent society's higher echelons.
The last sentence describes the (satanic) elite and their Hollywood/TV (mass media) output - perfectly.
 Hollywood is the elite's device for magnifying and spreading the energy of Lucifer/Satan across the planet.

Boy of red lips.
How the fond ruby rapier glides and slips [penis]
'Twixt the white hills thou spreadest for me there;  [spread ass cheeks]
How my red mouth immortal honey sips. [ejaculation/discharge]
- Aleister 'Isis Golden Dawn/OTO' Crowley (satanic sodomite paedophile).

Another Enty CDAN Blind. A recent one...
Epstein Island. Dershowitz. Nader (molester)? If so that's an Epstein link to (Bronfman/Mack/Raniere) NXIVM!
If the island is linked to providing girls (linked to VIPs) to NXIVM, then this is a mechanism that is likely being used for collecting and concentrating 'intelligence' on very key and connected people.

Raniere's father James Raniere (ret. advertising executive): Keith’s first five years were spent in Brooklyn before the family moved to Rockland County for better public schools. By coincidence, James handled his agency’sSeagram’s account and said
- he knew Edgar Bronfman Sr. professionally during the 1970's. He is now remarried and settled in Easthampton.

The "Golden Dawn Isis Cult" out of Oxford. The same Oxford where Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton schooled.
We know that the Bronfman clan were close to the Clintons. Sara/Clare Bronfman being the NXIVM backers.
NXIVM Group Pres. Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable org., Clinton Global Initiative.
Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.
Bronfman Sr. received the Presidential Medal of Freedom (1999) from Bill. He also backed Hillary's campaign bid (2008).
Chelsea Clinton is on the board of Directors for 'IAC' (mass media holding Co.) along with Edgar - Universal Music Group/Warner Music Group/Vivendi - Bronfman Jr. Chairman Diller, is an outspoken critic of Donald Trump. Barry - Paramount CEO/Fox/Bronfman/Democrat - Diller. He's married to (IAC's) Prince Alexander von Furstenberg's mother. Michael 'Disney' Eisner was President of Paramount during Diller's role as CEO. It was Diller that also bought-out Bronfman's USA Network (TV cable/satellite).

Diller also mentored (BBC America) Garth 'Paedophile/Bryan Singer/Rector' Ancier.
It's alleged that Diller is bisexual, although imo he's very likely to be a homosexual - just like Ancier.
In 1986, Barry Diller, Jamie Kellner and Rupert Murdoch tapped the then 28-year-old Ancier to be the founding Entertainment President for the new Fox Broadcasting Co. Ancier is also a former president of BBC Worldwide America and former head of programming for Fox, NBC, and Warner Bros. Some of this is tied to the Michael Egan accusations - see "An Open Secret" (2014).
Bryan Singer's Accuser Names Three More Alleged Sex Abusers - Variety.
In recent months, new and separate claims about (alleged paedophile) Bryan Singer have emerged (2003 yacht).
Hollywood executives Garth Ancier, David Neuman and Gary Goddard have been accused of sexually abusing teenage boys in lawsuits filed Monday in Hawaii federal court, sources confirm to Variety. Ancier is the former president of BBC Worldwide America and also served as head of programming for FoxNBC and WB. Neuman, the former president of Disney TV, previously worked for DEN Network (Chad's underage gay World) which was headed by (paedo) Marc Collins-Rector who was cited as being involved in the sexual activity at the heart of plaintiff Michael Egan’s original lawsuit. Goddard heads a design firm in Los Angeles which has created theme park attractions for (formerly Bronfman owned) Universal Studios.
“It’s not about money, it’s about disarming these pedophiles,” Egan’s mother Bonnie told reporters.
Recall, we linked Chad's World to actual elements of other Hollywood and celebrity - primarily via Seann 'Chad's World' William Scott. The direct abuse aside, Singer's output is homo-centric and full of gender bending propaganda. He is closely linked with (Jewish sodomite/satanist) Richard Donner and wife Shuler. Singer was also close to Kevin 'paedophile' Spacey, and (uber suspect) homosexual 'Ring Lord' Ian McKellen. Are there elements also linked to the abuse of Brad 'Schumacher/Singer' Renfro?

All Jewed-out. Jew Diller also mentored Simpson/Bruckheimer (Paramount), Katzenberg (Disney/Paramount/Dreamworks), and Columbia's Dawn Steele. We mentioned (alleged rapist) Brad 'Paramount CEO' Grey earlier via Weinstein.

Former Paramount CEO Diller (1976-84). Former Paramount CEO (2005-17) Brad 'Weinstein' Grey, (recently deceased) and implicated in homosexual abuse/rape. Grey was a gofer for Harvey Weinstein, they worked together on Miramax's first feature release, The Burning (as mentioned earlier). IAC's Michael 'Disney' Eisner was President of Paramount (1976-84) during Diller's role as CEO. Eisner was Diller's protege. It was Disney that bought-out the Weinsteins and Miramax for $60m (1993), after the success of The Crying 'Transsexual' Game. Eisner was in the middle of his 21 year tenure as Disney Chairman/CEO when they bought Miramax. William 'MK-Ultra' Friedkin's wife, Lansing, was the Paramount CEO (1992-2004). 
The Seagram Bronfmans were big in media particularly during the 90's.
"Aintry!? This river don't go to Aintry; you done taken a wrong turn."
Just for shits and giggles, light relief etc. A racehorse called "Seagram" won the English Aintree Grand National (1991).
It was the last Grand National that was sponsored by Bronfman's Seagram, a sponsorship that began in 1984.
I remember it as though it was yesterday. The reason is simple. I knew it would win. I knew 4 months in advance.
Not because I was told or tipped, but 'cos I was adept at race reading etc. I'm Horselover Phat. This was during my late-teens.
I told anyone that would listen, a few made money. I recently tipped Trump to win the election, and a year before it happened. :)

Don't forget the (NXIVM) Bronfman links to MK-Ultra McGill University (Canada) and Dr Ewen 'MK-Ultra' Cameron.
There is a belief that both (Bavarian Illuminati) Mengele and Cameron worked together in the Americas (see Springmeier).
Mengele was played by "Mockingbird" Peck. Mockingbird Sq. featured in Back to the (von Braun) Future (Operation Mockingbird).
CIA were ultimately created in-league with Nazi Reinhard Gehlen. No wonder Trump accused Intel of acting like Nazis.
A tweet about Russian election collusion and the fake news that tried to sell it.

Jew Bryan 'Mockingbird Lane' Singer. Mockingbird Square in Jew Spielberg's Back to the (Nazi) Future. The Usual (paedo) Suspects.
Twinkie Singer's homage to Steven 'Rosebud' Spielberg via Jaws. Slip and slide via the pleasure dome (cock) and rosebud (ass).
These (paedo) sharks hunt in packs, and they like mocking birds (females) - think scorn and contempt.
See Crispin Glover's essay on Spielberg and his (alleged) "appreciation of the sexuality of young boys."
Singer's 'gender bending/sodomite' X-Men series is via Jew O-Men, Dick 'Spielberg/Goonies/Twinky' Donner/Shuler.
Benicio 'Usual Suspects' del Toro was one of the original investors in the Standard Hotel, Hollywood (see Schiff/helicopter crash).
The NXIVM linked Bronfmans owned Universal Studios from the mid-90's, known for its Jaws attraction.
Twinkie Jew Singer's 'The Usual Suspects' was co-produced by (Jew Bronfman's) Polygram.
One-eyed Willie, Twinky/Banana-bender Splitter, Donner (Schwartzberg), likes Free Willy (via whales) and riding Jesse/Jessies.
This BHH production company is linked to Murdoch's Fox. Some BHH releases are also linked to Warner 'sodomite' Bros.
Jew Goddard aka the theme park ride designer - including the the Jaws ride attraction. Three people have publicly accused Goddard.
(Singer linked) Hollywood executives Garth Ancier, David Neuman and Gary Goddard have been accused of sexually abusing teenage boys in lawsuits filed Monday in Hawaii federal court, sources confirm to Variety. In 1986, Barry Diller, Jamie Kellner and Rupert Murdoch tapped the then 28-year-old Ancier to be the founding Entertainment President for the new Fox Broadcasting Co. Ancier is also a former president of BBC Worldwide America (paedo BBC) and former head of programming for Fox, NBC, and Warner Bros. (Note, Jew director, Emmerich, holds similar twink pool parties.)
Egan's abuse goes back to more than 15+ years ago, and he was also drugged etc. It has been claimed that Egan's case, which blew-up in the public domain, was supposed to draw-out other victims. One's who might have more a more solid basis and recollection of events for their claims. The belief is that this is exactly what has happened. It's alleged that others have come forward (re: Singer, et al) and their cases are believed to be much more watertight and provable. Time will tell. Tick-tock, Singer and co.
Homo paedophile Goddard molested Anthony 'Top Gay Gun' Edwards for years (from 12 years old+). Goddard raped his friend.
The parents of many (but not all) Hollywood child actors/proteges are implicated in selling their children for $$$ and fame.

Marty 'Jew' Weiss (a Feldman abuser) who was among the perps exposed in the acclaimed 2014 documentary “An Open Secret.” Weiss’ job was searching for boy talent for both Nickelodeon and Disney, and besides Feldman, he found 11-year old Evan Henzi to sexually abuse 30-40 times from age 12-15.

Hollywood/Jewish paedophile mass industry abuse is already ALL in PLAIN SIGHT, but encoded into their output.
(They did exactly the same with 9/11 and Jew Hollywood/TV via nefarious mass predictive programming.)
That is the modus operandi for these sick/satanic deviant Jews. What I'm doing - is decoding it!
They have built their entire industry around it (paedo/sodomy), and have the masses acting in a quasi-complicit role (via worship).

Inverted signage a la satanism...

The Standard Hotels are a group of five boutique hotels in Los Angeles (Hollywood and Downtown LA), New York City (Meatpacking District and East Village) and Miami Beach. The hotels are operated by Standard International Management.
Original investors in the Hollywood hotel were Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Benicio del Toro, D'arcy Wretzky and James Iha.
(Note, "meatpacking" - I think of that both in the morbid sense and the sexual sense, as I'm sure they do too.)
The hotel is in (Rep) Schiff's district, and he's seemingly implicated (likely murder). I'd wager that he's a homosexual too. All the people killed in the helicopter crash were linked to the hotel. Tena's holding company had Standard on its books. The GM of the Standard, Kimberly Lynne Watzman, also died in the crash. The owner, Andre Balazs, is friends with (Jew) Marina Abramovic. Standard 'Hollywood' Hotel and Andre 'Uma (Weinstein) Thurman/Chelsea Handler' Balazs

There's some elements involving DiCaprio, Michael 'Disney' Ovitz, and Dana Giacchetto, but I'm still looking into those.
Ovitz was a friend of Eisner. DiCaprio was also represented by Bob 'paedo' Villard when he was very young.
Butterfly DiCaprio was also handpicked by (that giant cunt) Robert 'monarch handler' De Niro for This Boy's Life.
Garth Ancier went from Fox (resigning March, 1989) to Disney as president of network television for Walt Disney Studios in April, 1989. He developed Home Improvement and oversaw Disney's The Magical World of Disney, hosted by Disney CEO Michael Eisner.
Gay Days at a children's theme park? These started in 1991, and via Florida. WTF? Eisner was CEO/Chairman for this.
The term "gay" is a form of propaganda in itself - it originally meant happy/carefree. These people are SODOMITES.
It was (sick) Disney that bought-out (sick) sodomite Weinstein's Miramax (1993) after The Crying 'Tranny' Game.
Five years before Disney hired the convicted paedophile, Victor Salva (for Powder) he was convicted of
- molesting a child on a movie set (Coppola linked 'ring mastering' Clown House) and for possessing child porn.
Salva also directed (via Coppola) Jeepers 'eye gouging/brown sliding pipe' Creepers...via peepers (slang, penises).
They don't just physically molest/rape industry children, they also programme you and your children via this warped output!
Instead of being reviled by these known paedo monsters, the industry actually heaps flattery upon them!
Pan (Sodom) resonant magick via Disney. Boy-lover Crowley, the Pan penis. The silver star is the sphincter.
Orlando (sexual switch-hitting name) and "Go Greek" (anal). Recall gay rainbow Orlando Pulse shooting (false flag/crisis actors).
Programming the little ones with sodomy and paedophilia and under the guise of  so-called "wholesome" Disney (vomit).
Sick Disney. Disney-linked paedo Salva, used Disney's Jungle Book (animated film) as part of his grooming process.
Fashioning his own loin cloth (as they watched), Salva encouraged the boy to do likewise - that's when he began to molest him.

I've tried to tell you that these (primarily) sick sodomite Zionist Jews (and their assets) have been building their sodomite empire and for decades. This is why I've called Zionist Jew Hollywood (and related MSM) - The Cinema/Sin-ema of Sodomy - because that's exactly what it is and has always been. It's the Zionist Jews that worship Saturn/Satan (black cube). It was Saturn (Satan) who ate his children. Sacrifice of the firstborn is still a Jewish practice imo. The Old Testament (aka Jewish propaganda) is the history of the Age of Saturn (Satan). Jews have even cornered the Western market on the concept of "God" - even though their "god" is Lucifer/Satan.

You might have already understood this, but for the Jewish control freakery of ALL INFORMATION via their mass media dominance. They've brainwashed most of the planet, and I've known this fact for a very long time. It's already a type of crime to even mention Jews and their crimes in the typical MSM. The Jew-driven 'cult of celebrity' and its effective reach has bamboozled virtually everyone (I've noticed this over the years), but not Horselover Phat. The reason is due to the fact that I never fully bought-in in the first place. Most people fall into a form of induced extreme hysteria around celebrity, but I will never fully understand why?
I actually see it as a type of mass mental illness.

These people in Hollywood MAKE SHIT UP FOR A LIVING. That is their job. You do understand that, yes? Lies are like water in Hollywood - free flowing. That understood, anything they say or claim should always be appreciated in that light!
This is why the industry cannot be allowed to regulate or evaluate itself. Simple really.

Shutter 'eye piercing' Island - a subliminal euphemism for sodomy (eye piercing)? Pan/Baphomet is seen in the film.
People heavily involved in Silence of the (nazi/butterfly/moth/transsexual) Lambs, were behind Shutter 'butterflies' Island.
Butterflies and immediately from the opening.
DiCaprio also played cross-dressing (and likely sodomite) J Edgar 'FBI' Hoover.

The Standard Hotel (chain) is also where (Crisis Actor) David 'FBI linked' Hogg
- got his guidebook for the (sick and complicit) MSM gun control narrative.
Lights, camera, action: "Sob-sob, blub-blub, no guns, sob-sob."
How about SHUTTING-DOWN degenerate/sodomite-centric Hollywood. corporate music, and TV?
All of which fetishise guns, gangster thuggery as a lifestyle choice, drugs, child sex, rape, sodomy, and ultra-violence!

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

That was quoted in respect of John 'Haiti' Legend and Chrissy Teigen.
Is the Clinton Foundation, Geffen or Glasser, Legend (and various others) linked to Haiti child trafficking?

"Marching into Darkness via The Moon Child"
Satanic (Luna/Lunar) Moon-Children a la Crowley/Parsons/Hubbard. Clinton/Obama-linked Legend and Teigen.
The best sex Teigen had was when she (and John) spent time with Obama, and before he was president.
Just what has been going on re: Haiti, guys? What kind of access did you have to those Haiti kids?
Sitting next to Luna (Moon) using a butterfly halo filter. Note, I've just translated it for you!

OTO/Isis-Oxford (sodomite) 'Nazi propagandist' Crowley, Moonchild, rituals @ the Villa aka The Butterfly Net.
SS/skull imagery (see right lettering). Noble blooded Nazi, Josef 'SS/Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele.
Recall (SS/Nazi) Slayer, and Monarch to the dead, Mengele. Not forgetting their Iron Butterfly 'In-A-Gadda' cover track.
The Iron Butterfly single was recorded at (Nazi and mind control resonant) Long Island.
Iron, like Iron-Cross Nazis, and 'Iron' sodomites (Irons, aka Iron Hoofs/Poofs).
Ashke-NAZIS (Masonic Jews) and NAZIS. Zionist Jews created and controlled Hitler (hence the symbolism).
Homo/Gay aka "camp" - like Long Island Camp Siegfried and Nazis. Former AG Schneiderman gets a look-in.:)
How about Nazi (and sodomite) favourite Dick Wagner's 'Ring Cycling' - via sex-crazed Alberich's 'ring' and related 'mount'?
A 'Camp Climax' (for girls) - drive and ride carefully. Nazi-linked Kubrick's Lolita.

Freak show...

How about spawn of Hillary/Bill - that being Chelsea?

CHURCH OF SATAN via Chelsea and Teigen. Inverted crucifix Chelsea. LaVey's Church of Satan, heavily linked to Hollywood.
Sammy Davis Jnr, Liberace, Jayne Mansfield, Kenneth Anger, Marilyn Manson...etc.
Church of Satan. CoS LaVey, who utilised the same (mystery religion/Golden Dawn) elemental grade signs as Hitler.
Oh look, it's Kuntye 'Illuminati' West. There are no coincidences. Wake the FUCK UP.


Liberal Left (Zionist Soros linked) 'Nazi' Antifa...
"The continued Nazi ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup." Q (Mar. 10th)

Oh, and Roseanne 'Q' Barr...another MK-Ultra mind control victim.
That's ANCIENT news, Springmeier/Wheeler cited her as a monarch victim in 1996. That needs to be appreciated.
This is not intended as a slight against Barr, but as a reminder of what we're dealing with.
I'm not saying that she's totally controlled opposition, so please don't assume that. She's a victim/survivor.
The way folk latch onto celebs is EMBARRASSING. Kanye West, Roseanne Barr etc. Jesus wept! Will they ever learn?

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

Montauk, Plum Island, and nearby Martha's Vineyard...Connecticut on the opposing side.
Right near The Hamptons - that's where celeb folk like the (mind controlled) satanic Kardashians holiday/get programmed.
The family that have been employed to sexualize your children, promote narcissism as a virtue, mass body dysmorphia etc.
Nazis promoted a type of physical perfection (Aryans), but that's child's play compared to modern 'image fascist' Hollywood.

Kanye West, Kardashians, and Jenners. All a part of the Hollywood MK-Ultra/Monarch programme.
Kim Kardashian was a Paris Hilton gofer. Paris Hilton's sister Nicky married into the Illuminati Rothschild dynasty.
Travis 'Monarched/Programmed Doll' Scott - The Butterfly Effect. Twinned partner of Kylie 'butterfly' Jenner.
They make The Stepford (Connecticut programmed) Wives look normal. Kylie had previous Tyga (cat programming).
Ashley Roberts - Clockwork Pussycat Doll - Tiger/Cat programming via The Butterfly (Monarch) Effect.
The COPY-CAT Effect.
They'll have your kids (via exposure) 'ass twerking,' worshipping gangsta thuggery, self-loathing, and 'gender bent' in no time.
Butterfly Effect via storms and (Stormi) weather patterns (tornadoes) - see (Connecticut born) Edward 'Butterfly Effect' Lorenz.
Monarch and Paedophilia - via (masonic) Kris 'Butterfly/Pimp' Jenner. Former hubby Bruce played (transient) Baphomet.
Kylie: "Butterflies are just a part of the secrets of Kylie. (Note, speaking in 3rd person).
It’s kind of just ironic because I’m terrified, terrified of butterflies. All butterflies." (Just like Nicole 'Monarched' Kidman).

Monarchs R Us...

The industry linked Kendrick 'Butterfly Pimp' Lamar. Do you like his 'monarch' crown too?
Via Interscope (Iovine) and pink teamer Dr Dre/Gay. Oh look, pink and blue (see above)
"Symbolism will be their downfall." Q

"Pimpin' (Monarchs) Aint Easy" - isn't that right, OTO/Baphomet (masonic) Jay-Z - via Def '666' Jam.
Industry monarch programmed marionettes...she also has insectoid/monarch resonance via Queen (a monarch) Bee.

The all singing, all dancing KRAP of the world...
"Symbolism will be their downfall." Master symbol of the Rothschild fomented (satanic) Illuminati...
All Seeing Eye (x2) of the Masonic Capstone. Meow (tattoo) & Tyga - Cat/Tiger programming.
Freak Bride of  - OTO/Golden Dawn grade signing - Kanye 'Illuminati' West. There are no coincidences.
Don't forget programmed gender-bender, Bruce - the walking (transient) Baphomet.

You can FORGET Kanye 'Illuminati/programmed' West as any kind of truther - in fact you can BANK IT.
"Careful who you follow." Although why anyone would follow neanderthal West, is completely beyond me.

Vegas (deep state) Shooting via the Illuminati-ng Black Pyramid, Vegas...and (same time-frame) Monarch collapse.
Yes, we're really struggling to work-out the symbolism and twilight language message here (sarcasm)

June 4th
Just noticed this, (June 2nd) a very recent plane crash and one connected to celebrity via the Hamptons (East).
Authorities say one of the four people on board a small plane that crashed off the coast of Long Island, killing two, was a prominent builder for celebrities' homes. East Hampton Town Police identified the people as 70-year-old builder Bernard Krupinski, 70-year-old Bonnie Krupinski, 22-year-old William Maerov and 47-year-old Jon Dollard. Two bodies have been recovered, and officials have resumed their search for the other two people. It was not immediately clear which of the four passengers had been recovered. The crash scene was about a mile and a half (2.4 kilometres) south of East Hampton. The National Transportation Safety Board will investigate the cause of the crash. (link).
His clients included Billy Joel, Christie Brinkley, Martha Stewart and other stars. The crash was the second involving a small plane on Long Island in less than a week. On Wednesday (30th May), a World War II-era military trainer went down in a wooded area of Melville, killing its sole occupant, Ken Johansen, a member of the GEICO Skytypers stunt team.

All a bit odd in light of my post subject matter (see pic below). I wonder what secrets Krupinski knew?
Martha Stewart, Hall-O-Wiener and (sodomite orange) pumping-kin via Monarch.
Did he build Joel's kiddyporn/torture dungeon - which (tunnel) connects to Martha 'monarch' Stewart's place? (I jest, or do I?).

Recall this from a recent post...
Oh look, it's Nickelodeon's  Dan "KHAZAR JEWISH PAEDOPHILE" Schneider. (article)
I busted this POS YEARS AGO! Zionist/Jewish Hollywood rapists and paedophiles. $7 million pay-off for a paedophile?
You cannot get away from this. Most of these abusers/rapists/paedophiles are JEWISH (Ashkenazim/Khazarian).
No wonder the sexualisation of children has continued unabated - primarily via SICK Jewish/American (so-called) entertainment! Abusive behaviour? They mean Schneider was FUCKING CHILDREN - Britney "monarch" Spears' sister being one of them (and made pregnant), Amanda 'meltdown' Bynes, and (kabbalist infused) Arianna "Manchester bomb" Grande! Why were those fireman STOPPED from entering the Manchester Arena building? Were the UK deep state clearing-up their false flag? Probably.

Marty 'Feldman abuser' Weiss’ job was searching for boy talent for both Nickelodeon and Disney, and besides Feldman, he found 11-year old Evan Henzi to sexually abuse 30-40 times from age 12-15.

Paedophiles, sodomites and paedophile programmers...Nickelodeon is a PAEDOPHILE FACTORY.
It's what we should expect from (parent) Viacom, which is also parent of uber suspect Paramount (yes, them again).
Along with mass child sexualisation/paedophile programming Disney - what chance to children have?
Disney 'princess programming' might as well be a guidebook to whoredom and sexual superficiality - which it is of course.
This POS (paedo-programmer) Zarghami contributed to both Hillary and Kerry's campaigns.
Voting control of Viacom is held by National Amusements, Inc., a privately owned theater company controlled by Jewish billionaire Sumner "CIA" Redstone (Rothstein) who also holds a controlling stake in CBS Corporation. It was Viacom/Paramount that made Oliver 'Jew' Silverstein/Stone's 'World Trade Centre' whitewash film, and when Brad 'Weinstein' Grey was Paramount CEO. Redstone has a WW2 intelligence background and apparent ties to OSS/CIA figures. The father of Police drummer Stewart Copeland was a CIA/MI6 agent who worked with Sumner Redstone at the CIA. Redstone also allegedly encouraged his lieutenant, Tom Freston. to create a HOMOSEXUAL-oriented television network to add to his media empire (sodomite/satanic Jews promoting mass deviance).
We already did homo/paedo Disney and their GAY DAYS via children's theme parks.
Viacom also owns the mass degenerating channel (rainbow) MTV. An "empty V" - archetypal homosexual programming?
Trevor 'UK producer'Horn and his Buggles track 'Video Killed the Radio Star' launched MTV in the 1980's.
He also produced (sodomite) Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Grace 'tranny' Jones, and The (sodomite) Pet Shop (rent) Boys.

Nev 'Jew' Schulman and (Viacom/Jew Redstone's) MTV...
Programming the programmers...via Sarah Lawrence.
Schulman, very likely a sodomite/closet homo and abuser, and he went to (Van Duzer) Sarah Lawrence.
He was expelled for punching a woman. Alice 'Jew linked' Walker, the author of The (gay) Color Purple, is an alumna. Sarah Lawrence alums who have entered the entertainment industry include film directors J. J. Abrams and Brian De Palma, and news personality Barbara 'Redstone linked' Walters. Notable actors include Jane Alexander, Sigourney Weaver, Larisa Oleynik, Cary Elwes, Sam Robards, Jordan Peele, Joanne Woodward, Téa Leoni, Golden Brooks, Eric Mabius, Melora Hardin, Andrew Lawton, Yancy Butler, Holly Robinson Peete, Robin Givens, Julianna Margulies, Lauren Holly, Max Bemis, Tovah Feldshuh, Kyra Sedgwick, Elisabeth Röhm, Guinevere Turner, Jill Clayburgh and Alice Pearce. Carrie Fisher attended Sarah Lawrence, but left prior to graduating to begin filming Star Wars. Musicians include Yoko Ono, JD Samson, Lesley Gore, and Carly Simon. Win Butler of Arcade Fire attended, as did Peter Gould, writer and producer of Breaking Bad. Obama's former Chief of Staff and Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel also went there.

Bill (Van Duzer) Lawrence, creator of Scrubs, Spin City, Clone High (MTV), Cougar Town etc.
He is the great-great grandson of Sarah and William Van Duzer Lawrence, whose home became Sarah Lawrence College.
On July 21, 2017, Lawrence was involved in a plane crash on the East River in NYC with his family. He survived unscathed.

Talmud Sodomite Ziowood...
Spot the link. The globe's two most protected species - Jews and sodomites. No criticism will be tolerated.
Brad 'sodomite rapist' Grey with Viacom/MTV Sumner 'homosexual programming' Redstone. They love a (gay) para-mount.
It was Simpson/Bruckheimer (via Paramount) that created Top 'Gay' Gun, which was directed by Tony 'homo' Scott.

Sumner is the son of Max Rothstein, who became Michael Redstone. The elder Rothstein got started in show business when he bought the original Latin Quarter, a nightclub started by Lou Walters, father of television personality Barbara 'Sarah Lawrence' Walters. Lou Walters was a business partner with Elias M. Loew, the founder of the Loew empire of theaters and hotels. Rothstein opened one of the first drive-in theatres in the U.S., and built a chain of theatres in the 1940s. Rothstein also founded Hebrew University Jerusalem.

JEW Barbara Walters tells Corey Feldman: "you're damaging an entire industry" when he warns of Hollywood abuse.

Hey, what a shock. POS Walters cares more about industry reputation than the destruction of children!
The industry IS damage. An industry incepted by satanic/sodomite Jews. The industry is paedophilia, satanism, and sodomy.
Virtually born into the industry Feldman is not to be fully trusted. Why does he have a giant butterfly tattoo (Monarch) on his chest?
Any comments on Steven 'Rosebudding via One-Eyed Willie' Spielberg, Feldman? 'Corey' is also a slang term for the penis.
Feldman featured in Steven '666' Spielberg, and Dick '666 O-Men' Donner's - The 'One-eyed Willying/pizza' Goonies.
Any pizza place that promotes via The (sodomite/paedo) Goonies, has to be automatically suspect.
Infern-O - Speciality Cock-Tails. House Infused Spirits. Local Brews. Small Plates.
Ass-toria, Oreg(i)on & (Hellish Dante's) Infern-O. Hellish satanic sodomite, Dick '666 O-Men' Donner directed the film.
Asstoria is also linked to Queens (NY). Sean 'Ring Lording' Astin features in (sodomite) The Goonies.
The One-eyed Willie (penis) and booty seeking (jolly rogering butt pirate) children's film -
complete with a penis-shaped (copper/cop a) 'boner key'. O-regon or the O-reg(i)on?

See Steven 'sodomite/paedo' Spielberg from 48 seconds. Note the "man-hole" element, sex doll, & Uncle's basement movies.
Is the Cybill cap also a reference to his (Sybil) split/altar programming a la Sally 'smoked back door bandit' Field? Very likely.
Sybil (go Greek, anal) snake hole. Cybill 'Moon-lighting' Shepherd. Spielberg likes a "moon (ass) cycle" with kids (Amblin).
Cybill, from Chuck 'Two and a Half (Faggot) Men' Lorre...the paedo Sheen show with Pretty Pink, Cryer. "MEENNNNNN" (geddit?).
Cybill, and (gay) Big Banging via Two and a Half Men - Chuck 'Jew' Lorre. Executive produced on (Monarched) Roseanne, too.

Onamastic/toponymic word play (and innuendo) is fertile ground for our stealth programmers. This needs to be understood.

and all sorts of other vehicles for mass degeneracy.
So many JEWS, again. It's OK for Jews to mass programme children (and beyond) with paedophilia/sodomy. It's OK if Jews want to rape and destroy their child performers with impunity. Didn't you know that 6 million of them were killed during WW2? Didn't you know that they literally control all mass media? Didn't you know that as a non-Jew you are classed as an animal? Non-Jew America has been asleep at the wheel in the post-WW2 era. It's let these sick kabbalist, satanic, and child abusing monsters single-handedly dominate and control the US mass mind. One that is blind to the very existence of these destroyers - and all while being entertained (brainwashed) to their own cultural deaths in the process!

Now comes the confirmation about aspects of my previous research into mass Hollywood sodomy programming.
It's no wonder that Hollywood satanists and MSM want to paint everyone who complains about sodomites as homophobic.
They don't want their on-going mass satanic/sodomite agenda getting exposed or countered!

I cited Deliverance (film) as a Hollywood device for promoting sodomy in the mainstream.
I suspected that the writer, James Dickey, was/is a homosexual. Oh, but the reality is even worse than I posited.

A literal 'camp climax'.
With mountain/mounting men, written by a Dickey, and directed by a Boorman. (Pig) Boar-man/Bore-man.
Writer/Poet Laureate Dickey played (rusty badged) Sheriff Bullard, and a character called Arthur Queen was his deputy.

Dickey and (piercing) The Eye. Is that a canoe in your pocket?
It's a Tarantino favourite...one relived in 'Pulped Ass Friction' via the sodomy gang-bang under the (Pawn/Porn Shop) stairs.
Dickey's poems Helmets (1964), and The Eye-Beaters, Blood, Victory, Madness, Buckhead and Mercy (1970), seem suspect.

Deliverance, with Ronny - Bogomil/buggery Uphill Copping - CoxBurt - Am Trans, Smoked Backdoor Bandit/
Boogie Buggery Nights - Reynolds, and Jon - pretty mouth/Champion ring puncher/Jolie - Voight. 
Not forgetting the "receiver" aka Ned - Super-O-Man/Purple (lavender, gay) People Eater - Beatty.

Update June 2018. I hate to say I told you so, but I did tell you so! CDAN blind that revealed Dickey.
It's definitely James 'Deliverance' Dickey. An incestuous paedophile/paedophile, sodomite, and animal fucker.
No wonder they have ass-fucked Beatty (aka Chubby, semi-hard) squeal like a pig!
So sick and insane was Dickey, that he humiliated his own (abused) son by having him as Beatty's stand-in for rehearsals.
Boorman also directed The Exorcist II (which featured then Warner Bros. HQ, 666 5th Ave.). Sodomy and satanism.

Does the WB 70's logo evoke a bent-over man - on all fours and with the head at the front? It can't be discounted.
It's WB that created (sexually transient) Bugs Bunny aka the rabbit dirt holer via phallic carrots.
Logo designed by Kubrick linked Saul - Strangeloving/The Shining/Psych-O - Bass.
Jew, Ted Ashley (Theodore Ass-ofsky) was Chairman of Warner Bros. for the Deliverance release.
The 'MK-Ultra/paedo' Exorcist, Exorcist II, A Clockwork (Queer) Orange, The Towering (9/11) Inferno, Dog Day (Tranny) Afternoon, The (incest/buggery) Shining, etc. were all under his tenure. He turned the entire studio around in the very late 60's/early 70's - reestablishing Warner Bros. as a major studio.

Those who think (Nazi/Jew) Kubrick exposed the elite for the common good are TRAGIC. Totally and utterly clueless.
Big Little Lies. Spot the 'controlled opposition'. Kubrick was one of them (a paedophile), just as 2001 Clarke was. Kid & Man.
Stepford Kidman's father, Dr Antony 'Tony' Kidman was implicated in child abuse and torture programming (Barnett).
Forget to reference the Fiona Barnett claims, did you? This is nothing but inverted propaganda in respect of the reality!

Sex with children (via open and shut eyes) and Jew 'Warner Bros.' Kubrick...a bit like James Dickey.

Jack 'Incest' Nicholson holding James 'Deliverance' Dickey's favourite edition of Playgirl (incest rabbit dirt holing).
Starsky and (Soul) Hutch - a place where a rabbit is housed. Polanski drugged/sodomised that girl at Nicholson's home.
Lolita Kubrick and WB's The 'paedo-incest' Shining. Written by (monarch) King aka the "shitty pipe" dreams man (Shawshank).
Yes, even Morgan 'Shawshank' Freeman is a filthy quasi-incest abuser and Hollywood satanist.

666 Strange-loving Sodomy and (Crowley/Levi) Baphomet/Pan.

The Shining 'bare ass' bear fellating an elite guest via a bed. Bestiality. All while Jack hunts Danny with his chopper.
Wendy aka Shelley Duvall, she of Pop-eye fame (popping the eye) via Olive Oil (grease) & iron spinach. Hello Sailor.
Is this a poo(h) bear reference? Winnie/Wendy sees this and Poo(h) bear is seen in "what's up, Doc" Danny's room.
Parental sodomite abuse is "what's up" via the visiting Doc (doctor). And all with Danny resting on the (bed) furry bear.

Sarah Lawrence alum, playwright and lyricist David Lindsay-Abaire won the 2007 Pulitzer Prize for his play Rabbit Hole.
Was it coincidence that (lesbian) Cynthia 'Sex in the Shitty' Nixon had the lead in his play and won the Tony Award? 
The answer is NO. Rabbit Hole (play/film) features a child victim called Danny. The film was shot in Queens.
Bugs/White Rabbit (Alice) dirt holers. “Stanley’s next film was going to be about psychopathic pedophiles.
He said he was going deeper down the rabbit hole.” Kidman. (Japes and mockery. A biopic on himself, was it?)
Illuminati elite sex slave models via the (rainbow/orangefruit) stabbed brown-eye.
The (cock polishing) Shining, the same film that (Jew) Simon 'homo/EMI' Cowell worked on as a teen, his first job. 
It's Nicholson who choppers the redrum toilet doors and via a Johnny. Cowell's main job was polishing Jack's chopper (axe)
A barely veiled reference to blowing/shining Nicholson's PENIS. Cowell's brother Tony (geddit?) is the story's source.
Jack 'psycho' Nicholson - Simon 'Syco' Cowell. Cowell was also linked to (BBC paedo) Jonathon 'Nazi/Jew' King.
The Shining, where (abused) Danny disassociates via the mirror/knife/lipstick, and butterflies. I didn't even mention the Scatman.
Camp climaxes via butterflies (Lolita). Disassociation via abuse and butterflies, Danny (The Shining).

Even the (sodomite) Sex 'penis' Pistols had a Nazi flavouring. Branson? Branston would make more sense for a pickle-puffer.

Never mind the (Virgin/Branson) bollocks and punked ass....It's Simon - Harry Styles/One (gay) Direction - Cowell.

Harry 'Butterfly/Monarched' Styles - Old Man Lover (wink, wink). I wonder what happened at X-Factor boot camp?
The love of an industry based MK-Ultra victim doesn't choose ages. Are those electro-prod marks from programming?

While you've been making all these celebrities uber wealthy and ensuring that they're worshipped like gods. They've actually been programming you (and your hypnotised children) en-masse with sodomite and satanic mind control. That's the thanks you get.
The "Cult of Celebrity" is the world's most dangerous and popular religion. - 'cos that is exactly what it is!
A (Jew-centric) satanic/sodomite/paedo religion, and with billions worshipping at its altar.

Reddit Readers - Great Awakening.

Please understand that I communicate poorly, and that my social interaction skills are left severely wanting.
Understand that I mean nothing by it. It's all the result of fatigue in doing this type of research.
You really cannot go down these types of  roads without it severely affecting you. Hopefully you'll understand.

See here
Kate 'Arizona' Spade was recently found hanged and in New York.
Symbolically the signage evokes the Ace of Spades (which is often equated with death).
A SCOTTSDALE (AZ) link to Andy Spade. Kate Spade went to Arizona Uni. Sometime after 1986 Kate started living with Andy Spade, a native of Scottsdale, AZ. Arizona is topical at the moment, particularly via the Tuscon find. Kate's niece is an actress - Rachel 'Golden Globe' Brosnahan. David 'actor/writer/comedian' Spade is Andy's brother. The Spades were raised in Scottsdale.

Andy's brother, the well known David Spade film debuted via Police Academy 4.
Allison 'NXIVM' Mack film debuted via Police Academy 6. Part 6 was directed by Peter 'Bob Newhart'Bonerz.
Bonerz? Yes, how appropriate. He's best known for his role as Dr. Jerry Robinson on The Bob Newhart Show.

Scottsdale is where that April plane crash occurred, the one Q cited. The Scottsdale, Arizona (West Hollywood linked) plane crash was 9th April. It crashed shortly after take-off. Mariah "Instagram" Sunshine Coogan. The plane was bound for Vegas.

The Scottsdale, Arizona plane crash Mariah Sunshine Coogan.
(West Hollywood linked) Coogan had a large social media following, with over 30,000 followers on Instagram.
Her last post was a photo of her and her dog eating brunch at The Montauk, a restaurant in Scottsdale.
Montauk (Long Island, NY) Mind Control. I wrote about this in recent years primarily via Shutter 'Nazi Plum' Island.

Recall, Mack and Bonerz via Police Academy. He's best known for his role as Dr. Jerry Robinson on The Bob Newhart Show.
Bonerz was also linked to Rob 'Spinal (ass) Tapping' Reiner. Stand By (Behind) Me, and When Harry Met (a) Sally (queer man).
'Bob Newhart'Bonerz also featured with River (Children of paedo God) Phoenix. Phoenix's family name was originally Bottom.

Andy 'Arizona' Spade...in a Bob Newhart/Rescuers mask!
The "mouse mask" (link) is from the animated film The Rescuers (1977) and via 'mousy' Disney.
The film is about the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization headquartered in New York City and shadowing the United Nations, dedicated to helping abduction victims around the world at large. (Although in reality folks, we know the masonic UN practically does the opposite and are involved in child trafficking. Just like Oxfam, Save the Children, Red Cross etc.)

So, why would Andy Spade drop this 'Rescuers' reference and with a butterfly mug? A 'mug' is also a term for the face.

Park Avenue of all places (see the door). Spades are for hole digging.

Gabriella Pierce and David Wil-cox:
The '666 sodomy code' - Wil-COX and Pierce - the BROWN 'twisting/spiralling' 666 asshole: 
'Devilish' 666 (Ass) Park Avenue. Coming Soon - Ass Parking via the brown spiralling stairs.
Don't you ever wonder why so much of this satanic stuff is wilfully encoded into (Jew) mass media?

Shots from Andy Spade's Instagram. This POS is in the cabal. Perhaps his wife and brother too. 
We can only speculate. Suicide or suicided? Links taken out of the chain (by you know who) or cracking under guilt? It's alleged that the shot above is a rendering of a shot from the movie A Serbian Film (sick).

WTH? Haiti, Clinton Foundation, and Kate Spade! Wow. (Link)
Kate Spade was also a board chair of an NYC children's charity.

The Rescuers. The film is about the Rescue Aid Society, an international mouse organization headquartered in New York City and shadowing the United Nations, dedicated to helping abduction victims around the world at large. (Although in actual reality folks, we know that bodies like the UN, Oxfam, Save the Children etc, are really implicated in global child trafficking and paedophile abuse etc. (Think Haiti).

Plot excerpt...
The mice travel to Medusa's pawn (porn) shop, where they discover that she and her partner, Mr. Snoops, are on a quest to find the world's largest diamond, the Devil's Eye. The mice learn that Medusa and Mr. Snoops are currently at the Devil's Bayou with Penny, whom they have indeed kidnapped and placed under the guard of two trained alligators, Brutus and Nero. The mice follow Medusa to the bayou. There, they learn that (snaky) Medusa plans to force Penny to enter a small hole that leads down into a (Jolly Rogering)
pirates' cave where the Devil's Eye is located. (Ignore the literal narrative and read between the euphemistic lines.)
As I've said (and often) the insertion of (subliminal) pornographic frames into Disney films/video is a reality (Controversy).
See Fight 'homo' Club - where it's linked to cigarette burns (FAG burns).

All the usual resonant stuff. Devil's eyes (very suspect), Medusa (snakes), small holes, orphans, kidnap, etc.
It evokes The Goonies. Disney's obsession with orphaned children has been noted over the years.
I see it as a way of brainwashing/programming children regarding their parents/guardians - a type of mental wedge.

All likely a form of nefarious and sodomite-centric (subliminal) archetypal and crypto-euphemism based type programming:
The Rescuers, co-directed by (GermanWolfgang Reitherman, after 1961 he served as Disney's chief animation director.
He worked on Alice in 'dirt holing' Wonderland, Winne the Pooh, Peter Pan - many of the uber suspect releases.
More sick Disney sodomite programming via children. Eeyore or Eye-sore via the nailed/hammered ass (donkey).
Penis is derived from the Latin word for 'tail'. The donkey even looks queer - see the pink bowed tail.
Poo(h) gets stuck/jammed in the sexually resonant rabbit hole. Just like (stcky) Gloop stuck in Willy's chocolate pipe (Wonka/Wanka).

"Faith is a Bluebird"– Although not an actual song, it is a poem recited by Rufus and partially by Penny in a flashback the old cat has to when he last saw the small orphan girl, and comforted her through the poem, about having faith. The titular bluebird (see Project Bluebird, mind control) that appears in this sequence originally appeared in (paedo Carroll's) Alice in (dirt holing) Wonderland (1951).

Alice aka Nicole 'Rabbit Hole' Kidman.
"Stanley’s next film was going to be about psychopathic pedophiles. He said he was going deeper down the rabbit hole."
Disney. Alice and time. Tumble-down the (sexually resonant) white rabbit dirt hole - wave goodbye to your pussy, Alice.
Disney owned Miramax/Weinstein made Pulped Ass Friction - with White Jack Rabbit's slim twisting dirt hole (via gay Travolta).
Jack Rabbit 'time machine' - the Butch asshole watch. This is MK-Ultra type sodomy programming and in plain sight.
Alter programming via (Nazi/CIA) Bluebird...the programme was incepted on Hitler's birthday (20th Apr. 1950).
West German born Allison 'NXIVM' Mack was arrested on the 20th April.
Also see Judy 'abused/MK-Ultra/Bluebird' Garland, and Shirley 'Bluebird/Paedo-bait/UN' Temple.
This Bluebird concept also links to Back to the (Nazi/von Braun) Future. Nazi von Braun made TV shows for Disney.
BTTF uses the "Biffing the manure/shit" device and in respect of time. It also uses the Rogering Rabbit (time) tunnel.

Wolfgang Reitherman also worked on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs via the Slave in the Magic (Queen) Mirror. Hmm?
It's SICK Disney that seemingly underpins the majority share of global-based mass media mind control.


Bourdain, Argento, and the Spades

Come on up to the Lab. #Bourdain #Spade #Pizzagate #QAnon #GreatAwakening


Great stuff put together on that link and all similarly tied-in.
Argento and Bourdain are likely implicated in child abuse, trafficking, and satanism.
Her father is an overground masonic/MK-Ultra director/programmer and likely inter-generational satanist.
His films are full of Luciferian propaganda. She is like a walking billboard for masonic witchery.
Have a look at her (disturbing) 'paedo-chic' film The Heart is Deceitful (2004). She is one very sick puppy.
#MeToo is an industry FRAUD. A pathetic window-dressing attempt, it's complete bullshit.
The industry cannot clean itself up. Rose 'MeToo' McGowan is full of shit. She worled with paedo Salva, and knowingly.

