Text from the ending of my Jan 2020 post.
"...We know that the virus spread is merely just beginning in the US, so we'll soon likely be seeing the wider effects of this."
"MARTIAL LAW under Trump if things get out of hand." That's Donald 'FREEMASON' Trump, Mr 666.
The Trump supporting masonic Q-ANON psy-op/hoax. Masonic (Qabalist) "darkness to light."
Hey, folks! D'ya think they control both sides? (sarcasm).
Update June 2020
Corona,/Covid, Kobe/NBA, Freemasonry and George 'Corona/NBA' Floyd.
NBA's Stephen 'George Floyd' Jackson...a masonic spokesman for the Floyd family. Ahem.
Trayvon 'My father is a freemasonic Grand Master' Martin. Trayvon was posed as the symbolic tarot'hanged man'.
Brothas in the 'G' Hood. Your fez looks familiar...
Ordo Ab Chao. Another HOAX - and ably assisted by JEW Zimmerman, the latter very likely another (JEW) Freemason.
Trayvon 'The Hanged Masonic Man' Martin.
This is why Zionist mass media (aka US mass media) must be the ONLY storyteller. So simple.
If the public find out they're mass media driven masonic frauds - none of the deliberate chaos programming will stick!
33 (masonic) comments via NBA's Stephen 'Floyd' Jackson. 33 NBA Ewing - The BENT KNEE special:
'33' - ala NBA's Patrick 'I've now got Covid' Ewing. The Exorcist 3 'tarot man' (& particularly the hanged man).
33 Ewing, Mr Exorcist 3. The literal 'TWIN Tower' man via NBA twinning and Manhattan promos.
Floyd spokesman NBA 33 Jackson - claims to be 'twinned' with George Floyd. Ahem.
Minnesota - the twinned city. We are currently in Gemini (the twins). Gemini, the killer via (33 Ewing's) Exorcist 3.
A large aspect of my original post covered '33 Ewing' - and now he apparently has Covid/Corona. Ahem.
'33 NBA' linked George Floyd via Corona. Corona/Covid being a key aspect of the ongoing wider psy-op.
You might've noticed the covid mass surveillance issue. Which has involved masonic Google and masonic Apple.
Masonic mass mockery via 'masonic apron' referencing Freemason, Donald Trump.
Trump and congress's Venezuelan regime change 'masonic stooge' - Freemason, Guaido.
Floyd tested positive for Covid in April and as an asymptomatic.
"I CAN'T BREATHE." - and all during the Covid virus spread. The virus that seriously hampers breathing.
How can a man that "can't beathe" - talk and communicate with those around him? Speech being dependent on breathing.
Irony bomb! Human sheep wearing masks that have: "I can't breathe" written on them! Is this a mockery based joke?
Will there be a massive virus spike due to these elite induced protests? Masks can induce a false sense of security.
Miost protocol re: the virus has literally been dropped to make way for this (linked) Floyd psy-op. Ahem.
Who'd be surprised if there was now a larger and wider virus spread as a direct result of this mass mind control op.?
It's also believed that the first instances of riot/unrest in response to the killing began on East 33rd Street.
TWIN HEADED VIA MASONIC 33. See Floyd's twin, Stephen '33' Jackson. Order out of Chaos. Servants of Lucifer.
Isn't it interesting that the Floyd issue began with a counterfeit/forged note?
The usual MASONIC SEWAGE & GESTURES. Yawn. Surely you recall owned masonic industry puppet, Tupac?
They ALL suck masonic cock, sell-out the masses, and indoctrinate the followers. All for riches and fame.
All MASONIC EYES on me. A FAKED ritual killing (via masonic Fri. 13) for the programmed sheep to graze on.
(k)Illuminati Pac. Tupac backwards is 'caput'. Caput - meaning to die/expire. Machiavelli faked his own death.
I told you aeons ago. All played-out crap for the idiocracy generation - AKA the dumb, hypnotised by mass media sheep.
Mr Covid. Old (k)Nick, masonic Ewing. The Devil. Not forgetting Mr 33 - 'symbolic black swan' NBA's '666' Bryant
Masonic markers and mass mockery of the (programmed) profane. Masonic G. GEORGE-town via 33.
