Just putting this in as a stand-alone.
Reddit's loss is everyone else's gain. Nobody else has made this (Sandy Hook) link, not that I know of.
The Class & Grace (shot) - Barry 'Moloch/Baphomet' Obama. Believed to have been taken in Chicago.
Anons found this on her Instagram a/c - shot linked to the same date of Trump's inauguration, Jan 20, 2017.
This "hexing" reference was also linked to everysilversea's (an aide?) Instagram account too.
Class & Grace - Grace & Class. Is there something deeper here to (those potential code-words) "Class & Grace"?
(above left) Grace is capitalised, like a name - as opposed to the virtue. The very first image given by "class & grace" googling.
Obama channelling Baphomet/Moloch and in transient glam-style. It's the sick elite that's behind (satanic) gender bending.
"8 years, No scandals, No misbehaviours - (well) - Just class & Grace."
Anons found this on her Instagram a/c - shot linked to the same date of Trump's inauguration, Jan 20, 2017.

This "hexing" reference was also linked to everysilversea's (an aide?) Instagram account too.
Class & Grace - Grace & Class. Is there something deeper here to (those potential code-words) "Class & Grace"?
(above left) Grace is capitalised, like a name - as opposed to the virtue. The very first image given by "class & grace" googling.
Obama channelling Baphomet/Moloch and in transient glam-style. It's the sick elite that's behind (satanic) gender bending.
"8 years, No scandals, No misbehaviours - (well) - Just class & Grace."
Class & Grace - Grace & Class
Years ago I said that Grace McDonnell's (alleged) "owl" drawing was suspect. A Connecticut link to Skull and Bones.
I said the writing resembled a stylised form of the word "grove". Something happened, I know how their sick minds work.
Sandy 'Monarch/Butterfly Effect' Hook. The linked film that references paedophilia and mind control!
Kabbalah Kutcher - industry 'rent boy' made good. Isn't that right, pretty boy? His whore, Mila Kunis, donates to Planned Parenthood!
Kabbalah Kutcher - industry 'rent boy' made good. Isn't that right, pretty boy? His whore, Mila Kunis, donates to Planned Parenthood!
The exact same concept that Sandy Hook was linked to - The Butterfly Effect
Below left, Dylan 'Butterfly' Hockley's parents - the boy and family that allegedly lived opposite (shooter) Lanza.
The (gay) Color Purple (color of mind control), butterflies, and Monarch mind control (actual species, above right).
"Over the Rainbow" (song, and sodomite/mind control propaganda piece) was also majorly attached to Sandy Hook.
I previously stated that Sandy Hook completely stinks of a (masonic) Dunblane type situation.
Potentially a dignitary-based paedophile ring, but solely sold as a mass shooting...like Dunblane was.
Over the Rainbow via Sandy Hook (see label) and Getting Your Gun (mass mockery). Think gun control.
The paedo bear. Sandy Hook and Dunblane. Dunblane, the whole thing was linked to (elite) Speculative Freemasons.
Sandy Hook/Aurora all happening under Obama's tenure. There were more of these (FF) events under Obama, than any other.
Clinton/Abedin-linked, paedo Weiner, and his laptop...the IG Report (14th June) - "CRIME AGAINST CHILDREN."
Imagine if this was all about Trump et al - they'd be singing about it from the rooftops on all channels.
It's there and next to Clinton Foundation...and this is the FIXED (redacted) version of the report. We need to see it all.
Those folk who still think Hollywood, and the Liberal Left is all OK. They'll need psychiatric help when the truth comes out.
They'll see how they've empowered the abuse, torture, and murder of children - via their wanton worship of these monsters.
Harvey Weinstein has donated thousands of dollars to Clinton throughout her political career. He maxed out donations ($5,400) to Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave more than $30,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between Clinton's campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and more than 30 state Democratic parties.
The Hollywood mogul has also given at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
Below left, Dylan 'Butterfly' Hockley's parents - the boy and family that allegedly lived opposite (shooter) Lanza.
The (gay) Color Purple (color of mind control), butterflies, and Monarch mind control (actual species, above right).
"Over the Rainbow" (song, and sodomite/mind control propaganda piece) was also majorly attached to Sandy Hook.
I previously stated that Sandy Hook completely stinks of a (masonic) Dunblane type situation.
Potentially a dignitary-based paedophile ring, but solely sold as a mass shooting...like Dunblane was.
Over the Rainbow via Sandy Hook (see label) and Getting Your Gun (mass mockery). Think gun control.
