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We Need to Talk About Nigel

Spot the elite establishment's sell-out sock puppet. Farage is a busted Tory flush.

FAKE-OUT 'Brexit Party' Farage is now exposed as an elite plant, but hardly unexpected. Purple UKIP, aka masonic U-Sleep.
I called him out the moment he fucked-off after the 'Leave Vote'. I said it would all comeback to haunt the nation.
He 'blew-up' the UKIP Party and now has done the same to the Brexit Party. And never an MP at any stage.
BREXIT. ALL previously explained and yet again I hit the political jackpot. No-one else did! See former posts.
My ONLY error was over-estimating the intelligence of the UK electorate - SINCE my post. Played like pianos. Dumb became dumber.
They will BLINDLY continue down the two-party FIX system, they know nothing else. EPIC TRAGEDY, but typical.
They ALL had the chance to change this, but voted for more of the same. I'm proud of myexpatriate status.
Farage's tactics have now ensured that this two-party establishment fix remains intact. The moment is now lost.
What is it about: "NEVER TRUST A TORY' - that ex-Tory Farage (and the electorate) doesn't understand? Oh dear!
That's the END of Farage now. He will not comeback from this. Although I'm sure he's been compensated. Ahem.
So close to Zionist Anti-Christ, Donald '666' Trump, too. And that's ALL you need to know.
See this video, on his own Jewtube page! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdUwE-RrlKw 
FARAGE'S TORY SELL-OUT and what Brexiters REALLY think of his establishment bait and switch! Yes folks. 
Cunt Farage may go down in history as the man that stopped a clean exit and delivers BINO! That, or it all backfires!
I can see the Brexit Party getting NO SEATS now, or at the very best just an irrelevant handful. No place in any govt. etc.
Aaron Banks' little puppet (that's Farage) isn't even his own man. Banks is happy with Boris' remain deal. 
There was no fear about splitting the leave vote! Tory are remain. The leave electorate don't want Con/Lab/Lib, & it's a given!
Scared by a poll? Polls have only ever been about bending public will, not any reflection of it. Jesus wept.

 My musings from June/July 2016...Read it and weep:
Oh, look. I called-out POS (Eton homo) Johnson as a REMAIN enabler literally from the moment the Leave vote came thru.
So, if I knew that the Leave result was merely only the beginning, how come Farage himself was completely oblivious?
If Farage had stayed on at UKIP, he would've destroyed May in 2017. But that was never the plan, clearly. 
Johnson is May in this election, and Farage has again weakened the realleave position, just as he allowed before.
What the leave electorate have to accept is that the UK is not leaving. Your voting choices have seen to that.
Circa 3 1/2 years later - and still the DUMB UK ELECTORATE are yet to understand the bleedin' (Tory) obvious.
Hell, and folk probably wonder why I emigrated out of the Zionist/masonic shit-hole that is the Jew-nited Kingdom. :)
I STILL get many more readers from France, than I do the UK! Ignorance and amnesia is the UK electorates' forte. 
If Farage had led under UKIP, or they had a leader that he didn't help destroy in league with MSM - the UK would've left.
Instead he imploded them, and took all the kudos with him. Now he's played this exact same 'wrecking' hand again.
It's these transparent tatics that expose him for the Tory controlled charlatan that he has always been.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. You get the picture.

 The Tories, who've tried to sabotage leaving the EU at every turn. As I identified immediately after the 2016 vote!
Now this clown has done the same. Sabotaged the last effective avenue left for true freedom from the EU.
"My name is Nigel. I just prostrated myself on the altar of the Tory Party. And now I've fucked-up Leave/Independence.
I think the electorate should trust the Tories, which is why I am denying them their right to vote Brexit Party.
I know Boris' (May 2.0) deal is complete shite, REMAIN in disguise, but I now back it all the way."

Notice how he morphed his own brand - originally from UK Independence to the now just (limited) Brexit model.

