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A 'symbolic' Black Swan event?

Continued from the previous post...
(Coronavirus aside). A 'symbolic' Black Swan event? Many were desperately looking for one.
Killed aboard the 'chopper'. Tagged 'Mamba Chopper' - which surely doubles as a sexual euphemism. Ahem.
A strange mass media 'anomaly' - Bryant killed in a crashing/exploding helicopter (2016/2017).
End of Days via the (666) Apocalypse...which is an aspect of the cartoon's plotline. A US type apocalypse.
Stay '666' Tuned, Lucifer 2010, Apocalyptic End of '666' Days, Jew Hyams. 911/Twin Towers, masonic Arnie.
Bryant's 'End of Days' cartoon. Comedy Central (CC=33).
Kobe '33' Bryant...
NBA. It's ALL just overblown 'Bread and Circuses' for the programmed masses. Cult of celebrity bilge.
WW '33' wrestling. More corporate sport 'shit'. Divas via the butterfly belt. Monarchs (basketball), see butterfly logo.
We KNOW that the 'JEW S of A' is a 'masonic hell' - this is just more proof to the (obvious) fact.
33 Kobe vs. 33 Ewing...
Masonic Purp-EL (saturn/satan). (k)Nick, aka The Devil (old Nick). Inverted'KNICKS'& pyramid logo.
Masonic G, 33, & 666
33 (Jesuit/Masonic) Georgtown via Patrick '33 (k)Nick' Ewing. Old Nick, aka The Devil. See the Tarot TRUMPS.
33 Devilish (k)Nick Ewing. Mr Georgetown University. The Exorcist is set via Georgetown. Big East or B.East (Beast)?
The Exorcist by former CIA/USAF psychological warfare policy chief, Blatty. And William 'MK-Ultra' Friedkin.
A series I've linked to sodomy, monarch programme, serial killers, & child abuse. See links. Exorcist Pt1& Exorcist Pt2.
 Patrick 'Exorcist 3' Ewing.
The TRUMP 'Angel of Death'. TRUMP(S) - The Devil and The Tower. Also see, Towering Trump 666, as in Donald.
The (demonic) Exorcist 3 - Patrick 'Angel of Death' Ewing. Mr (devilish) '33' Nick.  Little 'satanic' Nicky.
 No. 666 via NBA (K)Nick, Mitchell Robinson (player #33, in-shot). The Knicks & 666.
Corporate hell 'sport' and corporate hell 'Hollywood'. It's all the same. Mass mind rot on an industrial scale.
 I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. (Note, I have never followed this sport/game.)
 Game #666. A career-high score of 81. 66% of his team's total points. NBA's 2nd highest points score in history.
ZIONIST ENTERTAINMENT (corporate mass media) will likely be the death of the USA and its peoples.
The Devil and The Tower (Trumps). The 911 Twin Towers.
Patrick 'Twin Tower' Ewing. "The New York Skyline Will Never Be The Same." Yes, indeed.
Twin Towers "reduced to rubble" via Patrick '33 (k)Nick' Ewing. The Hanged (Tower) Man via Exorcist 3.
The 911 Hanged (Struck Tower Falling) Man. Ewing produces the card in The Exorcist 3 (dream scene).
 The World Trade (Babylon) Center/Twin Towers - The (Devil's) Trident. Linked to Larry '666' Silverstein.
The struck Tower via the lightning of Zeus/Lucifer.
 The 666(0) rebuild via Illuminati 1776 (888+888).
 NBA via 666 5th Ave. You can see (Game #666/666 Workout) Kobe Bryant's #24Lakers shirt in the window.
Exorcist 2 via 666 5th Ave. (Satanic/sodomite) Warner 'monarch' Bros. HQ was situated there at the time of filming.
'The Devil' and 'The Tower' sequential TRUMPS. Old NICK, 'the devil'. Likely from nicor; water demon.
In Omen 3 (The Final Conflict) a water based fish (pike) is referred to as 'Old Nick' by the (corporate/political) Antichrist.
666 5th. Now linked to Towering Trump's Zionist son-in-law, Kushner. The struck Tower(s) via 666.
See 6665th/Twin Tower, Jew Tishman. Also see WTC/Twin Tower, 666 Jew Larry 'pull it' Silverstein.
Masonic, Donald '666 Towering' TRUMP. 666 (O-Ring-O-Men).
Devil's Advocate Tower man. The Zionist '666' Antichrist. "When the Jews return to Zion." (666 O-Men, Revelation).
SATANISM & SODOMY...as old as time itself! See Sodom & Gomorrah via 'salty pillars' (ahem).
"And God created Adam and (st)Eve..." Also see masonic/sodom Apple's Camp-UsRing via No.2. (and Big Jobs).
Potentially encoded into Adam and Eve - the (phallic) snake/serpent and (sodom) apple via the (kabbalist Jew) tree.
The $666.66 Apple computer (above) came hot on the heels of The '666' O-Men film, released 6/6/76.
The Tower TRUMP (which follows The Devil) is also a major symbol and metaphor for an ejaculating PENIS.
Symbolically followed by The Star (the sphincter) and The Moon (buttocks, ass mooning). The 666 sodom eye.
Satanic sodomites via choppers and hoop/ring dunking. Get out your magic Johnson (penis).
 Hollywood OTO. Left-hand path, 666 Crowley via Exorcist III. (There's Eliphas 'Baphomet' Levi imagery too.)
Liber Oz (OTO mission statement, beneath the Ancient of Ancients image) & his Babalon Star.
This 'satanic' mass media output is made, funded, and promoted by actual Luciferians/Satanists. See Hollywood, etc.
The Exorcist's Friedkin soon made (homo) 'Cruisin'. Based on a serial murderer who played a bit-part in The Exorcist.
All evoking (satanic) Jeff Dahmer, the chocolate factory, homo-sodomite, serial killer - inspired/programmed  by Exorcist 3.
 33 Masonic Crowley aka The 666 Beast. The Penis (via cheeks) and the Anal Star (eye of horus). Sodomy.
"Give me the sign of the open eye (sphincter), And the token erect of thorny thigh (penis)."Crowley's Hymn to Pan.
 A protege of (Rosicrucian godfather) Bulwer 'Penis' Lytton. It (the penis) being mightier than the sword.
'The Pen-is' via the helmet (glans). The magickal enchanters wand (penis).
 The Eye of Horus - The Anal Sphincter (also see the masonic sphinx, gripping sphincter). Mouth of Isis = Vagina.
See Illuminati/Masonic Vegas and MGM (33) via the Lion/Sphinx (sphincter). "ARS(E) Gratia Artis."
33 and the BUTTOCKS. 33 degrees from the (anal) spine-linked eye to the temple of the skull (3rd eye).
If the 'A' (in 666/33 sodom Aleister) is a 'penis' - then why not the buttocks in the symbol of masonic '33'?
This IS the major secret of the 33rd masonic degree. It ALL about demonic sodomy. Masonic brotherly love.
Kundalini snake/penis. The masonic god Baphomet/Pan (the beast) IS a major elite sodomite god. Period!
It's understood that in one aspect the 'masonic eye' (sirius) anatomically relates to the anal sphincter.
A naked man behind a naked man (sodomy). Just like riding masonic Templars. They like to double-mount.
Now then, which satanic nation has led the cause for sodomites and homosexuals? The Jew S of Masonic A. (see mass media).
US Masonic '33' legend, Albert 'Lucifer is God' Pike.
The Jew-nited States of 'Masonic/Lucifer' America. JEWISH Freemasonry:
The Eagle has long been identified with Zeus, (aka Lucifer). It is equivalent to the phoenix and a feathered serpent, and also signifies Apollo/Horus as the god-man, two natures in one, the fusion of the heavenly and the earthly.
Apollo in the Trump Tower. Son of lightning-bolt Zeus/Lucifer. See the (Zeus) lightning-struck Tower (tarot Trump).
 The above publication was actually the first Masonic publication that was made available in the US.
 Masonic Trump and the masonic (envelope) apron. Profane mockery, as is typical. Trump asset, masonic Guaido (left).
Jew Kabbalah Tree, Trump. The kabbalah, the Judaic/Babylonian demonic system that underpins freemasonry.
The tarot TRUMPS overlay this same system. Awarded 33 years before he became POTUS, aka the Zionist Antichrist.
The sun yellow triangle with the 33 set centrally inside is the binding core between the dual natures as a kind of keystone of the arch, 
a cornerstone of the union that is unmistakably sodomy, without which this work does not exist. (link).
It's no wonder that Freemasonry is crammed with 'young boy sodomisers'. As I've outlined over the years.
This is what 'masonic binding' is all about. Bound by the bond of demonic sodomy. The thirty-turd degree.
33/666 Crowley's OTO has a SODOMY based degree as its highest (the XI). And that's no coincidence.
33 NBA = Sodomy promotion. Anyone for hoop/ring dunking? Rim wedgies? Dribbling balls? A mamba chopper?
666 SATANISM & (O-Men) SODOMY. Many thanks to The Open Scroll (for some of the pointers).

This is simply mass IDOLATRY by the programmed sheep. LeBron James - the current NBA 'idol'.
Devil horns (corna), then the '666 hand gesture', followed by the 'triangle' (Golden Dawn ritual fire sign). Video here.
Just like OWNED 'Uncle Tom' - Lucifer Jay/Gay-Z. The Crowley channelling 'homo/satanic' (C)rapper.
Snap! From 666 Kobe to 666 LeBron.
ZIONIST PROMOTED PAWNS. For the wider mass programming of the hypnotised sheep.
Here's all that 'masonic Jew symbolism' UNIFORMITY that I mentioned earlier. Yet again.
Baphomet 'bum boy'. There's a special place in hell for this POS. I wonder who bought his records? Losers?
How many have been infected by this diabolical 'US mass media' output? Hundreds of millions, at least.
Lucifer 666, Gay-Z. Cock-a-fella.
LL Cool GAY. Def Death Jam via Zionist/satanic Jew, 666 Rubin.
Lucifer Gay-Z's protege, (lucifer) Golden Dawn channelling, Ciara. The 666 Mafia. It's literally ENDLESS.
 Thelemic 93 and Issue 666. Sodom (c)rappers. One nation under a masonic G thang. Wink, wink.
The Masonic/Satanic Jew S of A. Satanism via mass media = USA's number 1 hobby. VOMIT.
It's no wonder that the dumb US masses care not what their (satanic) nation/govt. does.
Most are too busy strung-out on 'satanic US mass media programming' - to even care. This IS the tragedy.

Anyway, strange anomalies abound re: Kobe '666' Bryant.
 We'll have to see what happens with the coronavirus. A drive for mass vaccination (I mentioned vaccine Gates in the previous post), a catalyst for global economic collapse (used as a type of cover), over-hyped distraction (a la SARS, Ebola, etc.), or who knows what? The markets will have to brace themselves for Monday. Friday saw a sell-off. DJIA dropped over 600 pts (-2%+). Bank REPO is still on fire, and the Bond yield curve is flattening again. 2020 has certainly started with a bang.

A 'symbolic' Black Swan event? - Update

 Text from the ending of my Jan 2020 post.

"...We know that the virus spread is merely just beginning in the US, so we'll soon likely be seeing the wider effects of this."

 "MARTIAL LAW under Trump if things get out of hand." That's Donald 'FREEMASON' Trump, Mr 666.
The Trump supporting masonic Q-ANON psy-op/hoax. Masonic (Qabalist) "darkness to light."
Hey, folks! D'ya think they control both sides? (sarcasm).

 Update June 2020
Corona,/Covid, Kobe/NBA, Freemasonry and George 'Corona/NBA' Floyd.

NBA's Stephen 'George Floyd' Jackson...a masonic spokesman for the Floyd family. Ahem.
Trayvon 'My father is a freemasonic Grand Master' Martin. Trayvon was posed as the symbolic tarot'hanged man'.
Brothas in the 'G' Hood. Your fez looks familiar...
Ordo Ab Chao. Another HOAX - and ably assisted by JEW Zimmerman, the latter very likely another (JEW) Freemason.
 Trayvon 'The Hanged Masonic Man' Martin.
This is why Zionist mass media (aka US mass media) must be the ONLY storyteller. So simple.
If the public find out they're mass media driven masonic frauds - none of the deliberate chaos programming will stick!
33 (masonic) comments via NBA's Stephen 'Floyd' Jackson. 33 NBA Ewing - The BENT KNEE special:
'33' - ala NBA's Patrick 'I've now got Covid' Ewing. The Exorcist 3 'tarot man' (& particularly the hanged man).
33 Ewing, Mr Exorcist 3. The literal 'TWIN Tower' man via NBA twinning and Manhattan promos.
Floyd spokesman NBA 33 Jackson - claims to be 'twinned' with George Floyd. Ahem.
Minnesota - the twinned city. We are currently in Gemini (the twins). Gemini, the killer via (33 Ewing's) Exorcist 3.
 A large aspect of my original post covered '33 Ewing' - and now he apparently has Covid/Corona. Ahem.
'33 NBA' linked George Floyd via Corona. Corona/Covid being a key aspect of the ongoing wider psy-op.
You might've noticed the covid mass surveillance issue. Which has involved masonic Google and masonic Apple.
 Masonic mass mockery via 'masonic apron' referencing Freemason, Donald Trump.
Trump and congress's Venezuelan regime change 'masonic stooge' - Freemason, Guaido.
Floyd tested positive for Covid in April and as an asymptomatic.
"I CAN'T BREATHE." - and all during the Covid virus spread. The virus that seriously hampers breathing.
How can a man that "can't beathe" - talk and communicate with those around him? Speech being dependent on breathing.
Irony bomb! Human sheep wearing masks that have: "I can't breathe" written on them! Is this a mockery based joke?
Will there be a massive virus spike due to these elite induced protests? Masks can induce a false sense of security.
Miost protocol re: the virus has literally been dropped to make way for this (linked) Floyd psy-op. Ahem.
Who'd be surprised if there was now a larger and wider virus spread as a direct result of this mass mind control op.?
 It's also believed that the first instances of riot/unrest in response to the killing began on East 33rd Street.
TWIN HEADED VIA MASONIC 33. See Floyd's twin, Stephen '33' Jackson. Order out of Chaos. Servants of Lucifer.
Isn't it interesting that the Floyd issue began with a counterfeit/forged note?
The usual MASONIC SEWAGE & GESTURES. Yawn. Surely you recall owned masonic industry puppet, Tupac?
They ALL suck masonic cock, sell-out the masses, and indoctrinate the followers. All for riches and fame.
All MASONIC EYES on me. A FAKED ritual killing (via masonic Fri. 13) for the programmed sheep to graze on.
(k)Illuminati Pac. Tupac backwards is 'caput'. Caput - meaning to die/expire. Machiavelli faked his own death.
I told you aeons ago. All played-out crap for the idiocracy generation - AKA the dumb, hypnotised by mass media sheep.
Mr Covid. Old (k)Nick, masonic Ewing. The Devil. Not forgetting Mr 33 - 'symbolic black swan' NBA's '666' Bryant
 Masonic markers and mass mockery of the (programmed) profane. Masonic G. GEORGE-town via 33.
Yeah...it's all looking very, very "End of Days" out there...and as I type.
Masonic shit-house - AKA the 666 NBA - was even an aspect of the (western induced) Hong Kong riots issue.
Anyone would think that the NBA is actually sponsoring this Floyd event. A total overbearing presence.
3rd degree Masons are symbolically raised (hoodwinked) into the (Lucifer) light - ala Hiram Abiff (Osiris).
Floyd - ORIGINALLY cited as (masonic) murder in the 3rd Degree (literally) - also see Freemasonry.
ALL sides are masonically OWNED. Both Dem. and Rep.
Politics, mass media, commentators, celebs, etc. It's all a masonic shell game with a diabolical philosophy.
Floyd spokesman, NBA's Stephen '33' Jackson - exact same name as the man who created the ILLUMINATI card game!
See 'false flag' Vegas/911, etc. Monarch (crown/corona) Mind Control...Shots fired from the 32nd floor.
A level just beneath the symbolic missing capstone of the 'great work' - via 33 degrees (see masonic pyramid $ bill).
 Master symbol of the satanic, sodomite, Zionist freemasons (illuminati) - the eye/pyramid.
 Designed by Freemason Robert Mills. The Washington Monument is a Egyptian Obelisk or phallic (penis) symbol related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris (also see Vegas obelisk/penis, above). Masonic architect Hiram Abiff is simply an avatar for the masonic god, Osiris. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). Widow's son, Horus, being the god of the cardinal points. At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555 feet high, which is equal to 6660 inches. If you add the height, width, and length together you get 666 feet. M.W. Benjamin B. French, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, laid the cornerstone of this famous Washington monument in a Masonic ceremony.
Cards from the 'Black Pyramid' Illuminati game 'predictive programming' Hall of Fame:
9/11 'false flag' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game. Cards released in 1995.
Once the 9/11 govt./mass media FIX got swallowed by the masses - they now know that ANYTHING is possible.
 Trayvon Martin 'masonic hoax/psy-op'. Jackson's Illuminati Card Game.
Masonic Purp-EL. Just like former Minneapolis based musician and mass mind control asset, masonic Prince.
 Note that so-called ethnic actor, Jussie Smollett, was caught hoaxing a racial hate crime in-league with US MSM.
Aurora shooting 'false flag/hoax' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game. Sandy Hook fix was covered via Arlington (see earlier).
 Trump (via snipers, see card text and pyramid Vegas) 'Enough is Enough' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game.
Trumps and cards...Donny is a literal walking tarot card trump (see The Tower).
2020 happening under the masonic antichrist - AKA - Donald '666' Trump. And as I write. Ahem.
'666' resonance. Scene of the apparent death of George 'porn actor' Floyd. A Monarch Boy or masonic sacrifice?
Bring-on a pallet of bricks (masonry) - wink, wink. Yes, the USA = Masonic Hell on Earth.
 "All the world is a (Zionist masonic) stage..."
Recall that 'Pulse fix' shooter, Omar 'IMDB' Mateen, also had an acting background, his father was also active in TV.
Multiple videos of the Floyd event and from varying angles. No videos of Epstein's (faked) death. Epstein is not dead.
The same man who did autopsies on (masonic) JFK and Epstein is the one who's supposedly analyzed the body of Floyd.
There wasn't a body of (so-called neck injured) Epstein to do an autopsy on. Obviously repatriated back to Mossad Israel.
 Move along, nothing to see. Although I did tell you that 'mass media' IS the ultimate mind control issue!
San Bernadino was the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting,
- and the deadliest terrorist attack to occur in the U.S. since the September 11 attacks. ALL OF THEM MSMFIXES.
Lawyer for the Floyd family. It's FREEMASON Benjamin 'Trayvon Martin/AhmaudArbery/Michael Brown' Crump!
Florida, just like Tracy 'Florida Freemason' Martin. Florida's Bro. Martin who employed Florida Freemason, Bro. Crump.
All coincidence that he's been involved with Trayvon 'masonic' Martin, Michael Brown, Ahmaud Arbery, and Floyd cases!
SO MANY FREEMASONS. Isn't that right, folks? ALL of whom remain silent on that particular issue. Ahem.
Tracy 'masonic Grand Master' Martin. Oh, look. It's George Floyd's 'MASONIC TWIN' - Stephen 'Freemason' Jackson.
Le Bron '33' James has also been a feature of the Floyd event.
"Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson are reported to have been Boule members, among many other high profile, successful and moneyed Blacks such as Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton and Thurgood Marshall." (source
Masonic Black Civil Rights - 'Hall of Famers' - spot their masonic fingerprints all-over the George Floyd psy-op.
Dr King was also very likely a Freemason. Hence the masonic ritual death via Memphis - seat of the masonic King (Osiris).
G-Unit. "Brothas in da (G) Hood" (brotherhood, aka freemasonry). Con-man Sharpton.
Bro. Sharpton has his masonic fingers in many masonic chaos based pies. Perhaps as many pies as Bro. Crump. Ha, ha.
Still no MSM news on the whole thing being saturated with linked black freemasons. We're waiting.
Another of Hiram's Helpers - it's Freemason and gangster chic degenerate, Bro. Jay-Z. Minion of masonic god, Lucifer.
Masonically programming the DUMB and PROFANE masses - decade, after decade, after decade.
ALL of this MASONIC UNIFORMITY shot thru it all. And that folks - cannot be by chance.
Is it ALL a GIANT MASONIC HOAX? A propaganda hoax to seed civil war and the implosion of the US.
My comment/suspicions after 1 year of Trump being in office (Jan 2018). Sides set-off against each other - think civil war.
Also see this (link) for the Oakland riots that sparked immediately after Trump won the election. (Nov. 2016).
Oakland (2016) a type of mold for the reality we're now seeing in 2020? A microcosm of what was to come.
MASONIC JEW OWNED MASS MEDIA - is the number 1 enemy - as I noted the day after (false flag) Zionist 9/11.
Have the programmed by masonic mass media SHEEP - fallen for all this? Hook, line, and sinker? YUP!
Just exactly as they did when 9/11 happened - literally all bought into the Zionist sponsored/controlled psy-op.
The people who have made (masonic Jew) MSM and 'the cult of celebrity' their 'functional' GOD.

I found this following post. How's this for a wider overview of recent developments?
You can have the following for free: "None of this is by random chance."
We're not just seeing the masonic elites pulling the strings - they're now pulling on fat ropes.
 Masonic Trump made a national address on Monday - he literally set out his 2020 campaign stall:
"I'm the President of LAW & ORDER..."
With the place that the manipulated mass group mind is currently at - particularly via over emotive elite string-pulling - and the ongoing issue with the virus spread. Trump's stance may, and over-time, bear much fruit. I can only see much trouble ahead, at least upto this point. The fuse is already lit. With these masonic sociopaths pulling the strings on both (masonic) sides - and being the only effective voice in MSM. I can't say I'm too hopeful about where this is headed. Are we already 'In the Mouth of Madness"?