The paedo bear. Sandy Hook and Dunblane. Dunblane, the whole thing was linked to (elite) Speculative Freemasons.
Sandy Hook/Aurora all happening under Obama's tenure. There were more of these (FF) events under Obama, than any other.
Clinton/Abedin-linked, paedo Weiner, and his laptop...the IG Report (14th June) - "CRIME AGAINST CHILDREN."
Imagine if this was all about Trump et al - they'd be singing about it from the rooftops on all channels.
It's there and next to Clinton Foundation...and this is the FIXED (redacted) version of the report. We need to see it all.
Those folk who still think Hollywood, and the Liberal Left is all OK. They'll need psychiatric help when the truth comes out.
They'll see how they've empowered the abuse, torture, and murder of children - via their wanton worship of these monsters.
Harvey Weinstein has donated thousands of dollars to Clinton throughout her political career. He maxed out donations ($5,400) to Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign and gave more than $30,000 to the Hillary Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee between Clinton's campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and more than 30 state Democratic parties.
The Hollywood mogul has also given at least $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
(cf, see Flynn's code) Clinton Foundation Hillary with Abedin, and Hollywood satanist, Weinstein via Planned Parenthood.
Are those bird statues on (Clinton and Hollywood linked) Epstein Island renderings of Moloch?
The building shell is decorated in the colours of the Zionist/Rothschild Israeli flag. 666 talents of gold Sol-omon's Temple.
Weinstein's first feature release for Miramax was (formerly banned - video nasty/slasher) The Burning.
You know, The Burning - like FIRE. Look where the (triangular evoking) shears are placed around the head.
Planned Parenthood - as a giant, realised form of sacrifice to fiery Moloch...there are no coincidences:
Planned Parenthood, Satanism, FIRE (Crowley ritual grade signs), Sacrificed Babies, Hollywood, & Deep State.
Also consider this symbolically. Satanist, Gloria 'I had an abortion' Steinem, who celebrates the murder of unborn children.
She did that - "aborted babies and fire sign" - in association with Planned Parenthood! These people are sick!
Ritual abortions/soul cracking were aspects of Crowley linked magick. See his disciple L Ron Hubbard (abortions).
How about serial pederast - "A DRUG DEALING PEDERAST, ACTUALLY" (see Se7en) Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey?
It's alleged that he attended Bohemian Grove, but has now been expelled. Filming his sex escapades there, a strict no-no.
House of Tarot. Crow-(ley) of Elysium.
I don't think so, Kevin. Speak for yourself. The Usual (paedo/satanic) Suspects via Bryan 'Twinkie/Paedo' Singer.
Satanic MSM/Hollywood just programmed everyone with dumb, theatrical satanism, but some know what real satanism is.
Remember that Crowley's great nephew Nathan Crowley worked as production designer on the Batman films.
"Get a GPS on it so we can start to figure out how to bring it down." (Sandy Hook paedo ring, gun control agenda, or both?).
Strike Zone 1. The Dark Knight Rises...the film was also linked to Aurora - aka a 'dawn' - as in a Golden Dawn!
Dark (K)Nights and Aurora/Dawn (Sun) Rises.
It was Crowley who was instrumental in organising the modern incarnation of the (Oxford) Isis Golden Dawn Cult.
We go from 'Aurora/Golden Dawn' Batman to Superman - via NXIVM's Allison 'Isis/Superman' Mack.
Golden Dawn'flying rolls' (practices/philosophies) - XIV being magickal (inscribed) Talismans & Tablets.
Batman - the franchise that has MONARCH CINEMA/THEATRE as an aspect.
Monarch and the Purple Joker....Jack 'The Shining Monarch/Baphomet' Nicholson also played the Monarch-linked Joker.
Broke-back (homo) Mounting (Mountain), Ledger. He's linked to Hanged Man imagery in Batman.
Oh look, it's the sacrificed Monarch "why so serious/sirius" Joker. Which one? Why BOTH of course!
Mind control of Jokers, Holmes/Ledger (micro), and mind control of the watching and dosed masses (macro).
Born into the industry Mary-Kate Olsen was linked to Ledger's death. She's a 'twinned'MK-Ultra mind controlled zombie!
Ledger's final two films were The Dark Knight, and Dr Parnassus. Tarot, The Joker (Fool), and The Hanged Man, respectively.
Heath 'Joker' Ledger/Godfather III. In his last film (suspect Gilliam's) Dr Parnassus, he's posed as hanged Vatican banker, Calvi.
We've all seen the spate of recent hangings. Bourdain, sister of Queen Maxima, Spade, Bennington, Cornell, etc.
