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In the Mouth of (Masonic American) Madness

Am seguing the close of the previous post into this new one. I can then expand if needs be.
(Note, this should be read in conjunction with the previous 'Black Swan' posts.)

Are we already 'In the Mouth of Madness'?

"Sporadic riots continue to hit Eastern cities & reports of violence from Boston and Philadelphia are now coming in." (ITMOM, script)

 Violence and EPIDEMICS.
 "What began locally has now broken out into a global epidemic. An epidemic of monumental proportions...
- of senseless, seemingly unmotivated acts of violence. (ITMOM, script)

 Love-CRAFT. (Masonry aka 'the craft', and 'witch-craft'). "Lived any good books mass media lately?"
Carpenter's In The Mouth of Madness - based on H P Lovecraft and the 'Return of the (Great) Old Ones'.
The title is derived from Lovecraft's 'At the Mountains of Madness' - story contains the basis of Carpenter's The 'virus' Thing.
Film plot. It's 'horror fiction' programming - coupled with the loss of distinction between 'fantasy and reality' (ahem).
 - that precipitates the return of the Lovecraftian Old Ones (and mass breakdown). Carpenter's final apocalypse trilogy film.
It details the masses: (quote) "infected by an epidemic of violence" (led by violent youth - who then infect the elders).
 The (Big) Black Man. Gathering legions of followers, who loseglobalawareness, with undertones of world collapse. (sound familiar?)
Nyarlathotep - a 'Messenger of the Old Ones' (Outer Gods) - a malign deity, perhaps comparable to a Black Hermes.
Love-craft, The Dreams in the Witch House (1933) - Nyarlathotep appears as 'the Black Man' linked to witch Keziah Mason.
Lovecraftian In The Mouth of Madness (below) - societal breakdown, reality skew, and a recurring scene of police brutality. Very topical.
I Can See (graffiti). We all saw George Floyd. "Reality 'aint what it used to be." A pertinent quote from the film for these times.
Carpenter gained recognition via Assault on Precint 13. Recall any police precincts (linked to police brutality) recently assaulted?
A WHITE-HOT night of hate. Carpenter's film details police brutality on a ghetto gang (leading to a riot on a police precinct).
"Lived any good books mass media lately?" (see In The Mouth of Madness)
Gang destroys the precinct and every cop in it. Yes, that about nails it. Also reads like a current BLM/leftist rally call.
His (linked) Prince of Darkness (Devil/Satan & Blackness). Nyarlathotep, a black malign deity, an avatar of the Devil.
John Carpenter made They Live - the elite programming the population via mass media. Also Lovecraftian The'global virus'Thing.
 Sam '666' Neill played 'The Prince of Darkness' in 'St John's apocalypse based'Omen III, year before The 'apocalypse' Thing.
Halloween III(1983) outlines nefarious TV broadcast programming aimed at youth - coupled with microchip-based full head masks.
Interestingly the first 'PC computer virus' was written in 1982, Elk Cloner. The same year as the release of The'cloning/virus'Thing.
If someone said the following: "Apple, Mac, Windows, & replicating/cloning type virusspread - would you think that they were talking about computers? ALL are also aspects of The Thing (film): Apple II& MAC (Apple-Mac), Windows (via communication, a character), & a replicating/cloning type virus spread. First PC "in the wild" virus, Elk Cloner, was via Apple II (1982). Masonic 666 (Lucifer) Apple.
 Technocratic/Transhuman, masonic-satanic SCUM. 666 Apple to Eugenics/Vaccine Gates & 666 Microsoft:
 Oh, look. It's 'G-Male' MASONIC-JEW 666 GOOGLE. Architects of 'mass masonic mind control'.
 Oh, look. It's MASONIC-JEW FAECESBOOK. Group Think mass control has never been easier.
 Literally ALL American tech and tech firms are drenched in masonic-Jew PROPAGANDA. Do the sheep know?
This makes (masonic-Jew) mass mind control of the hypnotised sheep (who are oblivious) - a literal walk in the park.
The same sort of masonic-Jews that have programmed the masses via Zio-Hollywood, TV, music, etc.
Masonic Jew, Spielberg. Whose father was key in creating 'BASIC' - the PC language that built the empires of Jobs/Gates.
Carpenter putting Sam '666' Neill in his ITMOM. The same Neill who features in 666 Spielberg's Jurassic Masonic Park.
The 'virus' Thing. Lead MacReady (aka MAC) is introduced by the (cloner/virus linked) Apple II chess PC/game scene.
The Thing - Apple linked Mac (via Windows) fighting an "in the wild" virus type spread, one that replicates/clones (year 1982).
In some sense - virus/Apple-linked Mac (above) is playing Sargon x2. A bearded Sargon look-a-like playing Sargon chess.
Start: Mac (as White) defeats/stalemates the (electronic virus linked) Apple chess machine (as Black) by pouring-in whiskey and ice.
End: Mac (White) stalemates the (organic virus linked) Childs/Thing (Black) by pouring whiskey into him - to both ice freeze.
Below, the literal 'computer/virus' - a computer (based) virus image. The replicating/cloning 'Thing' virus (and spread).
Memes - a type of virus of the mind and contagiously transmitted. Meme derived from 'mimeme'. Greek, meaning 'imitated thing'.
 Dr Blair's cellular PC screen (above left). It's interesting that Brimley (Blair) is linked to a contagious meme via a (covid-linked) disease.
Anyway, Carpenter was also heavily involved in 'mass 9/11 predictive programming' via output. Covered in other posts.
Lived any good mass media lately?
"Many officers have been physically attacked...and more than three hundred eighty people...male and female, have been  
jailed in New York County. Two officers in Boston were hacked to death...amid jeering crowds in an attack last night.
What is this horrible, unexplainable madness...that is gripping our lives? What in the world is happening?" (ITMOM, script).
9/11. Carpenter's Escape From New York (with The Thing's MacReady, Russell) the most resonant.
A film concerning a locked-down Manhattan (as a giant security prison) which is rife with crime.
Yeah, overlaps with NY's Corona situation and recent widespread criminal outbreaks. (EFNY link).
The 1%? Oh, they mean the bad guys from They Live. Kurt Russell & Carpenter have been very busy - haven't they? ;)
Drifter: "I've been hearing something on the streets the last couple of weeks. Weird stuff. Some sort of epidemic of violence
- is what they've been saying. Told me they got some sort of cult up there. End of the world kind of stuff." (They Live, script)
"No independent thought". Oh, they mean the 'group think sheep' whose reality is largely designed by elite masonic forces.
Transmission: "They are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor.
We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. Our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep. They have created a repressive society ...and we are their unwitting accomplices.
Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance."