In the Mouth of (Masonic American) Madness

Am seguing the close of the previous post into this new one. I can then expand if needs be.
(Note, this should be read in conjunction with the previous 'Black Swan' posts.)

Are we already 'In the Mouth of Madness'?

"Sporadic riots continue to hit Eastern cities & reports of violence from Boston and Philadelphia are now coming in." (ITMOM, script)

 Violence and EPIDEMICS.
 "What began locally has now broken out into a global epidemic. An epidemic of monumental proportions...
- of senseless, seemingly unmotivated acts of violence. (ITMOM, script)

 Love-CRAFT. (Masonry aka 'the craft', and 'witch-craft'). "Lived any good books mass media lately?"
Carpenter's In The Mouth of Madness - based on H P Lovecraft and the 'Return of the (Great) Old Ones'.
The title is derived from Lovecraft's 'At the Mountains of Madness' - story contains the basis of Carpenter's The 'virus' Thing.
Film plot. It's 'horror fiction' programming - coupled with the loss of distinction between 'fantasy and reality' (ahem).
 - that precipitates the return of the Lovecraftian Old Ones (and mass breakdown). Carpenter's final apocalypse trilogy film.
It details the masses: (quote) "infected by an epidemic of violence" (led by violent youth - who then infect the elders).
 The (Big) Black Man. Gathering legions of followers, who loseglobalawareness, with undertones of world collapse. (sound familiar?)
Nyarlathotep - a 'Messenger of the Old Ones' (Outer Gods) - a malign deity, perhaps comparable to a Black Hermes.
Love-craft, The Dreams in the Witch House (1933) - Nyarlathotep appears as 'the Black Man' linked to witch Keziah Mason.
Lovecraftian In The Mouth of Madness (below) - societal breakdown, reality skew, and a recurring scene of police brutality. Very topical.
I Can See (graffiti). We all saw George Floyd. "Reality 'aint what it used to be." A pertinent quote from the film for these times.
Carpenter gained recognition via Assault on Precint 13. Recall any police precincts (linked to police brutality) recently assaulted?
A WHITE-HOT night of hate. Carpenter's film details police brutality on a ghetto gang (leading to a riot on a police precinct).
"Lived any good books mass media lately?" (see In The Mouth of Madness)
Gang destroys the precinct and every cop in it. Yes, that about nails it. Also reads like a current BLM/leftist rally call.
His (linked) Prince of Darkness (Devil/Satan & Blackness). Nyarlathotep, a black malign deity, an avatar of the Devil.
John Carpenter made They Live - the elite programming the population via mass media. Also Lovecraftian The'global virus'Thing.
 Sam '666' Neill played 'The Prince of Darkness' in 'St John's apocalypse based'Omen III, year before The 'apocalypse' Thing.
Halloween III(1983) outlines nefarious TV broadcast programming aimed at youth - coupled with microchip-based full head masks.
Interestingly the first 'PC computer virus' was written in 1982, Elk Cloner. The same year as the release of The'cloning/virus'Thing.
If someone said the following: "Apple, Mac, Windows, & replicating/cloning type virusspread - would you think that they were talking about computers? ALL are also aspects of The Thing (film): Apple II& MAC (Apple-Mac), Windows (via communication, a character), & a replicating/cloning type virus spread. First PC "in the wild" virus, Elk Cloner, was via Apple II (1982). Masonic 666 (Lucifer) Apple.
 Technocratic/Transhuman, masonic-satanic SCUM. 666 Apple to Eugenics/Vaccine Gates & 666 Microsoft:
 Oh, look. It's 'G-Male' MASONIC-JEW 666 GOOGLE. Architects of 'mass masonic mind control'.
 Oh, look. It's MASONIC-JEW FAECESBOOK. Group Think mass control has never been easier.
 Literally ALL American tech and tech firms are drenched in masonic-Jew PROPAGANDA. Do the sheep know?
This makes (masonic-Jew) mass mind control of the hypnotised sheep (who are oblivious) - a literal walk in the park.
The same sort of masonic-Jews that have programmed the masses via Zio-Hollywood, TV, music, etc.
Masonic Jew, Spielberg. Whose father was key in creating 'BASIC' - the PC language that built the empires of Jobs/Gates.
Carpenter putting Sam '666' Neill in his ITMOM. The same Neill who features in 666 Spielberg's Jurassic Masonic Park.
The 'virus' Thing. Lead MacReady (aka MAC) is introduced by the (cloner/virus linked) Apple II chess PC/game scene.
The Thing - Apple linked Mac (via Windows) fighting an "in the wild" virus type spread, one that replicates/clones (year 1982).
In some sense - virus/Apple-linked Mac (above) is playing Sargon x2. A bearded Sargon look-a-like playing Sargon chess.
Start: Mac (as White) defeats/stalemates the (electronic virus linked) Apple chess machine (as Black) by pouring-in whiskey and ice.
End: Mac (White) stalemates the (organic virus linked) Childs/Thing (Black) by pouring whiskey into him - to both ice freeze.
Below, the literal 'computer/virus' - a computer (based) virus image. The replicating/cloning 'Thing' virus (and spread).
Memes - a type of virus of the mind and contagiously transmitted. Meme derived from 'mimeme'. Greek, meaning 'imitated thing'.
 Dr Blair's cellular PC screen (above left). It's interesting that Brimley (Blair) is linked to a contagious meme via a (covid-linked) disease.
Anyway, Carpenter was also heavily involved in 'mass 9/11 predictive programming' via output. Covered in other posts.
Lived any good mass media lately?
"Many officers have been physically attacked...and more than three hundred eighty people...male and female, have been  
jailed in New York County. Two officers in Boston were hacked to death...amid jeering crowds in an attack last night.
What is this horrible, unexplainable madness...that is gripping our lives? What in the world is happening?" (ITMOM, script).
9/11. Carpenter's Escape From New York (with The Thing's MacReady, Russell) the most resonant.
A film concerning a locked-down Manhattan (as a giant security prison) which is rife with crime.
Yeah, overlaps with NY's Corona situation and recent widespread criminal outbreaks. (EFNY link).
The 1%? Oh, they mean the bad guys from They Live. Kurt Russell & Carpenter have been very busy - haven't they? ;)
Drifter: "I've been hearing something on the streets the last couple of weeks. Weird stuff. Some sort of epidemic of violence
- is what they've been saying. Told me they got some sort of cult up there. End of the world kind of stuff." (They Live, script)
"No independent thought". Oh, they mean the 'group think sheep' whose reality is largely designed by elite masonic forces.
Transmission: "They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor.
We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. They have created a repressive society ...and we are their unwitting accomplices.
Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance."

"They've made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We're focused only on our own gain. Keep us asleep...selfish, keep us sedated."
Hong Kong, a literal 'Little China' with 'Big Trouble'. "Some people pick the damndest places to start a fight."
Another Carpenter film. Uncle Bingo, I know you know a lot of this Carpenter/Lovecraft content and stuff. It's crazy!
I wonder if this post has the potential to go viral?

That's right folks, and as I noted very soon after the Zio-masonic '9/11 false-flag'. The Zionist MSM news services are all owned by the Zionist Hollywood (Pedo-wood) studios. The same people who make and influence your so-called 'News' - also make all of your degenerate and so-called fictional entertainment. A conflict of interest that has never been addressed - and it likely never will be. There's likely far more 'fact' - in (so-called) fictional entertainment - than there is in so-called 'factual' shows like news/current affairs. Bank this.

 ATLANTA & the 33rd Degree (°)
The latest site for the on-going Zio-masonic, mass media driven 'psy-op(s)'. Atlanta via the (masonic) 33rd degree parallel.
 Ha, and you thought you were all "33'd out" via (masonic murder in the 3rd degree) GEORGE '33' Floyd.
Recall all the Freemasons from the George Floyd event - there's too many to list. A lot of 'George-ing' going-on.
 33° Atlanta, Georgia. Scene of the Brooks event. Georgia, the place linked to the infamous 'guidestones'.
The father of Martin Luther King Jr MLK Sr (1900-84)– was a member of the 23rd lodge in Atlanta, Georgia.
Masonic King, who allegedly died via (masonic) Memphis, the original seat of the (masonic god King) Osiris.
Freemason asset, Martin Luther (Osiris) King, was born on the 33° parallel via Atlanta (Georgia).
Cue '33°' Atlanta via Brooks. LanceBottoms, the face and Mayor of 33° Atlanta:
 Major to Mayor. Major Lance (father) set up a new label, Osiris (via Memphis), with former drummer Al Jackson
Anyone for Kobe's mamba chopper? Major Lance's7 inch via the Osiris (masonic) eye. His daughter, Lance Bottoms.
The masonic strings are showing, as per. Yawn. Might've known that he came thru via masonic entertainment.
Convicted for COCAINE possession (served 4 years) and a want-away father to another child. What a guy! Barf!
Lance Bottoms? That's what sodomite Freemasons (via the anal Osiris/Horus eye) so thoroughly enjoy - lancing bottoms.
Lance, a thrusting pole via mounting. Bottoms, the ass/buttocks (plural). Where's George 'porn star' Floyd?
Brooks/Floyd: Lance Bottoms & (w)AYNEL SEX(ton). Gay shootings via Colons treated with Lube. The US of GAY.
I wonder if there will be an attempt to make (masonic-sodom) Lance Bottoms, Biden's VP runner? Time will tell.

 33 Atlanta/Masonic 33 Atlantis
 “A Colombia(n) Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis… and all Challengers shall be destroyed.”
Recall we mentioned NASA/SpaceX's recent rocket launch via Gemini. The phallic ship docking with IS(i)S.
Twin astronauts launched @ 3:22 p.m. EDT, May 30. Hurley, one of the twin astronauts, was also aboard
- Atlantis' final (2011) mission (33rd, see above). This was NASA's first human launch since that 2011 mission.
It's - "we only do masonic space rituals" - 666 Masonic NASA - via Osiris and the (linked) Bennu (phoenix).
 Osiris Rex - King Osiris via the Bennu. Note, each wears the 'atef'. Launched by an ATLAS V (Atlas, Atlantean, etc.)
On 12 December 2019, NASA announced the chosen landing spot, known as Nightingale (a male night-song bird).
It is expected to return with its sample to Earth on 24 September 2023. (Note the pyramid mission patch
- and the probe's bird-like shape). If successful, OSIRIS-REx will be the first U.S. spacecraft to return samples from an asteroid.
Ha, (Osiris Rex) Bennu asteroid looks like two capstones joined at the base. (The masonic 'great work'& '3rd temple' etc.)
 The bird deity Bennu, which was probably the inspiration for the phoenix, was venerated at Heliopolis,
- where it was said to be living on the Benben stone or on the holy willow tree.
 The (primeval mound) Benben stone (also known as a pyramidion) is the top stone of the pyramid.
 The Benben is thought to have been the prototype for later obelisks and the capstones of the great pyramids were based on its design.
 33 Floyd. Above left. "Is that a pyramidal base - minus the capstone?" Above right. Is that the masonic phoenix (bennu)?
Quote: "The bird deity Bennu, which was probably the inspiration for the phoenix."
Other cities developed their own myths of the primeval mound (Benben). 33 Floyd to 33 Atlanta via Memphis:
 At Memphis, the god Tatenen(a Memphite deity), an earth god and the origin of "all things in the shape of food
- and viands, divine offers, all good things", was the personification of the primeval mound. (source)
Atlas, who supported the globe/world on his shoulders - acting as a column. 33 vertebra spinal column via Atlas.
ATLAS - the bone (vertebra) that supports the globe of the skull/head. The head/globe that contains the world.
 '33 masonic degrees' to the crown/temple of the head via the '33 vertebra' spinal column.
It was an Atlas launcher that sent OSIRIS REx on it's Bennu (33 phoenix) mission via masonic NASA.
OSIRIS REx (name) was chosen for this mission as asteroid Bennu is a threatening Earth impactor.
Perhaps they should've named it Tyrann-Osiris Rex? Osiris as the 'tyrant (green skinned) lizard/serpent king'. Ahem.
When Green Tyrant Lizard Kings Ruled The Earth:
The 'dinosaurs' getting wiped-out by asteroid/comet impact is a well-known theme - see 666 Spielberg's JurassicMasonic Park.
Deep Impact, Spielberg. Some researchers believed that Osiris (the dying god) was wiped-out similarly. See Comyns Beaumont.
Tyrannosaurus Rex 'masonic apron' (inverted) in the museum entrance. O-saurus/O-siris. Note the masonic eye of radiance.
Tyrann-Osiris Rex (aka masonic Hiram Abiff) in the bones coffin (bottom right). Tyrann-O-saurus Rexbones (see bottom left).
Atlantis, the (prehistoric/mythological) civilisation that was destroyed by flood/swallowed by the sea. (by impact?)
It's possible that the masonic apron 'rainbow' (in one aspect) might act as a reference to the biblical flood (Genesis).
 The masonic USA is even referred to as a type of 'New Atlantis' - see (masonic 33) Bacon, etc.

And the CHAOS continues...over the weekend:
 Atlanta Drive-by near the Brooks location.
 Minneapolis Mass Shooting
The brainwashed protesters preventing police from accessesing the victims.

Sci-Fi, West(ern) World, The God-Brain & The Creation of Adam

Upped as a stand-alone piece, but it was a continuation of the previous post (here).

Someone was asking me about Westworld (in the comments). I've not seen it, but have pulled this out:
A lot of the S3 opening title imagery can be related to WAR. (link)
Symbolic Ajax (Warrior) in the promo, above left. Greek, great-grandson of Zeus. Related to: "lifting the fog of war (battle)"
Ajax 'falling on his sword' (suicide) - 'conquered by his [own] sorrow.' That's the Dubai skyline (top left).
"Free Will-(iam) - Is Not Free." William (Harris), in the finale is killed by a replica of himself (symbolic suicide) in Dubai.
"These violent delights have violent ends."
 Flash'Zeus'Gordon (1980) via war rocket Ajax and "fall on your sword" (masonic) Ming.
Zeus Gordon who suicide crashes into Ming's palace via Ajax - after "lifting the fog/cloud of battle."
Delos (Westworld Park operators) - another link to mythological Greece. (Also bear in mind Greek Prometheus.)
Westworld - Janus and the 'Gates of War'. A Roman god of beginnings and ends.
I've not seen the series, but I get the idea that there's a lot of reference to "narrative programming/reprogramming" (ahem). S3 finale seems to reference city riots/breakdown (appropriately via Incite) - and was released just a few weeks before the Floyd riots etc.
 Janus - two-faced 'god of gods'. The two faces/sides of good (god) and evil (devil). Book (right) Jay-nes or Ja-nus?
Julian Jay-nes (Ja-nus). Julian, from the Roman name J(uli)anus, which was derived from Julius.
Hopkins, Magic (1978). Very Janus and bicameral 'schizo' minded.
 The magician puppet-master (god) and his puppet/host creations.
 Yes. It's pratically the same basis as Ford's Westworld. Corky and Ford's creation(s) taking over the act (stage).
 The Bicameral Pyramid Brain? Total 'pyramid mine/mind' Recall via Philip K. Dick? Ford the Tyrell of Westworld.

Blade Runner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, Philip K. (Valis) Dick - and (split mind) Horselover Fat.
God: "Let there be LIGHT." Android-linked Dick's VALIS - Vast Active Living Intelligence System. (here)
"Fat is denying this world, as much as that is possible, but at the same time, he is affirming his belief
- that ultimate reality does not lie in this world, but instead, will come to be once complete understanding of the divine occurs."

The Creation of Adam - God as The Brain. (Evoked in S3 titles, and S1 E10, below).
 I covered a lot of this in 2014. The 'Masonic Rainbow Connection' (posts).
Icarus, the son of Labyrinth Daedalus. The maze/labyrinth an aspect of the series and via the skull.
Labrys and the 'double-headed axe' (heads/brain hemispheres) of Zeus. The Labrys linked to the labyrinth.
The maze structure itself evoking the pathways/ridges of the brain. Westworldbrain shaped maze& 3rd eye (right).
Dr. Lecter's brain surgery via the 4th of July and FBI (below). The FBI warned of terror attacks on this date last year.
I wouldn't mention it save for the fact that (9/11) Bin Laden is shown via the FBI's most wanted in 2001 film, Hannibal.
 Religion and the (god) brain...Hannibal. Grace, the father (god) and apostle Paul: 
Westworld based on Michael 'Jurassic/Masonic Park' Crichton's 1973 film. Creation of Adam (Spielberg's E.T.).
Westworld (film) and Jurassic Park have the same backdrop. Amusement Parks that go malfunctional/dysfunctional.
In both 'parks' (a metaphor for the real world) the inhabitants (metaphoric humanity) are genetically tampered withetc.
Ford is God, Westworld is his Eden, and Dolores is his Eve. The Eve who eats the forbidden fruit.
 Prometheus (Ridley 'Weyland' Scott) and The Creation of Adam. Prometheus - the creation of humanity from clay.
Building Better (West)Worlds - via androids/replicants. Ford (Hopkins) is another Tyrell, see Scott's Blade Runner.
Slay your maker: This is likely why Ford (Hopkins) is executed by his creation (Dolores) ala Roy Batty and Tyrell.
Batty's life was bound by inbuilt limitation (a short lifespan). Dolores life is limited/bound by Ford's narrative.
Alien, Scott. Ian 'Alien android' Holm links to a lot of this - the Holm who recently died. Divine being, see Fifth Element.
Hopkins/Ford: "It was a DOCTOR who noticed the shape of the [Michelangelo human/god] brain." Hopkins, DR. Lecter:
Dr. Hannibal 'Michelangelo' Lecter. Silence of the Lamb(s of God). Christ, the 'Lamb of God' via St. John.
 "The Crucified/Hanged Man". Note, it's not from the Pilate episode, or is it?. ;) Another series that I've never watched.
33 Christ/33 Cantos. The failure of transcending materiality (which binds). The flesh (and sin) dominates.
Hence, I made my own home (flesh sinning material body) be my (literal) gallows. The Hanged/Crucified Man.
The early Church believed that "the life of David [foreshadowed] the life of Christ; Bethlehem is the birthplace of both;
- the shepherd life of David points out Christ, the Good Shepherd.
 Paul's biblical statement that Christ was: "born of a descendant of David according to the flesh"
 Alien Scott's Hannibal. Hopkins played (Adam to Noah linked) biblical patriarch Methuselah in Aronofsky's Noah. 
Alien/Elephant Man John Hurt, and Elephant Man/Hannibal Hopkins - linked via The Lord Is My Shepherd (Elephant Man).
Ridley 'Prometheus' Scott directing both 'elephant men' - Hurt in Alien (1979), and Hopkins in Hannibal (2001).
Alien-Elephant Man, Hurt (above), who found the (Promethean) elephant space jockey. Hurt played the 'jockey' in Champions.
Elephant-manHannibal who took war to Italy (Rome). Elephant Man Hopkins in Hannibal invades Italy (via Divine Comedy, Dante).
The elephant that never forgets. "I've been in this room for 8 years...what I want is a view. I want a window...":
Elephant-man Hannibal Lecter - via Ivory (literally). James Ivory's A Room with a (Duomo) View - via a window.
A room with a [window] view of the Duomo (Florence) x2. The End - Duomo window shot, A Room with a View.
See Merchant/Ivory'sHoward's End for Hannibal 'room with a view' Hopkins, and A Room with a View, Bonham Carter.
The view of the tree (via the window) see Hannibal Hopkins (via Thompson) in Merchant Ivory's Remains of the Day.
Divine comedy? Tony 'Dr. Elephant Man' Robinson (via Merchant Ivory Thompson). Tony 'The Fifth Elephant' Robinson.
"Human beings the size of amoebas" - Dr. Robbie 'Elephant/Man' Coltrane observing the episode under microscope.
Ivory/Elephant-man Hopkins and Hannibal-linked, Oldman - The Fifth Element Elephant (also see Ganesha).
Terrestrial matter was made of the 4 elements earth, air, fire and water, but celestial bodies were made of quintessence, a 5th element.
Not so much an Erased-Head (Eraserhead) that forgets, but The Elephant Man that always remembers. See Lynch.
 Bernard Lowe, Ford's Arnold replacement, a host. Arnold Weber being an anagram of Bernard Lowe.
Arnold/Bernard seemingly act as the (Eden) serpent to Ford's God. Wanting the host's to have the sentient knowledge.
In the beginning was 'the word' (speech)  - the logos. Divine language, Leeloo. The Fifth Element.
Alchemists believed that small amounts of quin-tessence (the fifth element) were also found terrestrially.
Like the Prometheus myth - humanity from clay (dust/water). Adam (metaphorically) stealing God's fire, the fifth element.
Michel-Angelo (Michael Angel) & Arch-Angel Michael - who guarded the tree via the flaming sword (fire, see text).
The Creation of Adam Leeloo (video). Alien, Scott. Ian 'android' Holm links to a lot of this - the Holm who recently died.
Holm (Alien, Ash) is the guardian priest (The Fifth Element). Dallas was the Nostromo capt. Willis plays Dallas.
 Willis, the 12 Monkeys Tribes of Israel'virus man'...via virology Peters (Morse). The (alien) Contact entity via Foster/Hurt.
12 Monkeys by Peoples - the same Peoples who wrote (replicant/android) Blade Runner. Sheep-linkedBlade Runner.

