Hello. This is NOT a return to blogging. I'm RETIRED. Am just sharing something with you.
I only caught this recently. My way of paying homage to the LIVING LEGEND that is "Sasha" (Mr Alex Coe).
I didn't think something like this was possible. A realtime 'live studio' (with strings/percussion, etc.) on-stage.
Plug these videos (in two parts) into your home TV/sound system. You won't regret it.
It's only the most accomplished LIVE performance by ANY ARTIST(S) in musical history.
Mr Phat wouldn't be uploading this (on his blog) - if it wasn't. I was literally "blown away" by it. Still am.
The EPICNESS of this event - cannot be overstated enough. If only I could've been there!
I have tended to think that nothing could top Lynch/Badalamenti (sonically) -
but this is just streets ahead of anything that they've accompliished with musical sound (and live!)
This is what EARS were created for. I'm not even sure if this can be bettered. I doubt it.
THANK YOU, Alex Coe (Sasha). The best thing that ever came out of Wales (UK).
Rarely do I consider anyone to be "a genius" - but this very humble man is just exactly that.
Massive respect also goes to Charlie May (on keyboards, and Sasha's mentor), and all who performed.
William Coombes/Combes was witness to their attendence. It's alleged that he was subsequently murdered.
MONSTERS. PURE EVIL. Who has worshipped these monsters - as though they were a superior species? I haven't.
Still, good news about Prince Philip, though. May he rot in pieces. Will he come back as a "virus"? Ahem.
In 1988, PrincePhilip said he would like to: "reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve overpopulation."
Re: Canada, not so much blanket 'overpopulation' - but the eradication of certain peoples/races deemed unfit/problematic.
Greeked Philip was ASS-FUCKED by (paedophile/Savile linked) Lord Mountbatten (Mount Bottom) - as was son, Charles.
Paedo, Mount Bottom. Those kids in all those Irish children's homes will testify to that - those that are still living.
Hence why the IRA blew-up that (homosexual paedophile) POS Mountbatten on that boat in the late 70's.
(We know that Andrew Windsor was a key aspect of Zionist Maxwell/Epstein's Mossad paedo blackmail traps, and worse.
We already know that he [Andrew] was involved/privvy to abuse at certain military-based schools in the UK.)
The British tolerate these degenerates? Thank f**k I got away from my home nation. It IS rancid - and always was.
The removal of an indigenous sub-species via Imperialists. The INFERIOR races. THEIR words, not mine.
They sound just like the Zionist Jews, who in full public view, genocide an indigenous race over decades.
See Palestinians. And all under a type of self-annointed superiority and 'god delusion' banner. SNAP!
Zio-British Imperialism (aka native genocide) & RANCID Christianity (via the Catholic/Anglican/United Church)
This has been known about for decades, but covered-up. Same with the mass sterilisation programmes too.
Catholic and C. of E. - the (sick) Christendom church (vomit) and Zio-British owned Canadian authorities.
The mass murder of children by BRAINWASHED (so-called) Christians. Priests, nuns, RCMP, etc.
There are dozens of MASS GRAVES. Above book (see PDF link) is banned in COLONIAL CANADA.
I can't imagine why? Ahem. Doesn't Canada lecture the world on their superior human rights? Oops!
"When God is on our side we can commit any crime. We're absolved individually from that crime by believing that we have a higher sanction. And that's the danger of religion. In that it allows people to do that. It allows them to kill without a shred of conscience."
Kevin Annett.
Queen Elizabeth II, was Canada's Head of State for 44 years during the tenure of the Indian school (death camp) programme.
It was Elizabeth Windsor's (Saxe-Coburg) grandfather, George V, who enforced the B.C./Canadian federal acts for:
1. Making attendance in Indian residential schools (aka death camps) compulsory for all native children 7 years and older.
(Forcibly ripping the children away from their parents for indoctrination, torture/experiments, and/or extermination.)
2. Sterilization Law - allowing the legal sterilizing of any inmate in an Indian residential school.
(Forcibly shutting-down their future lineages. School heads/principals sanctioning these monstrous acts.)
Going further back we can also see the delberate use of biological warfare (also used in Indian schools) by the British Imperial powers. Sociopath Amherst was primarily under the aegis of George III. The use of smallpox infected blankets (etc.) and similarly with in(n)oculations that would dose them and then ultimately kill them (thru deliberate lack of any treatment, as per the schools).
