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007 Sheriff Pooper Pepper's - Lonely Hearts, Diamonds, Spades-Club Bond.

9/11 - 18th Anniversary.
The Age of Horus - reaches adulthood.

The Thelemic 'Book of Law' (Sgt Pepper Crowley's bible) was written via the Giza/Geezer Pyramid, Horus, and 666.
Sodom/Pyramid, masonic 33° Crowley (body/arms/head) shaped as penis/glans - background  'star' is the sphincter/asshole.
Horus eye/pyramid. OTO 11th°: 'Oh, how superior is the eye of Horus [sphincter] to the mouth of Isis! [vagina]'. (666 Luxor Crowley).
The satanic secret of 'sodomy' is reserved for the highest 11th° degree. Didn't you know?
Crowley's Boy of red lips: How the fond ruby rapier glides and slips [penis]. 'Twixt the white hills thou spreadest for me there; [ass]

 St John's Revolution/Revelation #9 - The EMI'Antichrist Thorn' Bea(s)tles. (See Thorn:EMI).
 Homo Jews and homo EMI. The Hellish - Crowley: 'Do What Thou Wil(s)t' - Sodom Apple O-Men Queens.

Jewish dominated - Great 'Sodomite/Fag' Britain:
"Masonry is a Jewish institution...Jewish from beginning to end."- Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise
John Lennon׃ "Show Business is an extension of the (sodomite, masonic/luciferian) Jewish religion."
 Erecting phallic columns via Mary-line/Abbey Road (St John's Wood), Men-Love Ave. and up the Old Dirt Road.
Masonic 33° Past 'SEX-tant' Masters via 'Love Me Do/Love Me Doo' - and with a mouth organ.

 Temple Black (Shirley), the Pyramid, and masonic #2 Crowley's penis via (homo) Lonely Hearts and horn blowers.
Sgt 'Pyramid' Pooper & HELL(p) - Meat the Beatles, Get Back, and Cum Together via the Ring-O (ass) Star(r).
Fixing A-Hole. Men-Love, Lennon. Satanic '666 Crowley PENIS/Dung' Beatles via (sodomite/masonic) OTO & grade signing.
A dozen or so Freemasons on the cover. 3 ranked 33° (Crowley, Marx, Wells). 3 OTO adepts. 3 Temples (3rd Temple).
Sgt 'Lucifer' Pepper - via McCartney's & (Eton homo) Fraser's Indica Mason's Yard. Right next door to the 33° Supreme Council.
The Importance of Being Eton: "...arrogant pricks, closet homosexuals, members of a corrupt Masonic order..."
Eton homo Fraser'sSwinging London. Macca's (linked) International Times shut-down due to running homosexual contact ads.
Luci-LSD. Macca's first LSD reference was via Queen (a snooty fashion mag.) owned by Etonian, Jocelyn 'royalty' Stevens.
 Mason's/Lucifer's Yard. Where the Beatles' link to the (satanic elite) Gettys were made - likewise with OTO, Ken 'Lucifer' Anger.
Antichrist Beatles. Winged (Crowley) Beatle, McCartney. Mr (homo) Apollo. The ultimate CORPORATE ELITE musician.
 Sgt. (military) Pepper. EMI (Beatles) was of the military and led by (homosexual Jew) Sir Joe Lockwood. Homo Jew, manager Epstein.
Lockwood partnered with (Jewish) Thorn Electrical Industries (see, 'Jewish'O-men 2) during EMI's rise. (Thorn:EMI).
So many Jews and sodomites! Homo'apple' Fraser was one of the first UK celebrity types that died of AIDS (1986).
AIDS. Yes, mass homo sympathy schmaltz via the complicit 'sodomite industry' has certainly aided them. Rainbow poofs.
Apple bottoms. AL-BUMS spinning at the masonic rate of 33 1/3. The ROTTEN Lucifer Sodom Apple(s).
The (jail sodomised) Punks, likewise. EMISex 'Penis' Pistols with their 'Bollocks' via God Save the Queen (poof, not the monarch).
Anarchy in the UK, by EMI's Dark Side of the Moon (ass) producer, Pink'rainbow pyramid' Floyd (EMI).
Legendary 'filth and fury' interview - the Pistols were stand-ins for Queen (EMI), arranged by EMI Jew, Eric 'Killer Queen' Hall.
Penis Pistols managed by Jewish homo, 'masonic chaos' McLaren, who also popularised (LGBT icon) Boy 'tranny' George.
Homo, Julian 'Sex Pistols/RandyDonut Hole' Temple directed (homo) Culture Club's 'Do You Really Want to Hurt Me'.
Filmed at Dolphin 'elite abuse linked' Square (see Carl 'Harvey Proctor' Beech, initially abused by his military step-father, etc).