 Farage is asking Leavers to vote for a Brexit plan that is actually WORSE than staying in the EU! Effectively Bremain.
This Tory Trojan horse (that is Farage) has now carried-out a (pre-planned) controlled demolition of his own party. 
Putting the Tory Party ahead of the actual electorate? This isn't a lack of faith issue - it's a blatant Tory bait and switch.
His Brexit Party is crippled before the game has started, and at his own hand. Tory boy Farage. He's driven the Brexit bus off the cliff. Handing 300+ constituencies to THE FUCKING TORY PARTY!? And on the back of no reciprocal deal, all via a fucking Johnson tweet. It simply beggars belief. It does not, and will not ever wash. He sells out all these seats and yet even by his own words he still doesn't trust the Tory party? Now go canvass on the back of exposing yourself as a covert wing of the Tory party - dumb fuck! He thinks that the North will vote for his party when he's now got "TORY OWNED BITCH" tattooed on his forehead? None of this was a naive mistake, and/or a noble cause. It's wilful political suicide. You don't fight this for 25 years years and then do a flip-flop inches from the line. It's called snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. OMFG! That's taken ALL the wind out of the Brexit voters sails! Half of them now have no real Brexit candidate to vote for. How to destroy your entire brand in just mere moments. You GO BIG or you pack-up your toys and you fuck-off home. What an outrage. You've not even seen the Tory manifesto. The Tories are a REMAIN party. If you don't know that by now you shouldn't have a vote. Their deal is worse than staying in! Wow! Boris' surrender treaty is worse than remaining "as-is". 
Simply because you have to pay and accept the same rules, but you will no longer have any say in it.

This could end-up letting a Lab/Lib/SNP/etc. type coalition in - handing over the Brexit baby (something I previously made mention of).
I'd say a Hung parliament is now the likely outcome. Farage has left the electorate with a 'remain vs remain' choice.
That's what I call a voter disenfranchisement bomb - if there ever was one. It's now TOO LATE for his stood-down candidates to even contest their electoral seat. Deadline closed 4pm 14th Nov. The timing of this (all around the cut-off date) is no mistake either.
Farage deliberately left it to the 11th hour, and now there is no coming back! What a complete CUNT. Unforgiveable.
Those denied candidates could've stood as Leave independents (leaving your surrender monkey party), but not now.
Farage didn't even press to have the Tory candidates removed from seats where they have no chance - which will divide the Brexit vote! 
Homo Bojo doesn't like pulling-out of seats - he loves plunging into them (ha, ha). Filthy upper-class sodomite. 
Farage has DESTROYED any chance of effective leaving! What sort of 'fuck nothing' takes the word of a Tory on trust?

A party that installed remainer May after the leave result, and where Johnson deliberately folded to allow this to transpire.
Eton masonic fag Johnson is a Europhile, as are ALL of his family - including his Eurotrash father!
The same Tories that also let remainer (Jew) May deliberately destroy her majority in 2017. The electoral UK sheep just nodded!
The UK electorate did FUCK ALL about ANY of this deliberate Tory duplicity (above) - save empowering them more!
Save your BULLSHIT about Labour flooding the UK with migrants - the 'neo-liberal/globalist' Tories hold the record!
Save your BULLSHIT about Labour wrecking the economy - the Tories already have! Dumb became dumber.
The UK electorate are wilfully blind to the Zio-masonic dictatorship that owns/run UK PLC. Always have been.

Calling all this a (deliberate) shoolboy error of epic proportions - barely describes it. Fuck-off Farage, you didn't even have the balls to stand, and now you're telling folk to vote for the Tories. You are a dead man walking. You were told last week that there would be 'no pact' via Johnson. Are you deaf as well as dumb? Johnson and his scum Tories are NEO-LIBERAL GLOBALISTS. Hey Nige, you believed May when she said: "Brexit means Brexit." Which all helped dismantle your former UKIP. Anyone might think that you're a Tory Trojan horse wrecking ball. Ahem. Farage thinks the Tories will work with him? Where did he get such an insane idea? 
It was ALWAYS a certainty that they would cripple the Brexit Party in respect of this GE. 
Farage's playing dumb and "for the good of the country" spiel - is ALL very embarrassing to anyone with a functioning brain.