Hanged (suicided) from Black Friars (Black Brothers) Bridge, and with bricks (masonry, geddit?) in his pockets.
It's used in Godfather III, via Keinszig. Calvi, a banker/accountant type who used ledgers. Heath 'Calvi' Ledger.
The most recognisable tarot deck was by Rider-Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn, as was the deck's illustrator.
A Vegas 'Harvest' Shooting via Golden Dawn (Sunrise)
Christopher 'Dunkirk' Nolan is the director of these Batman reboots...Dark Knights (a la Templar Knight, Crowley)
Oh look, Monarch via Dunkirk and (false flag/inside job) Vegas.
The sacrificed Monarch via Vegas and the master symbol (illuminating pyramid) of the Illuminati.
Crowley's own magickal systems were influenced by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (Light/Sun).
Funnily enough, Batman Nolan's Dunkirk featured Harry 'One Monarched Direction' Styles.
Tying-in to WW2 and Nazis. Nazis like Josef 'Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele...aka monarch to the kingdom of the dead.
Moon Children - 'Sandy Hook' Lanza & 'Aurora/Dawn' Holmes both struck around the birth/phase of NEW MOONS.
Aurora was just after (witching hour) midnight. These (inside job/deep state) shootings overlap in so many ways.
Interesting anomaly. adam-lanza-said-to-have-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-shooting-conspiracy/
Link all this to Parsons (Green), Crowley, Hubbard, Liddell (Lidl), Mother of Satan/Isis and the (dawn resonant) tube bomb.
At least (sodomite) punk made an actual statement, sad though it was. Hip-hop is a tragedy of epic proportions.
"Hey, bitch! I wrote STAN!" Ummm, you mean you ripped-out a Dido sample and called it your own (lol).
We've just seen a major step to a denulcear North Korea, and a real chance of peace for the first time in 70+ years.
If Eminem goes missing - send a search party up Obama's ass - they'll likely find him wedged-in there. :)
You still channelling Kenneth 'OTO' Grant, Johnny 'Edward Monarch Hands' Depp? It's Barry and first-ladyboy, Michael. :)
Is it time to travel down the rabbit dirt hole, and to wave goodbye to your pussy? Is Obama playing the Queen?
One-eyed love via Tim 'homo' Burton - Mr 'Monarch Cinema/Choccy Factory' Battyman (queer). Gotham or Got Hams?
It was (gay) color purple 'Butterfly Prince' who soundtracked Burton's original Batman film.
"But we better give (Alice) Obama props..." White Rabbit Eminem
Faggot Confirmed. Batman/Batty-man/Batty-boy = the gayest super hero franchise ever created.
Battyman/Battyboy - is from West Indian culture - and where rapping/toasting evolved from. Batty-rider.
Camp Rabbit Robin with Dr Gay/Dre. Batman? More like Buttman. Dick Grayson or Dick Gay-son.
"Comin' out my Closet." Eminem is a homosexual/sodomite and always was. A wrong-way boner (lol).
The entire (American) super hero genre (Iron 'poof' Man, etc) is nothing but Hollywood SODOMITE MIND CONTROL.
That's why folk like (paedo/sodomite) Bryan Singer are so heavily involved, along with (gender benders) Shuler/Donner.
The (Zionist) shit-hop genre is similarly inclined - from Poof Daddy, Gay-Z, to Lil' Gay-ne, and LL Cool Gay, etc.
It's no wonder that Eminem wants to "FUCK TRUMP" - that's what homo/sodomites like to do with men! :)
New World Ordering - sodomite Rabbit/Eminem. I already covered his link to Elton 'Butterfly/Monarch' John.
"Imma gonna draw a line in my hand - saying this is my right one. You're either FOR or AGAINST."
So, who's for this (LYING) POS faggot that is Rabbit Eminem? A suspected child abuser and satanist?
They're ALL simply elite marionettes (puppets) who've done the Faustian deal for fame - which means - selling YOU out!
Defending Obama, the former 'faggot' POTUS (with a tranny wife), who is up to his neck with the paedo/satanic Clintons.
Remember, it was Bronfman-linked, Interscope Iovine (via UMG) that was the major power behind Eminem.
The same Interscope that Rachel Chandler also Instagram referenced in suspect posts.
What would make me laugh - would be folk coming here defending their (tragic) political/entertainment heroes.
Oh, no! Not Eminem! Oh, no! Not Johnny Depp! Oh, no! Not demi-god Obama! LOL.
I CANNOT stress enough how brainwashed (by the 'cult of celebrity') the majority are. It's an epidemic.
