Not quite finished yet...but most of it is complete.
The Shining Full Metal Jacket Eyes Wide Shut A Clockwork Orange
A. E. Waite
Waite joined the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in January 1891 after being introduced by E.W. Berridge. He became a Freemason in 1901, and entered the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia in 1902. The Golden Dawn was torn by internal feuding until Waite's departure in 1914; later he formed the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross, not to be confused with the Societas Rosicruciana. By that time there existed some half-dozen offshoots from the original Golden Dawn, and as a whole it never recovered.
Aleister Crowley, Waite's foe, referred to him as a villainous "Arthwate" in his novel Moonchild and referred to him in his magazine Equinox. Lovecraft has a villainous wizard in his short story "The Thing on the Doorstep" called Ephraim Waite; according to Robert M. Price this character was based on Waite.
Waite is best known as the co-creator of the popular and widely used Rider-Waite Tarot deck and author of its companion volume, the Key to the Tarot, republished in expanded form the following year, 1911, as the Pictorial Key to the Tarot, a guide to Tarot reading. The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot was notable for being one of the first tarot decks to illustrate all 78 cards fully, in addition to the 22 major arcana cards. Golden Dawn member Pamela Colman Smith illustrated the cards for Waite, and the deck was first published in 1909. It remains in publication today.
The 22 (0-21) major arcana cards are also analogous to the 22 paths on the tree of life.
The starting point...and the end point.
XXII / 0 / Unnumbered (The Fool) The Fool is usually interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the Major Arcana is the path the Fool takes through the great mysteries of life and the main human archetypes. This path is known traditionally in Tarot as the Fool's Journey.
The Shining
Jack (Jacob) 'the fool'
The Fool 0
The Fool is usually interpreted as the protagonist of a story, and the Major Arcana is the path the Fool takes through the great mysteries of life and the main human archetypes. This path is known traditionally in Tarot as the Fool's Journey.
The opening shot of Jack in his car on the way to the Overlook (going to the sun road)...even the Tarot card itself has reference to the 'shining' sun across the 'snow peaked' mountain tops...just like the opening section of the film itself! The fool is on the edge of a precipice, about to enter his is Jack, his car is running along the edge of the mountain road, about to enter his journey.
The opening shot of Jack in his car on the way to the Overlook (going to the sun road)...even the Tarot card itself has reference to the 'shining' sun across the 'snow peaked' mountain tops...just like the opening section of the film itself! The fool is on the edge of a precipice, about to enter his is Jack, his car is running along the edge of the mountain road, about to enter his journey.
End shots The Shining & 2001 : ASO overlaid.
Jack (the protaganist) trapped in the duat/earth realm and returned to the base of the sephiroth(tree of life) and/or Jack is the fool/joker on his wild-goose-chase cycle to inevitable death and rebirth. (see 2001/Shining endings synch)We're back to square one...back to the starting point of the next cycle...The Fool is the alpha & omega, the beginning and the end!
The opening shot (the starting point) & 'Wild Goose Island' (Wild-Goose-Chase)...Jack driving on his own to the Overlook, this is his 'Fool's Journey'! "I intend to change my jacket before the duck & goose soiree".
The Fool is the alpha & omega, the beginning & the end...this is the start of Jack's (The Fool's) journey.
The Magican I
A youthful figure in the robe of a magician has the face of the divine Apollo, the sun god, with a confident smile and shining eyes. The Magician guides The Fool through the first step out of the cave of childhood into the sunlight of consciousness, just as Hermes guides Persephone out of the Underworld every year. He represents the potential of a new adventure, chosen or thrust upon one. A journey undertaken in daylight, in the Enlightenment tradition. He brings things out of the darkness into the light. He explores the world in order to master it. He is solar consciousness.
No explanation really required....we can clearly see that this refers to Danny (very closely, in fact) and Stanley has him fitted out in homage to Apollo (The Sun God, not the goddam space mission). Danny even throws darts in the games room...the arrow of apollo.
No explanation really required....we can clearly see that this refers to Danny (very closely, in fact) and Stanley has him fitted out in homage to Apollo (The Sun God, not the goddam space mission). Danny even throws darts in the games room...the arrow of apollo.
The High Priestess II
She is seated between the white and black pillars—'J' and 'B' for Jachin & Boaz—of the mystic Temple of Solomon. The veil of the Temple is behind her: it is embroidered with palm leaves and pomegranates. The motif that hangs behind the High Priestess’s throne, veiling what ever mysteries she guards, is suggested in the pattern of The Empress' gown. The two are sisters, one bringing life into the world, the other inviting the living to the esoteric mysteries.
The Empress III
The Empress sits on a throne wearing a starry crown, holding a scepter in one hand. The Scepter is representative of her power over life, her crown has twelve stars representing her dominance over the year, and 'her throne is in the midst of a field of grain', representative of her dominion over growing things (Danny is her 'growing thing'). She is the Great Goddess, the consort of the dying god (Jack is a dying god, so too Hallorann) , she’s also associated with Key 21, The World, the final card of the Tarot. Through death, rebirth, and reproduction the world is renewed. She often represents mothers, good and bad, or the demands of the real world. She can also portray the blood flowing throughout all living things, and the womb and the tomb. (hence her elavator 'river of blood' experience)
This is the feminine aspect and I think Stanley left a real cryptic clue for this and that is GRAIN....or for our purposes RYE, as in Catcher In The Rye...being read by feminine Wendy. Rye (grain cereal crop) grows in the field. Her chair (throne) is in the midst of 'rye'.
This is the feminine aspect and I think Stanley left a real cryptic clue for this and that is GRAIN....or for our purposes RYE, as in Catcher In The Rye...being read by feminine Wendy. Rye (grain cereal crop) grows in the field. Her chair (throne) is in the midst of 'rye'.
The Emperor IV
The Emperor symbolizes the desire to rule over one's surroundings, and its appearance in a reading often suggests that the subject needs to accept that some things may not be controllable, and others may not benefit from being controlled. The Emperor is Key Four of the Major Arcana. Fours are stable numbers; four walls, four seasons, four corners. It takes a massive amount of energy, comparatively, to move them.
This makes me think of Jack 'The Father figure' ominously 'overlooking' the maze (Fours corners, a square) at Danny & Wendy (in the high zoom shot) where we get a birdseye view and can audibly hear Danny & Wendy...this could be seen as a control/rule aspect via Jack's vision etc.
This makes me think of Jack 'The Father figure' ominously 'overlooking' the maze (Fours corners, a square) at Danny & Wendy (in the high zoom shot) where we get a birdseye view and can audibly hear Danny & Wendy...this could be seen as a control/rule aspect via Jack's vision etc.
The Hierophant V
Hierophant literally means “the one who teaches the holy things”. The Hierophant can also represent someone who stands out as a "pillar of the community", often a person who is respected by others and can be a source of moral authority & is socially respected. He is an individual who can perceive things happening in situations on multiple levels. In non-Western cultures (Native American, Siberian) the Hierophant retains the role as spiritual guide, wearing here the mask of a shaman who is also the teacher of holy things.
This really sounds like a description of Hallorann...the Head Chef (Chef has it's root in Chief) and during the film he is an avatar for Native American's (Calumet cans) and that would bring in a heavy shamanistic aspect to him.
This really sounds like a description of Hallorann...the Head Chef (Chef has it's root in Chief) and during the film he is an avatar for Native American's (Calumet cans) and that would bring in a heavy shamanistic aspect to him.
The Lovers VI
The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins in some decks. The Lovers is associated through its cross sum (the sum of the digits) with The Devil, card 15.
The Grady twins look like 'ringers' for the 'gemini twins' and they fit nicely with Danny's Apollo reference. Also the assocition with the devil card....hence this reference I made earlier!
The Grady twins look like 'ringers' for the 'gemini twins' and they fit nicely with Danny's Apollo reference. Also the assocition with the devil card....hence this reference I made earlier!
The relationship between 'the lovers' and 'the devil' cards.
The Chariot VII
It means a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again. It can also imply, on a more pragmatic level, a trip (usually by car), a vehicle - in the repair shop if the card comes up reversed - or a message.
This would fit with Danny in his 'chariot' (cycle) that he rides around the Overlook in and could also refer to the trashed Overlook's snowcat vehicle that Jack damages. Black & white sphinxes....Hallorann (Black snowcat/sphinx) travelling in his own 'chariot' to answer the psychic call of Danny (White cylce/sphinx).. Are the 2 snowcats also a glacial form of the sphinx, afterall the events are taking place inside a 'pyramid'? Sphinx literally means to 'strangle' and that is where the word 'asphyxiation' is derived 'to grip or strangle' or in this case to strangle/choke Danny.