Last week Farage stated that the Johnson Tory Brexit deal was May's BINO deal re-baked (aka total shit). Remain in disguise.
Now he has flip-flopped and is supporting it? A week is a long time in politics, especially when you're a Tory trojan horse.
Nigel's political role model.
Hey Nigel, what are you doing about Tory remainers in their seats? NIL, ZILCH, NADA, ZIP. WTF? No shame.
Why are you complicit in allowing Tory remainers a free pass back into Parliament, Nigel? This doesn't compute.
The fatc that Farage has not challenged these Tory remainers completely exposes the lie of his: "For country" bullshit.
Your party ONLY came about due to (deliberate) Tory incompetence - and now you champion their cause?
The FACT remains that the Tory Party are the reason that the UK has not departed the EU, and some 3 1/2 years later!
The Tory filth are hated! If leave is crashed on the rocks - the blame will wholly rest with the Tories and (their puppet) Farage.
I CANNOT think of one single reason why ANYONE would vote Tory - and that's over this issue, and/or any other.

”The Conservative Party in general is and always has been the most pro-Brussels party in the country.” Peter Hitchens (2014).
It was Tory (paedophile) Heath that brought the UK into the EEC/Common Market.
They're also the ones that have been trying to keep you in the EU, and under vassal status via their shit deals!
Tory Major signed you up to Maastricht, and New Tory Labour (yes, TORY) to the Lisbon Treaty.

Nigel 'Let's Change Politics For Good' Farage. Eh? You CANNOT change politics by leaving half your squad on the sidelines before the kick-off. You cannot change politics by NOT STANDING. You certainly will never change politics by batting for the sodom, inbred, paedophile, sociopath TORY PARTY - and ahead of your own platform. Now we KNOW why he fucked-off after the vote and let the Lib/Lab/Con make hay in the vacuum he deliberately left. He always made it ALL about Nigel Farage - and not the party or the cause. All likely so he could steer this Brexit bus off the cliff at a later date - as we've just seen. He was only ever making plans for Nigel.
I did this, I did that, I formed the party, I am Brexit. I, I, I, I, I. The big 'I' am.
Hey-ho. Not to worry Nige, you still have your lucrative job in the EU to fall back on. Ahem.

Farage is the Leave and UK Independence champion? Oops.
 Tory Boy, Nigel. The establishment FIX.
 Farage...The CONman.
 Nigel loves May's re-baked deal which isn't leave in any shape or form.
 From Independence to (fake) Brexit. That's our Nige.
He popped in - and then souled/sold out. It's his habit.
I'm alright Jack. Thanks for all the deposit and membership money. Kerrchiiiing!
Don't vote for me...vote for the saintly and success-ridden Tories. :)
Zionist Trump, Aaron Banks, and Tory HQ pull my strings.
Chinless, spineless, hopeless, witless. I could go on. :)
Nigel is BLIND to such obvious facts. Anyone would think it's deliberate. :)
 Indeed they haven't. Farage is an establishment two-party fix saving maggot.
That's right. Farage ducked-out the moment the Leave result came thru. And now he presents the sterile Brexit Party.
Ah, this is my favorite comment. Very astute of you. It's ALL too late now though. Farage shat on UKIP Batten.
The latter had anti-militant Islam, anti-PC, and anti-hate law policies. Hence their unfortunate demise at his and the MSM's hands.

Farage made his surrender monkey stance on 11/11. Eton Johnson's most recent deadline was Halloween.
The 2019 GE result will be announced on (masonic charged) Friday 13th, Dec. All rather resonant date wise.

 Controlled Masonic Opposition...?
Masonic Purp-EL. EL, Saturn/Satan. Farage's U-KIP aka (masonic) U-Sleep.
 Masonic Purple Rain/Reign - Purp-EL saturn/satam - EVOL Britain
Knuckle-dusting, masonic Farage. FWIW, the Tory Party has always been overflowing with Freemasons.
Masonic Brothers In Arms/Hands. Isle of 'Douglas' Man. It's masonic Tory plant, UKIP Douglas Carswell, with masonic Farage.
Eton sodomite, Boris 'pass grip' Johnson. The same masonic Johnson that's just completely owned his masonic bitch, Farage.
 Pizza & Paedophilia via Lolitas...the masses with their "eyes wide shut". The blind profane. Andrew's masonic MOCKERY:
 The Pizza (Lolita) Express. Prince 'Epstein/Ziegler' Andrew. Jew Ziegler, like Jew Epstein owned the best townhouse in Manhattan.