 Naked Adam "pre-fall" - before the forbidden fruit.
The created Adam/Eve (post-fall) do develop shame after eating of the tree's fruit. The fig-leaf covering.
Elephant Man, Hopkins - who posed as Dr Fell (to fall) in Hannibal via (Eden and sin linked) Dante:
Genesis - Eve tempted by the snake (metaphor) via the tree - the deformed fruit (fallen humanity) of the original sin.
This is f**king crazy! Dr. Hannibal 'Michelangelo' Lecter to Dr. Frederick Treves via Elephant Man Hopkins.
 Lynch's The Elephant Man (1980) - see clip. "My cup overflows. My cup runneth over." Psalm 23(5).
Lamb/Shepherd, Hopkins. Westworld, Psalm 23(5): "Thou preparest a table before me...my cup runneth over"
 Christ: "I am the vine, you are the branches"(John 15:5)
Ford: "In the beginning....[was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God]"(John, 1:1)
"A perfectly balanced world..." Yet it failed. This is just like The Matrix - the first matrix program.
Agent Smith (who compares humanity to a virus) : "Have you ever stood and stared at it, marveled at it's beauty, it's genius?
Billions of people just living out their lives, oblivious. Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world. Where none suffered. Where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program." A failure of programming language to describe such a perfect world. It might suggest the problem of overlaying such a program onto 'dualism hardwired' humans. The Matrix's Morpheus (Apocalypse Fishburne) who heavily featured in Hannibal (TV series), and 'Chinese virus' film, Contagion.
 Misery, pain and suffering. Awakened Neo. Westworld's 'host awakening' reflects this:
Awakened hosts (humanity) via pain & suffering - aka dolor (dolor - pain/suffering, Dolor-es/Delores) & via Delo-s.
The hell of the flesh. "Time to understand your enemy" - the enemy being 'you' - the material/sinning self.
It suggests that the god is within - and not external. Salvation being dependent on the self - not an outside party.
It was 'Hurt' (via the flesh) in The Elephant Man - and it's Dolores (pain/suffering) via the flesh in Westworld. Hannibal:
Dante's Circles of Hell. I made my own home (body sinning self) be my gallows (the source of my own destruction).
Dr. Fell - the fall of man post the original sin (knowing good/evil) - "Fix what is broken in us". Raise spirit over flesh.
Ford (as god) sacrifices himself using Dolores (pain) - this IS his act of saving them all (the hosts).
Their external physical 'god' (Ford) is dead. Symbolically it inverts their old god thematic - over to the internal.
They will decide how to live via the spirit or flesh (good/evil). The fruit of the tree - knowing good/evil.
Both exist inside all of us, but free will gives us that choice of choosing which path and how we react etc.
The light is in the heart of darkness - which is why Ford says Bernard has to suffer more to escape his material self (hell).
The immersion in material hell is what acts as the catalyst for the epiphany which leads to change (enlightenment).

Ford (god) setting-up his death to come. Removing his direct inteference in the creation - to exist as background music.
"I realized someone was paying attention, someone who could change. So I began to compose a new story for them."
 "These violent delights have violent ends."(Romeo & Juliet)
Oppenheimer dropped on gun reveal. Oppenheimer: "I am become death - destroyer of (west)worlds"
Dolores will 'become death' and slay Ford. To be free she must become her own god - destroying the external one.
The god that is the architect of her 'loop existence' - the narrative/program that ultimately bound her.

Morpheus: (God of Dreams, see Dream of Nebuchadnezzar via Daniel): What is the Matrix? Control. 
The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world (metaphor for the mortal sphere) - built to keep us under control - 
in order to change a human being into this. [Holds up a Duracell battery, which obviously tends to be read as enslavement].

"The Matrix cannot tell you who you are..."
Enslaved Neo. His matrix dream world is the symbolic material world/hell. Waking from it leads to salvation.
 You see...this 'battery' aspect can be viewed in two very 'diametrically opposed'ways.
We can look at it as 'control', for the purposes of human bondage to the machine/system. Alternatively we can also view this as a metaphor for enlightenment/gnosis. The matrix acting as the (material world/hell) catalyst for his epiphany. The battery can be viewed from a positive angle (batteries both positive & negative) - hence, why the battery body is 'black', yet the head 'gold' (enlightenment). 
Reflected in the dream of biblical Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar (see Daniel 2), feet of clay/head of gold. 
Clay is 'base' (lower realm) and relates to the feet, Gold is 'pure' and relates to the head/enlightenment(higher realm).

'Deus Ex Machina' - God from the machine.
It's the (Christ/Word) 'Logos' ship that crashes into Machine City. Nebuchadnezzar....Mark III No. 11 - Mark Chp 3 Vs 11:
Thou art the Son of God (Christ) aka The One."It is done (finished)", Neo. Trinity-linked Neo literally beomes 'Christed'.
 Hopkins featured with Neo (Reeves) in Dracula - the film that closes with the (crucifixion) "It is finished" line.
Hannibal's Mason Verger (Oldman) playing the Dracula lead. Constantin-ople Dracula and Constantine Reeves.
 The maze centre - the skull/head and god-brain/neo-cortex. The Dome of St. Peter. The (snake-cortex) head of Medusa.
 William, who finds the (god-brain) maze centre in a churchgraveyard - also likely foreshadowing his own death.
Harris (William) played a Ford-like 'god/architect role' as Christ-of in (related) The True-man Show. (See architect, Matrix)
His world as a manipulated construct (with a tragedy story) leading to Tru(e)man's ascension beyond the material world.
Neo worked for Meta-cortex - which translates as 'transcending the boundaries of the brain'. Neo-Cortex (see brain).
Westworld and Ford via Christ's sermon: "Turn the other cheek" - and with the skull (golgotha). See Matthew/Luke.
Silence of the Lamb(s of God). See road to Golgotha (skull) drawing with lambing Clarice and the crucifixion crosses.
Michelangelo, Ford/Hopkins - Dr. Hannibal 'Michelangelo' Lecter. Medusa painting used in Hannibal series (via Lecter).
Medusa's (cannibal) watery raft and inspired by Michelangelo - particularly The Last Judgment& Sistine ceiling:
"Lost souls destroying each other." Like our own world - lost souls of materialism (pain/suffering, Dolor/Dolores).
Winged 'sea/water horse' Pegasus (aka Hippocampus) is (re)born from the head of Medusa via the sea. The winged brain.
Neo worked for Meta-cortex - which translates as 'transcending the boundaries of the brain'. Neo-Cortex (see brain).
The Gorgon head (via Pegasus) used to defeat the ultimate threat (Kraken/Cetus). Intellect/reason over brute force.
The beast (via Hades/Hell) is defeated by the (god) brain. Perhaps a metaphor for transcending the material self (ego death).
The (Winged Pegasus/Hippocampus) Sea-Horse of the Brain
Brain hippocampus: "The consolidation of information - from short-term to long-term memory." How appropriate.

 The magnificent peacock can barely fly - but art, literature, music etc via the god-brain - isn't bound by that limitation
 "The guests viewers don't return for the obvious things...it's the subtleties, the details":
 "They want a glimpse of who they could be." (And art is the vehicle for it. That's what's seemingly implied.)

Westworld & Janus ("god of gods")
Westworld (film) and Jurassic Park have the same backdrop. Amusement Parks that go malfunctional via computer/coding issues.
Crichton's Westworld (1973) and the [android] computer virus. Virus film, The Andromeda Strain (1971), based on his book.
 Andro-meda & Andro-id.
The strains of Andromeda (via the rock) - see Clash of the Titans, Medusa, Perseus, Pegasus, Kraken/Cetus etc.
Spielberg-linked Crichton wrote books on PC BASIC. The PC language that was linked to Spielberg's father at GE.
Hopkins featured in virus-linkedMission Impossible 2(MI:2) - with Westworld co-star Thandie Newton.
Johns Hopkins (hospital) that collates data on the Covid virus spread is mentioned by Lecter (Hopkins) in SOTL.
In MI:2, Newton injects herself with the virus. She's then released in an attempt to start the pandemic.
In Utopia the Janus virus is [secretly] injected into Jessica. Flu virus and JANUS vaccine linked - Utopia.
 Lower text matches with my own musings. A genuine virus for a vaccine drive. I've never seen an episode of Utopia.
Roman Janus, the series references Romani peoples in respect of the Janus vaccine.
As in the uber heavy-handed 'Contagion' (film). The masses stampeding for vaccines off the back of a Chinese flu virus.

Oh, and I'm sorry that I haven't been responding to comments.
 Both this post and the previous.I mean nothing by it and value your contributions. 
I'm flat-out with writing and brainstorming. I'm virtually spent. :)

My Parting Shot - Blog Is Now Closed

August/Sept 2020
 Blog is now closed and I have now retired from this kind of writing, blogging, etc.
No more posts will be forthcoming. Thanks.

I'll leave you with this: 'Election 2016'. It's called being ahead of the game.
Zionist Sodom Jews, Spielberg/Zemeckis and their 9/11 predictive programming (and beyond) propaganda piece.
Nov. 2016: "Groups of low info/IQ voters - likely marshalled by Soros'"Black Lives Matter"
- insane social justice warriors (barf), and fuelled by corporate-driven 'minority rule' MSM cheerleaders 
(also see Zionist socialist media/Twatterati, etc). Dangerous elite-primed globalist zombies infecting the world 
with their globalist mental disease." (Marxist universities & schools [indoctrination centres] also exposed.)
"(Zionist MSM fomented) Mass HATE WHITEY propaganda campaign..."Black Lives Matter". "LGBT/minority rule..."
Who'd have guessed that Marxism was a wholly JEWISH/Illuminati creation? Um, just about anyone with a brain.
Small hat 'Chosenites' - the ultimate global victimhood minority. The power behind BLM, LGBTQ, and Marxist MSM/Hollywood etc.
 The Zionist/Marxist-JEW sponsored'hate whitey' and cultural Marxist mechanism - EXPOSED & DESTROYED.
Zionist Jew criminal, and 9/11 mass programmer, Arnon Milchan, was the force behind 12 Years A Slave. Yawn.
 Programming blacks (and beyond) into a perma-victimhood mindset. Making 'thug life' criminality a virtue. Barf!
'Hate Whitey' - empowered by Zionist Jew owned/controlled MSM. A huge growth industry in recent decades. Ahem.

Hate Whitey - The Cinema of Defamation - author M.A. Hoffman II.

 Zionist Satanic Jew Hollywood/Pedowood...Oscars so KOSHER.
When did you first hear "ALL LIVES MATTER"? Was it in recent months? How about more than 4 years ago? (link)
Zionist Jew Slaves, the Smiths. Homosexual Will, (toilet stab) lesbian Jada, and their messed-up (gender-bending) kids.
My long established theory that USA is a slave colony of the Zionist Jews - only gains more traction.

June 2020 post....
Who'd have guessed? Note, Trump is also entirely owned by these same Zionists, so don't get carried-away.

Hating America, an extreme far-left Marxist ideology, riots as a form of protest, 'hate whitey' mantras, 'defund police' mantras, and (induced) mass white self-loathing (coupled with overt and unchecked black power racism) - were never going to be an effective platform for any US election season. Neither is burning-down cities on behalf of black racial supremacy (badly disguised as positive black empowerment) and lording 'thug life' black criminals over the law abiding. Whoever thought it could be? This is all so obvious that it cannot be by chance and/or organic. Just so you understand. This is all played-out crap courtesy of the sick ZIONIST JEWS. I knew I was correct about how the Zionist Jews have rotted the US group mind via mass media full spectrum dominnce - and years ago. You know, the hypersexualisation of children (see mass media, Pedo-wood), LGBT/sodomy as a virtue (see Pedo-wood/MSM), gangster thuggery/pimp whoredom promoted as a lifestyle/career choice (filthy/degenerate hip-hop), hardcore porn music videos (see R&B, hip-hop etc.), perma-victimhood tropes  (see mass media, NBA, sports etc.). The list goes on. This is my: "I told you so." moment.

US Sports - aka a major ZIONIST JEW mass mind control conduit. You can forget China. Lebron 'NBA' James is KOSHER.
Oh, look. Like MSM/Pedo-Wood/Social(ist) Media - ZIONIST JEWS seem to OWN most of it. Who'd have guessed?
US Congress is also stuffed with Zionist Jews. Their collective aim is to destroy America and its peoples.
Quick, get the blacks to riot and destroy (via Zio-propaganda) before the GOYIM work-out that Jews pull ALL the strings.
I wonder who got Zionist US sports to mass strike and promote BLM thuggery as progress? Any ideas? LOL.
You know, Zionist JEW Soros' Antifa/BLM. Where's (Jewish) Epstein, Weinstein, Maxwell, etc? LOL.
 At least 'POS' Soros has described his own BLM accurately. They are a HATE based and RACIST group.
I wonder why the masters of global victimhood (the Jews) have made black victimhood go nuclear? Wink-wink.
BLM and their Mansonesque 'Helter Skelter' philosophy (above). The followers are more brainwashed than the Family.
Don't forget to: "say their names" (the dead) - for ritual/spiritism, and necromantic purposes. BLM = a child of satanic Jews.

Marxist/Lesbian BLM? On a Zionist NWO mission to destroy nations and disrupt the family unit. Ahem.
 From 2017 post (above), 2018 post (below).
"Death to America" - they cry. NWO Zio-Marxist 'one world' agenda: "Nation states are sheduled for destruction."

 Jan 2020 post...
A good call on those 'melt-up' markets. Ahem. Forget left vs. right - it's all about the Zio central banking cartel.
The cartel that 99.99% know nothing about. Oh, look. My theory on the DNC's mission to ensure Trump wins.
Alzheimers Joe and Kamala 'bigger bitch than Hillary' Harris? The political tragi-comedy never ends.

Get ready for Trump's re-election (save mass fraud) and more predictable 'mass riots/social breakdown' that will ensue.
This is all already 'baked-in'. The Marxist left will go beyond insane when Trump triumphs again.
As I said aeons back - the 2nd US civil war is now inevitable. In fact, you're already in it.
This will be further exacerbated when the cases for (perma-criminals) George 'OD' Floyd/Brooks/Blake (etc.)
- which have been set-up to FAIL. Leads to the acquittal of most, if not all police officers involved.

Right, again!!! Dec. 2017. (link)
Where I destroyed (Zio-Marxist) masonic US tech firms/mass media - Apple, Google, Faecesbook, Microsoft, etc.
How's it working-out for y'all - with all those Zio-Marxist 'socialist media/group think' platforms? Ahem.
How have they all faired on the back of the plan-demic? Do you feel the Zio-technocracy's grip tightening?
 Oh, look. KiddieSkinFlix, erm, I mean Netflix proudly presents - 'twerk-a-thon paedo fest' - Cuties.
Netflix, co-founded by an ancestor of (Jew propaganda) Bernays, and (Jew paedo family) the Freuds. (link)
The co-founder of Sundance (film festival, etc.) has recently been convicted of paedophilia. Zionist Jew, Pedo-wood.
The same Sundance film body that also recently praised and awarded (paedo-chic) film, Cuties.
Below, the same sheep who expanded and empowered ALL these monstrosities (Netflix/Hollywood) in the first place!
 Who'd have guessed?
Dem. Cali. state Sen. Scott Weiner, a (JEWISH) gay politician who represents San Francisco, introduced SB 145 in Jan. 2019.
(Sodomite and paedo-lover) Sen. Weiner was endorsed by (overt racist) Kamala 'POS' Harris. Ahem.
This law already exists in respet of heteros (such is the inherent sickness). Now paedo-sodomites can join the party.
Deviant Weiner, also helped create SB-239 to lower'knowingly infecting people with HIV' from felony to misdemeanor.
Moving the goalposts and ammending the law as their sick crimes become more exposed. Wink-wink.
I said years ago (not long after 9/11) that Zionist fomented mass media will be the death of the USA and its peoples.
That claim is now looking increasingly more likely. Certainly more likely than not, at least at this moment.
In that near 20yr timeframe - I've seen nothing but the sheep empowering/expanding the Zionist MSM that destroys them.

Naturally, the only thing that makes sense in light of all this - is to give-up.

That's my parting shot. Best wishes to you all. Goodbye.

(P.S. - Special thanks goes to Uncle Bingo, for all his contributions.)

Release The Kraken...

My retirement currently lies in tatters. I should've guessed.
Am porting over the previous post updates - end of Oct. and covering Nov. It's all happening.

Updated 27th Oct. Back to the Future Beginning...9/11 Lightning-struck Towers:
Zionist/Illuminati Rothschild's NWO. It's Towering Donald 'Illuminati NWO' Trump.
 Illuminati MGM Black Pyramid (see Illuminati card-game box) false flag via Vegas was under Illuminati (Queens) Trump.
The Tower'Trump card' and 9/11 (see tarot). And 'Towering Trump' the POTUS. Trump cards.The Devil & The Tower.
Devils Tower, 666 Spielberg/Zemeckis and their 9/11 predictive programming (and beyond) propaganda piece.
(9/11/2016 eurodate election)Back To The 2016 Presidency Future
Symbolic Zio-masonic Antichrist, 666 'Little Horn'Towering Trump. Parodied in Back to the (911 struck tower) Future II.
 See Trump's myriad of 9/11 & 11/9 elements (etc.) in the above link. Donald 'Biff/DeLorean' Trump. Phallic Towers.
'Shit biffing' via a Thomas. Even 'shit queen' King parodied Trump via his works. King's The Dead Zone, Armageddon Stillson.

Back to the (9/11 struck/biffed Tower) Future. Michael J Fox pops-up just to settle any lingering doubts. Ha, as if there were any!
The 2016 post-election fall-out. Soros, BLM, SJW. Fuelled by corporate-driven 'minority rule' MSM cheerleaders...

As I mentioned a few years ago - the films that parody Trump - all have a dystopian and/or 'end of the world' theme.
So much JEWISH programming. The dystopian future timeline (2015) via the (broken, worn-out) Twin Towers.
 9/11 & 666 Trump - who bought (film linked) DeLorean's Bedminster Estate - exactly 1 year after 9/11/01.
A few (Spielberg/Dante linked) 9/11 Gremlins - ghosts in the machine. Tower Trump/Clamp Trade Centre via 9 & 11 and FOX.
Why have Trumptards been absorbed by Fox? Fox were one of the biggest 9/11 programmers of all. Oops.
Trump is hawking the 'warped' vaccines (and involved with 666 Gates). There is no need for any vaccines.
'I can't breath' Co-vid 19 has impacted 19 years after 9/11. Masonic Floyd psy-op. Some claim the trash bin ciphered 666.
 'I can't breath' via 911 police - 'Twin Cities' Covid Floyd was allegedly choked for 8m 46s. First 9/11 plane hit at 8:46am.
2020 opened with the ritual Black Mamba Chopper crash (innuendo/mockery). See End of Days via 666/Corona Bryant.
T2 Firey9/11Terminator. 666 Hyams'End of'Twin Tower'Days. Co-vid, 666 Trump has long had 9/11 mass media resonance.
I've covered it for many years. This coming US election date (Nov. 3) falls exactly 999 weeks after 9/11/01. Date inverse 11/9/20 (Nov. 9) - which is very soon after the US election day of reckoning - falls 6,999/7,000 days after 9/11/01. 2020divided by Biden's 
- text vote # 30330 = 0.0666. I thought these numeric/date aspects warranted mention. What with the way things are unfolding.
Towering Trump and Twin Towers. Trump has had his own 'struck tower' issues as POTUS. Two that spring to mind.
Masonic twin pillars. Trump, in the 9/11 aftermath - promoted building back the NY Twin Towers. Democracy Philly:
Twin 'Liberty' Towers x2. "Bad things happen in Philadelphia" debate meme - went uber viral. News items, t-shirts, etc. 
Trump and other (financial) Twin Towers - see Trump-linked (destruction resonant) Deutsche 'Twin Towers' Bank.
 (German-Jew) Rothschild Park situated close by. Rothschild owned Zio-Drumpf is from German ancestry. WorldTradeCollapse.
Deutsche Bank whose NY offices overlooked the NY Twin Towers. Also linked to (foreknowledge) airline put-options pre-9/11.
 Masonic brother, Trump. Philly, the so-called city of (masonic) Brotherly Love. Philly is a masonic hell. Just look around.
William 'Pennsylvania' Penn - see towering Philly City Hall (near Twin Towers) - was born 1644 at Tower Hill. The curse.
A 'sport's curse' - like '2015' BTTF II (see The Cubbies, and 2016). I had to cover all these bases - pun intended.
Not so much prediction - more like due dilligence based on these apparent elements.
The last time the US had a contested election - it led to the Bush Jr. admin. and the soon to follow 9/11 event.

I've just realised I've written the above without the knowledge of the shooting death/riots in W. Philly (overnight).
Another police shooting. An armed and dangerous black man. Seemingly - bad things do happen in Philadelphia. Crazy days!
Mental health issues? Oh, they mean his free will in respect of opting for gangsta thuggery as a lifestyle choice.
I'm sure his retarded upbringing and immersion in degenerate rap/mass media has had absolutely no bearing. Ahem.

Update 8th Nov.
Well, well, well. Here we are on the eve of 9/11/20 (11/9/20).
"(Nov. 9) - which is very soon after the US election day of reckoning - falls 6,999/7,000 days after 9/11/01."
I last updated on 27th Oct. Nearly two weeks ago with my Philly/Pennsylvania stuff.
  From earlier in the post body:
"Get ready for Trump's re-election (save mass fraud) and more predictable 'mass riots/social breakdown' that will ensue.
This is all already 'baked-in'. The Marxist left will go beyond insane when Trump triumphs again."