"They've made us indifferent to ourselves, to others. We're focused only on our own gain. Keep us asleep...selfish, keep us sedated."
Hong Kong, a literal 'Little China' with 'Big Trouble'. "Some people pick the damndest places to start a fight."
Another Carpenter film. Uncle Bingo, I know you know a lot of this Carpenter/Lovecraft content and stuff. It's crazy!
I wonder if this post has the potential to go viral?

That's right folks, and as I noted very soon after the Zio-masonic '9/11 false-flag'. The Zionist MSM news services are all owned by the Zionist Hollywood (Pedo-wood) studios. The same people who make and influence your so-called 'News' - also make all of your degenerate and so-called fictional entertainment. A conflict of interest that has never been addressed - and it likely never will be. There's likely far more 'fact' - in (so-called) fictional entertainment - than there is in so-called 'factual' shows like news/current affairs. Bank this.

 ATLANTA & the 33rd Degree (°)
The latest site for the on-going Zio-masonic, mass media driven 'psy-op(s)'. Atlanta via the (masonic) 33rd degree parallel.
 Ha, and you thought you were all "33'd out" via (masonic murder in the 3rd degree) GEORGE '33' Floyd.
Recall all the Freemasons from the George Floyd event - there's too many to list. A lot of 'George-ing' going-on.
 33° Atlanta, Georgia. Scene of the Brooks event. Georgia, the place linked to the infamous 'guidestones'.
The father of Martin Luther King Jr MLK Sr (1900-84)– was a member of the 23rd lodge in Atlanta, Georgia.
Masonic King, who allegedly died via (masonic) Memphis, the original seat of the (masonic god King) Osiris.
Freemason asset, Martin Luther (Osiris) King, was born on the 33° parallel via Atlanta (Georgia).
Cue '33°' Atlanta via Brooks. LanceBottoms, the face and Mayor of 33° Atlanta:
 Major to Mayor. Major Lance (father) set up a new label, Osiris (via Memphis), with former drummer Al Jackson
Anyone for Kobe's mamba chopper? Major Lance's7 inch via the Osiris (masonic) eye. His daughter, Lance Bottoms.
The masonic strings are showing, as per. Yawn. Might've known that he came thru via masonic entertainment.
Convicted for COCAINE possession (served 4 years) and a want-away father to another child. What a guy! Barf!
Lance Bottoms? That's what sodomite Freemasons (via the anal Osiris/Horus eye) so thoroughly enjoy - lancing bottoms.
Lance, a thrusting pole via mounting. Bottoms, the ass/buttocks (plural). Where's George 'porn star' Floyd?
Brooks/Floyd: Lance Bottoms & (w)AYNEL SEX(ton). Gay shootings via Colons treated with Lube. The US of GAY.
I wonder if there will be an attempt to make (masonic-sodom) Lance Bottoms, Biden's VP runner? Time will tell.