Yeah...it's all looking very, very "End of Days" out there...and as I type.
Masonic shit-house - AKA the 666 NBA - was even an aspect of the (western induced) Hong Kong riots issue.
Anyone would think that the NBA is actually sponsoring this Floyd event. A total overbearing presence.
3rd degree Masons are symbolically raised (hoodwinked) into the (Lucifer) light - ala Hiram Abiff (Osiris).
Floyd - ORIGINALLY cited as (masonic) murder in the 3rd Degree (literally) - also see Freemasonry.
ALL sides are masonically OWNED. Both Dem. and Rep.
Politics, mass media, commentators, celebs, etc. It's all a masonic shell game with a diabolical philosophy.
Floyd spokesman, NBA's Stephen '33' Jackson - exact same name as the man who created the ILLUMINATI card game!
See 'false flag' Vegas/911, etc. Monarch (crown/corona) Mind Control...Shots fired from the 32nd floor.
A level just beneath the symbolic missing capstone of the 'great work' - via 33 degrees (see masonic pyramid $ bill).
Master symbol of the satanic, sodomite, Zionist freemasons (illuminati) - the eye/pyramid.
Designed by Freemason Robert Mills. The Washington Monument is a Egyptian Obelisk or phallic (penis) symbol related to the Egyptian Sun god, Osiris (also see Vegas obelisk/penis, above). Masonic architect Hiram Abiff is simply an avatar for the masonic god, Osiris. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). Widow's son, Horus, being the god of the cardinal points. At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555 feet high, which is equal to 6660 inches. If you add the height, width, and length together you get 666 feet. M.W. Benjamin B. French, Grand Master, Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, laid the cornerstone of this famous Washington monument in a Masonic ceremony.
Cards from the 'Black Pyramid' Illuminati game 'predictive programming' Hall of Fame:
9/11 'false flag' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game. Cards released in 1995.
Once the 9/11 govt./mass media FIX got swallowed by the masses - they now know that ANYTHING is possible.
https://subliminalsynchrosphere.blogspot.com/2018/01/trumpstein-stooge-of-zionist-israel.html (see for hoax/agitation)
Trayvon Martin 'masonic hoax/psy-op'. Jackson's Illuminati Card Game.
Masonic Purp-EL. Just like former Minneapolis based musician and mass mind control asset, masonic Prince.
Note that so-called ethnic actor, Jussie Smollett, was caught hoaxing a racial hate crime in-league with US MSM.
Note that so-called ethnic actor, Jussie Smollett, was caught hoaxing a racial hate crime in-league with US MSM.
Aurora shooting 'false flag/hoax' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game. Sandy Hook fix was covered via Arlington (see earlier).
Trump (via snipers, see card text and pyramid Vegas) 'Enough is Enough' via Jackson's Illuminati Card Game.
Trumps and cards...Donny is a literal walking tarot card trump (see The Tower).
2020 happening under the masonic antichrist - AKA - Donald '666' Trump. And as I write. Ahem.
'666' resonance. Scene of the apparent death of George 'porn actor' Floyd. A Monarch Boy or masonic sacrifice?
Bring-on a pallet of bricks (masonry) - wink, wink. Yes, the USA = Masonic Hell on Earth.
"All the world is a (Zionist masonic) stage..."
Recall that 'Pulse fix' shooter, Omar 'IMDB' Mateen, also had an acting background, his father was also active in TV.
Multiple videos of the Floyd event and from varying angles. No videos of Epstein's (faked) death. Epstein is not dead.
The same man who did autopsies on (masonic) JFK and Epstein is the one who's supposedly analyzed the body of Floyd.
There wasn't a body of (so-called neck injured) Epstein to do an autopsy on. Obviously repatriated back to Mossad Israel.
Move along, nothing to see. Although I did tell you that 'mass media' IS the ultimate mind control issue!
San Bernadino was the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting,
- and the deadliest terrorist attack to occur in the U.S. since the September 11 attacks. ALL OF THEM MSMFIXES.