13th June - Q
Any thread that made mention of this was either removed or shadow banned.
I know this because I tried to raise this issue myself - only to then be banned.
No-one is beyond reproach - save Reddit and its (controlled) moderators.
So much for transparency. Q info about Reddit must be bogus (sarcasm).
Even when Q makes drops about Israel, MOSSAD, and Rothschild -
Great Awakening files most of it under a ANTI-SEMITISM (mental slide).



Reddit's loss is everyone else's gain. Nobody else has made this link (not that I know of).
The Grace and Class (shot) - Barry 'Moloch/Baphomet' Obama
Anons found this from an Instagram a/c - the shot was posted the same day as Trump's inauguration.
Obama channelling Baphomet/Moloch and in transient glam-style. It's the sick elite that's behind (satanic) gender bending.

Grace & Class
Sandy 'Monarch/Butterfly Effect' Hook - Grace/Grove Owl - Anderson 'Mockingbird' Cooper.
Years ago I said that Grace's (alleged) "owl" drawing was suspect. I said it resembled a stylised form of the word "grove".
Sandy 'Monarch/Butterfly Effect' Hook. The linked film that references paedophilia and mind control!
The exact same concept that Sandy Hook was linked to - The Butterfly Effect
"Over the Rainbow" (song) was also majorly attached to Sandy Hook.

Continues here - in th event that you can take anymore! :)

Class & Grace - Moloch/Baphomet Barry - Sandy 'Monarch Butterfly Effect/Owl' Hook - Bohemian 'Owl' Grove


Just putting this in as a stand-alone.


Reddit's loss is everyone else's gain. Nobody else has made this (Sandy Hook) link, not that I know of.
The Class & Grace (shot) - Barry 'Moloch/Baphomet' Obama. Believed to have been taken in Chicago.
Anons found this on her Instagram a/c - shot linked to the same date of Trump's inauguration, Jan 20, 2017.

This "hexing" reference was also linked to everysilversea's (an aide?) Instagram account too.
Class & Grace - Grace & Class. Is there something deeper here to (those potential code-words) "Class & Grace"?
(above left) Grace is capitalised, like a name - as opposed to the virtue. The very first image given by "class & grace" googling.
Obama channelling Baphomet/Moloch and in transient glam-style. It's the sick elite that's behind (satanic) gender bending.
"8 years, No scandals, No misbehaviours - (well) - Just class & Grace."

Class & Grace - Grace & Class
Sandy 'Monarch/Butterfly Effect' Hook - Grace/Grove Owl - Anderson 'Mockingbird' Cooper.
Years ago I said that Grace McDonnell's (alleged) "owl" drawing was suspect. A Connecticut link to Skull and Bones.
I said the writing resembled a stylised form of the word "grove". Could there be something to this?
Sandy 'Monarch/Butterfly Effect' Hook. The linked film that references paedophilia and mind control!
Kabbalah Kutcher - industry 'rent boy' made good. Isn't that right, pretty boy? His whore, Mila Kunis, donates to Planned Parenthood!
The exact same concept that Sandy Hook was linked to - The Butterfly Effect
Below left, Dylan 'Butterfly' Hockley's parents - the boy and family that allegedly lived opposite (shooter) Lanza.
The (gay) Color Purple (color of mind control), butterflies, and Monarch mind control (actual species, above right).
"Over the Rainbow" (song, and sodomite/mind control propaganda piece) was also majorly attached to Sandy Hook.
I previously stated that Sandy Hook completely stinks of a (masonic) Dunblane type situation.
Potentially a dignitary-based paedophile ring, but solely sold as a mass shooting...like the Dunblane massacre was.
Over the Rainbow via Sandy Hook (see label) and Getting Your Gun (mass mockery).
Think gun control. The shooting did lead to increased control laws, primarily assault weapons, and more checks.
Dunblane led to stricter gun laws. Two new Acts were passed, outlawing private ownership of most handguns in Britain.
The paedo bear. Sandy Hook and Dunblane. Dunblane, the whole thing was linked to (elite paedo) Speculative Freemasons.
Dunblane was (imo) also linked to Blair's New Labour. Obama himself being a type of US version of Blair.

Sandy Hook/Aurora all happening under Obama's tenure. There were more of these (FF) events under Obama, than any other.

Clinton/Abedin-linked, paedo Weiner, and his laptop...the IG Report (14th June) - "CRIME AGAINST CHILDREN."
Imagine if this was all about Trump et al - they'd be singing about it from the rooftops on all channels.
It's there and next to Clinton Foundation...and this is the FIXED (redacted) version of the report. We need to see it all.
Those folk who still think Hollywood, and the Liberal Left is all OK. They'll need psychiatric help when the truth comes out.
They'll see how they've empowered the abuse, torture, and murder of children - via their wanton worship of these monsters.

Harvey Weinstein has donated thousands of dollars to Clinton throughout her political career. He maxed out donations ($5,400) to Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave more than $30,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between Clinton's campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and more than 30 state Democratic parties.
The Hollywood mogul has also given at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

(cf, see Flynn's code) Clinton Foundation Hillary with Abedin, and Hollywood satanist, Weinstein via Planned Parenthood.
Are those bird statues on (Clinton and Hollywood linked) Epstein Island renderings of Moloch?
The building shell is decorated in the colours of the Zionist/Rothschild Israeli flag. 666 talents of gold Sol-omon's Temple.
Weinstein's first feature release for Miramax (later bought by Disney) was formerly banned - video nasty/slasher The Burning.
You know, The Burning - like FIRE. Look where the (triangular evoking) shears are placed around the head.
Planned Parenthood - as a giant, realised form of sacrifice to fiery Moloch...there are no coincidences:
Planned Parenthood, Satanism, FIRE (Crowley ritual grade signs), Sacrificed Babies, Hollywood, & Deep State.
Also consider this symbolically. Satanist, Gloria 'I had an abortion' Steinem, who celebrates the murder of unborn children.
She did that - "aborted babies and fire sign" - in association with Planned Parenthood! These people are sick!
Ritual abortions/soul cracking were aspects of Crowley linked magick. See his disciple L Ron Hubbard (abortions).
Crowley's kabbalistic magick is derived from Jewish mysticism (Rabbi Loew) - so you can bank this connect too.

 Illuminati Kubrick - Molok(o) via Adrenochrome (Drencrom), ultra-violence and the brain. Milk and babies.
 A Clockwork '666/Fiery' Orange. Planned Parenthood - adrenchrome can be extracted from aborted foetuses.

Weinstein, Epstein, Steinem, Kubrick, etc - JEWS/JUDEANS - and that is what I call accuracy.
Even Church of Satan founder - Anton 'Fire' LaVey - was of Jewish descent.
Reinstated by JUDEANS via one of the last Kings of Judah. Manesseh, a King of the House of David.
666 Talents of gold (linked) Solomon another satanist. What demograph also historically sacrificed their first born?
Moloch is also comparable with Cronus/Saturn (Satan) - who devoured his own children.

In H.G. Wells' novel The Time Machine (1895), the antagonists were futuristic creatures called 'Morlocks' who routinely ate childlike 'Eloi' (which suggests he was making a Biblical analogy). Aldous 'LSD/Alice in Wonderland/Disney' Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was tutored at Oxford by ('Open Conspiracy' writer) H. G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I. The same Oxford that would produce the Isis Cult (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn).
MASS ELITE FOMENTED MIND CONTROL (via media/govt systems) is the obvious implication.
Mass media based conditioning, recreational/antidepressants drugs (narco hypnosis etc).  Which is what we effectively have.
Their books were NOT written as exposés, but as elite guidebooks! Jesus, it's so simple it's actually almost funny.

How about serial pederast - "A DRUG DEALING PEDERAST, ACTUALLY" (see Se7en) Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey?
It's alleged that he attended Bohemian Grove, but has now been expelled. Filming his sex escapades there, a strict no-no.
House of Tarot. Crow-(ley) of Elysium.
I don't think so, Kevin. Speak for yourself. The Usual (paedo/satanic) Suspects via Bryan 'Twinkie/Paedo' Singer.
Satanic MSM/Hollywood just programmed everyone with dumb, theatrical satanism, but some know what real satanism is.

Remember that Crowley's great nephew Nathan Crowley worked as production designer on the Batman films.
"Get a GPS on it so we can start to figure out how to bring it down." (Sandy Hook paedo ring, gun control agenda, or both?).
Strike Zone 1. The Dark Knight Rises...the film was also linked to Aurora - aka a 'dawn' - as in a Golden Dawn!
Dark (K)Nights and Aurora/Dawn (Sun) Rises.
It was Crowley who was instrumental in organising the modern incarnation of the (Oxford) Isis Golden Dawn Cult.
We go from 'Aurora/Golden Dawn' Batman to Superman - via NXIVM's Allison 'Isis/Superman' Mack.
Golden Dawn'flying rolls' (practices/philosophies) - XIV being magickal (inscribed) Talismans & Tablets.
Batman - the franchise that has MONARCH CINEMA/THEATRE as an aspect.
Monarch and the Purple Joker....Jack 'The Shining Monarch/Baphomet' Nicholson also played the Monarch-linked Joker.
Broke-back (homo) Mounting (Mountain), Ledger. He's linked to Hanged Man imagery in Batman.
Oh look, it's the sacrificed Monarch "why so serious/sirius" Joker. Which one? Why BOTH of course!
Mind control of Jokers, Holmes/Ledger (micro), and mind control of the watching and dosed masses (macro).
Born into the industry Mary-Kate Olsen was linked to Ledger's death. She's a 'twinned'MK-Ultra mind controlled zombie!
Ledger's final two films were The Dark Knight, and Dr Parnassus. Tarot, The Joker (Fool), and The Hanged Man, respectively.
Heath 'Joker' Ledger/Godfather III. In his last film (suspect Gilliam's) Dr Parnassus, he's posed as hanged Vatican banker, Calvi.
We've all seen the spate of recent hangings. Bourdain, sister of Queen Maxima, Spade, Bennington, Cornell, etc.
Hanged (suicided) from Black Friars (Black Brothers) Bridge, and with bricks (masonry, geddit?) in his pockets.
It's used in Godfather III, via Keinszig. Calvi, a banker/accountant type who used ledgers. Heath 'Calvi' Ledger.
The most recognisable tarot deck was by Rider-Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn, as was the deck's illustrator.

A Vegas 'Harvest' Shooting via Golden Dawn (Sunrise)
Christopher 'Dunkirk' Nolan is the director of these Batman reboots...Dark Knights (a la Templar Knight, Crowley)
Formerly locked-down Al-Waleed is alleged to own the top 5 floors of the Mandalay hotel. Co-owned with Bill 'POS' Gates.
Oh look, Monarch via Dunkirk and (false flag/inside job) Vegas.
The sacrificed Monarch via Vegas and the master symbol (illuminating pyramid) of the Illuminati.
Crowley's own magickal systems were influenced by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (Light/Sun).
Funnily enough, Batman Nolan's Dunkirk featured Harry 'One Monarched Direction' Styles - the Old-Man-Lover. :)
Tying-in to WW2 and Nazis. Nazis like Josef 'Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele...aka monarch to the kingdom of the dead.
OTO/Isis-Oxford (sodomite) 'Nazi propagandist' Crowley, Moonchild, rituals @ the Villa aka The Butterfly Net.
SS/skull imagery (see right lettering). Noble blooded Nazi, Josef 'SS/Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele.

Moon Children - 'Sandy Hook' Lanza & 'Aurora/Dawn' Holmes both struck around the birth/phase of NEW MOONS.
Aurora was just after (witching hour) midnight. These (inside job/deep state) shootings overlap in so many ways.
Interesting anomaly. adam-lanza-said-to-have-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-shooting-conspiracy/

Link all this to Parsons (Green), Crowley, Hubbard, Liddell (Lidl), Mother of Satan/Isis and the (dawn resonant) tube bomb.

The UK had it's 7/7 Terror Event in 2005, and via Trains, the Underground...and (mind control) Tavistock Square!
Liddell Mathers' and Crowley linked Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn Isis Cult - NXIVM via Allison 'ISIS Foundation' Mack/Raniere.

Before Parsons Green, see this - Amesbury 'novichok' - and the latest seeming farce. (Updating July 12th).
 A (C)Rowley and a Dawn. Muggle-ton Road for that Harry 'witch' Potter touch.
Recall Sept. 2017, the Parsons Green tube bomb, London. Early morning attack and a couple of hours after dawn.
Parsons, 666 Crowley, Hubbard, Lidl (Liddell), Isis, and Satan.
The Isis Babalon Cult - Golden Isis Dawn (co-founded by Liddell Mathers) formed out of Oxford, UK.
OTO Crowley, (rocket/tube man) OTO Parsons, and Hubbard. Scotland Yard's Mark Rowley (Mar KRowley) headed the case.
Peter Crowley via pyrotechnic Parsons (left). Parsons via Hubbard (right). Carpet burns (a sex based in-joke/mockery).
 Liddell, Parsons, and (Isis) Mother of Satan. Red-headed woman (below, top left) playing the symbolic 'Scarlet Woman' (Babalon).
Golden Dawn, Liddell MacGregor 'ISIS' Mathers - LIDL/LIDDELL - ISIS - Alice (in Wonderland) Liddell.
Underground tube tunnelling like the Alice rabbit. GD/Isis SLM Mathers (left) was related to Alice Liddell (Wonderland's Alice).

SL(i)M Shady/Mathers. He's giving (implicated) Bob 'POS' De Zero a run for his money. I wonder why? (sarcasm).
She (Hillary) wasn't supposed to lose! They never thought they'd lose control. For the first-time since Kennedy - they have.
The political and celebrity elite caught-up together in all sorts of debauchery and sickness.
A Baphomet 666 (satanic) Roll/Role Model...triple-split (Alice) Rabbit Mathers/SL(i)M Shady/Eminem.
"Fuck Trump" De Niro - was Lucifer in (fallen) Angel Heart - with 'Faustian dealing'singer, Mickey 'poof/transsexual' Rourke.
Devil's (K)Night, Shady. Mathers' Golden Dawn 'Isis Cult' out of Oxford, where Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton schooled.
Obama - the rising sun (golden dawn). 666 Lucifer, son of the morning (dawn).
Illuminati (satanic) Rothschild couple - Owl: Baron Guy de Rothschild. Y-Head (Horns): Marie-Hélène de Rothschild.
Rabbit Eminem, and Bill with Rachel 'Guinness dynasty/Epstein' Chandler (she was married-off to the elite).
Handler/Chandler is a goddamn CHILD TRAFFICKER. Supplying children for abuse! Go see this link. It's CLEAR.
Luckily someone got shots from her Instagram - it is now DELETED. Wink, wink. The kids look drugged!
SICK FUCKING WHORE. She uses her fashion casting couch as a 'front' to obtain these children for sick abuse.
Rabbit/Eminem linked Rachel Chandler - wedding white rabbit. Guinness estate (Pyrford) featured in The '666' O-men.
8 Mile - dirt tunnel hole fuckers - via White Rabbit, and Warren County linked Eminem. Molok(o) Orange Queer.
Rabbit (brown) eye-stabber with milk. Hey, Eminem. You still down with (hom)O-bama via the Big Gay mass debate? :)
I bet Shady Rabbit likes landing his pink rocket on a nice "black moon". Keep taking the purple pills via rainbows.
Focus, two friends (F/M). Likely Rachel Chandler, and Elton 'Brown Dirt Cowboy/Oz/Butterfly/Alice' John.
Why so vocal? It's because he's implicated in the wider satanic/elite paedo conspiracy. That's that cleared-up.
The satanic/elite paedo conspiracy that's operated right under the very noses of the useless eater (sheep).
The sheep who are completely brainwashed by the 'cult of celebrity' and related complicit MSM (programming).
Murder 187 via 'connected' (and likely clown/CIA linked) MS 13

Presidential pardon? Could that translate as a request, not so much a net result? Master P (rapper) did make a public plea to Obama (here), in respect of pardoning C-Murder (who's Master P's actual brother!). C-Murder (Corey Miller) is currently serving a life sentence for the 2002 beating and shooting murder of 16 year-old fan Steve Thomas. Yeah, with a name like that (C-Murder, child murder?) who could've possibly imagined? Brother Master P was given a Certificate of Special Recognition for his Youth, and Homeless charity work, presented by (democrat) Maxine 'US House of Reps' Waters(who Q has mentioned). Master P (Percy Miller) also hosted a 2010 public event with Michelle Obama. Miller was also an early supporter for the candidacy of Illinois senator and subsequent U.S. president Barack Obama. All potentially very suspect and overlapping stuff.
The D's advantage has been a virtual monopoly on the black vote demographic. A sizeable voting block.
"Who exposed the pedo network within H'wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details."
Is Q suggesting it's someone black? You might think so in the context of this post. "Will laugh" - a comedian?

187? Two members of D12 were killed. One was (friend) Proof, who first video debuted via "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number".
The (underage propaganda) track linked to underage Aaliyah, written by underage/paedo, sex slaving, fiend R. Kelly!
Her partner at the time of her (plane crash) death was Damon Dash, co-founder of (OTO Gay-Z linked) Roc-A-Fella.
Two weeks before death, Damned Queen Aaliyah, travelled New Jersey to (Montauk linked) East Hampton, NY.
- to visit Dash at the house he shared with (Abramovic linked) 'Zionist Def/Death '666' Jamming' Gay Z.
Are you getting it yet? Normalising satanism, sodomy, and paedophilia (via MSM) is a long-term/full-time job!
It's 'spirit cooking' Abramovic who's involved with the creepy Podestas/Pedostas (see wikileaks emails).
John being the former Clinton Chief of Staff, and Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman.

"You can’t imagine the size of this." Q

Return of the She-Devil. Satanists Gay-Z, and MK'd Beyonce canvassing for (lesbian) Hillary 2016. What a fucking tragedy! :)
Gay-Z through gritted teeth: "If you don't win, Hillary. We're ALL FUCKED!" :)

One degree of separation - Hillary and Ray 'Eminem' Chandler (via Emimikareh). We saw her earlier with Bill on Epstein's plane.

Hillary styled for Teen Vogue by Emimikareh - who looks to be professionally linked to (model agency) Chandler.
Chandler originally posted this Nov. 30, 2013. Emimikareh then seemingly re-posts it Nov. 8 2017. That was election day.
Ray 'photographer' Chandler. Teen Vogue Shoot? It's all gone (satanic/paedo) Roman 'Geimer/French Teen Vogue' Polanski.
I just noticed (fashionista) Sabine Getty, on that list (right), she is married to Mark Getty (co-founder of Getty Images).
The grandson of J P (666/Omen) Getty Sr. Elite Getty Sr died on the release date of The O-men (06/06/76).
Recall the Guinness owned/abandoned estate (Pyrford) was used in The O-men film - the Thorn residence.
The same Guinness dynasty that Ray Chandler married into. O-men & Thorns, demonic sodomy via Dick 'willying' Donner
Guildford featured in The O-men - where Getty Sr lived up until his death. Son, Getty Jr helped fund OTO Anger's Lucifer Rising.
Mark Getty's father, JP Getty Jr, was key in funding UK 60's counter-culture satanists/luciferians (and the UK Tory Party).
See (Beatles linked) John Dunbar, Peter Asher, Barry Miles, OTO Anger, Stones linked (witchy) Pallenberg, etc.
Sodomite/paedo, Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey was playing JP Getty Sr, in 'All the Money in the World', as the allegations broke.

NXIVM and Clintons...
Clinton linked Mays is also directly connected to a secretive group called NXIVM.

Joe (Bronfman) Hagin has been a Republican White House feature since the days of Reagan...20th June.
Another one bites the dust. The Bronfman influence gets everywhere - doesn't it? (link)

 John McCain - Bronfman owned asset.
The Bronfman family was the king behind the throne of the organised crime empire in Arizona – a crime empire that spawned the political career of John McCain. A man named Jim Hensley was well known in mob circles as a gangster in Arizona and was exposed in the seventies – by a man who was then killed in a car bombing in 1976. Hensley’s daughter married John McCain and the Hensley family was a key sponsor of McCain’s political career. Like the Bronfmans, Hensley was also involved with alcohol – as owner of the biggest beer distributor in Arizona. But what the media never mention is that the Hensley gangster fortune that backs McCain is, in fact, a branch of the same bootlegging and racketeering fortune of the (Zionist) Bronfman dynasty of Canada. Next time you see Basit Igtet and John McCain– an agent of ‘Israel’ – shaking hands as they plot for the new Libya, you can remember this important connection…No wonder they are such pals!"
Basit (Sara Bronfman) Igtet, supports a school in Cambodia to assist in the non-proliferation of child prostitution.
 (Yeah, right. The actual reality will be the exact opposite! Elite philanthropy is code for legitimised and institutionalised abuse.)
Clare Bronfman owns 80% of an island in FIJI - Wakaya Island. Sister Sarah (above right) is the wife of Igtet.
It's obviously implying Epstein's Island - the CDAN blind, below. Yes, and with an alleged NXIVM link.

NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of  Mexico's former president.
(It's now alleged that he's very recently cut all ties with ESP/NXIVM). It's no wonder they don't want that Mexican wall built!

If Epstein was channelling Island girls with sensitive/valuable intel to NXIVM (perhaps using a selection process) -
- then this would concentrate sources (for Bronfman/Raniere) into a powerful collective pool, giving them major leverage.
The other girls seemingly being passed-off onto connected elite types and other friends of the foreign supplier to the Island.

"Others that knew big secrets would end up as a wife to friends of the foreign born convicted child molester (perhaps Nader)
- where they still remain." Epstein girl, Ray 'Guinness/White Rabbit' Chandler - please stand-up. She's been married-off.

Hillary Rodham Clinton in Wonderland...Rodham or Rod Hams? Q specifically referenced this.
Lewis 'paedo' Carroll - The dirt tunnel White Rabbit and the Mad (Mercury/Hermes) Brown Hatter.

Barry O'Bummer/Michael - flew to Palm Springs immediately after the 2017 inauguration. With their two best gay friends.
Their first vacation as private citizens since coming to office.

Obama was fucking useless as POTUS...it's not even about whether you like Trump or not.
Do you recall Eminem's constant slating of (joke POTUS) G W Bush? Exactly! Hip-hop talks loud, but says nothing.
At least (sodomite) punk made an actual statement, sad though it was. Hip-hop is a tragedy of epic proportions.
"Hey, bitch! I wrote STAN!" Ummm, you mean you ripped-out a Dido sample and called it your own (lol).
We've just seen a major step to a denulcear North Korea, and a real chance of peace for the first time in 70+ years.
If Eminem goes missing - send a search party up Obama's ass - they'll likely find him wedged-in there. :)
Baphomet Obama in Wonderland...
It's Nancy's boy aka Johnny 'mad (brown) hatter' Depp...Mr Willy Wanka. He likes 'gloop' stuck in his chocolate pipe.
How's purple/lavender boy Willy's fudge mountain (mounting)? Are you still semi-sweet with nuts?
You still channelling Kenneth 'OTO' Grant, Johnny 'Edward Gimp Monarch Hands' Depp? It's Barry and first-ladyboy, Michael. :)

One-eyed love via Tim 'homo' Burton - Mr 'Monarch Cinema/Choccy Fuctory' Battyman (queer). Gotham or Got Hams?
It was (gay) color purple 'Butterfly/Rainbow Prince' who soundtracked Burton's original Batman film.
Is it time to travel down the rabbit dirt hole, and to wave goodbye to your pussy? Is Obama playing the Queen?

Lewis 'sodomite paedophile avatar' Carroll...Alice will soon be tugging on the (back) door-knob (nob).
http://www.whale.to/b/pedophocracy.html (from the late, great Dave McGowan)

It's just as well that I didn't have children. I would've destroyed all this (sick) programming that was aimed at them.
Nailing/hammering the (effeminate) ass with tail (penis). Is there POO(h) stuck/jammed in your rabbit (dirt) hole?

Is the (female) honeypot empty again? Pussy-Cat programming via Alice 'Mathers' Rabbit, aka 'Poo on You' Eminem.
I bet Digital (fingering) via Underground - Hump(ty) Dump dance (with eggs) - is one of his fav old skool classics.
Tony Dung-y (no joke) and MC Hump-ty (Digital'ass fingering' Underground) are one and the same person.
Masonic (ass bandit) Tupac was originally linked to Digital Underground (as a roadie) - they gave him his first tour.
Those dating rumours just won't go away. Triple-split Mathers. Go find a hutch/hole - you programmed ass-fucked, robots!

Pills N Potions via Monarched (split-alters) Nicki - Alice Rabbit Wonderland - Minaj. Toad-stools or Turd-stools?
Recall that Minaj's older brother was convicted of raping (incl. anal) his former step-daughter at 11 years old.
Monarched Drew 'Spielberg' Barrymore - Alice in Dirt Holing Wonderland. Hence Donnie 'Rabbit Hole' Darko.
Barrymore is from a distinguished acting dynasty, grandfather John was close to (acting dynasty patriarch) John 'OTO' Carridine.
Hugh Hefner was probably a faggot (like Walt Disney was)...he used to wear that seaman (semen) sailor's hat (Hello, sailor).
Disney's child sex avatar...Monarched Miley 'Alice Rabbit' Cyrus. Are you still banging your poppa, Billy-Ray?
Parents that ply their children with Disney products should be seen as (ignorant) child abusers & sodomy programming assistants!
Monarched (Queen Bee) Beyonce in White Rabbit Wonderland and in tasteless, sexual attire.
Keep it in the family...one programmed (white rabbit) monarch, Be-yawn-ce, to the next (Blue Ivy).
All gather for Mad (brown ass) Hatter & his Tea Party. Alice/tea aspect relates to sodomy discharge. Hip(pity)-Hop Bunnies.

"But we better give (Alice) Obama props..." Mathers, White Alice Rabbit Eminem
Faggot Confirmed. Batman/Batty-man/Batty-boy = the gayest super hero franchise ever created.
Battyman/Battyboy - is from West Indian culture - and where rapping/toasting evolved from. Batty-rider.
Camp Rabbit Robin with Dr Gay/Dre. Batman? More like Buttman. Dick Grayson or Dick Gay-son.
"Comin' out my Closet." Scat 'Shit On You' Eminem is a homosexual/sodomite and always was. A wrong-way boner (lol).
One-eyed, Iron (poof) Man donut exiting via a Randy ring. Shafting Black Snake, (hind) quarter pounder with cheese, Jackson.
The entire (US) super hero genre (Queens/ACDC Iron 'poof' Man, etc) is nothing but Hollywood SODOMITE MIND CONTROL
That's why folk like (paedo) Jew, Bryan Singer are so heavily involved, along with (Jew gender benders) Shuler/Donner.
The (Zionist) shit-hop genre is similarly inclined - from Poof Daddy, Gay-Z, to Lil' Gay-ne, and LL Cool Gay, etc.
It's no wonder that Eminem wants to "FUCK TRUMP" - that's what homo/sodomites like to do with men! :)

New World Ordering - sodomite Rabbit/Eminem. I already covered his link to Elton 'Butterfly/Monarch' John.
"Imma gonna draw a line in my hand - saying this is my right one. You're either FOR or AGAINST."
So, who's for this (LYING) POS faggot that is Rabbit Eminem? A suspected child abuser and satanist?
They're ALL simply elite marionettes (puppets) who've done the Faustian deal for fame - which means - selling YOU out!
Defending Obama, the former 'faggot' POTUS (with a tranny wife), who is up to his neck with the paedo/satanic Clintons.
Remember, it was Bronfman-linked, Interscope Iovine (via UMG) that was the major power behind Eminem.
(Homo) Iovine who co-produced 8 Mile. The film with (now deceased) Brittany 'Alice/Monarch/MK-Ultra' Murphy
The same Interscope that Rachel Chandler also Instagram referenced (via Eminem, below) in suspect posts.

Chandler with (Bunny) Rabbit Eminem. Marki Shkreli is on this post - a hairstylist for Vogue (internationally).
Oh look, an East Hamptons link via (Chandler's) Bunnies. A paediatric center. (Note, I inset the Eminem bunny shot.)
Healthcare Center or industry/elite programming/mind control related? That picture imagery is uber suspect.
Recall the previous post on all things Montauk/Martha's Vineyard (right near the Hamptons).
Mind control 'Stepford' central, Connecticut, the other side. Obama-linked (Nixon/Schumer) Beach Plum Inn (Plum Island).
Also recall the recent plane crash death of the 'architect to the stars' off the Hamptons (Martha's is opposite, further east).
Not forgetting (plane crash) West Hollywood-linked (Instagram) Coogan, last pictured at The Montauk restaurant (Scottsdale, AZ.).
Montauk/Martha's is where Spielberg's Jaws originates, and is also set. Spielberg is from Scottsdale too (notable people),
The Spades were from Scottsdale, AZ. Kate Spade worked for the Clinton Foundation in Haiti.
Andy Spade's creepy Instagram. A Serbian film (paedo-chic homage), a fiery owl (think moloch), and the white rabbit.

Wonderland Hillary...
We found one degree of separation between Hillary and (handler) Chandler via the Teen Vogue shoot and her styling.
"You can’t imagine the size of this." Q. That was given in relation to the Nixon/Alefantis picture (below).
Sarah 'Beach Plum Inn' Nixon (in red) and with Pizza Man (Alefantis). Beach Plum Maggie Nixon with 'fingers' Obama.
Googling "Obama" and "Maggie Nixon" gave the following picture. Satanic Abramovic & James 'fingers/paedo abuser' Franco.
Notice the band aids on this fingers. Nixon's grandmother was the Queen of Daytime Soap.
How about a direct Hillary/Podesta link and between James 'Pizza Man/Jimmy Comet' Alefantis? Then read on.
Comet "CONNECTI-CUT AVE" Ping Pong. Cooking with (Abramovic linked) Tony and John 'fingers' Podesta.
Connecti-CUT. Left-hand path (evil) a la Crowley. Thelemic Osiris/Isis 'chopped into 14 pieces/phallus' magick.
The Osirian phallus is eaten by a fish - likely a euphemism for sex - literally swallowing the phallus.
June 2016. Maggie 'Guadalupe White Sharks' Nixon. Linked posts Mom, Maggie, & Alefantis...see 3_ringcircus connect.
That's not the only reference. Obama/Maggie, same girl, and the earlier b&w (Martha's V) Beach Plum Inn shot.
3 Ring Circus. A very, very suspect sounding name. Getting told Obama was next Pres. before he even announced.
Yes, you were collectively brainwashed by Mockingbird MSM - they knew that was coming, hence his assured claim.
Why was Maggie Nixon (via Hollywood linked father Robert) using GoFundMe for a Thailand trip? paedo Thailand?
(Full pic, here). We know they do not want for money. Why are there details about her fragile mental state included in it?
Trump has been using the term "covfefe" and often. There is a Thai island called Kho Phi Phi. (See Cinema of Sodomy, post).
Obama is also linked to Maggie 'Beach Plum' Nixon via Sea of Hope - a doc. film written/directed by her father Robert Nixon!
Annie Opel - one of Maggie's Thai 'GoFundMe' donors - was involved with Sea of Hope.
Sea of Hope - film tagline: "No child left dry..." and in association with True Blue Films, geddit? (sex/porn).
Narrated by Max Kennedy - the actual son of Robert F Kennedy! Finn Kennedy involved too. WTF is actually going on here?
What's the Kennedy clan doing mixed-up with (Obama linked) Nixon's film? As the World Turns = Agnes Nixon and JFK!
JFK Jr was (allegedly) killed in a plane crash just off Martha's Vineyard - where Nixon's Beach Plum Inn is located!
Here's that letter linking Jimmy 'Alefantis' Comet, Podesta Bros., and Hillary.
That's Clinton, the 'spirit cooking' Podestas, and 'pizza man' Alefantis all linked and via a singular letter.
We've got 'pizza man/homo' Alefantis connected to the Obama-linked Nixons, and Beach Plum Inn, too!
Cooking with the Fratelli (pepperoni pizza) Bros? What's this - a homage to The 'paedo/pizza' Goonies?
Jimmy 'Alefantis' Comet, his former (sodomite) lover Brock, and with Lynn Forester de Rothschild.
(Pic, Sept 15, 2015) Alefantis might well be a Rothschild, as many have been alleging. The shot is at a Rothschild home.
Hillary is closely linked to L.F de Rothschild. Remember that Bill was a Rhodes/Rothschild scholar at Isis Oxford.
Oops - something has gone very, very wrong. Did someone lose control of the White House and the narrative?
L.F de Rothschild is in Epstein's black book (among other Rothschilds) - as is daughter Hannah.

John 'Chicken man' Podesta - an obvious reference to underage boys (chickens) and 'cocks'.
Alex 'Bunny Man Art' Podesta - any kind of relation, guys? Very probably. Bunny Tales, or Bunny Tails?
What a fucking weirdo (see here). Does he masturbate sitting in his own shit? MK-Ultra (Alice) sodomy abuse/programming.
What's on this Come-t menu?
New-cummers via drilling - 5 fresh & 4 surviving pizzas (kids) from the previous month. 30% discount on severe torture.
Bitcoin - a Brock 'paedo' Pierce connect.
Linked to (paedo) DEN/Chad's 'underage' World/Rector-Collins, & Singer/Ancier/Goddard/Neuman.
Twinkie Singer, the Shuler/Donner linked director. Dick '666 Willying' Donner, directed The 'Fratelli Pepperoni Pizza' Goonies.
Sodomy and Transient Baph(c)omet via (paedo) Pizza. Baphomet 'Pan Pizzas'.
Ping-Pong (shows) being linked to Thai sex performances and Bangkok (banging cock).
Ha, it's no wonder they wheeled-out Hillary to counter the pizza-gate revelations. So would you - if you were her!

Transient Baphobama...
Jimmy 'faggot' Comet (Alefantis) posted this shot of Obama playing ping-pong with a young boy.
He is clearly connected to the White House, Obama, and Hillary (as shown).
Hillary writing to Alefantis and in respect of the Podesta 'cooking' Bros. is nothing to worry about. ;)
Big Cheese via Bucks (Rams) Fishing & Camping, Besta 'boy lover' Pizza, and a Baph(c)omet Pinged Ponger.
Opposite is Beyond Borders (Haiti linked charity), & suspect sounding bistro Ter-asol (phonetics), Hillary was pictured there.
Yeah...there's nothing suspect about any of this. It's all just a remarkable coincidence. ;)

Chad's (underage gay) World was produced by Brock 'Bit Coin' Pierce. Brock 'former child movie star' Pierce.
Chads are also linked to hole punching. All connecting to (rent boy/actor/DEN-linked) Seann 'closet cock sti(f)fler' William Scott.
Scott is linked to Jew sodomite programmer, Eugene -  Stay (Crowley 666) Tuned/Schitt's (ass paddling) Creek - Levy.
Marc 'inter-state child trafficking paedo' Collins-Rector. The Egan-linked twink pool party abuse.
Steve 'Trump' Bannon. "(Brock) Pierce brought in Steve (Goldman Sucks) Bannon." (see, IGE)
Ol' Sloppy Steve...majorly linked to Brock 'Disney/DEN/Chad's World/Paedo/Bit Coin' Pierce.
Alefantis' Baph(C)omet (Goat) Ping Pong Pizza - based on Connecticut Ave. DC.
Nancy (GoatHill.com) Pelosi and GoatHill Pizza  - situated on Connecticut St. SF. Nancy "$200 million" Pelosi
We saw Tony 'Dahmer' Podesta with Comet Pizza Alefantis, here he is with (Goat Hill-linked) Pelosi.
Pizza 'Culkin' Underground...Mr Bapho(met)-Bunny...likes Goat Hill (euphemism) and Bottom of the Hill Pizza (euphemism).
Mr Bapho-Bunny - underground burrowing/tunnelling - Pizza Boy, Culkin. Virtually born into the industry.
Macaulay 'Pizza Box - Bunny Ears' Culkin. Neverland (gay Paree) Paris'Pan' Jackson, who was born into the industry.
Jackson is the alleged daughter of Mark 'Oliver' Lester. Dickens (Dick-ins) & the O Twist (consider that for a moment).
Discovered by John 'Mr Mom' Hughes - who got a start via (X-Men) Shuler, Singer-linked wife of Dick 'Twinky' Donner.
Bunny Ears Pizza and Bapho-Bunny, Culkin - little pricks, blood, and co-mingling fluids via the earth (dirt hole).
Sodomite Crowley Enochian keys. He likes dirt holing and ramming via Goat Hill (Pizza) & usually starts at the Bottom.
Culkin, whose aunt featured in Die Hard (opposite Twinkie Willis). Schitt's Creek O'Hara was his Home 'pizza' Alone, mom.

It's Aziz - 30 (Pizza) Minutes or Less/Get Him (to the) Greek - Ansari, & Russell - Big (masonic eye) Brother - Brand.
Bottom of the (Jonah) Hill and Baphomet Brand-O.
A double-bill for alleged sexual abuser, Aziz - 'Get Him Greek (Style)' - Ansari, serving pizza at Goat Hill.
Via child-lover butterflies (a monarch) and the boy-lover spiral. Goats, horns, and kids. Up-hill Gardening.
Get Him Greek (style) = up the ass. Masonic/satanist Russell Brand, & with Poof 'pink team' Daddy (hip hopping bunnies).
Make that a sodomite triple-bill for Aziz 'Pizza/Greeking' Ansari - via that insult to comedy - Satur(n)day Night Live.
Bang Pizza. It's ALL linked! TWINKIES - tweenie kids/boys for sodomite/homos. Just like Bryan 'Twinkie/Twink' Singer.
'Enjoy the little things' (who can they mean?). Pizza man, Jesse (gay/Jessie Jew boy) Eisenberg, and Woody 'Twinkie' Harrelson.
Twinkies (snack) gained more popularity via "Howdy Doo-dy" in the 1950's. Doody also means shit. Howdy Doody/Hello Shit.

 Sno-Balls, Sno-Balls..."Fucking Twinkies - where are they?". "Twinkies have an expiration date." (Yeah, they age into adults).
Grocery store "Twinkie" scene preceded by (Dickey's Deliverance) Duelling 'camp ass fuck" Banjos, hey what a surprise.
From Sno-Balls via Twinkies to: Guess who else was involved in producing (Jew) Fleischer's 'Bang Pizza' - '30 Minutes or Less'?
It's Dainty Dodge-balls, lavender boy,Gaylord Focker/Fucker, Poo-Lander, (Jew) Ben 'Pizza Penis' Stiller.
The tripled lavender color-coding and (rainbow wall) via 'dodge-balling'Gaylording 'Stiller' Focker is coincidence (sarcasm). :)
Once you've broken their sick, degenerate and mockery drenched encoding methodology (as I have) - it all falls into place.

Go Balls Deep into the (Jamaican) Brown Starfish (Asshole). Stiller feat. in (sodomite) Limp 'starfish' Bizkit's Rollin' (video).
There's a 'hot dog' element to this too. See Bourdain and Obama discussing hot dogs and using ketchup past aged 8.
'Choccy Starfish' Durst was made Vice-president of A&R at Iovine's Interscope, after the lack of success of their debut -
 "Three Dollar Bill, Y'all$" (As QUEER/BENT as a Three Dollar Bill). It's called (sodomite) industry pre-selection.
Limp Bizkit served as an opening act for Faith No More ('97). The group's keyboardist Roddy Bottum (rodding the ass, yes seriously) later recalled: "That guy Fred Durst had a really bad attitude. He was kind of a jerk. I remembered he called the -
audience faggots [even though he's one himself, my emphasis] at one show when they booed him. Not a good scene."
Pauly 'Son in Law' Shore played a PIZZA deliveryman in Limp 'Lavender Stiller' Bizkit's "N 2 Gether Now".
Gaylord Focker, Poo-lander - Tony 'Poof' Wonder (Arrested 'homo' Development) via the closet "I'm Queer" Magic Circle (asshole).
 Created by Michael 'Ellen Degenerate Dyke' Hurwitz. The dumb and brainwashed by the (Jew) Cult of Celebrity, will mistake all this for comedy. But then, the industry didn't (and couldn't) make it this far with the sheep being aware, awake, or clued-up. :)
Ring punching H/weights. Hot-Dog DisneyCamp Hope (hoop) - a RogerJohnsonSalami Sam, & Homer Sxhulz (Homo-sexuals).
Queens Jew, Judd 'Trainwreck' Apatow as Homer Sxhulz, writer/producer on Get Him Greek/Walk Hard Dewey Cox (pre-cum cocks).
Pizza & Sausage Cocks x 2. Heavyweight (ring punchers) and Hard Dewey Sausage Cox/Cocks via 'amore' moon hitting/eye Pizza.
They are ALL FAGGOTS (like their mogul sponsors) and are brainwashing the masses with faggotry everyday that passes.
Opening lines..."Mr Cox? Mr Cox? Mr Cox? Guys, I need Cox (Cocks)." Anyone seen Ring-O seeking, Dirk/Dirt Digg(l)er?
Hard Dewey 'Starman' Cox/Cocks. I had to do this to demonstrate the phenomena...Boogie 'Buggery/Ring-O Nights' Reilly.
Coppola/Schwartzman as Ring-O (Ass) StarOrange fruit, AC/DC queer, Jack 'Rusty Trombone Azz' Black as McCartney.
Directed by HOMOSEXUAL, Jake - Orange Queer County & TheTVSet (tranny/rainbow set/group) - Kasdan.
Homer Sxhulz/Apatow's mentor was Jew, Garry - faggot/Iron poof Man - Shandling (linked to suspect Arrested D. Tambor.)
Martin 'The Orifice/Office' Freeman, and (queer Mary) Cum-a-batch in Orange Poo-lander. Hobbiting/Ring Lording, Freeman.
Is Poo-lander Ben(der) still looking for a 'Mary'? There's Something About Mary (Queen), Ben 'Twinkie/Pizza' Stiller.
Lin Shaye was in the 'Mary' film. Sister of (Jew) Robert 'Elm St 2 - gayest horror film ever' Shaye - aka the Ring Lord producer.
Robert 'Ring Lord/Gay Molesting Elm St' Shaye actually founded New Line Pictures. Cameron, is a more male associated name.
Robert 'Hoop Dreams' Shaye's New Line produced all the Lord of the (Saturnic Ass) Rings films via Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson.
They produced Boogie 'Buggery/Ring-O' Nights, and the scat resonant (SH) "IT" film via floaterssewer pipes and balloon knots.
Reality Bites - Gaylord Poof Stiller's directing debut, immediately b4 pizza/twinkie Heavyweights. "The answer is...Pizza."

Yes, aren't we clever. Sowing their paedo/sodomy based sordid crimes/behaviours (via mockery) into their Hollywood products.
Justin 'Lavender/Paedo Salva' Long was in Dodge-Ball. Mr Jeepers Creepers (peepers), sliding down brown pipes and eye gouging.
Opening lines, homo-focker/programmer Stiller's Poolander Number 2:
"Sting! Sting, open up! It's bieber! Sting! Come on! Sting! It's bieber, bro! Open the door! Oh, fudge!"
(Ring sting-ing via opening the [back] door and packing fudge. Bieber is a mogul cock jockey, Sting an OTO sodomite.)
PoolanderNumber 2 (literally). "Hot and steamy feces/faeces" (faces) via the creased anal sphincter. Kristen 'asshole' Wiig.
You want a 'young milky cum facial' (via booty/labia-tory and cocks) to go with the lavender asshole?
She played Edith Cox (Cocks) in Hard Dewey Cox, followed by Semi-Pro (semi-hard). In Ghostbusters & Drag-on films too.
She was in Arrested 'Poof' Development, and voiced Lola (Lolita) Bunny in Scooby (scat) Doo (game).
Your (hot dog bun) role in (plausible deniability based) 'Sausage Party' is not fooling anyone here - you deviant.
This ISN'T comedy. This is mass JEW sickness run amok - and with no foil to their sodomite/LGBT cultural imperialism.
Major props to Uncle 'the legend' Bingo for many of these. That's Jew 'penis/wang pizza' Stiller's sodomite propaganda destroyed.
This Hollywood (Jew dominated) faggot mafia think they can weave their sick deviance thru their output - undetected.
Sorry, but for me, deconstructing (sick) Hollywood sodomite embedded programming is like taking candy from a baby. :)
It really helps if you don't live in complete "awe" of these sodomite celebs, as most do, & by default. I have no issue there.