Weinstein's first feature release for Miramax was (formerly banned - video nasty/slasher) The Burning.
You know, The Burning - like FIRE. Look where the (triangular evoking) shears are placed around the head.
Planned Parenthood - as a giant, realised form of sacrifice to fiery Moloch...there are no coincidences:
Planned Parenthood, Satanism, FIRE (Crowley ritual grade signs), Sacrificed Babies, Hollywood, & Deep State.
Also consider this symbolically. Satanist, Gloria 'I had an abortion' Steinem, who celebrates the murder of unborn children.
She did that - "aborted babies and fire sign" - in association with Planned Parenthood! These people are sick!
Ritual abortions/soul cracking were aspects of Crowley linked magick. See his disciple L Ron Hubbard (abortions).
How about serial pederast - "A DRUG DEALING PEDERAST, ACTUALLY" (see Se7en) Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey?
It's alleged that he attended Bohemian Grove, but has now been expelled. Filming his sex escapades there, a strict no-no.
House of Tarot. Crow-(ley) of Elysium.
I don't think so, Kevin. Speak for yourself. The Usual (paedo/satanic) Suspects via Bryan 'Twinkie/Paedo' Singer.
Satanic MSM/Hollywood just programmed everyone with dumb, theatrical satanism, but some know what real satanism is.
Remember that Crowley's great nephew Nathan Crowley worked as production designer on the Batman films.
"Get a GPS on it so we can start to figure out how to bring it down." (Sandy Hook paedo ring, gun control agenda, or both?).
Strike Zone 1. The Dark Knight Rises...the film was also linked to Aurora - aka a 'dawn' - as in a Golden Dawn!
Dark (K)Nights and Aurora/Dawn (Sun) Rises.
It was Crowley who was instrumental in organising the modern incarnation of the (Oxford) Isis Golden Dawn Cult.
We go from 'Aurora/Golden Dawn' Batman to Superman - via NXIVM's Allison 'Isis/Superman' Mack.
Golden Dawn'flying rolls' (practices/philosophies) - XIV being magickal (inscribed) Talismans & Tablets.
Batman - the franchise that has MONARCH CINEMA/THEATRE as an aspect.
Monarch and the Purple Joker....Jack 'The Shining Monarch/Baphomet' Nicholson also played the Monarch-linked Joker.
Broke-back (homo) Mounting (Mountain), Ledger. He's linked to Hanged Man imagery in Batman.
Oh look, it's the sacrificed Monarch "why so serious/sirius" Joker. Which one? Why BOTH of course!
Mind control of Jokers, Holmes/Ledger (micro), and mind control of the watching and dosed masses (macro).
Born into the industry Mary-Kate Olsen was linked to Ledger's death. She's a 'twinned'MK-Ultra mind controlled zombie!
Ledger's final two films were The Dark Knight, and Dr Parnassus. Tarot, The Joker (Fool), and The Hanged Man, respectively.
Heath 'Joker' Ledger/Godfather III. In his last film (suspect Gilliam's) Dr Parnassus, he's posed as hanged Vatican banker, Calvi.
We've all seen the spate of recent hangings. Bourdain, sister of Queen Maxima, Spade, Bennington, Cornell, etc.
Hanged (suicided) from Black Friars (Black Brothers) Bridge, and with bricks (masonry, geddit?) in his pockets.
It's used in Godfather III, via Keinszig. Calvi, a banker/accountant type who used ledgers. Heath 'Calvi' Ledger.
The most recognisable tarot deck was by Rider-Waite, a member of the Golden Dawn, as was the deck's illustrator.
A Vegas 'Harvest' Shooting via Golden Dawn (Sunrise)
Christopher 'Dunkirk' Nolan is the director of these Batman reboots...Dark Knights (a la Templar Knight, Crowley)
Oh look, Monarch via Dunkirk and (false flag/inside job) Vegas.
The sacrificed Monarch via Vegas and the master symbol (illuminating pyramid) of the Illuminati.
Crowley's own magickal systems were influenced by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor (Light/Sun).
Funnily enough, Batman Nolan's Dunkirk featured Harry 'One Monarched Direction' Styles.
Tying-in to WW2 and Nazis. Nazis like Josef 'Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele...aka monarch to the kingdom of the dead.
OTO/Isis-Oxford (sodomite) 'Nazi propagandist' Crowley, Moonchild, rituals @ the Villa aka The Butterfly Net.
SS/skull imagery (see right lettering). Noble blooded Nazi, Josef 'SS/Monarch/Illuminati' Mengele.