 33 Atlanta/Masonic 33 Atlantis
 “A Colombia(n) Enterprise to Endeavor for the Discovery of Atlantis… and all Challengers shall be destroyed.”
Recall we mentioned NASA/SpaceX's recent rocket launch via Gemini. The phallic ship docking with IS(i)S.
Twin astronauts launched @ 3:22 p.m. EDT, May 30. Hurley, one of the twin astronauts, was also aboard
- Atlantis' final (2011) mission (33rd, see above). This was NASA's first human launch since that 2011 mission.
It's - "we only do masonic space rituals" - 666 Masonic NASA - via Osiris and the (linked) Bennu (phoenix).
 Osiris Rex - King Osiris via the Bennu. Note, each wears the 'atef'. Launched by an ATLAS V (Atlas, Atlantean, etc.)
On 12 December 2019, NASA announced the chosen landing spot, known as Nightingale (a male night-song bird).
It is expected to return with its sample to Earth on 24 September 2023. (Note the pyramid mission patch
- and the probe's bird-like shape). If successful, OSIRIS-REx will be the first U.S. spacecraft to return samples from an asteroid.
Ha, (Osiris Rex) Bennu asteroid looks like two capstones joined at the base. (The masonic 'great work'& '3rd temple' etc.)
 The bird deity Bennu, which was probably the inspiration for the phoenix, was venerated at Heliopolis,
- where it was said to be living on the Benben stone or on the holy willow tree.
 The (primeval mound) Benben stone (also known as a pyramidion) is the top stone of the pyramid.
 The Benben is thought to have been the prototype for later obelisks and the capstones of the great pyramids were based on its design.
 33 Floyd. Above left. "Is that a pyramidal base - minus the capstone?" Above right. Is that the masonic phoenix (bennu)?
Quote: "The bird deity Bennu, which was probably the inspiration for the phoenix."
Other cities developed their own myths of the primeval mound (Benben). 33 Floyd to 33 Atlanta via Memphis:
 At Memphis, the god Tatenen(a Memphite deity), an earth god and the origin of "all things in the shape of food
- and viands, divine offers, all good things", was the personification of the primeval mound. (source)
Atlas, who supported the globe/world on his shoulders - acting as a column. 33 vertebra spinal column via Atlas.
ATLAS - the bone (vertebra) that supports the globe of the skull/head. The head/globe that contains the world.
 '33 masonic degrees' to the crown/temple of the head via the '33 vertebra' spinal column.
It was an Atlas launcher that sent OSIRIS REx on it's Bennu (33 phoenix) mission via masonic NASA.
OSIRIS REx (name) was chosen for this mission as asteroid Bennu is a threatening Earth impactor.
Perhaps they should've named it Tyrann-Osiris Rex? Osiris as the 'tyrant (green skinned) lizard/serpent king'. Ahem.
When Green Tyrant Lizard Kings Ruled The Earth:
The 'dinosaurs' getting wiped-out by asteroid/comet impact is a well-known theme - see 666 Spielberg's JurassicMasonic Park.
Deep Impact, Spielberg. Some researchers believed that Osiris (the dying god) was wiped-out similarly. See Comyns Beaumont.
Tyrannosaurus Rex 'masonic apron' (inverted) in the museum entrance. O-saurus/O-siris. Note the masonic eye of radiance.
Tyrann-Osiris Rex (aka masonic Hiram Abiff) in the bones coffin (bottom right). Tyrann-O-saurus Rexbones (see bottom left).
Atlantis, the (prehistoric/mythological) civilisation that was destroyed by flood/swallowed by the sea. (by impact?)
It's possible that the masonic apron 'rainbow' (in one aspect) might act as a reference to the biblical flood (Genesis).
 The masonic USA is even referred to as a type of 'New Atlantis' - see (masonic 33) Bacon, etc.

And the CHAOS continues...over the weekend:
 Atlanta Drive-by near the Brooks location.
 Minneapolis Mass Shooting
The brainwashed protesters preventing police from accessesing the victims.

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