WTF? Double-meaning, their 'secret orders' in respect of ordering/requesting pizza. Pizza Knights via the helmet and the A-List.
Ben 'pizza' Stiller, & Roman - Salva's paedo Clownhouse - Coppola. His cousin Schwartzman, Pulped Ass Friction, Avary too.
Pizza Knights - "they cum and go" - they lance a lot. David Siegel/Scott McGehee (a faggot pairing). They're ALL likely faggots.
Gaylord'starfish' Focker Stiller had Dustin 'Tootsie' Hoffman in his 'Meet/Meat the Fockers' series, & Bob 'Fuck Trump' De Niro.
Bill - Meat-Balls/Tootsie/Ghostbusters/Caddyshack choccy/shit eater - Murray was in "Fucking Twinkie/Twink" Zombieland.

He likes Ground (earth/dirt) Hogging with Andy/Andi, & Twinkie Ramis. Getting slimed via twinkie-busting, and staying poofed (puft).
Punx-sutawney Phil's ground/dirt hogging hole. Philling/Filling "punxs/punks" hole - jail ass receivers.
Zombieland/USA, mockery of the sleeping sheep/zombies who populate it, and while they programme you with sodomy.
They even make a direct (faggot) homage to 'big Twinkie' Ghostbusters in Zombieland Faggotland.
Meat-balls, Harold 'Hard Dewey Cocks/Cream-filled Twinkie Buster' Ramis - Mr Analyze/Anal-ise This - via Orange Queer County.
I didn't get around to mentioning 'Weird JEW Yankovic' and his Twinkie/Wiener (cock) sandwich via UHF.
Ghostbusters...and munching on big Twinkies (via fag smoke). The Stay Poofed (Puft) "hello sailor" film via mallow cum.
The Ghostbusters are inside a female's head (Liberty) in the sliming sequel. They hold a torch for Staying Poofed.
Busting (via Twinkies and balls) makes me feel good. "The traveller has come (cum)" via stay poofed and phallic ejaculate.
Purple/Lavender Plums - "plums" are also a slang term for the testicles.
Oh look, Twinkie Woody with Weinstein cock jockey and fluffer, Lawrence, and Amy 'Beach Plum Inn-linked' Schumer.
When her parents divorced Amy and her mother moved to Long Island. The Nixon linked Inn is on Martha's (Obama) Vineyard.
Hoop dunkin' jumper - Woody 'True (paedo spiral) Detective" Harrelson. Inside Amy 'Trainwrecked' Schumer? Urrgh, no thanks.
Juxtaposed - "Senate Approves Funding" - via Occult Murder. An "asshole" resonant creator via Twinkie Woody.
Harrelson did that girl Beth - "up the ass" - in True 'Satanic Senator' Detective. McConaughey also likes a (phallic) moon tower.
True Detective even referenced abuse/murder victims who were thought dead via disasters (hurricanes). Think Haiti.
It's Senator Tuttle Schumer, with Baphomet Barry, and (Queens based) Harvey 'satanist/abuser' Weinstein.
Chuck Schumer is the first cousin of Amy Schumer's father. A family descended from Ukrainian Jews.
Chuck Schumer's daughter wed Shapiro, who was an economic-policy adviser for Hillary's presidential campaign.

"Those who are loudest..."
Meat-head - Spinal (Ass) Tapping - Reiner. When Harry Met A (queer) Sally. Sodomy Roast via Iron'Jerk' Balls, dad Carl.
Stand By (Behind) Me, looking for stiffs via (greasy) Lard Ass, & an ass-dogging Chopper (pop-eye) who siks (vomits) balls.
Are you going to tells us why One-eyed Willie seeking Feldman (Teddy), was also known as "mouth"?
"Those who are loudest..." :)
That's how you do comedy, Rob. No young boy's asses have been battered, ploughed/abused. But then, this is non-Jew comedy.
Hello, Sailor. You like seamen (semen) via (O)ORAL? Head via the head. Is that before or after you tap the spinal/ass?
Sodomite Luciferian/Satanic Jew - which is why the "Isle of Lucy" (Luci-fer) via jAZZ - is an aspect of his (sick) film. :)
Meat-heading, Rob 'Big Bottom/Hell Hole/Bent for the Rent/Electric Banana Bender' Reiner. How's Sally?
It's Spinal (ass) Tapping Christopher Guest who has Eugene - Stay (Crowley 666) Tuned/Shit's Creek - Levy, as a writing partner.

Why are the opening words of Stand By (Behind) Me - "I knock - SHIT"?
Hey, Rob. Did you ass rape Corey Haim when he tried-out for Stand By Me? Well, well, well...what have we here?
Rob "I Am Your Child" Reiner, Carl too (charity). Not the sort of thing you want to see an industry paedophile fronting!
'All in the Family' (incest) Meat-heads. No wonder Franken roasted you about parental Carl (& his celeb friends) sodomising you.
Your own son, Nick, is a basket case and rehab regular. This is worse than (crypto-Jew) Jimmy 'elite BBC paedo' Savile!
Are you still pissed that Darabont got all the plaudits for your Shawshank - shitty pipe busting dreams -  Redemption?
(Reiner's I Am Your Child, 1997 DVD) Bill/Hillary 'paedo island' Clintons, Mel 'sick sodomite Jew/Weinstein' Brooks, Rosie 'dyke' O'Donnell, monarched Roseanne, Martin 'poof' Short, Robin 'paedo poof' Williams, Oprah 'satanic lesbian' Winfrey, Colin/Colon Powell, Billy 'Sally seeking' Crystal, Shaq 'hoop dunking' O'Neal, etc. Powell (on dvd cover) is reading a "moon" based book (wink, wink). Hosted by Tom 'Forrest Dump/Homo Apollo moon/Philadelphia' Hanks. (middle) Narrated by Sly 'homo Apollo ring punching' Stallone - the Philadelphia (brotherly love) meat bashing, pet shop girl/boy man via (male resonant) Adrian (Shire/Coppola).
A Hillary supporter? We'd never have guessed. Don't forget the (implicated) Reps. though.
Sick Jew, Mel 'faggot' Brooks is a key to a lot of this. I suspect that Brooks was a power behind Weinstein's rise.

"You can’t imagine the size of this." Q
(It's certainly bigger than that Ghostbusters Twinkie!)

Yeah...it's very simple. THEY ARE ALL SODOMITE, SATANIC, PAEDOPHILES - or assets of them.
One's who programme the masses. You're all being brainwashed by sodomite/paedo/satanic (Jew) Hollywood.
And that folks, is why I call Hollywood - THE CINEMA OF (SATANIC JEW) SODOMY.
Not many will buy-in to this concept, but it won't change the fact of what is actually transpiring via deviant Hollywood/TV.
It makes no matter what your politics are - this Jew Hollywood mass sodomy program - rolls-on regardless!
As entertaining as you think these monsters are, you're still being programmed to your own cultural deaths.
Hollywood/TV (et al) is the biggest example of global-based "mass mind rape" that the world has ever seen or known.

What would make me laugh - would be folk coming here defending their (tragic) political/entertainment heroes.
Oh, no! Not Eminem! Oh, no! Not Johnny Depp! Oh, no! Not demi-god Obama! Oh, no! Not Macaulay Culkin! LOL.
I CANNOT stress enough how brainwashed (by the 'cult of celebrity') the majority are. It's an epidemic.

Bourdain, Kate Spade, Inés Zorreguieta, Salling, Bennington, Cornell, Williams, L'Wren Scott...
Another celeb linked (alleged) suicide via hanging...Jeanine 'Sex and the City publicist/AKA Life' Pepler
Yup...LONG ISLAND (Sag Harbor). There's nearby Plum Island and Montauk.
West Hollywood linked (plane crash) Mariah Sunshine Coogan was last photographed at The Montauk (Scottsdale, AZ.)
Pepler (who was linked to Disney Eisner) created and managed two profitable divisions, Thru-Line & I.D., of bicoastal production company, Chelsea Pictures. Thru-Line represented high profile indie feature directors - Todd Solandz (Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995; Happiness, 1998), Ben Younger (Boiler Room, 1995), and The Blair Witch Project (1999) Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez.
It's not looking good. Vulnerable children in night attire and alone with adults? These people ARE SICK.
But then, when the entire (Jew-centric) entertainment industry (and beyond) is implicated in it all - there are NO INNOCENTS.
There she is between Anthony Haden-Guest, and Anna ROTHSCHILD.
The same Haden-Guest whose half-brother is Spinal (Ass) Tapping, Christopher 'Rob Reiner' Haden-Guest!
Lord Fauntleroy Chris Guest married (Buggery/Bogeyman) Jamie Lee 'Halloween' Curtis at mutual friend, Rob Reiner's home.
Jeanine 'East Hampton' Pepler, with screenwriter/director, James - I've raped/abused hundreds of women - Toback.
Don't forget the East Hampton based "Architect to the Stars" - Krupinski - who very recently died in a Long Island plane crash!
Look where they both lived! A virtual stone's throw away from each other. 16 day span between deaths.
There was also a Long Island military linked plane accident (stunt display) that happened just prior to Krupinski's crash.
The Krupinskis also owned the prestigious East Hampton Golf Club. Were they taken-out via a (HAARP) weather storm?
One client being Martha 'Butterfly/Moth' Stewart. Monarched'Halloween'Martha. Introducing Motha, the winged wonder:
Moths/Butterflies, like Silence of the (Plum Island) Lambs. Beach Plum Inn is on nearby Martha's Vineyard.
Martha'winery' Stewart dated Anthony 'Lecter' Hopkins, but ended it after seeing Silence of the 'Moth' Lambs. WTF?
The exact same moth! Acherontia Styx (death's head). Hamptons Martha, & Plum Island/Connecticut, 'paedo avatar' Foster.
And this, another Hamptons "Architect to the Stars" from last year - a twice arrested child pornographer.

Michael J Fox. Funnily enough, 'East Hampton' Pepler was the publicist for author Jay McInerney (Bright Lights, Big City, 1984).
Michael 'East Hampton' J Fox played the lead in the film version of his book!
The Pajama Program and (Pajama Party Pepler linked) Jay 'Bright Lights, Big City' McInerney.

Pajama Pepler is also linked to Curtis 'Beach Plum Farm' Bashaw...yes, Beach Plum, again.
The Standard Hotel (NY). Isn't that the "meat-packing" Hotel? Recall Schiff and the Standard in W. Hollywood.
Looks like the same Christmas party (as shown earlier, with Anna Rothschild), she's in the same dress.
Pepler's Thru-Line represented high profile indie feature directors - Todd Solandz (Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995; Happiness, 1998), Ben Younger (Boiler Room, 1995), and The Blair Witch Project (1999) Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez.
Beach Plum Farm's Boiler Room is a Pizzeria! An 'underground' pizzeria and linked to Congress (terminology).
This is just like Dem. linked (Nixon/Schumer) Beach Plum Inn and Obama!
It's all gone Boiler Room!

Authorities said they believed Thomas Gilbert was killed by his son, who then left the murder weapon -- a .40 caliber Glock 22 -- in the bedroom to make it look like a suicide.
Oysters (the lesbian reference, see Spartacus) and Anna Rothschild love bombing.
Is that a band-aid on Rothschild's shoulder grabbing right-hand (middle finger, see tip)?

Nixon/Schumer (and 'fingers' Obama) linked Beach Plum Inn (Martha's Vineyard)
Beach Plum Farm
Curtis 'Jeanine Pepler' Bashaw and his Beach Plum Farm
I suspect that Carla 'Purple/Chef' Hall was born MALE. Mr Carla 'Pajama Program/Spirit Day' Hall.
The same Hall who has the connect with John 'FARM/Spirit Cooking' Podesta! Alefantis/Hillary linked Podesta.

Oh look, it's 'Color Purple' (lesbian) Oprah. You know, like PLUM, a type of purple color.
Don't forget that Silence of the (Plum Island) Lambs was heavily linked to sexual transience (man/woman).
Hannibal 'Cannibal/Plum Island' Lecter: "Was it a butterfly? Foster: Yes, a moth." (Silence of the Lambs).


Continued in next post..."Those Who Are Loudest".

"Those Who Are Loudest..."


Continued from the previous post...
Class & Grace - Moloch/Baphomet Barry - Sandy 'Monarch Butterfly Effect/Owl' Hook - Bohemian 'Owl' Grove
This is TOUGH content. Be advised. The time for political correctness (aka nefarious mind control) is over.
Stopping/limiting this sick juggernaut is all I care about.

Oh look, Twinkie Woody with Weinstein cock jockey and fluffer, Lawrence, and Amy 'Beach Plum Inn-linked' Schumer.
When her parents divorced Amy and her mother moved to Long Island. The Nixon linked Inn is on Martha's (Obama) Vineyard.
Hoop dunkin' jumper - Woody 'True (paedo spiral) Detective" Harrelson. Inside Amy 'Trainwrecked' Schumer? Urrgh, no thanks.
Juxtaposed - "Senate Approves Funding" - via Occult Murder. An "asshole" resonant creator via Twinkie Woody.
Harrelson did Beth - "up the ass" - in True 'Satanic Senator Tuttle' Detective. McConaughey also likes a (phallic) moon tower.
Anal Beth/Lilith Simmons. Lilith is a figure in Jewish mythology, developed earliest in the Babylonian Talmud.
Lilith is often envisioned as a dangerous demon of the night, who is sexually wanton, and who steals babies in the darkness.
(Which is why this scene is then followed by the baby stealing/killer, Medea scene).

Tom Papania: You know there's a little church around here? Pretty old? Black minister? (note, not in the racial sense).
Childress: You must mean Son of Life, sir. That place shut down. '05 I think. Just after all them hurricanes.
Tom Papania: You live around here?
Childress: No, sir. I live in St. Martin. Got a parish contract. Take care of some cemeteries, publicschools.
Tom Papania: All right. Thanks. Hey. You know how to get to 49 from here?
Childress: Sure. About a half mile, you'll see a left, PR 1435, take that. About 7 miles of fields, you'll hit 49 before Crowley.
Tom Papania: Know your way around, huh?
Childress: Oh, yeah, boss. I know the whole coast. My family. My family's been here a long, long time. [starts mower engine].
[7 miles and 49 (7*7) via Sodom Crowley - 777. "Mowing the lawn" - a sexual reference - slang term for the sex act.]
There's also an actual Tom Papania, who claims that he was a Gambino mafia hitman - and who is now a minister.
True Detective even referenced abuse/murder victims who were assumed dead via disasters (hurricanes). Think Haiti.
It's Senator Tuttle Schumer, with Baphomet Barry, and (Queens based) Harvey 'satanist/abuser' Weinstein.
Harvey - Crying 'Tranny' Game, Pulped Ass Friction, Cropsey 'anal buggery bo(o)geyman' - Weinstein.
Chuck Schumer is the first cousin of Amy Schumer's father. A family descended from Ukrainian Jews.
Chuck Schumer's daughter wed Shapiro, who was an economic-policy adviser for Hillary's presidential campaign.

"Those who are loudest..."
Meat-head - Spinal (Ass) Tapping - Reiner. When Harry Met A (queer) Sally. Sodomy Roast via Iron'Jerk' Balls, dad Carl.
Stand By (Behind) Me, looking for stiffs via (greasy) Lard Ass, & an ass-dogging Chopper (pop-eye) who siks (vomits) balls.
Are you going to tells us why One-eyed Willie seeking Feldman (Teddy), was also known as "mouth"?
"Those who are loudest..." :)
That's how you do comedy, Rob. No young boy's asses have been battered, ploughed/abused. But then, this is non-Jew comedy.
Hello, Sailor. You like seamen (semen) via (O)ORAL? Head via the head. Is that before or after you tap the spinal/ass?
Sodomite Luciferian/Satanic Jew - which is why the "Isle of Lucy" (Luci-fer) via jAZZ - is an aspect of his (sick) film. :)
Meat-heading, Rob 'Big Bottom/Hell Hole/Bent for the Rent/Electric Banana Bender' Reiner. How's Sally?
It's Spinal (ass) Tapping Christopher Guest who has Eugene - Stay (Crowley 666) Tuned/Shit's Creek - Levy, as a writing partner.
Cottage 'Shit' Bros. - Cottaging aka sodomite toilet trading (link). Guest's wife Curtis was in (Toilet Trading) Places.
Father Tony was in the homosexual Spartacus bath scene - a role he claimed as his greatest contribution to film (a faggot).

Incest and sodomy - their favourite hobbies. These people ARE SICK SATANIC SODOMITES. This is comedy? Wow.
Shithole Creek O'Hara was Bapho-Bunny - aka Macaulay 'Pizza boy' Culkin's - Home Alone mother.

Reiner and in the last few days...June 28 2018. Batting for sodomites and lesbians and via more Trump bitching.
"We?" I told you all that he's a LYING ass bandit...and propagandising sodomite/paedophile.
They are NOT interested in acceptance or equality - they actually see heterosexuality as a lesser state of being, a limitation.
'Where's the fucking twinkie (ass)' Harrelson is in Reiner's forthcoming July release 'Shock and Awe'.
Twinkie Twinks - Enjoy The Little (Kid) Things - They're cream filled. Woody'Zombieland/True Anal Detective' Harrelson.

Why are the opening words of Stand By (Behind) Me - "I knock - SHIT"?
Hey, Rob. Did you ass rape Corey Haim when he tried-out for Stand By Me? Well, well, well...what have we here?
Rob "I Am Your Child" Reiner, Carl too (charity). Not the sort of thing you want to see an industry paedophile fronting!
'All in the Family' (incest) Meat-heads. No wonder Franken roasted you about parental Carl (& his celeb friends) sodomising you.
Your own son, Nick, is a basket case/rehab regular. This is worse than (charity, crypto-Jew) Jimmy 'elite BBC paedo' Savile!
Are you still pissed that Darabont got all the plaudits for your Shawshank - shitty pipe busting dreams -  Redemption?
Jimmy 'uphill love' Savile and the one-eyed bear via the (masonic) pyramid. The eye/pyramid is both the penis and asshole.
(Reiner's I Am Your Child, 1997 DVD) Bill/Hillary 'paedo island' Clintons, Mel 'sick sodomite Jew/Weinstein' Brooks, Rosie 'dyke' O'Donnell, monarched Roseanne, Martin 'poof' Short, Robin 'paedo poof' Williams, Oprah 'satanic lesbian' Winfrey, Colin/Colon Powell, Billy 'Sally seeking' Crystal, Shaq 'hoop dunking' O'Neal, etc. Powell (on dvd cover) is reading a "moon" based book (wink, wink). Hosted by Tom 'Forrest Dump/Homo Apollo moon/Philadelphia' Hanks. (middle) Narrated by Sly 'homo Apollo ring punching' Stallone - the Philadelphia (brotherly love) meat bashing, pet shop girl/boy man via (male resonant) Adrian (Shire/Coppola).
A Hillary supporter? We'd never have guessed. Don't forget the (implicated) Reps. though.
Sick Jew, Mel 'faggot' Brooks is a key to a lot of this. I suspect that Brooks was a power behind Weinstein's rise.

"You can’t imagine the size of this." Q
(It's certainly bigger than that Ghostbusters Twinkie!)

Yeah...it's very simple. THEY ARE ALL SODOMITE, SATANIC, PAEDOPHILES - or assets of them.
One's who programme the masses. You're all being brainwashed by sodomite/paedo/satanic (Jew) Hollywood.
And that folks, is why I call Hollywood - THE CINEMA OF (SATANIC JEW) SODOMY.
Not many will buy-in to this concept, but it won't change the fact of what is actually transpiring via deviant Hollywood/TV.
It makes no matter what your politics are - this Jew Hollywood mass sodomy program - rolls-on regardless!
As entertaining as you think these monsters are, you're still being programmed to your own cultural deaths.
Hollywood/TV (et al) is the biggest example of global-based "mass mind rape" that the world has ever seen or known.

What would make me laugh - would be folk coming here defending their (tragic) political/entertainment heroes.
Oh, no! Not Eminem! Oh, no! Not Johnny Depp! Oh, no! Not demi-god Obama! Oh, no! Not Macaulay Culkin! LOL.
I CANNOT stress enough how brainwashed (by the 'cult of celebrity') the majority are. It's an epidemic.

Feb 2018...Jill 'Weinstein' Messick. (link)
Messick/Rose 'Weinstein' McGowan. Another (alleged) suicide - the method (of suicide) has not been disclosed!

Bourdain, Kate Spade, Inés Zorreguieta, Salling, Messick, Bennington, Cornell, Williams, L'Wren Scott...
Another celeb linked (alleged) suicide via hanging...Jeanine 'Sex and the City publicist/AKA Life' Pepler
Yup...LONG ISLAND (Sag Harbor). There's nearby Plum Island and Montauk.
West Hollywood linked (plane crash) Mariah Sunshine Coogan was last photographed at The Montauk (in Scottsdale, AZ.)
The Spades are from Scottsdale, AZ. Kate 'hanged' Spade went to Arizona Uni.
Pepler (who was linked to Disney Eisner) created and managed two profitable divisions, Thru-Line & I.D., of bicoastal production company, Chelsea Pictures. Thru-Line represented high profile indie feature directors - Todd Solandz (Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995; Happiness, 1998), Ben Younger (Boiler Room, 1995), and The Blair Witch Project (1999) Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez.
It's not looking good. Vulnerable children in night attire and alone with adults? These people ARE SICK.
But then, when the entire (Jew-centric) entertainment industry (and beyond) is implicated in it all - there are NO INNOCENTS.
There she is between Anthony Haden-Guest, and Anna ROTHSCHILD.
The same Haden-Guest whose half-brother is Spinal (Ass) Tapping, Christopher 'Rob Reiner' Haden-Guest!
Lord Fauntleroy Chris Guest married (Buggery/Bogeyman) Jamie Lee 'Halloween' Curtis at mutual friend, Rob Reiner's home.
Jeanine 'East Hampton' Pepler, with screenwriter/director, James - I've raped/abused hundreds of women - Toback.
Don't forget the East Hampton based "Architect to the Stars" - Krupinski - who very recently died in a Long Island plane crash!
Look where they both lived! A virtual stone's throw away from each other. 16 day span between deaths.
There was also a Long Island military linked plane accident (stunt display) that happened just prior to Krupinski's crash.
The Krupinskis also owned the prestigious East Hampton Golf Club. Were they taken-out via a (HAARP) weather storm?
One client being Martha 'Butterfly/Moth' Stewart. Monarched'Halloween'Martha. Introducing Motha, the winged wonder:
Moths/Butterflies, like Silence of the (Plum Island) Lambs. Beach Plum Inn is on nearby Martha's Vineyard.
Martha'winery' Stewart dated Anthony 'Lecter' Hopkins, but ended it after seeing Silence of the 'Moth' Lambs. WTF?
The exact same moth! Acherontia Styx (death's head). Hamptons Martha, & Plum Island/Connecticut, 'paedo avatar' Foster.
Trump is considering giving Stewart a pardon - relating to the insider trading. She was taken-down by FBI Comey.
And this, another Hamptons "Architect to the Stars" from last year - a twice arrested child pornographer.
Michael J Fox. Funnily enough, 'East Hampton' Pepler was the publicist for author Jay McInerney (Bright Lights, Big City, 1984).
Michael 'East Hampton' J Fox played the lead in the film version of his book! Bob Fosse, at least he knew that he was a psychopath. He made that film about (rabbit) Playboy bunny, sodomised Stratton, Star80. Bo(o)gey/buggery, Curtis also played her. Even Back to the Future uses the 'Rogering Rabbit'pink surfing time tunnel (see sequel), it utilises the 'biffing the shit' (shit punching) device too.
The Pajama Program and (Pajama Party Pepler linked) Jay 'Bright Lights, Big City' McInerney.
Pajama Program linked Hall, Pajama Program linked Jay 'Pepler' McInerney, and Curtis 'Pepler' Bashaw.

Pajama Pepler is also linked to Curtis 'Beach Plum Farm' Bashaw...yes, Beach Plum, again.
The Standard Hotel (NY). Isn't that the "meat-packing" Hotel? Recall Schiff and the Standard in W. Hollywood.
Looks like the same Christmas party (as shown earlier, with Anna Rothschild), she's in the same dress.
Jay 'Pepler' McInerney - Cape Mays vs. Sag Harbour. Pepler and McInerney were/are both anti-Trump.
He's also heavily linked to (homo) Brett Easton 'American Psycho' Ellis.
Blue Pig Tavern, Rusty Nail, Exit Zero Cookhouse?
Pepler's Thru-Line represented high profile indie feature directors - Todd Solandz (Welcome to the Dollhouse, 1995; Happiness, 1998), Ben Younger (Boiler Room, 1995), and The Blair Witch Project (1999) Daniel Myrick, Eduardo Sánchez.
Blair Witch legend is based on the abduction and murder of children. Blair Witch Josh was in True 'paedo spiral' Detective.
Beach Plum Farm's Boiler Room is a Pizzeria! An 'underground' pizzeria and linked to Congress (terminology).
This is just like Dem. linked (Nixon/Schumer) Beach Plum Inn and Obama!
It's all gone Boiler Room - just like the film!
Rothschild: "His father was never happy with anything he did or nothing was ever good enough," she recalled him saying.
Boiler Room (film): "Although he (Davis/Ribisi) earns a successful living, he is a disappointment to his father."
Authorities said they believed Thomas Gilbert was killed by his son, who then left the murder weapon
-- a .40 caliber Glock 22 -- in the bedroom to make it look like a suicide.
Is that a band-aid on Rothschild's shoulder grabbing right-hand (middle finger, see tip)?
Oysters (the lesbian reference, see Spartacus) and Anna Rothschild love bombing.
I think the following linked picture might just settle it. Pizza Alefantis is a homosexual, with Beach Plum Nixon (below left).
Nixon/Schumer (and 'fingers' Obama) linked Beach Plum Inn (Martha's Vineyard). Where's ladyboy Michael Obama?
Alefantis' Baph(c)omet is on Connecticut Ave (D.C.) Connecticut being immediately North of Plum Island.
Beach Plum Farm
Curtis 'Jeanine Pepler' Bashaw and his Beach Plum Farm
ABC Carla 'chef' Hall has been linked to John 'chef' Podesta. John 'Martha's Vineyard/Pizza Map/Fingers' Podesta.
Former Clinton Chief of Staff, and Hillary 2016 campaign chair. Spirit Cooking vs. Spirit Day.
I suspect that Carl(a) 'Purple/Chef' Hall was born MALE. Carl(a) via Laverne 'Orange queer mind control' COX/Cocks.
Mr Carla 'Pajama Program/Spirit Day' Hall. Color Purple Carl(a)
The same Hall who has the connect with John 'FARM/Spirit Cooking' Podesta! Ping Pong Alefantis/Hillary linked Podesta.
Meatpacking, paedophilia, pizza, spirit cooking, cannibalism, (chicken/pig) farms and slaughter.
Oh look, it's 'Color Purple' (lesbian) Oprah. You know, purple - a type of PLUM color.
Alice - White 'behinding' Rabbit dirt holing - "...behind(h)er I get!"

There was a chapter in Hillary (Alice) in Wonderland (book) that relates to Oprah'Weinstein'Winfrey.
Her associate, Whoopi 'Color Purple' Dykeberg. was in a version of Alice in Wonderland (1999).
As was Gene - Willy Wanka (Gloop stuck in the chocolate pipe)/What is Sodomy - Wilder.

Pepler - the White Rabbit - Lewis 'paedo wonderland' Carroll (via Instagram).
Jeanine 'Alice in Wonderland' Pepler...(imo) there's too much of this on her page for it to be coincidental.
Travel down the white rabbit dirt hole and wave bye-bye to your pussy, see Disney (sodomy programming).
Industry 'Lolita/child sex' avatar - Jodie 'Silence of the (Plum Island) Lambs' Foster's real name - is Alicia (Alice).
At the close of the film, Plum Island Lecter chats to Alicia Foster/Moth Starling via the phone, and from Alice Town (Bahamas).
Keep reading. Oh look...Lolita by Nabokov in the Pajama Program bookcase promo. Pajama Program Owl.

Suicide by hanging (Spade/Pepler), Vladimir 'Butterfly' Nabokov, Owl, and the (Alice) White Rabbit.
Snap! Kate 'Clinton Haiti Foundation' Spade...the Spades from Scottsdale, AZ.
The DEVIL is in the details, as per - which is why I always look there - and closer than most! Follow the white rabbit.
Molok(o) Orange Queer - Stanley 'paedophile/homosexual' Kubrick. Lolly-eater (penis eating) an obvious visual euphemism.
 MOLOK-O (Moloch) milk drink and via connected ADRENOCHROME (brain) and ultra-violence.
The sort of thing that the sick Khazar/Ashkenazi monsters like the Rothschilds enjoy snacking on via victims.
More 'sex with children' - nutcracker Helena - Eyes Wide Shut. Also see Rainbow Fashions' Lolita.
Programmed sex slave models with elite men (5th Ave) up their asses via orgies. Orange queer brown-eye ass stabbers.
Cruising with Pink Cat boutique Tom - Mr Frisco, faggot, Mary, exit only, fudge tunnel packer via Yale 'tapper' abuse.
Rabbit dirt-holing the (ass) eye and with 'looking glass' toilet Alice. Rear-some bucky goats via iron Pink Panther, Lolita Sellers.
A Lolita 'camp'climax for girls - underage anal sex. Ride and drive carefully.
A magic circle 'poof' show for kids. Rainbows and (Alice) white rabbitdirt holing. (Kubrick's Barry 'cocked pistols'  Lyndon).
Butterfly/Monarch Orange Kubrick. It's Wonderland Alice (Kidman) who famously has a fear of butterflies.
Alice & Orange (queer) Marmalade via butt-(h)er flies - bread and butt-(h)er. Caterpillar Hookah/Hooker pipes, anyone?
Orange - via sodomite Willy of Orange, and his Mary queenMary-land is named after his Orange grandmother.

"In a world of shit" - on the toilet with phallic 'blowing head' rifles and via donut drilling, Full Metal Faggot, Kubrick.
If you're wondering what the "Devil's Eye" is a reference to - then you're reading the wrong website. It's obvious.
They've been building this 'mass media driven' sodomite/paedophile empire for generations - I've tried to tell you. Fuck this entire industry and those that praise and support it. It's my human right to call-out these sick Jews (and related), and as I see fit.

Confirmation? Oh dear. Revealed early July 2018. (link)
Enty is allegeing that he (Kubrick) was one of the WORST of all. Hey, no shit! Suck it up, Kubrick groupies!

Carla 'Pepler/Pajama Program' Hall...it's Pepler's AKA-Life that publicises the Pajama Program.
Jeanine 'Sex and the City/Shitty' Pepler. SATC Cynthia 'lesbian' Nixon is currently running for NY political office.
Cattrall, came through via Police Academy. David Spade via Police Academy 4, and NXIVM Mack via Police Academy 6.
SATC/Mannequin Cattrall debuted via Rosebud (an asshole ref.), her brother suicide/suicided (hanged?) Feb, 2018.
Don't forget that Silence of the (Plum Island) Lambs was heavily linked to sexual transience (man/woman).
Hannibal 'Cannibal/Plum Island' Lecter: "Was it a butterfly? Foster: Yes, a moth." Silence of the (Nazi) Lambs.

Manchurian Candidate Demme, followed Silence of the (transsexual) Lambs with homo propaganda piece Philadelphia.
Lector: "Plum Island Animal Human Disease Research center. Sounds charming."
It matters not that the film's narrative implies this as a phoney offer, it's the fact that Plum Island is chosen as the location.
Shutter 'Butterflies/Nazi' Island (Plum/Montauk Point) had 'eye piercing' as a thematic, a double meaning?
Lesbian Foster is heavily tied to Connecticut, and linked (SS skull n bones, death's head, bohemian grove) Yale.
Buffalo 'moth' Bill has a Nazi bedspread. Some researchers believe that author Thomas Harris was actually a C.I.A. operative.

Larry 'Matrix White Rabbit Wonderland' Fishburne featured in The Color Purple and (Plum Island) Hannibal Lecter content.
Lecter: "Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with violence. Our Billy wasn't born a criminal, Clarice. He was made one through years of systematic abuse. Billy hates his own identity, you see, and he thinks that makes him a transsexual.
But his pathology is a thousand times more savage and more terrifying." (It implies violent sexual abuse).
Jeanine 'SAG HARBOUR' Pepler. Sag Harbour, Montauk and Monarch (above, with links to 5G).
Catholics and Nazis - which are the same aspects that link to Fiona 'victim' Barnett and her abuse circle.
Beach Plum Bashaw of Cape 'LGBT' Mays. Was Jeanine Pepler also born a MALE? How can we know?
Top of the Standard = Meatpacking District (Manhattan).

Meatpacking, paedophilia, pizza, spirit cooking, cannibalism, (chicken/pig) farms, sexual transience, and slaughter.
Podesta and Bashaw pig farms? In Hannibal (sequel) Lecter is set-up to be devoured by pigs/boars.

"Ready when you are, Sgt. Pembury."
By 1900 the area was home to 250 slaughterhouses and packing plants, and by the 1920's what had been a
neighborhood based on mixture of marketplaces became more tightly focused on meatpacking and related activities.
The same Standard Hotel (chain) that was linked to (Dem.) Schiff and the W. Hollywood helicopter crash.
Leo 'Shutter (Plum) Island' DiCaprio was one of the original investors of the W. Hollywood Standard.

Meatpacking District via homosexuals, transsexuals, BDSM...
"Sounds charming." Fashionista, Alexander 'hanged' McQueen.
Recall that I formerly mentioned "meatpacking/packing-meat" in both the sexual and morbid sense.
Pepperoni for the phallic symbolism. Also note that 'plums' - is also a slang term for the testicles.
The Illuminati cards - Pizzas and secret meetings/meatings. The Rothschild Illuminati. Bill 'Rothschild/Rhodes' Clinton.

Pizza Underground (a la Bapho-bunny, Culkin), CONGRESS place, and Beach Plum. via Curtis 'Pepler' Bashaw.

Baph(C)omet 'Hillary' Ping Pong - "4 surviving pizzas this month..." and via drilling and newcummers.
Hanged Bourdain, dead bodies & pizza. BapHomo Obama - Pizza & Death. Church basement (crypts) & cold (dead) pizza.

Ping Pong & Pizza via the (uber suspect) Spades...
$33 Masonic million. Their rise was very likely engineered - an industry standard (pre-selection).
Ping that ponger - via the Jack of Spades (one-eyed Jack). I saw a "killerspin" ping pong table in one Spade shot.
Christopher Farley overdosed at the age of 33, David 'SNL' Spade was a very close friend, and Farley was instrumental in his career. I suspect that they were more than just colleagues (typical industry faggots).

 Fronting their homosexuality under the guise of comedy. Adam 'Little Satanic Nick' Sandler is an obvious Jew faggot too.
Why the hell do you think (tragic) SNL have been so violently anti-Trump? They are ALL implicated (see SNL pizza band).
Jewish Hollywood/TV moguls are a sodomite mafia - the ladder is climbed in a very particular way  - I'm sure you understand.
Pizza and the Penis. Ben 'SNL' Stiller. A sodomite, paedophile, and satanist Jew.

The Haiti, Church of Satan, and Clinton/Obama linked John Legend and Teigen.
Too late, Satanic Teigen. The cat is out of the bag. There are NO COINCIDENCES.
Luna 'butterfly net' Moonchild. Alice in (paedo sodomy) Wonderland, (phallic) hot dogs, the 666 eye (asshole), & pizza emoji.
What's really scary - is deviant, paedo, and satanic celebs showboating their crimes under the public nose.
Your implicated protection (the Clinton crime syndicate) lost the election...oh dear.
Church of Satan - Chelsea and Teigen. Hooters, like owls! What did they do with those Haiti children, hmm?
Baph-Comet Pizza/Epstein paedo Island linked Hillary 'satanic lesbian' Clinton, and child trafficking. It getz worse!
"Mr. Getz was instrumental in creating a formal development operation for the Clinton Foundation,
which raised in excess of $135 million annually,” says his Yale bio."
A Chinese kindergarten run by a US-listed group is under investigation after claims of sexual molestation
and needle marks on children. Parents say their children were stripped naked, given unknown 'white pills' and 'brown syrup'.

Satanic Baphomet - the transient sodomy god. Comet 'Sex Stains' Padeo Pizza and Pinged-Pongers.
Alefantis is linked to Hillary, and both Podesta brothers. Why do you think she gave that Pizza-gate spoiling speech?

The Standard Hotel chain (with inverted signage) that is owned by Balazs.
Gay Goose would be more fitting. Baph(c)omet 'ping pong' Pizza Alefantis, and Standard Balazs at the same 2011 party:
Chelsea 'Balazs'Handler. Chelsea Handler looks like a (transitioned) man/woman thing too. Likely born a male.
Man hips Handler. Mass mockery of the zombie 'cult of celebrity' sheep. Follow the (sodomy) White Rabbit via A-TV.
Grey (via homo O-scar Wilde) played the lead, "Chelsea", an escort paid to act as her clients' girlfriend, in O-scar-winning director (Jew) Steven 'traffic-king' Sod-erbergh's The Girlfriend Experience. Alice/Sasha in Anal Wonderland via Lew Xypher (Lucifer).
Jew, Sasha 'MK-Ultra Porn/Anal Queen/OTO' Grey via Lolita and (anal) OTO via aTelecine (co-founded by her).
I keep telling you - ANAL SEX - the top degree of Crowley's satanic OTO. Grey involved with Pizza 'Hollywood' Knight, Sod-erbergh.
I also keep telling you that there is NO divide between (satanic) Hollywood and the porn industry - it's the SAME thing.

The Xmas party with Rothschild, Haden-Guest, etc. The other shot with Bashaw was at The Standard.
We just linked Standard Hotel, Andre 'Chelsea Handler' Balazs with James - Jimmy Comet/Pizza Paedo - Alefantis.
The Podestas are also linked to former Speaker of the House (paedo) Hastert, who preceded Goat Hill Pizza, Pelosi.
Lesbian Hillary, (faggot) pizza-man Alefantis, and the Podestas. Alefantis being linked to the Beach Plum Inn, Obama/Nixons.

Peter 'Clinton/LGBT' Rosenstein (twitter)....with (former lovers) David 'Rothschild' Brock, & James 'Pizza/Clinton' Alefantis.
Is there anyone linked to the Clintons and Obama that isn't LGBT and/or a sodomite?
LGBT activist and Hillary (lesbian) Clinton supporter. Ironically, no-one has done MORE to destroy the healthy family unit
- than the deviant LGBT wreckers, and their Hollywood/TV propaganda arm.

Interesting that (NXIVM resonant) Catherine 'Dynasty' Oxenberg's sister (Christina) was in contact with hanged Pepler, et al.
Royal Blue night? Is this potentially yet another 'sex' reference (blue)?
The royally connected Oxenbergs (related to the Windsors). It's India Oxenberg that's involved with NXIVM.
It's Prince Andrew Windsor who is seemingly linked to Island (NXIVM-linked) Epstein.
Notice the color coding. The Bronfman-linked, Raniere/Mack NXIVM/ESP cult. The Clinton Bronfmans.
Mack was actually born in West Germany - and first appeared in a chocolate commercial (anal euphemism).
Bronfman/Raniere are also linked to the (uber suspect) child programming group - Rainbow Cult-ural Garden
The Jewish Bronfman family were key in entertainment via Universal/UMG/Polygram/Warner/Vivendi etc.
 Edgar Jr building one of the biggest music conglomerates in recent history. Degenerate and corporate hip-hop (including Jewish Def Jam) being one of their major successes. Edgar Jr was Warner MG CEO/chairman  (2004-2011). The same (sodomite) Warner Bros. that made The (gay) Color Purple. Written by (closet lesbian and Jewish married) Alice Walker, the film with lesbians Winfrey and Dykeberg. A hetero-hating LGBT propaganda piece, and directed by Jew, Spielberg.
The Color Purple...the color of royalty, masonry, transience and mind control.
Carla 'Pajama Program' Hall and Patti Labelle. Patti was in the trio group Labelle (with Sarah Dash, and Nona 'purple haze' Hendryx.)
It's (sodomite/rosebudding) Steven - Jaws (Montauk/Martha's) - Spielberg who directed The Color Purple.
He's to blame for those two monstrosities that are Winfrey, and Whoopi Dykeberg.
Over the (Homo) Rainbow...via Bluebelles.
Sarah 'Bluebelles' Dash is related to Lil Kim and MC Lyte, music mogul Damon 'Hamptons' Dash,
movie director Julie Dash (Daughters of the Dust), and actress Stacy 'Clueless' Dash.

Patti Labelle claims that she was sexually molested by a family friend as a child, Stacey Dash says exactly the same!

Stacey 'Clueless' Dash, where she featured with Eminem linked Brittany 'murdered Monarch/8 Mile' Murphy (Alice rabbits).
American's made (faggot) Eminem the most popular artist of the 2000s! There is NO LIMIT to mass stupidity!
Rabbit Eminem has been extremely anti-Trump (see his Ray 'Hamptons linked' Chandler connect).
187? Two members of D12 were killed.
One was (Eminem's friend) Proof, who first video debuted via "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number".
The (underage propaganda) track linked to underage Aaliyah, written by underage/paedo, sex slaving, fiend R. Kelly!
Her partner at the time of her (plane crash) death was Damon Dash, co-founder of (OTO Gay-Z linked) Roc-A-Fella.
Two weeks before death, Damned Queen Aaliyah, travelled New Jersey to (Montauk linked) East Hampton, NY.
- to visit Dash at the house he shared with (Abramovic linked) 'Zionist Def/Death '666' Jamming' Gay Z.
The same Gay-Z that is linked to Kanye 'Kar-DASH-ian/Jenner' West.
Mind controlled robots a la Stepford (Connecticut), but without the charm - for mind control of the masses via exposure.
The USA's primary (monarch) family for body dysmorphia programming, sexualizing children,
and man/woman gender confusion (via baphomet Bruce).
It's the Hamptons where the (sick) Kardashians have holidayed - programming central. Filthy WHORES.
What's the betting that ALL the Kardashian/Jenners have been sexually abused as children? It's a certainty (imo).
Trump had Dim Kardashian in the oval office. It led to Trump commuting Alice Johnson's prison term.

When faggot Obama went to Africa (2015) he spent the entire time propagandising about NWO LGBT - it all backfired. :)
Like transgenderism they are brainwashing the world with it being a type of  'choice' - as opposed to a sickness.
They spent decades wearing you down about demonic sodomy - now they're doing exactly the same with paedophilia.
The LEFT will go even further into denial - even if the guilty are brought to light. The feminist lobby has been absent during the corporate drive in the mass sexualisation of women. Naturally, they'll be absent in respect of children too. You can bank it. This is the power of the 'cult of celebrity,' it's Hollywood/TV liberal/left propaganda arm, and it's blatant mind control of the weak.

The Hussein's just joined the board. Malia was also an intern for (sick sodomite and satanist) Weinstein.

The typical modus operandi...
Fronting child abuse protection charities as a means to enact their rampant paedophilia. (link)
Someone ENGINEERED his rise. You don't get to become head of a charity at 22 years-old. Not typically.
A rabbit gesture? I overlaid the other pic for reference. Hillary Clinton gets a mention too.
Look how they front themselves...human rights, stop rape and gender violence. Identify the pattern.
What better way to procure VULNERABLE victims than to actually work with them in this inverted capacity!
This POS was distributing images of raped babies. Beware of the sanctimonious, you know, like showboating SJW's, etc.
Oh look, rainbow Mickey Mouse. He's obviously primarily a homosexual.
The godfather of gay rights/LGBT activism  - was Harry 'OTO/Nambla' Hay - making him a (satanic) Crowleyian thelemite.
Hay, had familial links to Rhodes (see Rothschild) and OTO Crowley devotee pederast Kinsey!
They've made demonic sodomy a virtue (via programming) - let's make anally raping kids a virtue too! Sick bastards.
Disney (vomit), who bought-out Weinstein's Miramax after the success of The Crying (TRANNY) Game, wink-wink.
Disney and Jungle 'paedo triangle' Book. BARE NECESSITIES is what is really implied by this sick propaganda.
Industry paedo Victor 'DISNEY' Salva used Disney's Jungle Book to make his primary move on his (ring mastering) Clownhouse child actor victim. He directed Jeepers 'eye gouging/brown pipe sliding' Creepers via peepers (slang, penis).
This, at (transient resonator) Orlando - Greek (anal), the symbolic penis (shaft/head), and the paedo triangle symbol.
666 Crowley's 'A.A. silver star' is the sphincter. I cannot stress enough HOW FUCKING SICK DISNEY ARE!