Moon Children - 'Sandy Hook' Lanza & 'Aurora/Dawn' Holmes both struck around the birth/phase of NEW MOONS.
Aurora was just after (witching hour) midnight. These (inside job/deep state) shootings overlap in so many ways.
Interesting anomaly. adam-lanza-said-to-have-died-a-day-before-sandy-hook-shooting-conspiracy/
Link all this to Parsons (Green), Crowley, Hubbard, Liddell (Lidl), Mother of Satan/Isis and the (dawn resonant) tube bomb.
The UK had it's 7/7 Terror Event in 2005, and via Trains, the Underground...and (mind control) Tavistock Square!
Liddell Mathers' and Crowley linked Golden 'Lucifer' Dawn Isis Cult - NXIVM via Allison 'ISIS Foundation' Mack/Raniere.
Recall Sept. 2017, the Parsons Green tube bomb, London. Early morning attack and a couple of hours after dawn.
Parsons, 666 Crowley, Hubbard, Lidl (Liddell), Isis, and Satan.
The Isis Babalon Cult - Golden Isis Dawn (co-founded by Liddell Mathers) formed out of Oxford, UK.
OTO Crowley, (rocket/tube man) OTO Parsons, and Hubbard. Scotland Yard's Mark Rowley (Mar KRowley) headed the case.
Peter Crowley via pyrotechnic Parsons (left). Parsons via Hubbard (right). Carpet burns (a sex based in-joke/mockery).
Liddell, Parsons, and (Isis) Mother of Satan. Red-headed woman (below, top left) playing the symbolic 'Scarlet Woman' (Babalon).
Golden Dawn, Liddell MacGregor 'ISIS' Mathers - LIDL/LIDDELL - ISIS - Alice (in Wonderland) Liddell.
Underground tube tunnelling like the Alice rabbit. GD/Isis SLM Mathers (left) was related to Alice Liddell (Wonderland's Alice).
SL(i)M Shady/Mathers. He's giving (implicated) Bob 'POS' De Zero a run for his money. I wonder why? (sarcasm).
She (Hillary) wasn't supposed to lose! They never thought they'd lose control. For the first-time since Kennedy - they have.
The political and celebrity elite caught-up together in all sorts of debauchery and sickness.
A Baphomet 666 (satanic) Roll/Role Model...triple-split (Alice) Rabbit Mathers/SL(i)M Shady/Eminem.
"Fuck Trump" De Niro - was Lucifer in (fallen) Angel Heart - with 'Faustian dealing'singer, Mickey 'poof/transsexual' Rourke.
Devil's (K)Night, Shady. Golden Dawn 'Isis Cult' was formed out of Oxford, where Bill 'Rhodes/Rothschild' Clinton schooled.
Illuminati (satanic) Rothschild couple - Owl: Baron Guy de Rothschild. Y-Head (Horns): Marie-Hélène de Rothschild.
Rabbit Eminem, and Bill with Rachel 'Guinness dynasty' Chandler (she was married-off to the elite).
Focus, two friends (F/M). Likely Rachel Chandler, and Elton 'Brown Dirt Cowboy/Oz/Butterfly/Alice' John.
It's because he's implicated in the wider satanic/elite paedo conspiracy. That's that cleared-up.
The satanic/elite paedo conspiracy that's operated right under the very noses of the useless eater (sheep).
The sheep who are completely brainwashed by the 'cult of celebrity' and related complicit MSM (programming).
Murder 187 via 'connected' (and likely clown/CIA linked) MS 13
Presidential pardon? Could that translate as a request, not so much a net result? Master P (rapper) did make a public plea to Obama (here), in respect of pardoning C-Murder (who's Master P's actual brother!). C-Murder (Corey Miller) is currently serving a life sentence for the 2002 beating and shooting murder of 16 year-old fan Steve Thomas. Yeah, with a name like that (C-Murder, child murder?) who could've possibly imagined? Brother Master P was given a Certificate of Special Recognition for his Youth, and Homeless charity work, presented by (democrat) Maxine 'US House of Reps' Waters(who Q has mentioned). Master P (Percy Miller) also hosted a 2010 public event with Michelle Obama. Miller was also an early supporter for the candidacy of Illinois senator and subsequent U.S. president Barack Obama. All potentially very suspect and overlapping stuff.
The D's advantage has been a virtual monopoly on the black vote demographic. A sizeable voting block.
"Who exposed the pedo network within H'wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details."
Is Q suggesting it's someone black? You might think so in the context of this post. "Will laugh" - a comedian?
