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Q-Anon, Monarch, MK-Ultra, Plum Island, Butterfly Hollywood, Celebrity Mind Control, Weinstein, Bronfman/Rothschild.


Have ported this over from the previous post. It'll also give me room to expand if needs be.
Things are quiet on the Q drops. See this as a chance to expand your thinking.
This is EXTREME content, and quite advanced in terms of ongoing mass mind control. It's not really for beginners.
This is not written as a boast, or as a slight, but a "heads-up" to those that are fairly new to such phenomena.
I don't profess to have ALL the answers, no-one does. I have been doing this sort of thing for a long time though.

26th May...
(All credit to TheSharpEdge at Twitter, link)
This was on the back of the recent arrest of Weinstein for rape and sex abuse.
Flynn is no stranger in releasing these sorts of sordid details - ones that connect to D.C. and Hollywood.
The Weiner laptop is believed to contain the "insurance file" - which some are positing is the Hillary/Huma video.
His son has mentioned likewise.

Mack - naming names and in both Hollywood and Govt.
Could NXIVM Mack have named recently arrested Weinstein? Or other big entertainment names and political names.
"Singing" Mack was arrested on 20th April 2018.
"Watch NYC". New York Attorney General, Schneiderman. Resigns 8th May. Alleged abuse of multiple women.
"Who will be next?" Weinstein just got arrested in NYC too. Did (Bronfman/Raniere linked) NXIVM Mack name both?
Schneiderman's possibly been an obstruction in the Weiner laptop case, NXIVM case, and giving a pass to the Clinton Foundation.
With the former New York AG Schneiderman out of the way, this can surely only assist with any future developments.

"Stage being set?"
Laptop insurance file is alleged to feature Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, and Hillary Clinton, (below, pictured with Weinstein.)
Flynn's CODE. The tweet was dropped on the same day as Weinstein's arrest.
Planned Parenthood Gala (pic above) - is this another type of potential reveal in respect of children?
David Geffen (entertainment mogul)? FFF (Found Film Footage)? CF (Clinton Foundation)?
That's what is suggested by the person that put this together. All well worth considering.

Disney - who bought out the Weinstein's Miramax for $80 million, after the success of 'The Crying (Tranny) Game'.
Another big film for Queens (queers) Weinstein was 'Pulp(ed) Ass F(r)iction' - effectively 2+hrs of overt/covert anal sex.
MK-Ultra programmer (and sodomite) Tarantino's career was heavily influenced and financed by the Weinsteins.

It's Jimmy 'Interscope' Iovine who was Chairman of IGA until 2014. Tupac, Eminem, Gaga, Death Row, Dre Dre etc.
I can tell that they're sodomites (like most male entertainment personnel) - as are most of the hip-hop artists that they front.
What do you suppose folk like Eminem had to do to secure their fame? I'll leave you to work it out.
This was ALL under the Bronfman umbrella (even at Vivendi), primarily Edgar Jnr. Half-sisters are NXIVM Sara, and Clare.
In 1998, Def [Death] Jam became the centre of a music entertainment corporate monopoly. PolyGram was purchased
- by Bronfman's Seagram and merged with the MCA family of labels, which became Universal Music Group (UMG).
It then purchased the remaining interest of Def Jam Recordings for a reported $100 million.
UMG merged 14+ record labels incl.: Def Jam, Island Records, and Mercury Records to form Island Def Jam Music Group.
See how they're all ultimately connected. Def  '666' Jam was also under Universal (UMG). Edgar Jr also linked to Warner MG.
Rubin produced Satanic/Nazi Slayer's 'Sept 11 2001' released God Hates Us All. (Jay-Z's Blueprint released same day).
These degenerates have been programming for years. Rubin also produced Slayer's groundbreaking Reign in Blood (1986).
The LP with the opening track about Nazi 'Bavarian Illuminati' Mengele - likely involved in the Monarch program (butterfly).
(Mengele) Angel of Death: "Monarch to the kingdom of the dead. Sadistic, surgeon of demise. Sadist of the noblest blood."
Aryan race, Mengele, lived in South America after WW2, the lead singer (Araya) coming from Chile (Araya/Aryan).
Slayer also recorded Iron Butterfly's "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" - In the Garden of Eden.

 Another take on the Flynn code...just guesses you  understand.
DG= David Glasser (President of Weinstein Co.) FFF= 666 CF=Clinton Foundation.

Leads to...
"Over the Target." A Q related phrase...the Harvey Weinstein sub-link contains the Flynn "dgfffcf" code.
Over the target - a likely reference to Q feeling the enemy's kickback after hitting their target. It's palpable.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them.
Models. Find the loudest voices. Brainwashed. Who was adopted? Who was born in?
They thought the SHEEP would follow the STARS." Q (10th March).