It looks like a goddamn GIRL...was it (closet) Usher that initiated you into the FAGGOT industry? Yup!
Pink Team NAMBLA poster girl. What was a 30 something (faggot) man like Usher doing hanging around with a tween?
What cause is that? Oh yes, making the sodomy of little boys (via adult men) a legal right! How forgetful of me.
More make-up than a tart. Transient paedo bait. What sex was this thing born? Any ideas?
Is it a rent boy or a rent girl? I doubt the sodomite industry cares - just as long as he's a mogul cock jockey.
These were all aspects of his video 'Where Are You Now' (2015).
Yeah, nothing to see...move along. Hand jobs, demonic (Jew) 'G' Freemasonry, the typical and tired symbolism, yawn.
Filthy satanic footsoldiers via (Jewish) sodomite Freemasonry. Showing their brethren that they are in control of the narrative.
Oh, look who it is. Jew, Rob 'Homo'Lesbian marriage champion' Reiner. More Trump bashing - "those who are loudest."
Free press? There is NO FREE PRESS. It's a masonic sodomite/Jewish prison media, and I know it. (link)
If this was a Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, or whatever dominated shit-house, then I'd be accusing them!
The mockingbird media NEEDS attacking - it is complicit in making these elite sponsored shootings stick!

This sick (Jew dominated) Mockingbird media sells these elite sponsored MK-Ultra shootings to a gullible public!
MK-Ultra assets via compromised mental health for (elite Jew Freemason sponsored) shootings - leading to gun control.

Woody 'True Anal Louisiana Detective/Twinkie' Harrelson is in paedo Reiner's latest release...

 Chuck 'POS' Schumer...blubbing over immigration. That's a supply line for abuse. No wonder he was crying!
Shades of Aurora Batman via Crowley linked homo/satanist, Nolan.
Shooter Houser was said to have mental health issues, for which he was treated in 2008 and 2009.
In 2008, Houser underwent a mental health evaluation. According to his wife, he suffered from bipolar disorder. (SNAP!).
Crying about gun control (via elite sponsored MK-Ultra shootings) and blubbing about immigrant supply!
Christ, they are predictable. F**k off you sick, hideous, lying MASONIC JEWS. Stick your schmaltz up your battered asses.
It's Amy Schumer's Hollywood that promotes ultra-violence, LGBT, fethishizes guns/gangsta thuggery, sexualises kids, etc.
EVERYTHING that I write here - I would happily say it to their actual faces. No issue there.

It's Bieber's 'Illuminati/LGBT' Monarch Twin, Miley...the all singing, all dancing CRAP of the world.
Industry (sodomised) marionettes to infect your children via exposure.
Disney Cyrus/Montana - who has dragged her former fan-base into the realms of degenerate depravity.
Peter 'SODOMY'Pan, Alice in 'DIRT HOLING' Wonderland, Winnie the 'Empty Honeypot' (SHIT) POOH.
This demonstrates the generational time span involved in programming the masses (and children) with demonic sodomy.

Dirt-holing in Disney's sodomy wonderland and without the pussy. Sodom A.A. Crowley to (Sodom) A.A. 'Pooh' Milne.
I was correct - even as a child during the 70's. I said back then how warped it was to have a children's bear named POOh.
The English word 'penis' is derived from the Latin word for 'tail'. Tail is also an ass reference: Fairy-TAILS (homosexual ass).
POOh Bridge (perineum) via phallic POOh sticks - demonic horns, empty honey pot (vagina), a 666 owl, effeminate ass nailing.

POOh gets stuck in the (sexually resonant) rabbit dirt hole - via a Nancy (queer).
Like Gloop (aka a sticky substance) stuck in purple Willy Wanka'schocolate pipe (euphemism) via What is Sodomy, Wilder.
Johnny 'Willy Wanka' Depp - the mad brown hatter - was Nancy's boy in gay Nightmare on (child molesting) Elm St.

Mike TV aka Herpes Trout Mouth - 'Giant Ass Peach' Dahl - a sick sodomite and  deviant sodomy programmer.
Willy 'fudge packing' Chocolate via Para-mount(ing) and Warner 'Bugs transient Bunny' Bros.
Disney/Hollywood needs to be burned to the ground. Miley 'paedo avatar' Cyrus - giving inspiration to paedos everywhere.
Pizza, pepperoni, and (sausage) bangerz. Miley 'monarched' Cyrus. Baphomet Pan-Pizza Sexual.
A virtual certainty that she was incestuously abused as a child by her own parents - that's almost an industry standard.
Pedo & PAN-sexual. The (sodomite/transient) baphomet/pan reveal. Do not buy-in to their (bullshit) definitions.
LGBTP (pedo) is a reality - ignore the protestations and cover-up - (LGBT) NAMBLA have promoted it for decades.
Yeah, because SODOMY and CHILD ABUSE are comparable to fluffy unicorns and multi-colored rainbows.
All this sodomite propaganda is drenched with a type of treacly, schmaltzy, childlike coating appeal. It's REVOLTING.
It's this sort of thing that makes the entire phenomenon UBER SUBVERSIVE - which it is of course.
Walt Disney was a goddamn PAEDOPHILE - an abuser of young boys. Yeah, what a wonderful world.
You're NOT GAY, you're (male) SODOMITES. Oh look, the exact same phraseology but in respect of (rainbow) paedophiles.
This IS REAL. Don't let any (satanic) sodomy brainwashed automaton tell you any different. (Image link).
Oohhh...rainbows, pretty images, love, progress? VOMIT. Mechanical RAPE of children (by sodomites) is NOT LOVE.
Once they've removed the 'consent' issue in respect of children, they'll be free to rape them at will.

Satanism & Sodomy...
Masonic Crowley - Golden Dawn/OTO/A.A. - ritual grade sign FIRE.
Crowley was through 'Isis/Golden Dawn Cult' Oxford, as was Carroll (Dodgson), and Aldous 'Alice/Disney' Huxley.
It's alleged Crowley initiated Huxley into the Golden Dawn, the latter being involved with Disney, Warner Bros. & MGM.

Nicole, daughter of MK-Ultra programmer, torture/murderer, and paedophile - Dr Antony Kidman.
Recall that Nicole was brought to fame by (casting director) Liz Mullinar, who also runs an SRA group!
Kidman: “Stanley’s next film was going to be about psychopathic pedophiles. He said he was going deeper down the rabbit hole.”
Kubrick's life story, was it? SICK FUCKS. Kubrick and Kidman - it's called mass mockery - taking the piss out of the masses.
Strange how Barnett's case involves former NAZIS, and that Kubrick married into the Nazi 3rd Reich's film-making dynasty.
Strange how Dr Antony Kidman referred to Fiona Barnett as "Star-child" - a term associated with Kubrick's 2001 baby.

Fiona 'Dr Antony Kidman' Barnett...MK-Ultra, Canada/Australia, Aldous Huxley, and Crowley/Golden Dawn.
Anne Conlon (nee Carden) was allegedly Fiona Barnett's Illuminati Grande Dame (a type of high-level programmer, link). Wow!
A connect to the (Crowley) Golden Dawn and the Illuminati. Cardens and the Golden Dawn.
Aldous 'Golden Dawn/Alice' Huxley too - via MK-Ultra Canada. I cited McGill (MK-Ultra/Canada) in respect of the Bronfmans.
Barnett has cited many Aussie dignitaries being involved including former PM Paul Keating, Richie Benaud, and actor Bruce Spence.
There are also multiple links to the (satanic) Catholic Church. Oz Sydney is the globe's homo capital.
OTO cult-fights-claims-of-child-sacrifice/2006/11/21 (OTO, satanism, paedophilia, child sacrifice).
Sodom Aleister/Alice-ster '666' Crowley and Rainbow OTO. The OTO rainbow eye 'sphincter' (below right).

Rainbow-Coloured....Glory of the HOLE Universe.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the wHOLE of the Law. Love Sodomy is the law, love sodomy under will."
Hymn (Him) to Pan: "Give me the sign of the open eye (asshole) & the token erect of thorny thigh (penis)." Sodom Crowley.
The related Masonic JEW Rainbow Arch and (anal) Eye. Sirius, the masonic sphincter star.
Somewhere Over the (Homo/Masonic Jew) Rainbow. Masonry IS Jewish.
Tessellated masonic purple sodomy wonderland via dirt holes and tugging (back) door knobs/nobs.
Hump(ty) Dump(ty) was a feature of (ass fucked) Alice's Wonderland/Looking Glass Adventures.
Hump the Dump (shit) via Eggs - Butthole Surfing and via Latino 'buggery' BUGGER-veil. Subtle, not.
It was Aldous 'Isis Cult/Disney Alice' Huxley who wrote the LSD (back) Doors of Perception.
Creamed (cum) ButtholeCorn (Hole)Surfing - an entire act dedicated to sodomy. Bloodied glazed donut asshole.
Jeff Pink-us and Butthole 'Brown Reason to Live' Surfers. Cottage Cheese (cottaging cum) from the Lips of Death.
The HOLE Truth - and Nothing BUTT. They soundtracked on (monarch) 'Son in Law' with Pauly 'pizza-man' Shore.
Pinkus and Butthole lead vocalist Haynes released Digital Dump, the only album from their house music side project.
Stinky Funk. Digital (fingeringUnderground's Humpty 'faggot' Hump Dance (Sex Packets) via rapper Dung-y.
A sample from "Theme From the Black Hole" (Parliament) makes up part of the track. A song about ass fucking (lyrics).
There's NO WAY that any of this is by chance or coincidence - literally the entire entertainment industry is sodomite central.

Sasha 'anal/OTO' Grey. The ASS FUCKED rainbow (Alice) eye-sphincter via Lew Xypher/LUCIFER.
I'll add "Over the HOMOSEXUAL Rainbow" via Oz Twisters, later. It's ALL sodomy programming via children.
As are all things Hans Christian 'fairy-tailing' Anderson - The Red (demonic) Shoes, The Ugly (trans/queer) Duckling, etc.
An 'archetypal' form of programming - and instigated from the cradle. Even the term TV (television) is an aspect of this.
Kenneth 'Hollywood Babylon/OTO' Anger via (rainbow) Lucifer and Scorpio Rising. He likes a sting in the tail (ass).
The same OTO Anger who was given live bullets (by Chapman) in the months before Lennon's Dakota assassination.
Anger (below) was linked to the Beatles' and Stones' circles - the satanic Gettys helped fund some of these so-called artists.
Getty Jr was also connected to Christopher 'Swinging Sixties' Gibbs, a close associate of Fraser, and Jagger.

Getty Jr was allegedly (see blind below) involved in the murder of children. Fingers in a lot of (satanic) counter-culture pies.
Getty Jr was key backer at the BFI. Leaving them £1M in his will. The same Getty name/family that also set-up Getty Images.
Here comes some potential confirmation....CDAN.
Satanic sodomite paedophiles. What a fucking horrific satanic mess - in the event that it's generally true.
Just simply hideous evil. This is what can happen when you make people living gods. It's almost like a license.
I recently connected (related) Sabine Getty to Chandler linked Clinton. She was pictured on Epstein's Jet with Bill.
In previous writing I connected (patriarch) J P Getty to the release of The '666'O-Men (film, see posts below).
Ray Chandler/Guinness& Sabine Getty. An abandoned Guinness estate was used in the film. Guildford too, where Getty lived.
Getty dying on the very day that the film was released - 06/06/76. I linked him to Savile too, via Iron men.
Getty and Savile were knighted by the (satanic) UK Queen. Services to satanism, sodomy, and child abuse/murder?
Recall that degenerate Kevin 'Queen' Spacey was playing the role of Getty when the allegations broke.

Schumacher, O-men Donner and Bernhard were all involved in The Lost (OTO) Boys, with victims Haim and Feldman.
The Lost 'OTO/Peter Pan' Boys. Dicking Donner was due to direct, but directed Gooning 'one-eyed Willie' boys instead.
Getty linked OTO satanist and sodomite, Anger.
J. Edgar Hoover : "I sometimes wonder if you people realize the responsibility you carry. To my way of thinking, motion pictures are potentially the most influential form of communication ever invented. And there's no control over them. "
(J Edgar 'Tranny' Hoover, to Charlie 'paedophile' Chaplin, played by Iron'randy donut exit'Poof Man, Downey Jnr.)
Filthy sodomite programmers. Ones that the dumb public have made multi-millionaires! Slow-clap for the dumb masses.
Justin 'FAGGOT' Theroux scripted this ass banditry. The guy who pretended he was dating Aniston.
This stuff is AIMED at children FFS! Stan 'Iron Poof Man' Lee has always been a faggot and sodomite programmer.
No wonder there's so many of these super-queero films, they're ideal for brainwashing kids with crypto-sodomy.
An AC/DC (resonant), Queens-linked Iron'poof' Man? Save having faggot tattooed on his forehead, it couldn't be more obvious!

The Counter-culture Progenitors...
The 'Crowley' Beatles. Golden Dawn/OTO/A.A. 'grade signing' rituals via HELL-p.
A sodomite empire via (Jew) corporate entertainment programming and decades/generations in the making...
Mr Sodom Penis aka "Sgt (Crowley) Pooper" - and The 'OTO Thelemic' Bea(s)tles & the (concealed) homage to Crowley.
Digging a dirt hole (grave). Coprophagic Crowley is listed as Number 2 (shit) on this LP. Lewis 'sodomy' Carroll is #52.
John 'Men-Love Ave.' Lennon. Jew, Ring-O (ass) Starr. Queer Epstein. Serpent 'Apple' fruits (like the sick computer fags).
Fixing A-Hole. Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds is inspired by Lennon and McCartney’s shared love of Alice in Wonderland.
Marmalade, Lucifer/Luci and LSD. McCartney said: “In our minds it was an Alice thing, which both of us loved.” The Dung Beatles.
I am the Walrus (and Carpenter) via Looking Glass, "Eat Me" Alice. Carroll's "Oyster eating" (euphemism) via a woodsman (carpenter) and horny tusked Walrus. Eggmen (a la Humpty Dump) for the ejaculate. 'Oyster' has been slang for the vulva since the 16th century. The oyster aphrodisiac connect is likely a reference to this, not so much that it's an actual aphrodisiac.
Blue Oyster Bar (Police 'masonic' Academy) is a homosexual reference to this concept. Tessellated'homo-masonic'Blue Oyster.
See Bo(o)gey/Buggery-man, John 'Orange Halloween'Carpenter and (Long IslandBlue Oyster Cult song, Don't Fear the R(e)aper, in his (homo/incest stabbing) programming film. Played when Myers tails Laurie/Curtis. Comedian, and identically named Mike Myers, has built a career based on toilet humour. Myers' former Wayne's 'Queen' World partner Dana Carvey film debuted via Halloween 2. Carvey followed that by next featuring in (sick) Reiner's Spinal 'ass' Tap. Police 'Blue Oyster' Academy, Rosebud Cattrall - the sexing Mannequin via White Rabbit Grace Slick - was also from (Beatles) Liverpool. Cattrall was in Carpenter's 'Big Trouble In Little China'.
Orangeman, George 'Tootsie/Punky'Gay-nes (son of Grigorievna de Gay) is in all the Police Academy films.

Underground tube tunnelling, faggy rainbows, and Blue Oyster - via Trans-port for London and TranS-ys.
Sodomite Jew firm Saatchi & Saatchi (contracted by TranS-ys) brought in the man who chose this (Blue)Oyster name.
Saatchi's first famous ad - "Pregnant Man" for the UK's Health Education Council feat. a man who appeared to be pregnant.
Faaggot & Faaggot - Butt Kiss - same year as 'Pregnant Man' (1970).
C. Saatchi has majorly controlled the modern art market, promoting FAGS like Damien 'conman' Hirst, the latter linked to homo Koons.

Anyway, 1980 saw The Boogeyman from (German satanic queer) Ulli Lommel. Which featured John 'OTO/satanist' Carradine.
Lommel was heavily linked to (homo/banana bender) Warhol, and the (sodomite resonant) punk scene. Wow, what a surprise, not.

Weinstein's first film, The Burning, another bo(o)geyman film released after the success of Halloween/Friday 13th.
The actual term bo(o)geyman is linked to sodomy via the Bogomil (bougre/buggery) etymological connect.
The (sodomy) Bo(o)geyman is CUMMING! And via "closet eye stabbing". Hall-O-Weiner.
Curtis' mother was (Mary) Marion Crane in Hitch-COCK's anal/faecal resonant - stabbed eye/twisting plugged hole, Psych-O.
Orange Myers, who gets his eyes stabbed in the closet. Mike 'comedy' Myers played 007 Pleasance via #2 linked, Dr Pinky Evil.
That's right horror fans, Michael 'Halloween' Myers is a GAY avatar. Purple lawnmower, Blue Oyster Myers.
Carpenter always said that Myers was sexually repressed. Likely implying that 'pumpin-kin' Myers was a poof.

Here cums the (queer) Boogeyman. Paedo 'Disney' Salva's - Jeepers 'eye-gouging/brown pipe sliding' Creepers.
Via (sodomite) 'ring cycling/Orangeman' Coppola. With mogul cock jockey, Justin 'lavender boy/Dodgeball(s)' Long.
LIAR, Rose 'children of paedo god' McGowan was in Salva's Rose-woodLane (via the eye). She KNEW he was a paedophile!

Jeepers Creepers is a 'minced' euphemism - mincers aka queers.
Evil is right behind you. A corn-holing, batty-man via the peeper/cock, gouged (ass) eye. Sequel has a bus load of hoop dunkers. 
 Jeepers Creepers 3 sparked controversy over using child molestation as a plotline. Who'd have thought it (sarcasm).

Same is true of Jason Voorhees, of (sodomite/masonic-TemplarFriday the 13th franchise. Hence Camp Blood via violent eye stabbing.
Momma's boy Jason. He wanted more 'camp counselling' as a boy. They were having straight sex when he drowned. Queerial killers who freak-out over hetero couples making-out. Poof Jason attacks an Alice at the original's close. Final 'eye stab' Chapter with 'one-eyed Willie' seeking/booty hunting, 'gooning' Feldman. Part 5 also features Feldman, and Dominick Brascia, the latter abused Haim. That's what Haim's mother has claimed. Brown-Eye stabbers like Clockwork Orange/Camp Climax 'rainbow' Kubrick.
Ol''purple ass bandit' Jason 'one-eyed choppering' Voorhees (thanks to Bingers). The surname is from Orange Dutch.
Camp 'chopper/penis' Blood, Gayson. Color Purple momma's boy, and 'eye stabbing'Rainbow queer, Voorhees.
Steve 'Masonic poof' Miner worked on both the Myers and Voorhees homosexual programming films.
Queer Clockwork Orange Alex (McDowell) featured as 'devil's eyes' Loomis in the Hallowe'en reboots!
Orange queer, Lavender/Purple boy Alex, licking the 'bent rainbow' (arc) lolly-cock, next to the rainbow chart and a ginger.
Meet/Meat The Beatles - Rainbow LOVE pyramid fruits. Clockwork Orange John 'poof' Clive voiced Men-love Lennon.
Yellow (phallic banana) Submarine.
See how pervasive this sodom and paedo Carroll filth is! It is everywhere. He must be one of the elite's programming gods!
Jew-centric, Great 'BUGGERY' Britain. One of the faggiest (if not the faggiest) countries that has ever existed.

BBC Teletubbies (below right) via purple/lavender boy - Tinky 'handbag' Winky (winky/penis). T(inky)Winky.
Inverted pink triangle is a gay symbol. The (gay) Rainbow (below left).
 UK children's TV. Thames TV's Rainbow with pink 'uber poof' Hippo George, next to Orange Zippy (Zipper).
Also with regular "swing resonant" trio - Rod, Jane and Freddy, a suspect bear, and camp host Geoffrey.
 Thames Television Ltd. was taken over by (uber suspect and Dung Beatling) EMI in 1969, and in 1979 became part of Thorn EMI.
Thorn EMI (until 1984), the majority shareholder of broadcaster Thames Television. Thames was replaced by (David Cameron's) Carlton.
 In early January 1999. Carlton bought the (Lew Grade) ITC television/film library from (Bronfman) PolyGram/Seagram for £91 million.

"Why are there so many songs about rainbows..." It's because the industry is PACKED with sick, programming sodomites!

"Someday we'll find it. The Rainbow Connection. The (homo) lovers, the dreamers and me."
 More children's based SODOMITE programming via (homo) Henson's Muppets. Duelling banjo, Kermit.
With a (sex change resonant) frog..."When wished on the (lucifer/venus) morning star." (Rainbow/lucifer).

So, you still think the JEW LGBT MAFIA is just about fluffy rainbows, unicorns, and acceptance?
While I was writing this post the UK FINALLY ruled that heteros can have civil partnerships. Something ONLY ordained for homosexuals and lesbians. Heteros are already playing catch-up! Insanity writ large.
 Sick STATE SANCTIONED mind control via (fag) UK. What an outrage. A crime, in fact.
Gender IS determined biologically and genetically - and I will NEVER think any different.

Do you still think that that the rape/abuse and murder of children is a complete fantasy?
Still think that child trafficking is the stuff of nonsense?

You can’t imagine the size of this. Q
(Hopefully, some of you are now aware of its size. It is colossal).

"Show business is an extension of the (satanic/sodomite) Jewish religion." John Lennon

It's the entire (JEW-CENTRIC) entertainment industry, its systems, and beyond - including politics/business.
Hell, it's no wonder that the sick JEW programmers have made criticism of demonic sodomy - a CRIME.
Just as the same JEW programmers have made questioning the 'holohoax/holocaust' an imprisoning offence.
Everyone else is FAIR GAME (see Russia/Russians from very recent history), but not the SICK JEWS.
Those who think the Jews are of God are the saddest of all. The god of the Jews is Lucifer/Satan, & always has been.
The OT is a collection based on "the age of Saturn" (Satan/Lucifer) - the god of the Jews. Yahweh IS Lucifer. (EL-oim, EL/Saturn).
The EXACT same god (Lucifer/Satan) that the wholly Jewish Freemasons worship. Get your scriptural shit together.
Find out WHY they've been kicked-out of every goddamn country that they've ever occupied!

That said, the satanic Catholic Church is also the domain of Lucifer/Satan, and always has been.
 The pontiff is Lucifer/Satan's emissary on earth - man as God. An upside-down cross throwback to J.P. II.
And in (satanic central) Israel.

Q-Anon - July Update - Joint Treason via USA & UK Cabals.


A July Update. Taking us up to 27 July 2018.
Q-Anon: US and UK JOINT TREASON, and via Pedowood and the Paedoph Isles (UK).
 July 25th 2018. Q.

But first it's another - I TOLD YOU SO - moment

For years I have been "outing" sick UK linked Kubrick - only to meet a wall of wilful ignorance from the masses.
The sort of masses that erroneously think 'Eyes Wide Shut' is an anti-Illuminati piece. D'oh! They couldn't be more wrong.
Confirmation? Oh dear. Revealed early July 2018. (link)
 Kubrick's only personal win of an Academy Award was for his work as director of special effects on 2001: ASO.

 Enty is allegeing that he (Kubrick) was one of the WORST of all. Hey, no shit! Worse than Allen and Polanski.
Last paragraph is clearly 2001 (film). Friends of his daughter Vivian, who briefly featured as Floyd's daughter.
We already knew that (associate and 2001 author) Clarke was a homosexual paedophile.
I trust Enty, not all of it, but I trust this. Enty citied NXIVM and Mack 6 years before the typical public domain!

The films mentioned in the blind/reveal are obviously Lolita (Sellers), and 2001:ASO.
 Lolita. Sue Lyon, who played Lolita, is the girl in question. Raped/abused by Kubrick/Sellers, used to procure others.
2001. The reveal is alleging that Kubrick raped/abused/filmed his daughter's friends. Vivian was 7/8 years old at this time.
All this sick and 'mockery drenched' output. Nose-thumbing of the most warped kind. Masonic base insanity.

Where's ALL the SYNCHRO-MYSTICS with their ZEN bullshit?
 They tried to derail this blog (over recent years) with their CRAP, but Horselover-Phat resisted them!
Where are you now?

 Kind of fitting that I post this on JULY 16, 2018.
Kubrick's (mockery based) 'Eyes Wide Shut' being released JULY 16, 1999.
The latter is very same day that JFK Jr's plane went down and his apparent death. 
I'd wager that the EWS film was playing when the plane went down.

Will sick Khazar Spielberg (Kubrick was his mentor), be next? Tick-tock.

Note, from this point, the post content and post date is from July 27 onward.
(Incl. are older Q drops/older content to give context and a wider understanding.)

Isaac Kappy...late July

What are we to think? Will reserve judgement until more is known. These claims are not exactly new.

The Khazar Kiddy Fiddling and Rape Club...Tom Hanks, Meryl 'Weinstein is God' Streep, and Spielberg.

Here's the woman who was (allegedly) sold to Tom Hanks as a child...sold by her sick parents:

She's is seemingly a victim of trauma based mind control for the purposes of operative use.
 Yeah, General 'pizza-gate' Flynn follows a lot of people, but one of them just happens to be Sarah. I believe her story.
I've been aware of these sorts of stories for more than 15 years, so it's not like it's a new concept for me.

 From late June...A Facebook pedo survey.
I informed blog readers of this very threat more than two years ago. Paedo normalisation, primarily via LGBT/Hollywood.
The (complicit) Liberal/Left have been supporting this (whether the know it or not) they support any minority cause, and blindly.
Talking of Facebook. It's POS Khazar Jew 'cut-out' Zuckerberg. You're going-down boy.
Satanic Deep State organs posing as social media. Orwell on acid and sold as a virtue. Sucker-borg has a Chinese wife.
Alphabet soup agencies have likely pulled-out. Facebook's Chinese venture now looking still-born.
China have probably reversed course because they know what's coming re: Facebook and Zuckerberg.
Suggestions of Facebook angling for the human organ market - a billion+ donors and all their intimate details?
 Yes, Facebook et al - companies I outed more than a decade ago as nefarious data mining and 'group think' mass mind control.

"We are under attack....WAR." Q. (youtube military video link)
Recall the related (nefarious deep state) missile attack on AF1 and POTUS to stop the Singapore summit on June 12.
 "We are under attack....WAR."Apr. 3, 2018
Why is Twitter seemingly being linked (juxtaposed) to the military helicopter crash from April 3, 2018?
Twitter and CIA (Clowns). Operation Q-T2810C. T2 denotes 'Terminal 2' (in the Q drop), like airports.
810C is linked to military design and test limits (810C was mid-1970's).
T2810C is also an Eclipse titled electronic hand-held 'terminal/device' for media.
Much to ponder. Note, the Eclipse device/terminal officially has no wi-fi or blue tooth capability (just USB).
"We are under attack....WAR." Yes, a very active period covering just a few days.
Zuckerberg (to step-down and out of the US?), and Jack 'Twitter' Dorsey in all sorts of shit! We live in hope. :)
Just who was funding Twitter (for years) when it made no profit? Yup, another Deep State cut-out.

Back to very recent drops and events...
Mockingbird MSM go Defcon 1 mode and all for a conspiracy LARP? Facebook and a BIG DROP?
Something BIG is about to DROP. Ouch, that's a chunka change. Twitter got similarly hit following day (27th July).
"Somenthing BIG..." was mentioned just two days prior. "Future proves past."

It's "BIG" Tom Hanks...and pedo-comedy.

 This is ONLY funny if you are MENTALLY ILL and/or SICK. This IS mass media-driven conditioning!
Kimmel is very likely a paedophile too, hence this (sick) skit on his so-called show.
Sarah Ashcraft has some interesting things to say about you, Tom.  You have anything to say in response?

Who wants to visit Zoltar at the fayre and on Sept 11? 'Big' even had a quasi type of child sex subtext.
Regular readers will know ALL ABOUT Hanks and how he is also massively tied to 9/11 predicitive programming.
See BIG, Mazes & Monsters, Extremely Loud, etc. Just like his close assocoiate (and likely paedo) Steven '9/11' Spielberg.

Likewise with Stanley 'paedophile' Kubrick - see the Hilton '2001 MONOLITH' Hotel at Ground Zero.
Which brings me to Fiona 'Kidman' Barnett. A victim at the hands of (Eyes Wide Shut) Nicole's father Antony.
 Club Horned Baphomet.
The She-Devil Wears Prada (link). Hanks is involved in producing Streep's (complete shit franchise) Mama Mia.
She is related to (Jew) Mike Nichols (deceased), who was a friend of (sick) Kubrick. Nichols was a lying homosexual.
Even Nichols' The Graduate is quasi type child/teen sex propaganda, Hoffman and Bancroft.
Bancroft was married to Mel 'FAGGOT/PAEDO' Brooks. The latter I suspect as being a major player in the larger op.
I actually think that Brooks could've partly been behind the rise of  (paedo/satanist) Weinstein.
 The usual suspects and the typical signs.

Other 'cited' potential industry paedophiles in the recent news...

James Gunn, Sarah Silverman, Lloyd 'Troma/trauma' Kaufman, Dan Harmon, 
Patton Oswalt, and Seth Green. Many others too.

See here - NAMBLA - vis Gunn & Kaufman. Homosexual Hollywood (MEN-tored) paedophiles:
 Man-Boy Love. Oh look, it's Lloyd 'Troma/Trauma' Kaufman with Tony 'Dahmer' Podesta.
Even (sick) Spielberg had links with Troma. See his (paedo) The Goonies and Toxic Avenger.

Wanna know something kind of odd? 
I worked out that Kaufman was very, very likely Gunn's sugar daddy. And before the link was actually made!

 Q comes back from a 20 day July absence with drops on the same day (July 24) that Clare 'NXIVM' Bronfman is arrested.

Updating on July 25 2018

With Clare Bronfman arrested (now bailed) just how deep will this go? Tick-tock.
The Bronfman family have been all-over corproate entertainment in recent decades.
We know that Mack named names (BIG names) - will Clare do likewise?
 Also charged were Bronfman's long-time mentor and NXIVM president Nancy Salzman,
her daughter, NXIVM executive board member Lauren Salzman, and former NXIVM bookkeeper Kathy Russell.
The family has also been massively tied to the Clintons...as previous posts have outlined. (Below with Edgar Sr.).

NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is/was headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of  Mexico's former president.

The Bronfman Gang - aka Murder Inc. The Hofjuden family, created by, and beholden to the Zionist UK.
All linked to Permindex and the Dallas Int. Trade Mart. The organisers/executors of the JFK hit.

Bill "Rhodes/Rothschild Scholar" Clinton (via Oxford, UK). An agent of the (sodomite) Zionist UK empire.
We know of the Clintons and their links to Evelyn and Lynn de Rothschild. The above e-mail quote (Sept 2010) was in respect of
Tony 'former UK PM' Blair, Hillary requiring his services, when he was due to meet the Rothschilds.

Victor Rothschild was a major mover in UK intelligence circles. Heavily linked to the Cambridge Spy Ring, and recruited by MI5 during WW2. Victor's flat in London was shared with (homosexuals) Burgess and Blunt. He was close to PM's (satanic paedo) Heath, and Thatcher, both of whom were linked to (BBC satanic paedo) Jimmy 'Royalty' Savile. (Satanic Anglophile paedo) J P Getty Jr was also close to Thatcher and the Tories, he even helped fund them.

Have a look at this. It's Bronfman, FBI, and UK Intel linked! (From Dope, Inc. EIR.)
UK's Commonwealth Canada. Permindex director, Bronfman right-hand man, and Bronfman family attorneyLouis Bloomfield, was first and foremost an agent of the most secretive branch of Her Majesty's Intelligence service, the Special Operations Executive (SOE). The SOE was an expansion of MI Section D, (D for Destruction), and was supposed to be the most secretive branch, it was.instigated by Churchill. Bloomfield was recruited to the SOE by its director, Sir William Stephenson, in 1938. Stephenson, appointed
Bloomfield as the recruitment officer and "agent handler" for the newly created counterespionage/espionage branch of the
U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), known as Division Five. Like some kind of stealth UK Intel army at the FBI.
We know Bronfmans were made by Zionist UK aristocrats etc. Patriarch Sam Bronfman was known as the "King of the Jews'.

This from Jan 2018. FBI agents and texts. Assassination involving foreign allies.
AS THE WORLD TURNS. JFK assassination reference (AS, Schiff & Scalia). An Obama/Nixon link too.

The reference to ASSASSINATION and a foreign ally nation being involved etc!
They released those (FBI Strzok/Page) "texts" and on the SAME DAY that they've released more JFK files.
That CANNOT be a coincidence! I wonder if Obama is mentioned in any of them? :)
The same Obama who was OUTED as a Zionist UK intelligence asset by Sherman 'Chicago' Skolnick in 2004!

 Update July 25th 2018
 'No name' aka John McCain visited UK in March 2016. Yup, it's suggesting that the UK were also jointly involved in attempting to sabotage the 2016 US election. "Hand-in-hand with the Hussein admin...!". A fake (Russian collusion) intel dossier compiled by Christopher 'Ex MI6' Steele. The dossier then used by the Dems and deep state to construct their 'Russian collusion' narrative. Followed by PS and LP (FBI Peter Strzok and Lisa Page) who might be linked to "shared texts" that mention both Russian collusion and assassination attempt(s) on the POTUS. Q:"What if the texts suggest that foreign allies were involved?"
Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Loretta Lynch, Hillary R Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barrack Hussein, +22. This is crazy shit.

McCain is also a product of the (Zionist) Bronfman network via Arizona. (See Q-Anon Trust The Plan post).

JFK files released on April 26, 2018. On that very same day (Apr. 26) the UK announced Trump's UK visit (for July 13, 2018).

Just one day later - we got this Q drop.
I believe that this was the pointer to the "text reveal" (likely linked to Strzok/Page) on JFK file release day Apr.26.
 Palpable shock at high levels is the arguable impression. National crisis, national security issue - it led to "buying time".
It is a huge crisis if the details outline a conspiracy via Obama Admin (in-league with UK network), and cabal Reps (McCain).

If I recall correctly there's an idea that Strzok and Page have visited London (see mid-May Q drops).
The UK is FUCKED if this is true. It's already fucked enough as it is!
  I added above text on the 26th July - on the 27th July (next day) - Q drops this! Strzok and Page in London!
A horizontal flip of the blue London Eye (below left) would gives us a Q.
When does a bird sing? When it is compromised (a la Page). A "bird" is also a common British term for a woman.
Page was cited as a co-operating witness in late Apr. We were told in early May that they had received her testimony.
"Keep your promise." Which is more likely a message to Deep State (re: singing Page) than for us or herself.

We were told that Theresa May was "neutralised", UK intel was being cleaned-out, and that the Queen
and (other?) monarchs were "seeking shelter" (above). All out of view - in a public sense, of course.
Well, save Trump's meet with the Queen and where Trump dominated that particular event. :)
 "Those who are the loudest." Q.
Who's the daddy? Trolling the satanic Queen, which had the brainwashed sheep and Twatterati wetting themselves. :)
The Jimmy 'paedo' Savile linked Windsor crime family. Prince Charles just got in another scrape via priest Ball.
There's no shortage of Royal flag waving drones in the UK, it's simply a form of induced mental illness.
Nearly two years have elapsed and the UK MSM are still hammering Trump. I think they protest too much.


July 25, 2018 (above) & June 11, 2018 (below).
 London pics likely linked to Strzok/Page who got surveilled (as above). Early pics also showed a Winter Wonderland.
This drop seems directly aimed at UK intel - letting them know what they have and with an offer.
UK/SIS (Intel) in-bed with Obama White House, CIA, FBI, and DOJ. Wow! Joint treason.
UK/SIS - good agents offered chance to get onboard or go down - contact window [good] - but a limited window (kill boxed).

 "What if the texts suggest foreign allies (note allies) were involved?" Jan 22 2018.

 Look at this FBI text from Strzok to Page. Insurance policy? Oh dear, not looking good is it? She didn't respond.
Strzok claims it's in respect of the Russia collusion narrative, but it does have the word 'die' after the insurance policy ref.
How's that workimg-out for ya? Suggestions that they had contact with the Clintons too.

Recall, a year prior, May went to the US to meet with Trump - and was the first foreign leader to do so. (Jan 27 2017).
I suspect that discussions about "UK/US trade" were very likely low on the agenda (ahem).
The UK has spent recent months involved in sad and transparent (anti Russian) novichok poisonings (all faked imo).
Oh look, a Hillary connect to Chris 'Orbis/MI6' Steele and the dirty dossier via Pablo 'Skripal' Miller. Hillary and the DNC retained
Fusion GPS (Apr. 2016) who then hired Chris 'Orbis/MI6' Steele (Jun. 2016) to research any Russian links to Trump (aka falsify them).
The was NO RUSSIAN HACK of the DNC server...it was a LEAK. Leaked by DNC Seth Rich, who was then murdred!

4D Chess...recall this from my first Q-Anon post in April:
"It's nice when you can - Work in peace (piece)". A coded phonetic reference to a chess piece (and working it in).
Sessions, who's hopefully been working on the demise of criminal lesbian and pedovore Hillary 'rotten' Clinton.
Work-in piece. It's followed by (Clinton hunting) AG Sessions and a 4-d chess link. Sessions IS the "piece".
It's possible (FBI, SC) Mueller is also a Trump team chess piece. Trump meeting with him one day before becoming SC.
Mueller, who is trusted by the cabal and able to draw them in, could well be in the plan. ("disinfo is necessary").
If so, he is likely being leveraged by Team Trump to bury them (the cabal). If not he needs taking-out. Time will tell.
If Mueller is 'team Potus' then Rosenstein is too, that's what we were told. It's hard to know the true "optics". (Disinfo necessary).

Update...July 27 2018
Strange coincidence wouldn't you say? "What are the odds?" Q (July 27 2018).
If Mueller is team POTUS - it would mean that the nefarious deep state is absolutely f**ked. :)


Trumpstein - Stooge of Zionist Israel - Re-upped from Jan 2018 and Updated

Previous content and now updated.

Just porting-over the end of the Oumuamua post - so I can keep abreast of Trump's ongoing overt insanity.
Regular readers will KNOW that I predicted Trump's election win, and over a year in advance!
I did similar with the UK EU vote too (save the small wobble around the time of the faux assassination).
Results that the MSM said were unlikely, or nigh-on impossible. Ha!
That is now history - and now it's time to really evaluate Trump, and it's not pretty, far from it.

He's had his chance and "blown it" in spectacular style!
The "non-foreign interference" pledge - lies in tatters and is now exposed for the GROSS LIE that it was.
Is he hoping that the entire world is suffering from collective AMNESIA? We know what he said - and only 12 months ago!
Dec 2016. That would be Saudi "ISIS" Arabia then! So why is he doing deals with them and helping destroy Yemen?
His "nationalist" promise - another exposed lie. He is clearly a globalist stooge, and rapidly increasingly so.
So much for "America First". Trump has "bait and switched" his voter base - all for the typical and ongoing Zionist cause.
Trumpstein...Zionist Israel are the hand inside the Trump glove. The same Israel behind 9/11.
The Zionist puppet strings hove into full view.
Khazar/Ashke-NAZI Jews (in-league with US admin) caused 9/11 - you've been duped by these MONSTERS.
Israel makes you fight illegal wars - it's YOUR American sons and daughters who are sacrificed for all this!
Israel MURDERED US citizens in a giant false-flag - SWALLOW THAT! I've known this literally since day 1.
The JEW. S. of A.
If it were not for these "sick Khazar mind control agents" (below) the 9/11 LIE would've been busted years ago!
What you have in the US is a type of "mass media simulated reality" - one controlled and served-up by Khazar/Zionists.
Trump taking on the Khazar/Ashkenazi US MSM is nothing but a "dog and pony show" for useless eater digestion.
Israel OWNS the ENTIRE American mindset - it is indisputable. Not even the Khazars dispute it!
Pierce those Twin Towers...Hollywood aka JEW-wood.
US "mass mind control" through Khazar/Ashkenazi/Zionist Jew "mass media".
HELLYWOOD - the degenerate JEW shit hole that rapes children, sexualises the young, & brainwashes everyone else!
Home "WTC/911" Alone 2 - It's 'towering" Donald "Biff/Clamp" Trump. Filmed at his NY Plaza.
Trump's also linked to Back to the '9/11-Struck Tower' Future, and Gremlins "9/11-WTC" 2 (see other posts).
Trump bought Back to the '9/11' Future linked Delorean's Bedminster estate - & exactly 1 year after Sept. 11 2001.
Trump secured his presidency in the early hours on 9th November 2016 - Euro-style 9/11.
Let's take a New York bound flight. Foreshadowing for flight #175?
'Baphomet Pizza boy' Culkin, takes American Airlines 767, flight #176 to New York. (as stated by flight attendant).
He stands on South Tower, the one that was struck by the United Airlines 767, flight #175 (see gif below).
It was American Airlines flight #11 (first strike) that allegedly struck the North Tower.
The Twin Tower scene segues to "airport security".
Who was the desk clerk who met Kevin in New York?
Ally "9/11 War Games" Sheedy (see pic inset).
Sheedy, who has recently made (abuse) claims of her own (see Franco). She is now seemingly on the industry fringes.
Home Alone 2. Somebody call - 911.
I have details of a "global crime syndicate" that brainwashed half the planet via Jew/Hollywood corporate media, and its related news channels. And of course, all in-league with the (SICK) US military-industrial complex. I didn't even mention John "Home Alone 2" Heard - 9/11 subliminals via the following - Awakenings, Big, and The Pelican Brief.
I doubt that (most) of the acting personnel involved even know of how they've been used/positioned etc.
It's Khazar Jew puppet, Trump and the sleeping (beds) 9-11 SHEEP/GOY - aka the US zombified by "mass media" Ovine herd.
Understand that I NEVER bought into the official 9/11 narrative, not even for one day! I honestly believe that the US public were MSM "primed" and "propagandised" prior to, during the event, and afterwards too, and as I've regularly described and demonstrated over the years. Since 2001, I've had to watch as the USA/Israel have made mincemeat out of literally the entire Middle East.
Home Alone 2/War Games, Sheedy's co-star, 9/11 Broderick. Picked-up by the FBI at 7-Eleven (7-11). Sept = 7.
Trump April 2016. I've ALWAYS said that "7-11" is a stylised form of "9-11". This is nothing new.
SEPT (seven), the original Roman calendar's 7th month. Trump, the walking tarot card - The 'struck' Tower trump card.
The Tower - "Le Feu de Ciel" - The Fire (and fury) of Heaven (Sky). Back to the "Lightning-struck 9/11 Tower" Future.
Towering Trump/Clamp - the "World" (in a vice/clamp) "Trade Centre" . Gremlins "end of the world apocalypse" 2
All three films that seem to reference Trump, Dead Zone, Gremlins 2, and Back to the Future 2
- all have an end of the world and/or dystopian societal theme. Which is interesting in itself.
"Enough is Enough." Yeah, I think we've ALL had enough of this Illuminati clown!
Illuminati Cards and 9/11/2001. Game card from 1995.
As if all that isn't bad enough, but oh no - it gets worse.
War Games director, John Badham was attached to "The Dead (Stillson/Trump nuclear) Zone"
- released in the same year as War Games, 1983.
Walken - who featured as Mike (Mike-ro Soft/Microsoft) in The Stepford Wives remake -
with Matthew 'nuclear War Games, 9/11' Broderick, and Nicole 'satanic mkultra' Kidman.
Trump even wakes in the early hours of the morning with his epiphanies a la Stillson.
Stillson/Sheen who went on to play the POTUS in The West Wing.
Did they lift that from the 1979 novel? (The Dead Zone).

And now the 'marginalisation" of the USA begins...it's global influence slipping as each day passes.
A $20 trillion national debt sold as an economic miracle. What can possibly go wrong?
There is NO economic miracle - just Central Bank money printing, buy-backs, and other crimes!
Corporate USA - the folk who brought the world "sub-prime" HELL via (sick) Wall St.
China and Russia will kick your - fat, couch potato, Jew loving, uber indebted, degenerate, and poof-centric asses.
Threats of blackmail if the "JEW. S. of A" doesn't get its own way?
Awwwww....didums. Why don't you try blowing the fuck out of the entire middle east again - & on the back of another "big lie"?
You hit Syria (April), you're arming Saudi Arabia, running operations in Yemen, & destroying Palestine - etc, etc.
Oil rich Saudi - aka the most extreme Islamists! Trump's Secretary of State is Rex "Exxon" Tillerson.
Note, the UK (Jew K) is also heavily arming the Saudis, as I covered in a recent post.