See this SOCIOPATH British Imperial attitude in all its ugly glory.
A MONSTER. Amherst, the first British Govener General in the territories that eventually became Canada.
The former Commander-in-Chief, North America. Former Crown Govenor of Virginia. Former Govenor of Quebec.
Recall that paedophile Lord Mountbatten, was made Supreme Allied Commander (S.E Asia) during WWII.
Clearly and obviously - the British monarchs (et al) have always had a major hand in deliberately destroying these peoples.
Ah, yes. The delights of (sociopath) colonialism and the innate superiority complex. Also see Jews/Zionist Jews.
It's the Zionist Rothschilds, that were and are, the TRUE OWNERS of (so-called) British monarchy and the Bank of England.
Oh, look. It's Imperial sociopath and masonic sodomite, SIR Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Subtle, not!
Mr "The PEN-IS - mightier than the sword." (masonic sodomites)
"If we, the superior race, take the land of other races..." Same M.O. as the Zionist/Ashkenazic Jews (Rothschild's Israel). Ahem.
One of the key schools where this type of genocide happened was (C of E) St. Georges, Lytton.
Named after the esteemed masonic/rosicrucian sociopath, Edward. Annett obtained a witness statement from a former dorm supervisor at Lytton school in 2002. Extract: "Look, son, you seem to think the winners have to answer for their crimes. We're the Anglican Church of Canada for god's sake. Who's ever going to think that we murdered children."(see 'Even War Criminals go to Church' - page 314, Murder by Decree).
It's no wonder that the modern British Crown and the Rothschild dynasty have been near constant bedfellowes!
The gaining of satanic/impostor Israel (synagogue of satan, 1948) was all via Zionist Great Britain. See Rothschild/Balfour/Milner.
IMHO, Freemasonry (satanic Jewish kabbalism) penetrated the Vatican aeons ago. They serve the purposes of the Rabbis.
Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), who had connections to OTO/Freemason Rampolla (a former Vatican Sec. of State, 2nd in power to the Pope) via Radini-Tedeschi. Also see Vatican II upheaval under this same (Talmudic Illuminati owned) Pope John XXIII. (That's how you shape modern Vatican policy via satanic/Judaic Freemasonry and Crowley's masonic-sodom OTO. My emphasis). Author Heimbichner alleges that Popes John XXIII (his masonic cross, above), Paul VI, and John-Paul II were all Thelemic (OTO-linked) assets.
Outwardly CATHOLIC, crypto-JEW Weishaupt (agent of Rothschild), chose the Egyptian pyramid as the Illuminati's symbol of power.
1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Ashke-nazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of re-establishing the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews. (Juri Lina's - Under the Sign of the Scorpion).
SS Nazi, Dr Mengele (linked to Canada/Americas) was a high-end operative of the (Talmud-based) Rothschild Illuminati.
WWII was primarily an Illuminati production for the purposes of creating the sociopath state of modern Israel.
That resultant paradigm shift (neo impostor Israel) for ultimately bringing about WWIII (a la masonic Pike's three wars).
Revelations (Bible) - is their Illuminati (Sanhedrin) tool/predictive program for mass destruction:
"According to said (masonic elite's) Master Plan, the mythology of Revelations will be followed like Tinker-Toy instructions(happening now). A time of tribulation will come first (see: Covid, 3rd Temple issue is the main trigger - leading to world war), after which survivors will be made "one" via a post-tribulation "rapture" spawned by the technical sorcery of having their brain pleasure centers titilated MAGNETICALLY (see: vax/5G/BlueBeam) so that we all will cum together. Those who are thus epiphanized will become nothing more than humanoid servo-mechanisms(automaton golems a la the rabbis)."
The Carnivals of Life and Death (My Profane Youth, 1913-1935) - James Shelby Downard Brian Desborough....
linkThe primary purpose of my article was to inform Israeli students that archaeological evidence
clearly refutes the biblical claims that Israel is theirs by divine right. A secondary purpose was the debunking of
the elitist and odious claim promulgated by proponents of British Israelism that the Caucasian population of Britain and America is descended from the Davidic bloodline.
The British Israelite movement derived its initial impetus from the attempt by the Crown to improve Victoria's popularity by falsely claiming that she was of the Davidic bloodline. Archaeological excavations in the Holy Land have clearly demonstrated that the lives and deeds of King David and Solomon, as depicted in the Old Testament, are apochryphal stories written during a much later era, in order to justify the dominance of the Levites over Judean affairs. In a similar manner, much of the Lebor Gabala - an Irish history compiled by Celts and early Christian monks, also is largely apochryphal.