Wow! We just saw the biggest election heist in US history. What a mess of an electoral system! I favour neither candidate, but it's as clear as day that the 2020 election was blatantly stolen by fraud. No question (see comments from 4th/5th, below). Dems waited for the Florida call (which went Rep) and then set to work. With the swing states largely trending with a healthy Trump lead - they then slowed/stopped the count in these key states - deliberately. A good deal of the required vote needed to edge-out narrow wins were then produced. This during the small hours overnight. Huge tranches of Biden votes (literally straight lines) added. Other votes thru other means: algo vote flipping (see pic), multiple mail-ins, filling-in ballots, dead votes, mail-in backdating, illegal counts, etc. This is how Biden got his record total. They had to pull-out all the stops to match Trump's huge gains/tally - and then fraud the rest.
Vote flipping Penn. - 40,000 vote swing. Likely via Dominion, hammer/scorecard software. Probably just one of many.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court (circa a week prior to the election) changed their voting rules - allowing late counts.
It remains to be seen as to whether this ruling will ultimately hold - in respect of the Constitution.
Recall 9/11 Bush and Gore from the (SCOTUS decided) 2000 contested election. Gore thought he'd won for nearly 40 days!
Philly/Penn (PA) was the main basis of my recent (9/11 - 11/9) update and now it appears as though -
 Trump's first election fraud legal case (via 911 Giuliani) will be launched 9/11 - 11/9 (Monday) and it's Philly, Penn.
Anyway, that said. I fear for the worst. The stage could be set for some sort of remedy in the SCOTUS. It can't be ruled-out yet.
Zionist (SC) Ginsberg's apparent death leading to the appointment of Trump picked ACB. This causing the SCOTUS balance to tip more favourably in respect of Trump. Very odd timing - wouldn't you say? Amy Coney Barrett worked on (9/11 POTUS) Bush's legal team - contested Florida, 2000. As did Justice Kavanaugh and Chief Justice Roberts. Trump unsuccessfully ran on the Reform Party ticket in 2000. Anyway, if this gets overturned and Biden is stripped or whatever - the 'leftist' melt-down will be more nuclear (imo). Trump wins, the (now robbed) left goes totally bonkers. Then comes civil war, leading to martial law - and finally to mandatory vaccines for those that survive. The way things are unfolding - I wouldn't put this devious plan/script beyond them (the elite). 
The SJW/Left are the ultimate trigger group - that needs to be appreciated.

If 'Little Horn/666' Trump is the symbolic Antichrist - could this be seen in the light of Rev. 13:3? The (healed) fatal wound?
That Revelation issue aside. If the blatant frauding of the 2020 election is not addressed and (fraud) Biden stays - then it's almost as equally troubling. A violent uprising from the beleagured 'right' could manifest. 'The left' has been heavily defined in recent years (it has a collective identity) and this situation unfolding would help define/harden 'the 'right'. Not only that. If the election is allowed to stand, then the entire integrity of the process is wrecked. Elections are then effectively dead. Even if future elections are secure - the Dems will do all in its power to import milllions, upon millions of illegals. Therefore expanding and expanding its base (with auto-Dem voting socialist imports) until no RNC can gain power again. Their permanent 'socialist-Commie' political utopia. This is what almost happened to the UK - after three Blair terms. The voters being imported en-mass. But New Labour Brown was ultimately defeated in 2010. 
Anyway, the (wider) US 2nd civil war that I've warned about for years - now seems almost inevitable at this point.
 Release the Kraken....Nov. 23
 Previous post (see above) I heavily referenced the pervasive meme: "Release the Kraken". On cue - it has seemingly arrived.
Released Krakens via Washington State (Seattle), and now Washington D.C. Kraken Lives Matter!
Circa 3rd week of November (and late November 2020). Yes, as usual I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. There's 9/11 Giuliani.
"Seattle IS the Kraken." Marxist, eco-fascist, hate whitey, LGBTQP+, no law and disorder, riot-central, Seattle? Hmmm?
I specifically mentioned the 'memetic value' and pervasiveness of this phraseology. Read the previous July post for more.
In light of the prior Revelation issue. It would be remiss not to mention the above. Revelations: 'It will be BIBLICAL'.
Also consider the DOD's supposed Kraken Cyber Warfare Program. There's chatter in respect of that.
Am just updating (23 Nov.) to add-in the latest 'Kraken' unfoldings. Time will tell - if there's anything to any of this.
Kraken-linked Medusa meme around the time of the election. The film has a Aug 4. 2021 general release (216th day, 6*6*6).
STONE Liberty- symbolic Medusa via (Perseus) Trump/Biden. See Clovefield. Cardi 'Medusa' B. She did the Biden interview.
Titan RockJohnson(innuendo)& the (eye-meeting/meating) Snake 'Hard' Lady. Andromeda via the rock, Perseus, Medusa, & Kraken.

 'Go Greek' Johnsons and Snakes.One-eyed Snake Plissken via Escape From (9/11) New York. The'icy chopper'Thing, Kurt.
Medusa aside, I wouldn't be surprised if election meddling/fraud claims eventually& conveniently point the finger at China.
Perhaps mass media primed/BLM brainwashed gimps (hate whitey club) acting as vote counters will be another conduit.
 The fruits of SOCIAL MEDIA brainwashing (aka mass retardation) - see Zionist Jew, Zuckerberg, Shabbos Goy, Twatter Dorsey.
Logic can take a hike. It's all about FEELS and induced VICTIMHOOD tourism - mainly via Zio-brainwashed feminists.
All this SHITE came by way of degenerate Frisco/Commie-fornia. Likewise with all the horrendous Zionist-Hollywood programming.

These are AMERICAN tech entities. American, geddit? I wonder why all these Zio-US platforms are going commie? (sarcasm)
The ones who filled your homes with ultra-violence, extreme porn, hate whitey, degenerating music, sodom worship, socialist media:
 Zionist Jew Zucker at CNN. A mass of sheep are corralled just under these three platforms! Not forgetting JEW-tube.
This Zionist political, mass media, and tech control freakery (of the Orwellian kind) must be a figment of my imagination. ;)
Update. It appears as though Jew-gle's Jew-tube is now about to censor any talk re: election fraud. Who'd have guessed. ;)
There were no 9/11 Muslim hijackers. They're not required for a Zio-US false flag/hoax. Save as 'blame attached' bogeymen.
Almost amusing that Talpiot Lewin's been used as a type of 9/11 hero - tackling those (non-existent) nasty, hi-jacking ragheads.
Maybe he wrestled Mohamed Atta's passport out of his hands and threw it out of the window for authorities to find? Ahem. :)
Post 9/11, Zio-US's fake 'war on terror'is the cause of the (NATO owned) EU's migrant crisis. They're breeding you out.
Europeans should HATE what the Zio-US has done via all their foreign policy foul play. Zionists promote 'hate whitey'.
Stasi/Commie Merkel. The EU is owned under the Zio-US's NATO pact. Hence all this Zio-interlinked skullduggery.
I've no idea why Zionist-Commie control freak Fuckerberg would be praising these actions and promoting anti-hate. (sarcasm)
 This IS what happens when ISRAEL (the force behind the 9/11 fraud) runs and dominates the entire US apparatus. (link)
When are we going to see the evil, racist, and degenerate Israel nation (behind the above) completey open its borders? Never.
Weishaupt chose the Egyptian pyramid as the Illuminati's symbol of power. See Vegas black pyramid false flag/hoax.
So confident are they of their full spectrum dominance of MSM/US apparatus - that the mockery has gone nuclear:
If America is being forced to HATE itself, its identity, and its very fabric - then an alien, foreign entity must be the source.
Keep looking for EXTERNAL foreignforces infecting your govt./media/tech systems - when Israel have already acheived it.
"(Rothschild) Illuminati was to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light." (Juri Lina's - Under the Sign of the Scorpion).
Damning words by their own mouths. Rancid, hate filled, racist texts via a so-called religion. The anti-Semitism LIE. 
This central text of rabbinical Judaism (Talmud) permits child sex against non-jews, theft from non jews, the killing of non jews.
The same god (Lucifer) as the Jewish Freemasons."For the good of Masonry generally, but the Jewish nation in particular."
The same filthy and disgusting Israel that manipulates USA into wars - and where your children are slaughtered on its altar.
The same Rothschild's Zionist Israel that also owns/controls your (evil usary-based) Federal Reserve. How's that going? (sarcasm)
These central banking forces are not owned/run by the CCP! These are Zionist owned/run monstrosities. Historically and today.
"Perhaps mass media primed/BLM brainwashed gimps (hate whitey club) acting as vote counters will be another conduit."
Updated Dec. 4. Freeman's daughter (Moss, with braids below) acted as supervisor of vote registration. See data drive pass-off.
Moss is the one who ordered the observers out. She also set-up the table that the cases of votes were later pulled from. Freeman & (mybaby) Moss were 2 of 4 who stayed and counted these votes unobserved thru the night. Fulton is Georgia's largest county. (video)

If the above post is legit (likely, but we need confirmation) then any doubts regarding their guilt completely evaporate. Wow.
'No one would be this dumb' - they might cry? Four years of a (fake) Russia collusion narrative says otherwise.
Fake/parody account has since gone-up in its place. A feeble mind trick to placate and play the 'MSM narrative' sheep. (video)
She probably believes she's acted righteously. Social(ist) Media's made the majority uber dumb. Criminality is a virtue. (video)
Moss, Metro shot (Nov. 2, above): 'How votes are counted election night, beyond'. What followed? Beyond counts, and with her.
An earlier so-called water pipe burst (actually a toilet leak) as a pretext to delay the vote count (& Moss's table set-up, etc). Ahem.
When the Georgia video evidence was produced Sen. Elena Parent gave herself away. She appears implicated. Panicked. (video)
No Dem. voting zombie will want to believe the above. Their party is over if any of this fully outs. The repurcussions are serious.
I'm also hearing news that Dominion algos have been found weighting votes in Biden's favour. (Ware Cty, Georgia).
Freeman (allegedly) guaranteed to friends that Trump wouldn't win Georgia. Why was all talk re:Soros banned by Zionist MSM?
 You might recall that Zionist Jew Fuckerberg furnished the Dem. CTCL with $350m+. Zionist Bloomberg was $100m+.
 Well, they (Zionist MSM) certainly made them (the majority) blame white people, Mr Soros. When hating white people becomes the national sport (and all backed-up by Zionist mass media and so-called academia) then it's no wonder that these BLACK cretins (above) feel invincible and untouchable. These are the same (brainwashed) Blacks that have been degenerated by Zionist-Jew sponsored/owned hip-hop (listen to their base vocal drawl). The same ones who embrace gangster attitudes and thuggery as a badge of honour and a type of lifestyle choice. The same ones who twerk in public - laugh and clap as their (broken home) children copy/renact their (deviant mass media induced) sexual degeneracy. The ones with no accountabilty& whose own unchecked racism is now on full display. 
All the former is what I call a collective mental trap. Zionist Soros is correct. Perma-victimhood = a viable form of currency.
The Black community is the easiest to manipulate. Although it's more a 3-way tie between them, feminists, and SJW retards.
Soros and Zio-masonic social media primed BLACKS (Floyd videoing Frazier) caught red-handed involved in shadow constructing
12 days prior - the soon-to-come Zionist/masonic mass media driven 'George Floyd' PSY-OP (aka mass brainwashing). Kerrching!
They want 100% accountabilty for police - but ZERO accountability for theirown (criminal) actions and behaviours. Madness!
 Zionist JEW owned/controlled CNN and staged 'minority' arrests. POS 'race agitator/brainwasher,' Zucker. Manufactured outrage.
This is the same Zionist mass media that couldn't pull the wool over my eyes for 9/11. Not even for a single day. :)
It's ZIONIST JEW, Fox. Oh, look. It's (9/11 Gremlins 2, Trade Centre) Zionist Fox's Eric 'I saw the 1st plane hit' Shawn.
Like 9/11 Bush Jnr. who claimed to have seen the 1st plane hit (live) via TV. As we know - that's an impossibilty.
Hey, Eric! Did you see Zionist, Daniel '9/11 first victim' Lewin wrestling with hi-jackers as the plane flew past? :)
Maybe you should team-up with the 'first plane hit'NaudetFraudet Bros. who also helped shape the false flag/hoax.
Marvin P. Bush, the president's younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom - 
that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport.
Nothing in the now bodes well for the future. The (engineered) polarisation is insane. Mass mind control has too many trapped.
MSM gaslighting is epic. If nothing happens with this blatant and open fraud (which is possible) the lid may blow-off.
 Zionist-Illuminati Rothschild's agents of (masonic-Jew) Communism. Jew, Marx. Jew, Lenin. Crypto-Jew 'Illuminati' Weishaupt.
Zio-Masonic Agents of Global Communism. Jew World Order. The self-appointed chosenites. Which makes you inferior.
Masonic Herzel, father of modern political Zionism (aka evil). Zionist and WEF, 'end private property' (a la Baruch Levy/Marx) Schwab.
Promoting Masonic-Jew Marxist hell (abolish private property) for the useless eater/goyim. Who'd have guessed? Ahem.
Quick, go watch 'Swindler's Mist' on a loop - or you might start working-out that these Jew demons ARE the problem.
It's these same sick, programming Jews who are behind 'hate crime' promotion - for what are obvious reasons.
The (Jewish) Bolsheviks released criminals from Tsarist prisons about a century ago to advance their communist coup.
I wonder if there's a comparable situation in the 'now'. You know, released criminals and more (leftist) demands for their release - and all backed by Jew-owned, mass political mind control entities (think Antifa and BLM)? All this then upheld and cemented by the (linked) Zionist Jew MSM. Hmmm? I wonder? (sarcasm). When (Zionist) brainwashed populations have no memory, no understanding of real history, and/or intellect - there is NO NEED to update old agenda programs. Just rinse and repeat.

 Illuminati-masonic Jew, '33 Marx/Levy' via Zionist-Jew '33 Soros', and Marxist-Jew BLM:
See Bolshevik-Jew Russia to find a key source of this globally unfolding, Zionist-Jew, globalist communist movement.
 Purple, Ruby 'obvious fraud' Freeman: "Special thanks to Stacy Abrams, Keisha Lance Bottoms, and Raphael Warnock."
2020 - year of Zionist-Masonic Psy-ops via Zio-masonic MSM. Luciferian Freemasonry IS Jewish.'Ordo Ab Chao' via 33
33 Atlanta & Georgia. 33 'get to work' Freeman.The George Floyd psy-op absolutely STANK of masonic foul-play.
33 Bottoms' masonic 'Osiris' father. Who was busted for cocaine possession. Why do masonic Jews run US hip-hop?
Why do masonic Jews also own/control NBA? Why are ALL these people FREEMASONS or agents of them?
Move along, nothing to see. All the (Jewish) Freemasonry that coats all this - like a sick sauce - must be by chance? Ahem.
I wonder why FREEMASON (Jew slave) Crump represents for all these blatant and overt black-masonic charades? 
Seeing how blatant the Freeman stuff is - one might think that they're deliberately brewing (Zio-masonic) martial law/civil war 2.0.
Notice how images of Freeman/Moss circulated in the news/press - even before any of this skullduggery came out?  Ahem.
Oh, look. It's Shabbos Goy and Freemason slave, Al 'POS/Hate Whitey' Sharpton. Good little masonic doggie.
It's a Prince Hall, Lucifer Freemason party. Shitting on the masonic profane/goy. Their fezzes look very, very familiar.
Helping engineer political and racial strife (leading to civil war) for their Zio-Masonic masters via hoaxed events. Oh, yes.
Ordo Ab Chao. Just remember 'one thing'. ALL Zio-masonic mass media is psy-ops. That's (Zio-masonic) '33' Trump included.
Trump's master: "...nothing left but the world's biggest welfare state that we will create and control." It's now on the cusp of arrival.
Keep blaming China for the sold-out US industries. The same US industries that sold themselves out while you slept.
666 Trump's bailed-out the (neo-fascist/commie) corporations. The US economy is a total clusterfuck. Like 9/11, it's all lies.
The US peoples' appetite for WAR knows no bounds. It's literally the only thing I've seen in my 50+ yrs on earth.

Greek Perseus (Medusa/Kraken-Cetus) & The Greek (Odysseus) Odyssey:
 Kraken linked 'Biblical Revelations' Powell and 9/11 Giuliani. The Seattle Kraken to the Seattle Monolith (2001)
Seattle Monolith was erected 'Jan 1. 2001' - and exactly 666 days after Stanley '2001' Kubrick died. The Struck Tower:
The Overlook Hotel - aka Hilton Monolith Hotel (Millennium, aka 2001). OverlookingGround Zero, a Manhattan project.
Lucifer Clarke's The Sentinel. Built to the dimensions of the (radio-active& machine) Monolith(s) from Kubrick/Clarke's 2001.

A 2000'Bush Baby' contested election (overlapping into 2001) and the Seattle monolith appearance at the year's opening.
A 2020 contested election (overlapping into 2021) and the Utahmonolith appearance late November. 2001 = 21.
 A discovery made 18th November 2020 - the Utah Monolith. Near MOAB. Notice any similarities? :)
 Monolith placed circa Aug 2015-Oct 2016. Around that time, Westworld (likely S1) was filming in a nearby location (see July post)
S3 eps1. Jerry's smart home cuts-off his air (HAL via Bowman/Poole). Jerry (via Delores) ends up dead in the pool (dead Poole).
Of course, now that we observe/ponder about the origin of this Utah monolith - we ourselves become the inquisitive-like apes.