"We will defund you..." Yawn!
Another US government Zionist SOCIOPATH. Just horrible, simply horrible. The spawn of "might is right"Lucifer.
Her barely concealed "passive-aggressive" manner is revolting. IT looks like a transsexual.
She's acting like the 'Borg queen" from Star Trek - "resistance is futile". :)

Trump made a lot of pre-election promises (as is typical of politicos) to his "America First" base, but he has already seemingly abandoned them. I was agreeable to some of his "anti-globalist, anti-foreign interference, and anti-immigration" message myself, but none of this has come to any appreciable fruition. It's been the polar opposite. Trump seems to be surrounding himself with the globalist cabal. This post is not meant as a slight against those that voted for Trump. It's Trump that has reneged on his base and their nationalist ideology - this is not the fault of the voter. A voter ultimately placed in the unenvious position of having the choice of Clinton or Trump. Forgive me for unloading my frustration - cos I don't hold back, but do try not to take it personally. 

Trump thinks that by acting like an "ape" on the global stage, that it will somehow help the planet?
US foreign policy since WW2 has been NOTHING but colossal and abject failure. Creating Israel, Vietnam, Gulf War I, Afghanistan, Iraq Gulf War 2, Libya, Syria etc, etc. I'm starting to think Trump might well be the last President that the USA ever has! The world CANNOT continue under the yoke of the USA - THIS OVERT INSANITY HAS TO END.

US/Israeli foreign policy in the Middle East 

If the fallout from all these insane wars was landing on American shores - this all would've been stopped years ago!
Many Americans couldn't even find the Middle East on a goddamn map - and with help!
Without (false flag) 9/11 - none of what has transpired over the last 16+ years could've happened!


Drain the swamp?
How? By giving (sick) corporate America HUGE TAX BREAKS, putting Neo-Cons in his admin?
Tax breaks for Wall St etc, even though they are the wreckers of the masses?

Good luck with "swamp draining" - especially with a corporate junkie like Trump at the helm.
When will the deluded Trump fanboys wake-up? He's a puppet of Israel, and the banking oligarchy!

"10-13"Templar suppression date.

1st Jan - 3rd Jan 2018

Remember the US "Arab Spring"? Remember the (non) weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Same old, same old.
Wait for Trump to start circling and then the "REGIME CHANGE" agenda will soon hove fully into view.
Israel have wanted war with Iran for years - Trump could well be the one who gives it to them. The Saudis would welcome it too.
The way Trump is angling (and so soon), you'd think that he was expecting something to happen - wink, wink.
TRUMP - the man who condemns IRAN, but who supplies (EVIL) Saudi 'ISIS' Arabia with arms to destroy Yemen.
FUCK TRUMP, and FUCK THE CUNTS THAT SUPPORT HIM. He's George W Bush 2.0. Another PNAC neo-Con gopher.
U.S./Israeli PROVOCATEUR activity in Iran - that is very likely what is happening at the moment (last few days 2017).
The counter protest is by far, LARGER than the actual protest, but don't let that get in the way of these Trump lies!

Vive la France...
Sock-it to them, Francois!
Spot the warmongering, regime change superpower, and it's NOT Russia.

There's NO Rothschild controlled central bank in Iran, - isn't that correct Donald "Jew errand boy" Trump?
Is Trump talking about the USA? He might as well be. This is how I view the current US!
What errant fucking nonsense is this? The man is CLEARLY insane and a tool of the sick Khazar Jews!
REAL people of the world are getting WISE to US/Israeli interference (hegemony) & under the guise of "help and freedom" aka LIES.
The REAL world knows that the US and Israel were behind 9/11! USA/Israel = global terrorists!
This is the exact same M.O. that they've been using for the last near 20 years! It's actually embarrassing!
Human rights violations? Your sick Saudi friends are murdering Yemeni children and have been for years - you ginger POS.
It's called Saudi (with US help) led GENOCIDE of Yemen. Trump is a despicable and duplicitous POS.
The same sick Saudi regime that is doing arms deals with Trump's admin. This is low-grade Jew S of A propaganda.
Some of Iran's internal economic issues directly come from the imposed sanctions!

What "freedom" are you offering USA?
Freedom to buy and sell in the rigged corporate market place - the 1% free-for-all? A Jew owned federal reserve and corporate banking system (aka legitimate criminality) that fleeces the masses, and enacts mass debt slavery? Sick media that turns children into SEX OBJECTS? Hollywood/TV violence that is nothing but MASS DEGENERACY programming? A SODOMITE centric nation which treats the issue as though it's a virtue? US Intel owned socialist media that promotes dumb group think? Gangsta thuggery promoted as a lifestyle choice (neo-Uncle Toms etc). Mass shootings on a weekly basis? The worship of celebrity on a level not seen in ANY RELIGION? Sick mass plastic surgery for a society who've been entrained to self-loathe via sick media? War as a means for economic and hegemonic expansion? Huge disparities in wealth? The AMERICAN DREAM - is a sane man's NIGHTMARE. The west isn't free. Not in the way that it is "marketed" by the establishment, at least. Trump is only selling bullshit to the gullible.

I wonder if the following is one such example...likely employed by foreign intel to instigate violence etc:
Below - The "UK intel" couple. Their marriage is an obvious sham. She's very likely a double-agent.
They could've been involved in (Jew led) provocateur activity in respect of Iran. It is the Jew K (UK), after all.
The Jew K want their SPY back - how thoroughly predictable.

Hey, Trump - YOU DUMB ASS!
Thousands are protesting the Israeli government and linked corruption. You know, the Israel that Trump LOVES.
Benjamin "CRIMINAL" Netanyahu. Where is the US call for "regime change"? That was the FIFTH'March of Shame'.
Only a DUMB ASS would not spot the way that the USA ignores Israeli transgressions, and its population's protest!

 Somehow, Trump and the US MSM fails to notice all the above? More American people protested against Trump's presidency than anything we've yet seen out of Iran. This stuff is just EMBARRASSING. I'm reading it as staged co-ordinated events using provocateurs, intel/Mossad/CIA etc, and all supported by complicit western MSM - fanning the flames and projecting their narrative. The UK and US were instrumental in shaping Iran in the C 20th. The UK and US (under the aegis of the CIA) backing the Shah in the 1953 coup and overthrow of PM Mosaddegh (see Operation Ajax). Then ultimately having the Shah taken-out in 1979, followed by installing the Ayatollahs etc.

"Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat..."
Servants of Israel
The United States IS controlled by a FOREIGN POWER! AIPAC dominates the US govt apparatus, as do Jew lobbyists.
The masses are so dumb - hey let's just run G W Bush's agenda - AGAIN!
When I was watching Bush's speech at ground zero on TV (a few days after 9/11) -
I was screaming at the screen for the American people not to fall for this US/Israeli inside job!

I'm not saying that Iran's ruling govt. is an ideal, not in the slightest. This is about ongoing typical and criminal intervention, and deliberately fomented destabilisation by USA/Israel. All to bring about the exact same type of "regime change" doctrine that was associated with the Bush neo-Cons. Russia "put paid to" the USA's disastrous activity inside Syria - now these sociopaths want another Mid East whipping boy. If Iran want "change" - then it comes through the BALLOT BOX - not via US/Israeli aggression! It has a democratically elected government, and that's whether any outsiders - like it or not.

The American/Israeli authorities (and criminal MSM) have made you fight numerous wars based on FAKERY.
Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria etc - THEY WILL JUST CONTINUE IN THIS SAME VEIN.
This will all be under the guise of U.S. HELP and FREEDOM - the same sort of help that saw Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya etc - turned into the utopias that they are now today (sarcasm).

Well, well...if the sick Khazars/Ashkenazis didn't SIGNPOST what they were planning to do in advance, & very recently!
These ISRAELI MONSTERS need to be stopped!
With Khazar Jew lapdog Trump - there was never any chance of Israel "going it alone".
They even tried to get Obozo to attack them on their behalf! Is there no foil to this overt Jewish insanity?

Remember this from Jan, 2013. The Daily Mail story that was removed almost as quickly as it was posted!
I actually saw it on their site in "realtime" in 2013 - and noticed them pulling-it. A US/UK linked story.
I fished-out a version from the "google preview cache" - they rinsed the article off the internet!
For more, see the following: chemical-weapons-media-propaganda-in-us-uk-is-designed-to-hide-the-truth-in-syria/
There was a legal case over the article/emails etc, I leave it to the reader to make up their own minds.
We do know that Obama's admin was funding and supporting ISIS (aka rebels) in Syria, against Assad.

 Update. Staged chemical attacks in Douma, Syria. ISIS is a creation of the Jew. S. of A. and Saudi Arabia.
Obama's former admin was also funding/supplying rebels against elected Assad - the rebels are/were ISIS!
 Trump's admin bought-in to this obvious FRAUD, as did most (Jew owned) Western MSM. Imagine my surprise.
I was stating this as a FRAUD at the time it happened (April 2018)...as did many others. (See here).
Zionist Trump (along with Jew UK, and Rothschild France) launched missile attacks within 48 hours!

Lies come easy to the US government. She's another Khazar/Ashkenazi puppet, obviously!

And the overt AMERICAN MADNESS continues...how many wars are they trying to start?
Trump is like a smarted "child" - acting like a school playground bully, and on the global stage.
This PNAC/Neo-Con STOOGE is clearly UNHINGED and a threat to the planet. There is NO DOUBT.

'The Dead Zone' - the climax has Johnny (Walken) attempting to shoot dead 'Senate candidate' Greg 'nuclear' Stillson.

The "BBC Robot Wars" and "hearing voices" youth from the UK. Shades of monarch/mkultra?
Similar shaped hotels in Vegas - linked by an 'attempted shooting' and a 'mass shooting'. Spooky, huh?
A "mass shooting" which occurred in Vegas on the exact same day as the UK MONARCH (airline) collapse!
Oct 1, 2017 - Vegas "mass shooting" via Mandalay & (Lux-Light) Lucifer Luxor Illuminati Black Pyramid.
Weishaupt chose the 'eye and pyramid' as the master symbol of the Rothschild sponsored (Zionist/Frankist) Illuminati.
A number of witnesses (multiple shooter referencers) have already turned-up dead and in mysterious ways - ahem!
A 'harvest' named event. The "shooter/patsy" (Paddock) aka Mr Eyes Wide Shut.
 As if (film linked via shooter) "The Big Fix" and "Fix It Here" Orlando LGBT shooting "FIX" wasn't bad enough!
Fraud 9/11, fraud Orlando Pulse shooting, fraud Vegas shooting...the list is endless. What a madhouse!
These events heavily involve 'processing' humanity (via mass mind exposure) and in a satanically inspired way.

(above, bottom left) Illuminati BLACK PYRAMID, anyone? Illuminati cards also key directly into the 9/11 event.

David "Videodrome/The Dead Zone" Cronenberg - BOTH released 1983. Kenneth 'OTO' Anger linked, Cronenberg.
Incidentally, James 'Videodrome/911' Woods...is a known supporter of Zionist Trump.
The Khazar/Ashkenazi/Zionist "4th Wall" declaration/manifesto.
Mass societal mind control thru mass media induced "simulated reality".

Stillson was Trump before Trump was even Trump!

Trump/Stillson and his "big button".
Donald "the missiles are flying" Trump.
Trump's nuclear button is only 'seemingly' bigger than Kim's - due to his very small hands! :)
(Trump's admin has also recently torn-up the INF treaty with (moderate) Russia.)

US election 2016 and collusion with Russia? Laughed out the door (by myself) and from the get-go.
The ONLY relevant foreign nation colluding in US elections is ISRAEL Wakey-wakey!
Is the Russia/Trump collusion issue to hide the Israeli hand that puppets this Trump goon?

The "not being Hillary" angle is ALL USED UP and is no longer relevant. That's what got him into power in the first place. Hell, as if that was any kind of defence to rely on anyway! A choice between Trump and Clinton - tells us all we need to know about the state of US politics. Quite simply, a madman now occupies the Oval office. Is this any better than having a madwoman in the POTUS chair? Nope! The left/right paradigm is yet again (but ultimately unsurprisingly) shown-up for the Zionist Hobson's choice that it seemingly always is! The US govt. apparatus is Zionist owned regardless of the hydra's head. The "cultural Marxist" liberal left way - is simply just another Zionist fix. Communism was fomented by the Rothschild Jew-luminati, Marx/Levy was their agent etc.

CHECK THIS GUY OUT - Youtube! What a C**T!
STEFAN MOLYNEUX (MolyJEW). A Khazar Jew provocateur/agitator/propagandist!
Trying to help the "Jew. S. of A." with their ILLEGAL "coup" attempt! He's a "narrative" criminal!

A sad go at brainwashing his readership with low-grade propaganda. The kind of propaganda that ONLY works on "low-info" type SHEEP! So, "FUCK YOU, MOLYJEW!" He completely IGNORES the US/UK CIA coup in 1953 etc! He doesn't seem to understand what happened with the disastrous "Arab Spring" either! No-one can be this wilfully ignorant, not unless they're a kind of FIX!
Posted on 30th Dec - so I know he is a PRE-EMPTIVE, ZIONIST POS! I've been leaving comments galore on that video -
I am going to DESTROY this JEW PNAC/NEO-CON POS! Not with bombs, but with words of truth! :)

He won't respond to any of my comments - it's because he knows I have him by his kosher balls!

I'm getting an INSANE amount of blog hits from France. I don't know how or why? :)
If any reader from France sees this - can you shed any light on all this traffic?
Who is reading all this in France? - "Je ne sais pas qui?" Kiss, kiss. :)

Emmanuel "Rothschild/Zionist" Macron.
I collared former leader Francois "Jewish Freemasonry" Hollande in my earlier posts - see JEWISH Hebdo etc.
Paris, (masonic) Friday 13th November, 2015. Bataclan terror venue sold by Israeli owner on Sept 11, 2015.

 The god of Israel is Lucifer/Satan...and ALWAYS has been.
"I speak to you today as a lifelong supporter (slave) and true friend (sycophant) of ROTHCHILD'S Satanic/Zionist Israel."

 Oy vey! Kosher Trump and the Kings of Zion. Donald 'Rothschild' Trump.
Son-in-law, Jared '666' Kushner is close to Satanyahu...very close, allegedly.

We've got Theresa "Zionist" May-er here in the UK/Jew K.
Only very recently Israel were implicated in fronting Pritti Patel as a Zionist funded challenger. Covering bases etc.
Bolshevik Broadcasting Corporation. UK 7/7 just another Zionist mind fuck.

Jew-Nited States - US INTEL(ligence) Inside...Silly-Con Valley:
INTEL - in a recent post I was describing how tech companies like Intel, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook etc -
are NOTHING but extensions of the American military-industrial-media complex. International tax dodge central!
Folk like Gates, Jobs, Suckerberg are/were merely "cut-out" front men for this said complex.
Their tech rise presented as organic, when it's simply just a MASS PR LIE. Look what has just popped out re: INTEL!


Note how virtually ALL these companies are AMERICAN! Not Russian or Chinese.
Net worth equivalent to that of reasonably sized nation's GDP. They're corporate slavers/exploiters, tax dodgers etc.
Intel CEO, Brian Krzanich, sold off $24 million in company stock & knowing about the flaw!
Another US corporate criminal! Insider trading, dumping his shares before the drop. Note, (smart devices) ARM are a UK company.

War Games. 'Back Door' Geeks as Gates and Allen (avatars). Gates/Allen aka US MILITARY/INTEL cut-outs/fronts.
A likely deliberately built-in flaw courtesy of the US alphabet soup agencies - the real power behind these companies!
Apple (aka US intel) just got caught with their sick corporate hands in the cookie jar -
deliberately building-in obsolescence, and then LYING when caught-out. Typical US corporate LIES.
This is primarily why the USA is such a SHIT-HOUSE - sick, "anti-human" multinational corporations rule the roost.
The 1% have virtually all the wealth - the middle classes do not and will not benefit. Corporatism is a disease!
Baaaaaa! America - making corporate sheep out of human beings - day after day, after day, after day...
Faecesbook - Jewish/Masonic "mass sheep mind control" - group think dosed drones, low-info BASE INSANITY.
JEW Suckerberg aka the "cut-out/front" for this Zionist shithouse socialist media sewage. He's likely Rothschild bloodline!
Want to know why your children are "mentally ill"? There's your answer.
Go worship at the altar of corporatism - I mean, what could possibly go wrong? D'oh!
At the close of (sick satanist) Donner's The '666' Omen, the anti-Christ is seen holding the US president's hand.
The Trump-Pence (Trumpets) of Revelation.
"When the (Khazar) Jews return to (1948 created) Zion."
1948, Israel. Thanks to the (Balfour) UK and Zionist America!
It's the "Corporate/Multi-national" Anti-Christ (a la Damien 'corporate/politics' Thorn) aka Donald "666" Trump.
The sort of monsters who put profit ahead of humanity! It's not, and has never been complicated!
Just like Luciferic/masonic serpent worshippers "666" CORPORATE Apple. Byte/Bite the 666 Lucifer Apple.
These sick Khazar/Ashkenazi kabbalists (and cut-outs) do like their "666" fun via medi. That Apple $666.66 machine was unleashed in the months following the release of (Jew, Donner/Schwartzberg's) The 'political/corporate' Omen (6/6/76).
Khazar "666" Kabbalist, Kushner. Money laundering scum. Ooh, let's subliminally terrorise the GOYIM!
 When 'Exorcist II' was shot, Warner Bros.' HQ was located at 666 5th Ave, as seen in the Warner Bros. film.
No wonder the USA is called "The Great Satan"! Sick kabbalist/masonic Khazars (and their agents) have run amok.

666 Fifth Ave (formerlyTishman building) was built by Tishman, he was also construction manager for the Twin Towers!
Trump, The Masonic Cornerstone of the Pit of 5th Ave. Hell...via 666.

The US population has, and is, being satanically and ritually processed...of that I have literally no doubt.
(Thanks go to 'EnterTheStars' for the above video and research.)
Did you notice the 'Sandy Hook' boat? 666 is also the magic square of the sun (aka sol).

The Tower (trump) card follows the Devil card in all decks that contain it. The Trump Tower, Tower trump (Jan. 2018).

Jewish Freemasonry, Masonic Sirius, and Satan.
I compared 9/11 to the birthing of Crowley's aeon of (666) Horus wayback in my first blog post (2009, Sirius Rising, etc).
Kabbalistic '666/777' Sodom Crowley's satanic silver (sirius) star of the (sodomite) brotherhood. All seeing 'ass' eye.
'Lord of the Underworld' a la jackal Anubis. 666/O-Men, Damien, is born of a jackal (Anubis). Sirius (Anubis) dog of Orion.
Recall the "Back Door" Gates/Allen geeks (avatars) from War Games...works as double reference - sodomy.
Silly Con Valley in (homo/rainbow) San Francisco.

OMFG! Look at how dumb this Jew Yorker is - the ginger girl! See from 3 minutes onwards.

HOWL! "Make America DUMB Again" aka MADA! :)

The farce continues...now he wants to ban books that are critical of him. The man is already a global laughing stock.
Whether this book came out or not - is irrelevant. It is in terms of evaluating Trump, it doesn't really change anything.
All this noise over Russia though, when the elephant in the room is the nation of Israel,
and the longterm, vice-like grip that it exerts over the USA.

The book stuff has gone crazy! Is this a smokescreen for the FAILED Zionist Iranian coup attempt?
The drubbing at the UN via calling the emergency meeting? Russia, China, France etc - sent the US packing.
Far too much of a circus now. No-one is talking about the Trump/Zionist neo-Con stunt! I'm suspicious.
Trump groupies cannot deny that he is a Zionist - there is no longer any doubt. The USA is simply a 'colony' of Israel.

To the "right wingers" who think this is all a "left wing" fix to derail Trump - you are the MOST LOST OF ALL.
Trump IS NOT taking-on the (JEWISH) MSM - his attitude to Israel informs you of this much. Wake-up!
The "left wing" are not making Trump act and behave like an "alpha child APE"! He needs no assistance there.
Trump OWNS his performance on the world stage - no one but Trump is responsible for that!
For the record - I hate Clinton, and liberal/leftism, so I've no issue there! It's All a shit house!

There is NO ECONOMIC MIRACLE either - it is ALL corporate smoke and mirrors. The USA is on its last legs.
The US economic miracle - 0% money a la JEW USARY DEMON Greenspan - it's all been a 1% FIX.
This debt/timescale wasn't under Trump, I'm including for info purposes. He's adding to the debt pile though.
There's been a 25% increase in the DJII over the last 12 months. Perhaps we're in the "up phase" before a likely coming "bust" in the future. Corporate America is a gigantic criminal enterprise. These are the powers that brought you the 2007 housing collapse.
Stock market numbers and other instruments are not a reflection of the economic situation of the typical American citizen.

Zionist son-in-law - Kushner & Israeli criminals. Kushner didn't disclose his links to illegal settlement building either!
Some are claiming that he has substantial links to Zionist Soros. His father is a former convicted (witness tampering) criminal.
The book recounts President Donald Trump telling 'multiple people' that Kushner could solve the Middle East problem:
'because the Kushners knew all the crooks in Israel.'

Solve? A Zionist solving the Mid East problem? They were the goddamn ones that started it!
Solve - meaning move the embassy and create merry Hell.
WTF is Trump doing with these gimps around his government - the people didn't elect them. Oh dear.
There are allegations that Trump was looking to make Kushner Secretary of State!

Moderate Russia are seemingly wise to this "JEW S of A" blatant regime change attempt.
Trump caught with his tiny hands in the "Zionist regime change" cookie jar.
They embarrassed you over Syria (thank you, Russia) - they'll embarrass you over this too.

Update covering 2018/19
 Zionist Bolton...Mr (Illegal) War in Iraq. A sociopath, human excrement.
Trump is fighting the deep state? Anyone know any other jokes?

Donald 'We won't rush to topple foreign regimes' Trump. How's that working-out for ya? (sarcasm)
Trump's admin = A Bush 3rd term.

Update. Recall this in my post body from Jan 2018?
Remember the US "Arab Spring"? Remember the (non) weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Same old, same old.
Wait for Trump to start circling and then the "REGIME CHANGE" agenda will soon hove fully into view.

Mike 'CIA POS' Dumb-peo. Another blatant Neo-Con sociopath and transparent LIAR.
Fat boy thinks Saudi has a good record in respect of human rights. WTF? OMFG, how embarrassing. No shame, no shame!
Hezbollah cells in Venezuela? Is that part of his stand-up routine? What a POS.
As for the Kashoggi affair...the USA is out on its own with the Yemen destroying (evil) Saudis. Embarrassing.
Saudi (along with Jew S A and Israel) ARE the #1 sponsors of extremist global terror! The axis of evil!

Oh look, another agent of (satanic) Zion. Donald 'drain the swamp' Trump fills his admin with (criminal) swamp monsters?
On what planet does any of this make sense? Certainly not earth!
Venezuela was ALWAYS a target of the Bush Neo-Cons. Their Chavez (CIA) coup attempt circa 2002/3 went south!

The same (Bush NWO neo-con) agenda is still in operation under Jew errand boy, Trump (see Iran/Venezuela).
Listen to Aaron 'Rockefeller 9/11 warning' Russo and the regime change agenda of the NWO (incl. Venezuela).

Circa Nov. 2000: "We're going to invade Afghanistan...we're going to invade Iraq (make it a part of the NWO)...and we're going to go after Chavez in Venezuela."

Trump's admin IS the latest chapter in the ongoing (Zionist/Masonic sponsored) NWO roll-out. Oh yes.
Only those with short-term memories will be fooled by Trump - it's just as well my long-term memory is still intact.
Trump-tards and Q-tards are lost in 'Trump as a deity" delusions while the NWO rolls-on under their manipulated noses.

It was "Controlled Demolition Inc" who removed the 9/11 debris/rubble. The Tower(s) destruction really was a demolition.
 "The Manhattan insurance underwriters demanded the Rockefeller NYC/NJ Port Authority install a guaranteed vertical demolition system be installed to avoid any damage to other properties should for ANY reason, the WTC twin towers collapse. Kellogg Corporation's nuclear fusion demolition system installed EARLY 1969. Wiring and installing the system HAD TO BE DONE DURING CONSTRUCTION."  (thanks to a youtube commenter).

 Q- Masonic/Zionist Psy-Op?
It is very likely that Trump/Q is a psy-op. One designed to maintain the (Zionist sponsored) left/right US political paradigm fix. The Trump/Q movement has gotten noticeably more 'cult-like' over time, and it all very much has a quasi-evangelical sort of dynamic to it. The latter being the most concerning aspect. A type of hysteria has seemingly set-in and fantasy is the only game in town. You could perhaps describe the Q phenomenon as a type of - 'hope porn'. Trump ordained by 'God'? WTF is wrong with these people?

 Update. Trump (although Bolton calls the shots) and NWO Latin America regime change. CIA 101 stuff - YAWN.

 Trump/Q  - 'DARK TO LIGHT' - aka (masonic Jew propaganda 101) 'From Darkness to (Lucifer) Light'.
The masonic phrase is an aspect of 3rd degree raising - the candidate being raised into the Lucifer light.
Qabbalistic Masonic Q? Order of the Masonic (Lucifer) Q Serpent.
 Serpent Q and the Tower thematic - Donald 'Q/The Tower' Trump. Feat. David 'OTO/Crowley' Carradine.
Quetzalcoatal - a major Mexican angle (order founded there). Mexico is a big Trump resonator.
Apparently, Q/Trump is fighting the US deep state! (The same ones who want Venezuela.) Complete nonsense of course!
Juan 'FREEMASON' Guaido (left). Sodomite Freemasonry is JEWISH (LUCIFERIANISM). Doanld 'ISRAEL' Trumpstein.
The (masonic Jew) puppet strings are showing. (Below) The message is that it's a masonic hoodwink (fix).

BUSTED. Jew-owned, (Jew) masonic code gesturing, Zionist loving...Brother Trump. So mote it be, Donny!
Freemasons = Satanic Jewish foot-soldiers in a very bad disguise. Apron, worn over the groin (penis).
The ONLY message Trump was delivering (above) was one directed at the masonic (Jew) bretheren!
Masonry IS symbolism - a central and key active function of their 'craft'. US masonic tech:
 Sodomite 666 Masonic G Males - Two Ball (phallic) Cain - Mr One-Eyed Willie (penis, see The 'paedo/homo' Goonies).
Current public face of (homo) Apple is Tim 'homo' Cook. (F)Ass=bender as Jobs: "Everybody loves Ring-O." (Apple Beatles).
Masonic Jobs & Woz. America = a colony of Zionist/Masonic (satanic) ISRAEL. THE JEW. S. OF (MASONIC) A.
Rosebud Spielberg. Jur-ASS-ic PARK Masonic Apron (left). Washington's Masonic 'homo rainbow arch' Apron (middle).
The masonic eye (blazing satanic sirius, see apron) which in one aspect is the anal sphincter.
 Recall Zionist Trump's (envelope) apron, and CIA puppet Guaido's from earlier. And all the masonic US tech companies.
Arnold Spielberg (father) designed mainframe computers for General Electric - which led to the BASIC programming language.
The same BASIC code that built the empires of Gates/Jobs etc. The code that would ultmately lead to personal computers.
Silicon/Silly Con Valley - homo/rainbow San Francisco.
Sodomite, satanic, programming Masons - Devilish '666' Spielberg and Devilish '666' Apple.

The Tree of Life, Kabbalah, Jews, and Trumpstein. It's demonic Kabbalah that underpins (Jewish) freemasonry.

Trump/Q - masonic 'dark to light', apron (envelope) hoodwinks, Top Jewish kabbalah/qabala awards? Ha!
666 kabbalist (masonic) Jews. Those that think Rothschild's Israel is of God are the most lost of all. It's the synagogue of satan.
Elizabethan Dr John 'kabbalist' Dee (007) sourced his kabbalistic Lucifer magick via Rabbi Bimstein of Prague.

It's (satanic) USA and its Jew puppet masters that makes sure Israel is left unmolested! Sacrifices like the following:

 The 9/11 Twin Tower Pillars (masonic Jachin/Boaz) and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (Sephiroth).
The two pillars of '666 talents of gold' Sol-omon's temple...which masonic lodges are based on.
The base of the two pillars (right, spheres 7 & 8) are joined by the Tower card pathway. Al Qaeda - the base (literally).
 Processing the GOYIM thru Jewish kabbalistic black magick.

Al Qaeda, 9/11 Muslim Osama...to Muslim Obama. Remember the former 'masonic resonating' POTUS?
 Brother G Obama. Wink, wink.
Some symbolic handi-craft.

 Royal Arch Freemasonry: "For the good of Masonry generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."

"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."
- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise

"At the head of all those secret societies, which form provisional governments, men of the Jewish race are to be found."
 - Benjamin Disraeli, Jew, Prime Minister of England

“The B’nai B’rith are but a makeshift. Everywhere that Freemasonry can admit that it is Jewish in its nature as well as in its aims, the ordinary lodges are sufficient for the task." - Rabbi Edgar Magnin

As for the JFK Jr fantasy that's doing the rounds...oh dear. The Kennedys were not saints, far from it.
Patriarch Joe was effectively a gangster. He worked for, and was beholden to, UK Zionist aristocrats (bootlegging).
Joe was also in awe of the (sick) UK Zionist establishment. In 1944, Joe Kennedy’s daughter Kathleen married William Cavendish, the Duke of Devonshire (a very prestigious position within British Nobility). The Duke of Devonshire was Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body for the majority of Freemasons in England, Wales, the United States and the Commonwealth. After his daughter’s premature death, Joseph Kennedy stated: “If Kathleen and her husband were living, I’d be the father of the Duchess of Devonshire (first Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen) and the father-in-law of the head of all the Masons in the World”.
– David E. Koskoff, Joseph P. Kennedy: A Life and Times

 Recall, JFK Jr's plane went down on the release date of  Kabbalistic 9/11 Kubrick's - 'Eyes Wide Shut'. (7/16/99).
 Interesting image I grabbed elsewhere with 'potential' tree of life overlaps. Nightmare on Elm St.
JFK - the symbolic (masonic) Hiram Abiff, dying god. 33rd parallel, etc. see Downard/Hoffman's (masonic) King Kill 33.

Forrest Trump...
Trump, a genius! "Mental stability, and being, like, really smart." (LOL).
"Like, really smart". That sounds like Kardashian valley girl talk! The Dunning-Kruger Effect! Lol.
What sort of GENIUS surrounds himself with a (so-called duplicitous) team - with many of them subsequently fired?
A dumb ass?

Trump: "I'm a genius. I'm a roaring success. I have never failed. I am GOD. I have the biggest penis..."
OMG, how f**king embarrassing - the man is an overt NARCISSIST. Such a "confirmed genius" that he hired Steve Bannon for his team - howl! What sort of idiot publicly does this kind of saddo"alpha male" type thing? MACA - "Make America CRINGE Again". America's enemies will be laughing their pants off! Trump has some sort of severe personality disorder - I truly believe this now. Perhaps like some sort of wizened version of Patrick 'American Psycho' Bateman.

I see the USA and Israel, soon backed into a global corner, and with NO ESCAPE. Let's hope so!
The Zionists will likely try and pin this all on Russia though - the readymade "scapegoat" for all things politically inconvenient. Do not fall for it. Kushner is the Zionist Jew mole at the heart of the Trump administration. The American population may be content to allow their warmongering governments, and giant lawless corporations to destroy this planet  - but I wouldn't say that this is the case with the "rest of the world". Sit on your apathetic "couch potato" asses and wallow in sick, degenerate and dysfunctional Zionist/American media, but it will come at a cost. It's longtime coming that the American people appreciated that there is a world beyond the USA - a world that is getting increasingly pissed off!


This American man understand this more than most - LISTEN TO HIM!

You know what - both sides of the American politic spectrum have seemingly been played to a tee!
It's almost as though the whole sorry "theatre of it all" is a deliberate ploy to set both sides off against each other. I am suspicious!
There was a type of "messiah complex" attached to Obama, Trump seems to have his own brand of devout cult followers.

Now watch the SCREAMS of "antisemitism" from the Khazars.
Without any shadow of any doubt - the Jewish people are the most defended of all peoples.
Their mentality seemingly built on a type of self-anointed "religious superiority".
I will not apologise for posting this - no one gets to define or design my experience of reality!
I do not, and will not ever be brainwashed with this "neo hate speech" mental slide. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct.
This is NOT about ALL Jews. This is about the impostor Khazar/Ashke-NAZI/Zionist SLAVS!
The "perpetual warmongering" synagogue of Satan.

8th Jan

The foul stench of JEW Hollywood. Rapists, child abusers, degeneracy programmers, agitators, body fascists etc.
We've had "Oscars so white" (via uncle Tom), but no "Oscars so ZIONIST"? Collective ignorance, anyone?

Golden Globes. They are ALL Jewish marionettes. Cucks for Israel, just like the US government.
Anyone that buys-in to their FAKE, apologist crap - NEEDS SECTIONING!
It doesn't get much more overtly EVIL than Hollywood, its personnel, and its output.
Fuck all you lying BITCHES. Most had to service Weinstein's cock, some probably still do.
Nicole "mkultra father" Kidman, Reece "treacle" Witherspoon - pass the sick bag!
These are what AMERICANS consider to be their heroes and idols. It's no wonder the nation is fucked!
Jew Hollywood and TV - the Khazar/Ashke-NAZI satanists who "predictively programmed" you for the 9/11 FIX!
The same (sodomite) Jew Hollywood that heavily promotes transgenders as a VIRTUE, when most see it for the
"mass media induced"mental illness that it really is!

"As if by MAGIC..." The symbolism. Trump Tower Jan 8th 2018. Trump's ideal for mystery religion based mind control.
Towering Trump Cards. Electrical fire at the apex/crown. The Electric Lightning Struck Tower/Fire of Heaven.
The Tower (tarot) is one of the major arcana trumps. The fire (and fury) of heaven. It's 9/11 Manhattan-ville.
Babel Towers and destruction via God or The Sun. Lucifer/Satan is the CEO of (sick and inhuman) "corporatism".

Back to the "9/11 lightning struck Clock Tower" Future, and the 1989 sequel. Striking and BIFFING the apex.
Trump bought (film franchise linked) DeLorean's Bedminster estate exactly one year after 9/11/01.
Back to the Future Spielberg's Gremlins franchise - also spawned "towering" Clamp (Trump) in Gremlins 2.
We get the Neptunian (devilish) "trident" in Back to the Future via the "Enchantment Under the Sea".
The Tower card follows the Devil card in all decks that include it. The Tower, "the fall of man" - lower world materialism etc.
Don't forget the Zionist destroyed (Babel) "World Trade Center" and its "devilish"trident/fork design!
Would go well with Zionist, Jared "Towering 666 Fifth Ave. via Manhattan" Kushner!

Most Americans have NO CONCEPT of how innately satanic they are, or how they've been satanically programmed.
They are seemingly blind to this obvious reality! Here he comes...the Jewish King of Filmic Corporatism:
America's Zionist "golden boy" - 9/11 predictive programmer, agitator, and Jew satanist - Steven "666" Spielberg.
Spielberg is linked to 9/11 programmer, Dick "666 O-men" Donner (Schwartzberg) via The (paedo/sodomite) Goonies.
Terrorising/mocking the "GOYIM SHEEP" for decades with his sick/degenerate Zionist output.
Devilish (phallic) rainbow coloured towering via close turd (third) contact. Steven 'Rosebud/Sphincter' Spielberg.
The top degree in (masonic) 666 Crowley's OTO centres on ritual homosexual anal sex, that has to be appreciated.
Anyone seen Swindler's Mist? Spielberg's schmaltz-ridden, filthy, lie filled propaganda piece (see link).
Mass holocaust guilt programming and mass sympathy programming - mainly via subjective schmaltz.

9/11 - Sapphire (September birthstone) XI (11). Gremlins used Back to the '9/11' Future's courtyard square! Radio-Active (plutonium).
Rosebud Spielberg (via Jew 'Twin Towers" Zemeckis) - Mr Back to the "9/11 Struck Twin Tower" Future.

9/11 - JEW. S. of A. - Lightning Struck (tarot trump) Tower(s). Sequel 'Twin Towers scene' set in 2015.
Quite simply Zionist, predictive programming and kabbalistic sorcery via mainstream Hollywood/TV output.
Kubrick's motif - CRM 114 - opens the (Spielberg-linked) "Back to the '911' Future" film.
666 Spielberg's mentor, 666 Stanley '9/11 Monolith' Kubrick...who died 666 days before Jan 1. 2001.
A kabbalistic "2001 GOYIM Odyssey" - processing the mass media sheep. The Satanic/Saturnic black cube.

Oh look - a ZIONIST CRIMINAL posing as a member of the human race.

Meryl "Jew Weinstein is God - standing ovation for Jew child rapist Polanski" Streep.
She thinks LESBIAN (see Gayle King), satanist (JEW owned) Oprah should run for POTUS?
HOWL! :)
Oprah, Golden Globes auto-cue, script reading, Winfrey? OMFG! American dumbness knows no limits!
Winfrey's star was launched by Zionist "666" Spielberg and via The (GAY) Color Purple!
With Whoopi "it wasn't rape, rape" JEWberg! No, Whoopi - it was child drugged sodomy rape via satanic Polanski!
The (Gay) Color Purple. That HETERO-HATING pile of shit (sodomite) propaganda from Zionist Spielberg.
And folk wonder why the SANE think that most Americans have been - completely and utterly dumbed-down!?
The Usual Hollywood Suspects. Kevin "faggot/abuser" Spacey - via faggot Bryan "Twink pool parties/paedo" Singer!
One of my "anonymous commenters" actually thought Spacey was exposing the elite! LOL!
Don't give up the day job, anon.
The global kings of the "cult of celebrity" and "dumbing-down".
All you have to do to qualify to run for POTUS is to be able to read a speech written by someone else?
All at a SICK 'cover-up' awards show - "Golden Globes" - ALL of them are SCUM.
The fact that 'Oprah 2020' gained any traction at all, shows you just how INSANE America is!
What next? Spongebob Square Pants for POTUS? No wonder I'm mocking America, there's nothing else you can do.
Oprah "P.O.S" Winfrey. Winfrey is a RACIAL AGITATOR, just like her "mentor and promoter" Spielberg.
The Khazar/Ashkenazi Jew "synagogue of saturn/satan". You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist!
Oprah is COMPLETELY a product of Hollywood Zionist Jews. "Law of reversal" Harpo = Harpo-crates (Horus).
She is linked to (sick homo) mogul Geffen. Spielberg and Geffen are business partners - see Dreamworks, etc.
"12 Years A Slave" was made by AGITATOR JEWS!!! One of them was Mossad "9/11 Milchan" via his Regency Co.
The same sort of AGITATOR Khazar/Zionist/Slav(e) Jews who created and promoted BLACK FACE cinema! Oh yes.
Milchan, next to Fight "ground zero, collapsing Twin Towers" Club, Pitt. 9/11 Milchan's Regency co-produced Fight Club!
Milchan's Med-USA Touch was in association with UK based (showbiz) Zionist/Khazar Lew "ITC Sept 11" Grade.

The Hollywood "HATE WHITEY/TERROR" Zionist Club.  The promoters of "mass victimhood" and "white guilt".
The same "JEWS" who promote degenerate hip-hop and "gangsta thuggery" as a lifestyle choice.
Commercial Jew fomented hip-hop = neo-Uncle Toms. 'Black Lives Matter' is heavily funded by Zionist Soros.
It's alleged that Zionist Soros spent tens of millions bankrolling the Ferguson demonstrators.
Hip-hop - a low vibrational & transparent form of "Afro-American" mass mind control. Hi-jacked by Zionists decades ago.
Uncle "Jay 9/11 Z" Tom - a Zionist pawn. Def (Death) Jam was formed by Jew Rubin(stein).
Soros thinks that the "black population" is one of the easiest groups to program and propagandise - I tend to agree.
Most "afro-Americans" have embraced this uber degenerate genre - and with both hands! Same with "victimhood" too.
Black intelligentsia - where are you? Professor Griff (Public Enemy) is one of the very few who've outed Zionist hip-hop!
Much as it pains me to say it - the Zionists are master propaganda programmers. They have it down to an art form.


When will Americans wake-up to the fact that they are COMPLETELY and UTTERLY
'mind controlled' by Khazar/Ashkenazi Jew 'mass media full spectrum dominance'? NEVER - is the likely answer.


They still see media as "entertainment" (not mass mind control), and they treat the players like gods!
Oh yes...the "cult of celebrity" is the USA's most adhered to and destructive religion - because that's what it really is!
The majority of the American masses don't ultimately care whether their 'star heroes' are paedophiles, rapists, or satanists.
They don't care if corporate Jew Hollywood programs them with terror, sodomy, ultra-violence, and child sexualisation.
Just so long as they can continue to sup on the teat of Zionist Hollywood, and carry-on being sheep-like fame junkies.
All the former is the ultimate tragedy of it all. Effectively a Stockholm Syndrome affliction seemingly persists & nationwide.

The US population may be BLINDED (via hysterical worship) to the Zionist criminals and their assets in Hollywood -
but I don't think this applies, or will apply to the "rest of the world". Not for much longer.
What I believe, is that it wouldn't have been set-up this way - if it wasn't intended to eventually be discovered.

10th Jan

Oh dear, France - what have you done! Judge a person by the company they keep.
Why is this bitch comparing "dating issues" with "industry rape"? What a water muddying WHORE.
Catherine "ROMAN POLANSKI" Deneuve! What an evil BITCH!

She is so closely associated with "child drugged sodomy rape" Polanski - that anything she has to say IS LESS THAN WORTHLESS.
Do you think women like her are suitable persons for addressing this issue? NO, is the obvious answer.
"And Satan Calls the Turns" - "And Satan Leads the Ball".
Satanic Jew Polanski is a "mentor" of her's  - always has been. Both are abuse apologists, predators, and satanists.
She did her part for "lesbian propaganda" via Tony "homosexual/911 programmer" Scott in vampirical "The Hunger".
Roman "Fearless Vampire Killers" Polanski - his film with the "paedo film director" (MacGowran) -
from The Exorcist - and via US psychological warfare, Blatty.
Such esteemed company you keep, Catherine!
Cannes - Canaanites - Canis. The Jewish/Masonic Sirius/Dog Brotherhood.
Jews pull her strings - they put all that food and all those awards on her table too!
The film industry CANNOT be allowed to regulate or evaluate itself - it is too far gone - hence these types of apologist cover-ups.
October 2017. California artist Marianne Barnard has come forward with new accusations against director and convicted child rapist Roman Polanski, alleging that he sexually assaulted her when she was just 10 years old.
March 2017

This was never about "hitting on women" - it's about institutionalised film industry abuse and abuse of power!
If finding this sort of abuse is considered "puritanical" - then I'm the biggest puritan in the world!
Deneuve is just SICK, and a Zionist Jew industry pawn. Obviously Hollywood's "Me Too" club is also unsuitable for addressing these issues, I do understand that. They're hypocrites too. I'm calling-out HYPOCRITE Denueve, and her overt defence of paedo rapists, and her (industry backed) water-muddying. She is one of the least qualified to make statements in respect of this issue.

Move aside Deneuve - you have ABSOLUTELY NO CREDIBILITY. You are the OLD GUARD.
Time to clear away these COMPLICIT industry LIARS. These crimes ARE NOT sex crimes, as many erroneously believe! They are crimes of VIOLENCE.

11th & 12th Jan. 2018

Franco Zeffirelli is NOW implicated, allegations of being a persistent ABUSER. (link)
Are those "adopted Zeffirelli men" - adopted as children or lovers?
That's who Bruce Robinson parodied in his film "Withnail and I" - via Uncle "Zeffirelli" Monty (Griffiths).
Bruce Robinson's film has scenes (with Marlowe, the "I" character) that sound EXACTLY like what happened to Schaech.
"Burglary" - as in forced anal sex (effectively rape). With "Nail" and "Eye" - the "I fuck arses", cottaging film.
Zeffirelli - another SODOMITE/HOMOSEXUAL and abuser - wow, what a surprise!

Talking of HOMOSEXUALITY and ABUSE - it's Stan "mass homo programmer" Lee.
X-Men "gender bending" mass propaganda via JEW Hollywood, Iron "POOF" Man etc.
You may think this output is entertainment - but I tend to see it as a form of 'barely veiled/coded' deviancy programming.

Hot-dogging with the pink weiner/wiener.
I recently mentioned him (Lee) in respect of (paedo) Brian Peck, & linked suspected gay paedophile Bryan "Spacey" Singer.
Paedo Peck who was employed by (paedo) Charlie Sheen on Anger Management.