Because apochryphal stories are a means by which oligarchical powers are able to exert influence over the masses.
After my Israelite article was posted on this website, an explosive article by Jewish scholar Ze'ev Herzog appeared in the October 29th. issue of Ha'aretz. Entitled "Deconstructing the walls of Jericho", the article began: "Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The Patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojurn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of a belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.The great united monarchy [ of David and Solomon] is an imaginary historiosophic creation, which was composed during the period of the Kingdom of Judea at the earliest Perhaps the most decisive proof of this is the fact that we do not know the name of this kingdom.""'
M.A. Hoffman II claims that Dee fused devotion to Judaism with the material advance of the fortunes of Protestant empire in laying the groundwork for the rise of (Zionist aligned) British Freemasonry. John 'Freemasonry/Empire' Dee was under the aegis of (symbolic Isis) Elizabeth I. Who was succeeded by (Jacobite ideology progenitor) James I. Elizabeth I and James I (James VI) were first cousins, twice removed. They shared a common ancestor in Henry VII. It was, of course, James I, who sponsored the KJV bible that became a key standard bearer of Western theocracy. The first English bible translation was under (C of E) Henry VIII, the second translation under Elizabeth I, leading to James I's 3rd translation (KJV). Another major step in cementing British-Israelism.
The Bible - the world's most read book.
"Because apochryphal stories are a means by which oligarchical powers are able to exert influence over the masses."
Desborough continues...
"That the European Oligarchy and the Order of the Dragon should also promote British Israelism is not surprising when one considers that British Israelism was created by occultist, astrologer and spy John Dee, the father of modern freemasonry."(Dee, obtaining his Lucifer daemon magick/communication, aka Enochian calls, from and under the direction of leading kabbalist Rabbi Loew, Prague. The same Judaic kabbalist magick system employed by Bulwer-Lytton protege, 666 Crowley.)
The above also supported by Heimbichner...
"The essence of Freemasonry can be traced to the current of ancient Sumeriam worship of 'Shaitan' (Satan). This current was given shape in ancient Egypt and Babylon, but ironically was most effectivley preserved from disintergration through the ORAL TEACHING OF ITS RABBINICAL HEIRS (see cabbala/kabbalah) in the form of the 'traditions of the ancients or elders'. It (the rabbinical oral teaching/kabbalah) was gradually commited to writing by Rabbis and became known as the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah. This formalized religion of bureaucratic oppression (Talmud) and pagan gnosis (Kabbalah) became known after 70 A.D. - as JUDAISM."
(Craig Heimbichner, Blood on the Alter). This IS the very system (kabbalah) that underpins Freemasonry. (my emphasis)
Judaism - the religion of the 'double-mind'.
Babylonian Talmud
(British-Israelism. Spot the identical Jewish and British attitudes towards so-called inferior races, ahem.)
"Only the Jews are called human, the goyim are called animals."
(Baba Batra 114b, Jebamot 61a, Keritot 6b and 7a.)
"Even the best of the goyim (Gentiles) must be killed."
(Avodah Zara 26b, Tosefoth.)
"The property of the Gentiles is like a masterless desert; anyone who takes it has thereby acquired a right to it."
(Baba Batra 54b.)
"Humanity is blessed solely for the sake of the Jews."
(Talmud, Jebamot 63a.)
"God's name is not profaned if a Jew lies to a Goy."
(Baba Kamma 113b.)
"All Jews are born the children of kings."
(Shabbat 67a.)
The roots of Western paedophilia lie in the secrets of the Talmud...? (See Heimbichner, Blood on the Altar)
"If a grown man has intercourse with a little girl less than three years old, all agree that it is not considered a significant sexual act, for having intercourse with a girl when she is less than three years old is like putting a finger in an eye."
(Ketubot 11b. Steinsaltz English translation)
These quotes above ARE the writings of a sociopathic and hate-filled belief system! How can anyone argue otherwise?