  The stereotypical/classic (hyper-masculine) butch-homo moustache look. See Freddie 'God Save the Queen'Mercury (Hermes).
The OTO Beast-les: "I'm fixing A-Hole where the rain gets in....I'm filling the crack(s) that ran through the door..."
"Quietly turning the backdoor key." (Backdoor/asshole via a phallic/masonic key - written over Harrison's penis/groin.)
A backdoor key. The Dick Star-Key. Ring-O Starr's actual real name. Ring-O also originally married a Cox (Cocks).
Just like Jim 'military industrial complex' Morrison. The 'back' Doors (via LSD). A Backdoor (anal) Man.
The Snake Rider, Back Door Man via Willie Dixon (Dick-son) and Wang Dang Doodle. 7 inch or 12 inch?
STAB to Ring-O Starr. McCartney introduces Ringo as Billy Shears/Shakespeares. WillyShake-spear(es) - sexual innuendo.
 The 331/3 (masonic/anal) groove. 'Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song,...' a la stabbed Caesar (Shakespeare).
Ring-O 'COCK-er' Starr. Ringo's 'With a Little Help...' Famously covered by Joe 'Something's Cumming On'Cock-er (EMI).
 Billy Shears/Willy Shake-speare. Hence, Jane'Henry 8th'Seymour in Macca's Live and Let Die, & Baron 'Willie Shakespeare' Samedi.
Not forgetting (black Jew/Israelite descended) Yaphet 'Royalty/Queen Victoria' Kotto, and Yoko 'Japanese aristocracy' Ono.
Paul 'Jet/Wings' McCartney linked to 007 Roger Mo(o)re& Sheriff 'revolver' JW Pepper via Live and Let Die.
 10 Pepper-band fingers playing on the Fender (guitar)...literally. The 8th Bond film and the 8th Beatles LP.
 Mr Big/Kananga's cavern dwelling: 'Oh, an underground monorail.' Cavern dwelling Beatles: 'Oh, an underground monaural (band).'
 Louisi(ana) in the Sky with Diamonds. Sgt/Sheriff Pepper's Lonely Hearts (life) and Spades (death/black) Club(s)Brass Band.
Picture yourself in a boat on a river. Picture yourself on a train in a station. Mr Kite. Made the bus in seconds flat.
A spade's club.(afro-american). Filet/Fillet, a cloth band/headband of Soul. Fillet of Sole - 'Sole' - alone/lonely (solitary/Solitaire).
Solitaire, Jane 'Willie Shakespeare' Seymour. It's dying/resurrected Baron 'Willie Shakespeare' Samedi (Saturn-day).
Continuous Entertainment. Live and Let Die opens with a brass band funeral. Pepper LP cover shows a brass band funeral.
A Filleted Soul (stabbed) and into a coffin. Macca's tombstone (below). 'Names (epitaphs) is for tombstones, baby.'
Ring-O drum. 1 ONE IX  HE DIE. 1 ONE IX = 11/9 Euro-date, aka 11 Sept (Sept 11). Two faces (prosthetics).
Live/Die. The 'Paul is dead/alive'& 'prosthetics' thing, etc. Mr Big's face-removal is preceded by Live and Let Die (spadesclub singer).
'Spades, James, every one. 'Black suit cards, and a 'Spade's club(s)' in the black Afro sense, as per the film's narrative.
 Magical Mystery Tour. Black carnations symbolize mourning and, therefore, death. Spades for grave-digging. White suits.
 The Live and Let Die double-decker bus becomes a single-deck bus - like the single deck bus/coach of MMT.
White Suits - Magical Mystery Tour - BOXING Day. Boxed-up like a corpse? An - A Paul Corpse.(Apple Corps.)
Fillet of Soul x2. NY. & New Orleans''brass band'. The Orleans funeral brass band that then turns into a rock n roll band!

On 17 April 1954, Ringo's mother married Harry Graves. Graves, an impassioned fan of big band music and their vocalists.
On Christmas Day 1957, Graves gave Starkey a second-hand drum kit (with bass drum).