This would fit with Danny in his 'chariot' (cycle) that he rides around the Overlook in and could also refer to the trashed Overlook's snowcat vehicle that Jack damages. Black & white sphinxes....Hallorann (Black snowcat/sphinx) travelling in his own 'chariot' to answer the psychic call of Danny (White cylce/sphinx).. Are the 2 snowcats also a glacial form of the sphinx, afterall the events are taking place inside a 'pyramid'? Sphinx literally means to 'strangle' and that is where the word 'asphyxiation' is derived 'to grip or strangle' or in this case to strangle/choke Danny.
The Strength VIII
The card stresses discipline and control. The lion represents the primal or id-like part of the mind, and the woman, the 'higher' or more elevated parts of the mind. The card tells the Querent to be wary of base emotions and impulse. Strength in this case, the battle is mainly internal rather than external. In the Crowley deck this card is entitled Lust, and receives a different focus, as a sun sign , namely Leo, implying a potency that is sexual, creative, and intuitive, which are all attributes of the element Fire.
I've got two aspects for this one...Jack seen losing control after the confrontaion with Wendy and if we take the lust interpretation then that would key in the 'woman' from 237 who he lusts after. In both cases Jack shows a lack of control for anger & lust!
I've got two aspects for this one...Jack seen losing control after the confrontaion with Wendy and if we take the lust interpretation then that would key in the 'woman' from 237 who he lusts after. In both cases Jack shows a lack of control for anger & lust!
The Hermit IX
The Hermit may be the old man or woman, metaphorically, that we meet who gives us the insights or tools or training we need to confront the beasts of the forest (Jack 'the beast' in the maze of hedges!), the sealed cave, the gated castle, the wormhole. While The Hermit mostly integrates the lessons of the sunlit world, the Moon stands at the threshold of light and dark and churns the waters of life. In both cases, treasures can be uncovered through contemplation of what is brought forth. In both cases, monsters may be found (Jack?). The 'cowl' (see pic) The Hermit wears protects him and isolates him. Hopefully, at some point, he casts it off and rejoins the world.
Hallorann fits the description of the 'hermit'. He gives Danny insight through their isolated chat in the kitchen and he stands alone as an individual character with no ties, he also gives Danny the tools to confront Jack after his own sacrifice leads to Danny drawing Jack into the maze, he was able to confront the beast of the forest. 'Mostly integrates the lessons of the sunlit world'...there is a heat wave in Florida where he lives, opposite to the conditions at the Overlook...he wears a 'cowl' like jacket whilst on his trip to the ovewrlook (see pic), he rejoins the world. Hallorann is so perceptive that when Danny mentions 237 (in a precognitive sense, a premonition) he immediately knows that something bad WILL happen there (using his own precognitive sense), if Danny goes in, hence 'STAY OUT etc'. There is always The Summer of '42 to consider....Hermie the main protaganist!
Hallorann fits the description of the 'hermit'. He gives Danny insight through their isolated chat in the kitchen and he stands alone as an individual character with no ties, he also gives Danny the tools to confront Jack after his own sacrifice leads to Danny drawing Jack into the maze, he was able to confront the beast of the forest. 'Mostly integrates the lessons of the sunlit world'...there is a heat wave in Florida where he lives, opposite to the conditions at the Overlook...he wears a 'cowl' like jacket whilst on his trip to the ovewrlook (see pic), he rejoins the world. Hallorann is so perceptive that when Danny mentions 237 (in a precognitive sense, a premonition) he immediately knows that something bad WILL happen there (using his own precognitive sense), if Danny goes in, hence 'STAY OUT etc'. There is always The Summer of '42 to consider....Hermie the main protaganist!
Wheel of Fortune X
The Wheel of Fortune represents the intercession of random chance into the Fool's path. The card represents the forces that can help or hinder the querant suddenly or unpredictably. It is closely connected to The Magician and The Sun. Note we have wings from the aircraft and from all the creatures in the card, as well as the 'snowcat' as a 'glacial sphinx' which also features on the card. Danny is the magician and is connected here by the psychic call he makes to Hallorann, he is connected to The Sun by the fact he is a child, just like the child on horseback in The Sun card and Danny is the sun/son/apollo.
Hallorann by coming to the Overlook (after Danny's psychic call) sets this wheel in motion, his surprise visit subverts the axe attack on Wendy/Danny in the bathroom and this leads to his own death, but one that will allow others to live, his snowcat (a glacial sphinx, like the sphinx on the card) provides the meams for their getaway. We see this intervention ultimately hinder Jack and from his point of view, in an unpredictable way, Jack ultimately runs out of time in his attack on Wendy & Danny, even though Grady warned him about outside help.
Outside of that a case can be argued for Delbert Grady to be the random chance element in the wheel of fortune for Jack, he has an seemingly accidental bump into him in the Gold Ball Room and from that, he is informed that his son is trying to bring in an outside party (Hallorann). So in effect he is helping our's the psychic call from Danny that Hallorann picks up on, so I still make that favourite, seeing as though Grady is having to counter Hallorann's intervention in the first place, or why mention it?
Outside of that a case can be argued for Delbert Grady to be the random chance element in the wheel of fortune for Jack, he has an seemingly accidental bump into him in the Gold Ball Room and from that, he is informed that his son is trying to bring in an outside party (Hallorann). So in effect he is helping our's the psychic call from Danny that Hallorann picks up on, so I still make that favourite, seeing as though Grady is having to counter Hallorann's intervention in the first place, or why mention it?
Justice XI
This card is closely related to the XX card 'Judgement' (a portion of that card is also shown in the strip pic above) and the 'Maat' aspect, but this is more to do with 'open justice' and may signify that injustice needs righting and that balance (see scales in this card) is missing and the sword (see card) may represent accountability. The inbalance is that Jack cannot or will not admit his abuse of Danny and for which he is also accountable, maybe even he 'himself' is in denial (as is common with victims/perpertrators of abuse) and won't see (after maybe having been abused himself as a boy, a forever & ever abuse cycle?). Jack goes into 237 and meets with a 'manifestation' that represents his abuse of Danny, room 237 is where the choking of Danny occurred. At first Jack is OK with this sexual liaison, but the reflected mirror view of him embracing the young woman, finally revealing the rotten & decaying old woman (an avatar for this abuse of his) and he now must accept it on a personal level. This is probably why he sees that the only solution to his dilema, is to destroy Danny & Wendy and therefore avoid his responsibility as a child sex abuser and save himself. Both the young woman and the old woman coming out of the tub, the latter mockingly chasing him down, are direct references to the judgement card(as in pic) and the people in the vessels in water (which look like tubs, see pic) and during which, the horn of judgement blows, perhaps the old woman's awful laugh is a reference to the horn. This is a precursor to Jack's final judgement card 20 where his soul will be weighed against the ma'at feather and be fouund wanting!
The Hanged Man XII
Hallorann in the 'Hanged Man' spot, the card is linked to sacrifice (sometimes martyrdom) through the Jesus & Osiris stories...the destruction of self brings life to humanity.
It is Hallorann that makes the sacrifice to save Danny by going there and he brings the snowcat that they escape in. Hallorann is killed/sacrificed by Jack on what looks like a 'cross' a templar like cross. (the card features the tau cross).
It is Hallorann that makes the sacrifice to save Danny by going there and he brings the snowcat that they escape in. Hallorann is killed/sacrificed by Jack on what looks like a 'cross' a templar like cross. (the card features the tau cross).
Death XIII
The Death card commonly depicts a skeleton riding a horse. Surrounding it are dead and dying people from all classes, including kings, bishops and commoners. The skeleton carries a black standard emblazoned with a white flower. Some decks depict the Crashing Towers from the Moon with the Sun rising behind them in the background.
Jack's death in the maze.
Jack's death in the maze.
Temperance XIV
In most modern tarot decks, Temperance stands between Death and The Devil. He or she (traditions vary) guides the souls of the dead to judgment. If the soul is heavier than a feather, it will be fed to the eater of souls.(Amemet/Cynocephalus/Dog-Bear)
That fits with the themes herein...Jack has just died in the maze, now his soul travels through the lobby hallway, like it's being guided. She is the woman in the photo 'heart & feather' Maat. The strange 'Derwent moment' discovered by Wendy also fits in with this...impending judgement.
That fits with the themes herein...Jack has just died in the maze, now his soul travels through the lobby hallway, like it's being guided. She is the woman in the photo 'heart & feather' Maat. The strange 'Derwent moment' discovered by Wendy also fits in with this...impending judgement.
The Devil XV
The Tarot Devil card is derived in part from Levi's famous illustration "Baphomet" in his Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie (1855). Baphomet is winged and horned, combining human and bestial features.
Outside of the baphomet reference we're about to see, Jack's being playing the 'devil' in the lead up to the closing part of the film.
Outside of the baphomet reference we're about to see, Jack's being playing the 'devil' in the lead up to the closing part of the film.

The Tower XVI
After the self bondage of The Devil, life is self correcting. Either the querents must make changes in their own lives, or the changes will be made for them. The querent may be holding on to false ideas or pretenses; a new approach to thinking about the problem is needed. The querent is advised to think outside the box. The querent is warned that truth may not oblige schema. It may be time for the querent to re-examine belief structures, ideologies, and paradigms they hold to.