The Scottsdale, AZ. (West Hollywood linked) plane crash was on 9th April. Mariah Sunshine Coogan.
Coogan had a large social media following, with over 30,000 followers on Instagram.
Sunshine. Her last post was a photo of her and her dog eating brunch at The Montauk, a restaurant in Scottsdale.
Montauk (Long Island) Mind Control. I wrote about this in recent years primarily via Shutter 'Nazi Plum' Island.
It's Dog Star/Sirius Truman - Jim 'Meet/Meat me in Montuak' Carrey, and spotless, eternal mind control via Sunshine.
Montauk Lighthouse Point is seemingly evoked in (butterfly) Carrey's Eternal 'MK-Ultra/Monarch' Sunshine.
Mariah and Carrey via Sunshine? I'm pretty sure Mariah 'butterfly' Carey is a victim of industry mind control, it's obvious.
Your entertainment and its personnel are PRE-SELECTED, even though it's sold on talent/demand - and this is the proof!
They control your entertainment and its personnel - so ultimately they can CONTROL YOU (the 'cult of celebrity' sheep).
Don't forget the (NXIVM) Bronfman links to MK-Ultra McGill University (Canada) and Dr Ewen 'MK-Ultra' Cameron.
Jim 'Sirius/Illuminati' Carrey was born in Ontario, Canada. He was also recently linked to a girl who suicided.
Carrey's major break-out was arguably via The Mask, and with Cameron Diaz. The Prison of Becoming.
Jim 'Monarched' Carrey - multiple splits, monarch butterfly art, and he covers Bullets with (monarch) Butterfly Wings.
Eternal Sunshine of the Clockwork Orange/Clementine Mind.
Nazi mind control cinema programming, micro and macro. Ultra-violence/Butterfly/Monarch/Nazi-linked Kubrick's 'CRM 114'.
Montauk Monarchs - see Martin 'butterfly' Scorsese's "chasing butterflies" - Shutter 'Montauk/Plum' Island.
Right near The Hamptons - that's where celeb folk like the (mind controlled) satanic Kardashians holiday or get programmed.
The family that have been employed to sexualize your children, promote narcissism as a virtue, mass body dysmorphia etc.
Nazis promoted a type of physical perfection (Aryans), but that's child's play compared to modern 'image fascist' Hollywood.

"Chasing Butterflies" with DiCaprio, who starred opposite Mark 'Eternal (Montauk/Carrey) Sunshine' Ruffalo.
Many of DiCaprio's film's connect to Long Beach (both overtly and/or covertly).
The experiments are in his (DiCaprio's) head, he's programmed.
DiCaprio, who is of part German descent. He even speaks German in (Nazi mind control experiments) Shutter Island.
Allison 'Isis/NXIVM' Mack was born in Germany, and moved to Long Beach with her family at 2 years-old.
Long Beach and Nazi mind control was a major aspect of my previous work (see 'Cinema of Sodomy' post, 2016).
She is actually married to a female, Nicki Clyne, and has been since Feb. 2017 (sexual/gender mind control.)
Dr Brand-on has recently been implicated in some type of torture/ultra-violence based programming via NXIVM.

I wonder if there might be a 'Plum Island' link? Which is opposite Martha's Vineyard? Beach Plum Inn?
Also recall that (Hollywood asset) Amy Schumer is also linked to this Plum Inn via her husband who is the chef there.
Chuck Schumer's daughter wed Shapiro, who was an economic-policy adviser for Hillary's presidential campaign.
Schumer/Lawrence are BFF. Harrelson's father was one of the three 'masonic' (Juwes) tramps arrested after JFK's shooting.
You might recall his turn in 'True Detective' that involved ritual cults and satanism, and up to the Senate level.
Schumer/Lawrence's #metoo - an industry FIX. They're desperately trying to salvage their industry, but don't fall for it.

Hannibal 'butterfly/moth' Lector: "Plum Island animal human disease (mind control) research center, sounds charming."
Jodie 'butterfly/Lolita' Foster via De Niro, and Martin - Shutter 'butterfly' Island/Taxi 'butterfly' Driver - Scorsese.
A literal monarch handler via Hide and Seek. De Niro was one of the most aggressive against Trump.

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

So many Ashke-NAZI JEWS, isn't that right folks? If they were Chinese, I'd be saying: "so many Chinese."
Bronfmans, Schumers, Weinsteins, Weiner, Epstein, Schneiderman, Rothschilds, Kubrick, Spielberg, Geffen, Interscope Iovine, etc.