You just got OWNED, Masonic Farage.
So Mote It Be, masonic/Zionist Nigel. How's the (homo) masonic Isle of Man?
That's where you keep your ill-gotten money. Did I also catch you promoting "Labour are ANTI-SEMITIC", - Mr Farage? 
I think I did. I despise Labour, but it's just complete bollocks. Masonic/Zionist Jews have destroyed the UK.
Why would a Jew-owned FREEMASON like Farage be promoting Jewish mass mind control via faux anti-semitism?
Has Zionist Antichrist Trump, who you are so closely aligned been tickling your Kosher balls?

 I'm Jake the Peg....with the extra masonic (penis) leg. Isle of MAN.
Modelled on the masonic swastika/sun-wheel. Ashke-NAZI masonic Jews.
The head of state, Queen Elizabeth II, holds the title of Lord of Mann and is represented by a lieutenant governor.

How about a revisit to the following, which I've covered a couple of times before.
 Purple U-KIP (U-Sleep, aka shut-eye) Nigel 'Lucky to be Alive' Farage...via (Illuminati) Eyes Wide Shut.
Don't knock-it. Political JFK Jr's plane (supposedly) went down on July 16. 1999. The premiere of satanic Kubrick's film!
CRUISING altitude. Masonic Purple - Eyes Wide Shut. Masonic Purple 'EVOL' UKIP - via "Lucky to be Alive".
 Farage's crash. Real or (masonic) charade? You decide. I'm not even sure anymore. The pilot seemed mind controlled too.
Masonic Ziegler: "Suppose I said that all of that...was staged. That it was a kind of charade. That it was fake."
Bill: "You called it a fake, a charade. Do you mind telling me what kind of fucking charade ends with somebody turning up dead?"
(Link). The pilot of Farage's plane, Adams, was given a two-year supervised community order (after making other threats),
- and in December 2013 was found dead at home in circumstances that police said were "not being treated as suspicious".
The above re: the pilot - sounds a lot like the situation of (sacrificed) Mandy in the film. (Found dead, no police suspicion.)
 Political JFK Jr's plane (supposedly) went down on July 16. 1999. During the premiere of satanic Kubrick's EWS film!

 2017 Election, Jew May(er). "The Tories will FOUL UP BREXIT"? Where did I ever get such an idea!? ;)
How did it all turn-out? "Brexit means Brexit REMAIN." Which leavers voted for REMAIN MAY? Oops.
 These lucky guesses and given aeons in advance. The strategically smarter I get, the luckier I get. Ha, ha.
Game theory is my forte. Any CUNT that doesn't yet understand that the Tory Party have NEVER wanted to leave the EU
- plainly obvious and it always has been. IS THE FUCKING PROBLEM!
That said, there will still be thousands of dumb Farage supporters who will champion him, even though he's completely sold them out. They will only listen to his jingoistic phoney rhetoric, and not look at what he actually does. Perhaps they may wake-up when the results roll-in, and they finally realise his hand in help wrecking it all? All far too late by then, of course. Compare them to the 'Trump cultists' - they are nothing but programmed, emotionally powered, too smart to be fooled, non-thinking drones. The UK pop. still think that they have a nation worth saving. THEY DON'T. It's over, and long ago now. This is why I scoff at the deluded when they talk of saving the country from Corbyn. I already outlined in previous posts the BANKRUPT mindset of the UK electorates' historic Tory-centric collective philosophy. Since 2010 the Tories have been making haste in turning the majority into serfs, fucked-up leaving the EU, expanded the debt - and not done much else. Hell, and you people have voted for it! Sorry, harsh but very, very fair.