When not abusing people, they're  programming the "dumb mass and children" with homosexual/gender bending propaganda!
IRONS (poofs), QUEENS (queers) & ACDC (swing both ways). Gay "Iceman" for a frosty (cum) finish.
The (sexually) Randy"donut" (asshole) exiting - Iron "POOF" Men. Iron = Poof/Gay. Jackson aka the "quarter(s) pounding" man.
Iron "poof" Man & "Trying ring-O and real hard."
He's a "bad mother fucker", literally - maybe he had more success with fucking his father!?
Pulped Ass Friction's - Ring-O is Mr Orange (Fruit/Queer), Roth. Mr Tin "Sheriff's badge" Star (the asshole).
Not forgetting - Jack Rabbit's Slim "twisting dirt hole" - via gay "Greased, Back Doors Crying" Travolta -
& the clockwork "ass watchersButch/Capt Koons/Cheeks. :)
"As "queer" as a Clockwork Orange." Mr Orange Fruit Queer& Pump-Kin via The Ring-O (Ass) Starr.

From 'Ring-O' to the 'Sheriff's Badge'. It's Orange Queer, Sheriff Roth. "Coming Soon" into his "rusty Sheriff's badge".
Hollywood - The JEW. S. of GAY.
FRUIT cellar, hollow-eyed mother/bird stuffer, Psych-O. Perkins and his Tin Star 'Sheriff's Badge''.
You can call me "Hitch" but hold the "Cock". Gouging eyes, peeper holes and overdrawn climaxes (See Hitch-cock, 2012).
The "eye" stabber/gouger/striker and plugger via "ANL trading", plated Crane. Chocolate/blood, plugged eye holing.
The plugged "twisting black (sphincter/eye) hole" - via PECKERS (birds-women/cocks) & BOTTOMS (ass).
OTO Gay-Z protoge, Rihanna, as the symbolic stabbed (ass-fucked) ANL trading Crane..."Screw this shit."
Bates Motel. Chocolate Factory, Highmore, as Master 'pecker' Bates.
"Hairy Black Holing" just like Stephen "pecker" Hawk-ing - the "Big Banging" and "probing hairy holes" man.
Psych-O stabber "peeper holes" Perkins, probing The Black Hole & via Bottoms.
He wouldn't hurt a "fly" - but he might just unzip them - ahem!

Political Psych-O, Donald "phallic Towering" Trump - and Shit-Holes.
Trumping (to fart) via the Shit-Hole.

Hollywood - The Cinema (Sin-ema) of Sodomy. The US of GAY.
You were asleep when they programmed you for 9/11 (and still are).
You've been asleep (and still are) while they've programmed you with sodomy and gender-bending mind control too.

Hairy Black Holing with "pecker" Hawk-ing - the "Big Banging" and "probing hairy holes" man.

Look what else popped-out today! Stephen "probing hairy black holes" Hawking.
I wonder if his favourite planet is Ur-anus, or does he prefer the "rings" of Saturn/Satan?

Anal-lise This! What ideas could they be? Hawking (selling) sodomy as science?

So, why does the same Hawking article also drop a reference to the "Twin Towers"?
It's the "11th September" - Theory of Everything:
Choo, Choo. Cambridge "bum boys" - what, what. Stephen "cheek twitcher" Hawking.
Top comment - LOL.

From Hawking "Big Banging via Hairy Black Holes, and 11th Sept" to "9/11 Tower Trumping & Shit-Holes":

Baaaaaaaaa!!! The sleeping, zombie public, 9/11 programmed sheep. An advert for beds.
Trump's election win was announced 9th Nov. 2016 in Europe...9/11 Euro dating.
He wore the same outfit (as seen above) during his election win acceptance speech, and on that date.

The Dumb UK Electorate - I TOLD YOU SO - Re-upped For Those That Missed It.

Re-upped - originally posted July 2018

 I NO LONGER live in the Nazi Marxist/Communist Zone that is Europe.
Thank FUCK for that. I told you ALL to get out (if you were able).
The UK is FINISHED. You ALL have my sympathies.
I will never write on these pages ever again. I now have a new life.
TRUTH is a WORTHLESS commodity in the UK...and this post was/is the proof.
The UK is a Marxist soaked DICTATORSHIP completely beholden to the German/Franco MARXIST MAFIA aka the TOTALITARIAN EU.
Thanks for listening/reading. Uncle Bingo you are still a legend...I Miss Ya. :)

Oh, BTW. Respect to the French Yellow Vests who are dismantling EU Rothschild lackey Macron (Micron).
The British could learn a thing from the French, but they'd rather watch reality TV and soap operas (zombie mass mind control).

Now it's MY TIME to gloat. I had to tolerate abuse over my prior thoughts/opinions. 
Let's compare with the unfolded/unfolding 'actual' reality. 
Just to show you how accurate my UK political forecasting really is. 
And all before anything even happens!

From my March 2018 post:
The Tories have NEVER had any intention of leaving the (Soviet style) Marxist EU communist state. That's why Cameron sodded-off immediately after the vote. That's why they installed NWO globalist puppet May as his replacement - to front her BINO (Brexit in name only) complete capitulation. This latest event (Skripal/Russia Novichok) will obviously play into their "EU/UK togetherness" agenda.

June 2016
My musings very soon after the UK's EU "Leave" vote result...
Here I mention the actual Leave result as being the mere "beginning" of the battle.
You had Brexit "hard" or "soft" MSM-based mind control soon after  - there was/is no HARD or SOFT.
There was only leave or stay. Exiting = leaving the single market and the customs union, those issues were never a doubt. The sheep bought into the "hard/soft" BS though, just as I'd expect. Typical of the (complicit and criminal) MSM to help in twisting the logic of these (formerly established) issues to suit 1% elite ends.

My post from February 2018 (incorporating the previous year 2017):

The UK masses have NEVER been so DUMB - they'd win any Olympic events in respect of dumbing-down!
If the UK had any semblance of intelligence - I wouldn't have just witnessed the wanton destruction of UK PLC over the last few decades - and all underwritten by the dense UK electorate!
Shame on you, UK citizens. Get your goddamn SHIT TOGETHER - you mind bombed fools! :)
I don't call the UK electorate the most "apathetic" and "establishment compliant" for nothing - I say it because it's TRUE.
Only a completely degenerated shit-hole would still have a (sick) Monarchy in 2018.
The Windsor family underpin the entire establishment class in the UK - they are criminals too (see Windsor/Savile).
I don't say this for fun or from just behind a keyboard - I would say all of what I write to their faces.

Corbyn's Marxist Labour have now done a U-turn on Brexit - they want the customs union (EU OWNED).
It could well be that another General Election scenario develops out of all this mess now. We'll have to see.
What a political shit house the UK really is. Democracy isn't just dead, it's been buried too.

Compare my thoughts - very soon after the Brexit vote . June/July 2016, and compare with what has transpired!
This was all written BEFORE "remainer puppet" May was even installed as Prime Minister...
Of course, a few crazy things happened in the interim - the out of the blue General Election, Farage departing etc.
My current belief is that May (or whoever oversees this) will find a way for the UK to both be "out" and "in" - at the same time.
Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT.

The electorate had the chance to vote for UKIP, (deserting them in 2017) and putting ALL of their faith in the traditional parties instead - Tory and Labour. The same parties that have systematically destroyed the UK for decades. Admittedly, UKIP has been a shadow of its former self, but without that 'anti-EU pressure' the established parties have been able to make hay. Tory supporters have bought in to Remainer May's "Brexit means Brexit" (bullshit), whereas Corbyn's promise to uphold the electorate's wishes has now been "sold out" (see customs union). If Corbyn (and Tory rebels) can force another General Election - there won't be an alternative choice (unless May moves aside). It'll be either Remain-centric Tory (under her) or Remain-centric Labour. There really IS NO LIMIT to the stupidity of the masses - and what luck for our elite controllers. I can't say I'm surprised though, I knew what these loons were like long before any vote scenario. Just as I know what the electorate are like too.

See below. This was before my account was CLOSED by the (Nazi) Daily "1%" Mail.
I was tearing their establishment-based propaganda to shreds (which is easily done), so they SHUT ME DOWN.
65.7% voted TO LEAVE in Stoke-On-Trent. Yet this same (DUMB) constituency elected REMAIN (Marxist) Labour?
There IS NO LIMIT to the electorate's insanity - none whatsoever. I told them it would come back to haunt them - & it has!
Dumb Northern Tories (wtf?) splitting the vote and allowing REMAIN Labour in, scuppering UKIP.
Outsmarted by Labour and the Tories, as usual. Oh look, there's my take on "immigration" too - where's my prize? ;)
The sort of "immigration" that has destroyed indigenous earning power in places like Stoke (cough, cough).

Clearly, Brexit Farage has had a hand to play in the ongoing developments, albeit somewhat indirectly. His UKIP departure (leaving a vacuum, both on the stage and in respect of his party) has helped pave the way for Tory and Labour, both of whom are beholden to the EU. It remains to be seen if Farage will return to the arena, if he does then it's a potential big game changer. If UKIP had still been under Farage (up to this point), I think the electorate that voted "out/leave" would now be flocking to them in their droves. This is why I think that both the electorate and UKIP have scored a bit of an "own goal" over all this (to put it mildly), but it is what it is.

UK Wrecking May's 2017 Manifesto and GE. Note, my comments below are now 14 months old.
(updated, they're now nearly 20 months old!)
I hate to say "I told you so", but I did tell you so.
The Daily Fail - spinning yarns about "globalist stooge and REMAINER" May.
(Update, so what happened recently over at the Daily Mail? A new REMAIN CENTRIC editor from late 2018!
So predictable - that it's actually boring.)
Where was the outrage? The sheep just nodded!
"They'll foul up Brexit too." Wow, I'd never have GUESSED.

As PREDICTED and aeons in advance. May IS delivering the WORST of both worlds.
The White Paper. The one designed/overseen by Fuhrer Merkel. Merkel ratified it before any UK politician got to see it!
Will May survive this?


If you want to see the proof - just pop over to Tory Central - The Daily Fail/Mail.

Horseloverphat Quote:
"Effectively, you'll be left with the WORST OF BOTH WORLDS. Even worse than BEFORE the EU vote.
That is very likely what will transpire. They WILL NOT stop mass immigration (if you're wondering) - and you can BANK THAT."
The worst of both worlds, two years pissed away, a basketcase nation, and a bill for circa £40 billion.
There hasn't been a bigger UK political fuck-up than the 2010 (and onward) Tory party.
The worst government ever, and the worst PM in UK history. Hands down, no contest.


 Oh dear. It looks like MILLIONS of people have been played for fools.
The same ones that thought May and the TORIES would deliver. Is there a cure for their insanity?

Trump: "Anyone who challenges their control is deemed a SEXIST, a RACIST, a XENOPHOBE."

The same ones that believed that they DIDN'T NEED (so-called RACIST) UKIP.
 It was like taking candy from a baby.

Sad really.

Almost as SAD as the dumb electorate themselves.
OK, who the fuck voted for this POS?

WTF? Threatening everyone if they don't go along with her dictatorial ans sell-out ways? It's NOT her Brexit!
The ONLY time May grows a set of balls is when she is trying to destroy the UK!
Watered down? Brussels and Herr STASI Merkel designed the fucking deal.
Is this the Tory way of getting destroyed and handing over to Corbyn? So they won't be left holding the baby?

"We can't let Labour in they'll destroy the economy"
(Probably, but that's also exactly what the Tories have been doing! It's has no basis as an argument.
Labour and Tories are BOTH liberal/cultural Marxist and socialists. I did also try and tell you this!)

Seen the size of the national debt - have you?
Seen the decimated infrastructure on the back of mass auterity - have you?
Mass austerity has led to a virtual 3rd World UK for the 99%. And nothing to show for it!
And it is rapidly getting worse. NHS on its knees, joke police, joke military, huge violent crime wave, mass immigration, evaporating public services, low wages, zero hour contracts, mass debt as progress, a criminal Bank of England, PC mind control, LGBT cancer in schools, swathes of programmed and self loathing liberal/Marxist lefties, inverted racism, etc, etc.

Theresa 'POS' May will be HATED even more than Blair ever was.
As big a CUNT that Blair was, there was a spell during his tenure when things were not too bad (on a surface level, at least). You cannot say that about May (or predecessor Ca-moron). OMG, what a mess!

 OK, so I gloated and humuliated the f**k out of you all.
But that is not the ultimate purpose or reason. The purpose is to expose their mechanisms, expose their control, to demonstrate how Mockingbird media owns your thought processes - and how you are manipulated. It's thru my OWN undertsanding of this phenomenon that I was able to accurately project, what would, and has transpired. And so can YOU.

Learn from this. That IS the message.


The good news? If you can call it that...

 There's much fun to be had watching the sociopathic Tories destroy their own party on the altar of EU communism. May's tragi-comedy turns in the HOC (and beyond) are now the stuff of legend. We've never seen anything like it. Contempt of Parliament (aka LYING), pulling the (dead) deal vote at the eleventh hour (to save her own skin), throwing away an inherited majority (deliberately), alienating the DUP who prop-up her MINORITY govt (£1 billion+ pissed away), played-out begging to the EU nations (many who were liberated by Britain post WW2), destroying the Tory party, reneging on 2017 manifesto promises, betraying the UK's largest single issue democratic vote, a completely divided nation (two years + onwards) due to REMAIN centric policy - even though Remain LOST, pretending that 'no deal' is a disaster (it's NOT), and failing to use this 'no deal' as a bargaining chip...it just goes on and on. 

£39 BILLION for a worst of all worlds deal, and a (deliberately mismanaged) deal that is clearly REMAIN in a very bad disguise - plus all with NO REPRESENTATION at the Euro table! Some deal, HA! 'No deal' hurts the EU MORE than it does the UK (UK is the 2nd largest net contributor), and it has always been the case. No-one buys MORE from the EU than the UK! The 1% elite and their sick propaganda organs - Sky, BBC, CH4, UK press etc - have BRAINWASHED you all, and predictably so has (sociopath) big corporate business. The Tories made ZERO contingency plans for 'no deal' - and that tells you ALL you need to know. They won't let 'no deal' happen, if you're wondering! May's deal is PURE SHIT (written by the EU) and she OWNS that deal (the one she said she negotiated) - she is ENTIRELY to blame. You can forget the deliberate RED HERRING that is the Irish border/back-stop too (fuck EU mafia stooge/homo, Varadkar), and the Bank of England's 'never been right about anything' Mark 'POS' Carney aka Captain Project Fear, not forgetting Phil 'TWAT' Hammond...all played-out CRAP. The UK is overtly politically and morally BANKRUPT. The 1% elite OWN the UK mass media (mind control) and I've stated this for years. I was 100% correct about the Daily Remainer Mail/Fail (see previous posts).

This DELIBERATE global humiliation under treason Theresa Re-May-ner is almost complete. This insane cow is caught-up in a sea of lies of her own making. The UK is now no better than a banana republic. The "rest of the world" is probably crying with laughter at the UK. I think she's hated more than Blair - and already. Just another "I told you so" moment - given long in advance.

Treason May is stalling for time in deferring the deal vote so she can push the entire issue to the wire. With Project Fear on constant repeat and the clock running-out she'll hope to push the (EU loving) MPs into accepting her SACK OF SHIT 'fix' deal (the one that sells the UK down the river), rather than a clean (no deal) Brexit. Yawn.

You CANNOT negotiate with a totalitarian EU dictatorship and anyone with a brain already knew this. Cameron was sent packing by the EU, that's the only proof you need. 'No deal' should have ALWAYS been the default starting point for the UK in terms of (potential) leave negotiations. The EU (by default) HAVE to punish the UK for having the temerity to vote 'leave'. They cannot afford to see a departing nation make any progress 'going-forward' - for what are obvious existential reasons! Only a dumb-ass would think otherwise.

You are witnessing the END of the (fifth column, neo-liberal/Marxist) UK Conservative Party. :)
A party that has always been pure SOCIOPATH. 
The shit-house party that began the UK's demise from the mid-70's via EEC (Europe) with Tory PAEDOPHILE PM Heath.
See how the UK was absorbed into this Euro totalitarian communist nightmare via the 'common market' - then further emeshed into a Germanic-led Euro hell (without any true democratic underwriting) which has then subsequently and conventiently made leaving it an near impossibility.
If it is this impossible to leave - then none of the former (above) should have been allowed to transpire.
Are you enjoying this played-out Establishment/EU fix? The one I identified from day 1?

If the Tories had followed the referendum result they'd be riding the crest of a wave. 
 So why didn't they? Answer, they are ALL Globalist Elite/EU owned.
Do you still think that Jo Cox was murdred by a far-right zombie just before the vote?
I've always known that Jo Cox's 'so-called' murder was all elite and mass media driven fakery.Your political systems (Tory/Labour) and 'mass media' (Sky/BBC/Press) are a corporate totalitarian SHIT HOUSE, and always have been.

Meanwhile, the 'nation state' destroying TOTALITARIAN EU is continuing in its typical (and predictable) meltdown mode...Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece etc. Existential crisis...it's only a matter of "when" - for the complete collapse of the Neo-Liberal/Communist and Gerrman/Franco-centric EU (4th Reich). If the UK leaves on a 'no deal' the EU will not be able to make-up the shortfall of the UK's contribution...and that has ALWAYS been the case. The EU need to have their huge BLUFF called-out...it fools no-one in these quarters. The EU fear a 'no deal' more than ANYONE! (bye-bye Homo/Corporate shell Ireland, lol). You can bank this...the EU are BLUFFING re: no deal. It's a piss poor bluff too. The UK could go "ALL IN" and DESTROY the SICK EU by going for the 'no deal' option. 

No Deal, however, will be shut-out by the EU 5th columnists (aka UK MPs and their globalist sponsors) and they will likely never let it transpire. This has all been planned out and long in advance - a pantomime. A 2nd (FIXED) referendum is now possibly on the cards (after an article 50 extension) - one that will likely overturn the 2016 democratic 'Leave' vote. Those that stuck with Tory/Labour to deliver are (indirectly) to blame - that's most of the UK electorate btw! There will now be NO APPRECIABLE BREXIT (for the reasons stated herein). If the 2nd referendum/Article 50 extension doesn't occur then the 'deal' will likely be a version of (EU slave) May's 'BINO deal' (Remain, or worse, badly dressed-up as Brexit) - the one that was recently and roundly defeated. That aside, if May splits the Tories (ERG) asunder (increasingly likely) or completely alienates the DUP (with her shennanigans) then a General Election is a possibilty via further opposition 'no confidence' votes (a snap election can't be ruled-out either). This has ALL turned-out (or will likely turn-out) very much as I said it would/will, and given aeons in advance. Hence, 'THE DUMB UK ELECTORATE' - given and used as the post title. You ALL had your chance in leaving the EU and you blew it in spectacular style by backing your (Neo-liberal cum Marxist) 5th column, EU subordinate core parties. You even had the chance to effectively trash these core parties, but you deserted UKIP in exchange for more of the same. You've been slow-played into this deliberate mess. This is the price of nationwide mass political naivety. I've little or no sympathy for UK citizens. Hell, very soon after the 2016 vote I even stated that the signing of ARTICLE 50 - "wouldn't mean much" - seems I was possibly correct about that too (or am possibly about to be)!

 2017 comments below are now rapidly heading towards their 2 year anniversary!

Where is my prize?
There are no prizes for stating the TRUTH in the UK - nor will there ever be!
LIES are the ONLY viable political currency. LIES that the UK electorate happily swallow.

Did you know that Tory Amber 'POS' Rudd (reinstalled to cabinet by Europhile May) has a brother that is behind organising the so-called "Peoples' Vote" (2nd referendum)? POS Rudd, who has one of the slimmest constituency margins in the entire HOC.

The sick charade of UK politics (along with its 1% mass media propaganda arm aka CORPARATE FASCIST MSM) and its overt sham democracy - continues. Regrettably, so does the dense UK electorate who slavishly follow it and empower it all. The UK electorate are STILL suffering from mass STOCKHOLM SYNDROME in respect of the political establishment (Tory and Labour). A situation that is ultimately self inflicted - the result of WEAK thought processes, succumbing to establishment brainwashing - and all coupled with a lack of any (real) intelligence. Thank FUCK I got out of the BACKWARD nation that is the UK. The 'clusterfuck' that is the UK will be UNGOVERNABLE after all this is over. Civil unrest is very, very likely to follow this (likely coming) betrayal of the democratic 'Leave' vote, especially now that the UK is OVERTLY a 1% dictatorship. That said, I DON'T CARE ANYMORE...I've emigrated. I now live outside (shit house) UK and (shit house) Europe. :)

Meanwhile...as (Nazi) Germany slips into recession:
The only continent that is experieincing slower growth than Europe (EU) is Antartica. Maybe the EU could fashion a trade deal with the South Polar region...but only after decades of negotiating with penguins, of course.


OMFG...what an absolute tool! FUCKING SAD.
The slow-motion car crash that is Theresa 'POS' May...the EU 'trojan horse' muppet and Brexit destroyer!
She's like a terminally ill dog that needs to be put-down.

 Read in conjunction with my former post....
'Theresa May is a PIECE OF SHIT' from late 2017.

My 'UK EU Vote' post from June 2016. The Brexit battle.

Adolf '4th Reich' Merkel (The Girl from Brazil) from very early 2016.

666 Trump - Zionist Anti-Christ of Jew S of A


Trump - as the (666) Zionist Anti-Christ of Revelation.
Little Horn of (related) Daniel's vision.
 33 Christ - 33 Anti-Christ. Satan being the 'ape' of God.
Fox made The Omen series. The same Fox that has heavily backed Trump. The remake via 06/06/06 and the Twin Towers.
9/11 predictive programmers, Fox. Fox, 'the jackal' (anubis) - a la Damien Thorn. FOX, is 666 in Pythagorean gematria.
Fox also produced the TV series titled Lucifer. Damien (TV series, 2016) also involved (Disney linked) Fox.
20th Century '666' Fox/Anubis. Recall the famous 'trumping trumpet sounds' of their film intros!
The Trump-Pence (Trumpets) of Revelation.

Military Academy Cadet. Just like Damien '666/Anti-Christ' Thorn via David-son (the line of satanic Israel's David).
Trump has recently upped the (satanic Rothshild) Israel ante (Golan/Embassy, etc). Omen 2 opens in Acre (Israel).
 Christ, and Templar Knight related D. John Trump. Acre (Israel) is heavily linked to the St John Templar Knights. Apocalypse John.
DT, initials. Donald Trump/Damien Thorn (6 letters x2, 5 letters x2). Trump and T-horn. Two 13 year-old cadets.
Damien and Donald mean "one who rules/subdues". Both made rich via inheritances, each the younger with an older brother (but a cousin who's like a brother in Damien's case) with each dying and leaving them free to rise and take over. Both with vast corporate multi-national business enterprises, both rise to political power by deceiving the masses. Both buy real estate all over the planet, both operate construction companies while linked to politics. Both linked to Rome, Anti-Christ Damien born there, and Trump an alleged Knight of Malta - masonically linked to Papal Rome.
Pope (Rome), Trump, and the Anti-Christ theme/meme. Feb, 2016.
The cadet academy's horns are blowing (trumping) when Damien discovers his Anti-Christ identity.
 The 'corporate' Omen 2. Mark, and the Beast (Damien). Opening shots...the trump/trumpet (a little horn).
The Trump-ets (Trump/Pence) of Revelation.

Damien, Omen 2: "Yep, the Whore of Babylon. She represents Rome."(See the beast, Daniel/Revelation.)
   The 'seven headed' and 'ten horned beast' ridden by the 'whore'. Trump is well related to the 'whore' - see Stormy Daniels. 
"The ten horns of the beast are ten kings, who have no kingdoms yet; but will be granted temporary power by the devil. 
His names are carved there. The Spoiler. The Little Horn. The Desolate One."
Lines spoken by Charles Warren (Thorn museum curator). His name is based on (key freemason) Charles Warren, who conducted the first major excavations of Jerusalem's Temple Mount! Omen 2 opens in St John and Templar linked, Acre! Charles 'JUWES' Warren was a founding Master of the (prestigious) Quatuor Coronati Lodge. Also heavily involved in the (masonic) Jack the Ripper (whore) murders as head of the Met Police. It was Chicago in Omen 2 (with a N.Y. link via Yigael's wall). Previous POTUS Obama was from Chicago.

Yigael and Yigal. Omen 2 even makes a sly reference to James A. de Rothschild via Yigal Yadin, and his work:
 'The James A. de Rothschild Expedition at Hazor.' The expedition to Hazor in the mid-1950s under Yigal Yadin (via de Rothschild) was the most important archaeological excavation undertaken by Israel in its early years of statehood. James' father (Edmond) was key in the Zionist movement and in establishing the new Jewish homeland. Note from earlier, that a Richard Luke Rothschild (very likely related) worked on Damien: Omen 2, (mass mind control based) The Truman (10,911 days) Show, and The Path to 9/11!
The Rothschild dynasty sponsored the creation of modern (impostor/satanic) Israel via the Zionist UK (see Walter 'Balfour' Rothschild).

Devilish Towering, Donald '666' Trump - CADET BONE SPURS. Donald Trump/Damien (t)Horn.
A Cadet (just like Damien). Bone Spurs - aka little horns! Little Horn is believed to link to Papal Rome.
 A 'Trump' is also a type of 'Horn' - (trump-et) 'trompette', small/little horn, literally. Trump/Horn and T-horn.
The Trump-ets (Trump/Pence) of Revelation. The Trump of Doom.
(Trump is already heavily implicated with Israel - and that means all things Temple Mount!)
Trump, a 'little horn', Old French tromperto blow a trumpet". A "horn" - also consider the "horned devil".

  Daniel Chp 7. Little '666 Trump' Horn...a mouth speaking GREAT things, literally. Snap.
A 'TRUMPING Elephant' Republican. Blow/Trump your Little Horn. Trumpety-trump, like circus Nelly. (thanks to Uncle Bingo!).
Well, Republican 'Little Horn' Trump (Trump-Pence/Trumpet) does live in an Ivory Tower, and with a hanging garden.

Babylon, mother of Harlots. The Whore of Babylon (via Little Horn, Trump). Daniels (Daniel's/Revelation) Whore.
The Whore is hated/vanquished by the ten kings (Revelation). Similar to the fate of the (hated harlot/whore) Daniels herself.
Omen 2 (The Whore of Babylon): Why is she riding him? - I don't know. But it wasn't to be for long. The book of Revelation says the ten kings: "shall hate the whore, and make her desolate and naked, shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire."
Recall the NXIVM connect to Daniels, and via a likely 'branding' mark - fire burned, and literally.
 Book of Daniel(s), Seven (headed beast), Revelation(s), and the (porn) Whore who rides the 666 Beast (Little Horn, Trump).
Talking of riding The Beast, and literally....
The Beast and Trump via Cadillac One. An ideal automotive choice for the (666 Trump) Anti-Christ of Revelation.
Satanic, George W Bush's Presidential Cadillac originated 'The Beast' title (a vehicle part based on a Cadillac DeVille/DEVIL).
'The Beast' appellation (car) reference continued under Obama, and now it's with 666 Trump.

Strange how the Kennedy compound recently had a '666' numbered emergency vehicle outside - for the OD!
Zionist fall guys via (Jewish) masonic-satanic Kabbalism/Cabbalism.

"The ten horns of the beast are ten kings, who have no kingdoms yet; but will be granted temporary power by the devil.
His names are carved there. The Spoiler. The Little Horn. The Desolate One."
"Little Horn arises after the ten."
Daniel 7:24. "And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall arise after them
(the 11th, Little Horn); and he shall be diverse from the first (Trump Rep., JFK Dem.), and he shall subdue three kings."
'Subdues three kings.' - Damien and Donald mean 'one who rules/subdues'.
(Note, if a wider script is being followed, it stands to reason that Hillary Clinton could not have possibly become 2016 POTUS!
She is female and would've been viewed in terms of being a 'queen' - not a male 'king', the latter being the scriptural requirement!)
 "Little Horn arises after the ten." The eleventh (POTUS) king after the ten. Little Horn, Trump. First King is JFK of Camelot.
Recall, patriarch (masonic) Joe Kennedy was the US Ambassador to the Court of St. James - like The Omen's Robert Thorn.
 William 'Richard Thorn' Holden (Omen 2) was the best man at Ronald '666' Reagan's actual marriage to Nancy.
Towering Inferno, Holden. Damien: '666' Omen 2 uses the "internal struck tower" theme via an elevator shaft.
Travel attempt to floor 16 (as per Tower card 16) and via floor 27, the Tower pathway (27th) on the kabbalist tree of life.
As used in (satanic) Harry '9/11' Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Chapter 27 is titled The Lightning Struck Tower.
  In Luke 10:18 - Christ says: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
666 Fifth Ave (formerlyTishman building) was built by Tishman, he was also construction manager for the Twin Towers!
Trump, The Masonic Cornerstone of the Pit of 5th Ave. Hell...via 666.
The US population has, and is, being satanically and ritually processed...of that I have literally no doubt.
Zionist Warner Bros. had their HQ at 666 Fifth when The Exorcist II film was shot - as seen in the film.
(Thanks go to 'EnterTheStars' for the above video and research.)
Did you notice the 'Sandy Hook' boat? 666 is also the magic square of the sun (aka sol).

Twin Towers via 'construction manager' (Jew) Tishman...the same man who built 666 Fifth Ave. 
Yep, the Whore of Babylon.
She represents Rome.
"The ten horns of the beast are ten kings,
who have no kingdoms yet; but will be
granted temporary power by the devil."
His names are carved there.
The Spoiler.
The Little Horn. The Desolate One.

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=damien-omen-ii
It's thought that the city of Babylon was founded through Kush by his son Nimrod. Jared means 'descend/decendent', literally a descendent of Kush. The Trump family (via 666 5th Ave. Kushners) is also in the process of building a $666million tower at One Journal Square – with a reported height of 666ft. Trump's NY tower is alleged to be 664ft, but has been cited as 666ft. Trump's grandmother, Elizabeth Christ Trump died on June 6, 1966 (6/6/66). Christ/Anti-Christ. Christ - 'trumped' - and literally. Did Donald's uncles/aunts used to call (his grandmother) Aunty Christ (lol)? She's matriarch and founder of Trump real estate business - now known as the Trump Organization. Some claim June 6, 1966 is the likely birth date of (Roman Polanski's New York born) Rosemary's (satanic) Baby. 'Anti-Christ' Damien  is born on a June 6 date at 6:00am (6/6/6). Former world's richest private citizen John P. Getty (American) died on the same day as the release of The Omen (6/6/76). Trump is also linked to The Devil's Advocate (film), as you'll see.
 What a head spinner!
The 2(0)16 (6*6*6 = 216) Primaries and Trump '666' via the Ides of March (15th Mar. 2016)
May 2016 Primaries - and Trump (Little Horn) via 66.6%.
The Corporate Beast
(Satanic) Wall St. Feb. 2 2018, and the 666 point drop during Trump's tenure. Biggest drop since June 2(0)16 (6*6*6).
Note, currently we're in the longest-running 'bull market' in the index's entire history - but one ultimately built-on sand. 
The '666' point drop was the worst day for stocks since President '666' Trump took office.
 The very next trading day (Mon. 5th Feb.) then saw the largest single day's point drop in history - the 1100 pt. drop.
Instead of limiting this Zionist/CB fomented bubble (as he formerly identified) Trump has now taken ownership of it!
Trump claims that not voting him in for 2020, will cause the mother of stock/economic crashes. Now you know it's fucked!

   In Luke 10:18: “I saw Satan fall like (electrical)lightning from heaven.”
General'666'Electric...recent history.
On March 9, 2009, the S&P 500 Index hit its bear market low of 676. The index dipped as low as 666 that day.
Just 4 days prior (March 5, 2009) GE closed at $6.66. This was all during the previous financial crisis period.
Rumours abound that General '666' Electric is in dire trouble. Massive accounting fraud is being cited. Time will tell.

Zionist fomented Talmudic usary...via the JEW (Rothschild) Federal Reserve.
$22+ trillion as of now. Debt Apocalypse. The coming collapse will dwarf the Great Depression.

Trump campaigned making reference to unsustainable debt bubbles (economy/markets), and that unemployment was understated.
Now he's owning the very things that he earlier (legitimately) criticised - ballooned markets and high employment, etc.
Trump has since turned the markets into his own type of 'approval rating' index. The stock market is NOT the economy!
 He was stating the truth in 2016. He's been LYING since, and he is LYING now. Pressuring the Fed for IR cuts.
Govt., corporate, personal debt (etc.) are at insane levels. Upward rates to normalisation will collapse the house of cards.
The Fed already know this and Trump also knows this. The Trump/Powell reality show stand-off is for suckers only.
With his 2019 rate cut pressure, and his Sept. 2016 'raise/bust' admission - he's obviously still cognizant of the bust threat.
Again, if the economy is in 'boom land' - why the need for cuts and more Fed pumping? Yup, it simply doesn't gel.
Who better to take this 'central bank horror roadshow' back to 0% (+NIRP and QE) than the POTUS King of Debt?
 It is beyond fixing. Unless he means 'fix' - in the nefarious sense...wink, wink.
Watch the 'bond market' (yield curve inversion) that typically precipitates a drop. This is a (fiat) debt-based collapse.
That said, we'd normally allow for the lag in the event of any bond yield curve inversion.

The Normalisation of Economic Fraud
Low-info and/or Low IQ Trumptards are now lost in how great he has made the (zombie) economy. Madness. Donald 'bankruptcy' Trump has also ballooned the deficit (as of 2019). It's actually all getting much worse - not better. His tax cuts for corps. and top percentiles has been a costly exercise. Debasing currency to this magnitude - in the event of the likely coming falling rates and QE4 - could (and will) lead to implosion. (Note, this also a global issue). Americans have been living way beyond their income capacity (hence the debt based economy) and for a considerable time. The longterm pattern being that the nation consumes far more than it produces. Typical American workers have simply used debt to replace their drop in purchasing power, rather than fighting the (Zionist) corporate/banking/political forces that have caused it! It's these very same forces that have (deliberately) drowned you in debt - all to enact a mass transference of wealth (still ongoing) and to enslave you via debt (thru recent suppressed IR policy).

A lot of the current systemic debt issues stem from the dropping of the (limiting factor) gold standard under Nixon in 1971. Look at the national debt expansion graphs since '71, credit card launch, etc. Coming-off the gold standard was all at the behest of (Zionist) USA, and with the (Zionist) UK quickly following. The FED could never 'unwind' this CB debt monster - they never really intended to. Which is why we're now seeing a policy reversal - a policy that will take us back to 0% and likely NIRP. Nevertheless, the mega-bust will come - and regardless of their tinkerings. This outlined scenario (above) will all ultimately lead to fiat debt going parabolic (a function of the ponzi - over time) and with fiat money becoming worthless - a complete fiat collapse.

My musings from early 2018...
There's been a 25% increase in the DJII over the last 12 months (as of Jan 2018, at the time of writing). Perhaps we're in the "up phase" before a likely coming "bust" in the future. (Update, the market was down the most in a decade for 2018! There was a major bottoming of the market near the close of 2018. Worst market performance for a decade was the net result of that year. Recovery gains have since followed, but likely via plunge type protection, etc.) The late Dec. major market bottoming was a peak behind the curtain - revealing the house of cards that reisides underneath. Corporate America is a gigantic criminal enterprise. These are the powers that brought you the 2007/8 housing collapse. There has effectively been NO RECOVERY phase since 2007/8 - just corporate/CB fraud (see QE stock market pumping/buybacks/collapsed IR to expand debt) and a constant kicking of that debt can down the road to oblivion. The former was obvious as early as 2011, and I personally stated as such. There is also simply no real price discovery left - such is the nature of this corporate-socialist zombie economy. Mass and cheap debt has swelled typical asset classes (and beyond) to insane levels. Capital has flocked to the riskier asset classes, as opposed to traditional safer havens. Pension funds are also at risk, etc. The elite set-up is in-place. 2008 was the likely dry-run for the mega-collapse to come (think the Great Depression, but on acid). Stock market numbers and other instruments are not a reflection of the economic situation of the typical American citizen.
Top percentiles own most of it.

 "For the love of money is the root of ALL EVILS." No-one loves money more than Little Horn, Trump.
I previously dissected Aronofsky's PI (1998) the links to '666/216' - Hasidic Jews and the stock market! 1998 (666+666+666).
Understand that these kabbalistic satanists seemingly (often) use and implement Revelation like a type of virtual script!
Revelation has always been heavily connected with the (Babylon) Mystery Schools. Old hat.
 1998. Biblical via Genesis. Hotter than HELL! Donald Trump the Next President? (Jared appears in Genesis, Bible).
The Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. Genesis to (apocalypse) Revelation.
Interestingly, Trump-linked 'The (apocalypse) Dead Zone', and (apocalypse) 'Damien: Omen 2'
 - both feature scenes that involve ice hockey deaths. Falling through ice/drowning. See back-to-back gifs below.
Both films also link to THE RAVEN. and (potentially) 666. The Dead 'Trump/Stillson apocalypse' Zone.
The Dead Zone, opening lines: "And the Raven, never flitting, still is sitting, still is sitting.
On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door; And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon’s that is dreaming..."
"And the Raven, never flitting,
still is sitting, still is sitting
On the pallid bust of Pallas
just above my chamber door,
And his eyes have all the seeming
of a demon's that is dreaming,

Read more: https://www.springfieldspringfield.co.uk/movie_script.php?movie=dead-zone-the
Rev. 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor......to receive a mark (666) in their right hand, or foreheads.
The (666) 'OK'hand sign (a la Trump) very briefly shown (via school uniform), and while Chris reads aloud The Raven.
Relevant media written by (Seltzer/King), produced by (Bernhard/Donner/Hill), and primarily directed by (Donner/Cronenberg) JEWS.
Don 'Omen 2' Taylor's wife (Hazel Court), her last ever film was Omen 3: The Final Conflict.
 Oh, look. It's (actor) Simon '666' Craig...aka Chris from The Dead (666 OK) Zone! Sp666ky, huh?
FWIW, I know The Dead Zone's Cronenberg was linked to Kenneth '666 OTO/Lucifer' Anger in his early years.
 The 'Apocalypse' (Now), 'West Winging', & 'Dead Zone'nuclear POTUS. Do I mean Trump, or Stillson/Sheen? You decide.

Anti-Christ, (St. John) Templar linked '666' Trump and '666' (delegates) via the Ides of March (15th March) 2016.
Christ-church (NZ) and the false flag mosque shootings via the Ides of March 2019, Templar blessing linked Tarrant, and 666.
Ides & 666 Donald 'You're Fired' Trump. Ides & 666 Brenton 'Fire' Tarrant. 666 down-under (geddit?).
I'm not buying the hand sign as a white power symbol. The elite in very recent years have built bunkers in NZ! Christchurch, the usual crap - multiple shooter refs., .223 semi, phoney looking footage, gun control agenda, anti right-wing leverage, anti white leverage, stinks of Mossad, and a satanic soundtrack via the Crazy (hellish) World of Arthur Brown (devilish tune, Fire). 'Welcome to Hell' on his rifle. A prominent NZ muslim leader (Ahmed Bhamji) has blamed Israeli Mossad as being the driving force behind the attack. Tarrant apparently posted on, and was a member of a masonic forum, and visited Israel in 2016. This dumb fuck (supposedly) thinks muslims executed 9/11, and stuff like the (kabbalistic Grande) Manchester bombings. Christchurch's rugby team are the Crusaders, like the crusading Templars. Yawn. It's all very Norway shooter, Templar Breivik, and shades of Port Arthur, Aussie/Tas.shooter, (patsy) Martin Bryant.

Port Arthur Coroner finds Martin Bryant NOT GUILTY! (The legendary Joe Vialls exposed all this years ago!)

Q, KEW, and the Hegelian Dialectic Fix.
"It is very likely that Trump/Q is a psy-op (understatement). In one aspect designed to maintain
- the (Zionist sponsored) left/right US political paradigm fix (or likely worse). The Hegelian Dialtectic."
 Make of that what you will.

Q/KEW, Trump, (satanic) Freemasonry, and (potential) military psy-ops? Q-ANON.
I'm reminded of former Church of Satan, now Temple of Set head, the satanic Lt. Col. AQUNIO.
AQUINO. Mr 'Satanic' US Military....Mr PSY-OP to (satanic/masonic) MindWar (see masonic square/compass).
Q-ANON. A - Q - NNO. (A Kew No). Satanism is acceptable in the US military top brass! US military IS satanic!
Does "5G" factor into Aquino's ideas? The above manual also featured electronic based (ELF, etc.) mass mind control.

 This just in!!! Confirmation that 'God bothering' Trumptards ARE insane!
 I told you these 'dosed' evangelical apocalypse types were NUTS - didn't I!? (here).
 Some Evangelical Christians (see Q-tards and related) consider rebuilding of the (3rd) Temple to be a prerequisite to Armageddon and the Second Coming. It's this Christian-Zionist type that is the most dangerous of all. Completely programmed by Jewish/Christian dogma, and who actually long for the end of the world! It's quite simply a form of induced religious mental illness!

Recall this from earlier.
Anyway, all three films that seem to reference Trump: Dead Zone, Gremlins 2, and Back to the Future 2
- all have an end of the world and/or dystopian societal theme. Which is interesting in itself.
That said, the true meaning of the 3rd Temple is likely not largely 'physical' - although a physical element will be an aspect.

Have all the Trump-tards and Q-tards left the building? If not, they soon will! :)
Build The Wall - 1990 Predictive Programming.
 Stop those illegals and drugs (see 'opiate' wall, below).
"Mass media (satanic Jew) programming and the cult of celebrity are the opiate of the (dumb) masses." horseloverphat.
If you go to the link there's a comic page that (imo) evokes the Twin Towers and with a flying jet aircraft.
"Heavy Metal" - you know, like Jewish Def Jam's (Death Jam) Rick Rubin(stein), the backer/producer for Slayer.
Def/Death Jam, satanic Jew Rubin(stein), who was also linked to OTO Gay-Z's The 'Sept 11. 2001' Blueprint.
  'Do what thou wilt' - Lucifer, Jay '9/11/01' Z, and '666' Crowley's ritual elemental grade sign 'fire' via 9/11.
Satanists, Aunty and Uncle Tom. Beyonce throws-up satanic horns at the same time Lucifer Gay-Z hand signs 666.
The entire nation of Jew S of A is completely drenched in satanic chic and worship. The nation's #1 hobby,
http://www.whale.to/b/666_hand_sign.html (American mass media based satanic/masonic programming)
666 Jew Rubin founded Def Jam (former CEO). 666 Gay-Z also tenured as CEO. Guess who made these satanists millionaires?
Other notable Def Jam Jewz include Lyor Cohen, Bill Adler, Glen Friedman, and Julie Greenwald, to name just a few.
The history of hip-hop doesn't primarily revolve around blacks (Afro-Americans) - it's always been about JEWS.
Folk who think (linked) Kuntye 'Blueprint' West is a conservative cheerleader - need locking-up. West/Kardashians are all satanic filth!
Baphomet 'androgynous' Bruce, and an 'ass' obsessed (likely paedophile based) family who promote mass self loathing.
666 Masonic/Lucifer, Carter. "Do what thou wilt" - Gay-Z pulling the (Crowley) HOTGD//OTO/A.A. ritual fire sign.
The same satanic Jew Rubin(stein) whose Def Jam contact number contained the satanic '666' kabbalist cipher.
USA - aka The Great Satan. Satanism, America's fastest growing, most popular, and adhered to religion.
The fact it's been achieved via mass media programming, cult of celebrity, and false idol worship is lost on most people.
It has satanically programmed the masses - and regardless. Dumbing-down also went nuclear.
Americans (and beyond) are completely strung-out on corporate sponsored satanic chic. Totally absorbed by it.

Forrest '666' Trump..."lyfe iz lyke a bocks of McNugetz". Born with a silverspoon in his mouth.
Trump, a genius! "Mental stability, and being, like, really smart." (LOL).
"Like, really smart". That sounds like Kardashian valley girl talk! The Dunning-Kruger Effect! Lol.
What sort of GENIUS surrounds himself with a (so-called duplicitous) team with many of them subsequently fired - a dumb ass?

Bonfire of the VANITIES. Yeah, his own. LOOOOL. I wonder why Trump University folded? :)
Trump: "I lyke reeding Tum Wulf, hiz buks r tha bestest." Even though he obviously hasn't read them! Comedy gold.