Chaos ----- Sudden change ----- Impact ----- Hard times---- Crisis ----- Revelation ----- Realizing the truth.
Wendy was in bondage to Jack (the devil) and all her ideas of him must be completely blown after he has just tried to axe them both to death. She is now having to realise the truth and acts accordingly, Danny escapes through the window, but Wendy can't, however, the approaching Snowcat stops the attack.
Chaos ----- Sudden change ----- Impact ----- Hard times---- Crisis ----- Revelation ----- Realizing the truth.
Wendy was in bondage to Jack (the devil) and all her ideas of him must be completely blown after he has just tried to axe them both to death. She is now having to realise the truth and acts accordingly, Danny escapes through the window, but Wendy can't, however, the approaching Snowcat stops the attack.
The Star XVII
In the Fool's or Hero's Journey (Jack), the Star indicates that we are approaching the goal of enlightenment.
Audibly sung by Al...'Midnight, with the stars and you' we approach doorway & photo after going through. Jack's enlightenment is nigh and the 'star' vocal is his (and our) indication, that the judgement of his existence has arrived and is to be weighed by ma'at.
Audibly sung by Al...'Midnight, with the stars and you' we approach doorway & photo after going through. Jack's enlightenment is nigh and the 'star' vocal is his (and our) indication, that the judgement of his existence has arrived and is to be weighed by ma'at.
The Moon XVIII
According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, the card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit.
Seen after doorway, immdiately after the Sun, the moon from 2001:ASO synched/overlaid...Jack's spirit is in transition and this (moon) and the next card can be thought of as a representation of the alchemical marriage of the sun & the moon, they're seen almost together.
Seen after doorway, immdiately after the Sun, the moon from 2001:ASO synched/overlaid...Jack's spirit is in transition and this (moon) and the next card can be thought of as a representation of the alchemical marriage of the sun & the moon, they're seen almost together.
The Sun XIX
An infant (Danny like) rides a white horse under the anthropomorphized sun (the gold room sign is an anthropomorphized sun too, with people on it!), with sunflowers in the background. The child of life holds a red flag (the lobby curtains look similar to this flag imo), representing the blood of renewal while a smiling sun shines down on him, representing accomplishment. The conscious mind prevails over the fears and illusions of the unconscious. Innocence (Danny) is renewed through discovery, bringing hope for the future (they both survive and have hope).
Jack's imminent renewal via rebirth. Seen just before doorway 'Gold Room' sign. If we really wanted to keep the correct order, we could even take the July 4th date as a reference to the height of summer, when the sun is at its maximum.
Jack's imminent renewal via rebirth. Seen just before doorway 'Gold Room' sign. If we really wanted to keep the correct order, we could even take the July 4th date as a reference to the height of summer, when the sun is at its maximum.
Judgement XX
It is usually interpreted as a signal of an impending judgment, such as of postponed decisions. As the card symbolizes resurrection, it can also be interpreted to herald the return of individuals from the past. The card also represents the Christian God's promise of life after death.
Jack's judgement and resurrection/rebirth (individual's from the past, see the photo!), the horn of judgement & the man blowing the party horn in the photo & the goddess maat, the woman with the feather & heart.
Jack's judgement and resurrection/rebirth (individual's from the past, see the photo!), the horn of judgement & the man blowing the party horn in the photo & the goddess maat, the woman with the feather & heart.
If you had the music from 2001:ASO playing over the synch of both the films endings, then you will certainly here the horn here too!
The World XXI
The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool. The figure is at once male and female (Jack as baphomet, an androgynous male/female entity), above and below, suspended (like Jack here) between the heavens (Jack points as above, starchild) and the earth (Jack points so below, planet earth). Exactly like the synch overlay shows...EXACTLY!
2001 Overlook the Ball/Globe.
2001 Overlook the Ball/Globe.
Note the 'ouroboros' (a cycle, like a snake eating it's own tail) design of the card (above) and now note the 'ouroboros' image behind the 'monarch' twins (below)...just outside the games room.
"Come play with us for ever and ever"...or a perpetual cycle (forever & ever) the ouroboros!
The Fool 0 - back to the egg 0.
Jack/Jacob trapped in the duat/earth realm (bottom of the tree, malkuth or bottom of jacob's ladder) and returned to the base of the sephiroth(tree of life) and/or Jack is the fool/joker on his wild-goose-chase cycle to inevitable death. We're back to square one...back to the starting point of the next cycle...The Fool is the alpha & omega, the beginning and the end!
Corroborating evidence... :-)
Jack as 'the joker' in Batman.
Which brings us nicely to....
Full Metal Jacket
Joker 'the fool' = Fool Metal Jacket
The Fool 0
"Well they call me 'the joker'..." The connection between the joker in a pack of playing cards and the fool in the tarot deck...shouldn't need explaining.
James T. "Joker" the main protaganist of this story too in Full Metal Jacket...a raw recruit who is undergoing his own journey & transformation. He says he joined so he could see combat (foolish bravado) and ends up an independent-minded combat correspondent.
The Magician I
He embodies the lesson of "as above so below." In the script Hartman can be found using the terms 'heaven' (above) and 'hell' (below) in a space of a few minutes. Depending on the card's placement in relation to other cards, the message is to tap into one's full potential rather than holding back, especially when there is a need to transform something. There are choices and directions to take. Guidance can arrive through one's own intuition or in the form of someone who brings about change or transformation.
Sounds like our man Hartman alright, he's a 'fire & brimstone' change agent and the transformer of raw green recruits into mechanical death machines. (Stick, magic show @ 09:30)
Sounds like our man Hartman alright, he's a 'fire & brimstone' change agent and the transformer of raw green recruits into mechanical death machines. (Stick, magic show @ 09:30)
It can also represent the perfect woman in a man's life, and to a woman it can represent being independently solo perhaps without a man.
Hartman: "Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles! You will give your rifle a girls name (Isis perhaps!)...because this is the only pussy you people are going to get! Your days of finger-banging (why finger?, they've no phallus perhaps, ike Osiris, the troops are versions of Osiris & are holding the missing phallus/gun) old Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her pretty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece, this weapon of iron & wood! And you will be faithful! Port...hut! Prepare to mount! Mount!" (mount, sexual pun).
Hartman: "Tonight, you pukes will sleep with your rifles! You will give your rifle a girls name (Isis perhaps!)...because this is the only pussy you people are going to get! Your days of finger-banging (why finger?, they've no phallus perhaps, ike Osiris, the troops are versions of Osiris & are holding the missing phallus/gun) old Mary Jane Rottencrotch through her pretty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece, this weapon of iron & wood! And you will be faithful! Port...hut! Prepare to mount! Mount!" (mount, sexual pun).
The rifle as a phallus, aside from the obvious sexual allusion..."When Osiris' body was cut in 13/14 pieces, Set(h) scattered them all over Egypt and his wife Isis retrieved of them except one, his penis. Supposedly, Isis made a 'wood-en' replacement."
The Empress III & The Emperor IV
"Mama & Papa were laying in bed"... a musical reference from the Drill Instructor Hartman...Mama & Papa 'the parental figures'. The Empress (note trees in both pics) is often associated with Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love (the chant is about love & loving), and indeed the Rider-Waite deck brandishes her symbol upon a heart-shaped bolster (Hartman/Heartman.)
The sign of the Emperor is associated with the sun sign of Aries (rams on throne)...chant continues"Up in the morning to therising sun."
"Mama & Papa were laying in bed"... a musical reference from the Drill Instructor Hartman...Mama & Papa 'the parental figures'. The Empress (note trees in both pics) is often associated with Venus, goddess of beautiful things as well as love (the chant is about love & loving), and indeed the Rider-Waite deck brandishes her symbol upon a heart-shaped bolster (Hartman/Heartman.)
The sign of the Emperor is associated with the sun sign of Aries (rams on throne)...chant continues"Up in the morning to therising sun."
The Hierophant V
to be added...

The Lovers is associated with the star sign Gemini, and indeed is also known as The Twins in some decks. The Lovers is associated through its cross sum (the sum of the digits) with The Devil, card 15.
The two prostitutes that we see during the film...there is an association with the Devil card too, via Animal Mother (Beast) and his association with the second prostitute (Whore). As case can be made for Joker/Pyle as the 'twins'...I'll come back to that later.
The Chariot VII
The Troops posed as Ram-Sphinxes (Criosphinx)....the men's arms like the sitting sphinxes front legs and feet, they even have a 'pedestal' to stand on just like the Karnak sphinxes...there is even a central door behind Hartman, just like the Temple Of Amun/Amon at the rear. All the action takes place here @ Parris Island on a floor/hall numbered 7, like the number of the card.
Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, or circumstances; to bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again.
From above scene
"I have failed becuase you have not helped me! You people have not given Private Pyle the proper motivation!"