Montauk, Martha's Vineyard, and Plum Island (Plum Inn Restaurant)...
And who owns a (linked) restaurant on Martha's Vineyard that connects to Obama? From earlier in the post:
It's been alleged that the picture (below) was taken at Robert/Sarah Nixon's Beach Plum Inn restaurant  Martha's Vineyard.
Hollywood linked Robert, and Sarah Nixon - parents of  Maggie/Wendy. Right, Sarah with Alefantis aka Pizza-man.
It's implied that (cut middle finger) Obama is/was somehow involved with Maggie (Wendy). Nixon's restaurant.
Tenuous, but I see potential in the numbering - 6459 & 9456. The first and last numbers (6 & 9) rotated.
'945' is sequentially common to both. East to West Coast, but we've been told to watch NY (East) and AZ/CA (West).
1950 - in and around the MK-Ultra/Monarch/Bluebird windows and Operation Paperclip.
Allen 'JFK/Warren Commission' Dulles was linked to Operation 'Nazi' Paperclip and Plum Island.

And who can forget what happened to JFK Jr and his (very likely) sabotaged plane - via Martha's Vineyard!
It's alleged that a bomb may have been concealed in the tail section, the tail was found to have detached.
A flight thru 'mind control corridor' Long Island/Connecticut (via Montauk) to the property on Martha's.
The (phallic) lighthouse on Martha's is called 'Gay Head'. Yes, really. I just wish I was making this up.
"As the World Turns" (Agnes Nixon and JFK, Dallas). Security with the plane and hangar storage was low.
Many believe that the (Zionist) Bronfman 'Murder Inc.' operation was responsible for JFK Sr's 1963 death. 
The Bronfman family even owned Universal Studios from the mid-90's, known for its Jaws attraction.

Kubrick, who famously never flew on aircraft - I can't imagine why? [sarcasm]. Cruising altitude.
JAWS or JEWS...Eyes Wide Shut (EWS) or (J)-EWS? A type of potential subliminal word/letter play?
Kubrick's ONLY immovable request re: New York set (Illuminati) 'Eyes Wide Shut' - it HAD to be released on this date!
Absolutely no leeway with the date whatsoever. This is the official US general release date.
Exactly 30 years after Apollo 11 launched (July 16, 1969).
Exactly 54 years after the Manhattan Project A-bomb (July 16, 1945).
Exactly 5 years after the first pieces of Shoemaker-Levy 9 hit Jupiter (July 16, 1994).

It's Steven 'Martha's Vineyard' Spielberg - Kubrick was his mentor!
Steven 'Jaws/mass programmer' Spielberg is heavily linked to Montauk and Martha's Vineyard, as was 'Great White Grey' Jaws.
The Montauk Chair via Greys (Sharks/Aliens). The Alien shtick is likely only for mind control purposes.
Spielberg is linked to 'The Butterfly Effect' via (dialogue) Jurassic 'Masonic' Park.
His Jurassic 'Nublar Island' was modelled on Cocos Island (off Costa Rica).
Maggie 'Guadelupe' Nixon - Virgin Mary linked - 'lupe' from lupus (wolf). It's not that far from the Virgin Islands.
Maggie 'Martha's V. Island/Guadelupe' Nixon. Allison 'Bronfman/NXIVM/Isis/Branson/Virgin-linked' Mack.
Is there potential butterfly (Monarch) type imagery in the shape of this island? Yup.
Its nickname, "The Butterfly Island," comes from the shape of its two main islands, separated by a narrow channel.
Butterfly Branson - who released the (jail ass sodomised punks) Sex Pistols "Bollocks" LP.
He's linked to The 'MK-Ultra/Child Abuse' Exorcist via his very first Virgin record release. A sodomite industry asset.
Queen Elton 'butterfly/Oz' John: "Prima donna Lord you really should have been there.
Sitting like a princess perched in her electric chair. You nearly had meroped and tied.
Altar-bound, hypnotized. Sweet freedom whispered in my ear. You're a butterfly.
And butterflies are free to fly. Fly away, high away bye bye" (Someone Saved My Life Tonight). Programming resonant?