It's the West's fundamental religious traditions that have insisted upon a dichotomous division of mankind into the elect and the reprobate. This largely originating from the Jewish belief (aka mass propogated lie) that they are 'chosen'. (This all ultimately institutionalised via the Roman Catholic Church., C of E, and other forms of organized religion. Now primarily led by US Zionist-Christianity. The US being heavily subordinate to all things Israel and Judaism - religiously, politically, economically, and culturally enslaved.) A self-annointed 'superiority' that seemingly allows them to wreck and destroy 'carte-blanche' - and without impunity (see West Bank, etc.). And that folks IS the crux of the ongoing tragedy. If I DO NOT believe in the 'God of Israel' and the 'supremacy of Jews/Judaism'(which is my human right), then ALL OF THIS (their religion/belief/chosen status, etc.) is reduced to complete and utter nonsense. It is all rendered meaningless and carries no weight. None.
"Colonization is civilization..." masonic-sodom's Bulwer-Lytton (sociopath).
America was colonized in a much similar way - the indigenous wiped-out by these same Zio-Imperialist forces. Oops.
It's Zionist-owned and Judeo-Christian America (US) that sponsors the Zionist fomented genocide in Israel/West Bank.
US military wrecking in the Mid-East (on satanic Israel's behalf) is an extension of this same type of Zio-Imperial sociopathy.
This is primarily why US presidents are so closely linked to the European monarchy bloodlines. The same ilk.
America/Canada/Aus. - are literally built (via sociopathy) upon the BLOOD OF THE MURDERED INDIGENOUS.
Your nations are effectively mass grave sites - and at the behest of the "might is right" club (the so-called superior).
This is again all propped-up on the altar of (rancid) Judeo-Christianity. Nuns/priests murdering (so-called heathen) children.
It's First Native (via Canada) genocide cheerleader and opium king-pin, the insane Bulwer-Lytton. Mr 'Superior'.
Cambridge-linked Bulwer-Lytton's Isis cult movement - was out of Oxford University. Oxford's Isis magazine - the UK's oldest independent student magazine. Isis, the Oxford river and their local name for the river Thames.
Isis - the whore goddess of Judeo-Luciferian Freemasonry. Balfour and Rothschild - see Rothschild's satanic/genocidal Israel.
It's the USURY Rothschilds (et al) that own/control your central banks! How's that working-out for USA?
The general public doesn't understand macroeconmics - by deliberate design! A feature of controlled destruction. Oops!
666 Crowley (via 'colonial' SIR Bulwer-Lytton), Mr Masonic Sodom.
D.H. Lawrence was one of Huxley's homosexual lovers. Excerpts from Dope Inc. (EIR)
The Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn. The Penis via a 'helmet' (Bulwer-Lytton literary cover, also see spermo-gnosis).
The '
Pen-is' mightier than the sword via masonic-sodom, Bulwer-Lytton, and masonic-sodom Crowley (penis initial).
The arch enchanters (sex magickian's) wand. (Penis) Sorcery via the master-hand (see Lytton's Richelieu prose). Ahem.
ALL filthy kabbalist/Sabbatean-Frankist scum. Redemption thru sin. (Also see related: "do what thou wilt.")
Saturn-day black cube satanists (saturnists). Jacob Frank (Leibowicz) stressed that the 'sex-magick' Zohar (Book of Radiance) was the most important Judaic/Kabbalist text. Sodomy rites exist at the highest echelons of these Judaic-masonic systems - satanism and sodomy (see kabbalist OTO). The Talmud derives its mentality mainly from older ocult lineages and kingdoms of pagan priestcraft, including Egypt and Babylon, all important sources for the (masonic-sodom) OTO.
"Israel MUST make sacrifices to Satan (their god)..." (their OWN words, not mine)
The Judaic M.O. - "The evil impulse is good, and without the evil impulse Israel cannot prevail in the world."
Which is why so much time, energy, and effort is put into cultivating so much global evil through their conduits.
It's hard not to argue that the crucifixion and transubstantiation (communion, see catholicism) metaphorically/symbolically contains the elements of what these insane monsters perform in their actual sacrificial rites! The drinking of blood and the eating of flesh. The latter IS what has been described by some survivors (of these rituals) at the hands of these fiends. The 'grail cup and blood' - possibly containing the symbolism of their (related) ritual menstrual blood drinking
(the cup representing the womb, see star-fire and the scarlet woman/isis whore, Crowley's 'gnostic catholic mass' OTO.).
The religion of LUCIFER/SATAN (their god). See Rabbi Loew & masonic John 'monarchy' Dee. The latter the father of Empire.
The god of the Zionist Jews & (Jewish) Luciferian Freemasonry. Freemasonry = Jewish/Babylonian kabbalism.