Strength VIII
The Cowboy & The Lion (Leo). Cowboy subdues & holds the gag in Pyle's mouth/ the woman clasping the lion's jaw in the card & subduing him, the 'infinity' symbol above her head, are Cowboy's 'spectacles' a version of the same thing? What further cements this is that Pyle's real name is Leonard and that brings in Leo (sign) which is symbolised by the 'lion' just like in the card.
If inverted, the Querant is in danger of losing control to impulses and desires. Pride and unwarranted anger are also often associated with the inverted card. This is commonly a positive card and I think here it has been inverted, to make the point, the woman is cast as a man (Cowboy). When Strength appears in a throw, it may be a signal that the Querent is facing a challenge that requires a strong response, rather than brute force. The danger of Strength is that it can work against the Querent. Here we see it work against Joker ultimately, he narrowly avoids getting shot by Pyle when he loses it in the 'head' after his total breakdown and he shoots the Drill Instructor. This beating couldn't have really helped and Joker is the one who carries out the worst of it (losing control to impulses/desires and unwarranted anger). Joker was Pyle's last real connection and it gets fully broken during this scene.
The Hermit IX
Attributes: Introspection, Silence, Guidance (via Joker), Reflection, Solitude, Looking Inward, Reclusion, Being Quiet, Isolation, Distance & Retreat.
All things we see happening to Pyle and and in the main, exclusively. His psyche has been turned inwards. Some say that The Hermit is a Threshold Guardian, representing an obstacle the Querent (Joker), the hero of the piece, must overcome to move on. We see Joker overcome the shooting in the head/toilet scene, where we see Pyle (the creation) turn on Hartman (the creator). A potentially dangerous aspect of The Hermit is his retreat, his isolation. But The Hermit may be tempted to completely withdraw from the world, not because the journey is done, but because the dragons of the real are too daunting. This aptly describes Pyle's descent.
Wheel Of Fortune X
Attributes: turning point, opportunities, possibilities, destiny, fate, sudden events, sudden change, superior forces, surprises.
The Wheel of Fortune represents the intercession of random chance into the Fool's path. The card represents the forces that can help or hinder the querant suddenly or unpredictably.
A wheel within a wheel (left), Joker on 'The Wheel' with the Bull, Beast & Serpent.
The reunion with Cowboy and the rest of the platoon sees Joker's fate take a turn and sets up the final third of the film. Wooly Bully plays in this scene and the bull is represented on the card by taurus, the sphinx, anubis and the serpent/set-typhon also feature. (for more, see corroborting evidence, below) So we have Joker (the fool) meeting up with COW-boy, as a charcter reference to the bull/taurus. Perhaps the anubis/devil like entity is represented by 'animal mother''the beast', who he also meets here, the serpent/typhon via 8-Ball, again their first meeing. Recall his dialogue.... "Excuse me, ma'am. Now what we have here little yellow sister, is a magnificent specimen of pure Alabama Blacksnake.
Cowboy (bull/taurus)
Hartman: "Holy dogshit! Texas, only steers and queers come from Texas, private Cowboy!"
A steer is a castrated bull. Wooly Bully can also be a 'veiled reference' to lesbianism...a bull-dyke, Wooly downstairs (pubic/groin) but Bull-y upstairs (demeanour), so that's the sexual reference 'queer' covered too!
All in....this is another bull/minotaur reference that featured so heavily in The Shining with the maze/labyrinth.
Justice XI
to be added...
The Hanged Man XII
8 Ball is in the 'Hanged Man' spot, the card is linked to sacrifice (sometimes martyrdom) through the Jesus & Osiris stories...the destruction of self brings life to humanity.
8 Ball is in the 'Hanged Man' spot, the card is linked to sacrifice (sometimes martyrdom) through the Jesus & Osiris stories...the destruction of self brings life to humanity.
Animal Mother's prescient cue and 8-Ball poached by the sniper, after being the man selected to find a way through (sacrifice). He takes on the Hallorann role as the hanged man/negro. The black man seems to get a raw deal in most Kubrick films and I'm not sure if the '8 Ball' moniker is a reference to 'the black ball' that signifies 'rejection' from the lodge...some times this 'black ball' is a 'black cube' and that evokes 'the monolith' and 'Kubed-brick'.
Death XIII

Death on a 'white horse'...and a depiction of 'white death' (lime) at the 'mass grave'. Journalists, marines and civilians are grouped around the grave.
The Death card commonly depicts a skeleton riding a (white) horse. Surrounding it are dead and dying people from all classes, including kings, bishops and commoners. Cross of Nero (supposed peace symbol) related to crucifixion etc.
The Death card commonly depicts a skeleton riding a (white) horse. Surrounding it are dead and dying people from all classes, including kings, bishops and commoners. Cross of Nero (supposed peace symbol) related to crucifixion etc.
In most modern tarot decks, Temperance stands between Death and The Devil. He or she (traditions vary) guides the souls of the dead to judgment. If the soul is heavier than a feather, it will be fed to the eater of souls.
Cowboy's death at the hands of the Sniper. This seems very similar to the interpretation we saw in The Shining (temperance), we are in the closing stages of the film and this pic above suggests a 'death & rebirth' via the 'stargate' monolith and 7 diamonds/ Jack in the Overlook lobby hallway 'death & rebirth'sweeping zoom shot.(see further below)
Cowboy's death at the hands of the Sniper. This seems very similar to the interpretation we saw in The Shining (temperance), we are in the closing stages of the film and this pic above suggests a 'death & rebirth' via the 'stargate' monolith and 7 diamonds/ Jack in the Overlook lobby hallway 'death & rebirth'sweeping zoom shot.(see further below)
The Devil XV
It also indicates an obsession or addiction to fulfilling our own earthly base desires. Should the Devil represent a person, it will most likely be one of money and power, one who is persuasive, aggressive, and controlling.
Animal Mother as the 'Beast'...with the 'Whore' as per Revelation, 666 The Devil.
Animal Mother as the 'Beast'...with the 'Whore' as per Revelation, 666 The Devil.
It can indicate an obsession or addiction to fulfilling our own earthly base desires. Should the Devil represent a person, it will most likely be one of money and power, one who is persuasive, aggressive, and controlling...That's Animal Mother covered then.
Chaos ----- Sudden change ----- Impact ----- Hard times---- Crisis ----- Revelation ----- Realizing the truth.
The sniper vantage point (and her opposing view) and the falling marines as her victims.
The sniper vantage point (and her opposing view) and the falling marines as her victims.
The Star XVII
The bird nested on the tree bears resemblance to the Ibis, a bird which was venerated by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of the god Thoth...this ties into the judgement of the dead (as we've seen before). The ladder of planets by which we climb the mystical journey is visible in the sky. In the Fool's or Hero's Journey (Joker), the Star indicates that we are approaching the goal of enlightenment. This is what seems to be happening to Joker, at this point...he is nearing the fate to come. Like in The Shining the star, moon & sun are presented quickly (and in the correct order) in a narrow time frame. This same 'star' will also be seen as a symbol of 'baphomet' while the soldiers encircle the sniper...again evoking baphomet & the coming judgement aspect.
The Moon (XVIII) & The Sun (XIX)
Moon: According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, the card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit. (behind Joker)
Sun: The child of life holds a red flag, representing the blood of renewal while a smiling sun(behind sniper)shines down on him, representing accomplishment. The conscious mind prevails over the fears and illusions of the unconscious.
The moon (it gives off no light of its own, like the ornamental piece over Joker's shoulder...the 'fire' evokes the sun, that burns behind the sniper). Again another example of the very quick 'alchemical marriage' of the sun and moon in the space of just seconds, like we saw in The Shining example.
Moon: According to Waite's The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, the card represents life of the imagination apart from life of the spirit. (behind Joker)
Sun: The child of life holds a red flag, representing the blood of renewal while a smiling sun(behind sniper)shines down on him, representing accomplishment. The conscious mind prevails over the fears and illusions of the unconscious.
The moon (it gives off no light of its own, like the ornamental piece over Joker's shoulder...the 'fire' evokes the sun, that burns behind the sniper). Again another example of the very quick 'alchemical marriage' of the sun and moon in the space of just seconds, like we saw in The Shining example.
We see Joker at the climax, take on the role of 'judgement' (card20) in respect of the sniper woman...and he carries out a mercy killing to his own 'resurrection' and ends her cycle of life (the world,21) in the process.
The Judgement (XX) by The Fool (0)...The World (XXI)
The troops (various creatures, one is called animal mother, 4 corners of the card) close around her like the ouroborous loop, as she lays sprawled out like the card motifs (see the world card XXI)...she evokes 'water' during judgement (XX) by asking for 'aqua'...just like we see heavily presented by the fact, the music (when Joker enters this space occupied by the sniper) here may even be indicative of the 'horn of judgement' sounding...there is a very metallic sounding horn during this scene.
This is then followed by all the heavy handed 'sexual' references (sex & death) during 'Jokers' monologue (humped, nailed, fuck fantasy etc), which will symbolically launch the next cycle (back to the egg 0)...starting with the The Fool (Joker) again.