Mack is linked to Eric 'The Butterfly (paedo/mind control) Effect' Stoltz via My Horrible Year! (2001).
MK-Ultra/Monarch resonant The Butterfly Effect, lost out to Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - 2004 Saturn Awards.
Evan Treborn (Kutcher) suffered many severe psychological traumas that frequently caused Evan to black out. Traumas which included being coerced to take part in child pornography by (sister) Kayleigh and linked George Miller (Eric Stoltz).
The Butterfly and Pelvis. The butterfly's elongated body possibly representing the phallus (cock/coccyx).
The pelvis area is where the NXIVM branding symbols are placed. Butterfly Kutcher is a kabbalah adherent too.
The same sort of Butterfly 'paedo/mind control' Effect that was heavily connected to Sandy 'Monarch' Hook.
It still remains to be seen if there was paedophilic link to Sandy Hook, as well as a gun control angle, it's all very Dunblane.
Sandy Hook (Connecticut, aka Nazi and mind control-ville) was also tied to 'Over the Rainbow' - Oz programming.
Victor Fleming who directed (mind control mess) The Wizard of Oz was a Nazi type! Violently pro-Nazi.
Oh look, it's Anderson 'Mockingbird' Cooper and the butterfly via Sandy 'Monarch/Gun Control' Hook.
Don't discount these Nazi links. Ashke-nazi (Jews) and Nazis. High-level co-operation.
Stanley 'Lolita/Butterfly/Illuminati' Kubrick was close to the Nazi 3rd Reich's top film-making dynasty aka the Harlans.
Veit Harlan was employed by Goebbels. Kubrick married Harlan's niece, and Harlan's nephew was Kubrick's producer.
Maybe this is why Kubrick said that Hitler: "was right about almost everything."
Monarch (poster) and Twinning via Kubrick/Harlan's The Shining (1980), based on King's (a monarch) book.
Jack 'The Shining' Nicholson as The 'Monarch Theatre' Joker - Monarch Cinema.
Asian Papillon/Butterfly 'me so horny' Soo Soo - played the hooker in Full Metal Jacket.
Asian Madame 'Lolita' Butterflies via the military.
Pizza in the paedo/Lolita hooker scene (with Asian men). Rainbow 'Oz' Fashions where the butterfly inlaid mask is obtained.
Sharky's (butterfly) coffee shop (right). It's the exact same place as Rainbow Fashions, but dressed differently (see here).
Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut used the Rothschild mansion, and where Bill (Cruise) wears the butterfly inlaid mask.

It's the Illuminati progenitors aka the Rothschilds, and "The Butterfly Effect" via Project Monarch.
Interesting content in this Rothschild "Butterfly Effect" piece, including 'sexual habits and rape' in respect of butterflies.
"But there is little romance involved with a good love dusting; male butterflies display a sexual ardour
- rarely met in the insect world and rape is a known feature of butterfly behaviour."

I think I was hitting some 'mind control' bulls-eyes with that Montauk stuff I previously wrote about (see link).
Yes, it's a tough read, and I took huge liberties, but it had to be done.

Senate Republicans, air transport, and the Bronfman NXIVM/Executive Success Programs...
That's more than 10 years ago!

Enty on CDAN also outed NXIVM Mack/Raniere (and Kreuk) in 2012. There's that bloody date again! July 16.

A link to Rep. Adam Schiff (AS) too. The Standard Hotel case (West Hollywood), and the 31st Jan, helicopter crash.
The hotel is in Schiff's district. All the people killed were linked to the hotel. Tena's holding company had Standard on its books. The GM of the Standard, Kimberly Lynne Watzman, also died in the crash. The owner, Andre Balazs, is friends with Marina Abramovic. Andre 'Uma Thurman/Chelsea Handler' Balazs. The Standard has been linked to celeb types, murders, and strange goings-on. Q is likely stating that something happened to someone (or persons) at the Standard (linked to Schiff), and that these (crash event) people may have been privy to some of those activities.

Uma 'Pulped Ass Friction' Thurman. The next best thing to a time machine (watch). Mia, who twists down Jack (Alice White) Rabbit's slim twisting (dirt) hole with John 'Greased Back Doors Crying' Travolta.  All done with Chuck 'Scat' Berry's 'You Never Can Tell' track. Uma/Mia, wife of 'ass fucked' Marsellus. Hell, and I didn't even mention Butch Bruce 'super-gliding chopper rider' Willis' asshole watch. A watch (time machine) - shoved-up the twisting hole - just like Jack Rabbit's place. Boxer Butch was always having nightmares with his ring punching.

Q is telling us that (helicopter crash) Watzman, and (plane crash) Coogan - both West Hollywood linked - are 'victims'.
Watzman, GM of Standard West Hollywood, and West Hollywood based, Coogan.
Mack is implicated (as are Raniere/Bronfmans), Schneiderman, Schiff, Weinstein, and Watzman/Coogan as victims.
Could Long Beach Port be used as access to/from Mexico via the coast - perhaps eliminating the usual land border routes?