Dee's Freemasonry = a basis of British monarchy & empire (see Queen's cousin, the masonic Duke of Kent, UGLE). Dee, the likely first key source of British-Israelism (see the soon to follow perpetuated Jacobite lie called 'the divine right of Kings' - KJV, James I). Satanism (via Freemasonic Anglicans & Babylonian kabbalist Jews) being the common factor to both. Who'd have guessed?
Lucifer - the god of Talmudic-masonic Jews.
"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."
- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
Son of SAMAEL - Jewish TALMUDIC arch-angel/demon:
*"I, David Berkowitz,
have been chosen since birth, to be one of the executioners of the cult..." (a wider cult)
Participant and fall-guy, Berkowitz, describes the subject in a very accurate and succinct way.
*His Jewish mother (Broder) birthed David via an adulterous relationship with (Jew) Klineman. Within days (and for unknown reasons) the child was given-away to another Jewish couple, the Berkowitzes (a satanic cult family?), who were middle-aged and childless. David Berkowitz didn't know that he was adopted until circa 1974, around the age of 21. Berkowitz-linked John 'Wheaties' Carr - aka the rapist and suffocator of young girls (see Breslin letter). John, whose sister worked as a Yonkers police dispatcher (ahem), was alleged to have been in this cult and was found suicided (likely by the cult, Feb 1978) in Minot. On his hand was written '666' in his own blood (note, this aspect has been buried by authorities). 666 - aka Crowley's (aka the great beast's) kabbalist cipher. Brother and cult member Michael, died Oct. 1978 (likely suicided via automobile). It is believed by some that the parent of the S.O.S group (likely OTO) was based in England. Crowley's disciple, sodom Parsons, did much to expand Thelema through the west coast (see his Pasadena lodge) which was tied to literary and Hollywood types.
Snuff (film) is believed to have been an element of some of these killings. Potentially with cult links to Broadway connected, promoter, fledgling Hollywood producer and millionaire, Roy Radin (whose showbiz father was Jewish). He was found dead (hit) at masonic aged
33 (May, 1983). He was shot, (masonic)
Friday 13th (see
Paramount's masonic series). A
KJVbible was found near his body, said to be open at
Isiah chp. 22, which concerns a prophecy about Jerusalem. It's photographer (and potential snuff cameraman) Ronald Sisman - another cult-linked member who was also hit (
Halloween 1981,
link) who's the likely connect to producer Radin. The latter allegedly having a penchant for sick videotapes (see Melonie Haller). Radin
may have been high-up in the cult (snuff and drugs,
here). Radin-linked Sisman (another likely Jew) allegedly had a tape of one of the murders and was going to go rogue
(see, M.A. Hoffman II; Maury Terry). Terry’s information included reports of satanic activity at Radin's Ocean Castle mansion - drugs and polymorphous sexuality (and videotaping). David Berkowitz himself was known to have visited Ocean Castle at least once.
Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans (coke fiend & former Paramount head, deceased) was at this time tied-in with Radin and Lanie Jacobs aka Karen 'Medellin cocaine' Greenberger (another likely cult linked member since convicted of Radin's murder) via financing The Cotton Club (film). And Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans (Jewish, born Robert J. Shapera, a higher cult member?) can't be ruled-out as a suspect in ultimately ordering Radin's hit. Jacobs/Greenberger and Evans were also lovers. Two witnesses told police that Evans was involved in the murder. Radin, Sisman, and Greenberger were all tied to the (Berkowitz) S.O.S wider cult. Jacobs/Greenberger (thru cocaine) and Radin also had ties to L.A., perhaps an aspect of the west-side of the cult-linked activities. (There is a belief that the US S.O.S HQ was based out of Venice, L.A.) Big-shot Evans was also an aspect of the (Manson linked) L.A. Polanski/Cielo clique (with Cass Elliot, John/Michelle Philips, Frykowski/Folger, Nicholson, Evans, etc.) John Philips was a known incestuous child rapist, and very likely another celebrity cult satanist. Also could Bill 'Manson' Mentzer (cult hitman) be a link between the L.A. Manson cult and the N.Y. S.O.S cult, he may have been an aspect of both? The same applies to Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans, but in a higher type of capacity. Jewish Levi-n wrote Rosemary's 'satanic Jew' Baby (via Scottish/Jacobite witches linked to Broadway/showbiz, the Castavetes/Mercatos). And we come full circle. A major inspiration for Jewish-born Berkowitz's own descent into dark fetish and satanism - he was captivated by it (see satanic paedophile Jew Polanski and Jew Evans' Paramount film). Also Polanski & the Process linked Manson cult (the latter cult also linked to child porn/drugs, etc). Polanski was also known to have a penchant for making/filming violent S & M pornography (a la Radin) - some which feat. his soon to be sacrificed and (initiated witch) wife, Tate (see Hal Lipset). Was Berkowitz a literal born and raised (satanic) Rosemary's Baby?