Jet Wings 'Sept 11' Macca was at JFK, Queens, NY. on 9/11/01.
Live and Let Die - via Twin 'Sept 11 CIA' Towers. Jet Wings Macca via 'Sept 11' - and 'Destruction in Art' via 'Sept 11DIA' Yoko.
Lennon met Ono, 9th Nov. 1966 (9/11 Euro-date) and via 'Apple/Sgt Pepper' Fraser's linked Indica. Crazy!
Tishman was the construction manager for the Twin Towers. He did the same for 666 5th Ave.
Karl 'masonic sirius'Stockhausen, who is on the Pepper cover, talked about 9/11 being the greatest ever work of art:
(Sept 16 2001) "I said that such a plan (9/11) appeared to be Lucifer's greatest work of art.
Of course, I used the designation "work of art" to mean the work of destruction personified in Lucifer."
 Sept 11/911. CIA/DIA Twin 'struck' Towers via Construction/Deconstruction in Art - and literally.
Live and Let Voodoo Pepper Tarot. The High Priestess (Seymour) & her Twin Pillars (masonic Boaz/Jachin).

 007 MI6/CIA Secret Agent(s). Jet 'McCartney/Bond' Wings, via the 'phallic' Struck Tower(s), & 'destructive' Twin Tower 9/11.
007 Bond 'jets' into JFK, NY. Where 'Jet Wings/007/Spies Like Us' McCartney was on the very morning of 9/11/01.
 Zoom shot of CIA/South Tower is about 50 secs after card reading. 'Tarot of the witches' deck. DIA/9-11 Destruction in Art, Ono.
Readers will know of my writing re: NY ToweringTrump, Donny. The walking tarot card. He likes swing states and Camp David.
Baron Samedi (Geoffrey 'The Wiz' Holder). Joel '9/11' Schumacher's film version had the Twin Towers as the Emerald City.
Holder featured in (Woody 'peado' Allen's) Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* before this Bond film.
Bond is compared to 'The Fool'. Paul 'Fool on the Hill' McCartney. The Fool did the original Pepper cover.
John & Yoko - The (Naked) Lovers and Death. They lived at the NY Dakota (Rosemary's 'Farrow' Baby). 'All of Them Witches'.
Bond screenplay by Tom 'Rosebud' Mankiewicz. It also features an actor from 'Shaft'. 1st Bond film to use the word shit.
Yoko 'Bottoms/Cox' Ono. "Jew-Jew (Ju-Ju) Eye-ball" - from Cum Together. JuJu, as in a type of witchcraft.
 1966 - The Satanic Year 1. Satan Lives. Written and directed by (satanic) Jews. LaVey's CoS formed in 1966.
Tony 'Pepper cover' Curtis featured in 'Rosemary's Baby' - the 'voice' of the Baumgart character blinded by the cult.
 Satanic Jew, Lord Grade owned the Beatles' back catalogue from 1969, Northern Songs. Media mogul, Lew 'ITC Sept. 11' Grade.
Sgt Devil's Pepper via Rosemary's 'satanic Dakota' Baby. All of them Witches.
Peppering the Brown-eye (hind-quarters) via Witches, (phallic) Bed-NOBS and (yonic) Broomsticks.

Wicca - 'to bend'. (S)Witchcraft eye-holing and Get Bach. We all live in a (phallic) yellow 'USS Wayne' rainbow submarine...
 Sphinx, Pyramids, yellow submarines, and Ring-O's wife, Bach, feature in (under sea Octopus-sy's garden) Spy Who Loved Me.
This 'Rogering Moore' Bond film was kabbalistcally released on Ring-O's birthday, 7/7/77.
 Rogering More Pussy Galore! Spy XXX Bach, and hubby Ring-O's Octopus-sy's Garden Under the Sea. Wet pussy gardens.
(Octo)Pussies (with eggs) and Sacrificial Rings via Ring-O, his wife, hard-core'Triple XXX' Bach/Back, and Kali HELL(p).
Apple Ring-O's first wife was called Cox (Cocks), linked Yoko Ono's first husband was Tony 'Bottoms'Cox (Cocks).
Ring-O was also pretty close to drummer Keith 'The Who'Moon. Moon via a Roger, as in Daltry.
 Ono's Destruction In Art (DIAS) 'Pyramid/Eye' via Sept. 11. A three day run from 9-11 September, 1966.
The Apple of my masonic pyramid (ass) eye...via Sphinx/Sphincter/Bottoms Ono, Cox/Cocks, and Albert's homo'ring piercing.'