Anyone want to challenge me, re: the fact that the UK electorate is as thick as concrete shit? Be my guest.
 Sorry for the foul language, but the days of civility have long passed. THANK FUCK. :)

Hong Kong Pong
The Zionist US/UK are fanning the flames in Hong Kong, the complicit Zionist media likewise.
Hong Kong is (largely) the financial conduit for western money ultimately entering China.
You ONLY ever hear the word "PROTESTERS" - when it is patently clear that they are RIOTERS.
They've set people on fire, murdered an old man with a brick, humiliated others with hazing style tatics, etc.
Destroyed the economy, countless jobs, the tourist trade. It goes on and on. These programmed rioters are NOT THE MAJORITY.
Why are they being portrayed as 'the majority' - hmm? There has to be at least some rule of law too, but not for them.
They stand there with their bricks, knives, petrol bombs and claim that the police are violent? This is madness.
It's all very obvious what's really happening. These programmed (Western influenced/controlled) Hong Kong school/university monkeys are neo-liberal induced, Western value based automatons. Sad cunts. A type of Soros programmed gimp that would eat their own shit if they were instructed. They don't even understand that there is NO FREEDOM in the US and/or UK, just Zio hell. It looks like these RIOTERS are following in the footsteps of their 'beloved' Zio-US MIC - bombing everyone into their version of (faux) democracy! It was the sick, sociopath British Empire that flooded China with population wrecking opium - and by the tonnes. The British owned HK banks were simply conduits for processing all the profit from this sick drug trade that they unleashed. Anyway, if these rioters were doing this in a major US or UK city, their asses would all be in a sling before they knew what hit them. These drones are clueless in respect of real geo-political issues. They're probably one of the most free populations on planet earth. Clearly the Zionist elite are trying to goad China into response. A response which the Zionist elite (and its propaganda arm) are already prepared for & have waiting in the wings.
That said, it's ALL failing now and the HK RIOTERS/TERRORISTS have lost any (misplaced) faith that people had in them.
Zio-Western MSM can no longer uphold the faux narrative that they're any kind of democrartic freedom fighters. :)
On another note it looks like China are taking-over British Steel! And on the Tory watch. Keep-up the great work, UK. :)

Go fuck-off and live in satanic/Zionist hell that is USA. I would intellectually destroy you all in seconds.
Educated? They don't attend actual real places of learning - they attend Zionist indoctrination centres.
"We're VICTIMS, we're VICTIMS." What errant bullshit. They are CRIMINALS! Cult-like, hysterical mob lunacy.
Brought-up on cretinous video games and Hollywood mind rot. What a fucking joke these animals are.

I don't think I ever seen such a hopelessly BRAINWASHED group than these young Hong Kong gimps.
What I see is them selling their form of (faux) 'freedom' like a kind of cheap and tacky deodorant. Embarrassing to witness.
Enforcing their type of democracy on everyone (and denying everyone else their say) is called fascism.
Effectively no different to the Soros' Marxist Antifa. Programmed, one-dimensional, inadequate, self-pitying zombies.
Hong Kong people were given their first right to vote in 1998, a year AFTER Hong Kong returned to China.
Britain refused to let them vote at all for more than 140 years. Not that these borg-like drones would know!

The Zionists still plan to bring the curtain down on the globe - and primarily thru the USA. It's possible that impeachment and Trump's tax return issue could see him ousted. All this potentially being an engineered catalyst to unwind the mega depression via unrest, or what have you. You've already been given the 'meme' - that if 'Messiah Trump' is diposed - then you'll have the mother of all depressions. That said, the US is already in depression and it's only MSM and Wall St. lies/insanity that has blinded you to the fact. Likewise with the Hong Kong/China provocateurism. These are just two options that I am citing as catalysts. There is increasing unrest breaking-out everywhere - you have to be blind not to notice. They can pull the plug on the global economy anytime they want - and it's been this way for some time. All they have to do is take away the (neo-commie) corporate-socialist/fascist support that has kept the corpse animated. With Zionist, 666 Antichrist Trump in the mix - we should still be expecting fireworks. I still think he is the figurehead of the Zionist plan of the ages, but of course, I hope I am wrong.

 Sorry UK VOTERS. I've been far too harsh on you all in the post body.
It's born out of frustration. My tolerance levels are completely shot. They have been for sometime.
 I am venting.

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