Air survey team find - who were 'counting sheep' (Big-Horn). A potential 'sleep sheep' reference? RevelationLittle-Horn, 666Trump.
 Counting Sheep via hotelbeds. 9 & 11 Trump. Recall (9/11 BTTF) Delorean'sBed-minster bought by Trump (1yr after 9/11/01).
2001: A (9/11 Millennium Monolith Hotel) Space Odyssey - which climaxes with its core transition via a hotelbed (bedroom).
Trump's NY Plaza hotel featured in (two planes & Twin Tower resonant) Home Alone 2. He's briefly seen in the film.
Trinity Bomb shot, July 16. 1945. Apollo launch-shot July 16. 1969. Eyes Wide Shut (release) and JFK Jr's death, July 16. 1999.
 It was also July 16 (1994) for the first IMPACT of comet Shoemaker-Levy9 slamming into Jupiter (Zeus).
 Phobos & Deimos (Mars twins). Names related to fear & terror. Phobos monolith via Apollo 11 Aldrin. Revelations: 'It will be biblical'.
'Mark of the Beast' via Zio-masonic 666 NASA & 666 Zio-Trump. NASA (in Hebrew) means 'to deceive':
July 2019 saw Trump's homage to moonApollo 11 (50th). Little Horn, 666 Trump/Trump-et (horn) and Revelation (Apollo) 9:11
Revelation-linked 'Little Horn'Daniel. See (Stormy) Daniel(s). Trump's ridden (Babylon) whore& harlot. Corporate-poltical antichrist.
666 Zio-Antichrist Trump = Return to Zion, Cyrus the Great. 'Turning man against his brother...' (see imminent wider civil war).
 Hence this resonant Cyrus/Trump (3rd Zionist-Masonic Temple) prophecy coin. Embassy moves via Zion Trump.
Update. This 'Zion Return' story popped-up just recently. Link. Judean Moloch-linked (child fire sacrifice) King Manasseh.
666 Omen birthing Fox have overtly supported Trump and his admin. Mass 9/11 predictive programming, 666 Fox.
 As if by demonic magic. At this current time and as I write (666 propaganda) Fox have 6.66 million subscribers.
As to why 9/11 mass mind control programming666Fox has any subscibers - is still a complete mystery? Likewise CNN
 The original Fox film (via Jews, Donner/Seltzer/Bernhard) released 6/6/76 - the same day (former richest man) JP Getty died.
Back to the'9/11 struck tower'Future. Fox& Biff (to strike) Tower, Trump. 'The Tower' theme, elder brother for the 'Planes' (pilot).
 More Zio-Masonic predictive programming/mockery. Tower Trump's 9/11 foreknowledge. The entire thing literally in a nutshell.
Abaddon (Apollyon) in Judaism was considered a place of destruction. In Christianity it centres on an individualentity (destroyer).
There was a type of (bottomless) pit in the aftermath (WTC complex). Mass media also referenced tower smoke devils.
 9/11 bottomless pools (pits) - the abyss. Zeus, who slayed (serpentine-beast) Typhon by thunderbolt and cast him into -
the abyss (Tartarus) à laRevelation. Tartarus, where the Zeus vanquished Titans were bound. Clash of the Titans
- the Kraken (Cetus) is the last Titan. 666 Trump, a walking Tower Trump card. The Devil and The (Zeus/God) Tower.
The Devil and The Tower. See 666 Spielberg's Devils Tower (Closet Encounters). Spielberg linked Nelson/Cullen (Poltergeist, Steven).
Not in Poltergeist 3 (via the beast& the struck tower), but his presence was. See Nancy 'Twin Tower' Allen (via Sept 11, DePalma).
 Some cite the height as being 203m (666 feet), others claim 202m (664 feet). I'd wager it's the former.
 The Devil's'666' (Trump Tower) Advocate - billionaire Cullen's (Trump) 66th floor penthouse. 666'on-cue'right hand mark.
Trump is mentioned in this film via the Barzoon party (666TV, Jones). And with New York Republican linked dialogue.
 Trump linked 666 Fifth. Former home of RFID chip (666 mark) Lucent. 666 NBA (see End of Days666 Bryant) had a store there.
666 Fifth was constructed by (Jew) Tishman. The construction manager for the (trident) Twin Towers. (also see 666 Silverstein).
666 Fifth involved the largest ever excavation on Fifth Ave. An additional pit/abyss via 'ritual' NYC. 666 Trump and 666 Tishman.
 Jew Clarke (Brimberg) made 666Skyscraper (above right). She used to reside in a penthouse at kabbalist 222Hotel Chelsea.
 Jew, Clarke-Brimberg was involved in LGBT promotion. Homosexual, Lucifer, Sept. 11 Rama, Monolith 2001; A.C. Clarke.
Jewish birthed satanic babies via 1968. 2001:ASO moon/starchild born 666 days after Rosemary's 666 due moonchild baby.
Mary& Christ linked 666 Trump. Donald was born on a full lunar eclipse(June 14. 1946). A lunar eclipse baby. Moon-child.
MaryAnne (Trump's mom). MaryAnn (tranny kids, Theron) as Kevin's (Reeves) wife. Linked via ovaryremoval& a fair-haired baby.
 Soon you'll understand that (Jew fomented) SATANISM is the primary way of Zionist-Masonic USA. I guarantee it.
Rosemary's Baby. The Mercatos descend from Scottishwitches (aka maga) - ones heavily linked to show-business. Ahem.
 Trump's grandmother Liz Christ Trump died on this day, June6/66. 666 days before the release of Kubrick/Clarke's 2001 on 4/2/68.
 1968. A masonic 33yrs. 666 Kubrick, died 666 days beforeJan 1. 2001. First day of 2001 millennium. 2001kabbalist Kubrick. 
The Church St. 9/11 Millennium Monolith (Overlook) Hotel also featured in timelapse(below right). All via 9/11/01 Neo, Reeves.
 Rosemary's Dakota Baby linked Lennon/The Beatles (via Sept 11 TV, Grade) whose recording career began Sept 11. 1962.
Do remember that the Devil's Advocate is concerned with the - perception, control and execution of LAW.
Trump's elder sister (Elizabeth) married Emmy winning producer James W Grau, who allegedly has strong ties to Hollywood.
Devil's Advocate book that the film was based on was also Jewish written -  (VC 'incest' Andrews linked) Andrew Neiderman.
"It (the real world) exists now only as part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix(Zionist mass media)."
 Jewish Soderbergh's mass mind control and (Covid) sledgehammer predictive programming piece, Contagion. (see his 9/11 Traffic).
Babylon Tower(s). Nebuchadnezzar via The Sept. 11. 2001 Matrix. Trump's Babylon Tower via Devil's'Twin Tower'Advocate.
 Simulation. The Jewish and transsexual 9/11/01 (Neo expiring passport) and destroyed Twin Tower, Wachowski Sisters.
9/11 Zionist Milchan (see Regency) and Sept 11. Zionist TV, Grade. Simulated a plane crash into a high rise (Jew built tower).
 The same Arnon 'mass 9/11 programmer', Milchan (via Sept 11 Grade) who funded (hate whitey/agitation) 12 Years A Slave Victim.
 Zionist Elite Technocracy and 9/11 predictive programming (brainwashing). SIMULATION.Vaccine '666 Luciferase' Gates.
When Zionist Jews have full spectrum MSM dominance - they are able to create, augment and control perceived reality.
Zionist 9/11 Murdoch's Fox. 9/11 Medusa Milchan's Regency and Fox have worked together (in the past) as a combination.
See Milchan's Fight'collapsing Fox Plaza twin towers'Club(1999). His Sept 11.A Time to Kill, and Pushing'Twin Tower'Tin.
 Space 'Odyssey' Oddity. David 'Fallen to Earth' Bow(ie)-man. Sept 11. via 9:11Se7en Fincher. The Monolith. Lucifer Clarke & Bowie.
https://www.davidbowie.com/blog/2018/5/10/2001-a-space-odyssey-is-fifty. Re: Arthur C. Clarke – a number of Bowie’s songs, 
- incl. ‘Oh! You Pretty Things‘, ‘Starman‘ and ‘Five Years‘, are thought to be based on his novel, Childhood’s 'Lucifer'End. (source)
Led Zepp's Houses of the Holy cover is based on Clarke's novel. Floyd'sChildhood's End, is from the LP that preceded DSOTM.
NEO - initials for Near Earth Object (here). Worth considering in light of Clarke's Sept. 11.Rama. (see Deep'twin tower'Impact).
2001 Clarke's 1973 Rama novel. See Oumuamua/Rama. Trump set-up Space Force (Dec. 2019) - 6th wing of US armed forces. 
Cruise's MonolithOblivion, set in 2077. Earth ruined by war with E.T.'s causing humanity to relocate to earth-like Titan. (link).
With Morgan 'Rama/Deep'twin tower'Impact' Freeman (see 9:11 Se7en). The Rama ship and Oblivion'Tet' being comparable.
 Cruise is '2001 Monolith'linked via Magnolia - the bed-ridden old man segue to the Zarathustra scene. See Arma-9/11-geddon.
Armageddon (9/11) Bay is connected to 9/11 Fincher via Propaganda Films - who also made stacks of pop videos.
Utah Monolith. Dating to some time between August 2015 and October 2016, its origin remains unknown. (wiki)
The underlined text - that's a Dr. Floyd-like line from 2001 (film). The emergency Floyd broadcast via HAL's deactivation.
Utah Monolith has been compared to the work of John 'Monolith' McCracken, some claiming it to be a homage to his work.
MONOLITHS and (Mc)KRAKENS. Thanks to Anon (see comments, Nov. 27) for showing interest and mentioning this.
 An avid reader of science fiction, he believed in time travel and extraterrestrial life. He was a friend of the Star Trek actor Leonard Nimoy, a collector of McCracken’s work. Mr. Zwirner (who represented McCracken's art via his gallery) said confidently, “Of course the [Utah] piece is by McCracken! He’s come back to help us with the transition,” referring to events in Washington. (source NYT)
Co-VID epidemic. Mono-lith cinema screen. I'm reminded of vid-eoedCo-vidFloyd. 911 resonating George. Kneeling followers:
 'I can't breath' via 911 police - 'Twin Cities' Covid Floyd was allegedly choked for 8m 46s. First 9/11 plane hit at 8:46am.
Legions of (unaware) kneeling followers. Nyarlathotep enacts the will of the Outer Gods, and is their "messenger, heart and soul".
Old Ones - see Lovecraft (Kraken-like Cthulu)& (2001) Lucifer/NASA Clarke's Childhood's'Returning Old Gods/Overlords'End.
Robert E Howard contributed to Lovecraft's Cthulu Mythos beginning with (monolith linked) The Black Stone.
'The Stone of Light'. The Meditation Room itself is now maintained by Lucis Trust, formerly known as Lucifer Trust.
Formerly, the Lucis (Lucifer) Trust office in New York was located at 666 United Nations Plaza. Also see 666 Gates/Lucis.
Rockefeller UN. Lennon's NY UFO via The 'Rosemary's Baby' Dakota. The '11 Sept (1962)' Beatles. See the 11/9 Pepper drum.
William 'ONI/Bluebeam' Cooper, who died (was shot/murdered) very soon after 9/11. I can still recall when it happened.
 See Sept 11 TV, Beatles Grade. Dr. Strangelove footage used in Sept. 11 commencingMagical Mystery Tour (film) on track Flying.
 See Yoko Ono and the (Jew initiated) 'Sept 11 art destruction'DIAS (1966). It ran from 9–11 September 1966. Ending on 11 Sept.
HomoJew managed (Epstein), homo Jew record company head (EMI/Capitol, Lockwood), a Jewish drummer (Ring-O).
Closet, Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson, Lord of the (saturnic/satanic) Ass Ring - see The'sodom'Beatles film, Get Back(ahem, here)
The monolith (one stone) philosopher's stone. See Harry'911'Potter via Chris '911 Gremlins/Twin Tower Home Alone 2' Columbus.
Kraken-like, Charybdis via Potter Columbus's PercyPerseus 'Lightning' Jackson series. A Greek myth based Potter rip-off.
'Struck Tower'Potter (911) encode late 2000. 911/666 Trump (Clamp, 911 Gremlins 2) was in 'two planes/Twin Towers'Home Alone 2.
The same Zionist US entertainment media conglomerates that also run (so-called) US TV News media.
The US entertainment industry expanded several-fold over the last few decades - the sheep have been happy to furnish it all.
US programming is a mess of over-emotive (schmaltz) shite. Likewise with recent identity politics. All emotion, no logic.
In the Mouth of Madness via They 'elite programming/mind control'Live, 9/11Carpenter:
"lt'll make the world ready for the change. lt takes its power...from new readers and new believers. That's the point. Belief! 
When people begin to lose their ability to know the difference between fantasy and reality. The old ones can begin their journey back."
(Zionist MSM has literally acheived this, imo. Critical thinking is virtually extinct. People effectively wait for their programming instructions from central command in that typical Orwellian-like way. Most folk now have zero ability in distinguishing between fantasy/reality. See 9/11, Floyd psy-op, Covid, debt as wealth, fraud mass shootings, faux racism, gender confusion programming, etc. 
And all cemented by Zionist programming via MSM full spectrum dominance.)
Dr Floyd(2001). A trip to the 'deliberately buried'(in more ways than one) moon monolith via Pan-Am.Floyd and the epidemic.
"A 'cover story' created to give the the impression that there's an epidemic at the base(moon base where monolith was found)."
"Now I'm sure your'e all aware of the extremely grave potential for cultural shock& social disorientation, contained in this present situation, if the facts were prematurely and suddenly made public, without adequate preparation and conditioning(re: disclosure). Anyway, this is the view, of the Council."'Moon Base Briefing' (excerpt). Note, with an earth gravity room setting, ahem (see film/clip).
And then there's this, of course.Launched Nov. 23rd. Covid China.
Then it goes and vanishes. Updating Nov. 29th. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM. Yes,another one) administers the area.
Although that hardly clears-up matters. The latest development arguably thickens the plot. Evoking 2001 monolith Clarke's Sentinel.
 Latest. This from Romania (here). A backwardsRomanipriest chant is used in Eyes Wide Shut, at the satanic Rothschild mansion.
Dacian religion (linked to Thrace) was considered by the classic sources as a key source of authority, 
- suggesting to some that Dacia was a predominantly theocratic state led by priest-kings. This monolith has now vanished.
A monolith popped-up and vanished/removed in Commiefornia. The Cubed Brick and the Cube of Space 'Cross'.
Perfect timing. (More Rama aspects below, posted late 2017).
Not forgetting...via the Solstice
"When Jupiter and Saturn Meet." Saturn (Cronos/Satan) and Jupiter (Zeus/God), the 2001:ASO planets.
In Aquarius. Closest visible conjunction in 800 years. The last great conjunction took place on 31st May 2000.
As referenced in Twin Peaks (S2) and the opening of the door to the 'masonic' (interdimensional) lodges. See black lodge.
There is a place called Monolith (formerly Aqueduct) in California. The name bestowed by William 'born Sept 11' Mulholland.
 2001 Lynch film that honours Monolith Mulholland's name uses the lightning-Stru(y)ckenTower Theater (a la Twin Peaks).
(A monolith popped-up and vanished/removed in Commiefornia. The Cubed Brick and the Cube of Space 'Cross'.)
Monolith and waterhole were key in 2001:ASO. The ape's monolith interaction leading to tools to dominate the water source.
Sept 11. Mulholland's water projects in Cali (L.A.)are the reason that (arid/desert) Los Angeles became the state's largest city.
Traffic accidents in Beverly Hills via Cops, Mulholland Drive (Beverly Hills) and 9/11. See '2GAT 123' (plates).
Contagion Soderbergh's 911 Traffic. Tony Scott's (9/11 flights) BHC2, see his Enemy of the 9/11 State (via collapsing buildings).
Worth considering the symbolic value of the conjunction event - as a type of marker in how (the obvious) NWO agenda is unfolding.

Talking of Hitmen and (Gat) traffic/automobiles a la Mulholland'9/11'Drive...
Satanyahu and Iran. Satanyahu: "Remember that name (Fakhrizadeh)."
Israel are clearly baiting Iran with their overt assassination of Fakhrizadeh. I'm sure most understand that.
The Trump regime's blatant and illegal killing of Soleimani (who was anti-ISIS) - just another part of the same.
I can't imagine why Israel (the USA's puppet master) are the ONLY suspects? Any ideas?
"Iran behind every problem"? And there's myself thinking it was Rothschild's filthy, stinking Synagogue of Satan (Israel).
Zionist Trump hasn't started any wars - they cry. If that's your starting point you're already morally/politically BANKRUPT.
This is where we've arrived at? If a POTUS doesn't start an (illegal) war - then they're the new God? WTF?
Trump pissed all-over the original Iran multi-lateral deal - to get us to this point. Which I addressed a few years back.
Oh, and I did tell you that Israel's recent moves to normalise relations with certain Arab states - were BULLSHIT.
Antichrist (Trump) has just done another deal re: Israel/Morocco (causing trouble). Working for Israel to the last.

Latest - Dec. 10
Please see the previous post (excerpt below) - post election update from early Nov.
My current understanding is that the states that did change their voting rules (Penn., and the others) - did so in an arbitrary fashion. 
In respect of the Constitution - it can be argued that this is not permissable. The Constitution itself protects and enshrines the US's fundamental election rules. And for one state to change their particular election rules would technically require a change to the entire Constitution itself. The latter was never sought. These (suspect) swing states have seemingly (unconstitutionally) affected the outcome of the election - and for the entire nation. A weight of influence that is arguably unfair and crucial to the overall outcome. This will probably form the main basis of the Texas (et al) lawsuit. That's most likely. If the votes are deemed unconstitutional (if we get that far) then they will very likely be discounted. This could ultimately tip the marginal swing states back to Red. The USA is a Constitutional Representative Democratic Republic, not a 'democracy' per-se. That should never be forgotten. Things are certainly moving-along. (Update. Case was rejected and not heard. Likely on the grounds of how it was filed/presented. It could be refiled with augmented wording/coding - which could then lead to it being heard. It might require the state legislators [of each state] to act as the plaintiff(s) - and not the state itself as the entity. Conjecture, but time will tell)
Now that the Hunter Biden hoo-haa is finally being aired - one might think that moves are being made to install Harris.
 Masonic-Satanic 666 Apple and Siri(us). Friend of Dorothy, closet homo and freemason Wizard of Woz. Tim 'poof' Cook.
I wonder why homo, 'Ring-O lover' (f)Ass-bender played homo Big Jobs? Do they want to Camp-us via #2& their O-Ring?
Guess who made these evil, sodom, masonic-corporate, MIC tech entities the masters of their reality? Please look in the mirror.
Move along...nothing to see. All this masonic-Jew coating of all things Zio-US tech must be all coincidence. Ahem.
 This IS NOT Chinese tech. Repeat NOT Chinese tech. It's ALL Zio/US-MIC. See masonic Gates/Jobs, Israel's Talpiot.
In the last 20 years - I'm the only person I know who's understood and appreciated the double-edged sword of tech.
That is a tragedy in itself. Seemingly, the rest of you were too busy having fun or being programmed - to even care.
The (666) Apple I computer went on sale almostimmediately on the back of the US release of (666 Jewish) The Omen.
666 Lucifer Apple, Sodom 'Big Jobs' (turds) & Satan/Saturn via the Black Cube (Cubed-Brick). Was homo Jobs HIV+?
It's the usual Masonic-Jew, Satanic/Saturnic suspects...the ones typical Americans think are 'holy'. Oh, dear!
Lucifer - the god of the Talmud/Babylonian Jews and (Jew) Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn of (hex-cubic) Lucifer.
Sabbatean Saturnists of Masonic Zion. 666 Sodom Pack(h)ard O-Men (O-Ring men). Satanic Jew heads for cube/hex Saturn.
We tried to inform re: sodomy and satanism, (which go hand-in-hand) but useless eaters opted for rainbow/unicorn LIES instead.
The Seal of '666 talents' Solomon (Jewish star) encodes the kabbalist '666' via its angles. Magic square of the sun.
Corporate globalist technocracy HELL. Black Cubes. Masonic Google, Amazon (a-mason), Nintendo (homo), 666 Gates (HE)X-Box
Hate Whitey, gangster role model, and middle-class, Ice Cube. Another Zionist puppet and satanist.
Another degenerate (c)rapper, masonic Jay Z (Gay Z), a puppet of Jew Def Jam's Rubin(stein) - released the 9/11/01Blueprint.
Jew Rubin(stein)'s American Rec. also released satanic Slayer's 'God Hates Us All' on the same day - 9/11/01.
Project'Predictive Programming'Runway (a mockery special). A show created by Weinstein/Miramax, Jew, Eli Holzman.
See the Sept 11. satanic cube (via Weinsteins) Hellraiser 3. Homo-masonic 'black cube' satanist, Kovid 'mask/lab' Kapoor. (video)
KovidLABS (Covid-Labs). The Black Hex-Cube. Masonic-homo POS, Kapoor. Mr Kovid Mask. "Can you breathe in there?"
All the people and companies involved - all Zionist-MIC 'masonic' fronts. Which is why you have this uniformity.
Zionist MIC. You know, as in the shit-house place called the Pentagon. A huge aspect of  the (Zonist sponsored) 9/11 HOAX.
Zio-US Tech and the Zio-US Military Industrial Complex. This IS American MIC, not Chinese. Satanic Pentagon/Zio-Facebook.
I'm having trouble recalling all the wars China have started last 50 years. Zio-US perpetual (lie based) warfare is the norm!
Just as US Congress is entirely Zionist owned - not Chinese owned. Show me the pledge? That's right, you can't.
Just as the Rothschild Fed. Res. and global banking is ZIONIST dominated - and NOT China dominated. This is basic stuff!
The JEW dominated Fed. 'Rothschild' Reserve (see Jew chairs Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen). USARY and MASS DEBT as wealth?
They'll argue that Trump's been great for stocks. The tech stocks that typically hate him and deplatform his base. LOL.
CUBIC is owned by BLACKROCK (see Jew CEO, Fink) the world's largest asset manager which is ultimately controlled by the - 
(Satanic/Illuminati) modern Israel creating Rothschilds. BlackRock aka the world's largest shadow bank. See linked Black-stone.
 Talking of 666 vaccine/luciferase, Gavi Gates. Corporate/political Antichrist, 666 Trump. Mr (Warped Vaccine) Hex-Cube.
 Zionist/Mossad (not dead) Epstein and his Israel paedo-traps (via Mossad Maxwell). Trump, Gates, Dershowitz, etc. ALL complicit.
A slice of Pizza-Gate? Secret meatings via pie involving minors? Mossad Jews Epstein/Maxwell& Rothschild666 Windsor.
 Knowing that AG Barr's Jew father groomed Jew Epstein (via Dalton) - we knew the truth couldn't possibly come out. Ahem.
Warped - like Star'Sodom/Cube'Trek. Warped worm-holes (assholes) via bridges, cling-ons, logs, ass-teroids, and Shat-ner.
Raised hex-cube hell, Sept 11 & Towers - will end on earth. Sodom Barker's Candy-ASS-Man, same9/11/92 release (via TIFF).
Twin masonic pillars. Satanic/Zionist mass media's mother of them all. 666 Jew Kubrick's 9/11 Monolith (black hex cubed-brick).
Jupiter/Zeus-God in the film (see Zeus struck tower), but Hexxing Saturn (Cronus-Satan) in the novel. 9/11 Hex-Cube.
Sodom Kubrick, Mr 2001 via 666& computer. No wonder that he was a SELF-LOATHING Jew. And we know why.
No wonder this Ashke-NAZI married into the Nazi propaganda Harlan dynasty. Playing-off sides for generations.
Don't forget, 666 Jew programmer, 9/11 Spielberg's father - was key in the advent of BASIC via GE (see Jobs/Gates).
I've never believed the official story. Some of us have known that satanic Israel were behind 9/11 - and for nearly 20 years.
At least I tried to notify and inform - how about you? Or did you just wallow and empower these forces even more?
Majority of this rancid programming came out of CALIFORNIA. The culture that the masses have worshipped and adored.
The JEW. S. of CORPORATE A. One nation under God? Which 'God' would that be? It looks as though it's Satan.
As I stated. Last 20 years - I'm the only person I know who's understood and appreciated the double-edged sword of tech.
That said, it's ALL OVER for the Jew S. of A - whatever happens. It's all rapid decline from here. Sorry.
Let's see how my predictions have faired over the last year - then compare them to the unfolded reality.
This was before the so-called virus was established in the US. Things are as written. My 'vaccine' call long in advance.
The nation has, and is imploding under this p(l)andemic. Martial law is certainly a possibility based on what I'm seeing.
 Also note this 2018 E.O. re: foreign election interference - active until Dec. 18. As well as the Insurretion Act. Latent options.
Above/below, June 2020 post. Compare to what's unfolded. How's small business? The nation raped by the 0.01% - as per.
 More bulls-eyes. Keep listening to Zionist MSM and Zionist owned politicians. It's served you well so far. Right?
The biggest tragedy of all? That the sheep never worked-out the left/right (Dem/Rep) scam. 101 stuff. Embarrassing.
Even down to the final hour - they still cling-on to this ridiculous fantasy. My own hell - is having to bear witness.
The other MAJOR error is in still viewing Zionist Israel as anything other than Rothschild's Synagogue of Satan.
The JEWS who are NOT JEWS. These imposter Ashkenazic JEWS have nothing in common with historical Israelites.
Zionist Trump has been crucial in keeping his flock ignorant re: Israel/Zionism. Watch them blame China. Guaranteed.
See what we're up against? A total and complete blindless in respect of the Synagogue of Satan (Rothschild's Israel).
80+ Zionist dual-nationals in Congress and they think the foreign threat is external? Howl, pmsl, lmao, etc.
All Hollywood, MSM, Universities, and socialist media owned/run by Zio-Jews, masonic Jews, and their shabbos goy.
All that (multi-decade/historic) Zionist fomented predictive programming and homo/gender-bender programming - is Chinese?
Do they think that China created JEWISH communism? It's almost comical to watch them effectively brainwash themselves.
It's easy to spot the SHEEP that have been totally flummoxed by Zionist mass media - they're a penny a pound.
You see, folks. Rather than address these monsters - most people prefer being brainwashed by them (Stockholm syndrome).
Controlled Zio-masonic opposition '666' Trump. Mocking the profane/Goyim:
Trump is hawking the 'warped' vaccines (and involved with 666 Gates). There is no need for any vaccines.
An mRNA vaccine that is actually gene editing bio-tech. All at 'warp speed' - and literally. No pharma liability.
Four years to do something about socialist media/tech and yet did nothing. Why did he also let these commies count the votes?
Why didn't he lockdown only the vulnerable? Did literally nothing to stop Antifa/BLM chaos - save pour more fuel on the fire.
He also appointed the three SCOTUS that went against the recent lawsuit. He appointed FBI Wray and AG Barr.
The latter whose JEWfather groomed (not dead, Mossad) Epstein via Dalton. Is he really this naive? More's the point - are you?
At NO TIME did Zio Trump or Zionist mass media mention this obvious Barr/Epstein connect. You need to ask why?
 Folk who say: "Epstein didn't kill himself." Are the most lost of all. They think he was suicided. Dumb happens.
What happened to the JEWISH Epstein and JEWISH Maxwell paedo-trap case? The Jew paedo list is endless.
Trump hangs-out the back of Zionist Satanyahu's ass. Effeminate Kushner simply another Satanyahu lackey.
Trump is of the same Zio-masonic forces that also control the US political left. Only a zombie would think otherwise.
Talking of masonic-Jew mass mind controlled zombies. I give you Zio-masonic Q and the Q-Tard brigade.
Trust AG Sessions (lol). Trust AG Barr (bigger lol). Deep State in a Panic (yeah, sure). Patriots in control (d'oh!).
Let me guess. Barr's resignation is all part of a big plan involving optics that only Q & the followers understand? Yep.
An endless diet of hopium - and where every twist and turn (no matter good, bad, or indifferent) is ALWAYS a part of the plan.
Zionist Trump's mentor was paedophile and paedo blackmail trapping (Zionist Jew) Roy 'homoexual' Cohn.
Controlled opp. Ignoring the Synagogue of Satan (Israel) at every possible turn. That alone destroys the entire movement. Next.
What next (Jew owned) Trumpturds and Q-sheep? China were behind Zionist false-flag/hoax 9/11? Sadly, they'd buy that.
He's got his Yiddish brainwashed army blaming China/CCP. Who'd have guessed? Just about anyone not lobotomised.
He's got them begging for Martial Law (military rule) and wanting WWIII via Greg Stillson, erm I mean Zionist Trump.
Members of US Congress PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE to ROTHSCHILD'S  Israel, not China. You dumb fuck.
That's both the shit-sucking DNC, and the poo-gargling RNC. Oh, dear. It's the synagogue of Satan -  JEW S. of A.
No wonder JEW-tube (via JEW-gle) let him keep a platform. The odd ban to keep-up appearances. LOL.
Fuck this sodium saturated, Zionist cause pied-piper and his Jew-infected puppets. Oy Vey! As lost as X22 report.
He wouldn't last 10 seonds in a face-off with my goodself. I would destroy him and his (Zionist gaslight) platform.
The Hebe who surrounds himself and his broadcast with (homo) Star Wars paraphenalia. A mental age of 9?
How about you SICK Jews explain your rotten, Goyim hate-filled, racist Babylonian texts - oh (self-appointed) chosen ones?