Trump: "I'm a genius. I'm a roaring success. I have never failed. I am GOD. I have the biggest penis..."
OMG, how f**king embarrassing - the man is an overt NARCISSIST. Such a "confirmed genius" that he hired Steve Bannon for his team - howl! What sort of idiot publicly does this kind of saddo"alpha male" type thing? MACA - "Make America CRINGE Again". America's enemies will be laughing their pants off! Trump has some sort of severe personality disorder - I truly believe this now. Perhaps like some sort of wizened version of Patrick 'American Psycho' Bateman. Does Donny still think his own daughter is 'hot'? Maybe he wants to commit incest, maybe he already has.
Trump's 2016 strategist. Goldman SUCKS, Bannon. Why's he been so heavily linked to (DEN) Brock 'BitCoin/Disney' Pierce? Pierce (below 2nd left), from the nest of DEN 'Chad's World' paedos. From Singer to Collins Rectum (Rector), etc. Small paedo world, hmmm?
Another shady character that's been linked to Trump is George Nader (suggestions of campaign help). Nader also had former interests with Bush Snr., and the Clinton admins. Also connections to Erik Prince, and the Estee Lauder heir. Nader attended a Dec. 2016 meeting in NY between UAE officials and president-elect Donald Trump's associates Jared Kushner, Michael Flynn, and Steve Bannon. Nader was sentenced in the 1990s for transporting child porn publications, and imprisoned in 2003 for sexually abusing ten boys in the Czech Republic. June 2019, he was arrested and charged with transporting porn depicting child sexual abuse and bestiality.

I see the USA and Israel, soon backed into a global corner, and with NO ESCAPE. Let's hope so!
Kushner is the Zionist Jew mole at the heart of the Trump administration. The American population may be content to allow their warmongering governments, and giant lawless corporations to destroy this planet  - but I wouldn't say that this is the case with the "rest of the world". Sit on your apathetic "couch potato" asses and wallow in sick, degenerate and dysfunctional Zionist/American media, but it will come at a cost. It's longtime coming that the American people appreciated that there is a world beyond the USA - a world that is getting increasingly pissed off!

(Update 2019. We are seeing this already. USA will soon be globally isolated and universally hated. Watch it unfold.)


This American man understand this more than most - LISTEN TO HIM!

You know what. Both sides of the American politic spectrum have seemingly been played to a tee!
It's almost as though the whole sorry "theatre of it all" is a deliberate ploy to set both sides off against each other. I am suspicious!
There was a type of "messiah complex" attached to Obama, Trump seems to have his own brand of devout cult followers.

Speaking of which. Any so-called (impostor) Jewish messiah will obviously be the Anti-Christ.
  Good little American slaves of satanic Zion. Fat boy, Dumb-peo.
"Raised up" - a la Freemasonry.  Trump possibly sent from God (meaning Lucifer) to help save the Jewish people?
Yup. These people are clearly INSANE. Is this a 3rd (masonic) Temple move? Probably.

Now watch the SCREAMS of "antisemitism" from the Khazars. (Which have come since my writing in Jan 2018).
Without any shadow of any doubt - the Jewish people are the most defended of all peoples.
Their mentality seemingly built on a type of self-anointed "religious superiority".
I will not apologise for posting this - no one gets to define or design my experience of reality!
I do not, and will not ever be brainwashed with this "neo hate speech" mental slide. Freedom of speech is sacrosanct.
This is NOT about ALL Jews. This is about the impostor Khazar/Ashke-NAZI/Zionist SLAVS!
The "perpetual warmongering" synagogue of Satan.

8th Jan 2018
The foul stench of JEW Hollywood. Rapists, child abusers, degeneracy programmers, agitators, body fascists etc.
We've had 'Oscars so white' (via compromised uncle Toms), but no "Oscars so ZIONIST"? Collective ignorance, anyone?
Golden Globes. They are ALL Jewish marionettes. Cucks for Israel, just like the US government.
Anyone that buys into their FAKE, apologist crap - NEEDS SECTIONING!
It doesn't get much more overtly EVIL than Hollywood, its personnel, and its output.
Fuck all you lying BITCHES. Most had to service Weinstein's cock, some probably still do.
Nicole "mkultra father" Kidman, Reece "treacle" Witherspoon - pass the sick bag!
These are what AMERICANS consider to be their heroes and idols. It's no wonder the nation is fucked!
Jew Hollywood and TV - the Khazar/Ashke-NAZI satanists who "predictively programmed" you for the 9/11 FIX!
The same (sodomite) Jew Hollywood that heavily promotes transgenders as a VIRTUE, when most see it for the
- "mass media induced"mental illness that it really is!

Hollywood Babylon...literally a Zionist form of Hell on Earth
The Crying 'transsexual' Game, and Pulped '666 ass' Friction, Weinsteins. Bought-out by sick, satanic Disney.
Jew, Bob Weinstein's first release for Dimension/Miramax - satanic 'Hellraiser 3 - Hell On Earth' via Sept 11 and Twin Towers.
 Jew, Clive 'homo/OTO' Barker's (S & M) Hellraising 'satanic cube' series. This 11th Sept release featured the Twin Towers.
 Similar in the masonic/Jew Templar horror series 'Friday the 13th' franchise. See Part 3, and Takes Manhattan.
Weinstein gofer, Brad 'abuser' Grey, eventually became CEO of (masonic) Friday 13th, Paramount.
Opening dialogue with Twin Tower imagery: "You can't get the adrenaline pumping without the 'TERROR' good people."
(Homo, twink Jew) Emmerich's Godzilla film also has heavy 9/11 subliminals via 9/11 Broderick. Also see Emmerich's 'The 9/11 Patriot', and 'Independence 9/11 Day'. F13 Part 4 is connected to Corey 'Hollywood paedos' Feldman (9/11 Gremlins), and to Crispin Glover (Back to the 9/11 Future). Satanically processing the GOYIM (via horror) under the guise of entertainment. It's more like entrainment!

"As if by MAGIC..." The symbolism. Trump Tower Jan 8th 2018. Trump's ideal for mystery religion based mind control.
Towering Trump Cards. Electrical fire at the apex/crown. The Electric Lightning Struck Tower/Fire of Heaven.
The Tower (tarot) is one of the major arcana trumps. The fire (and fury) of heaven. It's 9/11 Manhattan-ville.
Babel Towers and destruction via God or The Sun. Lucifer/Satan is the CEO of (sick and inhuman) "corporatism".
Rider-Waite (his tarot, above) was a Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn adept, as was the deck's illustrator.
Back to the "9/11 lightning struck Clock Tower" Future, and the 1989 sequel. Striking and BIFFING the apex.
Trump bought (film franchise linked) DeLorean's Bedminster estate exactly one year after 9/11/01.
Back to the Future Spielberg's Gremlins franchise - also spawned "towering" Clamp (Trump) in Gremlins 2.
Twin Tower imagery and 911 ciphering are seen in Clamp (Trump) Gremlins 2, shown earlier.
We get the Neptunian (devilish) "trident" in BTTF via the "Enchantment Under the Sea". (Neptune, crown of the tree.)
The Tower card follows the Devil card in all decks that include it. The Tower, "the fall of man" - lower world materialism etc.
Don't forget the Zionist destroyed (Babel) "World Trade Center" and its "Neptunian/devilish"trident/fork design.
Larry '666' Silverstein (Jew) - Mr "WTC 7 Pull It". Leaseholder and developer of the new and rebuilt complex.
 Give Larry a call on his 666 phone number. Of course, 666 Larry also has projects linked to Hell's Kitchen.
Would all go well with Zionist, Jared "Towering 666 Fifth Ave. via Manhattan" Kushner. Both built by (Jew) Tishman.
All these kabbalist Jew/satanic '666' cipher references/encodes are just by mere chance - right guys? (sarcasm).
It's just mere chance that Lucent (Lucifer) were based there (666 Fifth) with their RFID (mark of the beast) chip.
Most Americans have NO CONCEPT of how innately satanic they are, or how they've been satanically programmed.
They are seemingly blind to this obvious reality! Your entire way of life is now seated in this wanton satanic degeneracy.
Here he comes...the Jewish King of Filmic Corporatism:
America's Zionist "golden boy" - 9/11 predictive programmer, agitator, and Jew satanist - Steven "666" Spielberg.
Spielberg is linked to 9/11 programmer, Dick "666 O-men" Donner (Schwartzberg) via The (paedo/sodomite) Goonies.
The (sodomite) O-men runs for 111 minutes. A 666 film via 111 = 777. The satanic/kabbalist 'lightning' tree that sums 777.
Terrorising/mocking the "GOYIM SHEEP" for decades via sick/degenerate Zionist output. Mount the devils (phallic) tower.
666Ring-O-Men. Devilish (phallic) rainbow towering via close(t) turd (third) contact. Steven 'Rosebud/Sphincter' Spielberg.
 The top degree in (masonic) 666 Crowley's OTO centres on ritual homosexual anal sex, that has to be appreciated.
Rosebud (ass) pleasure doming (via the penis glans) and erecting a (phallic) tower in Xanadu via Kane, and a snow shaker.
Do they think that their inter-generational, cryptic based, mass sodomy programming via media is unbreakable? It isn't!
Anyone seen Swindler's Mist? Spielberg's schmaltz-ridden, lie filled propaganda piece (see link).
"There's no business, like Shoah business". Holocaust guilt programming and mass (schmaltz) sympathy programming.

"Theoretical Cabbala embraces only secret teachings about God and nature.
 But practical Cabbala (such as Frankism) attempts to affect earthly matters. It involves the use of amulets and magic numbers (gematria etc) as well as the conjuring of evil spirits. Both the Talmud and Midrash contain Cabbalist information."
 Ancient Oriental and Jewish Secret Doctrines, Leipzig, 1805.

That's their Talmudic (satanic) magick right there, and it's been secreted into Hollywood/MSM output, en-mass.
9/11 - Sapphire (September birthstone) XI (11). Gremlins used Back to the '9/11' Future's courtyard square!  
Radio-Active (plutonium). Atomic Kid and 'nuclear' resonant Back to the Future.
Rosebud Spielberg (via Jew 'Twin Towers" Zemeckis) - Mr Back to the "Twinned 9/11 Struck (Clock) Tower" Future.
(Blue-bird a la the mind control programme. And a link to Bluebird's DMC, Campbell).
9/11 - JEW. S. of A. - Lightning Struck (tarot trump) Tower(s). Sequel 'Twin Towers scene' set in 2015.
In Luke 10:18 - Christ says: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
The 777 Lightning Flux (911) Capacitor and the Kabbalistic Lightning Tree of Life - bottom 4 spheres. Neptune's trident (top).
Channelling the Lightning (energy) of Lucifer/Satan via the satanic '777' (666+111) kabbalist tree, and Thelemic 93.
Pluto-nium (via the veiled sphere - aka da'ath). Marty (Fox) impersonates Darth (Da'ath) Vader in the film.
 As seen in The Fifth 'Masonic/Kabbalistic' Element. The Fifth 'oral tradition' Element. Kabbalah, the oral tradition.
Bruce 'mass 9/11 resonator' Willis. Bruce 'orange queer' Willis...with (homo) Chris 'Epstein's Lolita Express' Tucker.
Quite simply Zionist/Masonic, predictive programming and kabbalistic, satanic sorcery via mainstream Hollywood/TV output.
Recall, Trump bought DeLorean's Bedminster estate exactly 1 year after 9/11/01.
Ashke-NAZI 'atomic' Kubrick's motif - CRM 114 - opens the (Spielberg-linked) "Back to the '911' Future" film.
666 Spielberg's mentor, 666 Stanley '9/11 Monolith' Kubrick...who died 666 days before Jan 1. 2001.
A kabbalistic "2001 GOYIM Odyssey" - processing the mass media sheep/apes. The Satanic/Saturnic black cube.
The 2001 film (33 years prior to 9/11) has kabbalah as its basis/framework, as I noted in 2009.
Ashke-NAZI Jew Kubrick, who married into the Nazi 3rd Reich's top film propaganda dynasty - see the Harlans.

Revelation of the method, the externalization of the satanic hierarchy a la 2001/Lucifer Clarke's Childhood's 'demonic' End?
Devil's Advocate (1997). A prolonged time-lapse shot of the 'Twin Towers' and (2001) Monolith.
An Arnon '9/11' Milchan (Regency) release. Zionist Milchan, again!
Devil's Advocate, the (ground zero) 2001 Monolith Millenium Hotel can be seen - above on the lower left.
The Matrix (1999) - Devil's Advocate, Reeves. The Sept 11th 2001 Matrix passport via the transsexual JEW Wachowskis!
Some have claimed that Reeves' rise to fame was due to his being a piece of Geffen fuck candy! Worth considering.

Now then, if the sick Zionist elite used 'mass media' predictive programming (and related) to brainwash the public re: 9/11. 
What's to stop them (using the same) in brainwashing you about (Anti-Christ) Trump? Nothing - is the answer!
(Most, if not all people - CANNOT even begin to understand or process the mass deception(s) at work in all this!
They have ALL bought-in to the industry's own copy - and ONLY see this nefarious programming as entertainment.)
 Devil's Advocate, Pam Garrety (Debra Monk, right): 
"Donald Trump was supposed to be here tonight, but he had a business emergency. Probably Mort Zuckerman."
A MSM full page attack on Trump by (Zionist Neocon) Mort Zuckerman portraying Trump as the Anti-Christ.
This is the Eddie Barzoon party (in the film). Barzoon, aka (convicted paedophile) Jeffrey 'Ferris Bueller' Jones !
Mort 'Epstein/Lolita Express' Zuckerman and Trump had business issues in the 90s.
But all these references are for the ongoing larger script (imo).
Trump attended many Epstein dinner parties, inluding one that Epstein hosted for Prince Andrew, where the guest list also included Ron Perelman and Mort Zuckerman, among others.
 2016 (6*6*6 = 216)
Trump and Monk (via the Devil's Advocate). Trump and Monk via Curtains (aka The End).
The DEVIL'S Advocate...features a rich MURDERER who owns Trump Tower.
 Sequential Devil & Tower, tarot trumps. The Tower is also linked to the penis - an ejaculating one.
 Reeves between (masonic) pillars 'Jachin/Boaz' in Trump's penthouse. (Recall, Trump & Home 'Twin Tower' Alone 2, etc).
Reeves - aka Mr Dogstar (Sirius) - star of the 'brotherhood of (satanic) buggery' - the Freemasons.
In the film rich murderer (Cullen/Nelson) uses Trump's penthouse on Fifth Ave. Trump via gambling - the '666' roulette wheel.
Son-in-Law, Jew Kushner owned (related) 666 Fifth Ave. 'Twin Tower' (and Trump-linked) Tishman built it.
 It's not as though (satanic Jew) Hollywood/MSM has loaded-up Trump with 'devilish' avatars (sarcasm).
In Luke 10:18 Christ says: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
 Double-struck Towers. Move along...nothing to see. :)
  Trump and TAROT, ROTHSCHILD'S Economist (2017), Taro(t)/Tora(h), The 'struck' Tower, and Judgment.
TRUMP cards that also relate to (and overlay) the Zionist/Masonic, Kabbalist Tree of Life.
Also recall the 'struck'Grenfell Tower (via Jacobite UK, 2017) - which I tied to The House of Cards (BBC original trilogy).
And (faux) Parsons Green - via (Babylon bunch named counterparts) Parsons, 666 Crowley, Hubbard, Liddel (LIDL), and Satan
Theresa 'ZIONIST POS' May(er). The special 'Zionist Rothschild relationship' (Jew S. of A. and Jew-K).

Q: "SYMBOLISM will be their downfall." 
Ha! If that's the case then Trump is absolutely fucked! Walking tower tarot card, and masonic 666 Trump.

The Economist must've deliberately overlooked the related 'The DEVIL' card - with TOWERING Trump!
Anti-Christ, Damien 'Little Horn/666' Thorn. Oops, I mean Anti-Christ, Donald 'Little Horn/666' Trump.

Recall, Rothschild slave, Zionist Macron. Sacre bleu, SNAP! Via (satanic) Rothschild, 666, and Horns. 66.6% vs. 66.06%.
LCF/LuCiFer, Macron. The Louvre PYRAMID reflects the 666 number...and via former masonic president, Mitterrand.
Masonic/Zionist (ISIS false flag) Paris Friday Nov. 13th (2015) was under Freemason linked, Hollande. France's 9/11.
Don't forget the 'first tower strike filming' Naudet '911 Fix' Bros. were French (intel) nationals, and linked to TV.
France(berg) just had 'Towering Inferno'via Notre Dame. The Virgin Lady, code for ISIS (the masonic goddess).
It's claimed that the (resonant) Al-Aqsa Mosque (Temple Mount) had a fire on the same day!
The Eiffel Tower was designed/built by a (Jew owned) Freemason. Bataclan was linked to (11 Sept referencing) Israelis!
Even the Crown of THORNS got a look-in via Notre Dame. Speaking of Trumps and T-horns (a la Damien, and Christ).
666'you're fired/fire and fury' Trump (little horn) mentioned Notre Dame (fire) while in BURNS-ville, Minn!
Trump's (Babylon) Tower less than a quarter of a mile from (Babylon) Kushner's 666 5th Ave.

 Lucifer Hyams' Stay '666' Tuned featured a (666 linked) Crowley character (satanic Jew programmer) Eugene 'sodomite' Levy.
Jeffrey 'Devil's Advocate/Bueller' Jones...also featured in Lucifer Hyams' Stay '666' Tuned, as Mr Spike!
Mr. Spike (Jones) appears at the protagonists door, offering a new high-tech satellite dish system with 666 channels.
John Ritter, the star of Stay '666' Tuned, died on Sept 11. 2003. Ritter's (problem child) transsexual daughter born Sept 11. 1998.
Sept. 11, John 'Problem Child/Problem Child 2' Ritter...aka Mr '911' Healy. Problem 'satanic' Child.

The adoption agent for 'problem child' Satan is Gilbert 'Beverly Hills 9/11 Cop 2' Gottfried (see below).
Gottfried missed-out on a Golden Raspberry award for Problem Child, beaten by Donald '666' Trump, playing himself!
Home 'Twin Towers' Alone 2, baphomet Culkin, read for the lead part as Satan. Home Alone 2, where Trump also cameos.
 Above 9/11 flights screen is (Jew) Gottfried's! BHC 2...where the main action takes place on a Sept. 11 date!
Above film (BHC 2) directed by Top 'gay' Gun's Tony 'Enemy of the (9/11 terrorist) State' Scott.
Problem '911' Child 2 was released on the exact same day as Terminator 2: Judgment '911' Day.

I told you - virtually ALL American corporate mass media (via spectrum dominant Jewry) is SATANIC programming!

Atomic Nazi/Jew, 911 Kubrick's: CRM 114 - SERUM 114 (Adrenochrome/Immortality Serum).
Illuminati '237'Spartacus, Kubrick. Star Babies, Serum 114, Molok(o)/Moloch, ADRENOCHROME...Illuminati Card #237.
 MOLOK-O (Moloch sacrifice) 'drenchrom' milk drink - via connected ADRENOCHROME (brain) and ultra-violence.
The sort of thing that the sick Khazar/Ashkenazi monsters like the Rothschilds enjoy snacking on via victims. 
Adrenochrome is also thought to be obtained from aborted fetuses. See Planned Parenthood, etc.
2001 Star Baby - segued into (Drencrom drinking) Alex '666' DeLarge, Korova Milk Bar...and via the "eye". Babies & milk.
The ending of 2001 - followed by the opening of (Kubrick's very next film) A Clockwork '666' Orange.
 Devil's Eyes (see Halloween) and 666 eye/ass stabber (queer orange) Alex/McDowell.
2001 author 'Lucifer' Clarke was a homo-paedophile, Lolita/2001 (Nazi/Jew) Kubrick another alleged chronic paedophile.
They sacrificed thousands via 911 (and the 'war on terror' aftermath), why would they balk at anything!?
I even recall the blood donations for 9/11 "going missing". In the shadow of the 9/11/2001 event itself.
Could all of that "missing donated blood" have actually contained released hormones - as a result of the terror event?

 Satanic Kabbalah - the underlying framework of (Jewish) Luciferic/Demonic (OTO) Freemasonry via Solomon's '666' Temple.

A FIERY Clockwork '666' Orange Sun...via Drenchrom Molok(o) and babies. SACRIFICE.
Weinstein, Epstein, OTO Steinem, Kubrick, Spielberg, Rothschilds, etc. - so-called JEWS/JUDEANS. That's what I call accuracy.
Why is sick Femi-nazi Jew, Steinem, flashing the (satanic) OTO fire grade sign in relation to abortion (sacrifice)!?
Is this hideous form of wanton murder (dressed-up as pro-choice) still being promoted by mass media satanists like Jewish Steinem?
Steinem also had a 4 year relationship with Mort 'Epstein/Lolita Express' Zuckerman! (See earlier, The Devil's Advocate, etc.)
Even 'Church of Satan' founder - Anton 'Fire' LaVey - was of Jewish descent. Jew-ISH, as in like, but not the original.

Reinstated by Judeans via one of the last Kings of Judah. Manesseh/Manasseh, a King of the House of David.
Manasseh/Manneseh. I used to speak to a David Manasseh (a football agent) via my previous job. True story.
Son of David, aka Satanic 666 Talents of gold (masonic) Sol-omon. What group historically sacrificed their first born?
Moloch is also comparable with Cronus/Saturn (Satan) - who devoured his own children. Satur(n)-day Sabbateans.
'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn't lying — 
and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'Harold Rosenthal, The Hidden Tyranny, 1976.

 "Moloch, a Satanic-Baal deity [fire god] to which people were sacrificed..." 
The Wicker Wicca Man - via Jacobite/Masonic Scotland. Wicca, aka witch-craft. Jacobite/Jew Masonry - the craft.

Star of (Judean) Moloch and (head chop) Sacrifice via Fire (and the sun).
Marked useless eater Jews sacrificed by fire (holo-caust) to Moloch via (Rothschild's) WW2, leading to Israel 2.0.
The Wicker 'Moloch' Man was written by Anthony Shaffer, who was from a Jewish family.
Linked director Hardy, a St. Clair. As in the Scot/Freemasonic St Clairs (Sinclairs). See Masonic/Solomonic Rosslyn.

A Solomonic temple of (Moloch) sacrifice on (Jew) Epstein's 'LOLITA Island' - adorned in the Zionist Israeli flag colors?
Former Israeli PM, Ehud Barak, was one of Epstein's assets.
The same Barak that was conveniently on (Zionist) BBC News when 9/11 broke - with his pre-packaged terror agenda.
Jeffrey 'Jew' Epstein with (co-abuser and procurer) Ghislaine 'Jew' Maxwell. (see Trump, Epstein, and Maxwell, below).
Maxwell's father was (criminal) Robert 'UK media mogul' Maxwell, the latter was MOSSAD. Epstein, and Ghislaine are also Mossad.
Plea bargain, Trump former Lab. Sec. Acosta: “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone”
Robert 'Mossad' Maxwell's death (1991) was likely a hoax. The vast financial black hole (Mirror Group) revealed subsequently.
He allegedly fell from his yacht (named Lady Ghislaine) off the Canary Islands. One 'canary' who won't ever sing.
The daughter Ghislaine probably recruited Epstein. Father, Robert, even formerly supplied the Israeli Air Force.
Epstein. These are obvious pointers to Mossad 'blackmail traps' (using paedophilia) that control their dignitaries/poltical assets.
Perhaps Epstein/Maxwell also link to the (Anglo/American Zionist) Bronfmans? The latter heavily implicated in NXIVM.
President Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton allegedly flew 26+ times on Epstein's plane, sometimes without security detail.
Slick Willy, with (sodomite, Singer linked) Kevin 'abuser' Spacey. Dershowitz is also listed multiple times on the flight lists.
Some of the interesting names in the little black book of Jeffrey Epstein…
Donald Trump (several phone numbers); Ivana Trump; Ivanka Trump; Evelyn de Rothschild; Jessica Rothschild (probably the daughter of Evelyn); Hannah Rothschild (probably the daughter of Jacob); Edouard de Rothschild (probably the son of Guy). David Rockefeller; Peter Soros (nephew of George); Henry A. Kissinger; Rupert Murdoch; White House; Alan Dershowitz; Ehud Barak; Tony Blair; Duke of York (Prince Andrew); Duchess of York (Fergie); Prince Bandar; Michel Prince of Yugoslavia; Princess Olga of Greece; Peter Mandelson; John Paulson; David Koch...
 If Trump washed his hands of Epstein in 1999 (Mar-a-Lago; Florida), why is he seen with him in 2000, at his Mar-a-Largo (left pic),
and with Ghislaine? Prince Andrew was in attendence too - same party!
Brainwashed Trumptards/Q-tards rely on Trump throwing-out 'underage girl seducing' Epstein in 1999! :)
It's alleged that Trump's plane was used by Prince Andrew when he flew to meet Epstein in Florida (2000), likely this event!
Trump has flown on Epstein's jet. Epstein's brother Mark has confirmed it.
Donald 'Israel' Trump likes the (satanic) Windsors, as witnessed in June 2019. UK royals are simply a Rothschild front.
The Windsors who were heavily implicated with (paedo/satanist) Jimmy 'BBC/Israel' Savile (via paedo Mountbatten).
Virginia Roberts (Giuffre) claims to have been “recruited” at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago in Miami
 by Ghislaine Mawell, Epstein's girlfriend, who ran the paedophile sex ring with Jeffrey.
 2010 trial. Epstein refuses to answer.
Roberts/Giuffre has testified that she also had sex with Zionist lawyer Alan Dershowitz on behalf of Epstein and that the FBI has caught her on tape. Dershowitz was once introduced by Trump’s good friend Lynn Forester (“Lady” de Rothschild) to Epstein.
Trump and Epstein were the only two guests (with 28 girls) at a 1992 “calendar girl” competition at Mar-a-Lago. (link).
 Oh, dear. Maxwell at Mar-a-Largo, too. Check-out the video with buddies Donny and Jeff eyeing-up young cheerleaders. (link).
It was JEW Dershowitz and (Jew owned) Prince 'Freemason/Rothschild' Andrew that put pressure on Epstein's original case.
Dershowitz (see pic further above) and the Prince both lobbied the US govt. against Epstein being originally prosecuted!
Dershowitz defended Epstein when charged with unlawful sex with minors, 2006. Wow, conflicts of (Zionist Jew) interest on acid!
Recall, that Trump and Prince Andrew were both present at an Epstein dinner party (Manhattan, 2003).
Yeah, that's a very dated photo. Ahem.
Robert Maxwell was linked to the (NXIVM) Bronfmans.
In 1988, Robert Maxwell and Charles Bronfman became major shareholders in the Israeli pharma company Teva.
1989, Robert Maxwell and Charles Bronfman tried to buy the Jerusalem Post newspaper.
In the late 1980s, Robert Maxwell also worked with the NXIVM-affiliated Edgar Bronfman (father of NXIVM Sara and Clare)
to make a deal with the Soviet Union on mass emigration of Soviet Jews to Israel.
In the spring of 1989, Robert Maxwell (far right) and his daughter Ghislaine hosted a party on his yacht -
in the presence of Donald Trump, former US senator John Tower (involved in Iran-Contra), and ex-navy secretary John 'PNAC' Lehman.
Not only was Roy Cohn’s protégé Donald Trump present, but also (Jewish) Cohn's long-time law partner Tom Bolan, and two of Cohn’s closest friends - journalists William Safire and (Jew) Barbara Walters. Walters and Trump, both heavily connected to Cohn.
'Jew' Walters who shut-down Feldman when he was quasi-outing powerful Hollywood (Jew) paedos on The View (2013).

Trump's mentor Roy Cohn, was allegedly on the board of Bronfman linked PERMINDEX (who planned the JFK hit).
As was (Zionist, masonic sodomite) L.M. Bloomfield, the Bronfman family attorney who outwardly headed PERMINDEX.
Homosexual, Clay 'JFK' Shaw (who was tried by Garrison) was also a senior board member of PERMINDEX.
Jew, Roy 'homosexual paedophile/blackmail traps' Cohn, and his Queens protégé Donald 'Israel' Trump...see pics.
I think that's Barbara 'Cohn' Walters (in pink) behind Cohn and Trump (above, top right). Opening of Trump Tower, 1983.
Trump's mentor and personal lawyer was a sodomite paedophile. Alleged to have been a key operative in the JFK hit (link).
Zionist/Mossad PERMINDEX via Bloomfield and (Trump mentor) paedo Cohn. Bloomfield, Bronfman family attorney.
 "Young boys joined the party and engaged in sexual activities with Hoover, Cohn, and her husband, according to Rosensteil."
Cohn, known for his links to Joe McCarthy. "Tail-Gunner Joe" - likely a homo/sodomite 'tail-gunning' encode. Ahem.
Bronfmans heavily implicated in NXIVM. Cohn was close to (tranny pederast) FBI Hoover, incl. paedo/homo hotel orgies (above).
Sodomite Masonic 'G' Men via Freemason/Shriner Hoover...
Clintons were close to the Bronfmans, and Trump is tied right into the clan via (Bloomfield linked) mentor 'homo Jew' Cohn.
It's long been thought that the JFK hit was steeped in Masonic (Jew) symbolism, see M.A. Hoffman.

Bloomfield was a Anglo-Zionist asset (out of the SOE) who headed FBI Division 5 (under deviant, Hoover).
While heading PERMINDEX (late 50s), Bloomfield was heavily involved with Edmund De Rothschild, via PERMINDEX!
The Rothschild link to the JFK hit. It's also alleged that Bloomfield acted as E. De Rothschild's attorney.
Bloomfield (Order of the British Empire) was also OSS (pre-CIA) and he help train the Israeli army in the 1930s.
According to Bloomfield, (Romanian Jew) Georgio Mantello (33rd deg. Freemason) was the genius behind PERMINDEX.
Bronfman right-hand man Bloomfield was masonic Order of Malta, and a rumoured homosexual like JFK related Hoover/Shaw/Cohn.
Like Bloomfield, Shaw was also (masonic) Order of Malta (SMOM), cogent to the masonic (UK Royal) Order of the Garter.
Bloomfield/Shaw - the only two men in America who were both on the boards of Permindex, and CMC (aka World Trade Centre).
Kevin Bacon (rent boy O'Keefe) JFK. Truest line in the film. Porked Bacon, Mr 'masonic' Friday 13th via CampBlood.
 CAMP St (JFK). Ass pounding (Zionist) masonic sodomites. Permindex, Shaw, dressed as (masonic) transient Hermes.
Sodomite orgies and the Zionist elite, involving blackmail traps. Shaw had Ferrie compromised (ahem).
It was Jew, Oliver 'WTC' Stone, that made JFK (1991) which was funded by the Rothschilds, and made via Mossad '911' Milchan.
BCI (Mossad bank) was also chief money launderer for the (linked) crime syndicate of Israeli loyalist Meyer Lansky,
business partner of Sam 'King of the Jews' Bronfman, an associate of Louis Bloomfield and the Rothschilds.

Zionist/Mossad PERMINDEX (via World Trade Centre), and '9/11 WTC' via Zionist mass media (Mossad Milchan, etc.).
David 'Epstein' Rockefeller who developed the WTC NY complex lifted his actual World Trade Center name from Permindex!
NWO Rockefeller collaborated with (Zionist) Permindex/CMC to speed up development of his (NY) WTC organization! (link).
Above picture (on the right) is two days before the JFK assassination.
Permindex Bloomfield (OSS, pre-CIA) also corresponded with (CIA) George H W Bush, who was in Dallas for the JFK hit.

 Masonic/Zionist '666' Trump and the Twin Towers via (masonic) 33.
The (masonic) Kennedys/Bronfmans were BOTH made - and beholden to - the (Rothschild) Anglo-Zionist elite! See bootlegging.
Trump, is simply an asset of the sick, satanic Zionist mafia  - and he ALWAYS has been, When's RUSSIAGATE ISRAELGATE?
Lynn Forester is on the Epstein flight lists - as in Lynn (Forester) de Rothschild.

Another (Epstein) dinner reported on by New York featured billionaire Mort 'Zionist' Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, magician David Blaine, Donald Trump, Les 'Victoria's Secret' Wexner, and a former British Cabinet member Peter 'Rothschild' Mandelson. Another cabinet member, (Trump's Commerce Secretary) Wilbur 'Rothschild' Ross, also reportedly socialized with Epstein shortly after his release from prison in 2011.

Some have claimed that Wexner was Epstein's mentor. Trump and Epstein at a (Wexner linked) Victoria's Secret party:
The 81-year-old CEO of L Brands, Leslie Wexner, which owns (modelling based) Victoria’s Secret and Bath & Body Works, was once the “main client” of Epstein’s money-management firm, according to Bloomberg. Wexner, the only known client of J. Epstein and Co.
Epstein linked (model agent/scout) Jean-Luc Brunel claims to have launched the career of Candace 'Victoria's Secret' Swanepoel.

Epstein associate Jean-Luc Brunel (MC2, French model scout), who is alleged to have supplied girls as young as 12.
According to (victim) Roberts/Giuffre: "Brunel ran some kind of modeling agency and appeared to have an arrangement with the U.S. Government where he could get passports or other travel documents for young girls. He would then bring these young girls to the United States for sexual purposes and farm them out to his friends, including Epstein."
It should be noted that (model) Naomi 'Weinstein' Campbell is listed on Epstein's flight lists! MC2 via Tel Aviv.
(Also note that Hollywood [sodomite satanic paedo] Polanski drugged/raped Geimer via French Vogue.)
It's alleged that Epstein gave Brunel $1 million to found MC2 in 2005. Brunel was also a force behind Karin models.
“60 Minutes” investigated Jean Luc Brunel in 1988. The program interviewed nearly two dozen models who had been sexually assaulted by Brunel and/or his fellow agent, Claude Haddad. CBS spoke 5 models that had been drugged and raped by Brunel and/or his friends. Producer Craig Pyes said that “Hundreds of girls were not only harassed, but molested”.

 Giuffre, aka Virginia 'Prince Andrew' Roberts...a major plaintiff in the Epstein case.
Ray 'Epstein' C-Handler (a victim/procurer) is heavily involved with modelling/scouting via (NY) Midland - for teens. (ahem).
Part basis of Zionist '666/911' Kubrick's (Manhattan) 'Eyes Wide Shut' was (mind controlled) fashion model sex slaves
- used in elite, satanic orgies. All filmed via actual (Royal) Highclere, and Rothschild's (actual) Mentmore mansion, UK.
Rainbow Fashions'Lolita. A high-end fashion designer (Red Cloak/Vitali) leads the satanic, ritual orgy - in Eyes Wide Shut.
 Zionist 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kubrick also made Nabokov's Lolita. A landmark event for overt paedophilia.
Roberts/Giuffre: "The third time I had sex with Andy (Prince Andrew) was in an orgy on Epstein’s private island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. I was around 18 at the time. Epstein, Andy, approximately eight other young girls, and I had sex together. The other girls all seemed and appeared to be under the age of 18 and didn’t really speak English. Epstein laughed about the fact they couldn’t really communicate, saying that they are the “easiest” girls to get along with. My assumption was that Jean-Luc Brunel got the girls from Eastern Europe (as he procured many young foreign girls for Epstein). They were young and European looking and sounding."
Epstein jetted into RAF Marham via his trip to Royal Sandringham.
Epstein was close enough with Andrew that he was invited to the Queen’s birthday party in 2000
and was a guest at Sandringham, Balmoral and Windsor Castle, the Sunday Times reported.
Even the time-frame for a lot of this stuff overlaps with the general release of Eyes Wide Shut (Jul. 1999).
There is a girl in both party scenes in EWS; named Nuala Windsor. It's implied that she's a model.
 Masonic Jew, Ziegler (Pollack). Who owns one of the plushest townhouses in Manhattan, and attends ritual orgies.
"Pollack was allegedly involved in buying arms and military equipment for Israel during the 1970s
 and, according to (Mossad) Milchan, knew just what he was getting into." That's Zionist 9/11, Milchan. (link)

Sound familiar? ALL ultimately working for Rothschild's, satanic Israel.
"The daughter Ghislaine probably recruited Epstein. Father, (Mossad) Robert, even formerly supplied the Israeli Air Force."

Mr political blackmail traps...Cohn.
Trump's mentor, homo-paedo Cohn, is cited as having had an instrumental role in (Zionist 9/11) Murdoch's US success.
Murdoch, like Trump, was also one of Cohn's clients. Cohn is credited with introducing Trump and Murdoch, in the mid-1970s.
 Murdoch's propaganda channel Fox News is a Trump cheerleader squad.
Bronfmans had major stakes in both Time-Warner, and Universal. Warner produced Kubrick's (Zionist mafia) Eyes Wide Shut.
Edgar 'Permindex' Bronfman Sr. and Jacob Rothschild have also been cited as being instrumental in Murdoch's rise.
"Bronfman Dynasty - The Rothschilds of the New World" (book). Peter C. Newman (Oct 21, 1978).
Crypto-Zionist '9/11' Murdoch is heavily involved with Zionist/Mossad/Hollywood's Arnon '9/11' Milchan (Fox/Regency, etc).

Dershowitz and the Prince both lobbied the US govt. against Epstein being originally prosecuted!

Trump's Labor Sec. (Acosta) who oversaw the original plea bargain deal with Epstein. The US govt. made Epstein untouchable!
The plea bargain gave him (and his circle) immunity, but a bargain arranged without the knowledge of the victims.
It's why Epstein's co-abuser and procurer (not under arrest, Ghislaine 'paedo' Maxwell) is free from any prosecution!
 In 2009 Trump's now current Attorney General, William Barr, began working for Kirkland and Ellis (law firm) who represented Epstein in 2008 (hence Barr's recusal). K & E represented Epstein until 2011, while Barr worked at the firm. Epstein deal linked Acosta also previously worked for Kirkland and Ellis. Implicated Dershowitz was also on Epstein's legal team (2008) and via Kirkland and Ellis!
William Barr's father (Jew, Donald) hired Epstein to teach (children) calculus at Dalton, though Epstein (aged 20) wasn't qualified!
The Manhattan house, the island, the billion $ hedge fund - are ALL simply part of Epstein's Mossad FRONT.
Under Zionist Trump's admin, William Barr was made Attorney General, and 'plea bargain' Acosta was made Labor Sec.
Yup, Trump is up to his neck in all this (like Clinton) - they ALL are. Dems or Reps - it's ALL the same.

 Acosta acted as the 'cover-up' merchant for Epstein's crimes...it's undeniable. Trump IS a Zionist!
Epstein was NEVER going to stand trial. If you think that he was - then I've a bridge for sale.
ALL TOO PREDICTABLE. Epstein has likely been given the Mossad treatment a la (linked) Robert Maxwell.
For services rendered to the Zionist elite. These types operate way beyond the law. Surely you understand that much?
What's important (to the Zionist elite) is that MSM grazing sheep (most humans) think that he is dead.
Allegedly 'hanged' in jail while on (variable) 'suicide watch'.
 Will it be hanging/asphyxiation via 'sinking to the knees' inducing loss of consciousness, etc. A la Fred 'paedo' West?

It all kind of reminds me of (UK based serial killer) Fred 'paedo/torture/snuff video' West. Hanged via jail/suicide watch.
A ligature constructed from a blanket and tags via a door/window. frederick-west-found-hanged-in-cell

West claimed that sadistic parties being held in Bristol were the cause of the bodies buried at his property.
(Excerpts below from'Fred and Rose: The West Murders'. 2001 Doc.)
 "Prepare a defence..." I wonder if these might be 'well-to-do' type parties - involving dignitaries, etc?
West's claims (above) were the final time that he was interviewed in respect of any of these details.
"West would never be quizzed further...legal team advised to refuse further interviews..."
(Note. West was in no way innocent. He was a satanist, paedophile, torturer, and murderer. That is beyond doubt.)
On New Year's day in 1995, he was found hanged/asphyxiated in jail, and while under 'suicide watch'.
West seemingly operated in this depraved way both in (Jacobite/masonic) Scotland and Gloucester (Bristol).
The Scottish link is largely unknown. West even references 'meeting stars' via clubs, and Rena in Glasgow, Scotland.
The Scottish connection elements (Anna/Rena) followed West from Scotland to Bristol/Gloucester.
Note how viticms were lured and procured in Gloucester. This was all before meeting (wife) Rose.
"And she [Rena] had other girls with her which went to these parties, in the end never seen 'em (them) no more."

According to West associate (Scot, paedo Gallogley) - via a dossier - they were originally involved in a paedophile ring
(also linked to 1996 Dunblane paedo/shooter, and Freemason Hamilton) where allegedly politicians/dignitaries were an aspect.
West was based in Scotland (early 60s) and drove an ice cream van, Mr Whippy. Appropriate for a BDSM fiend.
UK Sunday Mail has this dossier. Since publication in 2006, the hoax claim headline (re: Moira Anderson) was disproved!
 Dossier excerpt. If true it suggests that West was very active in Scotland. It's perhaps where his killing career began.
Seemingly, implicated masonic police (particularly Scottish, see Buchanan) have helped bury the dossier and its contents.
(Note. Sunday Mail dossier article incorrectly states that MacRae was a member of The Untouchables. Poor journalism.)
Claims that SNP activist Willie MacRae was murdered by UK intelligence (suicided, 1986) before he could expose The Untouchables (incriminating photos). MacRae, whose car was originally found crashed, was later found (post mortem) with a bullet wound behind the ear. A recovered .22 gun had been fired twice! The gun was not fingerprinted and/or forensically tested, and has since gone missing! MacRae's tyers had been slashed earlier in the day, delaying his departure, which meant night travel on isolated/deserted roads.
Article from 2016, implicated COPFS say the case is closed. Ahem. Anyone might think that they're complicit :). The Lord Advocate (COPFS) said similar in 2006. I-will-sign-affidavit-tying-MI5-to-McRae-murder. MacRae's death came just months after the late Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens handed his own infamous paedophile dossier to then Home Sec. Leon Brittan – only for it to be lost or destroyed.

West claimed that his circle was protected (in some regard) by the (royal linked) Scottish Crown Office (COPFS). 
Established West author, Howard Sounes, remarked that West would boast in respect of a Scottish connection.
Re: dossier/Scotland. "If anything came up about us, we would be looked after and would never end up in court..."
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) - is a very august and establishment connected entity. 
 Headed by Her Majesty's Lord Advocate, whose position is appointed by the Queen. (Her son is Prince 'Epstein' Andy).
West was also a known Freemason (Glous. Round Table), and a known police informant. Dunblane Hamilton, another Freemason.
In Defens via (implicated) COPFS and In Defens via (implicated) QVS. SNAP!
(Above) Daily Star, March 3, 2005. Also see whistleblower George Farquhar.
Hamilton was connected to a Military of Defense based school 'QVS' (Scotland) - abuse by VIPs allegedly took place. 
See former housemaster, Glenn Harrison, (a must read) who was quickly ousted by implicated QVS freemasons. (Also here).
Harrison tried to inform and alert everyone - from Esther 'Jew/Childline' Rantzen - to the NSPCC and beyond. Zilch!
 Oh, look. It's Prince 'Epstein' Andrew Windsor via QVS, masons, and institutionalised paedophilia!
Whistleblower, QVS housemaster Harrison refused to sit by the side of the Prince...due to the ongoing abuse situation!
QVS senior housemaster, Ben Phillip (deceased, who introduced Hamilton to Harrison) was a mason and QVS paedo. 
Hamilton linked QVS Phillip's abuse, only came to light in recent years (2017). See here. Harrison, was seemingly unaware.
It's alleged that Hamilton would also regularly make use of a Crown Officer's car. Hamilton, a driver for the ring (parties in Perth) and linked to a top policeman. It's also been alleged (see Lord Burton) that Dunblane was connected to the (elite) Freemasonic Speculative Society (formed out of Edinburgh Univ.), many of whom also had an interest in QVS  (incl. Cullen). Dunblane Inquiry Cullen (who buried the Dunblane files under a 100 year order) was a Speculative mason! There are claims that the Dunblane/Hamilton ring was linked to New Labour (blackmail traps, etc.), with allegations that Gordon Brown, and (homosexual) Peter 'Rothschild/Epstein' Mandelson were paedophiles (and known to intelligence). New Labour's Lord 'NATO' Robertson (another Speculative mason) was believed to have helped (Garrowhill Freemason) Hamilton in respect of obtaining firearms. 

 Freemasons, Lanarkshire-linked West, and Lanarkshire Hamilton, procured victims via social services, care homes, and schools/boys club. Hamilton even exchanged correspondence with the Queen. The Duke of Edinburgh is the patron of QVS. 
The Queen's cousin, the Duke of Kent is the titular head of global (Zionist) Freemasonry via UGLE.
The overlaps are there in respect of West/Epstein. I just had to mention this. West was likely suicided though, unlike Epstein.
As for the (satanic) Windsors. Their links to prolific 'BBC, satanic paedophile Savile' are well established.
Scottish linked Savile was a type of 'untouchable'? History has shown that he was - regardless of what was known.
To round it all off. MacRae was a former aide to Mountbatten, the latter who brought Savile into the Royal fold.