Jew, Anton LaVey (Levy/Levi), who arguably featured/advised in/on the film, formed the (sodom) Church of Satan in 1966 (Year 1, Jewish Rosemary's Baby). Zio-US Hollywood/TV (satanic Jew dominant programming) being one of the key jewels in the masonic-satanic crown - largely for the purposes of satanically occultizing and degenerating the hypnotized (cult of celebrity brainwashed) worshipping masses. Walt Disney was a masonic homosexual paedophile, but that's never gotten in the way of their insane expansion or their control of typical Western childrens' psyche. The folk who readily consume this filth (satanic Jew programming) and who (cognizantly or not) empower them further. All resulting in a mass lowering of human vibration - globally. The latter being the entire point!
Anyone for some Idiocracy?
Ha. Diificult not to agree. And Heinlein himself passed-thru Parsons' California OTO lodge. Parsons, a protege of Crowley.
OTO/Thelema have arguably had a devastating effect on the development of modern US culture, especially pop/counter-culture.
Hence why this culture is now so thoroughly bankrupt, degenerate, ultra-violent, hyper-sexualised, occultized, and dysfunctional.
They've had a huge influence on Hollywood, TV, music, recreational drug use, sexual perversion. The list goes on.
Zionist Hollywood and Zio-US TV - IS satanic programming - its mass expansion in recent decades has done nothing -
but strengthen their hand - particularly in respect of the group mind via the 'cult of celebrity' worshipping masses.
The infantile state of US culture (and others) truly bear the hallmarks of Crowley's prophesized 'aeon of Horus' (the child).
Aeon of Horus - represents the
energy of Satan (Set-An) that will permeate the earth during the present cycle. (see US culture, etc.)
OTO Grant. Masonic Sirius - star of Isis and Set (Satan). The star of Freemasonry - 666 Solomon Templars.
"There is no god but man." (Crowley). Echoing the serpent's promise in Eden - that ye shall know as gods.
The Talmud derives its mentality mainly from older ocult lineages and kingdoms of pagan -
priestcraft, including Egypt and Babylon, all important sources for the (masonic-sodom) OTO.
A key meeting site for the S.O.S cult was a burned-out mansion (Westchester) - part of the former Warburg-Rothschild estate.
(Zionist) Rothschilds ultimately launched the Talmud-based Illuminati (Mayer-Amschel). OTO being an offshoot.
"Satanic practices, including the teachings of Aleister (OTO) Crowley and Eliphas (Baphomet) Levi..."
There are
homosexual links. Michael Carr was apparently homosexual, that said, sodomy is not limited to males.
These satanic group allegedly had as many female adepts as there were males. It's believed females executed some murders.
The letters were likely written by the wider cult. OTO ciphering via one of the letters? 666 Crowley-Baphomet's sodom-cult OTO.
Baphomet - famously rendered by (kabbalist/satanist) EliphasLevi-(athan). Levi's Goetic Circle as used by the S.O.S cult.
A (Crowley/Levi infused) S.O.S ritual crime scene - Elephas (disco). BERK-aial & Amas-arac (a sam, a car - Sam Carr).
The Carrs' father, Sam, was Berkowitz's neighbor - which literally made Michael and John (in one aspect) the sons of Sam.
"Satanists...They aren't ignorant peasants or semi-illiterate natives...ranks are filled with doctors, lawyers, businessmen..."
Elements of the Process Church (UK ex-Scientologist formed,see DeGrimston) were also believed to have been a large aspect of the cult (Manson was linked to the Process too). Michael Carr was a Scientologist (see Crowley/Hubbard) and a photographer/illustrator too (a link to Sisman?). Berkowitz had the phone number for the Fort Harrison Hotel, Clearwater (Fl.) - a facility owned and operated as a major training center by the Church of Scientology (another satanic cult). Other phone numbers in Berkowitz's possession - an exclusive country club in Long Island's Hamptons area: the Montauk Golf and Racquet Club. Two other numbers listed were to the Long Island summer residences of Yonkers doctors; these were not office numbers. (Radin's Ocean Castle was on Long Island. His mother was based in the Hamptons). Another number was that of a private residence in East Hampton, another belonged to an unlisted telephone in West Babylon, Long Island, and a final number was listed to a private home on exclusive Shelter island, Long Island. There was, simply, no legitimate reason for Yonkers postal clerk David Berkowitz to possess these telephone numbers. Moreover, he didn't list any names next to them.