Dec. 18
LIES. LIES. LIES. See USA's puppet master ISRAEL & Talpiot. Corporate-masonic technocracy Zio-US = Hell on earth.
Filthy masonic-Jew tech via the brainwashed slave colony called the perpetual warmongering  Jew S. of A. or JEW-nited States.
Oh, look. It's eugenicist, useless eater population control, satanist and virus666'CDC' Gates via (backdoor) MicroSoft.
A selection of some of the current, over-lapping, and ongoing Illuminati scripts. Ahem. Floyd was a masonic-Jew fix.
"When people begin to lose their ability to know the difference between fantasy & reality. The old ones can begin their journey back."
Linked racial agitation fraud via (Jew) Freemason hoodwinks. Prince Hall, District Grand Master, Tracy 'Trayvon' Martin.
Don't forget folks, 666MicroSoft (see 9/11 flight sims) is nothing but a Zio-US MIC creation with Gates/Allen as the front.
What's this hacking? A pretext for taking-out energy grid(s), etc.? That long, dark winter that we hear about. See Alzheimers Joe.
Or a rehash of (9/11) War-backdoor-Games? An internal military hack which is blamed on Russia (Soviets).
 More like the worst case of self-inflicted deliberate harm to advance and ongoing (Zio-US) satanic agenda. Oh, yes.
The Zio-US HACK the entire world - and anyone with any sense already knows this. It's all standard.
It's HOMOSEXUAL (back-door tricks) 666MS Gates (see his tranny wife) and MSIndianapolis Allen - avatars via the military.
9/11 Jew, Broderick. The film uses the Back to the 9/11 Future No.2's(pink surf via shit) time tunnel as the base entrance.
Back to the '9/11 Struck Tower'Future series' James Tolkan (Strickland) features. Dabney 'Towering Inferno' Coleman as McKittrick.
 Seattle/VegasWarGames. With Home'Two Flights/Twin Towers'Alone 2's Sheedy (flight attendent). Films linked to 666 Trump.
Hack Alert via Homeland '9/11' Security. Anything out of US military/Pentagon is LIES. Has been for decades.
ArmageddonWarGames. We know the Zio-US is already expert in attacking itself - that's the typical M.O. See how easy this is?
 The sum of 3 times 6 squared gives 108. 6²+6²+6² = 108. 108° = the internal degress of a pentagon. Warmonger satanists.
Zio-US created/propagandised bogeymen (see bin Laden/Hussein, etc.) are the worst stand-ins ever formed (imo).
2016 election claims of Russian intereference = one of the worst and saddest tales ever told. A rehashed cold war Bond script.
Will the Zio-US sociopaths further attack their own infrastructure and grid. Is it gonna be a long, dark winter?
Just what have the 'small hatted' Illuminati satanists got planned for their sub-human, Stockholm Syndrome addled slaves?
Year following Zionist 9/11. Oct 2002 - the Washington 'Death Card' Snipers. Patsy sleepers called-in by public command.
 Eyes Shut, (sleeper) Paddock. Top work, whoever created the above. I added the sniper/gun control & pyramid (click to enlarge).
Saturnists via the black sun (arm tattoo). A 666 SUNday Harvest. Ace of Spades = death. Suited10/1 hand of death. Snap!
 Illuminate via Lux(or). Recall the 'monarch' link. And connect to 'Road to Mandalay' Zionist POS, homo UK PM, Johnson.
Note, POS Saudi 'Twitter' Waleed, and 666 virus, MS Gates are the owners of the Mandalay 'sniper'Baytop floors. Ahem.
 Skyscraper'666 5th' film via Jew Shirley Clarke (Brimberg), about a Jew built 666 building (via WTC 1, 2, & 7, Tishman).
 Location formerly occupied by the Vanderbilts - see POS homosexual, mockingbird media, CNN's Anderson Cooper.
Recall Jew '666' Clarke-Brimberg and her links to homosexual, Lucifer/Monolith 2001:ASO; A.C. Clarke via 222.
 FF/hoax shooting (via crisis)  'devilish' Sandy 'monarch' Hook and the uber suspect anomalies mentioned in other posts. 
 There was a Sandy Hook link to a record label who released Annie Get Your Gun by Garland (gun control mockery).
Stoneman (aka Mason). Sandy 'Masonic Newtown' Hook. Zionist-MSM FRAUDS - and verifiable ones. Check those DATES.
Gun control MSM scripts (see POS Hogg) for linked crisis actors who help execute these pathetic mass mind control events.
Getting your gun is the point. Pulse shooting, Orlando, another 'crisis actor' ridden FF/Hoax. As was the Batman shootings.
 Illuminati Trump and (the sniper-linked) Enough is Enough. Illuminati Vegas via snipers. Ahem. These people are sick.
Hacking. Let's guess? Will it point to and be conveniently blamed on Russia, China, Iran? What will Armageddon Stillson/Trump do?
 Trumps and cards. It was decent of them to include the 'hot zone' for WWIII. Israel, Syria, Saudi, Iraq, Egypt, etc.
You might recall the Trump/US-led false flag attacks on Syria - Khan Shaykhun (Apr. 2017) and Douma (Apr. 2018).
Thanks to resident legend, Uncle Bingo, we know 'Lion King' Assad (Syria) was born Sept 11. 1965. 9.11(N) 01WarGames.
 ALL filmic avatars for 666 Trump (T-horn, Stillson, Biff, & Clamp) linked to the 'end of the world' and/or 'dystopian' themes.
John 'WarGames' Badham was linked to (same year) The Dead'Nuclear Stillson/Trump'Zone, an unrealised project.
War'backdoor' Games. If Falken's role had been played by Men-Love Lennon (as planned) we'd have further Sept 11. markers.
John Wood played Falken. We get the 'Wood chopper' via Goose (to pinch the buttocks) Island. And a flying (terror) pteradactyl.
 Falken being based ultimately on Stephen 'Sept. 11' Hawking (Hawk/Falcon). Mr The Theory of Everything via Came-bridge.
Big-Banging hairy black-holes man, Hawking, played by (tranny-linked) poof Redmayne. Also see homo Turing (Cum-a-batch).
The WALLS of Jericho via Joshua (see WarGames). It's Trump who's the POTUS that's heavily linked to walls.
Trump-Pence (Trumpets) of Revelation via symbolic 666 Antichrist/Little Horn Trump. A Trumping elephant Republican.
Just imagine the sounds of (666Omen birthing) 20th Century Fox's intro. Composed by Jew, Alfred Newman.

More Kraken news...
I'm immediately struck by the Freudian potential. A proper Big 'f**k'Bang via hairy black holes. Globular spit or swallow?
Gaia (earth, ur-anus, one-eyed cyclops, Gayer) Sausage? Helmi streams? Crack-en, Wood, the progenitor Milky'twister'Way.
Icy Moon via Ring Lord Saturn (sausage/Gaia) Enceladus. Medusa theme having potential sexual connotations. 
Led by the 'one-eye' (witches) to Snake Head via hardness, Medusa, and her 'go Greek' eye-meeting/meating
A Cosmic Cannibal (man-eater). Article concerns galaxy collisions. Pertinent Kraken timing. (Thanks to gr3gg, see comments).

Dec. 20 - The 'Live on TV' vaccination.
She (Tiffany Dover) fainted sometime after taking the shot. It's quite possible that it arguably led to her death.
There is allegedly a death record for a Tiffany Dover (Higdon, AL) and at aged 30. A nurse that regularly faints? Hmm?
The reliability of SearchQuarry is what needs to be ascertained here. It might not be reliable enough. All very odd.
The nurse is Tiffany Dover (of Higdon, AL) and her IG acc. (top right) references her 29th birthday (see pics).
A post referencing the transition from 28 to 29 years-old very late Nov. 2019. It certainly all fits. What to think?
Oh, dear. LYING Zionist mass media gets caught-out - and blatantly. Oops. This is what record hospitalisation looks like?
These are the same MSM entities that brought you 9/11 - one of the worst and most blatant con-jobs foisted upon the world.
 Cali. (L.A.) The shit-hole state that is responsible for so much Zionist-US (and beyond) filthy mind control programming.
Note...am currently pre-occupied. I will try and catch-up with your comments soon. Hang-in there.

Uncle Bingo
You are sorely missed. I know this stuff has been hard on you - just as it has been with myself.
If you are reading this then please drop-in a comment or two. Your efforts here will never be forgotten.
You're still horseloverphat's greatest inspiration. I wish you nothing but the best.

The Greatest Thing That I've Ever Seen or Heard...


 Hello. This is NOT a return to blogging. I'm RETIRED. Am just sharing something with you.
I only caught this recently. My way of paying homage to the LIVING LEGEND that is "Sasha" (Mr Alex Coe).
I didn't think something like this was possible. A realtime 'live studio' (with strings/percussion, etc.) on-stage.
Plug these videos (in two parts) into your home TV/sound system. You won't regret it.
It's only the most accomplished LIVE performance by ANY ARTIST(S) in musical history.
Mr Phat wouldn't be uploading this (on his blog) - if it wasn't. I was literally "blown away" by it. Still am.



The EPICNESS of this event - cannot be overstated enough. If only I could've been there!

I have tended to think that nothing could top Lynch/Badalamenti (sonically) - 
but this is just streets ahead of anything that they've accompliished with musical sound (and live!)
 This is what EARS were created for. I'm not even sure if this can be bettered. I doubt it.
THANK YOU, Alex Coe (Sasha). The best thing that ever came out of Wales (UK).
Rarely do I consider anyone to be "a genius" - but this very humble man is just exactly that.
Massive respect also goes to Charlie May (on keyboards, and Sasha's mentor), and all who performed.

William Coombes/Combes was witness to their attendence. It's alleged that he was subsequently murdered.
MONSTERS. PURE EVIL. Who has worshipped these monsters - as though they were a superior species? I haven't.
Still, good news about Prince Philip, though. May he rot in pieces. Will he come back as a "virus"? Ahem.
In 1988, PrincePhilip said he would like to: "reincarnate as a deadly virus to solve overpopulation."
 Re: Canada, not so much blanket 'overpopulation' - but the eradication of certain peoples/races deemed unfit/problematic.
Greeked Philip was ASS-FUCKED by (paedophile/Savile linked) Lord Mountbatten (Mount Bottom) - as was son, Charles.
Paedo, Mount Bottom. Those kids in all those Irish children's homes will testify to that - those that are still living.
Hence why the IRA blew-up that (homosexual paedophile) POS Mountbatten on that boat in the late 70's.
(We know that Andrew Windsor was a key aspect of Zionist Maxwell/Epstein's Mossad paedo blackmail traps, and worse.
We already know that he [Andrew] was involved/privvy to abuse at certain military-based schools in the UK.)
The British tolerate these degenerates? Thank f**k I got away from my home nation. It IS rancid - and always was.

 The removal of an indigenous sub-species via Imperialists. The INFERIOR races. THEIR words, not mine.
They sound just like the Zionist Jews, who in full public view, genocide an indigenous race over decades. 
See Palestinians. And all under a type of self-annointed superiority and 'god delusion' banner. SNAP!
Zio-British Imperialism (aka native genocide) & RANCID Christianity (via the Catholic/Anglican/United Church)
http://murderbydecree.com/files/MurderByDecree.pdf (By Kevin Annett. He's worked years on this!) 
This has been known about for decades, but covered-up. Same with the mass sterilisation programmes too.
Catholic and C. of E. - the (sick) Christendom church (vomit) and Zio-British owned Canadian authorities.
The mass murder of children by BRAINWASHED (so-called) Christians. Priests, nuns, RCMP, etc.
There are dozens of MASS GRAVES. Above book (see PDF link) is banned in COLONIAL CANADA. 
I can't imagine why? Ahem. Doesn't Canada lecture the world on their superior human rights? Oops!

"When God is on our side we can commit any crime. We're absolved individually from that crime by believing that we have a higher sanction. And that's the danger of religion. In that it allows people to do that. It allows them to kill without a shred of conscience." 
Kevin Annett.

Queen Elizabeth II, was Canada's Head of State for 44 years during the tenure of the Indian school (death camp) programme.
It was Elizabeth Windsor's (Saxe-Coburg) grandfather, George V, who enforced the B.C./Canadian federal acts for:
1. Making attendance in Indian residential schools (aka death camps) compulsory for all native children 7 years and older.
(Forcibly ripping the children away from their parents for indoctrination, torture/experiments, and/or extermination.)
2. Sterilization Law - allowing the legal sterilizing of any inmate in an Indian residential school.
(Forcibly shutting-down their future lineages. School heads/principals sanctioning these monstrous acts.)

Going further back we can also see the delberate use of biological warfare (also used in Indian schools) by the British Imperial powers. Sociopath Amherst was primarily under the aegis of George III. The use of smallpox infected blankets (etc.) and similarly with in(n)oculations that would dose them and then ultimately kill them (thru deliberate lack of any treatment, as per the schools). 
See this SOCIOPATH British Imperial attitude in all its ugly glory.
A MONSTER. Amherst, the first British Govener General in the territories that eventually became Canada.
The former Commander-in-Chief, North America. Former Crown Govenor of Virginia. Former Govenor of Quebec.
Recall that paedophile Lord Mountbatten, was made Supreme Allied Commander (S.E Asia) during WWII.

Clearly and obviously - the British monarchs (et al) have always had a major hand in deliberately destroying these peoples.
Ah, yes. The delights of (sociopath) colonialism and the innate superiority complex. Also see Jews/Zionist Jews.
It's the Zionist Rothschilds, that were and are, the TRUE OWNERS of (so-called) British monarchy and the Bank of England.
 Oh, look. It's Imperial sociopath and masonic sodomite, SIR Edward Bulwer-Lytton. Subtle, not!
Mr "The PEN-IS - mightier than the sword." (masonic sodomites)
"If we, the superior race, take the land of other races..." Same M.O. as the Zionist/Ashkenazic Jews (Rothschild's Israel). Ahem.
One of the key schools where this type of genocide happened was (C of E) St. Georges, Lytton.
Named after the esteemed masonic/rosicrucian sociopath, Edward. Annett obtained a witness statement from a former dorm supervisor at Lytton school in 2002. Extract: "Look, son, you seem to think the winners have to answer for their crimes. We're the Anglican Church of Canada for god's sake. Who's ever going to think that we murdered children."(see 'Even War Criminals go to Church' - page 314, Murder by Decree).
It's no wonder that the modern British Crown and the Rothschild dynasty have been near constant bedfellowes!
The gaining of satanic/impostor Israel (synagogue of satan, 1948) was all via Zionist Great Britain. See Rothschild/Balfour/Milner.
IMHO, Freemasonry (satanic Jewish kabbalism) penetrated the Vatican aeons ago. They serve the purposes of the Rabbis.
 Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), who had connections to OTO/Freemason Rampolla (a former Vatican Sec. of State, 2nd in power to the Pope) via Radini-Tedeschi. Also see Vatican II upheaval under this same (Talmudic Illuminati owned) Pope John XXIII. (That's how you shape modern Vatican policy via satanic/Judaic Freemasonry and Crowley's masonic-sodom OTO. My emphasis). Author Heimbichner alleges that Popes John XXIII (his masonic cross, above), Paul VI, and John-Paul II were all Thelemic (OTO-linked) assets.
Outwardly CATHOLIC, crypto-JEW Weishaupt (agent of Rothschild), chose the Egyptian pyramid as the Illuminati's symbol of power.
1770: Mayer Amschel Rothschild draws up plans for the creation of the Illuminati and entrusts Ashke-nazi Jew, Adam Weishaupt, a Crypto-Jew who was outwardly Roman Catholic, with its organization and development. The Illuminati is to be based upon the teachings of the Talmud, which is in turn, the teachings of Rabbinical Jews. It was to be called the Illuminati as this is a Luciferian term which means, keepers of the light. It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who convinced Weishaupt to wholly accept the Frankist Cabbalist doctrine and who afterwards financed the Illuminati. Rothschild had given Weishaupt the task of re-establishing the old Alumbrado movement for the Cabbalist Jews. (Juri Lina's - Under the Sign of the Scorpion).
SS Nazi, Dr Mengele (linked to Canada/Americas) was a high-end operative of the (Talmud-based) Rothschild Illuminati.
WWII was primarily an Illuminati production for the purposes of creating the sociopath state of modern Israel.
That resultant paradigm shift (neo impostor Israel) for ultimately bringing about WWIII (a la masonic Pike's three wars).
Revelations (Bible) - is their Illuminati (Sanhedrin) tool/predictive program for mass destruction:
"According to said (masonic elite's) Master Plan, the mythology of Revelations will be followed like Tinker-Toy instructions(happening now). A time of tribulation will come first (see: Covid, 3rd Temple issue is the main trigger - leading to world war), after which survivors will be made "one" via a post-tribulation "rapture" spawned by the technical sorcery of having their brain pleasure centers titilated MAGNETICALLY (see: vax/5G/BlueBeam) so that we all will cum together. Those who are thus epiphanized will become nothing more than humanoid servo-mechanisms(automaton golems a la the rabbis)."
The Carnivals of Life and Death (My Profane Youth, 1913-1935) - James Shelby Downard

 Brian Desborough....link
The primary purpose of my article was to inform Israeli students that archaeological evidence clearly refutes the biblical claims that Israel is theirs by divine right. A secondary purpose was the debunking of the elitist and odious claim promulgated by proponents of British Israelism that the Caucasian population of Britain and America is descended from the Davidic bloodline. The British Israelite movement derived its initial impetus from the attempt by the Crown to improve Victoria's popularity by falsely claiming that she was of the Davidic bloodline. Archaeological excavations in the Holy Land have clearly demonstrated that the lives and deeds of King David and Solomon, as depicted in the Old Testament, are apochryphal stories written during a much later era, in order to justify the dominance of the Levites over Judean affairs. In a similar manner, much of the Lebor Gabala - an Irish history compiled by Celts and early Christian monks, also is largely apochryphal. Because apochryphal stories are a means by which oligarchical powers are able to exert influence over the masses.
After my Israelite article was posted on this website, an explosive article by Jewish scholar Ze'ev Herzog appeared in the October 29th. issue of Ha'aretz. Entitled "Deconstructing the walls of Jericho", the article began: "Following 70 years of intensive excavations in the Land of Israel, archaeologists have found out: The Patriarchs' acts are legendary, the Israelites did not sojurn in Egypt or make an exodus, they did not conquer the land. Neither is there any mention of the empire of David and Solomon, nor of the source of a belief in the God of Israel. These facts have been known for years, but Israel is a stubborn people and nobody wants to hear about it.The great united monarchy [ of David and Solomon] is an imaginary historiosophic creation, which was composed during the period of the Kingdom of Judea at the earliest Perhaps the most decisive proof of this is the fact that we do not know the name of this kingdom.""'
M.A. Hoffman II claims that Dee fused devotion to Judaism with the material advance of the fortunes of Protestant empire in laying the groundwork for the rise of (Zionist aligned) British Freemasonry. John 'Freemasonry/Empire' Dee was under the aegis of (symbolic Isis) Elizabeth I. Who was succeeded by (Jacobite ideology progenitor) James I. Elizabeth I and James I (James VI) were first cousins, twice removed. They shared a common ancestor in Henry VII. It was, of course, James I, who sponsored the KJV bible that became a key standard bearer of Western theocracy. The first English bible translation was under (C of E) Henry VIII, the second translation under Elizabeth I, leading to James I's 3rd translation (KJV). Another major step in cementing British-Israelism. 
The Bible - the world's most read book.
"Because apochryphal stories are a means by which oligarchical powers are able to exert influence over the masses."
Desborough continues...
 "That the European Oligarchy and the Order of the Dragon should also promote British Israelism is not surprising when one considers that British Israelism was created by occultist, astrologer and spy John Dee, the father of modern freemasonry."(Dee, obtaining his Lucifer daemon magick/communication, aka Enochian calls, from and under the direction of leading kabbalist Rabbi Loew, Prague. The same Judaic kabbalist magick system employed by Bulwer-Lytton protege, 666 Crowley.)
 The above also supported by Heimbichner...
"The essence of Freemasonry can be traced to the current of ancient Sumeriam worship of 'Shaitan' (Satan). This current was given shape in ancient Egypt and Babylon, but ironically was most effectivley preserved from disintergration through the ORAL TEACHING OF ITS RABBINICAL HEIRS (see cabbala/kabbalah) in the form of the 'traditions of the ancients or elders'. It (the rabbinical oral teaching/kabbalah) was gradually commited to writing by Rabbis and became known as the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah. This formalized religion of bureaucratic oppression (Talmud) and pagan gnosis (Kabbalah) became known after 70 A.D. - as JUDAISM."
 (Craig Heimbichner, Blood on the Alter). This IS the very system (kabbalah) that underpins Freemasonry. (my emphasis)

Judaism - the religion of the 'double-mind'.