I'll just leave this 'meme' here. Sept 2014. Retweeted by Trump (or media team). Tricked? You decide.
Dominic 'The Wire' West (who played Fred, Appropriate Adult) has recently compared Trump to West.

Even Donald'666' Trump - Mr Masonic/Kabbalah tree award - has keen business/personal interests in  Scotland.
Anyway, you CAN'T get away form these FACTS. Trump made these appointments - Epstein-linked Acosta and Barr.
Likewise with (Zionist) Bolton, Pompeo, Abrams, etc.
Anyway, any doubts regarding Trump's status as a SLAVE of Israel have now completely vanished.
 Does anyone think that he's completely OWNED by Zionist Israel? I mean, what do we have to go-on? (sarcasm).
Backed by (uber Zionist) Adelson, backed by Satanyahu, backed by Rupert 'Zionist' Murdoch, etc.
Zionist Trump is now stating (March 2019) that the USA should recognise Israel's sovereignty over the (STOLEN) Golan Heights.
Land Stolen by impostor satanic Jews (from Syria) during the 1967 war. The Usual Zio Suspects. Oh look, resources.
No wonder satanic Rothschild wanted Assad "Hit hard" - via his mouthpiece propaganda rag The Economist!
 An ILLEGAL occupation. Make Israel Great Again. The usual 'Synagogue of Satan' suspects.
As Trump was signing the Golan decree, Israel launched attacks on Gaza (March 25, 2019).
The Golan decree will be a timely boost for under pressure (and indicted) Satanyahu who is up for re-election.

Israeli puppet strings...dance Donny, dance! 26% of Congress hold dual Israeli citizenship. JEW S of A.
No wall built in Mexico (illegals are pouring in), but building settlements in occupied (foreign) Golan is a breeze. :)
 Let's build Trump Heights on STOLEN LAND. The Golan Stolen Heights. Israeli criminal Satanyahu, see far right.
This will make an ideal bombing target when the satanic Zionists and USA are permanently put to sleep! Coming soon. :)

 Freemasonry - aka "The Craft" (witchcraft). The (Sorcerer's) Apprentice.
MAGA. "Maga", from the Latin word for WITCH (sorcerer/sorceress). Note, the cognate words MAGI, MAGUS (wizard).
 Double WITCH whammy! I think he's (indirectly) talking about himself: "bad and conflicted people".
It's a (MAGA) WITCH HUNT. Yeah, and you're literally the chief "hunting maga/witch", Donny!
So in some sense a "maga hat" is also a literal "witches hat".

As for the recent shootings - just more Zionist Deep State false-flag ops.
As I regularly pointed out over the years. They will continue these frauds until you've been effectively disarmed.

 Multiple Shooters - which is OBLIGATORY in ALL these Gladio style, Zionist fomented fake-outs.
Even the El Paso Mayor 'initially' claimed that there were 3 suspects in custody via MSM.
Until it ALL quickly vanished down Orwell's memory hole - the standard MO.
You won't be seeing this on your Zionist-vision TV news services. Zionist/US MSM is complicit in all this!
Video here, but it will likely soon vanish.
There was NO firing from law enforcement in El Paso! She is referencing the multiple shooters.
Not quite as blatant as the Zionist 'Illuminati black pyramid' Vegas event - that one is hard to match.
A quadruple-whammy win for the Zionist/US deep state though - via El Paso.
Immigrant mass sympathy schmaltz, huge racial agitation , coming gun control legislation, and a distraction from Epstein.
When the collapse of the US comes (rapidly approaching) the Zionist Deep State don't want you fully, or effectively armed!

007 Sheriff Pooper Pepper's - Lonely Hearts, Diamonds, Spades-Club Bond.

9/11 - 18th Anniversary.
The Age of Horus - reaches adulthood.

The Thelemic 'Book of Law' (Sgt Pepper Crowley's bible) was written via the Giza/Geezer Pyramid, Horus, and 666.
Sodom/Pyramid, masonic 33° Crowley (body/arms/head) shaped as penis/glans - background  'star' is the sphincter/asshole.
Horus eye/pyramid. OTO 11th°: 'Oh, how superior is the eye of Horus [sphincter] to the mouth of Isis! [vagina]'. (666 Luxor Crowley).
The satanic secret of 'sodomy' is reserved for the highest 11th° degree. Didn't you know?
Crowley's Boy of red lips: How the fond ruby rapier glides and slips [penis]. 'Twixt the white hills thou spreadest for me there; [ass]

 St John's Revolution/Revelation #9 - The EMI'Antichrist Thorn' Bea(s)tles. (See Thorn:EMI).
 Homo Jews and homo EMI. The Hellish - Crowley: 'Do What Thou Wil(s)t' - Sodom Apple O-Men Queens.

Jewish dominated - Great 'Sodomite/Fag' Britain:
"Masonry is a Jewish institution...Jewish from beginning to end."- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
John Lennon׃ "Show Business is an extension of the (sodomite, masonic/luciferian) Jewish religion."
 Erecting phallic columns via Mary-line/Abbey Road (St John's Wood), Men-Love Ave. and up the Old Dirt Road.
Masonic 33° Past 'SEX-tant' Masters via 'Love Me Do/Love Me Doo' - and with a mouth organ.

 Temple Black (Shirley), the Pyramid, and masonic #2 Crowley's penis via (homo) Lonely Hearts and horn blowers.
Sgt 'Pyramid' Pooper & HELL(p) - Meat the Beatles, Get Back, and Cum Together via the Ring-O (ass) Star(r).
Fixing A-Hole. Men-Love, Lennon. Satanic '666 Crowley PENIS/Dung' Beatles via (sodomite/masonic) OTO & grade signing.
A dozen or so Freemasons on the cover. 3 ranked 33° (Crowley, Marx, Wells). 3 OTO adepts. 3 Temples (3rd Temple).
Sgt 'Lucifer' Pepper - via McCartney's & (Eton homo) Fraser's Indica Mason's Yard. Right next door to the 33° Supreme Council.
The Importance of Being Eton: "...arrogant pricks, closet homosexuals, members of a corrupt Masonic order..."
Eton homo Fraser'sSwinging London. Macca's (linked) International Times shut-down due to running homosexual contact ads.
Luci-LSD. Macca's first LSD reference was via Queen (a snooty fashion mag.) owned by Etonian, Jocelyn 'royalty' Stevens.
 Mason's/Lucifer's Yard. Where the Beatles' link to the (satanic elite) Gettys were made - likewise with OTO, Ken 'Lucifer' Anger.
Antichrist Beatles. Winged (Crowley) Beatle, McCartney. Mr (homo) Apollo. The ultimate CORPORATE ELITE musician.
 Sgt. (military) Pepper. EMI (Beatles) was of the military and led by (homosexual Jew) Sir Joe Lockwood. Homo Jew, manager Epstein.
Lockwood partnered with (Jewish) Thorn Electrical Industries (see, 'Jewish'O-men 2) during EMI's rise. (Thorn:EMI).
So many Jews and sodomites! Homo'apple' Fraser was one of the first UK celebrity types that died of AIDS (1986).
AIDS. Yes, mass homo sympathy schmaltz via the complicit 'sodomite industry' has certainly aided them. Rainbow poofs.
Apple bottoms. AL-BUMS spinning at the masonic rate of 33 1/3. The ROTTEN Lucifer Sodom Apple(s).
The (jail sodomised) Punks, likewise. EMISex 'Penis' Pistols with their 'Bollocks' via God Save the Queen (poof, not the monarch).
Anarchy in the UK, by EMI's Dark Side of the Moon (ass) producer, Pink'rainbow pyramid' Floyd (EMI).
Legendary 'filth and fury' interview - the Pistols were stand-ins for Queen (EMI), arranged by EMI Jew, Eric 'Killer Queen' Hall.
Penis Pistols managed by Jewish homo, 'masonic chaos' McLaren, who also popularised (LGBT icon) Boy 'tranny' George.
Homo, Julian 'Sex Pistols/RandyDonut Hole' Temple directed (homo) Culture Club's 'Do You Really Want to Hurt Me'.
Filmed at Dolphin 'elite abuse linked' Square (see Carl 'Harvey Proctor' Beech, initially abused by his military step-father, etc).

  The stereotypical/classic (hyper-masculine) butch-homo moustache look. See Freddie 'God Save the Queen'Mercury (Hermes).
The OTO Beast-les: "I'm fixing A-Hole where the rain gets in....I'm filling the crack(s) that ran through the door..."
"Quietly turning the backdoor key." (Backdoor/asshole via a phallic/masonic key - written over Harrison's penis/groin.)
A backdoor key. The Dick Star-Key. Ring-O Starr's actual real name. Ring-O also originally married a Cox (Cocks).
Just like Jim 'military industrial complex' Morrison. The 'back' Doors (via LSD). A Backdoor (anal) Man.
The Snake Rider, Back Door Man via Willie Dixon (Dick-son) and Wang Dang Doodle. 7 inch or 12 inch?
STAB to Ring-O Starr. McCartney introduces Ringo as Billy Shears/Shakespeares. WillyShake-spear(es) - sexual innuendo.
 The 331/3 (masonic/anal) groove. 'Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,...' a la stabbed Caesar (Shakespeare).
Ring-O 'COCK-er' Starr. Ringo's 'With a Little Help...' Famously covered by Joe 'Something's Cumming On'Cock-er (EMI).
 Billy Shears/Willy Shake-speare. Hence, Jane'Henry 8th'Seymour in Macca's Live and Let Die, & Baron 'Willie Shakespeare' Samedi.
Not forgetting (black Jew/Israelite descended) Yaphet 'Royalty/Queen Victoria' Kotto, and Yoko 'Japanese aristocracy' Ono.
Paul 'Jet/Wings' McCartney linked to 007 Roger Mo(o)re& Sheriff 'revolver' JW Pepper via Live and Let Die.
 10 Pepper-band fingers playing on the Fender (guitar)...literally. The 8th Bond film and the 8th Beatles LP.
 Mr Big/Kananga's cavern dwelling: 'Oh, an underground monorail.' Cavern dwelling Beatles: 'Oh, an underground monaural (band).'
 Louisi(ana) in the Sky with Diamonds. Sgt/Sheriff Pepper's Lonely Hearts (life) and Spades (death/black) Club(s)Brass Band.
Picture yourself in a boat on a river. Picture yourself on a train in a station. Mr Kite. Made the bus in seconds flat.
A spade's club.(afro-american). Filet/Fillet, a cloth band/headband of Soul. Fillet of Sole - 'Sole' - alone/lonely (solitary/Solitaire).
Solitaire, Jane 'Willie Shakespeare' Seymour. It's dying/resurrected Baron 'Willie Shakespeare' Samedi (Saturn-day).
Continuous Entertainment. Live and Let Die opens with a brass band funeral. Pepper LP cover shows a brass band funeral.
A Filleted Soul (stabbed) and into a coffin. Macca's tombstone (below). 'Names (epitaphs) is for tombstones, baby.'
Ring-O drum. 1 ONE IX  HE DIE. 1 ONE IX = 11/9 Euro-date, aka 11 Sept (Sept 11). Two faces (prosthetics).
Live/Die. The 'Paul is dead/alive'& 'prosthetics' thing, etc. Mr Big's face-removal is preceded by Live and Let Die (spadesclub singer).
'Spades, James, every one. 'Black suit cards, and a 'Spade's club(s)' in the black Afro sense, as per the film's narrative.
 Magical Mystery Tour. Black carnations symbolize mourning and, therefore, death. Spades for grave-digging. White suits.
 The Live and Let Die double-decker bus becomes a single-deck bus - like the single deck bus/coach of MMT.
White Suits - Magical Mystery Tour - BOXING Day. Boxed-up like a corpse? An - A Paul Corpse.(Apple Corps.)
Fillet of Soul x2. NY. & New Orleans''brass band'. The Orleans funeral brass band that then turns into a rock n roll band!

On 17 April 1954, Ringo's mother married Harry Graves. Graves, an impassioned fan of big band music and their vocalists.
On Christmas Day 1957, Graves gave Starkey a second-hand drum kit (with bass drum).

Jet Wings 'Sept 11' Macca was at JFK, Queens, NY. on 9/11/01.
Live and Let Die - via Twin 'Sept 11 CIA' Towers. Jet Wings Macca via 'Sept 11' - and 'Destruction in Art' via 'Sept 11DIA' Yoko.
Lennon met Ono, 9th Nov. 1966 (9/11 Euro-date) and via 'Apple/Sgt Pepper' Fraser's linked Indica. Crazy!
Tishman was the construction manager for the Twin Towers. He did the same for 666 5th Ave.
Karl 'masonic sirius'Stockhausen, who is on the Pepper cover, talked about 9/11 being the greatest ever work of art:
(Sept 16 2001) "I said that such a plan (9/11) appeared to be Lucifer's greatest work of art.
Of course, I used the designation "work of art" to mean the work of destruction personified in Lucifer."
 Sept 11/911. CIA/DIA Twin 'struck' Towers via Construction/Deconstruction in Art - and literally.
Live and Let Voodoo Pepper Tarot. The High Priestess (Seymour) & her Twin Pillars (masonic Boaz/Jachin).

 007 MI6/CIA Secret Agent(s). Jet 'McCartney/Bond' Wings, via the 'phallic' Struck Tower(s), & 'destructive' Twin Tower 9/11.
007 Bond 'jets' into JFK, NY. Where 'Jet Wings/007/Spies Like Us' McCartney was on the very morning of 9/11/01.
 Zoom shot of CIA/South Tower is about 50 secs after card reading. 'Tarot of the witches' deck. DIA/9-11 Destruction in Art, Ono.
Readers will know of my writing re: NY ToweringTrump, Donny. The walking tarot card. He likes swing states and Camp David.
Baron Samedi (Geoffrey 'The Wiz' Holder). Joel '9/11' Schumacher's film version had the Twin Towers as the Emerald City.
Holder featured in (Woody 'peado' Allen's) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* before this Bond film.
Bond is compared to 'The Fool'. Paul 'Fool on the Hill' McCartney. The Fool did the original Pepper cover.
John & Yoko - The (Naked) Lovers and Death. They lived at the NY Dakota (Rosemary's 'Farrow' Baby). 'All of Them Witches'.
Bond screenplay by Tom 'Rosebud' Mankiewicz. It also features an actor from 'Shaft'. 1st Bond film to use the word shit.
Yoko 'Bottoms/Cox' Ono. "Jew-Jew (Ju-Ju) Eye-ball" - from Cum Together. JuJu, as in a type of witchcraft.
 1966 - The Satanic Year 1. Satan Lives. Written and directed by (satanic) Jews. LaVey's CoS formed in 1966.
Tony 'Pepper cover' Curtis featured in 'Rosemary's Baby' - the 'voice' of the Baumgart character blinded by the cult.
 Satanic Jew, Lord Grade owned the Beatles' back catalogue from 1969, Northern Songs. Media mogul, Lew 'ITC Sept. 11' Grade.
Sgt Devil's Pepper via Rosemary's 'satanic Dakota' Baby. All of them Witches.
Peppering the Brown-eye (hind-quarters) via Witches, (phallic) Bed-NOBS and (yonic) Broomsticks.

Wicca - 'to bend'. (S)Witchcraft eye-holing and Get Bach. We all live in a (phallic) yellow 'USS Wayne' rainbow submarine...
 Sphinx, Pyramids, yellow submarines, and Ring-O's wife, Bach, feature in (under sea Octopus-sy's garden) Spy Who Loved Me.
This 'Rogering Moore' Bond film was kabbalistcally released on Ring-O's birthday, 7/7/77.
 Rogering More Pussy Galore! Spy XXX Bach, and hubby Ring-O's Octopus-sy's Garden Under the Sea. Wet pussy gardens.
(Octo)Pussies (with eggs) and Sacrificial Rings via Ring-O, his wife, hard-core'Triple XXX' Bach/Back, and Kali HELL(p).
Apple Ring-O's first wife was called Cox (Cocks), linked Yoko Ono's first husband was Tony 'Bottoms'Cox (Cocks).
Ring-O was also pretty close to drummer Keith 'The Who'Moon. Moon via a Roger, as in Daltry.
 Ono's Destruction In Art (DIAS) 'Pyramid/Eye' via Sept. 11. A three day run from 9-11 September, 1966.
The Apple of my masonic pyramid (ass) eye...via Sphinx/Sphincter/Bottoms Ono, Cox/Cocks, and Albert's homo'ring piercing.'

Ring-O Starr (and the Beatles) were interested in making 'Lord of the (ass) Rings' - linked to Camp Climax, and 'eye/pyramid' Kubrick.
 Orange (queer) Brown-eye Stabber and with 'milk'. See Bed-nobs. The lavender, 'bent cock' rainbow lolly-eater (Lolita).
Birthing Lucifer/Satan babies via 1968, Jews Kubrick and Polanski. Lucifer birthing in 2001 sequel, 2010.
9/11 Kubrick worked on Bond films. Jimmy 'paedo/showbiz/royalty' Savile acted as the compere for The 'Crowley/Sodomite' Beatles.
 Much of Starr's career has been built around his 'sacrificial ring' - see HELL(p) and O-Men, Bugenhagen/McKern.
Ring Lord Saturn/Satan. LOTR series via Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson. It's The 'Willie' Goonies via 'Ring Lording' Astin and 007.

Corporate 'one-eyed Willie' Spielberg was a major 'Sept 11' and (related phallic Tower) predictive programmer - via his output.
 Spielberg and Dick'O-Men' Donner's The 'booty pirate' Goonies. The cop a boning key of one-eyed - Jolly Rogering, Willie.
Rosebud 007 Mankiewicz scripted Dick 'O-Men' Donner's Superman, with (homo) Marlon 'Tango Sodomy' Brand-O,
- and Christopher 'John Rosebud Houseman' Reeves. Houseman also mentored Robin 'rosebud' Williams, same year (1973).
Rosebud/Kane, Too Much Johnson, Houseman. The Naked (phallic) Gun, and  'camp fire' storyteller via Spivey Point (The Fog).

 Here cums the son. Templar, Rogering '007' More: "No point going in half-cocked..."
A Double 007 - Sheriff Pepper/Chief Brody HALF-ASSED autopsy - via  Louisiana and Sportsman's Paradise. 007 0 981.
Not so much a knife Filleted Soul/Sole (fish) via 007/Louisiana, but a knife filleted Tiger Shark via 007/Louisiana.
A Closet Encounter of the Turd Kind via the colon and a Dick (Hooper), Dreyfuss. A (phallic) Devils Tower rainbow man.
Before performing the autopsy they leave Brody's wife, played by Garry (slang, shitter) behind at home.
Barrelled twisting blood hole via a phallic pistol - 007 Roger(ing) Mo(o)re. CampBlood. Lucifer ass-bonding.
Stabbed Tiger '007' Shark. 'It's got a 'Deep Throat'. 'End of the - barrel my ass.' Jaws featured Gay Head lighthouse.
R. Soul (Rubber Soul), Revolver, Sgt. Pooper, Hap-penis is a warm gun, Lennon/Beatles. A sex (penis) pistol.

SIN-EMA/CINEMA. Cumming soon...a film with a tail-twisting climax. Anyone for 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'? Man eating?
Her-man Melville's, Moby 'Sperm Whale'DICK was a major influence on Jaws.  Gregory 'Ahab/O-Men' Peck.
Linked, satanic O-Men,  Dick'one-eyed Willie' Donner was involved in 'whale riding' Free 'Jesse' Willy.
Jew, Steven '666' Spielberg. Deep Throat - Jaws, and The Devil in Miss 'Reemed' Jones. Dick Nixon & Water-gate (via the sea), literally.
 Private Dicking. Stiffs, blows, hairy bottom cases, and full moons (asses). Hairy/Harry 'gay icon'Reems.
Reem - to bore wider holes. Linda Lovelace, aka Linda Sue Bore-man. Recall John 'Deliverance sodomy'Boor-man, 1972.
'It's got a Deep Throat'. Jaws/Jews. Jew, Dick 'barrel my ass' Dreyfuss helped with Jew Reems'1973 obscenity court-case!
Reems' successful case was handled by Jew, Alan 'Epstein' Dershowitz! Sean S. 'Camp Blood'Cunning-Ham(s). Mr Friday 13.
'Jump the shark' - via Jews, Fonz/Winkler, Hein(y), and (Queens born) Howard 'Private Parts/rear'Stern. Jump, to fuck.
  Sit on it, Cunning-hams. Family jewels in chocolate, shark jumping, Winkle(r). 'Back-Draft' Howard, Henry 'Wind-Cheater' Winkler.
Hairy, full-moon bottoms via stiffs, Sean S. Cunningham. He helped seed/launch both porn and horror.
The latter via Wes 'Hills Have Eyes' Craven, Mr Freddie 'Nancy's boy/Jesse boy' Krueger, via Spring-Wood.
Masonic Friday 13, Final Chapter - with Corey'one-eyed Willie' Feldman. Jason and 'CampBlood'chopper eye-stabbing.
'Ass-dogged' Feldman of 'Chopper/Pop-eye' sik (sick) balls fame - via Dick'Jaws' Dreyfuss, in Lard Assing, Stand By (Behind) Me.
Is this why Dick (Hoop-er) sees the popped-eye of the fisherman when investigating the boat in Jaws?
A film by Jew, meat-heading, Rob 'shitty pipe dreams' Reiner. Shitshank Redemption, with worm-holing Freeman.
 Shit pipe 'rosebud' fantasies...via jailhouse rocking and digging dirt tunnels.
It was Reiner's father, Carl, that wrote (iron box) Richie 'Rosebud' Petrie for the Dick van Dyke Show.
Dick van Dyke was famously in Chitty, Shitty, Bang-Bang. A 'Vulgaria' story by Ian '007' Fleming, with Goldfinger.
Tom 'Rosebud& Kane' Mankiewicz did write/influence a lot of these 007 'Roger Mo(o)re' scripts.

The Devil's Tower in Miss Jones's Rosebud...
Speaking of 'rosebud' shit pipe busting fantasies. Robin 'Spielberg' Williams was linked to Orson Welles and 'rosebud'.
Orson 'Too Much Johnson/Rosebud/Big Homo (Br)Ass Ring' Welles. Mrs Dragfire, Frisco rainbow tunnel, Williams.
666 Steven 'Devils Tower' Spielberg's first film - 'tail-end' Amblin' debuted with Otto 'Rosebud' Preminger's Ski-doo.
Skidoo was co-written by Rob 'shit pipe dreams' Reiner. Citizen 'Rosebud' Kane by Tom 'Live and Let Die' Mankiewicz.
Preminger, with both a Rosebud film, and a Skidoo film. Rosebud, a sled (a snow-mobile). Ski-doo, a snow-mobile.
 A Rosebud via a chopper and the O'Tool(e). Skidoo and sexual sledding a la Citizen 'Rosebud' Kane.
Apple/Lennon/Ring-O linked Nilsson soundtracked Skidoo. His last recording was for 'iron/oilPop-eye (rosebud Williams).

The Deep 'Throat' Jaws.
The Deep/Jaws. Peter Benchley x2, and Robert Shaw x2. The Jaws promo evokes phallic and vagina dentata imagery.
Bruce, the Jaws shark's nickname. A name historically associated with homosexuality. A queer hammer-head.
Bruce 'Philadelphia/homo' Springstein, Bruce 'iron man' Banner, Butch Bruce 'Pulped Ass Friction' Willis, etc.
 Jaws + Deep Throat. Your Anus (Uranis) Pictures via sexploitation, The 'screwing' Dick-tator, and 'Deep Jaws' (1976).
Deep Blue Sea (1999). The Deep (film 1977) had 'opium/morphine' as a major plot-line. As did Live and Let (shark) Die.

Robert 'Jaws/The Deep' Shaw was a 007 Bond villain in From Russia With Love.
The 'Jaws' (villain) joined 007 in 1977. The submarine film with Ring-O's wife, Bach/Back, with Air on a (massonic/knicker) G-string.
Jaws, Hoop-er: You screw-around with these (compressed-air) tanks and they're gonna blow-up.
"Little [phallic/sodomite] brown eel swims in-and-out of the hole." Innuendo, but in a removed context. Robert '007/Jaws' Shaw.
Live and Let Die. 007 Rogering Mo(o)re chair fishes off the back of a boat (a la Quint/Shaw) and in the vicinty of sharks.
Live and Let Die ends with a 'shark scene' and 'compressed-air' exploded 'Mr Big' villain. Like the ending of (related) 007 Jaws.
A compressed-air 'shark gun' pellet.
Roy 'All That (J)Azz' Schieder killing the shark with his rifle/gun and hitting the compressed-air tank.

Still in progress...
Cpt. Hook, crocs/gators, and time. Peter 'sodomy' Pan. Butter-hook, crocs/gators, and time (watch).
Oysters - Walrus and Carpenter. I Am the Walrus with Eggs. Alice 'in dirt hole' Wonderland. Lewis 'Pepper' Carroll.

We Need to Talk About Nigel

Spot the elite establishment's sell-out sock puppet. Farage is a busted Tory flush.

FAKE-OUT 'Brexit Party' Farage is now exposed as an elite plant, but hardly unexpected. Purple UKIP, aka masonic U-Sleep.
I called him out the moment he fucked-off after the 'Leave Vote'. I said it would all comeback to haunt the nation.
He 'blew-up' the UKIP Party and now has done the same to the Brexit Party. And never an MP at any stage.
BREXIT. ALL previously explained and yet again I hit the political jackpot. No-one else did! See former posts.
My ONLY error was over-estimating the intelligence of the UK electorate - SINCE my post. Played like pianos. Dumb became dumber.
They will BLINDLY continue down the two-party FIX system, they know nothing else. EPIC TRAGEDY, but typical.
They ALL had the chance to change this, but voted for more of the same. I'm proud of myexpatriate status.
Farage's tactics have now ensured that this two-party establishment fix remains intact. The moment is now lost.
What is it about: "NEVER TRUST A TORY' - that ex-Tory Farage (and the electorate) doesn't understand? Oh dear!
That's the END of Farage now. He will not comeback from this. Although I'm sure he's been compensated. Ahem.
So close to Zionist Anti-Christ, Donald '666' Trump, too. And that's ALL you need to know.
See this video, on his own Jewtube page! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdUwE-RrlKw 
FARAGE'S TORY SELL-OUT and what Brexiters REALLY think of his establishment bait and switch! Yes folks. 
Cunt Farage may go down in history as the man that stopped a clean exit and delivers BINO! That, or it all backfires!
I can see the Brexit Party getting NO SEATS now, or at the very best just an irrelevant handful. No place in any govt. etc.
Aaron Banks' little puppet (that's Farage) isn't even his own man. Banks is happy with Boris' remain deal. 
There was no fear about splitting the leave vote! Tory are remain. The leave electorate don't want Con/Lab/Lib, & it's a given!
Scared by a poll? Polls have only ever been about bending public will, not any reflection of it. Jesus wept.

 My musings from June/July 2016...Read it and weep:
Oh, look. I called-out POS (Eton homo) Johnson as a REMAIN enabler literally from the moment the Leave vote came thru.
So, if I knew that the Leave result was merely only the beginning, how come Farage himself was completely oblivious?
If Farage had stayed on at UKIP, he would've destroyed May in 2017. But that was never the plan, clearly. 
Johnson is May in this election, and Farage has again weakened the realleave position, just as he allowed before.
What the leave electorate have to accept is that the UK is not leaving. Your voting choices have seen to that.
Circa 3 1/2 years later - and still the DUMB UK ELECTORATE are yet to understand the bleedin' (Tory) obvious.
Hell, and folk probably wonder why I emigrated out of the Zionist/masonic shit-hole that is the Jew-nited Kingdom. :)
I STILL get many more readers from France, than I do the UK! Ignorance and amnesia is the UK electorates' forte. 
If Farage had led under UKIP, or they had a leader that he didn't help destroy in league with MSM - the UK would've left.
Instead he imploded them, and took all the kudos with him. Now he's played this exact same 'wrecking' hand again.
It's these transparent tatics that expose him for the Tory controlled charlatan that he has always been.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You get the picture.

 The Tories, who've tried to sabotage leaving the EU at every turn. As I identified immediately after the 2016 vote!
Now this clown has done the same. Sabotaged the last effective avenue left for true freedom from the EU.
"My name is Nigel. I just prostrated myself on the altar of the Tory Party. And now I've fucked-up Leave/Independence.
I think the electorate should trust the Tories, which is why I am denying them their right to vote Brexit Party.
I know Boris' (May 2.0) deal is complete shite, REMAIN in disguise, but I now back it all the way."

Notice how he morphed his own brand - originally from UK Independence to the now just (limited) Brexit model.

 Farage is asking Leavers to vote for a Brexit plan that is actually WORSE than staying in the EU! Effectively Bremain.
This Tory Trojan horse (that is Farage) has now carried-out a (pre-planned) controlled demolition of his own party. 
Putting the Tory Party ahead of the actual electorate? This isn't a lack of faith issue - it's a blatant Tory bait and switch.
His Brexit Party is crippled before the game has started, and at his own hand. Tory boy Farage. He's driven the Brexit bus off the cliff. Handing 300+ constituencies to THE FUCKING TORY PARTY!? And on the back of no reciprocal deal, all via a fucking Johnson tweet. It simply beggars belief. It does not, and will not ever wash. He sells out all these seats and yet even by his own words he still doesn't trust the Tory party? Now go canvass on the back of exposing yourself as a covert wing of the Tory party - dumb fuck! He thinks that the North will vote for his party when he's now got "TORY OWNED BITCH" tattooed on his forehead? None of this was a naive mistake, and/or a noble cause. It's wilful political suicide. You don't fight this for 25 years years and then do a flip-flop inches from the line. It's called snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. OMFG! That's taken ALL the wind out of the Brexit voters sails! Half of them now have no real Brexit candidate to vote for. How to destroy your entire brand in just mere moments. You GO BIG or you pack-up your toys and you fuck-off home. What an outrage. You've not even seen the Tory manifesto. The Tories are a REMAIN party. If you don't know that by now you shouldn't have a vote. Their deal is worse than staying in! Wow! Boris' surrender treaty is worse than remaining "as-is". 
Simply because you have to pay and accept the same rules, but you will no longer have any say in it.

This could end-up letting a Lab/Lib/SNP/etc. type coalition in - handing over the Brexit baby (something I previously made mention of).
I'd say a Hung parliament is now the likely outcome. Farage has left the electorate with a 'remain vs remain' choice.
That's what I call a voter disenfranchisement bomb - if there ever was one. It's now TOO LATE for his stood-down candidates to even contest their electoral seat. Deadline closed 4pm 14th Nov. The timing of this (all around the cut-off date) is no mistake either.
Farage deliberately left it to the 11th hour, and now there is no coming back! What a complete CUNT. Unforgiveable.
Those denied candidates could've stood as Leave independents (leaving your surrender monkey party), but not now.
Farage didn't even press to have the Tory candidates removed from seats where they have no chance - which will divide the Brexit vote! 
Homo Bojo doesn't like pulling-out of seats - he loves plunging into them (ha, ha). Filthy upper-class sodomite. 
Farage has DESTROYED any chance of effective leaving! What sort of 'fuck nothing' takes the word of a Tory on trust?

A party that installed remainer May after the leave result, and where Johnson deliberately folded to allow this to transpire.
Eton masonic fag Johnson is a Europhile, as are ALL of his family - including his Eurotrash father!
The same Tories that also let remainer (Jew) May deliberately destroy her majority in 2017. The electoral UK sheep just nodded!
The UK electorate did FUCK ALL about ANY of this deliberate Tory duplicity (above) - save empowering them more!
Save your BULLSHIT about Labour flooding the UK with migrants - the 'neo-liberal/globalist' Tories hold the record!
Save your BULLSHIT about Labour wrecking the economy - the Tories already have! Dumb became dumber.
The UK electorate are wilfully blind to the Zio-masonic dictatorship that owns/run UK PLC. Always have been.

Calling all this a (deliberate) shoolboy error of epic proportions - barely describes it. Fuck-off Farage, you didn't even have the balls to stand, and now you're telling folk to vote for the Tories. You are a dead man walking. You were told last week that there would be 'no pact' via Johnson. Are you deaf as well as dumb? Johnson and his scum Tories are NEO-LIBERAL GLOBALISTS. Hey Nige, you believed May when she said: "Brexit means Brexit." Which all helped dismantle your former UKIP. Anyone might think that you're a Tory Trojan horse wrecking ball. Ahem. Farage thinks the Tories will work with him? Where did he get such an insane idea? 
It was ALWAYS a certainty that they would cripple the Brexit Party in respect of this GE. 
Farage's playing dumb and "for the good of the country" spiel - is ALL very embarrassing to anyone with a functioning brain.

Last week Farage stated that the Johnson Tory Brexit deal was May's BINO deal re-baked (aka total shit). Remain in disguise.
Now he has flip-flopped and is supporting it? A week is a long time in politics, especially when you're a Tory trojan horse.
Nigel's political role model.
Hey Nigel, what are you doing about Tory remainers in their seats? NIL, ZILCH, NADA, ZIP. WTF? No shame.
Why are you complicit in allowing Tory remainers a free pass back into Parliament, Nigel? This doesn't compute.
The fatc that Farage has not challenged these Tory remainers completely exposes the lie of his: "For country" bullshit.
Your party ONLY came about due to (deliberate) Tory incompetence - and now you champion their cause?
The FACT remains that the Tory Party are the reason that the UK has not departed the EU, and some 3 1/2 years later!
The Tory filth are hated! If leave is crashed on the rocks - the blame will wholly rest with the Tories and (their puppet) Farage.
I CANNOT think of one single reason why ANYONE would vote Tory - and that's over this issue, and/or any other.

”The Conservative Party in general is and always has been the most pro-Brussels party in the country.” Peter Hitchens (2014).
It was Tory (paedophile) Heath that brought the UK into the EEC/Common Market.
They're also the ones that have been trying to keep you in the EU, and under vassal status via their shit deals!
Tory Major signed you up to Maastricht, and New Tory Labour (yes, TORY) to the Lisbon Treaty.

Nigel 'Let's Change Politics For Good' Farage. Eh? You CANNOT change politics by leaving half your squad on the sidelines before the kick-off. You cannot change politics by NOT STANDING. You certainly will never change politics by batting for the sodom, inbred, paedophile, sociopath TORY PARTY - and ahead of your own platform. Now we KNOW why he fucked-off after the vote and let the Lib/Lab/Con make hay in the vacuum he deliberately left. He always made it ALL about Nigel Farage - and not the party or the cause. All likely so he could steer this Brexit bus off the cliff at a later date - as we've just seen. He was only ever making plans for Nigel.
I did this, I did that, I formed the party, I am Brexit. I, I, I, I, I. The big 'I' am.
Hey-ho. Not to worry Nige, you still have your lucrative job in the EU to fall back on. Ahem.

Farage is the Leave and UK Independence champion? Oops.
 Tory Boy, Nigel. The establishment FIX.
 Farage...The CONman.
 Nigel loves May's re-baked deal which isn't leave in any shape or form.
 From Independence to (fake) Brexit. That's our Nige.
He popped in - and then souled/sold out. It's his habit.
I'm alright Jack. Thanks for all the deposit and membership money. Kerrchiiiing!
Don't vote for me...vote for the saintly and success-ridden Tories. :)
Zionist Trump, Aaron Banks, and Tory HQ pull my strings.
Chinless, spineless, hopeless, witless. I could go on. :)
Nigel is BLIND to such obvious facts. Anyone would think it's deliberate. :)
 Indeed they haven't. Farage is an establishment two-party fix saving maggot.
That's right. Farage ducked-out the moment the Leave result came thru. And now he presents the sterile Brexit Party.
Ah, this is my favorite comment. Very astute of you. It's ALL too late now though. Farage shat on UKIP Batten.
The latter had anti-militant Islam, anti-PC, and anti-hate law policies. Hence their unfortunate demise at his and the MSM's hands.

Farage made his surrender monkey stance on 11/11. Eton Johnson's most recent deadline was Halloween.
The 2019 GE result will be announced on (masonic charged) Friday 13th, Dec. All rather resonant date wise.

 Controlled Masonic Opposition...?
Masonic Purp-EL. EL, Saturn/Satan. Farage's U-KIP aka (masonic) U-Sleep.
 Masonic Purple Rain/Reign - Purp-EL saturn/satam - EVOL Britain
Knuckle-dusting, masonic Farage. FWIW, the Tory Party has always been overflowing with Freemasons.
Masonic Brothers In Arms/Hands. Isle of 'Douglas' Man. It's masonic Tory plant, UKIP Douglas Carswell, with masonic Farage.
Eton sodomite, Boris 'pass grip' Johnson. The same masonic Johnson that's just completely owned his masonic bitch, Farage.
 Pizza & Paedophilia via Lolitas...the masses with their "eyes wide shut". The blind profane. Andrew's masonic MOCKERY:
 The Pizza (Lolita) Express. Prince 'Epstein/Ziegler' Andrew. Jew Ziegler, like Jew Epstein owned the best townhouse in Manhattan.

You just got OWNED, Masonic Farage.
So Mote It Be, masonic/Zionist Nigel. How's the (homo) masonic Isle of Man?
That's where you keep your ill-gotten money. Did I also catch you promoting "Labour are ANTI-SEMITIC", - Mr Farage? 
I think I did. I despise Labour, but it's just complete bollocks. Masonic/Zionist Jews have destroyed the UK.
Why would a Jew-owned FREEMASON like Farage be promoting Jewish mass mind control via faux anti-semitism?
Has Zionist Antichrist Trump, who you are so closely aligned been tickling your Kosher balls?

 I'm Jake the Peg....with the extra masonic (penis) leg. Isle of MAN.
Modelled on the masonic swastika/sun-wheel. Ashke-NAZI masonic Jews.
The head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, holds the title of Lord of Mann and is represented by a lieutenant governor.

How about a revisit to the following, which I've covered a couple of times before.
 Purple U-KIP (U-Sleep, aka shut-eye) Nigel 'Lucky to be Alive' Farage...via (Illuminati) Eyes Wide Shut.
Don't knock-it. Political JFK Jr's plane (supposedly) went down on July 16. 1999. The premiere of satanic Kubrick's film!
CRUISING altitude. Masonic Purple - Eyes Wide Shut. Masonic Purple 'EVOL' UKIP - via "Lucky to be Alive".
 Farage's crash. Real or (masonic) charade? You decide. I'm not even sure anymore. The pilot seemed mind controlled too.
Masonic Ziegler: "Suppose I said that all of that...was staged. That it was a kind of charade. That it was fake."
Bill: "You called it a fake, a charade. Do you mind telling me what kind of fucking charade ends with somebody turning up dead?"
(Link). The pilot of Farage's plane, Adams, was given a two-year supervised community order (after making other threats),
- and in December 2013 was found dead at home in circumstances that police said were "not being treated as suspicious".
The above re: the pilot - sounds a lot like the situation of (sacrificed) Mandy in the film. (Found dead, no police suspicion.)
 Political JFK Jr's plane (supposedly) went down on July 16. 1999. During the premiere of satanic Kubrick's EWS film!

 2017 Election, Jew May(er). "The Tories will FOUL UP BREXIT"? Where did I ever get such an idea!? ;)
How did it all turn-out? "Brexit means Brexit REMAIN." Which leavers voted for REMAIN MAY? Oops.
 These lucky guesses and given aeons in advance. The strategically smarter I get, the luckier I get. Ha, ha.
Game theory is my forte. Any CUNT that doesn't yet understand that the Tory Party have NEVER wanted to leave the EU
- plainly obvious and it always has been. IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM!
That said, there will still be thousands of dumb Farage supporters who will champion him, even though he's completely sold them out. They will only listen to his jingoistic phoney rhetoric, and not look at what he actually does. Perhaps they may wake-up when the results roll-in, and they finally realise his hand in help wrecking it all? All far too late by then, of course. Compare them to the 'Trump cultists' - they are nothing but programmed, emotionally powered, too smart to be fooled, non-thinking drones. The UK pop. still think that they have a nation worth saving. THEY DON'T. It's over, and long ago now. This is why I scoff at the deluded when they talk of saving the country from Corbyn. I already outlined in previous posts the BANKRUPT mindset of the UK electorates' historic Tory-centric collective philosophy. Since 2010 the Tories have been making haste in turning the majority into serfs, fucked-up leaving the EU, expanded the debt - and not done much else. Hell, and you people have voted for it! Sorry, harsh but very, very fair.

Anyone want to challenge me, re: the fact that the UK electorate is as thick as concrete shit? Be my guest.
 Sorry for the foul language, but the days of civility have long passed. THANK FUCK. :)

Hong Kong Pong
The Zionist US/UK are fanning the flames in Hong Kong, the complicit Zionist media likewise.
Hong Kong is (largely) the financial conduit for western money ultimately entering China.
You ONLY ever hear the word "PROTESTERS" - when it is patently clear that they are RIOTERS.
They've set people on fire, murdered an old man with a brick, humiliated others with hazing style tatics, etc.
Destroyed the economy, countless jobs, the tourist trade. It goes on and on. These programmed rioters are NOT THE MAJORITY.
Why are they being portrayed as 'the majority' - hmm? There has to be at least some rule of law too, but not for them.
They stand there with their bricks, knives, petrol bombs and claim that the police are violent? This is madness.
It's all very obvious what's really happening. These programmed (Western influenced/controlled) Hong Kong school/university monkeys are neo-liberal induced, Western value based automatons. Sad cunts. A type of Soros programmed gimp that would eat their own shit if they were instructed. They don't even understand that there is NO FREEDOM in the US and/or UK, just Zio hell. It looks like these RIOTERS are following in the footsteps of their 'beloved' Zio-US MIC - bombing everyone into their version of (faux) democracy! It was the sick, sociopath British Empire that flooded China with population wrecking opium - and by the tonnes. The British owned HK banks were simply conduits for processing all the profit from this sick drug trade that they unleashed. Anyway, if these rioters were doing this in a major US or UK city, their asses would all be in a sling before they knew what hit them. These drones are clueless in respect of real geo-political issues. They're probably one of the most free populations on planet earth. Clearly the Zionist elite are trying to goad China into response. A response which the Zionist elite (and its propaganda arm) are already prepared for & have waiting in the wings.
That said, it's ALL failing now and the HK RIOTERS/TERRORISTS have lost any (misplaced) faith that people had in them.
Zio-Western MSM can no longer uphold the faux narrative that they're any kind of democrartic freedom fighters. :)
On another note it looks like China are taking-over British Steel! And on the Tory watch. Keep-up the great work, UK. :)

Go fuck-off and live in satanic/Zionist hell that is USA. I would intellectually destroy you all in seconds.
Educated? They don't attend actual real places of learning - they attend Zionist indoctrination centres.
"We're VICTIMS, we're VICTIMS." What errant bullshit. They are CRIMINALS! Cult-like, hysterical mob lunacy.
Brought-up on cretinous video games and Hollywood mind rot. What a fucking joke these animals are.

I don't think I ever seen such a hopelessly BRAINWASHED group than these young Hong Kong gimps.
What I see is them selling their form of (faux) 'freedom' like a kind of cheap and tacky deodorant. Embarrassing to witness.
Enforcing their type of democracy on everyone (and denying everyone else their say) is called fascism.
Effectively no different to the Soros' Marxist Antifa. Programmed, one-dimensional, inadequate, self-pitying zombies.
Hong Kong people were given their first right to vote in 1998, a year AFTER Hong Kong returned to China.
Britain refused to let them vote at all for more than 140 years. Not that these borg-like drones would know!

The Zionists still plan to bring the curtain down on the globe - and primarily thru the USA. It's possible that impeachment and Trump's tax return issue could see him ousted. All this potentially being an engineered catalyst to unwind the mega depression via unrest, or what have you. You've already been given the 'meme' - that if 'Messiah Trump' is diposed - then you'll have the mother of all depressions. That said, the US is already in depression and it's only MSM and Wall St. lies/insanity that has blinded you to the fact. Likewise with the Hong Kong/China provocateurism. These are just two options that I am citing as catalysts. There is increasing unrest breaking-out everywhere - you have to be blind not to notice. They can pull the plug on the global economy anytime they want - and it's been this way for some time. All they have to do is take away the (neo-commie) corporate-socialist/fascist support that has kept the corpse animated. With Zionist, 666 Antichrist Trump in the mix - we should still be expecting fireworks. I still think he is the figurehead of the Zionist plan of the ages, but of course, I hope I am wrong.

 Sorry UK VOTERS. I've been far too harsh on you all in the post body.
It's born out of frustration. My tolerance levels are completely shot. They have been for sometime.
 I am venting.

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