Lawyer for the Floyd family. It's FREEMASON Benjamin 'Trayvon Martin/AhmaudArbery/Michael Brown' Crump!
Florida, just like Tracy 'Florida Freemason' Martin. Florida's Bro. Martin who employed Florida Freemason, Bro. Crump.
All coincidence that he's been involved with Trayvon 'masonic' Martin, Michael Brown, Ahmaud Arbery, and Floyd cases!
SO MANY FREEMASONS. Isn't that right, folks? ALL of whom remain silent on that particular issue. Ahem.
Tracy 'masonic Grand Master' Martin. Oh, look. It's George Floyd's 'MASONIC TWIN' - Stephen 'Freemason' Jackson.
Le Bron '33' James has also been a feature of the Floyd event.
"Martin Luther King and Jesse Jackson are reported to have been Boule members, among many other high profile, successful and moneyed Blacks such as Barack Obama, Bill Cosby, Al Sharpton and Thurgood Marshall." (source)
Masonic Black Civil Rights - 'Hall of Famers' - spot their masonic fingerprints all-over the George Floyd psy-op.
Dr King was also very likely a Freemason. Hence the masonic ritual death via Memphis - seat of the masonic King (Osiris).
G-Unit. "Brothas in da (G) Hood" (brotherhood, aka freemasonry). Con-man Sharpton.
Bro. Sharpton has his masonic fingers in many masonic chaos based pies. Perhaps as many pies as Bro. Crump. Ha, ha.
Still no MSM news on the whole thing being saturated with linked black freemasons. We're waiting.
Another of Hiram's Helpers - it's Freemason and gangster chic degenerate, Bro. Jay-Z. Minion of masonic god, Lucifer.
Masonically programming the DUMB and PROFANE masses - decade, after decade, after decade.
ALL of this MASONIC UNIFORMITY shot thru it all. And that folks - cannot be by chance.
Is it ALL a GIANT MASONIC HOAX? A propaganda hoax to seed civil war and the implosion of the US.
My comment/suspicions after 1 year of Trump being in office (Jan 2018). Sides set-off against each other - think civil war.
Also see this (link) for the Oakland riots that sparked immediately after Trump won the election. (Nov. 2016).
Oakland (2016) a type of mold for the reality we're now seeing in 2020? A microcosm of what was to come.
MASONIC JEW OWNED MASS MEDIA - is the number 1 enemy - as I noted the day after (false flag) Zionist 9/11.
Have the programmed by masonic mass media SHEEP - fallen for all this? Hook, line, and sinker? YUP!
Just exactly as they did when 9/11 happened - literally all bought into the Zionist sponsored/controlled psy-op.
The people who have made (masonic Jew) MSM and 'the cult of celebrity' their 'functional' GOD.
I found this following post. How's this for a wider overview of recent developments?
You can have the following for free: "None of this is by random chance."
We're not just seeing the masonic elites pulling the strings - they're now pulling on fat ropes.
Masonic Trump made a national address on Monday - he literally set out his 2020 campaign stall:
"I'm the President of LAW & ORDER..."
With the place that the manipulated mass group mind is currently at - particularly via over emotive elite string-pulling - and the ongoing issue with the virus spread. Trump's stance may, and over-time, bear much fruit. I can only see much trouble ahead, at least upto this point. The fuse is already lit. With these masonic sociopaths pulling the strings on both (masonic) sides - and being the only effective voice in MSM. I can't say I'm too hopeful about where this is headed. Are we already 'In the Mouth of Madness"?
Masonic Trump made a national address on Monday - he literally set out his 2020 campaign stall:
"I'm the President of LAW & ORDER..."
With the place that the manipulated mass group mind is currently at - particularly via over emotive elite string-pulling - and the ongoing issue with the virus spread. Trump's stance may, and over-time, bear much fruit. I can only see much trouble ahead, at least upto this point. The fuse is already lit. With these masonic sociopaths pulling the strings on both (masonic) sides - and being the only effective voice in MSM. I can't say I'm too hopeful about where this is headed. Are we already 'In the Mouth of Madness"?