"Tick TOCK (LLC)."
Could Q be inferring The Weinstein Company LLC (Limited Liability Company)?
Flynn posted the "Dgfffcf" linked Clinton/Abedin/Weinstein tweet. "Dgfffcf" on the Weinstein 'Over the Target' link.

"They made many current/former enslaved children famous. Hollywood is filled w/ them." Q (Mar. 10th).

DG, what if it's David 'Weinstein' Glasser, the Weinstein Co. former Chief Operating Officer?
Did you know that there is a direct link between David Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM' Mack?
Not just any old link, they were both in a two-part mini-series about child kidnap and pederast rape/abuse.
Stephen Dorff and Bryan Cranston also featured in this mini-series. Mack arrested 20th April, Weinstein 25th May.
What a small world. 1989, Mack would've been about 7 years-old (one of her first roles), Glasser about 17/18 years-old.
David 'Weinstein' Glasser and Allison 'NXIVM/Sex Trafficking' Mack, and in a product about child abuse, rape, and kidnap!
Steven Stayner's kidnap/abuse. He died 4 months after its release (motorcycle accident).
At the time of his death, Stayner was living in Merced, California and working at Pizza Hut. Arliss 'butterfly' Howard as pederast (Parnell) in an uncredited role. Pvt. Cowboy from Stanley 'butterfly/Lolita' Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket. He's married to Debra Winger
Anyway, Steven's older brother Cary Stayner (serial killer) was convicted of murdering 4 woman from Feb-July 1999.
Cary even alleged that he was abused by his Uncle when he was 11. Were the Stayners part of a program?
Steven's grandfather lived just a few hundred feet away from where he was held, and for the entire time.

Miramax/Weinstein's first distribution deal was Rockshow (OTO/Thelemic Beatle) McCartney's Wings.
The Beatles were the seed of the (degenerating) 60's counter-culture - the godfathers of modern popular culture Satanism.
Miramax/Weinstein's first actual production was 'video nasty' (Cropsey) The Burning (1981). Slasher/serial killer genre.
Harvey Weinstein produced/co-written. Based on Cropsey, the S(t)aten Island'boogeyman' who kidnapped children. A legend linked to Andre Rand and connected to a school for children with mental disabilities. Willowbrook, where Rand was an orderly. It's all a bit Shutter Island (imo) and this institution was linked to child abuse. The boogeyman term is actually derived from the word for buggery (sodomy). Hollywood has made the boogeyman concept absolutely huge. I covered that issue in the Cinema of Sodomy post (2016). Cropsey 'anal' Boogeymen and Camp Fires. Not forgetting the Weinstein films The Crying [Tranny] Game, and Pulped [Ass] Friction. Weinstein's The Burning also launched the careers of Holly Hunter, Jason Alexander, and Fisher Stevens.
On 15 October 2017, Paula Wachowiak discussed her experience working as an intern on this movie.
She alleges that Harvey Weinstein's predatory behaviour went back as far as 1980.

Gripping Tails from the Darkside with Bender, and Pulping Ass with Queens (Queers) Harvey and Quentin.
It's Quentin - I virtually owe my entire career to Weinstein - Tarantino.
Tarantino's first script (at 12 years-old) was about a bandit who robs pizza parlors -'Capt Peachfuzz& the Anchovy Bandit'.
From Harvey 'Cropsey' Weinstein to Quentin 'Weinstein' Tarantino...Quentin Rand or Andre Tarantino?
Come-on, Queen Quentin. He looks more like your father than your public domain father ever did. :)
How about making a film called I Know My Last Name is Rand? :) A Manson film in the works?
The real 'satanic cult' up in those Hollywood Hills was Polanski and Tate's circle, as Manson told Ronald Reagan's son.

Satanic paedophile Jew, Roman 'Rosemary's [Moonchild/Satanic] Baby' Polanski
Dennis Hopper: "They (Polanski's circle) had fallen into sadism and masochism and bestiality – and they recorded it all on videotape too. The L.A. police told me this. I know that three days before they were killed, twenty-five people were invited to that house to a mass whipping of a dealer from Sunset Strip who’d given them bad dope."

Making films about their own sick hobbies. Hell, their crimes are the entertainment.
According to the "Cropsey" documentary, some people along with detectives speculated that Andre Rand may have been involved with Satanism and provided the children to be sacrificed. There were people also who thought that Rand was not alone in the commission of his crimes and many believed he was passing the children around to his friends in the underground network of homeless and mentally disabled people living in the tunnel systems of the former Willowbrook state school.