187? Two members of D12 were killed. One was (friend) Proof, who first video debuted via "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number".
The (underage propaganda) track linked to underage Aaliyah, written by underage/paedo, sex slaving, fiend R. Kelly!
Her partner at the time of her (plane crash) death was Damon Dash, co-founder of (OTO Gay-Z linked) Roc-A-Fella.
Two weeks before death, Damned Queen Aaliyah, travelled New Jersey to (Montauk linked) East Hampton, NY.
- to visit Dash at the house he shared with (Abramovic linked) 'Zionist Def/Death '666' Jamming' Gay Z.
Are you getting it yet? Normalising satanism, sodomy, and paedophilia (via MSM) is a long-term/full-time job!
It's 'spirit cooking' Abramovic who's involved with the creepy Podestas/Pedostas (see wikileaks emails).
John being the former Clinton Chief of Staff, and Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman..
Return of the She-Devil. Satanists Gay-Z, and MK'd Beyonce canvassing for (lesbian) Hillary 2016. What a fucking tragedy! :)
Gay-Z through gritted teeth: "If you don't win, Hillary. We're ALL FUCKED!" :)
One degree of separation - Hillary and Ray 'Eminem' Chandler (via Emimikareh). We saw her earlier with Bill on Epstein's plane.
Hillary styled via Teen Vogue and Emimikareh - who is (seemingly) professionally linked to (model agency) Chandler.
Ray 'photographer' Chandler. Teen Vogue Shoot? It's all gone (satanic/paedo) Roman 'Geimer/French Teen Vogue' Polanski.
I just noticed (fashionista) Sabine Getty, on that list (right), she is married to Mark Getty (co-founder of Getty Images).
The grandson of J P (666/Omen) Getty Sr. Elite Getty Sr died on the release date of The O-men (06/06/76).
Recall the Guinness owned/abandoned estate (Pyrford) was used in The O-men film - the Thorn residence.
The same Guinness dynasty that Ray Chandler married into. O-men & Thorns, demonic sodomy via Dick 'willying' Donner
Guildford featured in The O-men - where Getty Sr lived up until his death. Son, Getty Jr helped fund OTO Anger's Lucifer Rising.
Mark Getty's father, JP Getty Jr, was key in funding UK 60's counter-culture satanists/luciferians (and the UK Tory Party).
See (Beatles linked) John Dunbar, Peter Asher, Barry Miles, OTO Anger, Stones linked (witchy) Pallenberg, etc.
Sodomite/paedo, Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey was playing JP Getty Sr, in 'All the Money in the World', as the allegations broke.
It's obviously implying Epstein's Island - the CDAN blind above. Yes, and with a NXIVM link.
NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of Mexico's former president.
(It's now alleged that he's very recently cut all ties with ESP/NXIVM). It's no wonder they don't want that Mexican wall built!
If Epstein was channelling Island girls with sensitive/valuable intel to NXIVM (perhaps using a selection process) -
- then this would concentrate sources (for Bronfman/Raniere) into a powerful collective pool, giving them major leverage.
The other girls seemingly being passed-off onto connected elite types and other friends of the foreign supplier to the Island.
"Others that knew big secrets would end up as a wife to friends of the foreign born convicted child molester (perhaps Nader)
- where they still remain." Epstein girl, Ray 'Guinness/White Rabbit' Chandler - please stand-up. She's been married-off.
Hillary Rodham Clinton in Wonderland...Rodham or Rod Hams? Q specifically referenced this.
Handler/Chandler is a goddamn CHILD TRAFFICKER. Supplying children for abuse! Go see this link. It's CLEAR.
https://twitter.com/ug0ttrumped/status/982601452563648513 (Be warned it's disturbing).
Luckily someone got shots from her Instagram - it is now DELETED. Wink, wink. The kids look drugged!
SICK FUCKING WHORE. She uses her fashion casting couch as a 'front' to obtain these children for sick abuse.
Rabbit/Eminem linked Rachel Chandler - wedding white rabbit. Guinness estate (Pyrford) featured in The '666' O-men.
8 Mile - dirt tunnel hole fuckers - via White Rabbit, and Warren County linked Eminem. Molok(o) Orange Queer.
Rabbit (brown) eye-stabber with milk. Hey, Eminem. You still down with (hom)O-bama via the Big Gay mass debate? :)
I bet Shady Rabbit likes landing his pink rocket on a nice "black moon". Keep taking the purple pills via rainbows.Focus, two friends (F/M). Likely Rachel Chandler, and Elton 'Brown Dirt Cowboy/Oz/Butterfly/Alice' John.