The film ends with The Rolling Stones or The Stone(s) and Painted Black (A stone, painted black)...a musical rendition of the monolith, a door(way) painted black.
The Stone - Painted Black
To add to the cycle flavour, we do find the now seemingly hallmark 'forever' moment cropping up in the dialogue, one suggesting this very theme.
Hartman: Some of you will not come back. But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU liveforever.
Perhaps the singing of the Mickey Mouse club theme is indicative of childhood/infancy as we have regressed back to the beginning again.
This is then followed by all the heavy handed 'sexual' references (sex & death) during 'Jokers' monologue (humped, nailed, fuck fantasy etc), which will symbolically launch the next cycle (back to the egg 0)...starting with the The Fool (Joker) again.
The film ends with The Rolling Stones or The Stone(s) and Painted Black (A stone, painted black)...a musical rendition of the monolith, a door(way) painted black.

The Stone - Painted Black
To add to the cycle flavour, we do find the now seemingly hallmark 'forever' moment cropping up in the dialogue, one suggesting this very theme.
Hartman: Some of you will not come back. But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU liveforever.
Perhaps the singing of the Mickey Mouse club theme is indicative of childhood/infancy as we have regressed back to the beginning again.
Corroborating evidence...
Modine in The Dark Knight Rises.
These are seen when Bowman goes through the 2001 stargate and mononlith, The Shining Jack's (post death) sweep through the Overlook Lobby (the diamonds are the starting point of the sweep) and through the monolith doorway (rebirth, as per synch) and present at the Cowboy death scene (suggesting rebirth) complete with appropriate monolith imagery at the rear. (see pic)
Cowboy's death...octohedra & firey monolith.
The Overlook 'hallway'...where Jack's soul travels to judgement. (Gold Room sign, evoking the firey sun).
An echo to The Shining...the 'genocide of the Native American' and cinema as a propoganda tool.
Remember the dialogue..."Who's gonna play the Indians? The 'Gooks' can play the Indians...ha, ha, ha."
Remember the dialogue..."Who's gonna play the Indians? The 'Gooks' can play the Indians...ha, ha, ha."

Full Metal Jacket Apron
A diagonal shot of the 'apron' in FMJ (also as seen in Jurassic Park 'visitors centre')...death below the steps (as per sniper/t rex/hiram's coffin) and the stairway to the radiance of sirius/all seeing eye etc. Sorry about the poor FMJ pics, all I could find.
Wooly Bully plays in this scene and the bull is represented on the card by bull/taurus/cow-boy, the sphinx is also featured.
"Wooly Bully"
Written by Domingo Samudio
Performed by Sam the Sham and The Pharaohs
His backup group The Pharaohs wore strange Egyptian outfits. Samudio recorded solo for Atlantic Records in 1970, reformed The Pharaohs in 1974 and later became a street preacher in Memphis. Wooly Bully was recorded in Phillips Recording Studio on Madison Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee
This tune was no doubt selected by Stanley for symbolic purposes.
In Egyptian mythology, Apis or Hapis (alternatively spelled Hapi-ankh), is a bull-deity that was worshipped in the Memphis region (capital of Egypt during the old kingdom). In a funerary context, the Apis was a protector of the deceased (just like Osiris is also), and linked to the pharaoh. Apis is also linked to Hathor (the cow, an aspect of Isis).
Memphis is a tomb/burial place of Osiris via Apis-Ptah. Memphis was the seat of power for the pharaohs of over eight dynasties.
When Osiris absorbed the identity of Ptah, becoming Ptah-Seker-Osiris, the Apis bull became considered an aspect of Osiris rather than Ptah. Since Osiris was lord of the dead, the Apis then became known as the living deceased one.
As he now represented Osiris, when the Apis bull reached the age of twenty-eight, the age when Osiris was said to have been killed by Set, symbolic of the lunar month, and the new moon, the bull was put to death with a great sacrificial ceremony. (Killing of the King...see Apocalypse Now, below.)
There are some tie-ins to Elvis (The King) & Martin Luther King via Memphis (Tennessee) too, 'Kings' who were taken before their time, but I'm not getting into that now, just mentioning it.
R Lee Ermey FMJ's Drill Instructor & Heuy Pilot in Apocalypse Now, where the first complete word and image of him combined together is....SE7EN!
Tarot: "It's death lets 'charlie' know who did this." Death from it is below.

Wooly Bully plays in this scene and the bull is represented on the card by bull/taurus/cow-boy, the sphinx is also featured.
"Wooly Bully"
Written by Domingo Samudio
Performed by Sam the Sham and The Pharaohs
His backup group The Pharaohs wore strange Egyptian outfits. Samudio recorded solo for Atlantic Records in 1970, reformed The Pharaohs in 1974 and later became a street preacher in Memphis. Wooly Bully was recorded in Phillips Recording Studio on Madison Avenue in Memphis, Tennessee
This tune was no doubt selected by Stanley for symbolic purposes.
In Egyptian mythology, Apis or Hapis (alternatively spelled Hapi-ankh), is a bull-deity that was worshipped in the Memphis region (capital of Egypt during the old kingdom). In a funerary context, the Apis was a protector of the deceased (just like Osiris is also), and linked to the pharaoh. Apis is also linked to Hathor (the cow, an aspect of Isis).
Memphis is a tomb/burial place of Osiris via Apis-Ptah. Memphis was the seat of power for the pharaohs of over eight dynasties.
When Osiris absorbed the identity of Ptah, becoming Ptah-Seker-Osiris, the Apis bull became considered an aspect of Osiris rather than Ptah. Since Osiris was lord of the dead, the Apis then became known as the living deceased one.
As he now represented Osiris, when the Apis bull reached the age of twenty-eight, the age when Osiris was said to have been killed by Set, symbolic of the lunar month, and the new moon, the bull was put to death with a great sacrificial ceremony. (Killing of the King...see Apocalypse Now, below.)
There are some tie-ins to Elvis (The King) & Martin Luther King via Memphis (Tennessee) too, 'Kings' who were taken before their time, but I'm not getting into that now, just mentioning it.
R Lee Ermey FMJ's Drill Instructor & Heuy Pilot in Apocalypse Now, where the first complete word and image of him combined together is....SE7EN!

Tarot: "It's death lets 'charlie' know who did this." Death from it is below.

"when Osiris was said to have been killed by Set, symbolic of the lunar month, and the new moon, the bull was put to death with a great sacrificial ceremony."
As seen in Kurtz's compound.
The Killing Of The King (Fraser's Golden Bough) The King is Osiris 'the dying god-king' and his essence is Apis-Ptah (Ox/Bull)...hence this ritual scene in Apocalypse Now (other book is From Ritual To Romance)...a re-enactment of the death of Osiris (you'll see another re-enactment of this in Clockwork Orange, later). Remember this is juxtaposed with Willard (Sheen) killing Kurtz (Brando, the king) in a similar manner..representing the same thing. Kubrick worked with Brando on 'One Eyed Jacks' (Jacob) and I think this title is a euphemism for the phallus of Osiris...'a one eyed jack' or 'a one eyed trouser snake' or outside of that...a reference to the 'torn out' left eye of Horus.
The Missing Phallus Of Osiris
Brando with his own 'sex pistol'. Picken's starred in Dr Strangelove & One Eyed Jacks (Jack = Jacob) and did his own bit of 'phallus' (missile) riding at the end of Strangelove...echoed in Alex's attack on the cat woman.
Saint Gregory of Nyssa narratesthat Moses climbed on Jacob's Ladder to reach the heavens where he entered the tabernacle not made with hands, thus giving the Ladder a clear mystical meaning. The ascetic interpretation is found also in Saint John Chrysostrom, who writes: "And so mounting as it were by steps, let us get to heaven by a Jacob’s ladder. For the ladder seems to me to signify in a riddle by that vision the gradual ascent by means of virtue, by which it is possible for us to ascend from earth to heaven, not using material steps, but improvement and correction of manners."
Blake's version of Jacob's Ladder......Ziegler's version of Jacob's Ladder, Bill taking his first steps.
Which brings us nicely to....
Which brings us nicely to....
Eyes Wide Shut
Dr Harford 'the fool'
The Fool 0
First line of the script...the very first line!!!
Dr. Bill Harford : Honey, have you seen my wallet?
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
Still being depicted as the fool...when he gets to the party at Ziegler's...Bill is drawing away from the sun (behind his head) and jestures to Ziegler that he is 'the fool' per the card. Alice as the 'the high priestess' and Ziegler & wife as 'the empress'& 'the emperor' respectively, Nick could well be 'the heirophant'.
Playing the fool...
Amanda 'Mandy' Curran : [whispering] I don't think you realize the scope of danger you're in. You cannot fool them for much longer.
The Magician I
to be added...