Oh, look. Claims that the SOS satanic cult network had links to
British Columbia,
Canada. (source
Moving-on to more recent issues in Canada...
Re: Freemasonry. Page 355. Witness statements. Read the statements (if you can stomach the harrowing details) from the witnesses and see the major hand of rancid Freemasonry at work. Witness #1 (given as Annie Parker, Feb. 2006) - a daughter of a prominent Freemason and newspaper editor. Rape/torture/snuff involving the Pickton Bros. (Willy, a serial killer, subsequently convicted Dec. 2007), a CBC TV cameraman, and linked to RCMP supply. Some of the more startling claims implicate Lions-Gate Films in snuff movie production (the Vancouver company formed late 90's), and Eddie Murphy in a double-murder. It's alleged that the farm was used to rape & kill victims - and filmed surreptitiously - for the purposes of compromise/blackmail traps (and snuff production). Brother, Dave Picton, was said to be involved in a film studio set-up that was attached to the farm's barn where events were held, Piggy's Palace. It's likely that Willy Picton (a la Fred West) was a key participant who was then used as the fall-guy for the wider op.
(Note, some of the former witness #1 details, incl. Lions-Gate aspects, are seemingly corroborated by witness #7, see excerpts. The latter claims to have been an undercover CSIS field agent (intelligence) sent in to infiltrate the Bros. farm (likely latter 90's). He also implicates former Canadian PM, Paul Martin, in goings-on at the Pickton Bros. farm. Martin served in former PM Pierre Trudeau's cabinet, the father of current PM, Justin).
Lions-gate, founded in Vancouver by
Frank Giustra (1997), who is now linked to Epstein 'blackmail' Island connected Clinton.
Epstein mixed in Royal circles and Prince Andrew was clearly implicated in his op. Blackmail trapping Epstein's wealth was primarily supplied by (Zioist Jew and newspaper tycoon) Robert Maxwell, the funds being largely illicited from the (stolen) Mirror Group pension fund. Masonic DeMolay, Clinton, a RHODES scholar out of (Isis) Oxford. See Bulwer-Lytton, Rhodes his initiate and the Crowley Isis Cult via Oxford. Lions-gate, who went on to become the biggest mini-major studios of recent times. Their early output being considered too controversial (too degenerate, my emphasis) for the typical majors. Their first major success was (coincidentally or not) Amerian Psycho (2000). They were also behind the torture-porn Saw franchise. American Psycho, a homo-erotic film with an investment/stockbroker who liked filming, chopping-up prostitutes and cannibalism. Giustra started-out at investment/brokers Merrill Lynch in the late 70's. Raising billions for investors. Art imitating life? See link for claims regarding Giustra's wife, Lionsgate and Greek Life Productions in respect of the Pickton farm. His former wife, Alison Lawton, linked to UNICEF, children's & AIDS charities (Africa) and Bill 'Epstein' Clinton. She was (is) very likely involved in setting-up charitable fronts for obtaining victims (and/or child sextortionist trainees for blackmail, etc.) from the third world under the (predictable and typical) guise of benevolence.
(note, some of the links are now since defunct)
"Politicans connected to Hell's Angels, connected to freemasons, oddfellows, illuminati, witches, warlocks, satanists, police, my "friends". Judges that put the media ban on this are in league with them as well too."
In this link from 15 years ago (
here, beware extreme content) mention is made by someone who did business at the farm, (who gave a series of interviews to the police) of having been introduced to Willy Pickton by a Freemason (who claimed to be a close friend of 25 years to Pickton). Read the grisly conclusion of their own investigation at the link. This was all before Pickton was tried and convicted. The writer actually assumes (erroneously) that Pickton would 'get-off' - with help from the usual compromised authorities.