It's because he's implicated in the wider satanic/elite paedo conspiracy. That's that cleared-up.
The satanic/elite paedo conspiracy that's operated right under the very noses of the useless eater (sheep).
The sheep who are completely brainwashed by the 'cult of celebrity' and related complicit MSM (programming).
Murder 187 via 'connected' (and likely clown/CIA linked) MS 13
Presidential pardon? Could that translate as a request, not so much a net result? Master P (rapper) did make a public plea to Obama (here), in respect of pardoning C-Murder (who's Master P's actual brother!). C-Murder (Corey Miller) is currently serving a life sentence for the 2002 beating and shooting murder of 16 year-old fan Steve Thomas. Yeah, with a name like that (C-Murder, child murder?) who could've possibly imagined? Brother Master P was given a Certificate of Special Recognition for his Youth, and Homeless charity work, presented by (democrat) Maxine 'US House of Reps' Waters(who Q has mentioned). Master P (Percy Miller) also hosted a 2010 public event with Michelle Obama. Miller was also an early supporter for the candidacy of Illinois senator and subsequent U.S. president Barack Obama. All potentially very suspect and overlapping stuff.
The D's advantage has been a virtual monopoly on the black vote demographic. A sizeable voting block.
"Who exposed the pedo network within H'wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details."
Is Q suggesting it's someone black? You might think so in the context of this post. "Will laugh" - a comedian?
187? Two members of D12 were killed. One was (friend) Proof, who first video debuted via "Age Ain't Nothing but a Number".
The (underage propaganda) track linked to underage Aaliyah, written by underage/paedo, sex slaving, fiend R. Kelly!
Her partner at the time of her (plane crash) death was Damon Dash, co-founder of (OTO Gay-Z linked) Roc-A-Fella.
Two weeks before death, Damned Queen Aaliyah, travelled New Jersey to (Montauk linked) East Hampton, NY.
- to visit Dash at the house he shared with (Abramovic linked) 'Zionist Def/Death '666' Jamming' Gay Z.
Are you getting it yet? Normalising satanism, sodomy, and paedophilia (via MSM) is a long-term/full-time job!
It's 'spirit cooking' Abramovic who's involved with the creepy Podestas/Pedostas (see wikileaks emails).
John being the former Clinton Chief of Staff, and Hillary's 2016 campaign chairman..
Return of the She-Devil. Satanists Gay-Z, and MK'd Beyonce canvassing for (lesbian) Hillary 2016. What a fucking tragedy! :)
Gay-Z through gritted teeth: "If you don't win, Hillary. We're ALL FUCKED!" :)

One degree of separation - Hillary and Ray 'Eminem' Chandler (via Emimikareh). We saw her earlier with Bill on Epstein's plane.
Hillary styled via Teen Vogue and Emimikareh - who is (seemingly) professionally linked to (model agency) Chandler.
Ray 'photographer' Chandler. Teen Vogue Shoot? It's all gone (satanic/paedo) Roman 'Geimer/French Teen Vogue' Polanski.
I just noticed (fashionista) Sabine Getty, on that list (right), she is married to Mark Getty (co-founder of Getty Images).
The grandson of J P (666/Omen) Getty Sr. Elite Getty Sr died on the release date of The O-men (06/06/76).
Recall the Guinness owned/abandoned estate (Pyrford) was used in The O-men film - the Thorn residence.
The same Guinness dynasty that Ray Chandler married into. O-men & Thorns, demonic sodomy via Dick 'willying' Donner
Guildford featured in The O-men - where Getty Sr lived up until his death. Son, Getty Jr helped fund OTO Anger's Lucifer Rising.
Mark Getty's father, JP Getty Jr, was key in funding UK 60's counter-culture satanists/luciferians (and the UK Tory Party).
See (Beatles linked) John Dunbar, Peter Asher, Barry Miles, OTO Anger, Stones linked (witchy) Pallenberg, etc.
Sodomite/paedo, Kevin 'Epstein' Spacey was playing JP Getty Sr, in 'All the Money in the World', as the allegations broke.

It's obviously implying Epstein's Island - the CDAN blind above. Yes, and with a NXIVM link.
NXIVM Group President Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters – are members of Bill’s charitable organization, the Clinton Global Initiative. Membership is by invitation only and requires at least a $15,000 donation per person for one year. Also worth adding, is that NXIVM's Mexican affiliate is headed by Emiliano Salinas, the son of Mexico's former president.
(It's now alleged that he's very recently cut all ties with ESP/NXIVM). It's no wonder they don't want that Mexican wall built!