Babylonian Talmud
(British-Israelism. Spot the identical Jewish and British attitudes towards so-called inferior races, ahem.)
 "Only the Jews are called human, the goyim are called animals."
(Baba Batra 114b, Jebamot 61a, Keritot 6b and 7a.)
"Even the best of the goyim (Gentiles) must be killed."
(Avodah Zara 26b, Tosefoth.)

"The property of the Gentiles is like a masterless desert; anyone who takes it has thereby acquired a right to it."
(Baba Batra 54b.)

"Humanity is blessed solely for the sake of the Jews."
(Talmud, Jebamot 63a.)

"God's name is not profaned if a Jew lies to a Goy."
(Baba Kamma 113b.)
"All Jews are born the children of kings."
(Shabbat 67a.)

The roots of Western paedophilia lie in the secrets of the Talmud...? (See Heimbichner, Blood on the Altar)
"If a grown man has intercourse with a little girl less than three years old, all agree that it is not considered a significant sexual act, for having intercourse with a girl when she is less than three years old is like putting a finger in an eye."
(Ketubot 11b. Steinsaltz English translation)
These quotes above ARE the writings of a sociopathic and hate-filled belief system! How can anyone argue otherwise?
It's the West's fundamental religious traditions that have insisted upon a dichotomous division of mankind into the elect and the reprobate. This largely originating from the Jewish belief (aka mass propogated lie) that they are 'chosen'. (This all ultimately institutionalised via the Roman Catholic Church., C of E, and other forms of organized religion. Now primarily led by US Zionist-Christianity. The US being heavily subordinate to all things Israel and Judaism - religiously, politically, economically, and culturally enslaved.) A self-annointed 'superiority' that seemingly allows them to wreck and destroy 'carte-blanche' - and without impunity (see West Bank, etc.). And that folks IS the crux of the ongoing tragedy. If I DO NOT believe in the 'God of Israel' and the 'supremacy of Jews/Judaism'(which is my human right), then ALL OF THIS (their religion/belief/chosen status, etc.) is reduced to complete and utter nonsense. It is all rendered meaningless and carries no weight. None.

"Colonization is civilization..." masonic-sodom's Bulwer-Lytton (sociopath).
America was colonized in a much similar way - the indigenous wiped-out by these same Zio-Imperialist forces. Oops.
It's Zionist-owned and Judeo-Christian America (US) that sponsors the Zionist fomented genocide in Israel/West Bank. 
US military wrecking in the Mid-East (on satanic Israel's behalf) is an extension of this same type of Zio-Imperial sociopathy.
This is primarily why US presidents are so closely linked to the European monarchy bloodlines. The same ilk.
America/Canada/Aus. - are literally built (via sociopathy) upon the BLOOD OF THE MURDERED INDIGENOUS. 
Your nations are effectively mass grave sites - and at the behest of the "might is right" club (the so-called superior).
This is again all propped-up on the altar of (rancid) Judeo-Christianity. Nuns/priests murdering (so-called heathen) children.

 It's First Native (via Canada) genocide cheerleader and opium king-pin, the insane Bulwer-Lytton. Mr 'Superior'.
Cambridge-linked Bulwer-Lytton's Isis cult movement - was out of Oxford University. Oxford's Isis magazine - the UK's oldest independent student magazine. Isis, the Oxford river and their local name for the river Thames.
Isis - the whore goddess of Judeo-Luciferian Freemasonry. Balfour and Rothschild - see Rothschild's satanic/genocidal Israel.
It's the USURY Rothschilds (et al) that own/control your central banks! How's that working-out for USA? 
The general public doesn't understand macroeconmics - by deliberate design! A feature of controlled destruction. Oops!
666 Crowley (via 'colonial' SIR Bulwer-Lytton), Mr Masonic Sodom.
D.H. Lawrence was one of Huxley's homosexual lovers. Excerpts from Dope Inc. (EIR)  
The Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn. The Penis via a 'helmet' (Bulwer-Lytton literary cover, also see spermo-gnosis).
The 'Pen-is' mightier than the sword via masonic-sodom, Bulwer-Lytton, and masonic-sodom Crowley (penis initial). 
The arch enchanters (sex magickian's) wand. (Penis) Sorcery via the master-hand (see Lytton's Richelieu prose). Ahem.
ALL filthy kabbalist/Sabbatean-Frankist scum. Redemption thru sin. (Also see related: "do what thou wilt.")
Saturn-day black cube satanists (saturnists). Jacob Frank (Leibowicz) stressed that the 'sex-magick' Zohar (Book of Radiance) was the most important Judaic/Kabbalist text. Sodomy rites exist at the highest echelons of these Judaic-masonic systems - satanism and sodomy (see kabbalist OTO). The Talmud derives its mentality mainly from older ocult lineages and kingdoms of pagan priestcraft, including Egypt and Babylon, all important sources for the (masonic-sodom) OTO.
 "Israel MUST make sacrifices to Satan (their god)..." (their OWN words, not mine)
The Judaic M.O. - "The evil impulse is good, and without the evil impulse Israel cannot prevail in the world."
Which is why so much time, energy, and effort is put into cultivating so much global evil through their conduits.
It's hard not to argue that the crucifixion and transubstantiation (communion, see catholicism) metaphorically/symbolically contains the elements of what these insane monsters perform in their actual sacrificial rites! The drinking of blood and the eating of flesh. The latter IS what has been described by some survivors (of these rituals) at the hands of these fiends. The 'grail cup and blood' - possibly containing the symbolism of their (related) ritual menstrual blood drinking 
(the cup representing the womb, see star-fire and the scarlet woman/isis whore, Crowley's 'gnostic catholic mass' OTO.).
 The religion of LUCIFER/SATAN (their god). See Rabbi Loew & masonic John 'monarchy' Dee. The latter the father of Empire.
The god of the Zionist Jews & (Jewish) Luciferian Freemasonry. Freemasonry = Jewish/Babylonian kabbalism.
Dee's Freemasonry = a basis of British monarchy & empire (see Queen's cousin, the masonic Duke of Kent, UGLE). Dee, the likely first key source of British-Israelism (see the soon to follow perpetuated Jacobite lie called 'the divine right of Kings' - KJV, James I). Satanism (via Freemasonic Anglicans & Babylonian kabbalist Jews) being the common factor to both. Who'd have guessed?
Lucifer - the god of Talmudic-masonic Jews.
"Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end." 
- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
 Son of SAMAEL - Jewish TALMUDIC arch-angel/demon:
 *"I, David Berkowitz, have been chosen since birth, to be one of the executioners of the cult..." (a wider cult)
Participant and fall-guy, Berkowitz, describes the subject in a very accurate and succinct way.
*His Jewish mother (Broder) birthed David via an adulterous relationship with (Jew) Klineman. Within days (and for unknown reasons) the child was given-away to another Jewish couple, the Berkowitzes (a satanic cult family?), who were middle-aged and childless. David Berkowitz didn't know that he was adopted until circa 1974, around the age of 21. Berkowitz-linked John 'Wheaties' Carr - aka the rapist and suffocator of young girls (see Breslin letter). John, whose sister worked as a Yonkers police dispatcher (ahem), was alleged to have been in this cult and was found suicided (likely by the cult, Feb 1978) in Minot. On his hand was written '666' in his own blood (note, this aspect has been buried by authorities). 666 - aka Crowley's (aka the great beast's) kabbalist cipher. Brother and cult member Michael, died Oct. 1978 (likely suicided via automobile). It is believed by some that the parent of the S.O.S group (likely OTO) was based in England. Crowley's disciple, sodom Parsons, did much to expand Thelema through the west coast (see his Pasadena lodge) which was tied to literary and Hollywood types.
Snuff (film) is believed to have been an element of some of these killings. Potentially with cult links to Broadway connected, promoter, fledgling Hollywood producer and millionaire, Roy Radin (whose showbiz father was Jewish). He was found dead (hit) at masonic aged 33 (May, 1983). He was shot, (masonic) Friday 13th (see Paramount's masonic series). A KJVbible was found near his body, said to be open at Isiah chp. 22, which concerns a prophecy about Jerusalem. It's photographer (and potential snuff cameraman) Ronald Sisman - another cult-linked member who was also hit (Halloween 1981, link) who's the likely connect to producer Radin. The latter allegedly having a penchant for sick videotapes (see Melonie Haller). Radin may have been high-up in the cult (snuff and drugs, here). Radin-linked Sisman (another likely Jew) allegedly had a tape of one of the murders and was going to go rogue (see, M.A. Hoffman II; Maury Terry). Terry’s information included reports of satanic activity at Radin's Ocean Castle mansion - drugs and polymorphous sexuality (and videotaping). David Berkowitz himself was known to have visited Ocean Castle at least once. 
Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans (coke fiend & former Paramount head, deceased) was at this time tied-in with Radin and Lanie Jacobs aka Karen 'Medellin cocaine' Greenberger (another likely cult linked member since convicted of Radin's murder) via financing The Cotton Club (film). And Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans  (Jewish, born Robert J. Shapera, a higher cult member?) can't be ruled-out as a suspect in ultimately ordering Radin's hit. Jacobs/Greenberger and Evans were also lovers. Two witnesses told police that Evans was involved in the murder. Radin, Sisman, and Greenberger were all tied to the (Berkowitz) S.O.S wider cult. Jacobs/Greenberger (thru cocaine) and Radin also had ties to L.A., perhaps an aspect of the west-side of the cult-linked activities. (There is a belief that the US S.O.S HQ was based out of Venice, L.A.) Big-shot Evans was also an aspect of the (Manson linked) L.A. Polanski/Cielo clique (with Cass Elliot, John/Michelle Philips, Frykowski/Folger, Nicholson, Evans, etc.) John Philips was a known incestuous child rapist, and very likely another celebrity cult satanist. Also could Bill 'Manson' Mentzer (cult hitman) be a link between the L.A. Manson cult and the N.Y. S.O.S cult, he may have been an aspect of both? The same applies to Robert 'Rosemary's Baby' Evans, but in a higher type of capacity. Jewish Levi-n wrote Rosemary's 'satanic Jew' Baby (via Scottish/Jacobite witches linked to Broadway/showbiz, the Castavetes/Mercatos). And we come full circle. A major inspiration for Jewish-born Berkowitz's own descent into dark fetish and satanism - he was captivated by it (see satanic paedophile Jew Polanski and Jew Evans' Paramount film). Also Polanski & the Process linked Manson cult (the latter cult also linked to child porn/drugs, etc). Polanski was also known to have a penchant for making/filming violent S & M pornography (a la Radin) - some which feat. his soon to be sacrificed and (initiated witch) wife, Tate (see Hal Lipset). Was Berkowitz a literal born and raised (satanic) Rosemary's Baby?
Jew, Anton LaVey (Levy/Levi), who arguably featured/advised in/on the film, formed the (sodom) Church of Satan in 1966 (Year 1, Jewish Rosemary's Baby). Zio-US Hollywood/TV (satanic Jew dominant programming) being one of the key jewels in the masonic-satanic crown - largely for the purposes of satanically occultizing and degenerating the hypnotized (cult of celebrity brainwashed) worshipping masses. Walt Disney was a masonic homosexual paedophile, but that's never gotten in the way of their insane expansion or their control of typical Western childrens' psyche. The folk who readily consume this filth (satanic Jew programming) and who (cognizantly or not) empower them further. All resulting in a mass lowering of human vibration - globally. The latter being the entire point!
Anyone for some Idiocracy?
Ha. Diificult not to agree. And Heinlein himself passed-thru Parsons' California OTO lodge. Parsons, a protege of Crowley.
OTO/Thelema have arguably had a devastating effect on the development of modern US culture, especially pop/counter-culture.
Hence why this culture is now so thoroughly bankrupt, degenerate, ultra-violent, hyper-sexualised, occultized, and dysfunctional.
They've had a huge influence on Hollywood, TV, music, recreational drug use, sexual perversion. The list goes on. 
Zionist Hollywood and Zio-US TV  - IS satanic programming - its mass expansion in recent decades has done nothing - 
but strengthen their hand - particularly in respect of the group mind via the 'cult of celebrity' worshipping masses.
The infantile state of US culture (and others) truly bear the hallmarks of Crowley's prophesized 'aeon of Horus' (the child).
 Aeon of Horus - represents the energy of Satan (Set-An) that will permeate the earth during the present cycle. (see US culture, etc.)
OTO Grant. Masonic Sirius - star of Isis and Set (Satan). The star of Freemasonry - 666 Solomon Templars.

 "There is no god but man." (Crowley). Echoing the serpent's promise in Eden - that ye shall know as gods.

 The Talmud derives its mentality mainly from older ocult lineages and kingdoms of pagan -
 priestcraft, including Egypt and Babylon, all important sources for the (masonic-sodom) OTO.
 A key meeting site for the S.O.S cult was a burned-out mansion (Westchester) - part of the former Warburg-Rothschild estate.
(Zionist) Rothschilds ultimately launched the Talmud-based Illuminati (Mayer-Amschel). OTO being an offshoot.

 "Satanic practices, including the teachings of Aleister (OTO) Crowley and Eliphas (Baphomet) Levi..."
There are homosexual links. Michael Carr was apparently homosexual, that said, sodomy is not limited to males.
These satanic group allegedly had as many female adepts as there were males. It's believed females executed some murders.
The letters were likely written by the wider cult. OTO ciphering via one of the letters? 666 Crowley-Baphomet's sodom-cult OTO.
Baphomet - famously rendered by (kabbalist/satanist) EliphasLevi-(athan). Levi's Goetic Circle as used by the S.O.S cult.
A (Crowley/Levi infused) S.O.S ritual crime scene - Elephas (disco). BERK-aial & Amas-arac (a sam, a car - Sam Carr).
The Carrs' father, Sam, was Berkowitz's neighbor - which literally made Michael and John (in one aspect) the sons of Sam.

 "Satanists...They aren't ignorant peasants or semi-illiterate natives...ranks are filled with doctors, lawyers, businessmen..."
Elements of the Process Church (UK ex-Scientologist formed,see DeGrimston) were also believed to have been a large aspect of the cult (Manson was linked to the Process too). Michael Carr was a Scientologist (see Crowley/Hubbard) and a photographer/illustrator too (a link to Sisman?). Berkowitz had the phone number for the Fort Harrison Hotel, Clearwater (Fl.) - a facility owned and operated as a major training center by the Church of Scientology (another satanic cult). Other phone numbers in Berkowitz's possession - an exclusive country club in Long Island's Hamptons area: the Montauk Golf and Racquet Club. Two other numbers listed were to the Long Island summer residences of Yonkers doctors; these were not office numbers. (Radin's Ocean Castle was on Long Island. His mother was based in the Hamptons). Another number was that of a private residence in East Hampton, another belonged to an unlisted telephone in West Babylon, Long Island, and a final number was listed to a private home on exclusive Shelter island, Long Island. There was, simply, no legitimate reason for Yonkers postal clerk David Berkowitz to possess these telephone numbers. Moreover, he didn't list any names next to them.
Oh, look. Claims that the SOS satanic cult network had links to British Columbia, Canada. (source EIR, link)
Moving-on to more recent issues in Canada...
Re: Freemasonry. Page 355. Witness statements. Read the statements (if you can stomach the harrowing details) from the witnesses and see the major hand of rancid Freemasonry at work. Witness #1 (given as Annie Parker, Feb. 2006) - a daughter of a prominent Freemason and newspaper editor. Rape/torture/snuff involving the Pickton Bros. (Willy, a serial killer, subsequently convicted Dec. 2007), a CBC TV cameraman, and linked to RCMP supply. Some of the more startling claims implicate Lions-Gate Films in snuff movie production (the Vancouver company formed late 90's), and Eddie Murphy in a double-murder. It's alleged that the farm was used to rape & kill victims - and filmed surreptitiously - for the purposes of compromise/blackmail traps (and snuff production). Brother, Dave Picton, was said to be involved in a film studio set-up that was attached to the farm's barn where events were held, Piggy's Palace. It's likely that Willy Picton (a la Fred West) was a key participant who was then used as the fall-guy for the wider op. 
(Note, some of the former witness #1 details, incl. Lions-Gate aspects, are seemingly corroborated by witness #7, see excerpts. The latter claims to have been an undercover CSIS field agent (intelligence) sent in to infiltrate the Bros. farm (likely latter 90's). He also implicates former Canadian PM, Paul Martin, in goings-on at the Pickton Bros. farm. Martin served in former PM Pierre Trudeau's cabinet, the father of current PM, Justin).
Lions-gate, founded in Vancouver by Frank Giustra (1997), who is now linked to Epstein 'blackmail' Island connected Clinton. 

Epstein mixed in Royal circles and Prince Andrew was clearly implicated in his op. Blackmail trapping Epstein's wealth was primarily supplied by (Zioist Jew and newspaper tycoon) Robert Maxwell, the funds being largely illicited from the (stolen) Mirror Group pension fund. Masonic DeMolay, Clinton, a RHODES scholar out of (Isis) Oxford. See Bulwer-Lytton, Rhodes his initiate and the Crowley Isis Cult via Oxford. Lions-gate, who went on to become the biggest mini-major studios of recent times. Their early output being considered too controversial (too degenerate, my emphasis) for the typical majors. Their first major success was (coincidentally or not) Amerian Psycho (2000). They were also behind the torture-porn Saw franchise. American Psycho, a homo-erotic film with an investment/stockbroker who liked filming, chopping-up prostitutes and cannibalism. Giustra started-out at investment/brokers Merrill Lynch in the late 70's. Raising billions for investors. Art imitating life? See link for claims regarding Giustra's wife, Lionsgate and Greek Life Productions in respect of the Pickton farm. His former wife, Alison Lawton, linked to UNICEF, children's & AIDS charities (Africa) and Bill 'Epstein' Clinton. She was (is) very likely involved in setting-up charitable fronts for obtaining victims (and/or child sextortionist trainees for blackmail, etc.) from the third world under the (predictable and typical) guise of benevolence.
 (note, some of the links are now since defunct)

 "Politicans connected to Hell's Angels, connected to freemasons, oddfellows, illuminati, witches, warlocks, satanists, police, my "friends". Judges that put the media ban on this are in league with them as well too."
In this link from 15 years ago (here, beware extreme content) mention is made by someone who did business at the farm, (who gave a series of interviews to the police) of having been introduced to Willy Pickton by a Freemason (who claimed to be a close friend of 25 years to Pickton). Read the grisly conclusion of their own investigation at the link. This was all before Pickton was tried and convicted. The writer actually assumes (erroneously) that Pickton would 'get-off' - with help from the usual compromised authorities.
PLEASE BE WARNED. The contents of those witness statements are some of the most harrowing stuff that I've ever read. And I've read a lot. It's still greatly troubling me now. It very much reminded of the Fred West situation. Torture and snuff fiend, Freemason and Scottish-linked, West. Farm-linked West was linked to other child abusers/murderers - James Gallogley (a church elder in Scotland), and Alexander Gartshore, the latter also a paedophile Freemason. West's Cromwell St. property was also feet from a Seventh Day Adventist Church - the properties was partially connected. West alleged he was involved with and claimed he had the protection from - the highest court body in Scotland (COPFS). (A group from COPFS that was involved in making paedophile abuse films, he referred to them as 'the untouchables'.) COPFS being a Crown instituted body. The monarch (on the advice of the first minister) appoints the head, the Lord Advocate. 
Scottish paedophile and Tory MP, SIR Nicholas Fairbairn (tied to paedophile rings with SIR Peter Morrison, and likely 'paedo/homo' Elm Guest House) was the deputy to the Lord Advocate, COPFS (1979-1982). (Fairbairn, a highly promiscuous gay liberation activist, and yet another with murky links to the Paedophile Information Exchange.) See Fairbairn, who was once Scotland's youngest Q.C., and victim Susie Henderson (whose degenerate paedophile father was a prominent Scottish Q.C., and close friend of Fairbairn) who was raped/abused from age 4. Anyway, it's also claimed that West had a link to Thomas 'Dunblane' Hamilton, another Freemason (one who had actually corressponded with the Queen) and yet another case that was absolutely coated in a foul masonic stink (incl. inquiry, Lord 'Freemason' Cullen), and what may have actually been a paedophile abuse cover-up event sold as a mass shooting. Hamilton allegedly attended abuse parties with a police inspector and acted as a driver for the ring. See 'the speculative society'. Just putting it out there.
 Freemason (and paedophile) Brother Frederick Walter Stephen 'Fred' West (29 September 1941 - 1 January 1995), was an English serial killer known to have been in full-fellowship with at least one English Masonic lodge, the Gloucestershire Round Table Lodge.
 Freemason (and paedophile) Brother Thomas Hamilton: "This House notes that Thomas Hamilton, the perpetrator of the hideously distressing slaughter committed in Dunblane on the 13th March 1996, had enrolled in Lodge number 1413 of the Masonic Order at Garrowhill in 1977. He had been granted his firearms certificate in 1977 (same year as his masonic membership) and had stopped attending Lodge meetings in 1986."