Ring-O Starr (and the Beatles) were interested in making 'Lord of the (ass) Rings' - linked to Camp Climax, and 'eye/pyramid' Kubrick.
 Orange (queer) Brown-eye Stabber and with 'milk'. See Bed-nobs. The lavender, 'bent cock' rainbow lolly-eater (Lolita).
Birthing Lucifer/Satan babies via 1968, Jews Kubrick and Polanski. Lucifer birthing in 2001 sequel, 2010.
9/11 Kubrick worked on Bond films. Jimmy 'paedo/showbiz/royalty' Savile acted as the compere for The 'Crowley/Sodomite' Beatles.
 Much of Starr's career has been built around his 'sacrificial ring' - see HELL(p) and O-Men, Bugenhagen/McKern.
Ring Lord Saturn/Satan. LOTR series via Peter 'Sodomy Song' Jackson. It's The 'Willie' Goonies via 'Ring Lording' Astin and 007.

Corporate 'one-eyed Willie' Spielberg was a major 'Sept 11' and (related phallic Tower) predictive programmer - via his output.
 Spielberg and Dick'O-Men' Donner's The 'booty pirate' Goonies. The cop a boning key of one-eyed - Jolly Rogering, Willie.
Rosebud 007 Mankiewicz scripted Dick 'O-Men' Donner's Superman, with (homo) Marlon 'Tango Sodomy' Brand-O,
- and Christopher 'John Rosebud Houseman' Reeves. Houseman also mentored Robin 'rosebud' Williams, same year (1973).
Rosebud/Kane, Too Much Johnson, Houseman. The Naked (phallic) Gun, and  'camp fire' storyteller via Spivey Point (The Fog).

 Here cums the son. Templar, Rogering '007' More: "No point going in half-cocked..."
A Double 007 - Sheriff Pepper/Chief Brody HALF-ASSED autopsy - via  Louisiana and Sportsman's Paradise. 007 0 981.
Not so much a knife Filleted Soul/Sole (fish) via 007/Louisiana, but a knife filleted Tiger Shark via 007/Louisiana.
A Closet Encounter of the Turd Kind via the colon and a Dick (Hooper), Dreyfuss. A (phallic) Devils Tower rainbow man.
Before performing the autopsy they leave Brody's wife, played by Garry (slang, shitter) behind at home.
Barrelled twisting blood hole via a phallic pistol - 007 Roger(ing) Mo(o)re. CampBlood. Lucifer ass-bonding.
Stabbed Tiger '007' Shark. 'It's got a 'Deep Throat'. 'End of the - barrel my ass.' Jaws featured Gay Head lighthouse.
R. Soul (Rubber Soul), Revolver, Sgt. Pooper, Hap-penis is a warm gun, Lennon/Beatles. A sex (penis) pistol.

SIN-EMA/CINEMA. Cumming soon...a film with a tail-twisting climax. Anyone for 'Shaving Ryan's Privates'? Man eating?
Her-man Melville's, Moby 'Sperm Whale'DICK was a major influence on Jaws.  Gregory 'Ahab/O-Men' Peck.
Linked, satanic O-Men,  Dick'one-eyed Willie' Donner was involved in 'whale riding' Free 'Jesse' Willy.
Jew, Steven '666' Spielberg. Deep Throat - Jaws, and The Devil in Miss 'Reemed' Jones. Dick Nixon & Water-gate (via the sea), literally.
 Private Dicking. Stiffs, blows, hairy bottom cases, and full moons (asses). Hairy/Harry 'gay icon'Reems.
Reem - to bore wider holes. Linda Lovelace, aka Linda Sue Bore-man. Recall John 'Deliverance sodomy'Boor-man, 1972.
'It's got a Deep Throat'. Jaws/Jews. Jew, Dick 'barrel my ass' Dreyfuss helped with Jew Reems'1973 obscenity court-case!
Reems' successful case was handled by Jew, Alan 'Epstein' Dershowitz! Sean S. 'Camp Blood'Cunning-Ham(s). Mr Friday 13.
'Jump the shark' - via Jews, Fonz/Winkler, Hein(y), and (Queens born) Howard 'Private Parts/rear'Stern. Jump, to fuck.
  Sit on it, Cunning-hams. Family jewels in chocolate, shark jumping, Winkle(r). 'Back-Draft' Howard, Henry 'Wind-Cheater' Winkler.
Hairy, full-moon bottoms via stiffs, Sean S. Cunningham. He helped seed/launch both porn and horror.
The latter via Wes 'Hills Have Eyes' Craven, Mr Freddie 'Nancy's boy/Jesse boy' Krueger, via Spring-Wood.
Masonic Friday 13, Final Chapter - with Corey'one-eyed Willie' Feldman. Jason and 'CampBlood'chopper eye-stabbing.
'Ass-dogged' Feldman of 'Chopper/Pop-eye' sik (sick) balls fame - via Dick'Jaws' Dreyfuss, in Lard Assing, Stand By (Behind) Me.
Is this why Dick (Hoop-er) sees the popped-eye of the fisherman when investigating the boat in Jaws?
A film by Jew, meat-heading, Rob 'shitty pipe dreams' Reiner. Shitshank Redemption, with worm-holing Freeman.
 Shit pipe 'rosebud' fantasies...via jailhouse rocking and digging dirt tunnels.
It was Reiner's father, Carl, that wrote (iron box) Richie 'Rosebud' Petrie for the Dick van Dyke Show.
Dick van Dyke was famously in Chitty, Shitty, Bang-Bang. A 'Vulgaria' story by Ian '007' Fleming, with Goldfinger.
Tom 'Rosebud& Kane' Mankiewicz did write/influence a lot of these 007 'Roger Mo(o)re' scripts.