Well if he was providing children for sacrifice - it wouldn't have been for down and out types, but for the privileged.
Rand comes across as a potential Fred West type (and possible fall guy) - procuring victims for linked (satanic) dignitaries.

It's all getting a bit Epstein and his satanic, kidnap/sacrifice island with underground tunnels.

The Island linked to Bill/Hillary Clinton. Epstein planes linked to (actors) Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker etc.

Weinstein linked Grey (now deceased) was CEO of Paramount when they released Shutter 'sodomy mind control' Island.
Brad Grey was one of The Burning's co-writers along with Weinstein. (Jew) Grey was a gofer for Weinstein while at Buffalo University, but he did go on to become the CEO of Paramount Pictures (2005-17). On May 2, 2018, The Hollywood Reporter published an article regarding a lawsuit filed by Rovier Carrington alleging that Brad Grey had raped and sexually assaulted him in 2010 and 2011. Carrington is suing both Grey's estate and Viacom, in part for obstructing his nascent career.
Brad 'sodomite' Grey. I actually think Harvey Weinstein is also primarily a sodomite too, just like Grey was.
Grey actually took the Paramount CEO job from Lansing. The wife of (Jew) William 'The (MK-Ultra) Exorcist' Friedkin!
The very film that I cite as being about (barely veiled) Hollywood-based demonic/child sex abuse.
Friedkin is also linked to serial killers and via his film output. A bit-part actor from The Exorcist became one (Paul Bateson).
Jeffrey 'Chocolate Factory' Dahmer was a satanic serial killer seemingly mind controlled via The Exorcist 3!
Friedkin's Cruising (sodomite) Bateson, and The Exorcist 3 linked Jeffrey 'sodomite' Dahmer.

Routing/Rooting Highway 666 (the demonic ass). Ass-fucked Marsellus's 666 case via homo Travolta.
Jew Stone's Natural Born 'MK-Ultra' Killers via Pulped Ass '666' Friction, Weinstein/Tarantino.
Arliss 'I Know My Name is Steven/Full Metal Jacket' Howard played Mickey and Mallory's demon/guardian angel.
NBK, produced by Arnon 'Zionist Jew/911' Milchan's Regency. His Regency released (serial killing) Copycat the following year, with Holly 'The Burning' Hunter. Talking of  'copycat' crimes - aka the results of Hollywood MK-Ultra on the masses in real-time:

Agents for the Hollywood-based MK-Ultra processing of wider society...
Many of these (mainly Jewish) film personnel are (legitimised) child abusers, sodomite satanists, and rapists. When they're not doing that, they're washing and infecting you with their sick hobbies via their actual output - a form of mass mind rape. Likely all part of the attempt to make you more like they are, and/or to influence you to not see them, or their types of crimes as being so degenerate. SICK. They're extremely wealthy, very powerful, and they're worshipped like gods. That's down to the masses who have empowered them and their products. The products that they've mistaken as solely for entertainment purposes - as we all formerly have (at least to some degree).

Hollywood rapists/satanists/sodomites/paedophiles and group mind programmers. Agents of trauma who traumatise the audience and degrade the mass via this ongoing sickness. The MK-Ultra/Monarch programmes provides the basis and background for most, if not all corporate/Zionist Jew Hollywood, TV, and pop music. As I have been intimating, the 'god' of the Jews is LUCIFER/SATAN, just as it is for the (Jewish) Freemasons. This should be obvious just by their preferred and overt subject matter alone - which is seated in warped sex, horror, gender-bending, ultra-violence, sodomy, and pseudo-paedophila etc. This is how the energy of Lucifer/Satan has been magnified and spread across the planet via this powerful form of (satanic Jew) 'mass media' cultural imperialism.

 Harvey's brother, Bob Weinstein is also the head of Dimension Films (Miramax was the parent), which continues to release (horror) genre films, though many of them heavily reedited by Weinstein, including the successful (McGowan resonant) Scream slasher film franchise (which connects to Exorcist 3 linked, Rollin) and five of the (buggery boogey-man) Halloween films.
Harvey Weinstein also produced Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson's Lord of the Rings. Saturnic/Satanic ass rings.

Jack Sholder was the editor on Weinstein's The Burning. He also directed A Nightmare on Elm Street 2.
Sequel to A Nightmare on 'butterfly' Elm St (a Kennedy linked joke) is the GAYEST horror film ever made! Yes, really.
An uber gay horror franchise about a kidnapping child molester/murderer. Effeminate Jesse/Jessie and Nancy boys.
The man of your dreams via Spring-wood [swoon]. Freddy Krueger is often compared to Cropsey.