From a former post...linked to NXIVM and the Zionist-Jew, Bronfmans (agents of the Crown, see Canadian bootlegging):
SIR Robert Havers Q.C, (then Att. Gen.) defends non-prosecution of SIR Peter 'paedo-PIE' Hayam.
SIR Robert (who became a Lord) being the brother of BARONESS Butler 'Royalty- SIR Savile' Sloss.
Oh, look. It's former Canadian High Commissioner, SIR Peter 'paedo' Hayman. UK's top diplomatic rep. in Canada (1970-74).
Geoffrey Dickens (MP) named Hayman as a 'paedophile' in the House of Commons (1981).
An Attorney General involved in major (Zionist linked) paedophile cover-ups? Sounds familiar, but I can't quite place it? 
If only I could squeeze-in Prince Andrew with all of this, somehow? (sarcasm). British-Israelism to US-Israelism.
You can thank the (UBER ZIONIST) POS Trump admin. for how the above turned-out. Also see Acosta.
Hence, why Donald 'the fix' Barr was installed (by Zionist Trump) to take care of the Zionist loose-ends. Ahem.
DALTON SCHOOL. Their 'Epstein is dead' fairytale seems to have flummoxed most of the MSM grazing sheep.
The SAME sheep that think institutionalising paedophilia is some type of nonsense conspiracy theory. Ahem.
You'd almost think these degenerates would be too busy destroying indigenous Palestinians (under their superior 'chosenite' banner) to find the time to carry-out all this child abuse, entrapping, and global terror. But somehow they manage it.
Oh, look. It's (Jew) Epstein and (Jew) Barr's sick and perverted school, Dalton.
Um, I thought children lacked the capacity to give consent? This is just so WRONG.
Paedophilia training as a part of the cirriculum? Who'd have guessed? Take a bow, Zio-Thelemic USA. 
Maybe son, William 'POS' Barr (fmr. Attn. Gen. of Zionist Trump's admin), can pen the sequel to his father's Space Relations?
It could be about (Zionist fomented) child sex slavery involving NY children's schools - with links all the way to the top of govt., industry, and mass media? It could be titled: "Business As Usual".

More Revelations?


 Picking-up from the end of my previous post covering Sept., etc. Sorry for repetition of certain elements:

Early Sept:
ISIS has been 'reborn' via the Zio-US - just as I predicted. See Afghanistan fall-out. All too predictable.
POS/NWO Ardern in New Zealand just assisted with an inside job ISIS event - involving a 'lone actor' (their words).
Sept. 3. Chaperoned by (the masonic) NZ Police (he was closely monitored 24/7) - and I'm sure you can work-out the rest.
This is why the event was over after about 60 seconds. Countdown Supermarket. It cannot get anymore blatant.
The stage is set. Recall there was an NZ 'inside job shooter' called Brenton Tarrant (Mar. 2019) - another obvious set-up.
Hence the 'inverted 666' (the links to Israel/Mossad/Freemasonry) and all via The Ides of March (see 666 Trump).
666 (inverted) via Ides of March, 2019. 666down-under (inverted/upside-down), geddit? 666 Solomon's (Jew) Templars.
'Sharpie'(Australian) is a term for a type of skinhead. See so-called white supremacist shooter, Brenton '666' Tarrant.
666'Ides of March, 2016' Trump, Hurricane 'Black Magic Marker/Sharpie' Dorian (Sept. 2019), & Hurricane IDA (IDES).
The MARK-er of the Beast via 666'Ides' (Zionist Antichrist) Trump...Mr New York & Warped Vax via Cull-Man.
Who'd have guessed? A one in a thousand year event. Hurricane Ida.
With the West Coast on fire and the East Coast flooded - is this trial by fire and water?
 Above, see previous post. Has the 'man-made climate change' narrative just had a massive reboot? (sarcasm) Who'd have guessed?
It's coincidence that the (masonic/Rockefeller) UN dropped its massive climate change report in the middle of all this. Ahem.
 I wonder if 'dove-linked' U.S. scientific-oceanic body, NOAA (Noah), and its acronym - is also trying to tell us something?
9/11 Emmerich's The Day After Tomorrow sold the concept of rapid 'global cooling'. A type of dark winter.
The Rothschild Illuminati/NWO have their key symbol on the back of the US $ bill - NWO 'eye and pyramid'.
  Also see (Monolith linked) Oblivion (2013) and Deep'Lucifer Clarke'Impact (1998) - the latter via celestial impact.
Quaid (see The Day After Tomorrow) was lead in Dreamscape (1984). It opens with a nuked NYC via the Twin Towers.
You might recall that his brother, Randy (see Independence'9/11'Day,) was black-balled by the Hollywood Illuminati.
9/11 arguably had elements of the disaster movie. Some have read it that way, at least. The genre being a language the - 
US audience very much understands. Perhaps why elements of it have been inter-woven within illuminatisponsored events.
The Simpsons - see 9/11 and Trump pres. predictive programming. 9/11 Lone Gunmen, Day After Tomorrow, 666 Fox.
 The 1995Illuminati: New World Order cards and 9/11:
Rothschild's Illuminati JEW World Order. See $100 dollar bill, $20, $10, $1. Your Rothschild (so-called) monetary system.
Even '666 Divoc', erm, I mean '666 Covid' gets a look-in via the 20/20 (Jackson) Mask. It looks like Biden's eyes.
 Satanic Israel's Supreme Court building - it is the Rothschild Illuminati's key power symbol -  the eye & pyramid.
 See Fox's (Jewish) The '666' Omen. Masonic-Jew satanist, 666 Groening. Mr 'Illuminati' Simpsons via Zionist Fox.
I'm still proud to say that I've never watched a single episode of (rancid Fox's) The Simpsons. :)
The same Fox/Fox News that likes to closedown all talk regarding Zionist agitator George 'POS/BLM' Soros.
Literally ALL US mass media is Zionist-Jew fomented predictive programming and/or trauma-based programming.
Those yet to understand this and those who still wallow in this programming -  are victims of trauma-based mind control.
Exact same types are now entirely at the mercy of (satanic) 'big tech'. They've never understood the philosophy of either.
Bear the following (from earlier) in mind:
"Because apochryphal stories are a means by which oligarchical powers are able to exert influence over the masses." Desborough

Revelations (Bible) - is their Illuminati (Sanhedrin) tool/predictive program for mass destruction:
"According to said Master Plan, the mythology of Revelations will be followed like Tinker-Toy instructions. (The elite's apochryphal story 'par excellence' for exerting mass influence, as per Desborough.) A time of tribulation will come first, after which survivors will be made "one" via a post-tribulation "rapture" spawned by the technical sorcery of having their brain pleasure centers titilated MAGNETICALLY so that we all will cum together (vax, 5G, etc.). Those who are thus epiphanized will become nothing more than (hive mind hardwired - 
serfs and transhumanist) humanoid servo-mechanisms." The Carnivals of Life and Death (My Profane Youth, 1913-1935). Downard
 From a previous 2020 post:
Biden's 'Dark Winter' language (also see 2001 bio-terror sim,) multiple mentions late 2020 - same timeframe as:
FireEye, SolarWinds, SUNBURST. Consider in respect of corona-l solar activity& (power-outing) solarCMEs. Supply chain.

Volcanic & seismic activity at heightened levels. Perhaps tied-in with sun cycles/GSM/magnetic activity. See Iceland/Alaska.
 Also notably 'La Palma' - La Cumbre Vieja (volcano). Island known for the very debatable mega-tsunami. Evokes Rev. 8:8.
 (Linking Revelation to major earth catastrophe via celestial, and meteorological changes, etc. See Comyns Beaumont, et al.)
Canary in the (apocalypse) coal-mine? The BBC largely popularised the Canary Island mega-tsunami idea, see Horizon.
NOT predictions, per se. I'm merely outlining (MSM) narratives/realities that have some potential. (consider HAARP/Cern).
 Canary Islands, meaning Isle of Dogs. Reflected in London via Canary 'Pyramid' Wharf located on the Isle of Dogs.
It remains to be seen if Canary 'Dog' Island eruption is a precurser to a larger one - or if the worst is already over.
It is NOT a small volcano - the entire island is a volcano! Technically two. North part extinct - south part active.
The potential issue is the island's spinalfault-line caused via 1949 post-eruption quakes(s) plus heated groundwater. Transcript:
None of this is 'debunked'. This IS their nature. The fault-line also exists - eruption or no eruption. The issue is 'when'?
Broke-back Mountain. BBC doc. presented a worst case scenario. It doesn't discount all potential outcomes. A partial slide, etc.
Oct. 12 (Crowley's birth date). I watched the original airing of this in 2000. I haven't forgotten. I still vividly recall it.
Rebuttals to their findings have since transpired, but ultimately they're all just competing hypotheses.
Note, the potential for sea-water to enter into the eruption equation (causing explosion) is also very high.
Activity could rise on the ridge (more cones/flows) and spread - as they're supplied from the same magma plume(s).
McMurtry - who exactly described the tsunami phenomenon (2000), that was then seen in 2004 (Indonesia).
McMurtry may be the doc. source that led to many people being saved (2004) - he described the wave drawback, etc.
Update Sept. 21 - Etna volcano (Sicily/Italy) has now just popped - here. Chile with a 6.4 quake. Anyone checked Yellowstone?
Update Sept. 28 -  La Palma eruption continues to intensify. Integrity of island now very much an increasing issue.
I've noticed there's a concerted effort to down-play its (established) potential instability. 'A great, fiery red dragon':
1971 eruption. The beast/dragon (satan) - see Revelation. The volcano (again) sounds similar to the above - and as of now
On surround-sound it's like Lynchian black lodge doom-ladened pressure. Hellishly otherwordly & hypnotic. Devil & sulphur.
With the fault-line (crack) issue, I'm now starting to get: "release the crack-en" vibes. A subject of recent posts.
Templar infused Columbus made the Canary Islands his last port of call before sailing to the 'new world' (Americas).
This doesn't mean that anything will definitely happen, but it can't be completely ruled-out either (or elite foul-play).
Which happens to be the Feast Day of San Gennaro (U.S.). Celebrating St. 'Volcano Eruptions' Januarius. Hmm?
Celebrated in Manhattan, N.Y. Legend has it that the saint was beheaded at the (Land of Sulphur) Solfatara crater, near Pozzuoli.
La Palma - the palm (tree, derived from hand). Januarius - attributed with 'palms' (hand) - and patronage of volcanic eruptions.
Vesuvius (see ruined Pompeii). Note, colonial Bulwer-Lytton's 'Isis Cult' first appeared in his (linked)  The Last Days of Pompeii.
I'm now a bit freaked-out by the 'release the kraken/crack-en' stuff. I linked the meme to a dream I had (July 2020 post).
A dream about a 'sea monster' - one where I awoke as it made landfall. I 'real-time' blog posted it. See it all here.
I have only mentioned this again because it was very unusual for me to blog post about any dreams that I've had.
This dream was vivid. That combined with the 'release the kraken' NHL news (that same morning) and my linked - 
subject writing on this blog at the time (see link above) - all made for quite a heady mix. Just putting it out there.
Things got headier still when 'release the kraken' was subsequently used (Nov/Dec 2020) by Sidney '2020 election fraud' Powell.
Biblical Revelations via Release the Kraken (Crack-en). A McCracken (McKraken) was tied to the mysterious monoliths.
All linked to the Zio-masonic Q psy-op. The 'Trump is saviour' quasi-religious psy-op with a: "watch the water" meme.
Some link the Canaries to Atlantis (legendary sunken island, Greek Plato). Pillars of Hercules (Straits of Gibraltar), ATLas mtns., 
ATLantic, etc. King Atlas - holds-up the world globe (mind) via spine, Atlas vertebra holds-up your skull (world globe).
Joe Versus the Volcano. POTATUS Biden & the masonic UN GA. Agenda 21 etc., WHO plandemic UN. Biden: "will we suffer -
the merciless march of ever-worsening droughts and floods, more intense fires & hurricanes, longer heatwaves & rising seas?"
The Lucis (Lucifer) Trust office in New York was formerly located at 666 United Nations Plaza.
The'666'Omen director, Jew Donner, followed it with Superman (1978), see the San Andreas quake via nuke.
Mike Hodges part-directed/screenplayed (corporate famine referencing) Damien: Omen II (1978). His Flash Gordon (1980) - 
opens with (masonic) Merciless Ming hitting earth with freak weather/natural disasters - linked to augmenting the population.
On the flipside, even a minor incident with the volcano might well lead to mass panic. Based on what's already established.
I've noticed since that it's all gathered steam on mass media platforms, and that religious apocalypse types abound.
Sept. 17 saw a notable quake in Carson, Los Angeles. Volcanoes and (linked) celestial phenomena.
 666deceivers NASA/JPL's recent mention of 'Apollo class'near earth asteroid (closest on Sept. 22nd) named 2021 NY1
666 deceiver - Antichrist Trump's NY Babylon Tower (as seen in The Devil's Advocate) is adorned with images of Apollo.
Apollo released the "black bolts of plague" upon Greece and made them sick (Homer). Also see Apollyon/Destroyer Rev 9:11.
666NY Trump & BLACK MAGIC MARKERS - via weather & MODIFICATION. Ahem. Hurricane Dorian post SEPT 2019:
 Pulp'homo'Fiction (see 666 case) was a 'black magic marker' via syringe injection and homo-scientologist, Travolta.
Hexxing Cube Warp Speed Vax, Trump. The Church of Satan's top degree is Maga/Magus. MAGA, Trump.
666 Trump's BLACK MAGIC MARKING (Sharpie) via (modified, ahem) hurricane models and maps:
It (Dorian) all began Sept. 1. 2019. Exactly 2 years to the day before Sept. 1. 2021's Hurricane 'NY' Ida
Think: 'weather modification'. Note, the "Modified" and "Modification" terms (ahem).
(Dorian was destined to trash Florida, massive preps were made, but somehow it parked/stopped over the Bahamas.)
Black magic marking via 666'deceiver' Trump and (modified) weather/hurricanes. A permanent marker.
Hurricane IDA via IDES. International Disaster Emergency Service via Churches of Christ. (link)
"BEWARE the Ides of March." Caesar (see soothsayer warning) and his assassination date (via the Senate) 44 BC.
See Ides of March, Templar 'Christ-Church, NZ' Tarrant. Mr 666 Down-Under. Ides of March (delegate), 666 Trump.
 Zionist Anti-Christ, 666 (Roman Ides) Trump. The Trump-ets of Revelation. The Babylon whore (aka Rome) riding the beast:
The 'Little Horn' Trumping Beast (elephant republican) via Daniel(s) and (Babylon whore/harlot) Revelations.
 Illuminati black pyramid Vegas shooting happened under Trump. Talking of Satanic USA& all recent things (cabbalist) 666:
666 Nation. The US Zionist Jew Mass Media Matrix (aka MIC) - always delivers. 666 and Sept. 1 (again).
 Recall (FRAUD) terror bombing 'Boston Marathon' (Apr. 2013). The finish line was located at 666 Bolyston St. Ahem.
 Illuminati via Boston Joggers - 666 and Sept. 11 markers? See Sept. 11 via 666 and Illuminati cards.
 Patsy, Dzhokhar 'Boston' Tsarnaev (green carded 2007) became a naturalized U.S. citizen on Sept. 11, 2012. Ahem.
You might recall that two of the 9/11 planes departed out of Boston. One being Flight 11 which hit the N. Tower.
As you can see. In terms of mass media programming and (Illuminati induced) terror false flags - we're in a lot of trouble. 
Anyway, the sick Zionist Jews - the main cheerleader and key instigators of mass 'goyim' abortion. Vomit.
See 'depop' Ginsburg/Steinem, etc. 666 vax, 'depop' Gates' father was a former head of Planned Parenthood Abortionhood.
 RANCID Zio-U.S. FEMINISM. Pop. control, medical experiments, and (badly disguised) sacrifices to (Judaic) Moloch.
Women's reproductive health is at the core of this? Clearly not. Depopulation of goyim races is. (See POS Ginsburg).
Foetal cell lines used in the creation of US big pharma so-called Covid warp(ed) vaxxes (gene tech). Ahem.
 Antichrist birthing...
The Return to Zion - aka Aliyah. The film that ends with the Antichrist (child) holding the US president's hand.
The comet aspect is perhaps a throwback link to Exodus - leading to their escape from the Egyptians.
Solomon's 666 Templars/Templers via (King of the Jews & Babylon Cyrus) Donald '666' Trump. Prophecy Coin.
It was Devil's Advocate, 666 Trump who recognised Jerusalem as Israel's capital - December 6. 2017.
666 Solomon constructed the 'first Temple' - then sacked by Egypt. Masonic lodges are based on this Temple.
Babylon Cyrus (after Israelites being captive for 70yrs) ordained building the 'second Temple' (sacked by Rome, 70 AD).
"To fulfill 70 years." - the first year of the reign of Cyrus, coincided with the 70th year of the Israelites' removal. (see Ezra).
 Biblical scholars claim that this 'first return' (after 70 years) was prior prophecised by Jeremiah.
Rothschild-linked Balfour - his declaration leading to neo-Israel (1947, UN partition). 1947 to 2017 (coin) = 70 years.
Cyrus represents the 'Return to Zion' (of Jews) via second Temple which began under his rule. (Dying at age 70).
Trump seemingly represents similar. A 'Return to Zion' coin and replete with Temple rebuilding (third Temple).
 Cyrus/Trump (see coin) - the trumpet. The Trump-ets of 666 Revelation. Also see Trump-Pence (word play).
Most basalt is volcanic rock. The dove and olive branch, as per coin - see Genesis/Noah's flood and the ark.
Dove and olive branch - aside typical peace symbolism, etc. = a new start, a new creation (post-destruction).
For the third Temple to be ultimately rebuilt, it would require the removal/destruction of the 'occupying' Al Aqsa mosque. 
I see the third Temple issue as a type of trigger event (to come). A major aspect of their ongoing 'Great Work'.
As featured in conspiracy staple I Pet Goat (2) series. Showing a bombing of the location. Refs. to war. etc.
In terms of war - we have to put Iran top of the pile. I've made that clear many times. As have the parties concerned.
That said, war with China is another concern. Tensions via (US proxy) Taiwan continue to escalate.
 What's really odd is how second Temple Cyrus (a Persian/Iranian) is revered both by Jews, and Iranians alike.
A saviour type (practically a messiah) to the Israelites, and the ruler archetype for Persian/Iranian power.
Second Temple Cyrus was born in present-day Fars Province, Iran. His alleged tomb based in Parsagadae, Iran.
I Pet Goat 2 suggests bombing of the Temple Mount location, but couldn't an earthquake also acheive the same?
Yes, things have moved-on with Trump/Satanyahu, but the wider narratives are not affected - they continue.
Trump is ever-present and constantly hovering in the background of things. Still a major force.
As for Biden:
6uild 6ack 6etter...6iden. 2020 ÷ 666 = 3.0330 (Vote 6iden). ILLUMINATI Impostor. He's certainly got some neck on him!
See video. If they can fraud the entire 2020 election, do 9/11, etc. Then this stuff (above) is mere child's play.
Trump, June 11. 2019: "A 'dummy'. He's a different guy. He looks different than he used to." (mockery of the MSM sheep).
Thanks go to Joe McCafferty for the Biden impostor pics assist.

Meanwhile the Cumbre Vieja volcano eruption continues to intensify. It's all getting a bit The Devil at 4 O'Clock.
The goings-on have certainly picked-up since the previous post and my mention of it, as has wider interest.
There has been talk of land deformation at the north of the island - citations of a 10cm rise.
Coincidentally or not - "10cm" is considered the ideal 'birthing crown(corona)' during child-birth/labour.
If you were looking for more Revelation-type flavour - then the above (birthing aspect) might just qualify.
Alaska just recorded another significant quake (6.8), just a day after tremors hit Hawaii. CME's and much more.
With things as crazy as they've been recently - who knows what's to happen, if anything? Hard to rule anything out.
Special thanks go to UNCLE BINGO, EUGENE, & JOSEPH MCCAFFERTY. Thank you for the regular comments.
I apologise for not being more responsive to your prior recent contributions. Best wishes.

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