The Devil's Tower in Miss Jones's Rosebud...
Speaking of 'rosebud' shit pipe busting fantasies. Robin 'Spielberg' Williams was linked to Orson Welles and 'rosebud'.
Orson 'Too Much Johnson/Rosebud/Big Homo (Br)Ass Ring' Welles. Mrs Dragfire, Frisco rainbow tunnel, Williams.
666 Steven 'Devils Tower' Spielberg's first film - 'tail-end' Amblin' debuted with Otto 'Rosebud' Preminger's Ski-doo.
Skidoo was co-written by Rob 'shit pipe dreams' Reiner. Citizen 'Rosebud' Kane by Tom 'Live and Let Die' Mankiewicz.
Preminger, with both a Rosebud film, and a Skidoo film. Rosebud, a sled (a snow-mobile). Ski-doo, a snow-mobile.
 A Rosebud via a chopper and the O'Tool(e). Skidoo and sexual sledding a la Citizen 'Rosebud' Kane.
Apple/Lennon/Ring-O linked Nilsson soundtracked Skidoo. His last recording was for 'iron/oilPop-eye (rosebud Williams).

The Deep 'Throat' Jaws.
The Deep/Jaws. Peter Benchley x2, and Robert Shaw x2. The Jaws promo evokes phallic and vagina dentata imagery.
Bruce, the Jaws shark's nickname. A name historically associated with homosexuality. A queer hammer-head.
Bruce 'Philadelphia/homo' Springstein, Bruce 'iron man' Banner, Butch Bruce 'Pulped Ass Friction' Willis, etc.
 Jaws + Deep Throat. Your Anus (Uranis) Pictures via sexploitation, The 'screwing' Dick-tator, and 'Deep Jaws' (1976).
Deep Blue Sea (1999). The Deep (film 1977) had 'opium/morphine' as a major plot-line. As did Live and Let (shark) Die.

Robert 'Jaws/The Deep' Shaw was a 007 Bond villain in From Russia With Love.
The 'Jaws' (villain) joined 007 in 1977. The submarine film with Ring-O's wife, Bach/Back, with Air on a (massonic/knicker) G-string.
Jaws, Hoop-er: You screw-around with these (compressed-air) tanks and they're gonna blow-up.
"Little [phallic/sodomite] brown eel swims in-and-out of the hole." Innuendo, but in a removed context. Robert '007/Jaws' Shaw.
Live and Let Die. 007 Rogering Mo(o)re chair fishes off the back of a boat (a la Quint/Shaw) and in the vicinty of sharks.
Live and Let Die ends with a 'shark scene' and 'compressed-air' exploded 'Mr Big' villain. Like the ending of (related) 007 Jaws.
A compressed-air 'shark gun' pellet.
Roy 'All That (J)Azz' Schieder killing the shark with his rifle/gun and hitting the compressed-air tank.

Still in progress...
Cpt. Hook, crocs/gators, and time. Peter 'sodomy' Pan. Butter-hook, crocs/gators, and time (watch).
Oysters - Walrus and Carpenter. I Am the Walrus with Eggs. Alice 'in dirt hole' Wonderland. Lewis 'Pepper' Carroll.

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