Alice between the pillars...the red curtain in the background, perhaps signifying the 'veil of isis' (as per the card, which hide the mysteries) and notice the curtains are parted, is this 'veil' being parted for our benefit, if you catch my drift, the viewer's initiation into the mysteries...considering the films subject matter 'secret society power cabals'?
The Empress III & The Emperor IV
The Ziegler's...pictured at both parties, they can be seen as mother and father figures.
Bill is on a symbolic journey throughout this film (in some ways very reminiscent of Barry Lyndon's, both are uncovered as imposters etc) and it is fitting that he starts out in the right place, by being cast as 'the fool' via the mislaid wallet reference. We see him go through various ordeals, avoiding death, infiltrating a masked ritual at a private mansion, visiting a prostitute who is hiv+ (next to lottery shop & saved by phone call, X wheel of fortune perhaps, as could the circle at Mentmore could be, where he is saved) witnessing judgement etc & through aspects of the tarot cycle.
The Hierophant V
The reversed Hierophant can be any "false teacher", one who doesn't have mastery of the subject he or she teaches,and doesn't know what he or she is talking about; though, thinks he or she does, because of his or her ignorance or misperception. (hence the blindfolded reference he gives, ignorance!) This can refer to one who is just a bad teacher, or one who regularly gives bad advice, bad counsel or bad guidance to others. A person who thinks they know what they are talking about, but in reality does not.
Nick Nightingale's lack of knowledge about the goings on at the mansion and his revelations to Bill (prompted or otherwise), that nearly leads Bill to his doom...Nick likes to think he knows what he is talking about, but he clearly has little understanding in these matters. The 'crystal ball light' at the table appears not to assist in his divination of what is really going on, but may act as a reference for Bill receiving 'occult' knowledge. The Nightingale belongs to a group of birds called 'chats' (which is what Nick is doing with Bill) only the male nightingale sings (Nick is singing a dangerous revelation). The bird symbolically: "Because of the violence associated with the myth (Philomela & Procne), the nightingale's song was long interpreted as a lament." A lament or lamentation is a song, poem, or piece of music expressing grief, regret, or mourning, (this ties in with Mandy and Bill). This myth is mentioned in Homer's The Odyssey (2001 ASO) and Ovid's Metamorphoses. (Ovid also mentioned by Sandor the Hungarian to Alice, EWS).
Nick Nightingale's lack of knowledge about the goings on at the mansion and his revelations to Bill (prompted or otherwise), that nearly leads Bill to his doom...Nick likes to think he knows what he is talking about, but he clearly has little understanding in these matters. The 'crystal ball light' at the table appears not to assist in his divination of what is really going on, but may act as a reference for Bill receiving 'occult' knowledge. The Nightingale belongs to a group of birds called 'chats' (which is what Nick is doing with Bill) only the male nightingale sings (Nick is singing a dangerous revelation). The bird symbolically: "Because of the violence associated with the myth (Philomela & Procne), the nightingale's song was long interpreted as a lament." A lament or lamentation is a song, poem, or piece of music expressing grief, regret, or mourning, (this ties in with Mandy and Bill). This myth is mentioned in Homer's The Odyssey (2001 ASO) and Ovid's Metamorphoses. (Ovid also mentioned by Sandor the Hungarian to Alice, EWS).
Ziegler Party Models...evoking the Clockwork Orange 'record store' lolly lickers.
Choice ----- Doubt ----- Dilemma ----- Temptation
The Lovers represent the impulse that drives us out of the Garden, towards adulthood. Sometimes, that impulse manifests as curiosity, sometimes it manifests as sexual desire, sometimes it manifests as duty.
Bill experiences all 3 of these here, ending with his duty to help Ziegler with Mandy upstairs, after the butler informs him of Victor's request, "something for Mr Ziegler". Whatever it is, once we have stepped past the threshold, there is no returning to the garden. Bill and his subsequent future discoveries to come, means he will not be returning to the garden.
Two trees, bearing fruit and flame, represent the intoxication of the material world. (see the trees behind Bill & the girls...fruit & flame like).
Choice ----- Doubt ----- Dilemma ----- Temptation
The Lovers represent the impulse that drives us out of the Garden, towards adulthood. Sometimes, that impulse manifests as curiosity, sometimes it manifests as sexual desire, sometimes it manifests as duty.
Bill experiences all 3 of these here, ending with his duty to help Ziegler with Mandy upstairs, after the butler informs him of Victor's request, "something for Mr Ziegler". Whatever it is, once we have stepped past the threshold, there is no returning to the garden. Bill and his subsequent future discoveries to come, means he will not be returning to the garden.
Two trees, bearing fruit and flame, represent the intoxication of the material world. (see the trees behind Bill & the girls...fruit & flame like).
The Chariot VII
Bill arrives in his 'chariot' to the mansion (Mentmore) @ Somerton, two gatekeepers guard the inner sanctum from uninvited guests.
The card stresses discipline and control. The lion represents the primal or id-like part of the mind, and the woman (Domino), the 'higher' or more elevated parts of the mind. The card tells the Querent to be wary of base emotions and impulse. Strength in this case, the battle is mainly internal rather than external. In the Crowley deck this card is entitled Lust, and receives a different focus, as a sun sign , namely Leo, implying a potency that is sexual, creative, and intuitive, which are all attributes of the element Fire.
Bill at Domino's apartment where he is on the threshold of giving in to his desires with Domino (Lust), but Bill doesn't go through with it, after the telephone call from Alice. Here Bill demonstrates discipline & control, he still could've had his way with Domino, but decides not to. The Tiger on the bed evokes the Lion from the card and Domino evokes the woman. Bill needed to be wary, Domino at this point is unaware that she is HIV+.
Eight is also associated with the Great Goddess (Venus/Love/Lust) because it takes eight years for Venus and Earth to sync up against the zodiac. In Latin, the name Vanessa means 'of Venus' Domino is played by Vinessa Shaw! In Greek this name means butterfly (a monarch reference). There is probably a link between Venus & Venice too...which would tie-in the 'Venetian' masks we see at the coming mansion ritual orgy.
Bill at Domino's apartment where he is on the threshold of giving in to his desires with Domino (Lust), but Bill doesn't go through with it, after the telephone call from Alice. Here Bill demonstrates discipline & control, he still could've had his way with Domino, but decides not to. The Tiger on the bed evokes the Lion from the card and Domino evokes the woman. Bill needed to be wary, Domino at this point is unaware that she is HIV+.
Eight is also associated with the Great Goddess (Venus/Love/Lust) because it takes eight years for Venus and Earth to sync up against the zodiac. In Latin, the name Vanessa means 'of Venus' Domino is played by Vinessa Shaw! In Greek this name means butterfly (a monarch reference). There is probably a link between Venus & Venice too...which would tie-in the 'Venetian' masks we see at the coming mansion ritual orgy.
The Hermit IX
Hermit out of Hermes/Hermetic...the symbol of Hermes was the caduceus (as seen on card, bottom right squiggle) the 'caduceus' is the symbol for 'medicine' and Bill fits that aspect being a Doctor. Lou Nathanson...the old man lies in his bed with his 'shining lantern' (the old style lamp with the curled spout), maybe the 'medical drip' at the rear is suggesting the staff. (an aid, like the staff is).
The Hermit may be the old man or woman, metaphorically, that we meet (like Bill his here) who gives us the insights or tools or training (Bill's first direct confrontation with death that night, before Mandy, prepares him for what's to come) we need to confront the beasts of the forest, the sealed cave, the gated castle (Mentmore Mansion),the wormhole. This last part is suggestive of the coming ordeal at the mansion.
Another composite here...
Wheel Of Fortune X
Attributes: turning point, opportunities, possibilities, destiny, fate, sudden events, sudden change, superior forces, surprises.
"No one can change her fate now, when a promise is made here etc"
The Wheel of Fortune represents the intercession of random chance into the Fool's path. The card represents the forces that can help or hinder the querant suddenly or unpredictably.
Bill in a tight spot (within the wheel) @ the mansion and fortunately he gets saved by Mandy via redemption.
Red Cloak looks almost exactly like Anubis on the wheel (the red character). The double-heade eagle on Red Cloak's chair could represent the eagle on the card. The masked guests probably have all the animal aspects of this card covered. The circle is two rings of people like the card, a circle within a circle. In some decks, such as the AG Müller, the wheel is also attended by an individual wearing a blindfold. We just saw Nick (in this same room) at the keyboard in a blindfold before this scene occured.
Red Cloak looks almost exactly like Anubis on the wheel (the red character). The double-heade eagle on Red Cloak's chair could represent the eagle on the card. The masked guests probably have all the animal aspects of this card covered. The circle is two rings of people like the card, a circle within a circle. In some decks, such as the AG Müller, the wheel is also attended by an individual wearing a blindfold. We just saw Nick (in this same room) at the keyboard in a blindfold before this scene occured.
Justice XI
The Hanged Man-dy (Wo)Man XII
In all of the archetypal stories, the destruction of self brings life to humanity; on the card, these are symbolized respectively by the person of the hanged man.