"cf" - Clinton Foundation? Are there links between CF, Weinstein, Glasser (Dg), Bronfmans, and Mack?
Is the "fff" - found film footage? Flynn's tweet gave us the Weinstein with Hillary/Abedin shot on the day of Weinstein's arrest.
Flynn's 'Dg' code is on the Weinstein sub-link at Dgfffcf.com where you'll also find Mack, Weiner, etc.

NXIVM and Allison "ISIS Foundation" Mack via Albany, New York. A Crowleyian 'satanic' Isis Golden Dawn?

We already covered 1970's New York and (satanic) Cropsey. Here's 1970's New York and 'satanic' Son of (Golden Dawn) Samael:
It's clear that Berkowitz was programmed and primarily by his cult affiliations. He was a part of a much larger group.
Satanists are (typically) well-to-do, outwardly respectable, and more likely to frequent society's higher echelons.
The last sentence describes (satanic) Hollywood/TV (mass media) output - perfectly.

Another Enty CDAN Blind. A recent one...
Epstein Island. Dershowitz. Nader (molester)? If so that's an Epstein link to (Bronfman/Mack/Raniere) NXIVM!

Raniere's father James Raniere (ret. advertising executive): Keith’s first five years were spent in Brooklyn before the family moved to Rockland County for better public schools. By coincidence, James handled his agency’sSeagram’s account and said
- he knew Edgar Bronfman Sr. professionally during the 1970's. He is now remarried and settled in Easthampton.

The "Golden Dawn Isis Cult" out of Oxford. The same Oxford where Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton schooled.
We know that the Bronfman clan were close to the Clintons. Sara/Clare Bronfman being the NXIVM backers.
NXIVM Group Pres. Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable org., Clinton Global Initiative.
Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year.
Don't forget the (NXIVM) Bronfman links to MK-Ultra McGill University (Canada) and Dr Ewen 'MK-Ultra' Cameron.
There is a belief that both (Bavarian Illuminati) Mengele and Cameron worked together in the Americas (see Springmeier).
Mengele was played by "Mockingbird" Peck. Mockingbird Sq. featured in Back to the (von Braun) Future (Operation Mockingbird).
CIA were ultimately created in-league with Nazi Reinhard Gehlen. No wonder Trump accused Intel of acting like Nazis.
A tweet about Russian election collusion and the fake news that tried to sell it.

The Standard Hotels are a group of five boutique hotels in Los Angeles (Hollywood and Downtown LA), New York City (Meatpacking District and East Village) and Miami Beach. The hotels are operated by Standard International Management. Original investors in the Hollywood hotel were Leonardo DiCaprio, Cameron Diaz, Benicio del Toro, D'arcy Wretzky and James Iha.
(Note, "meatpacking" - I think of that both in the morbid sense and the sexual sense, as I'm sure they do too.)

Shutter 'eye piercing' Island - a subliminal euphemism for sodomy (eye piercing)? Pan/Baphomet is seen in the film.
People heavily involved in producing Silence of the (butterfly/moth/nazi) Lambs, were behind Shutter 'butterflies' Island.
Butterflies and immediately from the opening.
DiCaprio also played cross-dressing (and likely sodomite) J Edgar 'FBI' Hoover.

The Standard Hotel (chain) is also where (Crisis Actor) David 'FBI linked' Hogg
- got his guidebook for the (sick and complicit) MSM gun control narrative.
Lights, camera, action: "Sob-sob, blub-blub, no guns, sob-sob."
How about SHUTTING-DOWN degenerate Hollywood. corporate music, and TV?
All of which fetishise guns, gangster thuggery as a lifestyle choice, drugs, child sex, rape, and ultra-violence!

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

That was quoted in respect of John 'Haiti' Legend and Chrissy Teigen.
Is the Clinton Foundation, Geffen or Glasser, Legend (and various others) linked to Haiti child trafficking?

"Marching into Darkness via The Moon Child"
Satanic (Luna/Lunar) Moon-Children a la Crowley/Parsons/Hubbard. Clinton/Obama-linked Legend and Teigen.
The best sex Teigen had was when she (and John) spent time with Obama, and before he was president.
Just what has been going on re: Haiti, guys? What kind of access did you have to those Haiti kids?
Sitting next to Luna (Moon) using a butterfly halo filter. Note, I've just translated it for you!