PLEASE BE WARNED. The contents of those witness statements are some of the most harrowing stuff that I've ever read. And I've read a lot. It's still greatly troubling me now. It very much reminded of the Fred West situation. Torture and snuff fiend, Freemason and Scottish-linked, West. Farm-linked West was linked to other child abusers/murderers - James Gallogley (a church elder in Scotland), and Alexander Gartshore, the latter also a paedophile Freemason. West's Cromwell St. property was also feet from a Seventh Day Adventist Church - the properties was partially connected. West alleged he was involved with and claimed he had the protection from - the highest court body in Scotland (COPFS). (A group from COPFS that was involved in making paedophile abuse films, he referred to them as 'the untouchables'.) COPFS being a Crown instituted body. The monarch (on the advice of the first minister) appoints the head, the Lord Advocate.
Scottish paedophile and Tory MP, SIR Nicholas Fairbairn (tied to paedophile rings with SIR Peter Morrison, and likely 'paedo/homo' Elm Guest House) was the
deputy to the Lord Advocate, COPFS (1979-1982). (Fairbairn, a highly promiscuous gay liberation activist, and yet another with murky links to the Paedophile Information Exchange.) See Fairbairn, who was once Scotland's youngest Q.C., and victim
Susie Henderson (whose degenerate paedophile father was a prominent Scottish Q.C., and close friend of Fairbairn) who was raped/abused from age 4. Anyway, it's also claimed that West had a link to Thomas 'Dunblane' Hamilton, another Freemason (one who had actually corressponded with the Queen) and yet another case that was absolutely coated in a foul masonic stink (incl. inquiry, Lord 'Freemason' Cullen), and what may have actually been a paedophile abuse cover-up event sold as a mass shooting. Hamilton allegedly attended abuse parties with a police inspector and acted as a driver for the ring. See 'the speculative society'. Just putting it out there.
Freemason (and paedophile) Brother Frederick Walter Stephen 'Fred' West (29 September 1941 - 1 January 1995), was an English serial killer known to have been in full-fellowship with at least one English Masonic lodge, the Gloucestershire Round Table Lodge.
Freemason (and paedophile) Brother Thomas Hamilton: "This House notes that Thomas Hamilton, the perpetrator of the hideously distressing slaughter committed in Dunblane on the 13th March 1996, had enrolled in Lodge number 1413 of the Masonic Order at Garrowhill in 1977. He had been granted his firearms certificate in 1977 (same year as his masonic membership) and had stopped attending Lodge meetings in 1986."
From a former post...linked to NXIVM and the Zionist-Jew, Bronfmans (agents of the Crown, see Canadian bootlegging):
SIR Robert Havers Q.C, (then Att. Gen.) defends non-prosecution of SIR Peter 'paedo-PIE' Hayam.
SIR Robert (who became a Lord) being the brother of BARONESS Butler 'Royalty- SIR Savile' Sloss.
Oh, look. It's former Canadian High Commissioner, SIR Peter 'paedo' Hayman. UK's top diplomatic rep. in Canada (1970-74).
Geoffrey Dickens (MP) named Hayman as a 'paedophile' in the House of Commons (1981).
An Attorney General involved in major (Zionist linked) paedophile cover-ups? Sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it?
If only I could squeeze-in Prince Andrew with all of this, somehow? (sarcasm). British-Israelism to US-Israelism.
You can thank the (UBER ZIONIST) POS Trump admin. for how the above turned-out. Also see Acosta.
Hence, why Donald 'the fix' Barr was installed (by Zionist Trump) to take care of the Zionist loose-ends. Ahem.
DALTON SCHOOL. Their 'Epstein is dead' fairytale seems to have flummoxed most of the MSM grazing sheep.
The SAME sheep that think institutionalising paedophilia is some type of nonsense conspiracy theory. Ahem.
You'd almost think these degenerates would be too busy destroying indigenous Palestinians (under their superior 'chosenite' banner) to find the time to carry-out all this child abuse, entrapping, and global terror. But somehow they manage it.
Oh, look. It's (Jew) Epstein and (Jew) Barr's sick and perverted school, Dalton.
Um, I thought children lacked the capacity to give consent? This is just so WRONG.
Paedophilia training as a part of the cirriculum? Who'd have guessed? Take a bow, Zio-Thelemic USA.
Maybe son, William 'POS' Barr (fmr. Attn. Gen. of Zionist Trump's admin), can pen the sequel to his father's Space Relations?
It could be about (Zionist fomented) child sex slavery involving NY children's schools - with links all the way to the top of govt., industry, and mass media? It could be titled: "Business As Usual".