The Hanged Man-dy...There is a 'nimbus' about the head of the seeming martyr, note Mandy's Ostrich feather (Maat) head piece, as a 'nimbus'. Mandy saves Bill via redemption and sacrifices herself.
The Hanged Man-dy...There is a 'nimbus' about the head of the seeming martyr, note Mandy's Ostrich feather (Maat) head piece, as a 'nimbus'. Mandy saves Bill via redemption and sacrifices herself.
Death XIII
Mandy at the morgue. This is preceded by the heavy death allusions 'Lucky To Be Alive' (newspaper), reading about Mandy's death and Mozart's 'Requiem Mass' (which has Dies Iraes, as a part, evoking The Shining 'day of judgement') playing in the coffee shop while he reads the paper.
Temperance XIV
In most modern tarot decks, Temperance stands between Death and The Devil (Mandy's death and Red Cloak as Devil). He or she (traditions vary) guides the souls of the dead to judgment. If the soul is heavier than a feather, it will be fed to the eater of souls.
Thoth oversees and scribes the judgement in the underworld (as seen above)...seen here leading Mandy (ostrich feather head piece) to her fate, the circle (see wheel of fortune) of cloaked guests evokes the cynocephalus and the head turn to Thoth, in anticipation of judgement of the soul.
Thoth oversees and scribes the judgement in the underworld (as seen above)...seen here leading Mandy (ostrich feather head piece) to her fate, the circle (see wheel of fortune) of cloaked guests evokes the cynocephalus and the head turn to Thoth, in anticipation of judgement of the soul.
"Temperance stands between Death and The Devil(Mandy's death and Red Cloak as Devil)."
When Bill reads the newspaper in the coffee shop, he reads that Mandy was involved with someone called Leon Vitali. (check the print!) Leon Vitali was an assistant to Kubrick since he starred in Barry Lyndon (as an adolescent Lord Lyndon) and worked with Kubrick until his death...Leon actually plays the role of Red Cloak in this film and this point ties them together even more!
When Bill reads the newspaper in the coffee shop, he reads that Mandy was involved with someone called Leon Vitali. (check the print!) Leon Vitali was an assistant to Kubrick since he starred in Barry Lyndon (as an adolescent Lord Lyndon) and worked with Kubrick until his death...Leon actually plays the role of Red Cloak in this film and this point ties them together even more!
Red Cloak and henchmen.
The Tower XVI
Mentmore Towers...Jacob-ean Rothschild pad, a tower part of the building (for filmic purposes, I think the interior was filmed elsewhere, Elveden Hall) used for the scene of Mandy's 'cry of redemption' before she is led away to her 'fall'/'death'. When she utters 'Stop!' and redeems Bill, she is high up on a balcony within the building.
The Star XVII
to be added
The Moon XVIII & The Sun XIX
Presented together (like in The Shining & FMJ) Alchemical marriage of the 'sun' and the 'moon'.
perhaps Bill's confession to Alice.
We arrive at the journey's end in the toy store and the 'magic circle' motif marks the eternal cycle (XXI the world/ouroborous). The 'star' is visible too, no doubt I'll find the 'sun'& the 'moon' being referenced soon XVII, XVIII & XIX.
The World XXI
The 'magic cirlce' of the ouroborous. XXI The World.
The circle surrounded by 'creatures' on all sides as per the card graphics, Helena (with doll) represents the figure in the centre 'the fifth element'...
the 4 creatures being the other 4.
The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning with the fool.
Finishing with the rebirthing moment of Alice utterring the immortal last word, that being 'Fuck'...the regenerative act...Back to the 0 (egg) fool again.
A Clockwork Orange
Alex 'the fool'
Dim as Horus and Lucy as Isis...infant Horus suckling the breast/milk.
ACO came straight after 2001:ASO and this scene seems to segue straight from the end of that film via the starchild's eye (out in space) and we zoom out through Alex's eye....and opens out into the Milk Bar (the milky way). Is Alex the starchild in his next phase?
Lucy (out of light) is a composite of both Artemis & Isis - The Great Virgin Mother Goddess.
The mannequin (Lucy) is covered in light bulbs, which is suggestive of the breasts/eggs of Artemis (see pic) and these bulbs gives us the 'light' (sun) element for the 'fool card' as well as the open arm gesture.
The Fool 0
Infancy via 'horus' (the child) is being suggested, also via the mother goddess...the foolish ways of Alex & his Droogs. The fool is about to begin his the base of the tree of life, malkuth...or should that be milkuth, lol.
The Magician I
As above,so below, Alex...from the symbolic 'milky way' (above) to the subterranean world (below).
Clothed in white, soon after we are shown Alex's snake (Ouroboros) that encircles the magician's waist (see card). We see Alex's snake curled up near the base of the bed, that he is resting on...this seems indicative of the 'serpent' of the Tree of Life and the kundalini aspect, starting at the base of the spine. (see pic)
The mystic number (infinity symbol) is termed Jerusalem above, the Land flowing with Milk (Korova Milk Bar) and Honey, the Holy Spirit and the Land of the Lord.
Alex's pet snake (at the base of his spine chakra) evoking the serpent/kundalini from the Tree Of Life.
After his Ludovico treatment...we are told that the 'snake' met with an accident, is this a description of what happened to Alex's spirit/essence after the treatment, he becomes an automaton, a clockwork orange.
Alex's pet snake (at the base of his spine chakra) evoking the serpent/kundalini from the Tree Of Life.
After his Ludovico treatment...we are told that the 'snake' met with an accident, is this a description of what happened to Alex's spirit/essence after the treatment, he becomes an automaton, a clockwork orange.
A composite of the mother goddesses Isis & Artemis, both sacred to the moon, as would be Diana too.
Artemis/Diana is associated with the 'bow' and we have a 'Bow-man' (2001) connection. The 'veil' behind her is the 'Veil Of Isis'...that conceal the mysteries.
The Empress III - Alex's Mum (M)
Mother figure at the breakfast table surrounded by the fruits of Ceres, goddess of the grain/cereal.
The Emporer IV - Alex's Dad (P)
Father figure seated on his throne.
The one who teaches holy things...the Chaplin as 'hierophant' his hand to heaven and the keys at his feet (guard with keys).
The Lovers VI
Alex's menage a trois via the record shop...the 'lolly eaters' (Gemini twins) evoking Lol-ita and the sexual aspect 'the blow goes'. Cyclops an obvious reference to HAL9000 (Hal's eye) and Black Christmas (death and rebirth of the sun/son) a film that featured Dave Bowman (Kier Dullea) who pleads with his girlfriend, to not abort their baby (starchild).
The Chariot VII
The car ride to the country...stopping off at the pyramid, I mean Catwoman's home, with appropriate sphinx symbology.
The resilience of the cat woman and who seems to show no fear of Alex...the sphinx at the home's entrance
suggest the lion's body and she is the woman. In the Crowley deck this card is entitled Lust (art in home is all sexual), and receives a different focus, as a sun sign, namely Leo (lion), implying a potency that is sexual, (Alex attacks her with a large plaster phallus,, evoking lust) creative, and intuitive, which are all attributes of the element Fire. (firey redheaded woman)
Alex's incarceration at the prison... the need to withdraw from society to become comfortable with himself. The Hermit is a Threshold Guardian, representing an obstacle the Querent or the hero of the piece, must overcome to move on.
The Wheel Of Fortune X
Attributes: turning point, opportunities, possibilities, destiny, fate, sudden events, sudden change.
It is closely connected to The Magician and The Sun (cards 1 and 19, the govt minister is featured here card 10 and he pops up in card 19 too, as you'll see later). Each represents a break with the previously established order: the Magician starting the journey; The Wheel of Fortune introducing random chance; and The Sun reborn from the underworld. (see pyramid and you'll see how the sun and it's rebirth feature in Alex's story in later cards/scenes) .
The Wheel of Fortune represents the intercession of random chance into the Fool's path. The card represents the forces that can help or hinder the querant suddenly or unpredictably.
Alex's fortune takes a turn when he gets selected for the Ludovico treatment by the govt minister, the inmates walk in a circle two men deep. The sphinx is featured in this card and the sphinx also guards the great pyramid of Khufu...the great pyramid can be seen above the inmates on the wheel, the sun/eye/sirius at the apex.
Justice XI
Alex paraded in front of the audience and tested...a taste of his own medicine, which he can do nothing to counter or balance out for some of his bad deeds, he only spends a part of his sentence in prison. The onlookers whoop with glee etc, but all is not well with the experimental treatment, as we see.
The Hanged Man XXII
It's not even a's actually a man in a dress being hanged...happens during Alex's Beethoven 'wank fantasy' montage.
Attributes: Ending of a cycle (end of old Alex), loss, transition into a new state (Alex reborn), psychological transformation (via ludovico), regeneration, being caught in the inescapable (straight-jacket), deep change.