If Epstein was channelling Island girls with sensitive/valuable intel to NXIVM (perhaps using a selection process) -
- then this would concentrate sources (for Bronfman/Raniere) into a powerful collective pool, giving them major leverage.
The other girls seemingly being passed-off onto connected elite types and other friends of the foreign supplier to the Island.
"Others that knew big secrets would end up as a wife to friends of the foreign born convicted child molester (perhaps Nader)
- where they still remain." Epstein girl, Ray 'Guinness/White Rabbit' Chandler - please stand-up. She's been married-off.

Hillary Rodham Clinton in Wonderland...Rodham or Rod Hams? Q specifically referenced this.
Lewis 'paedo' Carroll - The dirt tunnel White Rabbit and the Mad (Mercury/Hermes) Brown Hatter.
Do you recall Eminem's constant slating of (joke POTUS) G W Bush? Exactly! Hip-hop talks loud, but says nothing.Barry O'Bummer/Michael - flew to Palm Springs immediately after the 2017 inauguration. With their two best gay friends.
Their first vacation as private citizens since coming to office.
Obama - the rising sun (golden dawn). 666 Lucifer, son of the morning (dawn),
Obama was fucking useless as POTUS...it's not even about whether you like Trump or not.At least (sodomite) punk made an actual statement, sad though it was. Hip-hop is a tragedy of epic proportions.
"Hey, bitch! I wrote STAN!" Ummm, you mean you ripped-out a Dido sample and called it your own (lol).
We've just seen a major step to a denulcear North Korea, and a real chance of peace for the first time in 70+ years.
If Eminem goes missing - send a search party up Obama's ass - they'll likely find him wedged-in there. :)
Baphomet Obama in Wonderland...
It's Nancy's boy aka Johnny 'mad (brown) hatter' Depp...Mr Willy Wanka. He likes 'gloop' stuck in his chocolate pipe.You still channelling Kenneth 'OTO' Grant, Johnny 'Edward Monarch Hands' Depp? It's Barry and first-ladyboy, Michael. :)

Is it time to travel down the rabbit dirt hole, and to wave goodbye to your pussy? Is Obama playing the Queen?
One-eyed love via Tim 'homo' Burton - Mr 'Monarch Cinema/Choccy Factory' Battyman (queer). Gotham or Got Hams?
It was (gay) color purple 'Butterfly Prince' who soundtracked Burton's original Batman film.
"But we better give (Alice) Obama props..." White Rabbit Eminem
Faggot Confirmed. Batman/Batty-man/Batty-boy = the gayest super hero franchise ever created.
Battyman/Battyboy - is from West Indian culture - and where rapping/toasting evolved from. Batty-rider.
Camp Rabbit Robin with Dr Gay/Dre. Batman? More like Buttman. Dick Grayson or Dick Gay-son.
"Comin' out my Closet." Eminem is a homosexual/sodomite and always was. A wrong-way boner (lol).
The entire (American) super hero genre (Iron 'poof' Man, etc) is nothing but Hollywood SODOMITE MIND CONTROL.
That's why folk like (paedo/sodomite) Bryan Singer are so heavily involved, along with (gender benders) Shuler/Donner.
The (Zionist) shit-hop genre is similarly inclined - from Poof Daddy, Gay-Z, to Lil' Gay-ne, and LL Cool Gay, etc.
It's no wonder that Eminem wants to "FUCK TRUMP" - that's what homo/sodomites like to do with men! :)
New World Ordering - sodomite Rabbit/Eminem. I already covered his link to Elton 'Butterfly/Monarch' John.
"Imma gonna draw a line in my hand - saying this is my right one. You're either FOR or AGAINST."
So, who's for this (LYING) POS faggot that is Rabbit Eminem? A suspected child abuser and satanist?
They're ALL simply elite marionettes (puppets) who've done the Faustian deal for fame - which means - selling YOU out!
Defending Obama, the former 'faggot' POTUS (with a tranny wife), who is up to his neck with the paedo/satanic Clintons.
Remember, it was Bronfman-linked, Interscope Iovine (via UMG) that was the major power behind Eminem.
The same Interscope that Rachel Chandler also Instagram referenced in suspect posts.
What would make me laugh - would be folk coming here defending their (tragic) political/entertainment heroes.
Oh, no! Not Eminem! Oh, no! Not Johnny Depp! Oh, no! Not demi-god Obama! LOL.
I CANNOT stress enough how brainwashed (by the 'cult of celebrity') the majority are. It's an epidemic.