OTO/Isis-Oxford (sodomite) 'Nazi propagandist' Crowley, Moonchild, rituals @ the Villa aka The Butterfly Net.
SS/skull imagery (see right lettering). Noble blooded Nazi, Josef 'SS/Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele.
Recall (SS/Nazi) Slayer, and Monarch to the dead, Mengele. Not forgetting their Iron Butterfly 'In-A-Gadda' cover track.
The Iron Butterfly single was recorded at (Nazi and mind control resonant) Long Island.
Iron, like Iron-Cross Nazis, and 'Iron' sodomites (Irons, aka Iron Hoofs/Poofs).
Homo/Gay aka "camp" - like Long Island Camp Siegfried and Nazis. Former AG Schneiderman gets a look-in.:)
How about Nazi (and sodomite) favourite Dick Wagner's 'Ring Cycling' - via sex-crazed Alberich's 'ring' and related 'mount'?
A 'Camp Climax' (for girls) - drive and ride carefully. Kubrick's Lolita.

Freak show...

How about spawn of Hillary/Bill - that being Chelsea?
Church of Satan. CoS LaVey who utilised the same (mystery religion/Golden Dawn) elemental grade signs as Hitler.
CHURCH OF SATAN via Chelsea and Teigen. Inverted crucifix Chelsea. LaVey's Church of Satan, heavily linked to Hollywood.
Sammy Davis Jnr, Liberace, Jayne Mansfield, Kenneth Anger, Marilyn Manson...etc.


Liberal Left (Zionist Soros linked) 'Nazi' Antifa...
"The continued Nazi ideology is relevant. Events will clarify. Think subgroup." Q (Mar. 10th)

Oh, and Roseanne 'Q' Barr...another MK-Ultra mind control victim.
That's ANCIENT news, Springmeier/Wheeler cited her as a monarch victim in 1996. That needs to be appreciated.
This is not intended as a slight against Barr, but as a reminder of what we're dealing with.
I'm not saying that she's controlled opposition, far from it, so please don't assume that. She's a victim/survivor.

Follow the stars. It's everywhere. Q

Montauk, Plum Island, and nearby Martha's Vineyard...Connecticut on the opposing side.
Right near The Hamptons - that's where celeb folk like the (mind controlled) satanic Kardashians holiday/get programmed.
The family that have been employed to sexualize your children, promote narcissism as a virtue, mass body dysmorphia etc.
Nazis promoted a type of physical perfection (Aryans), but that's child's play compared to modern 'image fascist' Hollywood.

Kanye West, Kardashians, and Jenners. All a part of the Hollywood MK-Ultra/Monarch programme.
Kim Kardashian was a Paris Hilton gofer. Paris Hilton's sister Nicky married into the Illuminati Rothschild dynasty.
Travis 'Monarched/Programmed Doll' Scott - The Butterfly Effect. Twinned partner of Kylie 'butterfly' Jenner.
They make The Stepford (Connecticut programmed) Wives look normal. Kylie had previous Tiger (cat programming).
Ashley Roberts - Clockwork Pussycat Doll - Tiger/Cat programming via The Butterfly (Monarch) Effect.
The COPY-CAT Effect.
They'll have your kids (via exposure) 'ass twerking,' worshipping gangsta thuggery, self-loathing, and 'gender bent' in no time.
Butterfly Effect via storms and (Stormi) weather patterns (tornadoes) - see (Connecticut born) Edward 'Butterfly Effect' Lorenz.
Monarch and Paedophilia - via (masonic) Kris 'Butterfly/Pimp' Jenner. Former hubby Bruce played (transient) Baphomet.
Kylie: "Butterflies are just a part of the secrets of Kylie. (Note, speaking in 3rd person).
It’s kind of just ironic because I’m terrified, terrified of butterflies. All butterflies." (Just like Nicole 'Monarched' Kidman).

The industry linked Kendrick 'Butterfly Pimp' Lamar. Do you like his 'monarch' crown too?
Via Interscope (Iovine) and pink teamer Dr Dre/Gay. Oh look, pink and blue (see above)
"Symbolism will be their downfall." Q

"Pimpin' (Monarchs) Aint Easy" - isn't that right, OTO/Baphomet (masonic) Jay-Z - via Def '666' Jam.
Industry monarch programmed marionettes...she also has insectoid/monarch resonance via Queen (a monarch) Bee.

You can FORGET Kanye 'Illuminati/programmed' West as any kind of truther - in fact you can BANK IT.

Reddit Readers - Great Awakening.

Please understand that I communicate poorly, and that my social interaction skills are left severely wanting.
Understand that I mean nothing by it. It's all the result of fatigue in doing this type of research.
You really cannot go down these types of  roads without it severely affecting you. Hopefully you'll understand.

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