In the cult of Osiris, an image placed in a coffin was brought out before the worshipers and saluted with glad cries of "Osiris is risen." His sufferings, his death and his resurrection were re-enacted each year at Abydos. As a corn god he died, was buried, and was brought back to life when Isis as Sothis caused the Nile to flood. As corn he fed his people and was called the 'Resurrection and the Life'. Alex shown symbolically as 'Osiris Risen' aka 'The Dying God' being reborn at the base of the pyramid...the straight-jacket (Alex looks almost like he's mummified) making him adopt the 'cross-arm' sign of 'Osiris Risen' (Golden Dawn system, see pic). The light from the projector as a substitute sun and/or Sirius at the pyramid's apex. The old self will be destroyed by the treatment and this is a form of death for Alex, the old self giving way to the new self (via ludovico).
Osiris Risen is a transformation (death/rebirth) of Osiris into Horus via Isis...Horus Risen = Horizon.
Temperance XIV
See foot on the land (Alex returns home), the other in the water (after his immediate rejection near water), represents the unification of the external and internal, conscious and unconscious, realms. A warning or invitation to be prepared for a confrontation with the deepest questions of who we are, who we think we are, and who we will become.
The Devil XV
The Devil’s own torch can light the way out and light the return, back to the surface (Alex's head dunked underwater/darkness & out again/light).The Devil governs the Sun at midnight, when it is most vulnerable to the Old Night. The ancient Egyptians tell of the serpent demon Apophis, Chaos, who would sometimes lay in wait for Ra as he piloted the boat of the Sun down the Nile to be born again in the morning. (Basically the setting sun we see, like it is dying in the sky.) Sometimes, Apophis would swallow the sun. Mercifully, the reversals of the night brought Set to an unlikely rescue; he ripped Apophis open and let the Sun escape (meaning the rising sun the next morning). Set, The Devil, is the adversary but sometimes, he is our best and only ally. (this event will lead to the Alexander home, then attempted suicide, but ultimately to the rebirth of the new Alex, after his head is corrected by the doctors and he is cured.)
Alex as '666 man'...the number of the sun (a clockwork orange) on his way to a symbolic death & rebirth, as per the 3rd degree...see hiram's/osiris's coffin below. This scene is really almost played like a physical death (to hammer the point home), Alex is held underwater for a prolonged length of time (an oxygen tank was used for this)...The funeral (death) march for Queen Mary plays and in this scene, we see the late evening setting sun. (symbolic death of Alex/Hiram/Osiris aka the setting sun/son.)
The Setting/Dying Sun/Dying God
Alex as '666 man'...the number of the sun (a clockwork orange) on his way to a symbolic death & rebirth, as per the 3rd degree...see hiram's/osiris's coffin below. This scene is really almost played like a physical death (to hammer the point home), Alex is held underwater for a prolonged length of time (an oxygen tank was used for this)...The funeral (death) march for Queen Mary plays and in this scene, we see the late evening setting sun. (symbolic death of Alex/Hiram/Osiris aka the setting sun/son.)
The Setting/Dying Sun/Dying God
665 & 667
There were 3 droogs (outside of Alex) here we see just 2 , if the 3rd had been included in would've played exactly like the death of Hiram Abiff 'the architect' (attacked by the 3 juwes/3 droogs) with a maul (here they use a truncheon).
Dim: "Well, well, well, well etc etc etc"
Prescient words when you're going to get dipped in a 'well-like' (water) trough.
The 'symbolic' Death & Rebirth of Hiram Abiff/Osiris/The Sun...Darkness to the Light, the scene ends with flashes of lightning. The Coffin, the Pillar & the Lewis (perfect ashlar/monolith). Alex shown as '666' between Officer 665 & 667...666 is the magic number of the sun, a clockwork orange.
(The Lewis...tripod like, which is also seen a few times in The Shining, see pic)
The Shining - representation of 'the lewis' and 'perfect ashlar' to pillar like ACO.
The Tower XVI
Attributes: Sudden change, hard times, crisis, disillusion, crash, downfall, explosive transformation.
This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is considered an ill omen. To some, it symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe. After the self bondage of The Devil, life is self correcting. Either the querents must make changes in their own lives, or the changes will be made for them.Upside down : To be currently in a harsh and chaotic situation but exiting in a good manner. Indeed you are falling but landing with your feet over the soil. (Alex lands with his feet over soil/grass below)
This is exactly what happens in the film!
Alex's suicide attempt after the Ludwig Van torture he's making the change, albeit drastically and with huge risk, he just wants to sleep. Prior to entering Alexander's home again (for his musical torture) we are presented with a lightning bolt, this abruptly occurs and follows immediately after Alex's symbolic death. The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation. Alex thought he was cured (after his old self was destroyed by doctors) but since his release its been nothing but 'the long dark night of his soul', he has been rejected by his parents, attacked by a group of vagrants and has just had a traumatic beating/drowning (symbolic death) at the hands of his former droogs and now this torture at the Alexander home. That is not much of a cure, the reality certainly doesn't conform to his expectation.
This card follows immediately after The Devil in all Tarots that contain it, and is considered an ill omen. To some, it symbolizes failure, ruin and catastrophe. After the self bondage of The Devil, life is self correcting. Either the querents must make changes in their own lives, or the changes will be made for them.Upside down : To be currently in a harsh and chaotic situation but exiting in a good manner. Indeed you are falling but landing with your feet over the soil. (Alex lands with his feet over soil/grass below)
This is exactly what happens in the film!
Alex's suicide attempt after the Ludwig Van torture he's making the change, albeit drastically and with huge risk, he just wants to sleep. Prior to entering Alexander's home again (for his musical torture) we are presented with a lightning bolt, this abruptly occurs and follows immediately after Alex's symbolic death. The Tower is struck by lightning when reality does not conform to expectation. Alex thought he was cured (after his old self was destroyed by doctors) but since his release its been nothing but 'the long dark night of his soul', he has been rejected by his parents, attacked by a group of vagrants and has just had a traumatic beating/drowning (symbolic death) at the hands of his former droogs and now this torture at the Alexander home. That is not much of a cure, the reality certainly doesn't conform to his expectation.
Alex regains consciousness after a seemingly very, very long sleep.
"I came back to life after a long black black gap of what ought to have been a million years."
The Star represents a moment of renewed hope, inspiration and discovery. The turmoil of escape from the Devil (the near drowning and beating led him to the Alexander home) depicted on the previous trump in the series (The Tower) is over, indicating calm after the storm. Lightning bolt and storm leading to the Alexander home preceded this, now that storm has passed.
"I came back to life after a long black black gap of what ought to have been a million years."
The Star represents a moment of renewed hope, inspiration and discovery. The turmoil of escape from the Devil (the near drowning and beating led him to the Alexander home) depicted on the previous trump in the series (The Tower) is over, indicating calm after the storm. Lightning bolt and storm leading to the Alexander home preceded this, now that storm has passed.
The Moon XVIII & The Sun XIX
Judgement XX
The World XXI
Eggy Wegs...A symbol of the soul and of immortality, back to the egg.
The nest ring around the eggs, resembles the headboard ring around the starchild egg and suggest the eternal ouroboros from the card...back to the egg.
The peacock from the psychiatrist session, as the symbol of rebirth, renewal and immortality.
The peacock is closely aligned with the phoenix (death & rebirth) and symbolically they can represent the same thing. The peacock appeared as a symbol of beauty, paradise, rebirth, pride and the icorruptibility of the soul. It also tells the story of the heavens and the rays of the sun.
"I'm singin' in the rain"
Peacock lore says it dances when rain is coming. At one time peacocks were sacrificed to bring on rain and to make women, animals, and the land fertile.
The Sun ('start' A Clockwork Orange, literally) and The Rain ('end' Singing In The Rain) = The Rainbow
It is the 'antahkarana rainbow bridge' and Sirius (sacred star of Isis) is closely connected to influencing this bridge 'cosmically'.
In this 'promo shot' we have Lucy aka Isis inside a pyramid (appropriately) and we have the pyramid tipped with the 'all seeing eye' (think eye in sexual terms here, the one on the tip of a man's penis) and this pyramid or obelisk (penis of osiris) is penertrating the 'virgin isis' into her groin area...Alex's knife (phallic) also extends into her womb area and probably references the menstural blood, the fertile waters of Isis. This can be seen as the missing 'golden phallus' of Osiris entering Isis, which would precure the rebirth (of Osiris) as Horus. Alex along with the knife, also has a gouged out eye (of horus) on his sleeve,gouged out by Set...and Alex's right eye is accentuated, it was horus' right eye that represented the sun.. So here Alex is both Set & Horus combined...with the milk of hathor/isis (lucy in the milk bar and above pic) the eye could be renewed, as per the myth. The whole myth in one picture! Maybe Alex is also depicted like Set & Horus in the film too, Set when he is with his droogs & Horus when he gets reformed, remember Set is associated with the serpent and after Alex gets reformed (reborn as osiris risen, horus) the dead snake that Alex owned is now dead, reflecting this very theme.